HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-08, Page 6pliteTime! • •Xi�,i i ° ° DIA`' NATIONAL RONTO i 4907. tit to; :Septtermber Otis P_r,oigtress Oar Cotmtry's .. tett' whit** Premiums 4$ Mia �ru ecipl``;ggittttractionts LS40 00 • Nat c. a1 iri4 Histori All That . Beg in «trait Collection Pain Ali kGN1F.t ;1 ,.33:)rT7' lE'SPELTACLL1 Axa i lt:It t Y,;ikL . ENT':ERTAINMENIF FEATURES • id1Nl a d excite. oa rates ou eP°4' iicwe, pl tr+iv4lr ellen tEerrpatecct addmn • e SYst n,TORONTei Little •Miss'Beat ee Matheson 'was j ..The cornerstone oft ie nese Meths- presented by Ii r Overate with a Maine I. dist Chet eh ai. Gheetet•viile was ;Aid by some gold watch .and chain,for;pk,ss• Rev. Dr: 04' um". ing her gbtr ,ttcr'ctcairlin f(iglt + Mr. Joseph Martin will oppose At t- • 3'ornev'tlenetal B,iw qt to Victbr•aa , 13; ;s .-„ .,,,; „i, 'arse , se ere l'Oe, ee tlth`Anti Jitp&n ere ticket. Mt. and `Mrs. • Jatnes Dickson ; 'antl t , BY the esplostnn of a, boiler .ef. alert- , ('ity recently. • I hol.at Monte esti Wm. Lyons, at chemist • - wais.enveloped in burning l.quof 'endvery seriously iniured: -, State of OMo, City of— 1 Waaidtiian it 0o.• of Montreal have Toledo; Lucas `County.—ss.. entered ai claim agninst J. 54 N. }�'rieri Frank J. Cheney mikes oablf that Man for '$10,000 damages for state- he is senior partner of the firm of )• menta iejurtous to plaintiff's business:. .J_ Cheney & 'Co., doing business in Eight Eurnpeans.have been killed in the City of Toledo, County and state .an Arab up -rising at Unbalance More aforesaid, and that said firm will, pay. roeco, the sues of •9NE HUNDRED AOL- The British Medical Association has . LARS for eachandevery case of cert- shiggested that sick persons betreated: arch that cannothe cured by, the use at the SI rite's expense. of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn • to before me and subscribed its my presence, ,this .'G: h :dee ore -Dec- ember, A. 11. 1886 A. W. GISEASO (Seal) Notary Public: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood Bird' mucous surfacer,of the system Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. :Sold by Druggists, 75c. 'Take Halle's Family Pills . for Alpert Stanley (Liberal) been re, ttirned as member en tee British Oom tnon4 for Nhrte vestt Staffordshire bvv a mejorityel 2 340 • The -French resident at. Anneal; hyo locked the king tip in his. palace, and estabiit,hed a.regency. • r Oh v VER SIXTY YEARS. Don- Mrs. W lslow's Soothing: Syrup has - teen used by millions of mothers for their children while .teething . If dis tnrbed by night a,nd broken, of your rest by a tickchild suffering and. crying with pein•of cutting teeth send at once and get •a^ bottle- of .'`Mrs: Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for• child- ren teething: It, will relieve the poor :TR viviA S'Y'S'TcE Pet CHEAP RATES TO PACIFIC • COAST Where are you going to spend, the summer, Here are a few suggestions. Portia.triV Ore, Los Angeles Cal, "Vancouver it. C., Helena Mont., Sans Francisco Cal., Lethbridge Alta. Cheap rates to alt _the above. places. SPECIAL SIDE TRIPS. 'Relicts are also: a:ailable .via -Sar - Ida an/ Northern Nee. Co. 'Tielrets are now procureable. Valid Call and see ferand Trunk Ticket Agent and he will cheerfully give you full particulars. A. 0. Pattipon, "Depot Agent. The Exhibition the People all 'Like to Attend . EXHIBITORS AND 'VISITORS FIND IT ' PROFITABLE TO 00 KNBAF.NSHUE°S AIRSHIP daily, and a full lie pf Attractions, with plenty of Nue- , „ ic. FireVorklic after prograrn each 'evening'', THE. SIEGE OF . GIBRALTAR, " • REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAlLROADS Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs and tilt infcirmation 7.4 on on, Unique Question RAW. % "Wheib lehrive*d When .. ' Ys.nciouuer. ;, i .43x tit 1-044 the Sttprtittte scum of Oiltish Coluruld ', L Pmstiebtt aas Lou •. any lunare iu ruattors o• divorce? wt has remeined free Mr. Justice Clement .dl: ltktie iaoillaalt tooltlrlt►_eV .i+t `Otte►' to mire thea, reitesti.ste, rttertling the Viiia theeneb bu r prim* ;Aiet �iprbkSuk" Bar alai eiten the Bench, his heather e judges;, rata smiling dtvbrrs ttereeee li Y Much the seine and that'thoiie q6ql,i fr*wrq; in the voids ofascnres whorn vrus'W'U occupy. th+s .ea of the nigh y 'Britieb Columbia has dlvorced. sitters, . diifyr very little frow other people. - t le of tthe raetberl do adopted tithe SirWWiU'rtroced and Lady aurierr'' were in r Was that Iew, exercised ter fume, d ?"l t�4 a their Old ,homer at ,,the•^ Izi eduiFt kir. Juetiee�Clement Koko'; , Itlav n' ridgy ►ttbirnona for"te' fere •teen years befoCe !: itisit [' oIueliM bnedavil e, Q:hen" eh.e. ,it`it'ie consequence, olned.Oonfedersetlon, token aw;4'1 y'•by ° eha`i^ce eSfpeeln o' Ividnot had the the i3ritlsh North >,Atucrican A et11 .,gtl1111 I't ei pieone tltowhichncludea'l arrtage andDiorce' 'wet night rtf hta return ' front• Furor et a wrong the 'exclusive prercagaetivrb of the Dominion Parliament." , The point ,hefts: been 'raised' ie Mary Watts' petittun ag,tinet Elbert Watts: That oalse nn ..been d Ireeted ter stand aside untli Octtihi' ri Meaneehile ,7iretlee Clement".htw hecltprtited rirgu' tittentufiot the twofold quiestioh Hes one judgeor have three judges power to gratis divorces, and secotld, if e judge has that power,can he grant a• divorce nisi, usually returnable in. Our months, or must he.'not grant a first and final decree absolute "';There wound not, Of .course, -be a revolution in matters of divorce, even though it should be decided, here or before the •Judicial Oo,ntnittee of the Privy Council, where the yuestion wi1L went dolvn to the ttation tar ,araeerrrtu tor ebonite**,:how. be- was "looking. ant' t aZ oltcial :cter attached to the Grand Trunk train, for Montreal and were eerarei ed about 8:20 bha eight of lI iitift'ld himself, Premier,who was dressed in one of bis etrewplgg, rey',euckt, wits,® t<rid who wore the sliver grey fedora Which he done in midsummer, when !Aber wren take to straw hate, looked "just. splen- did". His eye was keen; his anile was oannipresentt and;thegranp. of his,hend tie he greeted'a number of old friends bad about • It the vigor of a man t.;wen*. Why the i'romboue Wo 4i ►'t Play Jehn- Philip' 'Sortie& �trl#e air enrusing stery of " to erW,%n trombone player whets .tea,, getoposer.cunduetor knew in the early day* when he was leading. the United State. Marine Bend in •Wealdn� on.�i d had not yet become Dice 01pt!'te wee id'e'most inelodiou>: cite ar t1e. The aid trombone player was itiiwed Blickbitbiasser_et Wit> he could not belo-e ends on Ode oettutfon Boase saw hitu Winding. aniteide of the theatre Where tbey.hed been playing for•sev eral=w k ee Y. Backe h la s r w n a ase nib inrt"It,�le:rlily'fora mann who had aheoluthFitch. And he -shook his flet at. the,theatre anti even addbinistered one "What's the trouble, :Baettenlilae- ser?" asked Sonya, stopping in sur- prise. `4I will nefer Nay in dere again!" shouted the German. - "^Why not?' "Neter, I tell you-+nefer• I" . But why not? persisted Sousa, "Because I haf been dischargt." or two kicks to `the• unresteting brick But them wits no eign of Lady Laur. Tralretime drew on end Sir Wit. not the power it has en long been ..ezer. hut thdre was no Lady* f.ratirier, The oising," said a preminent letityer; Premier went np 'to ;the gold laced ed would hot ss'vePt • Citt"va hold the tram a minute er tWe, and wilted have GO make them 'legale-sand hid became fidgety. Three Went - * MOrrik TOWAShift. . • . &ramie( McCurdy and staff are busy ,at work on the primerty recently pup- chesed from L. .f. Williams. &few days with her cousin, Miss Mat- tie•Jermyn. 2nd line Morrie'. The residence of Robert Smith, etb line, has been greatly itirproven by be. ing veneered with cement' and oiceiy blocked off. „ We are sorry tei hear that Thomas Bernard, dtb line, met with an- acci- dent, last week hy which he ia MinUS a finger. He and his son were cutting willoweethe former holding the trees while the son was using the axe when emne manner the damage was done. Ruin. Sinillie, who ho has been head master of the Dritirson High School for meveral years, is home on a visit to his parents, lst line. Mrs. and a bouncing babe boy are Also here. Mr. &unite does not put pose returning to the Yukon buerney remain in Ontario Re is clever young man and would do well in this province. • Residents of this loeality were sure prised to heat. nrthe death of Mrs Me- CullOugh, Wahttleld, who resided with "her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Pickett. for- merly of the 5th line. Deceased had received a fracture of her ankle in March'and was laid aside for several: weeks but had recovered and Was able to %yolk around and het friends in night anew ently its vigorous es us, hal. Her daughter, Miti, Bechanan; who she has resided with fur three months, Was summoned to her bedside during the night and found her in dis- tress with cramps. Ever ything . wee done to relieve the sufferer 'hut in a few minutes she passed peacefully be. yond to that better land which she in measure enjoyed here. Deceased Mise Pearl Hamilton rind Norman Hall. of Toionte, are ,eisiting . their entielperents, jetties end Mrs. •Hall of Toronei is home fore short vacation. She was accom- panied by bet four -year -91d niece, Percee Russell, who has been spend- tng a few weeks under the parental .tocif, left a few days -ago for Buffalo where he holds a lucrative position. would, of course with.an .enabling act which %%emit! ailso trimly to Nova' t with the vigor of a man of thirty. started on a dash down the little street which nips frobi the station Yard to Little SusseX. fie had not none mote than seventy-five yards when a OM j• liege turned, the corner. It Containta Lady Laurier, 'Sir Wilfrid turned in. his tracks, caught up with the car- riage, pelted open the door, and, tak-, log hold of Lady Laurier's. a.rin shoved her along the platform with consider- abie vigor, bundled her onto the steps _, and then gave the • signal The train pulled out leaving many people Angling at the incident and conVinced that a husband is much the same all the woeld over and that it ruffles the serenity of even the Man of Sunny Ways to have his spouse late peered along the track there VOL$ twinkle in Sir Wilfrid's eye which in- dicated that he appreciated the situa- teou as much as eny one elee. Remarkable Outbreak of: Lest week much Merril was creeted in the vicinity ef Leainingtou, 013 - 'taxies ..by • an extraorilivar,y out - (week . of exterpillor•s which: de- voured everything before. diem. . Are. was merle -to the, eligricuitur- el College at Guelph for. advice and aSsietatiete and Mr. Caesar of the Entomological department: ;wire at ee• ct proved to he the Vereegeted Cut. worm (Peridrowa saueia) Which has. Coluilibia arid the .neigh boring Pacific • ten the worms .were first • ebsereed in clover fields svheee they seen .dtwonee. 'ed the crop arid left the-4round hare ;and black. They, theirmarched on to• vegetatioe they , Met with; Oen and les eeemed especial faverites for con - .p 'etch trees were thus attacked arid Like the cutworoar. these cut worms feed el:deem night end refl.:Min in coli- c ea lin during the:Fit-az. biding. • in. the.grourig where the soli ltiiise and. under any rnhisish co. other shelter. that they can find. • .When. full grown the worn) Is' about two inches long, with it yelluwish strepe :on • each side'. darker 'and omitted with tiltiek„yelloat tine is a row of yellew• or white spote five, to seven in number, • along lbw stage, foe which perpase the .bury the:rise' ves ire the, • gr ound ••a rid there torni a hollow; eerthen cell. _.The moth. pension of About ah inch; end is dark. t ilackish brown .in ccilor,• oft en clouded svithred towards the'•frolit margin. of the wings. hut with no coospicuotis."or wings are white -with 4 pearly lustre. Like so many o ler of our 11105 des', truetive ineecti this one hes ,conte . to the eullege fel identification from' V US parts of ' the 'province the cow plaint being in resist cases. thet the wurtus ate destroying the green tonna,: 'Wes by boring grfat thip_tigh, corn te badly injtired and ' garde*" ii•egetailles Of all kin& are attacked: • • The News -Record ond,W,leekly Mali arid Empire, One Year.. ...,..$1.65 41 it AI 44 A4 44 441 61 41 All •4 44 014 44 4" Partner's Ad vocae and . 11 44 44 44' in rentlttlnti'please do BO by Express Order or Postal Noteo, 'and address THE NEWS.RECORU. Ott on, Ont The most effective reritedy tor tbeee uUCturital Inartitiders..is the poisoned heft peund ut 0)3 is 6-yeeu in 50.10s. of bran little by little and stirred all the time till the whole • is tinged with the green color, thee: ado water eweetetuet With' sugar or molasses till the mixture is suite inetely moistemed to crumble nicely be pro.ctiretio pliorts 01 -flour mai be used laid fur field work ineY•lie drs- triouted•dry by peens of-a•seed drill, The mash tsprinkled about tLe plants. tit site &twin end rate'. drirk the WUI'Ll1S • out rind, eiit preterence..t6 vegetation and then go WV and die usuelly in their placeS of concealment:: Paris green; halt pound to 40 gallons of water way be acted on weny plauts with meth advantage. . Wheu the worms are veil numer- ous and are move* ou froni OHO field to auother, then. .prOgress may he checked by ploughing a deep furrow ahead uf them --two about 4 feet apart are bored or (tug from 12 to 15 feet apart. The 1"urroiVa should he made, in the mottling so that the siderriner, be dry and:friable', by trielit lath' ,'The *Onus fall iuto them and being useittle to climb .unthe loose sides they trrivel alouit the fureoW and into thiefeist !idle* there heY ;wilt be found he dozene or toroth tide morning and can *tally he, killede Where the sun' atiff clot- this plen will probably . mit be ' 'ati• the wortini may be able ,iiltuati' Up the will • 'then. 'have to t be pieced the poisoned bait. Where very hunter oue a hesvy roller mey he employed with advantage, if the , soil or Ceep Wilt per- ' mit of Iti use. It Must be fret:060160*d that livestock ur poultry must not he ellrgeed in any place, where tne,pt)ison The worins aro do doubt 'attacked by parasitic insects. tout many will perish from.bacterial:tritiintses—thia is the USUAL experience when outbreaks of oheratter have bcdurred— and therefore theta is little danger a repitition Of the plagtie next year. • Everything, however; should' be done neW before more deeterge inflicted end to traduce. the titunher that May surviee fOr the production of another Forecast for Augost A. reviler storm period will be at its Mercury period is near its centre at this thee arid will prolong and intens- ify storm eonditions at this . rtetiod. Thunder storms with many stiff, local gusts of wind and rain will 'centre on or about the first ancl"2nd.— Immedietely after, these stoi nis vast east of any given locality, the wind will shift to change to some cooler will take place. A reactionary storm period is central on the 5th, 6th and 7th, on . and ehout which days may be ex_pected a return of storm conditions. The warmth will fall. and cloudiness will grow into de- cided areas of storminess and preeipit• ation. Theee ottoman areas will of course'. not eover the: whole country' nn any dateehutethey will start in Western parts and progress iu regular erder across the:Country. ern .1,0p 41,11; pain; ereie 'Whop ton Se itt,t, 766 • Morris Township. Jahn'Young ha sold hie iia -acre reppe.�rty`.to 4, .'1'. ` ' ole;er til Mw o tilll). This vow giversirp. le ir„ tr ..esirsble property. He Sets pons* a, at once. . You'll , The ; Phillip E1e tj+ * f . The reattttG electeogt,; ;in ��! ire pine, chow a decided victory for the Nationaliet_�t�sterty. The returns , date are 17 r'iationalistr. $ Zndepena entsand 8 Progreix�iste; while th indi cations itre. that l,7 ,ne, a Ntytiona u.ite: is de d. I . n e n p. to and l5 Proftreptaesty have been elected. The Naticinalists and the Independents are both. its: raw or of immediate Phillipine independ- ence, The L'rogressists are the pro. American party though they felt they could do' nothing at the polls without snaking Phillipene independence their ultimate;.goal. 'At' it tamed out the people strongly prefe(retd itnwediate independence and that policy' carried Manilla itself by large ma;jorities,. White thrix shrews the wind of the Filipinodvery plainly, there ie no rik- `lihoodofany increase of the' present tronhles•tn the ielande because of the victory.'' The New York Post publish• es an interview with Dr. .Gomez, a Nationalist leader, who has now been elected in Manilla, in which he ane - were the question: " What will he the effect on the masses of the people; when they Fee. after the Assembly," that immediate independence will not he granted," nes follower. "If the Attrer• ican Govetntnent will definitely are nounce its programme, if it' will desig- nate toilet he aateps by which it ..mPnns to give us independence, the 'Filipino people will be satisfied. They will go out of politics and they spill. put their whole trust in the American people." It is, of••coitrse,not at all likely 'that the Americans will offer any such guarantee of ultimate independence. But they may offer "home rule," ,which will in tone amount to indepen- dence under American protection. American protection or an interna- tional guarantee of independence; the Filipinos would welcome, though they have the natural ambition of . all peo- Ole to constitute in themselves a, na- tion. In• fact. the Nationalist party asks for Anisrii.tin help in getting an international guarantrre of their neu- trality. .Union Station officials report an ex- ceptionally heavy holiday traffic. •, David Bell died suddenly et• his hoarding house on Peter strisk- 1 S ,-,.r..-.. i t . . 1t1• I trot >tr+B!'t fizvors. It makes ,such A 1 tic ot18 dessert so uickl c1 its so little trouble. Price, IOC. The: ,ROBERT GRI�1Q_,,Q,, Yr#1,1 . Torlrn , ,, S • Rev. De. Pringle•of DaWs011, Yukon: WriteS regarding law! etiftWOMIent ?MSS Plana intausTr.ess. , Maxi Tonic is Winne. said, Omen cure 1st rmilble *Prue. sow Memel and othertrisordsse mused by bad blood Of ovetwork. _ Don't stied yourself. Clesr the poison est of yam y ustet SA Every of its yesauftiftere is the Pine* mal best ingredientrit ihO most otifedire formula offered by modern soenee. $1 e-bottk. drug4tores—or from The Chemists' Co. el Canada,. Limited, limikon--Toronto. wah Two hundred British Warships par- ndad before Ring Edward and Queen Alexandra on the Solent. ation of fifteen million dollars have been incorporated. John'Young had his skull fractured by falling . from a Dundee , car this morning. " ' George Milligan, a Hamilton street raffway conducter, was "killed on the running board of his car. Rev. Mr. Pringle deals again with conditi ons' in the Yukon. rthur P. Scott resumed i he stand in the Coal Steel trial at telprIney. Six3ean inetnherS of the crew of the" German Steamer. Teutonial Wrecked off the Arabian coast are Trussing.* A Haxelton, Pa:, alderman. publicly flogged* wife -heater. ' Three:Perla hotelmen. were tithed 850 dollars each at ingersol for vadat- ing the lavv. ' .Igade in various styles and at different prices, but only one quality—the best. A piano is bought for a lifetime of wear. We wareent all a in -Orme lanes to be:perfect in construe. tion and to improve in tone • , with g••e, instead of instruments rio. Where theMactin-Ortne• Piano is not represented, • • we ship direct and guar- antee safedelivery to your nearest station, in any ' part of Canada. Write' for descriptive booklet, prices and terms, free onrequest. • • e Weekly Mail and Empire and The News -Record be sent to any address . .01411 rrt of 60 Cents "0,, is' .316,i, betier. 4,t,„ looekly an the Mail 4ind'Enkpite; 1:Netii.illtecord- excels for 1.trOB. New0. I - fiaJo.,„ MITCHELL, Clinton, Out,