HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-08, Page 8-LL nUp" eek UT .00 THE COATS. UT go the Coats on Saturday. Very low prices all of them. Are want to make the selliriglif them surelfar not One.must be'carried over. All this season's garments and there is not a bad ,style in the lot. Just tbe tiling'for 0201 evenings and earlfall wear. 15 or 20 of them witch 024 prlces cut in two fol. Saturday. See ‘. them in the window Friday marked at $3,90 and $5.00 4.; " • • • . • coats at $3.810 . . 9 or 1014E11W light weight Cloth Juckets. short and iltree- quarter length, loose or tight fitting, fawns, grey, and blecks, fregutee 137.60 WALK choice commencing ISatur-nh day each.. . ,, , ,, 1.1.U10 • • .. • , $10 I 1 1 k• $ Coats at $5 J mit about the same number of these. Every one new „ • this season: Short, tight fitting nests of fawn covert or black broadcloth, some looie three-quarter length 'heft& ed.'regulii.r $9 and $10 garments, choice of the lot Sat-, nn urday , Wow', .7111 I A. (;ott*Diess Goods Bargain 400 yakciS to sell this week at 10c • Over 400 yerds Cotton Dress Materials go • on the bargain table on Saturday. Ginghams, : Zephyrs, Chambreys and Fancy Moline, stripes, checks ad floral.designs. All this season's pat- terns, in blush, greens, reds, pinks, greys, etc. The final clean-up of this season of 18e, 20c and 25c lines. Over 400 'yards in the lot. All . at one price for Saturday and that price 10 Cents per Yard Good for waists, kimonas, dressing sacqUes, dresses and children's wear. The best Cotton dress bargain. of ,the season. ; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!*****.•••••••••••• More Whitewear Specials More special bargains from the Underwear counter. We are after a clean, stock when the season is over.• Don't want a single 1907 'garment to show you next spring, that's whrthe prces are cut, so low. These 4 lots are extra bargains: FIfle'Gowns$L88. 8 or 10 extra. Fine White Muslin and Cotton Gowns, hind- ' • somely trimmea with lace and embroidery, regular price 1 0 0 $3 to 83.75, choice of the lot ,,,, . ,, ...................... , Al Drawers•and Corset Covers 82%c •• ••• Just about one dozen pf these. All extra choice garments made from tine materials, trimmed with laces and ern- On I broideries,'regular $L25 to $1 50, choice for it1L2 'Drawers and Corset Covers 37%0 • • • • These are not q.uite so good bet at made from fine Eng- lish cambric finished cotton. trimmed ' with }aces and eun 07 broidery, regular 50c and Mc, choice now for........ .. . .1.11 2 _ • Gowns, Corset Covers and Skirts' 75c . • • • Just about 0. dpzep , all good garments, nieely trimmect, regular $1 and $L15, clearing them out at . . .. ......... Waist Front8 00c • • • Still a fe* of thoeie.handsome embroidered Waist Fronts to sell, the regular prices were $1.15 •and $1.50, clearing 60 there now. et your choice White Parasols Reduced . Pnce Just 5 white Parasols to ciell on Saturday it quite a reduction from regular prizes. Very stylish. All new this season. At 83C .° Only one White Duck Parasol. nice natural wood' ha.ndle, regular 8115, Saturday 51 , . • At $1.10 ,•• • • One only Cream Taffetine Parasol, handsome natutal _! wood handle, regular $1.50, Saturday ... . . . .. f # •At $1.60 Only one White Japanese Silk Parasol, handsome natural wood handle, regular $2.25. Saturday for ' 1.80 • • At $2.75 • , One only White LawnParasol, handsomely embrpidered, • natural woodlandle; regular $3.50, Saturday 2.75 • At $2.90 , . , • • One only:White Muslin Permed, embroidered edge, 'best we had in stock this season, regular $4, Saturday 2,80 • • Three Big flosiery Specials Here are three specials that have brought 'US big hosiery business this season. They are a lei* way bet- ter values than you will be able to get next season and you would not make a Mistake to lay in your next year's supply before we sell the lines out. 2 Pair for 25c Ladies' Black Cotton Hose. fast dye, full fashioned; a good . strong, serviceable stocking, childrenll. special 2 pair for 'e sizes as we 2.5 At 3 Pair for 50c • Ladies' Finek',01 toton-11-mat; dye, absehitely fast, itsfdidrinred, fine quality, per pair 206,*Z pair for. .... At 25c'' Ladies' Cotton Hose4 in colors of hlaek, tail or white. best German dye. all very fine quality, also plain black with natural wool or balbriggan feet. Very comfortable for warm weather, all Meet, per pair ' It 1, Ir. 50 .26 DIRECT IM rflit CLINTOMON7 •,- ... • $ You Can't Lose • 1 $ Your Toon-, tain Pen. ult• is a WaterMan/a Ideal Fountain Pen tilt- 6,1 with a clip -cap. The .clip -cap iiii A neat piece of springy steel attached at one end of the cap Df the pen, the other end being ) pressedsnuglynainst the 0 ' t barrel at the spring, It 9, holds in much the same ve way as a clothes pin and i will keep the pen where # it is put. See us about it if interested. .'0 . W. D. FAIR CO. $ Often Cheapest —Always Best 4111/b0.1011~apiewilmieftAlwqb".. • Mr, John Randord wan in Toronto liths week. • Mrs: A. D. Beatone is. erisiting. in Tax - onto this week. • • , • Mr. and ‘Mrs. David Cook Si, visited. Nile friends this week. • • Mr. A. J. Grigg was in ,Londonand • St. Thomas this w.eek: • • Mrs, Fair Sr. and Mise Helen Fair. are visiting in Detroit. Miss Winslow of .London is the guest. of Mrs. R. ritzainions. Mr. and Mre.."VV. R. Lough, left for British" Columbia last week. • Mr..Robt. Mosegrove of Bluevale visit- ed Clinton !delete on Snturday. Mtg. McEwen, -London, is visiting at her son's, Mr. Murray McEwen. •Miss Elsie Boss, Mi. Forest, is the • .guest of her sister, Mrs. Murray Me. • Ewen. • Mr. Constantine,, aCceuntant Molsous Bank, returned frnm, his holidays on Tuesday and is again on. duty. • Miss Gertie Thompson • of St. Marys ' and Miss 'Myrtle Murray, Cransten, are guests of Mrs. Cir.) ThoMpson. Miss Minnie Ccoper returned -Monday • evading after a fortnight's 'trip lip the lakeanda visit at her brother's .Mr. O.' Cooper, Collingwood, ' • Mrs. 'John Callender and Misses Mabel •and Bessie Callander, Loudon, were - ..guests of • Mrs. Win. Harlar.d from Saturday until Monday eV -ening. Miss 'Eften Dobney of Toronto and B, • Humphreys of the saline' city spent the week end, with Captain • Dobney of the S. A., Miss Dobn,eY's • brother. . •• . Hon. Dr. Elliott of Wolseley, :Seek., a member, of the • former Territorial. Government, , ,was the • guest of his old college friend, Dr. Thompson, on • Tucsday Mrs: M.. D. Little and.elaughter, Miss' Alice„. of Sat.:Pedro, Calilornia, are ' ••• guests of the forinet's sister, Mre. Sophia Agee*. It was .a happy re-. .union az. 'they had not eeen east , other for tee years. Mastete- Ross, Clayton and . Claude Maxwell, three stirring Young lads from Wingham, aro visiting their uncle, Mr. Hugh Rose'. Clayton and Olaudesing nicely, very well indeed' for licys of such tender year. • " • Dr. W, .Ounn and, Mrs. Gunn returned on • Wednesday night of • last Week from their trip to Britain and • the • continent. They:had, a very pleasant thne. The Drmade a considerable • gain in avoirdupois .while away:• Mr. Thos. Stinson of the Satible Line, • Stanley, • was, in town yesterday. He. carries • his .eightrfive years • bravely and hears a bright recollec- ;., ton of Clinton, as Haves when be first 'saw it sixty -fine, years ago.. Miss Brown and Dr. Mabee of d:A- gin Spent Sunday with W. Glenn and Mrs. Campbell. Miss Bre,en„ rue- • dere& beautiful solos at Willis chareli . at both services on Sunday in 'ex- • cellent voice. • She is alavorite solo-. • Let in Clinton. .•• • • Mr. and Mrs. G. Bradshaw of Witl- laceburg were in Clinton Monday and . Tuesday looking for a dwelling hcluse. • Mr. BradShaw is a general ager t for • the Frost In' Wood Conipany for. this . district, and. purposed inakinr_Clinr • ton his iteadquarters. • Mrs. J. Kyle, who has for..the • just • week been visiting her relatives: in • town and Goderich township, tomorrow for her tome 'in premiere; _ ; accompanied by her 'daughter • • Miss..Theresa Kyle. 'Miss Pearl ,re-: mains here for some time longer. • Sister Eugenia, who: for the past four .• years has been a teacher in the time vent at Ingersoll, is' accoMpanied by another sister • from the dame on- • vent, el5joying a few daye respite from . duty in Goderich, She is a • member of a Well known Hullett • fainily • and is a sister of Mr., M. Brown of Clinton, Mr. -Eraik--CfNeri and 1Viiss Belle O'Neil returned from - lVfooteja,w, Sask., on Tuesday. Mr. °Neil's in- terests are in the West and he haS an abiding • faith in the future el that country, but he frankly admits • that over a large portion of it, •the . average yield per acre this season not reach the two figtiivS. The smiling countenance of Miss Rena. Pickett, the courteous assistant a,t • tile postoffice,„ is • again to be Aber. behind the wicket. Patrons et the •'Office are glad to see het again •'on • duty add to learn that she hada very pleasant holiday. During her absence Miss Kate Scott per- formed the duties pertaining to he office in a highly se.tisketery man- ner, ' WAISTS • Saturday we put out our White Lawn Waists at cost and Less. All this Season's styles, We.muslhave room for fall stock, hence this deep cut in prices: • 1111112h. • • • 411.0011-. 10.111.1m $1 and $1.25 Waists 79c White Lawn Waists, nicely • trimmed with lace and embroid. • ery, good fitters. ,several . very • pretty styles, all sizes, regular 7n •$1.25 oud °1 for.. ... sl • • $1.75 and $2 *Waists $1.50 Several very smart designs in Fine Lawn Waists, prettily trim. • Died with lace, regular $1.75 andI 50 $2, all sizes, all at the one price „ , I. $3 Waists -for $2. • White Lawn andllull Waists very dainty designs, trimmed with • lace. regular $3, all sizes, Statue. 1day nn .. se* ... • $3.50 Mull Waists • $2.50 • • Beautiful Fine White Mull Waists,' very daintily trimmed with lace, regular 58.50, allTsizes, Saturday• •2 50 $2 White Gowns $1.50 Ladies' white Nainsook Gowns, empire neck, trimmed with lace, full length and size, regular 52, 1Saturday .50 • Readgoto-wear Hats 25c '• Ladies' Ready-to-wear Straw • Hate. several smart styles. tweet- ' lot for ler $1.25 to s#2, Saturday choice of .25 .25 per cent. off Sum!. • mer'Parasols Ladies' white linen Fancy Parasols. embroidered edges, one dozen styles, Saturday • 25PbR CENT. OFF • $1 Long Silk Gloves 690 Ladies' Black Silk (Hoene, ex- tra length. good quality silk, all g n sizes, regular $1, Saturday only... • U 16c Muslins 100 • Fancy Summer Muslin., very dainty designs in rose bud, in blue, green and pink tints, reguI 0 lar 16 Saturday 20c anc1.25c Wiuslin150 • Dainty Fancy Muslim; smart •• designs in the newest .styles and colorings, regular 20c • and 25c, I C Saturday • •• e 1 in • 35c Muslins 250 Fancy Dress Muslims, tbe new- est summer designs, regular 35c, .25 Saturday • 50c Muslins 350 • • French Muslins in the newest colorings and designs, some .of • these are just in but room is what we want and out they must go at •/Up • AT • Tlit • ANNEX Men's Fancy Half Hose in stripes and plaids, all sizes, regular 25c, clearing • .. • .• ••• stile price 15c . Tailoring Fuinishings k Dry Goods Importers . • . • • . . • . • • aturdag NEARLY EVERYTHING AT HALF PRICE AND LESS A. clean sweep of all the odds and ends of Sumiuer Goods in euds from two to twelve yards 20c Dress Muslins for 10c 25c Dress Muslins for 12c 1,Ze prints for 7c 10c Cottons for 5c 1216 Flannelette .for4.7c 15c Duck for 8c 10c Flannelette for 5c 50c Dress Goods for 25o 75c Dress Goods for 37ic -$1.00 Dress Goods for 50c. $5.00 Wash Dresses for $2,56 Itc., Etc. • Also odd lines of Parasols, Waist Fronts, Lawn 'Waists, VithiteUnderweark. • Skirts Hsdn_,..Coa,ts;—.T-ourist--COlffS; Etc., Etc. • . • All Marked at About Half the Regular Price • • Dry Goods and Millinery lierermiemeneerierememilieilmmilmeeresee .35 11 Ready-tokWear artnents