HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-08, Page 2CliatcA News«Record August Atki. 1907 ^1^ eePVIIITIfee, eeACOUBAgirlee 10000400001044000041111010111400,41: • 110 T TIME/ • ; Xeep your blood cool Your stomaeh sweet Your temper, too. • • • Fruit BalaX will do it. 1 1 • it stops beadaobetoo, 250; • • • • • • 1 Talouro Powders, Toilet i • Waters, Toilet Soaps . : . . and Sponges • • - . • . • • • . 1 ee • • • A solid back all bristle • • Hair $rusli worth 50c • • • t • * i'l2 for 250, : '' . 2 ga...............alMIMIll........f.....k • 0 : i W 0 S. R. OHLMES : . , . : • it • IVIanf'g Chemist 1 • • • • il • a • _ • 04111001110.100.01.111111.00.00.111,011 -RELIABILITY -- EXPERIENCE., TliE CLYDE STALLION LORD STANLEY Will stand for the improvement of stock for the season of 197 at bis own amble, on Lot 24, Con. 2, StanleY. Lord Stanley is a light hey, stripe, nigh hind fetlock white. Re was foaled June 21th. 19 5. ' PEDIGREE; Siberian (imp) [63375] (11833), Grenlaggan (imp) L46051 (150), Rakerfield (imp) 1487] (419). Scotlend Yet (imp) [345] (1292). Captain Watt imp) 12311(4 )dani Minute Gleulag- gen [5814 May. TERMS: To insure $8., .ALBERT NOTT, Proprietor Islorthepo Navigati011 Company HOME 'SEEKERS EpURSION TO NORTH WEST ON STEAMERS SAY -LING SLILY 3rd., .17th., • • AND 31st. -. Return faree to Battlelped, Sask.,' $39.00; Brandon, Man., $33.55 ; Calgary, Alberta, $40.50 ; 'Edmonton, Alberta, $42.50; Moosejaw, Seel., 36.00; Prince Albert, Sask., $38.50 Regina, Sask., $35.75 t • Saskatoon, Sask., $38.50; Stratlfeime., • Alberta, $42.50 ; Wiroipeg, Man., $32.00 and oIter points in proportion: ' • ' Rates incleele • stateroom berth in second class quaxters to limit01steamer's capacity. Meals .50c 'teen. Steamers leave Sarnia for Soo, Port Artlfar and Dirleth every Men - clay, Wednesday and PiridaY at 3.40 FulFird-Ormation from all G. T. R. agents or address C. H. Nicholson, Traffic Managed' • Sarhia, Ort. • Real- Estate for Sale • FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from:church, post - office, school and the •.village of Auburn. Suitable for •grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 sores ender bush • and the balance nearly all grass. • A brick house, a bank barn, 52x60, • driving house z4x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also •lot 28, • East, Wawanosh, 2nd con., direetly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of land, 15 acres ot which are bean. On this lot there is a bank • barn 4060. There are 4 acres of • good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdraired.- A rover failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms easy. • The proprietor is •now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas • Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply • will be given to all communica- tion. 83 FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Lot 13, con. 16, Goderich township, consisting of 80 acres, 05 acres Cleared, balatiee bush. Good barn and comfortable house. Well wat- ered by two good ismning streams. mile from sehool„and 1 mile from postoffiee. Will be sold on eaSy terras.-Apply ,.to T. T. Murphy, Clinton. 85 `11 FARM FOR SALE. --THE UNDE/Se signed offers for sale part of lot 40 on theBayileld Road, 1 'mile south of Clinton, consisting nf 20 acres. Good frame house with st- one cellar, barn 36x70 with cement basement Easy terms. - J. A. Smith. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24,„ CON. .2, Stanley, containing 100 adres,10 stereo of bueh, the tenni-bider is well fenced, underdrained awl itt 4 good state ot celtiVation. 1 acre of or - hard and small fruit On the pre- mises le a tWo story btlek house with slate ioot, itfirateeittes fatm house. a barn, size, 44 r 80 with atone stabling, a Cement iIo 14x30. good driving house, pig pet old hen hintee. Twee neverefsdn' ' frig wells.' thil farm i situated trom 'tree:add, ,5„ frau Clik- lett and on tie od crane! road. At Jr VOTERSLIST, .11101.--MUNICIPe enity of. the Village 0! Bayiteld, County of linrelle-Netiee is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 8 and inof the (Wade Voters' Lists Act, the caplet; re - gulled by ,Said sectione to be se transmitted or delivered of ;the list made, pUrsuant to Said Act, of all persons appearing hy the lent .reel- ed AeseSsment Roll of the said Municipality at Elections for IVIene. bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, ar.d that the said, list wee first posted up in my office at Ilayfield or. the 30th day of Jity, 1907, end remains there for inepectione Electors are celled uponto tzasilivz, the mid list, and, Remy omissione or any otter errors are found therein, ta tere initriediate proceedings to have the said errors coerected according to law. -Dated this 30th day of Julv, 1907.-H, W Erwin, Clerk ot Ba.yfield. FALL TERM OPENS sEPt. 3rd. STRATFORD. ONT. • This school which. is an 61d Lind well established one stands to the forefront as the great. • ist Commercial and Sborthand ' • sehool In the Wesl. •Our teach- • ers are expeneneed instructors, courses thorough and practical: • We assist graduates to pod-• ' tions. Write foe our feee cat- 'alogue. Elliott.• & McLachlan • PRINCIPALS TELEGRAPH OPERATORS Iron County News Gathered for NewsRecord Reader Duagunuou. •Miss Pearl Bradford is epentling holideys. in Toron* • Mrs, Ryan is visitieg friends at Luchleow for a. few ein,Ys• Mrs. Lyons, of Lontlesboron is visit- ing at the home on Mrs. A,leiVneih. Miss Beulah Welkoni le speaalag ber holidays with Weide in Mite iell. Benson anelkliss Ethel Coe left) on Tuesday on a visit t� !deeds at ES - e ter. Mr. Sturdy moved last week into the house opposite Augustine's chop- • plug mill. • „. • ARE WANTED BADLY BY OUR CANADIAN RAILWAY - COM- PANIES. THEY ARE FORCED... :TO ADVERTISE FOR THEM . 'TO -DAY. WITH 3000 MILES NEW. ROAD BUILDING THE DEMAND WILL BE STILL KEENER.. WHY • NOT GET... READY? THE • CLEAN AND NICE' AND THE ' SALARY VERY GOOD. WE •PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AND • AT LITTLE cowl,. WRITE US • FOR •FREE PARTICULARS.. CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCH- . • 00L, .GGRRARD EAST, TORO- NTO. 'W. E. SHAW. PRESIDENT. hat Shall I t? • That is how you feel at this time of the year. ,` We carry av fulI , line of Freeli Geo- oeries and Fancy Cakes.. You Will be sure to ,find in our stock samethieg 'that will please'. you. We have. some very 'pretty Dinner Sets, Odd Pieces of' China and Glass- ware that would • mike nice presents • for June brides. • A D Beaton Phone 11.1.. • Prompt delivery ' . . PPLES WANTE BOTH FRI, AND WINTER . Forwhich tbe highest prices will be paid. Don't -sell -until you see naa- or otie of my agents personal- ly. D. CANT ELON CLINTON. , COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP - pot NOW. THE'' BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 3Ist, • A DIS- COUNT OP 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. • Orders left' at Davis & will be premptly attended to. evenson Slabs For Sale wz -:HAvn Pon SALE, A QUANTITY OF •*IIENILOCK SLABS; CUT 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE' 1'0/I RANGES.. •-ph* of Minh** Or addrins Abell Nit, Clitrkee P. 0. 02 • • iiamitton. • Mies Pointereof Toronto, speut Sure day and Monday here, the, guests of Mrs. Case, • Mrs. Thos. Anderson, of Luelenowe is visiting her on, EdeAndersot, at present. • Miss Daisy Mosely, of Toronto, is at *sent the guest of the Misses Rob.. ate. Miss'Daly returned to her home 14 Seaforth on Monday after a few weeks' visit with friend's here. !Miss Irene Mallough, of Goderien, itt,sited at "Poplar Point Farrn,'' • the residence of Jos, A. Mallough, • The quarterly service in cennecticn with the Methodist •church were held here on Mne. (Rev.) Collins • and son, • of • Exeter, and Mrs. (Rev.) Jackson, .frMn Strathroy, • have been the guests ol Mrs, Bice the past week: 'During the storm On Thursday night ;,e,st Ws Oliver's barn south of the village was Struck by lightnireg buttortunately was not set or: fire. • McKillop Township The voters' Ithe for this township contains the naineseof 780 tot4S. Of these 6,26 are eetitled to vote gt both perhamentary and Municipal .elections; 118 at .mtancipal elections only aied 36 at Parliamentary elections . lnly •There art. 44 eligiblc to' serve . _is ittrors. There are- • 46 female voters •distributol as followae Divisioe one dWition two19; -divesion three,5 an division four, ' 8. • The Council met in 'Beechwoocf • on July 27th. It was moved by Mr, Me - Dowell, seconded by Mr -Ross, that 'the' clerk write R: S, Code,civil en- gineer, adfind outhow goon he eau come and d� -some 'Week for the' town- ship, and, if his answer ip satiSfactoey the reeve be empoiehred' to employ ham On • motion of •Mr. Ryan and seconded by tr Cowan, aceoeats to .the eniount . iif .$3,11,7.fib were passed and.,order.ed to be paid. Payments re-; cleaning south branch,:Winthrop drain, • ad balance can' be made through the treasurer, G. K. Holland, at his of- fice, in Beechwood, to the persons' en- titled thereto; from this dOte. Tbe council tiler adjourned, te Meet again at Calder's: Hall, .Wintlirep:, on Fri- day, ,/!tuguet 23rd, at one o'clock p. Isaac McGavan, of' this °•town - stip, near Leadburye has jest corn- pletedsthe erection of a. fir.e new bare barn, e0x10t; 22. Riot posts' on a.Mrie foot cement wall. H.e has erected ad- joining The barn a stee1.50. Mat tower wird mill for the purpose of supplying water which is piped into :the barn, makifig it ,most cor.verlent for. Water - leg and' feedrfig stock in the stables:- • Blgrav • Quarterly service was held la • the Methodist chiirch last Sunday. Jarnes McCallum, ,It. met 'with . a serious •aceident On Friday lnit. (le was assiseing at • a raisies on the farm of Mr. T. Bell of Westfield Dm? fell efi the plate,thirty feet to • the grout& AS might be ' expeeted, .he was severely shaken up, .nut nozen- fous injuries were sustained, Ire was fortunate in escaping so eaSily. - • • 'CHURCH Belga 'FROM -ONE TREE The large Baptist ehureh :that stande in the city of Santa - Rosa, Cal,'en- jcys the distinction of havieg been construeted entirely fromei single tree. 'Of conrse that be:lurk:5, the woodwork of the structure. The tree from which, the timbers, lupber • and shinglee were cut was a giant California redwood, A coneiderable'quan:ity of the itenbee was left over after the church build- ing was completed. T -he -building hes a spire seventy feet high; an audienee room capable of seethes 300 1.a. oat- lor dapeble 61 seating eighty; a past- or's atedy 'fourteen by seventy feet, vestibule and a tenet room. The building is thirty-five feet by eighty. There are net many buildings ia 11&e country all the' timber of which ecen• ce from a single •, tree. --The Vet:gen:al World. . ▪ 1.**81.;i• ilwaamaiairkomaao. ONLY A MASK. Many are not'heing benefitted by the summer vacation as they should be. Now, notwithstanding nruch outdoor life, they are little if any stronger thatICOCY were, The tan on their faces is darker alid ma.nee there look healthier, Intt it is only e mask; They are still nervous, easily tired, epset by trifles., and they do not Tat or sleep well. What they need is what, tones the nerves, perfects digestion, nrettfet aineetite, and make, sleep re- freshine and that - ,s Sarsa- patina. Pupils, and teaohers generally will find the chief purpose of the vae cation best subserved by gins great rnerveine, Which, as we latow, "builde up the wbole eyeterg." • •When4 Have Time - When I nave time, so many thingaEii do To make life happier and more fair, For those whose lives are crowded now • with• carte I'll help litt them from their lov: despair, " When I have time. When I have time, the friend I love so well, Shall know no more the eary, , toiling day; lead her feet in pleasant paths al- ways, . And cheer her heart with worde of • Sweetest praise. When I have time. When you have time, the friend you „, hold so dear • May be beyond the reacb of ail you• r sweet intent, May never kriow that you st kindly meant .., To fill her heart with sweet content, Whet: you. had time. Now is thdtime. Ah, 'friend nc longer • wait, T \ o. scatter loving stales and words of cheer, ' To those around whose lives ere new • so dreax • • That may not. meet you in the com- • ing year, ' • • Now is the time. The Power of Habit C, Q. Hallinger, the fimoits tobacco planter, of Lancaster, Pa., said recent- ly a the tobacco hanit ; •• • "It is a good 'thingthat tobacco1. used in'moderation is, quite -harmless, for I think it is one • of the strongest habits in the world. -Many, a man ean stop drinking • Who can't for hie life stem smoking. Indeed, •I have bnown men to throw over gbod positions on- ly because they could not smoke in them.' , Mr. Hallinger smiled. •"That is 'a good deal like the Irish diver., isn't it 'I' he said.. Down in Philadelphia °lie day, a' your.g Irishman applied at the whale ves for a dieerle poste He knew noth- ing of diving, but the strangeness of the work attracted him and sincelie was a likely -looking chap, a fitm %took ham or • -"The next morning he Was incased in a 'diving suit, the helmet was serene - ed on, his head, and' he was ,lowered' dOWttl some thirty or forty feet to ex- •arnine.a sunken boat. .,. "He wer.t dawn well • 'end bravely. • He remained on the bottom some min ,Utes, doing -a lot of hard Work:. Then 'he signaled • impatiently to lie drawn • "They drew hini ap, and he motion- • ed to there to remove the helniet. As they starred' to do this, the • foreman said: • "What's the matter, Mike ? "Take the lid off me, ,he •"I'r,ri done wid divin." ' 'Why .said the toteman, niver vrar the excited answer, at any job where 1 caret shalt on me hands.' ' replied. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. &Irvin, jr:, from • St., Louis, are sPending a few 'days iet, -the N1e' • . The sympathy of• ihe community • is .extended to Mrand ldra. Gec. Curry in the .death of their' infant son. 'Miss •Linda Sturdy, of Goderieb township, and friend, 111iPs 'Godwin, were the gueste of Mi and Mrs, Dun- bar on Sunday. Regular sacramental • •services wer.e held at Nile Sabbath morning. Rer. W. W. Prudham, returned missionary; from Japan preened. • Exeter Rev A. It Goingstria:eked. new 'note • in -the disceseion of the temperatiee question on Sundae?' evening when he discuseed it from the standpoint pf to "difficielties of the removal of • the • liquor trade." Tbe first difficulty is .found in the temperatee people them- selves who are divided as to the prop- er course to teke to bring about tem- perance reform. 'The second is the financial difficulty because of so mueh money tieing invested hi the busieess, and elso the matter of getting a rev- enue. In this • connection be Dtatea that he was opposed to the principle of compensation, and also did not be- lieve the government would Icse a &Alex of revenue after sotne atlju meld. The third is the cha-raeter of the men it the bueiness, and the fourth is the party spirit_ which tak- es first place in even temperance work- ers minds. Touebing the present sit- uation the genven-s, •• idnire—sfilacing the law, leaning sia effort to erohildt. Regarding local • option he was int favor of it but would rather eee the district larger. Ile is, against the three -fifth clause he. cause ne said it Was unegritih. was opposed to the licteot busiress be- ing in connection with the accommo- •dation business, aod thought • they should.he separated, While Mrs. E. JOry atui her daughter, Lerma, were out drieihg Monday night, the tie line became loose atd the horse steppitne on in the bit was broken The eninial, then be- came unmananea.ble and ran away, in turrtine, the tartlet near Dr, Ilyrele man's residence the'rig was upset and the occupants thrown into •the. diteh Mrs. Jory received settle' seratehee and Was otherwise badly ellakin up, Miss Thr E4 net receine.aty hinnies. The buggy was badly broken. Whitechurch • Mrs. Boman of .Manttoba vent a few days with Airs, pattersee laet week. M. N, Patterson Low hes toed position at the Don ete ten, Tie.enere and is getting a geed taste. The apple °packers are again on the warpath and report splendid prospeet4 in eorne quarters... Mr. and IVIrs. G. Proctor of Gode«- ich township Spent Sunday week with friends ia this motion. Mr. W. Holmes of Cobalt' and Miss Gladys. Holmes of North Bay ailed on friends in the village recently. Mr. and Mrs, W:Sharpe'were epene- ing them. vaeataion withfriends at Woodstcek and Siincoe the , eceanty of Norfolk. . Miss Winnie Cuyler and, Misses Edna' and :Violet 'tinier of Toronto' have been spending a few weeks at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. 11, Miller. •. The Whitecherch cireuit eas'adopted the ccupon system for raising tends for church purposes. It is propbsei to raise all funds except missionaty and vitt:atonal by this mean. Mr. W. A. Findlay has been taking his holidays. . • Mr. Saanders of Wingliani who took Rev. Mr. Findlay's plaee or. Sunday had the misfortuee -th lose his way going to each of the ,appoibtments. West Tuckersmith The township council met on the, e7 of July. Bylaws were passed to coni - mete the statute labor en all the pro- pbrty heretofore in division 77; Centre street in the village p1 Egmon.dville to a cash payment of one dollar ,per day for a period of twenty years and " to Authorize the construction of • content walkon both. aides- of Centre street from Jack -son's tannery eb the bound- ry of Seaferth, the proceeds of the commuted statute loner to be used as` • required to meet the. anoual payment of the kiehentureS. Mr. • E. 0. Fuee, who purpose s settling in the • count:Y.:early in August's was engage as engineer under the Thitehes • a,nd Witercoerses! ActMr. John Stacey of Henial, was engaged to paint ithre Ransfotd, Broadfoot, Egmondville, Sproat, Gordon, Fotheringhani and Stewart bridges, the counciltosupply the paint. The net meeting will held in Seaforth on •Atenist 31st at ••.ter o'clock a, en ..Pb*sical Regeneration': . • The frequently Made statement that 'men are degenerating physically while women are gaining from theit *roes-- interestein outdoer sports, does notepoint te any reversal 'at the stat- us of the sexes • but .rather towards :their equaliiatian; The ' woman of past - generations have ben: crippled and weakened and faded into bleedless and feeble' things. bytettrtettotes-bnessethe- Way of exeteise and folhcs in the way Of clethe.e. They were berried out :IS danity dolls rather than as healthy 'tkinicn who ritigbt well become the ,mothers, of the race, and it is poss- ible that net a little of the degenera- tion .fvhich• is noticed in inen may, be nue te thee social and sartorial impris- onment of their. nietherse The racesis not in a bad way so Iceg as its woinen are „: growing stronger:. Theegnfeebling elect upon men, produ- ced by immuring them an cities and confining their exercise to watching Sports . from a grand stand, cen • be - quickly overcome by restoring the Old eortditione., of out -door activity, ifthey have not been tobbed el their etamina by, the weakness Of their.- mothers. The strengthening ;of our 'girls lin elver hearty participation) in healthy sports IS •a•,wholly good. thing. °Occasionally drawing -room panagraphers atterept ro tell' Om that they ate .1-osing etauty by inereasieg the size of their boots, their gloves end theft Waists- But ,elteey bealthy yeung man knows: •that :there is no Maiden beeuty like geed health, and that these athletic voneg girls with -boendingemuselee-ande-drin- nervee and cheeks bearing the rose el health ate far more modela Of beauty than .a,11 the dressmakers' ninodele" in the coutiery. • In the new countries -such as Can- ada -the rner. leave: little, excuse toe elf - fain!, physical degeneration for lack of out -door eXereise. The rural port- lation .ie large„ and it should get plen- ty.. The urban population bas -nearly eipportunities .to And ite recreation. the open country, and usually is not so here driven economically' that It, cannot afford the neceSsitry time arid money. What .it ehiefly lacks is the inelinatien. A sort of fashion of seek- ing amusement rather than recreation has groin up S and many ot out ytalm; men had rather take a street car to an entertaining park than a h walk On t or a brisket a e of ball. If the, moriey ,atid time that is spent on, Itnieging were divert- ed to Itealthfel receeanion; we .ehould see a, • better Set -tip of young fel- lowon our streets and would he in no way open to the criticiere of phe- sitar degeneration. . In many Ways, we have a decided advanftage.etee the tern of earlier gen,: eretione in "the, Old World, We have better food' as. a rule, etd'itore of We hail) better s'anitition ism homes. We have healthier digest. We 'have more medieril. Ineeviedge and ta r Mete skilful medical (hire. If we woad hut give tiatere e ehanee, it le• "these clays' that there ' hiikt id 'Wants. ' • • Zurich • The Zuricb Fiex ao., axe senility; out a ,gettg ot about !qty daily to pull flax, azo. besides agreat nutei- ber are pulling by the acre. A sew pest is attacking the truit 'trees. It hap bare feet, pants us- ually held* up by one "Orme •add • gerorally wears a big straw hate •• ;Wise Clara Koehler has been engaged ,lythe trustees Of P.S. tee All tit6 vaeaney, in.the teaching staff, her dote les to begin when school re -opens alter the holidays. Frene Cresweller of Duluth, Mime is eisiting relatives he Staeley toWn- ship. . • '' • - le ' • Miss Truemner .01 Detroit is here on a ensit with, her mother, Mrs..Eli- za Truernner, (ti • The Rev. A, D. Oiscbler will ten- • duetetngenemunion serviee in the Col- borne Evangeltcal, clench on SIM ley Our band heti eeceived a new lot cf inuelc. The band concerts ce Saner - day eireelf,ogs are being well attenee.l. . Lightning struck the dwelling on Mr, • Godfrey Nicholson's • ,arm on Titers - day night The dainage was slight, • Messrs. - Louis Sipple and Otto Sip- ple,. of Detroit are visiting friends and relattlies here this let• ting. The Rev, J. S. Burn of .0o1liorne, occupied the pulpit in the Evangelicel church Stmileymorning and evening. George Siemork returned from De- troit Saturday,\where he attended the funeral of hleserother, Jacob, who died in that city.. \ • Mr. and Mrs. CaspereWalper attend- ed the funeral . Tue day of Mrs. Percy Mollarcl, who p'assd away al, ,ter .home on the B. Line,- nbar (Meal Bend, on Saturday last. • The following additional pupilspas- sed the recent entrance exams but were omitted from tee list as publish- ed.. Lucy Denorny S'. S. NO. I, Start - lel, 401 marks; Joseph De La Drente • er, Sep. S. Staoley, 382 mars. • Dr, Mabee and Mr. W. E. Kelley the'. Meneseting Canoe Cleee took'a-trip up the lake last Week to meet the "North Pier.:' ' • Mr. John Brophey of Detroit is the guest of her bretter,.Mr. Lm Bates. ewe*, me et `eioleaa pi eeetievia •sent of her sister and ,father, Mies and Mr. • Joha ,BropheY. • , eMessrs; Persona, Sturdye mid Walter • Turnbull came home by train.. • from Port ElgM. W. E. Kelly and Dr: Ma - .bee went tip to meet them at the fish- ing island but -Mr. Kelley 'returnee -With therri. • • friends smelt a dav at int! "White MIN Annie' Lamson retetted Iast mobth from visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cextveall at Delimit. E. W. JACOBS 1111111111011111111111411111•11111111111110tele Another Week o Our large shipnaerts for fall will soon be com- ing in. We must have room to place the' new goods in -stock. This means we have a lot of/ selling to do, and at once as well. - • ' Commencing Friday , morning and during the month of August 'we will sell ' Readyquade Suits, at Special Pri—ces We have large assort- riaent in all sizes, consist- • ing ot tweeds, cheviots, worsted, sergei, etc., in qualities the best to -be—. -had at tbe prices. Our Suits Range from $6.50 to Si 6.00 ' Impla Every Suit in the vtore will be reduced ,during this month of August: It will pay you to call and see•these extra • good values. E. W. Jacobs 11.0.umitigism bone of the Oases* it nkanifests Itself In load iallemed mandoes cured 'gland apighadele. It requires conatitatione treatment oodles throgilla the blood, mid The beat lin comenttboveat Hood's eta& Wee sestloareisis ieeel ate• am Voters' fist 1907 g 4. • Municipality of the Town of Clinton.. , County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that X have. transmitted or delivered to the , sons mentioned in sections 8 and u or the Ontario Voters' Lits Act, 'the. copies required by said sections to be. so tranamitted.or delivered ot thelista triode puteuant to sold Act. of all per. SOnb epee/klieg by the hist revised bike-, sentiment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to• vote at electione "'for- - Members of the Legislative Assembly. and at Municipal E'ectionst and that. the said Iit, w.ts fleet ruffed op in my office in Clinton. on the 814 'day or August, 1907 and remains there for i speetion. Electors are called upojto. examine the *aid list lied if an eim. missions or other ,error?' iAr" onodu therein, to take lintnediate pro d-- inge to have the rend errors correcte according to havO. 1 • peted this 3ed day of Aggust, 1907. • D. L. MACPHERSON. Clerks ° Fall Term Opens It pays. to attend the ELLIOTT • TORONTO okr- corner' YOeige and Alexander Streete. . . . THE SCHOOL THAT RANKSe • FIRST IN THOROUGHNESS; POP- ULARITY• AND GENUINE VERITe. OUR -ATTENDANCE IS GREATER. ,moag STUDENTS 'WERE PLACED0"•• • IN POSITIONS AND; AT 13ETTER-*. SALARIES THAN IN ANY PREVI- OUS. YEAR. WRITE TO -DAY FOR: '4ANDSO*E. CATALOGUE: .W.,J..ELLIOTT; pRINCIPAIen List of Fill Fain Bayfield, Oct. I and 2 'Western Pair, nneit. 6 to 14 • Exeter; re'ept. e6 and 17... Seafcirth,. Sent 19 and 20 . tistowel, Sept. '24 and 25 Myth, lit. 23 And 24 St Marys, Sept. 25 and 26 Wingham.. Sept .26. and 2'4 Brussels, Oct 3 and 4 ...... Kirkton Oet. and 4 FIFE AND DRUM. BAND.- -:TBE' 'Fife .and Drem Bind' wish no'itate that the band' is now open for en- • . gagements with -eurtable music fors any: occasion e ,For terms and are • iseigetnents,' 'Write W. L. Toenisende. SecretarY, (ix W. E., Dciepe, Leader, TAKE RIVAL HERR TABLETS. FOR ,STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND FOR OL- EANING THE BLOOD. FOR ' SALE BY W..A. MeCONNELL . CLINTON. WHOLESALE • FROM THE RIVAL HERR' AGENCY, KINCARDINE.. NOW IS THE Telf.E.-TO FLACE your order for 'Fencing before the' advance in pride., Use the Colt Spring Wire' made by the Canadian, Fence Co. of which I am agent in) , this district. • I am also 'agent for the celebrated • Heintzniaa F. W. Evans, Box 156 Clinton P.O. KNO.g.RTWINE • FOR '14C.: DEERING BINDER TWINE:, • , MADE.' FROM PURE MANe ILLA, . 650 PEEP PER POUND AT 1 CENTS -PE UND. BUY EARLYe__ T. • MURPHY • Agent Deering 'Harvester Mach- inerye Clinton.' • • . • Cream Separators• .... No artiele on the fent pays ih• en farrnet biter than a Cream Sep- arator., When, btiying; buy the best • that is the DeLaval. ane levet • for it in thie district, The Cyclone Fencing The Cyelotue Wire Fencing has'. • the tele great requisitee-it looks. well and leste a long time. Be- • fore plating you order let me ellorel You this feeeitig and quete you! • prieet. JAS. APPLEBY. Clinton, •71