HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-25, Page 5illy 25th, 1907
YS WO]...n
Never in.the history of this store have"we prepared such a wonderful list of bargains as we will
give during this seven days sale'which will commence.
Saturday MorningNext,July 27th
And continue until the following Saturdag, August 3rd.
Everything in Summer Goods ` must be sold, no matter. No sate aer held by :this store can equal -this in bargain,
fzow great the lass, and it will ' be to your ad- gi2'ing, as quantities never. were so large,
vantage to be here early.
and prices so kV.
If you cannot come the first daffy of the sate,," conte any day next week,.as every day during the sale we wilt have some
thing 'special, . which WWI be worth corning 'miles to secure.
Potrely no Goods advertised here will be soldat sate prices before :Saturday.
from Great Bargains our .
ead xto=wear Dept.:
$7.50 Cream,P Coats
Panama fits
.$3.93. Here's the biggest bar; #.
gain of any kind ever given by
this store. After the most sue-
cessful sale of spring coats we
ever had we have taken all' that
are left, including Cream Pana-,
ma Coats, and blackwhite
check Coats, etc., in long; loose
styes, that sell • everywhere at#
and place ce
em �o sale at the lowest price•
• on record 3.95
15e Dress Muslins 5c.
300 yards Muslin, Cotton Challies, etc.,
including polka dots, etc., regular price •
lac, sale price: .0 S
35c Dress Muslins 15e.. .
250 yards Organdie and Dimity Dress
Mu Lina in a dozen re
s p tty•deaigns, induct-
ncludinn black and white, regular .prices 25c
30c and 35c, all one price ■ I w
25c Plain Black. and Plain White.
.Muslins 15e.
Plain Black and White Muslins, regular
Prices 25c and 35c, saledaya .tt
50e Organdies and Voiles 25c
350 yards finest quality French Printed
Organdies and English voiles, including
some of the most beautiful patterns ever
shown in town, regular price. 500, seven-
day sale
85c' Wool Voiles 39c.
Ten pieces fine quality:, French Wool
Voile, Dress (foods, in all the new shades
. such' .as champain green, etc,,' regular
• prices 60c,75c and 85c, all one price ....::.39
$1,25 Black Peau-de-Soie Silk 98e
One piece only- Black: Peau-de-Soie
Silk, beautifulheavy weight, warrantedno
not to cut, regular price $1.25, sale price.. SOU
15e Dress Silks 39c,
Ten only-Dress;shaded
Enda, •ah ed 'Taffeta
and fancy Dress Silk, in shades of brown,.. ,
blue, etc.. regular price 75c,per yard, sev-
en-dbysale ,39
.15e 15e Blau
Hose 1
o Oc
200 pair. Ladies' and Children's fast black
Cotton Hose. all l.aizes, 6 to 10,.regular /�
price 15c,.seven•day.' i 0'
'White Wear Prices
$2.50 White Underskirts $1,50
26 Underskirts made from extra, quality . •
fine white.,Caenhric, three or. Your pretty.
styles, trimmed with wide lace and fn-..
section regular rice 2.50 7 -da sale....' 1.5
g price y.
$1:75 Night Dresses $1.00 • .
Three dozen Cambric. Night Dresses
made•in three styles, trininied'with em=
broidery and insertion, regular $150 1 o0
•and $1.75,, seven-day elle, '(ail sizes)...., ,
15c Vests 10e.
1.d•dozen Ladies' Cotton. Vests,with
or without sleeves, regular ,price 15e.
sale price .'
.25 $5.00 Wash Dresses 42.50
Just eight in the. lot -Wash Dresses
made frotn.blue or grey linen, pretty ;
style and perfect hi fit, regular price $5
price •
353 White Dress Linen 19e: •
leo.yards white Dress Linen, 36 inches
wide, warranted linen, regular price, 35c, .'I 9
seven:day sale:..:..............
15c Black and White Muslin 8c
250 yards Black and White Muslin, fast
colors, pretty designs, regular .price 15c,
seven -dap sale .Q8•
15c English Prints and Challies. 10e
' 400 yards hest quality English Prints
and Cbellies, half being navy blue with
polka dots etc., regular price Inc and 15c .1'0
seven-day sale
20c White Swiss Muslin 10c ,
150 yards'
Swiss Dress
with embroidered spot, regular. price 20c,
sale price .I Q.
$1.50 Shirt Waists 75c.
-.-.50.only-White !awe' Waists, -emit!'
dered fronts, short or long sleevef� . ve
different styles to choose fro as -regular
prices $1.23 and 1.50, seven-.: y sale..:.,..1 U.
81c Flannel-' e 6c
.500 yards goisd quality Flannelette, in
six different patterns, regular price 8,}c,
•sale,price .. ••
15c Lawn 10c
I25yards India Lawn, .40 inches
fine even thread; regular price
day sale,.......
$1..50limb as and' P
ls: 1:Q0
25-otal-yAadies' and Men'aUnabrellas, •
as ed handles, good tops, our regular
.25 and $1.50 qualities, sate price...:;
•1•r . 1►00•frAe411r0,.1.1la
r�Tenth Every Dress Free
Our stock cf Dress Goods is a
little too large for this time of
year though at the regular rices'
prices g g
eare 10 � er cent' y p less than
you will pay for them this fall, '1
During this sale we'•will "give ' a 0
discount of 10 per cent of all
Dress Goods in our store . and
every'tenth dresswill
begiven '
away •FREE. OF CHARGE, .
S The lot includes Cashmeres. -
Serges, Voiles, Batiste, -Poplins,
Foulards, 'Cris pines etc. • This,
P ,
is the best offer ever Made by this-
store to scure a newdress at'a�
very small
Big ,::Reductiihn
in • SClrts.
$4.50 Black Lustre Skirts $2;50
12 only -Plain Yli
nBac and 1 k Novy Lustre
.Skirts ruade from good quality lustre
all new this summer, Iegular.$4 50 each;. 2.50
seem' day sale:. ..
Wash $ Skirts. $1.50
One dozen Ladies' White Duck Wash
Skirts, also 'black duck with white spot, e
regular priee•$250 sale price ;:.. I.010
.$5.50 . Grey' Tweed Skirts $3,50
Ten. only Light. Grey Tweed•Skirts,
made in this season's , newest styles,
from :fine quality light: grey check .
tweed,' regular price $5.50, 7 -day .sale.: 3.50.
8c Linen Towelling 5e.
300 yards pure linen Crash Tower ng- •05
regular price Sc sale• price... r
8c Cotton 6c
400 yardwpniy-Factory Cotton, ;I yard
wile,ji-ne round thread, regular price 8c, 00
s le-priee ....,. , u
50c Taffeta,Ribbons 25c
'350 yards heaviest quality .Taffeta Rib -
hon, 5 inches wide, colors of .Pinky .-Pale
d wn :thee .
n, Fawn, .Black;
etc., out best millinery ribbon' which
will sell this fall at 50c yard, 7 -day sale......25
15c Standard•Shirting 10c_
About 25 ends Standard .Shirting, Gal-
atea, etc., regular pricel5c and 18e per
yard, seven-day sale :10.
1,50 Bed Spreads $1,00
12 only -' Lart'e size white Bed
Spreads regular price $1.50, seven-day
.00 stile , ... , .... '... •
�300'yairds White and Plain Pink Taf
feta silk Ribbon, best 5e quality 7 -day 021
sale........, .... ..... 2
Sic Corset' Cover Embroidery 25e
Ten pieces Corset Cover Embroidery in
a number of new patterns, regular prices
35e, 40e and 50c, seven- day;.. sale 25.
The Last Chance to Buy: Millinery
4.O0 Trimmed Hats 75c.
15 only—Trimmed and Outing Hats, this: year's
newest styles, regular prices $3.00 $3.50 and
14.00each,.your choice ibi........ I.l . r . ,• .. .75
Children's 75c Hats 25c.
Three dozen Children's Straw and Linen Sailors • in
white and colors, regular price 75c each. Sale
• each price d ....... t. r di A l i n to ...... i ...... /25 T
Dry 'Coors'
Millitt ry
Re d1wtoaWear.
A correspondent of the Toronto
Glebe, in discussing the success 01 the
"good roads" .movement in Simcoe
Co., Oat. ,quoties a sigril cant para-
grapb Ilam a bear municipal author-
ity ere the subject, Simcoe has some
4140o esnagkoosroiaatbducspee1t903auvner-
der the Ontario Government scheme.
The paragraph tuns sr -
"We found • that • where Municipal
councils bad, the courage to take the.
responsibility for the ,plans as outlin-
ed by the Govertmient . everything
wentvery well. Supposing they shift.
ed this responsibility to the ' people
and asked for a populax vote the pro-
position was generally defeated, The
average farming community is notori.
Oua for its slowness to change from
the old traditions, and particularly so
where public 'works are concerned.
Alter the first year under the new
plan It ceased to be a debatable ques-
tion. The people saw the advantages
of appointing road cpmmissioners over,
the •old statue labor system, which.
had developed tato nothing more or
less than a !arse. No one would
change now." j
Tzt a
movement like a systematic ef-
fort to establish good roads in a com-
munity, what the people want is tour-
ageaus and, confident leadership. They
themselves have naturally had little
title to look into' the • matter. • T.hty
know the old way ; but they know no,
thing about the new. When the dues-
tion is left to, them, they infer' that
their leaders are undecided, too ; ar^rl
they vote for caution. Bat when tine
leaders, who have studied the matter
and satisfied themselves that the
change • would be all tor the best, sim-
ply ge ahead, with the power which
is delegated tothem as menicipal conns
cillors' or the. 'like, they soon, give the
peo,Ple a local abject lesson in. the
benefitsof the change, .and find it and
themselves' justified :Once by popu-
lar support. .
Democratic rule requires' leadership
quite as much as any other forth of -
government. Because the people will
finally decide' do the wisdom or unwis-
dom We. policy is no reason, why it
es t �
shouldr en t . min
sh 1not d them bet. G o a.
striking a• manneras: possible. A
marching snob :seeds geoids and pia-
Peers and road -makers just as an
army does:: Men who have the vtsior.
-whether it be in large• matters ' or
small' inust go ahead .and take • the risk
of gaining peppier approval afterward.
Otherwise the people will stand still
like a So& of sheep.
We covad easily. _ get goon roads • i n
this province if our :people were giS,en
the. proper leadership:. But they. must
be drawn Into a policy. which calls for
enterprise and change and considerable
expenditure by men wlio know how.
t the new .work nO who
to; go about a
believe themselves in the practicability
and genuine wisdom of the new'
When the farmer once get good roads
inthis way, nothing, could' induce then
to igo•back to, thet old shiftless 'system
under which the journey to market le-
i/lied .
the rot t
1 .uo s
it 1 n
vied a daily toy P. P y
due --
•hoped to get aa!E o£ their pxo • e
Montreal Star.
HARNWELL--;:At 2600' Aldrich AQ.
;South, , Minneapolis, Minn;,' ' on
June 16th, to . Mr. and Mrs. G.
:W, Harnwell, a son.
BELLWOOD-In Exeter, . Jan lith,.:
the wife of Mr. D. N. Bellwood,
an'a daughter.
MALONEY-4n • VI.1 iIlop; or. July
146, to •Mr,.:and Mss. Patrick;;-
Maloney, a son; ,:
FLANNERY-4n McKillop, of.; July
16th; to Mr. and,: --Mrs. David
Flannery, a i'ah-tor..
DISJARDINI • At Gramid Bena`, `Jtaly
4th, ins'} Mr. and Mrs. Jos • DIs
• jar-dir.•e, a daughter.
The number of deaths, occurring
amoan young ctrtldre n duriat the mu.
mer months le eiitnply appalling. la
the city, of Mont read last week, 1711
children under lbs age of ilvg yearn
died', and nearly all the deaths were
due to stomach and bowel troubles.
With ordinary care most of tdletie
little lives might have been saved.
Watch, the food given the Tittle lett.
Do not teed rneate ; see that the Milk
given is pure, and give tau os, Calional
dose of Baby%a sewn Tablets, a tredi..
vine 'Which surpasses all others u
Preventing and curing stomach . and
bowel troubles.
The Palmilla thine, Mexico,, hoe
heel~ leased to a. Wastingtgn syndic-
ate for lilted, years for Sa,001%,000;
Attorney Hawley .charges , wilful
perjury by defence witnesses in the
Nayvyood trial at Boise.
Sheering refuses to .meeti Shrubb,
A11 -Canadian .lacrosse team wine
first game. '
Wall street was irregulae and very
dull. •
Farmers' Bank of Boyertown, Pa.,
with a capital of 350,000, is insol-
quarter 'miles from church, posit- .L 216 NeoG•sho streert Emporia, goes
office, school and the ' village of wanes:
"I•suffered very much with a.sirtve•
cold in the head and was always <Com-
�_Wlathing of feeling tired and drow:gy,
hen....my-.mother,-anggested and in
misted on my taking a few bottles at
Perugia, I did so, and in a abort time t
felt like a new person.. Myr' mother'
paralses It very highly and so do I."
Confidence in Pc-ru-na.
Mre. M. F, Jones, Burning Springs,
$y.,, writes:
�"We have been ming Peruaa for some
time and have no hesitancy In recom.
• mending it for the thousand fond owe •
be t the of humanity. .
Balli lots are •well fenced and un- "Prom a pe sonattestr shall not hes-
irate to recommend it, especially to alfa
derdraine<d•, A never failing ,spring ,uf[eringwomen. t.
runs across
both o farms. . s
a a Possession Po s s ion. •+•venula has gained lull coaslldtetra'
can be giver, at once. Terms easy, and a permanent stay in our home."
The 'prop•rietor is now past, tthe. age A Great Tonic:
to f r :--
a m Apply to Thomas Nish- Mrs. Anna Linder, R: B.. 5, DaesW,
Olson, Auburn P. O. Prompt xeply Miaa., writes: "1 took 'eruna and sial
will be given to• all communica- well. 1 would without wi tont toot peat
ons. 33 tonic ter ten times its coat."
Auburn. Suitable for grain •'or
grass. Lot 27. on the 2nd coir. West
'Wawanosh consisting of 100 acre
of land, 15 acres under- bush ---•-and-
the balance nearly all grass, A
brick house, •a. bank barn 52x60,'a
driving house 24x3& with a cement
pig house underneath, are' on said
premises. Also lot 28, East
Wawanosh,' 2nd con.,; directly opees-
lte said lot 27, containing 100 acres
of land, 15 acres of which are basil.
On this lot there is a bank barn
40x00. There are 4 acres of ...,, good'
firing. ors card on two •forme.
:Fall Term Opens Sent. 3
It; pays to attend the
Corner Yonge and Alexander. Streets.
effects from, ..July 16th to July 23rd.
Comeand see if I have anything '
you want. --W. Jones, 77 Isaac St.
on Huron street. The house, • a •
small one, . is only 'partially coin-
' pleted, :..Will be. disposed of clic. tp: • •
W. C., Brown,- : 78:
No. 4, Stanley, duties to commencer
{'ora •August 10th. Applications, per-.:
,stinal preferred, ;received up to Aug_
fist 3rd, -Address, Samuel Cleave;.
,Bayfield i'. 0. ' • •
• Three �M
rY Apprentices nfices Wanted.
• We will'irequire three Millinery Apprentices -'for the fall and
winter season; this coming season will afford splendid o o
• tunnies to those who wish to learn. Apply personally or by, tetter.
JA:MES-14eLAUuHLIN-sIn St.. Jos-
eph's Clinton,July 3r
epli s church, ., sin J y 2 d
by• Rev. Father Hanlon, Susannah
McLaughlin' to Harry James, bath
of Blyth.
FOWLER,-MCEWEN--At I.Iensall. cn•
July 10th, Bert Fowler, to les ie,
dawahter' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Mc
Ewen of 'Hensel'. •
BEN.0 JL:CKii LL -In Exeter on
July 3rd,, by the Rev. D. • W. Col
tins, Florence Jeckcll to J. C.
URDOCK-In Hen�a1'1 on July nth,
Mrs. Alex.... Murdock, aged 37
years. • '
CASEMORE-Drowned in'' Wroxeter,
on Jrly -1-4-th,:srJoseph J. Ce.eemore
aged ;19, years and 4 months.
McILAY--In Grey, on.July'8th, `Lits
George. McKay; aged 74 years.
SHORTREED-fns Scatorth, on, ,July
17th, James Shortreed, formerly
of Morris township, . aged 66
years,.4 reenths and it days.
KNOX--In Winghatn,.. ' on 'July 14th,
John Calvin, Knox, son of Mr.
Debt. ICnox, in his 19th year,
NICHOLSON-1n Turnberry, on July
16th, Jaynes Nicholson, aged 75
GANNETT --In i3luevale, on July;
14th, Charles Ganne't't, aged $•2
years and 9 Months..
LAMPORT----At London., July ,
Molly, daughter of Mr. James
Lamport, Crediton, in her 24th
SUTHERLAND -In Ilensall July
lSth James Sutherland aged 83
List of Fall Pairs •
Western Par) :NA. '6 to 14
xeter; Scat•. 1,6 aid
Seaforth, Sept. 19 and 20
Listowel, •Sept. 24 and 25
Myth, Sept. 23 and 24
St. Marys, Sept. 20 and 26
Wingham, Sept 28 and 27,
Brussels, Oct.. 8 and 4. ...
ICirktton,' (let. 3 atd 4
We have a few of thesb Suits to clear in sizes 36, 37, 38 and 39,
Alotf thein o have been sold but utwewis .
h to sell everyone of .them . I
and at the above price no person can afford to let this opportunity
pass._; Remember. a Tweed Suit for $5.50
Men's ` Tweed Suits at
Another lot of Men's TweedSuits at $3.99,
Yes, these are more money, but they are worth more, as they
are quite a different class. We have .sizes 38, 37, 38 and 39, and while
they last weventure to say, no other firth in Canada can. showou'
as good 'value. A real tweed suit for 53.99 Y
Do you want, a better suit? . $ $ .$ saved. To `thee above job :
$lines of suits we have added a lot' of Men's Tweed Suits left from our .
.. spring buying, •which are, put at less than costP Spaced rice. does •
not permit prices,.• bgt an Inspection -insures a ,purchase.
Cash Paid for Butter. and Eggs.
Successors to McKinnon & Co. - : ' e LYrH
cin.oAbee• e.•e•we w2.e-et.ee• bei wirewe•e ee• e.ee•c•®.o.ewre ane
In order to give our customers the very best goods procurable at
the very least money, much care was given in buying our Clothing,
both as to the quality of the goods and the class of workmanship of
each garment, and our efforts have now been rewarded by having
on our tables one of finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing ever
o [shown in Clinton and. at a saving in price to every' customer of from
10 to 20 per cent.. ,
These goods have been Made by some of the hest manufacturers
- of Clothin in the Dominion and d ara�up•Co-date in every respect and
in many respects are equal to hiet;h.e ass ordered garments.
• 0 U Men a Suits from $4.25•to M.
Boys' Suits from $2 up,
Hundreds of pairs of Men's Odd Panty from $1 to $3.50,
a Bayo' Knickers from 45e up,
A ..1".
"I on't Forget' that we are saving hundreds of keen buyers.
dollars on their shoe bills, and can do the same for you,
i: See Our Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, $1 10, Men's (7anvae 131uchers $1.50
Call and see these "geode. •
Orae man was a-illa;d and Several per- "STE L Gs
trolleytsar at N'orfollt I.x os ioratlt d
�ori�t injured ill tt ]ionic in a de
�" p tray fits'er bte ias,,e4tme*Atib Ssrstisa iss.este a aseass•Q►. w awmalrw nfinir