HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-08, Page 1'den linton CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 8tht 1902 IQ News.* Record will be sent to any address in:Canada till the end of 1907 -for Twenty,five Cents Whole Number 1485 114114444114441444.444- 4144,44444411 e 04 that ruth It is our pritetibe to regulate Wetchee h,efOrnsellinfe thein. Therefore our %vetches, both by nereeity ana trelning are truth tellere. We have nothing to do with the watches that we do not know to be accurate time keepers. Our prices are as low as the often so called good watches. • -- ' • I Call and examine our stock. W. X 0 ii ellqd r110 • . fewslIer anti Opticiiiit. - -- Cede/den as - - •C , ,ilank..of Canada HEAD'OFFICEie-TORONTO. Paid Up daPital; • $3,000,000. noium or DIRECIOnSi . - - "'President Eq., 'Firs? Vice -President - Second Vice -President ON. Perna MoLAREN W. R. McNAtronT, WA% MP. Ainter. Beuen, R. CAssitts,. Asst. General -Manager. . ' . • Asur.mfl JARvrs• gsq., Rialoonni 144CDON4-tak• t A. A. AnnAtzi Esq., - Box D. McMinnene, Anna. Cittspnz, Psq., M.P. A. B. Dinvoner, Esq., M.P. P, G. jemeererr, General -Manager. Savings Bank Department., Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Clinton and Brucefield its* 4 4 Gts 44 444 4 The Sterling Bank of Canada Head Office Toronto. G. T. SOMERS, President. W. K GEORGE, 'Vice -President. F. W. ERMA:MALL, General Manager. general banking biisinees transacted, Interest on savings accounts credited quarterly. • BAYFIELD BRANCH Open Menden, Wednesdan,,Ftinayeach week. VARNA BRANCH open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturn:lay each week seAVIci6 Local Manager. weineeis$4,44,14111.,*******:** i'lats444144•40464404444444444444441 4 ORoERED CLOTHING READYMADE CLOTHING Men's Two Piece Suits Men's Two -Piece Sults in Fancy Wor- steds, Flannels and Homespons, in S B. at clearing prices. Ten, only -Men's Fine Worsted 'Suite', extra • fine outlay, regulr $15 00 hat. d . . . .....n... ... .h b 044141,04t04101100 Three only -Dark Grey Worsted Suits regular $12'forn .... $43.80 On only -Light Homespun, double breasted, regular $11_ ' for W.eika*..6 b * . WO,..4 -;113.04:10 entSin-entItark and Light liornespurun- eine° and double ' breasted, Tentni linnnapel Three onlen-tinelc Itereespuns4 reguler.$8,50 for... Two only -Blue Flarinel SkeletonSolts, reginar $6 for.....$3.90 "A Square Deal for Every Man." Thie etore closes at 7 p. m every evening except Saturday during July and August. 5 MORRISH &. CROOKS Successors to notions bros. Clothing Store 1044444.4411..4114414.11414******. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 85c, Peas 75e. Oats 45e to 47e. Barley 50e. Butter 15e to 16e. Eggs 14c to 15e. Live Hogs $6.75, NOT YET SELECTED. A gentleman who stould. knew, and doubtlese does, said to The Nene-Re- cord on Tuesday, "Tey may say what they like to the contrary but the location of the new station has not yet been clecided. upon. Not am I any too sure that it will be built tbis fall." NOT GOOD HONEY SEASON. Mr. Isaen Dodd has been keeping bees, these forty years past so knows as mueb about them as any man knows. He has nay hives frpm :which he has obtainred in favorable tea.seno, as much as, three tor.s Of hor.ey, but the past -two summers not being to the bees liking the output. has deopped almost two-thirds. In 1906 he disposed ot 810 pounds and he -ex- pects this seaeon to have about tne same quantity for sale. • THE CIVIC HOLIDAY. Civic holiday broke misty end 'de& and there et/ere those peesimistio enough to prophesy •a rainy and dis- agreeable day, but by and by the clouds rolled away and the remainder cf the d -ay was that could be de- sired. Half the population seemed te gin out of -town. Over a hundred torek in the Jackson excursion, to Spring - bank wbere they enjoysd themselves to their heart's content, Others went to balmy Bayfiold and came back at,deisie tired but happy ' and contented,' Six- teen or so botylers went to Goderich to take nut in the tourritaihent and a raitnbet of lacrosse enthusilastics train- sd to Seaforth to . witness the Wing - ham vs. Goderich game. Tuesday, will be-reined/ere() as one of the most en- joyable civic holidays Clinton has yet • had. . DEATH OF IWRS. S.. DAVIS. • Yesterday Ann 'S.`Davis attended the funeral of his brother in Goderich and this Morning hie wife passed inth eten eel . Davis had been ill for eeverel months, and thongh the best of. medic- al skillhad been premed the 'discene made rapid inroads andntlitieniting •she passed peanefully into the Better Land.' She was a devcrted wife and mother and a trite Christian in the strictest sense of that term. She was a.mem-. tier pf Wesley church and was 'always active 'ire, good woikS. In :short, Mts. Davis was a model 'woinann ••• • She. is •, survived by her nusband, four sons 'and two_ daughten , Fred, 'Bert and puke in, '1Vfaititoba„ John eif North Bay, Mrs, haelch, Torbeto, Mts. Callander; Petrone., 'In order to permit of the sons in the West being present, . the funeran will not tale place until Monday after- noon. • • , . 'WHAT'S. IN A NAME ? Well, IS it tobeO, Ought or aught, naught or nought'? •At the telephone ciffice if you want number thirty and you say nrheee-- nought, please, " the nright, exchange ladies repeat your call as "Three 0." The hrte:n Herald 'asked one of our school teachers what • ;we were g'oing to do- abomt it -in' schools. "Call it 'what they like it is still a cypher."That is wbats we remarked to the . young lady at the telephone office When she repeated our calt substitutingn the 0 for the "aught. itlooks. as though•the tenth figure and . the fourth voivel were to have the same name. even though...their meanings were by no Means, *synonymous. The only' ' thing is that H in business the use ofl the cypher is _tonic 'designated with the snipe .sound as the vowel .the :fact ridght as well be recognized in the schools as not. With all the differ- ent' sneilinge of the hneortant or un- important little figure, according to where it.is placed, the•simplestsound is O. -Bruce Herald. ' THE WORTHLESS BILLBOARD: tlillboard advertising has beezi thor- oughly tested, perhaps ter the first gine in Butte, Montana, where a, strike fastens for some weeks preven- ed the issue of uewspapers. The mere chants had to depend for their public- ity mien billboards and dodgers ; and now they report that business fell off from tveenty to 'fifty per cent. 'The result of the testis interesting anent from •illustrating the comparative worthlessness of billboard. advertising. It shows tbat mote is necessery than to plate an advertisement (*forte the -eyes of readers. Whether it reaches them ftom a post ennantage on an old fence or a garbage box, or from the pages of an old -established and trustworthy newspaper, makes all the differente in the World between ill -a& %need publican and sure:reset:1 adVettin- ltg:-A-n-srdtdVeASr.lneztAL__nmaY b6 judged from •the cornPany keep' tn, and advertisers could save a lot of motley if they did tort lose sight of this fact. The Moinana feet rtiengthe 'ens the hands of thole wile °bind, to billboards Iran an aeSthet4c point of viow, lor they tem not be statineeded by the cry that to do coeity with the unsightly billbpard would be to hurt btisineee, No bus1ne1SS would be in- jured by the disappearance of the' en - sightly billbeard., and as tix the neer- chant, he would sone his money, While Citizens generally would be the gainers by the abolition a nalsance.--Mall and nmpire. „- KEEN Muni FOR APPLES. r AT THE TOURNAMENT. , t Jtedging frem the- • number of lute The feadowg deka from the locel wno are scouring the countey, securing; bowlinn club toolc part in the tome - contracts for apple orchards, there Is meat in Goderiehnote-Tuesdnyee 1-4e. to be a keen demand for the fruit, . Graham, G. Barge, Dr. 'Ban, 0, re, The price seems te be uniform, one Dowding. 2-3. Fenn Dr. Shaw, M. dollar per barrel and, the raise, . B. MeTaggaet, .W. W. Foxrait. $-W. J. Stevenson, A. Lappine, Dr. Agnew, NO MORE MACADAM THIS 'YEAR. J. 13. Hoover. 4-A, J. Courtice II 13. Cembe, J. Wiseman, W. Jaeison. The maCadamizing of Victoria street teem the hospital to the renneen tnane No. 2 tint -wan Up in all its games on wiil be completed, it is expected, to., the first day. day. The cost- will aboutebe ene --- SALVATION ARMY. I theusand dollars and the clistan,r,e - about one-third of a mile. No more Don't forget the meetings in the S. .can be done this season' as the owner i A. hall next • Sonds.y at eleven three raf the engine is about to begin, his and seven. Mr. F. Hill will take the threshing operations and there ,is not lesson ht the evening and Aldo the another engine. hereabouts than can be! special meeting Corning on Tbursd'av fitted to the roller wheels. 1next. Capt. Matter, the handl/jab While Station street can, not he Irishman, will nive an exhihaion with macadamized this year it is to be the lantern on Friday, Aug. 28r4, thoroughly danened and rounded nie ,s0 Capt. Hay, the Divisional officer will that permanent work on it may, begin attend these services. The R. A. next season. MARRIAGE OF MISS NEDIGER. At 164 Gibson: avenue, Hamilton, Tuesday morning, Miss Agnes Nedger of Toronto was united in marriage no M. Oscar Warner of Hamilton, Tha ceremony was conducted. by Rev. Dr. Williams of Emerald Street Methodist band will give a musical pitigram nt the House of Refuge orie evening' next week, LITTLE LOCALS. R. Fitzsimone at Son make a ship - 'Meet of live hogs to Toronto' today. 51r. Harrt. Davis' trotter won second in the green race .at Zurich, on Friday church. The bride was given away by last. • ' . her brother, Mr, W. J. Nediger of The big plate glass bas been remoy. Clinton'. She was attended, by her sis- ed from Barrister hrydeate's office and ter; Miss Daisy Nediger. The groom, an office front instead substituted. 1 was supported by•hie brother, Mr.. FL I ; Neighbor Beacom had the Icalsennee E. Warner. Mr; and' Mrs Warner left ers at work in his store on acne holt- '• for Lake ot Bays, Muskoka, where day and it now presents an even they will spend a couple of weeks: brighter appearance. Atter their return they Will reside at ' A NAAPE. 164 Gibson avenue. G, N.:DANIS PASSES AWAY. . . In the death of -Mr. G. N. Davis df Goderich, who died on Monday nighe, there passed away ode of the oldest1 residents of that tow; he having •liv- ed there for sixty yearn. Fat a long peried he has beer. in failing health and the end .wilt not Unexpected: The funeral took place yesterday afeernetia the seeviees being conduCted by Rev. Mark Turnbull. Among these from Clinton who ,attended were: Mr: n, Davis, brother of •deceasect; Mrs. Pay and Messrs. W. C. Searle and; ..Inines Howe.. The Dalin' Are a Devonshire family tend Our toWnsman•is new the ally surviving meinber living in. this countrt. FLOWER SSI-IOW. RROW ESC • The. HOrtieulteral Society have de - eider.' to hold a flower and plant show in the town hall some time in nein tember, the date to he fixen. later. Although there Will be no prizes offe ed the .different clasies will be judged and the results .anneunced. The e• ciety undertakeS to : bring the plants tit the hall, take care of, thein there and return ' engem when the Show over and will be responsible- for ary darnnge. The plants will be in chatne of an expert so : .no on.e should -have any hesitation. whatseever in exhibit- ing, The show will last two clans aed mete by a local Orehrestra will. he 'furnished during both evenings; A. nonineal fee of , ten cents will be chain- ed. As the meinbers of the Horticua- ural society have been dealt...with 'very liberally in the past, the •:direct- ors have us' fear, but that they .will be given every assistance • and that the liovver show will be a• suecess. "' • •- ANOTHER WIN. FOR CLINTON. The following is the restet of a gnmel on the looal bowling gem. last' Sat- urday in- which four ' rinks. each front the Blyth and Ciinthn rinns partici- pated C:lintor: Blyth * G. W. Barge - Mason Mr. Harkney M. Taggart. W. J., Steveneon Reid W. F3rydone • J. Malurchie ' skip • le skip '9 J, L. Ccurtice D. h. 'McKinnon J. Weiss . t''MeKeliat H, B. Combe J. Kmigh E. A, Lappin . $. Gidley snip • 26 skip • W. J. Nud•ne G. powell R. llohnes J. Hunter • T.4„1.4.1vAttredtetrson J. Taylor . ,.A. W, Sloan , skip • 14 e skip it A, Arrnstreitg 3. Metcalf J. Jolinscn . J. McPherson J. -Wiseman J. Carter W. Collyer C. H. Beese skip • . 2(1, skip 13 Total 80 • 40 BOARD OF EDUCATION. The follewirtg appeared -1W the Mail a'nfi Empire of Saturday last A. Y. C., Clintone-Qu.-What ceeding is necessary to t13oxin a " rd (To- ar of Edudatimer' in a town, Where is al- ready conegtateltistitute Boardand, a Publie School Board? Ans.--Seetien four .• of the 'High Schools Act of 1901 says the trustees of any Public and High school may uhite,•as a "Board of Educaton," on tiling With the clerk of the municiPal- ity eertified copie.s cd the resoturtinns to that effect, passed at reeetinge . of each boaxd. The onion so agreed upon ro , nethe-dette fixed by thie -Aet, and thereupon •„ ah property vested in the reenectiVe boards shall becoine vested en th Board of Iteintation, for sueh mutt alities. The Act respectg Iigh schools says the trustees of every High eeltoolr district snail he a. 043ot:- tidbit, and shall exereise their powers by the ncone.of the "High Scheol Iloardl or of the "Colle•giate Institute Board," of Vie municipality, and shall haVO and possess all the powers ustt. ally enjoyed by the corporation, so far as the same are necessary for the purposes of this Act. eorge Snell, assistant to Freight Agent Maguire, had a narrow escape from meeting with. a serious accident on Titesday afternoon. last. George happened to be standing in front nf 11/fasciae who was using a sledge • hammer to break the head of a barrel. Ho swung hack the hammer and in bringjeg it dewnewith nleinenfneenthe. bea,d flew off and struck George. on the solar plexus.. It bowledehim over and pet him out of - business for a time, but he soon recovered .and the doctor ! who soon appeared upon the scene had nothing to do hot give advice. George, 'though, was put. on Tlenidper- annealed liet for the reniainder of the day. , ••••••••••••01101.44414.1.00 • Personali . Mr. R. ltleMerran'of Bayfield' was i tdiVn:. yesterday,. • - Miss: give Potts is visiting Mr. RJ.11 MrS. -M.:- *intv.r.ein' °Liiiiileadge 'Of near Auburn I ' was in Clinton on Monday. - Mita kite Lynch of Beechwood is the 1 gliest of hersister; Mrs. P. Oe t.tey- ,„ Miss Livingstone of Glasgow, •Scon I land, is elaiting eat Mr. John Cuid I ningham's. • • ; . - Mrs Harty Morrish and son of De- :, . troit are guests at her father's, dtr. I George Davis'n 1 Mre. W. J. Roseand little Miss Helen Reps have returned from visiting Exeter. friends: .ner, Andy Foreeeter xetuined to Hain- ( •ilton on Monday after a week's Visit 1 at the homestead. • ' - ' ' Miss nlina Proctor • of Tore/lite has I. been. visiting a..t Inn cousin's, Miss I • Dora hexr, the past week. Mr. H. B. Chant left on 'Monday for a fortnight's holiday at St. ,Cathese . ir.es, Niagara• and Hmilton. , Mr. E. Fetter leftthts morning for Moue lined tb. take charge at a coop- er Shop for Apple Xing Cantelon. Mrs. John Henry of Blyndt isvisitine viSiting her • daughtess, • Mrs. Barr and Miss Henry of Clinton, Mr. jaines Yoeng of nEnnescita, visit- ed his mother, Mrs. William Young Victoria street, the forepart of the week. -- --- - ' . • • ' Mit W. J. Nediger was hi Ilainiann on Tuesday attending the Wedding ol • his sister. Yesterday be dnisiten .Brantford. Misses May and Myrtle Matheson of Toledo, Ohio, have been guests of their uncle, Mr. .Inmet Dunford the past ween op: eo. • Mrs. Gage; who has been living •hnitato to several months!, retttrned last week and is visiting friends n ' Clinton aitd Mullett., Mr, and Aire. W. G. Piniten . Tcronto, were guests at the latter's patent:el home, Mr. and Mrn Bartliff'S, the ' forepart °of the week. ' Miss Mabel Johristone of near heyti spent a few days the forepart ot the • week ae the guest int her uncle, Mr. 1 ,. John Johnstone, Rattenbury street. Mas. E. Saville Visited friends at Lon- Aesbore me Tuesday. Atnor.g the . reum'ber her brother, Mr. James Web- ster, who with drs, Webster, came up from Toronto Icr a couple ef • days visit. . - Mrs. S. S. Cpoper visited the old ' homestead it ntlilvertoit op Tnesdat and Wednesday arid on her return was anent/monied by her little daugh- ter Meryl who had boon makirtg an extended visit there. • Miss Peiseilla- Conk, why 'had been en- joying her holidays with relatives in tennenanneniginttne, left on Sattirday Lor . 'Huntsville to attend the wedding of -a friend for whom he was brides- maid. Miss *Cool then went on to to hyng Inlet to resunie ter duties as principal .of the'Publie school. ; Mr. John Ilartley, the new principal of tIde Model scliocl, moved his fun. /Auto :roan 'Illyth to Clinton this week and lute taken thehouse on One tario street lately occupied by Mr. Iteekie.• Mr. lia,rtley has been cluing pulpit Wenn' einee 1 he vacation begat Dlyth and Wirigharn and nod &May he supplies for nev, Mr. Langford of Drussels, • Personals Mr. 13. Grigg of the Molsone hank, Hamilton; it Wile culenine his holidays. Mr. John l'oerester left on Tuesday for Stratford to resume hie duties out the Grand Treak. 114T and Mrs. George Alcock of Ilcupile ton were guests of Cliuton friende Sistiday and Monday. • $04 SUMMerhili Mr. and . Mrs, Charlie Johnstone visited friends inthe village the other day. - • . Mr. and Mrs. T..Mnir entertained a number of their friends on Friday ev- ening last. All report having- Went a very enjoyable time. Mr. Ine Wright had a successful rais- ing or. Snturday putting a bent to bis barn. • . Miss Brown is at present visiting her Oster, Mrs. T. Main. \ Miss B. Ball '1has renamed from a pleasant two ve eks visit with Londce township friend 4 . Ares Lily Byte has returned t� her henna tten a prolor•ged visit with - Chatham .frinds. • . Mr. and Mrs. G. Dale visited the latter's, sister on Sunday. '. Mr. and Mrs. deivier visited atMrs, hingins's • on Sunday. Mr. J-7.11offti, who has, been sail- ing on the lakeen . Visited friends here on Sunday. • . Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Ball visited in Goderich over Sunday. - Rev., net.. Berry ' gave a er-re' 4,1)11 discourse an St. Peter's .chnieh or Sunda,v last and it is. enneenn - that he will take the sexvices agein is tit. near future. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Mohnen, and' Mr. and Mrs. W!. J. Mchtien spent last Thursday eienniekingnear Auburn.. Mr. and Mrs. . J. Watkins visite 1 friends in henrmiller on Sunday. . Mrs. hiegin! , intends toraineher nonee "ated 'nut a; founds-no/1 under -At Miss S. Nesbitt is visiting friends ih Goderieh this week. • ' A tnetitne of the ()ranee T.odge is to he beld next; Motalay night. • Mts. (Major) Joseph Beek of Toron- to in visiting Miss Annie Sturdy-. ; • Mrs.: J. Lawson aed IVIre. B. Philips Were ni Goderich last Tuesday'. Miss Mabel Erratt,atthnded summer school in Goderich last Week.' . ThenBlyth ' baseball tenin • paneed threth here ors their way to Gocleticb) last Wednesday. , Mr. •Joe Ireeiri drove Mr. Staiti, drug. traveller, to LecknoWnlast Wed- nesday night.. ' • . n Mr. A, Pierce cf Myth:was ir our burn last week: - : • Mr. and. Mrs, john Kirk spent last Thursday ie Goderich. • Mr. and Mrs. R. King ander:Inch:ea of Goderich Passed throe.eit here or their. way to Bluevnie lest Thursday.. he of 13rueefield spent suithay Wtth mrborne mason aad nis• sister Kf- friends ,eere. to he held under the auspices of the. While Mt. Whinier Wilson ,Was weeee Ladle -.t Aid of St. Andrew,' church ing on Mt. J. Feaga,n's barn last $at.. mentloiied last week, has been .fixed urday -ae pieee tor • board tell and etit' f°r FridaY ntrrnir'' of this 'weak and a • smal] hone Be s yneotseundbereemakeednig_c:ie ptiretoagtraiiins e;n el sctebdel'nats aarivaliergyedefcbvelil4eint.t • Attendance but Is doing .well. .ors from Clinton, Seaforth, Lcindote .Rev. Mr; Jones and Mrs. Jones. re- Ilanilltd'a and. Woodstock will take part and this, conspert 49 enre..to be tented from the Goderich summer :the Jet of the • season. .Don't fornet the date, Friday evening, Aug. 9th, ia the town hill: Adinie,sion only fifteen. cents. . Order; ear; tn. held Teunder the' auspices of the Englieh'thurch was one . of the most suneessfel ever held here. . The committee went to big expense \ for nvioc, etc. • and their enterprise .n was jeedranded, there being a; great turn oaf and the receinis amounted te -- ono hundred and eixty-six (Inners, e .Stan.ley TOWAShip . visiting her brother, MinHugh *Kan spent the past week with friends 'here. guest of Mrs. George Erwin the past week; eAoimirtst.agle4B.. oLnitetf'le this week, nay with his family in their' stet:own Mr. Edward Pollee% ot Kincardine Miss S'proat of Seaforth was the Miss Nettie McKay of Sea.forth Mr. F. MOO of 1..Ondon spent 'Sue- Bo/field Seetorth is the guest nt this week. The following are guests a.t Mr -.r odohnnanFrie:,,gtriZsi4.Murazra. and, Mr, D. nen:. B. Eardley, Miss 0. Baxtex, Mr. D. Hanna Jr., Miss Nellie L. elcenven, Miss A. MeMillan, Miss Helen Mc- Millan, 'Miss P. (Kennon Lunen.; Miss Helen Wildrew, Woodstock; Mrs. Reid, Gccierich ; Misses Ethel, 'Clara. ar.d Edna Pickard, Seaforth, 'A. the close of the morning se'rvice -in the ; Methodist church on Sunder *amine, Rev. Steenan adininisterea the sacraenent essisted by the Rev's Kerr of Clinton, Graham of $t. Marys and Garbutt of Mitchell. A large nu/niter were. present and partook of the sacrament, Next Sunday, even- ing Rev. Graha.xn of St. Marys preach the Methodis; church at seven o'clocle p. in. Mr. Meris. organist of Dundes Oentee church, London, vvill eing. Rev, Berry, wife and faxnily of Sea - forth, 'Rev. Garbutt, wife and family of Mitehell, and Rev. Graham, wile and faidily ref St. Marys have ' each ta,kcn 'cottages in the White Jity the past week and are now enlOying 1h2 breezes of Lake Huron, . - Bev. J. MoNeil exchanged piolpits with Rev. Murray of Eir.cardine last Howard and family of Tor- onto are the guests of her sister, Mrs., George Castle. • Mrs. (Dr.) Wright and *amity of Tottenham are visiting her parents, IVI'Mr-Mr rjbowf ilerich is spending Itenholidays. under the paren- tal rocf. Mr. and Mrs, Vanstone of Gorrie Were the guests of hertmotle.•.., Green, over • Sunday. •Mr : Vaenroue left on Monday for homi. while lite re-. nerneened over to wend a; few &aye.. Mr. and Mre. Brown of New Hamp- shire were guests at.Mre. Parsons' thTehpeasloWlloeewni.ng are ;ens ts at Qs Commercial : Bine. H. B. .0ombe, Clinton; Miss L. Brewer, Tonento ; Mr: Waugh, Miss Waugh and Mr. Sparks, Stratford ; Miss Petrie; In- gersoll; IVIrs. Dick and: -family ,end Miss McWilliares, Detroit, Miss... Mo - Gee, London. • en . • • r. and Mrs. George Thompson Kippen ire the guests of Mrs. Cowie • 'this week. • • / Miss Lizzie Ferguson of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs; John Fernesen. Mrs. Carter a,nd.siSter, Miss Edith, • Green, of Detroit are visiting" their mother, Mrs. Green. . • The date of the concert which Was school on Saturday. Their leave this week to spend two Weeks . at Grand Bend. Ditrim the absence of' Mr. Jon- es. his circuit will be in charge of .Nle. D2LxrfLef Victoria Callene, Toionto. -We' are sorry leaxinthat the re- cent poor health of Mn•De E. Mune. bas terminated in an . sea an illness that it was necessary for him no ' go to Clitton hospital on -Menden where he will have to •undergo a very al operation, His many 'friends &ra- cer* hope that the operation will be a success and that Mr. Munro will. soon return to us an good health. Mrs. Darlf-of Toronto has been the guest of Mrn Chas. Logan. vf the Pant Line for the past week. Miss Olive Cox from near portetts hill is visiting her cousins, Misses Mayme and Myrtle Keys ot 13abylen Line at present. . Mies -Lizzie Campbell of MeiKillon Is seen in tinge partsVriende men guest of her aunt, Mrs..John McKine . far and near Wcre present and there len of Goshen, Line, this ween. . Mt', and Mr. Matt hatee of hayfield. were about one hundred' rigs ir, the cortege. The services, were connuIted by the Rte. W. I. Kerr of Clinton, of whose church Abe deceased young lady had 'been a consistent member. On the pretty white 'casket lay a number of handsome floral offerings, including a Wreath sent by, her classmates ef the Ontario -street. Sunday 'sehool. The pallbearers were these six young friends of the deeeased, all dressed ir. white ; Misses Hattie Lavin' Sybil C'ourtice, Jennie Ole% Zorn Cornish, Pearl Wise nnd Tecvnie Shipley. Among the relatives from a distmce were Mr. and Mrs, James Cummings, nlyth, Mrs. John Littleford, Miss higgin, London, and Mrs. Adam Foster of Goderich. TO the bereaered ones the Sympathy et the entire coni, munity is eitended, reneentribtereentittern ortliferCitt, 'Mich., is visiting friends in this vic- kiln this week. Aft. and -Mrs. Phonies Tighe Visited in Dublin on Sunday. Huila)! Township., The funeral of Kea. Rosellae, only daughter of Mr. W. 3. Miller of the third con. took piece last Saturday afternoon end was cne of the largest Mids Maggie hrOwn expects to re- turn to McGregor in n week or .so. She had heel visiting at Dublin and Mil chell. Prof. O'Brien the phrenologist, will deliver a lecture in the A. O. In hall on Thursday evening next or. scienti•- fic palmistry. Road visited relatives. an habylori Line one day last weele • Miss Edith Stogffillt• • spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mee. Win. Stodgill ot Goshen Line.... Miss M. ennwar cf. Kincandne• is vise iting. friends tete. inliss Maggie. Wilds spent the pant *eel! with friends in terlin', Messrs. Jack and Ede Etue are 'put- ting in the new cement bridge at Geo. Dewarts on thnSauble. Mr. Will 1VIossop is training it his driving colt . it's a dandy. Mr. W. Osmond is nenovating (This. ' Parker's maehine. 'Billy has so mut% fencing to do ber don't thinOx he wilt thresh. The Misseg Campbell hail a valuable Cow killedwith lighiatine last week. • disposed at present; muscular rheninate ismeis the trouble, Mr. and Mrs, 'R. Welsh of Clink)* spent Tuesday at the home, of nhr. pd. Johneton. . eptiti Mr. PCote 01 Dayheid Line Sunday at the horee of Mr, Henry Peck. mr. and Ally, R. H. Peek or gea- forth spent Sunday at Mentor/le of Mr. Andrew -Dunkin. , , IVIISs Martha Itiehardsou Sper,t Sus - day at the home Miss Flossie 'tingly of leettOit. IS Visiting With Mies Pesti Ta00r., •. .1.. .1