The Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-25, Page 3,*ti, • ••
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Ottatva,„ jie1y,$04111 141.
'The erlieeell froei ihe woo at. the
ISPenint of Part feeleeet MOM infOrmed
the two Minim* • that' they Would
gbe Write(' tor eopsider anions other
subjects "A Bill to 4404 the PQM,
iaten gleetions„ Act's' Thie -seemed to
promise legielation few_ the preveatioe'
or election trends atel kindred offeacee
which have bei a scandal and a dia.-
.grace te the eountry. The Session,
pasied, however, without' ally govera-
ment legislatien tarthih efifiete
r ---: The Secend -premise
4Before the opening ot• the last Ms-
/ 'don tile LOOP ',Sleetion COnsPiracy
and a feW Other incidents of the laud
wero partially, exposed. When the
House met; the, address from the
Thaote repeated the promise of lege
islation °ainentling the' electiOn aets. '
Speaking on the address Sir Wilirid
:said that the fa* eause be wede ysore
1sev,ere. ' •
The Premier Talked Well.
The' Premier *eat oa to say "We
have ti imarove the law e...nel to make
wrong) doing as difficult aeit ie pos,„
sible to make it in mica to have pure mittee o.bstructed the inquiry aA every
electiens. Bribery iS bad but ball* stage so that" it lingered on to the
switching is ten times worse; and ate last days a the Session, when by a.
thoJgh. it is 'impossible 'to five any vote of the majority it was postioa-
.sympathY with bribery or the bribet; ed to the next yea,r, Among the wit -
still there is Lot for them the -same nesses sueueoeed wae a deputy res
.contenept that there is tor the be,,llot-, tuenting officer named Farr at
switoder, and if :the law is: to be Poll some of the ballot switchieg oe-
made effective it must bo absolutely eurred. Mr; Borden as a member a of
.severe .and provide the severest. wee the cemodittee eked for a summons
alty possible for anyone • Attemptiree for Farr and reade armegements to
to ta.nmer with the ballote. That is have it seti•ed. But the word wae
the view that think onght to he Conveyed quickly ele the machlae heed -
'taken when we come to deal with the quarters .at ,TC'teente, and as Farr af-
anatteae „ ' terwards Swore .the party organizer
But He Did Nothing. • called upon hifti and paid his way out:
Sir Virilfrid's opinion as to how the of the Country.
House should deal with the mattee .
Sir Wilfrid heads it olf.
proiaai to have no great ealue, for he
never asked the House to deal with it
Next seSsioe Zdr. Borden tee* Ike the der my left hand which would be at all alle Parliament was • is session
five moeths after he spoke and the mattet at the first stage •possible and ina on the talbe. Whet the 'voter
Goverment intreduced no bill to moved another refereace to the Com- Would tender to .me Iris: ballot paper
:amcnetthe election law either for the :mittee.- Meanwhile .he had obtained a with the d'autterfoil propedy attached
.punishment of beibery .. or of. ballot- confession. of J. G.' Piitchett , .•%*hb, hati thereto, I would. place this; good bat:.
:switching. , . peetructed the 'deputy ra,tarnitg *officers lot ceder theleft hared fingers ag • if
E�i West Huron.
And The Salary
as Stolen
tor ..Robt .1161)46: .the
The Huron end FerleelrVille FratiP,, 1 Farr tiader Instruction. I .priichett Confierns the Story.
The diammion, a the inatien dealt 6. After the,last mentioned refusal The man Garrett mentioned by
with may reeetit itreldeate besides the to give oP my ballottebox ad .papees, Farr in paragraph 5, and in subse,
the said W. le flortoa asked me to (Mut elanees was J. G. Peitchett
Loation CeitePiragy Case. Mr, Barden
reminded Sir Wilfrid Laurier of the go with Mtn tg' Cs:alieEt lbatel la G°41- who se°41$ t47.14"' been i'lltrixill"d
pledge made at the beginning et the erich town, which I dide Both the to the returning officer uuder a false
Session nearly five months before and said Norton aati I went upstairs in name. Pritchett filmset its the con.
MOAK' the Peander's own course' .a Craig's hotel together and I was there fession read by elr. Borden gave an
kW years ago ins shielding a notorious introduced to a lean by the nione ot account of the ballot switching opee
Garrett and alsle to a man named, ration whinii agreed with that (74 Jame
gang of ballot switchers. An inquiry
bad been bagun into the frauds by, O'Gorman. These two latter persone' es Farr, Pritchett ba e since g“'en
Notch tho seats, ot wool Huixsu anct 1.4-w,erueoiltritod, uved to me by the said w: testimony in the Toronto POtice
Brookville had been stolen for Govern- . Court in the London Conspiraey, Case
ment sepports. this investigation by 9. Atter I had beers introduced by and his statement covers not only
a Conetnittee of . the Common.s that the said Horton to; the said Garrett West Huron but Beeekville West El-
11°Wis balk* 1144 been used' Illte 09Gd o°rin'G"arinil:int' ;Lite' :nerrGn erraentdt filling' sSaa°11(1thognetrargirNgrithh w'Qfrifelh' Has -
wore 'operations were carried On.
were marked for Liberal candidates
end subetituted for the Censervative and 1 reit-Mina-Tale. ' - "
ballots which had been regularly vot- 7. The said ilarrett then histruated Pritchett explains three,. differe'ne
ed., The fraud Was shown by a cm., Ille tO SWita eallots and I practised methods Or switching. Here Is one
perisee of the pen hoo,,,,e, with the bee_ the method of doing thisCwith hint foe of them.
lots and by comparing the bogus bat., a short while.
An Method,
lets with the genuine oues will& were 8. The said Garrett gave me thir-
Printed on thicker paper. teen ballets Marked for Robert Hol- 4 A. I think I eau explain the thiag.
roes, and Placed Dime mY hooka. r am acting as deputy .returnieg of..
An Ingelry otatructed. However, before .dog so, the said flea and two seatlernen are running
Garret pla,ced my initihAs on all the of course, one a 'Coneervative and one
Government supporters' in. the Com- thirteen ballots. 'fliese ballots hail no 'a Liberal, and If I am working in tie
counterfoils, ' • intereeta of the Liberal, why I empty
the ballots out ' we see they are all
How He Did the Trick. initailled and then 'I drop the ballot:"
9. The said elarrett'a instructione into the box' and if it is for Mr. Den
me as to the method of switching wee isoa, / call out somehedy else,
as. follows. Pritchett acted as a retuning offio;
A was told to keep these thirteen er under a false nem in one of West
bogus' marked ballets" in; my pocket SO Elgir.. polls where by this simple meth -
that I could readily have access to od he hanged the ConServative Major -
there an I was Mettler histrueted to ihy of, 11 to a Government majority
alwayg put all counterfoils in my pock- of 27. Here is his own statement in
et so that I could take put a. bogus the caae.
ballot when I desired to do so, with.. Q. And yene dirt that in the West
0'X raising ensPieloft. When a person Elgit election Yourself 't -A. Yes,
eame in to Vote, whose ballot' ttee Q. With theiConservatibe scrutineer
sired to witch,' wattle. take from watching yeart•-iesIta-They were' there
My pocket a bogus ballot, 'which:. 'the to watch me, .
saM a-n,Trat. no provided no . :with •
e . They knew about youi?.-A. I
and woold keep, this ballot hidden un- doeet knave'
fel the Previous ;Session 'Mr. Boedeaa of Broeke;ille end:Baron in the 'ballot: frit the •purpose ot tearing offthe
and several other Opposition niesilbers switolxing 'art. This: affidavit:.• totheterfoll and With a sudden move
had introduced bills for the prevendont .
in the - hoeee. .1Iere was Sir Wilfrid's talent o.f the right ' hand . the genuine
and punishment of election odeneesopportunity to Itring a, group Of ballet . ballet and courS;erfoll would be quick-
-, '
and • these at the :requdt of the sWiteliets to :jugtioe. Thau
The Prier edge ir removed .together andplaced in my
4Goveninaent. went . te a . special .. comeinoothomtly, to tit,. ocoosio.4 by clue .poeket and the begus ballOt: mate
mittee snee they Were ndt taken d
jog upon, oe, majority of to ..f,or Robert Holmes Would be .euickly
as Gmernment ineanutas they wee vote °down Bar. 'Bordenra• motion, thus i. geeaSited in the hallot-box.
.crowded out by, Gmeernmerit'aegisla- burking the 1 inquiry . altogether. .Sir!" S 't h i I.. 'I
wi C et et the II tole .13.
-tion• as usually happens with public 1.Vilfrid promised ICI appoint a ecanniia•1 . .... •
bills in:trot...iced by private metnbers, ; . .
eion toeiarestigata. the whale mattee,! .12. ?tiring the. . hours 'Of the polling
Mr. Borden on Election, Frauds. • '
i but no inquiry jaete tee& place and me on Said election• oar, I'' WO; Masent in
Ili the session: of 1997 ' Mr. Bordet: further :exposure. Wasthen accomplish, the •poll!ng booth as ..d.pety returning'
offered a motion setting forth very ' eiranti /to one ,as punialied. The 'eflicer and stiec.eding in switclaing the
clearly. what in his opindon Might to members: for wheal .the seats weedthirt•een ballots Which. Garrotte ' had
be done. The following is the motion: stolen remained in.:pee:session. .. ; given .nie, maraed for Robert Hahne
. .
•I an4 placed. in my:pocket' thirteen bat.
Tarr. Coafessis. , s lots .11:larked bye Voters • for Robert Mc-
ections as evidenced by the disclosures ' Leap,. instead /A il.mbeiting the last
t ."iit ea...r4 liaoe brought.exPosur- i.nentioned ballots in the
during recent years' of bribery, per. es .i -
n, aynother.least: autumn .. tee About April. 10, 1899, after the
:sonation, ballot-swr ehing and other •
Jamee Farr eeturned •from orate and said election, I went to Toronto cite
:similar frauds carried on by .organized .. • ' •
made a sworn declaration .ot •Ios share. i • • `• .. d e • . . • '
, ei. a; o , sa tree..
i eritaerise. •The following ire the es- .
emtial portion§ of his confessiere i.
, • . • „ ` , • •
it James F.erre Of the town, ef dade
..erich, in the eionitty,. of Hueen, and ,
aeoviace of Ontario,. oarPcntor . •make
oath and' says as fellow : : ' • ' .
1. That • I Was -dePuty .returning of-
ficer .at : polling . subdivision. nurnbee
three' in theaid town of Goderreh; at
. thoetectiot held between Robert Hol-
t' riles" and Robert. 131cLean. on: February
. 21, '1899, her the West Itiaing of the
county, of Huron.. .
This. House deplores the existence of
corrupt and fraudulent practices at, el -
methods and upon a very extensive •
Tltis House strongly condemns the
.organized systm of corrupt -practicea
Soy which the election of a MiniSter :of
the Crown -as a Member for the city,
of London' was secured in 1993- .
This House is of the opition that
-the existing electoral laws shottld .:be
amended forthwith, and that provision'
should be made
(A) foe the more effective soppre-
:seion. and punishment of bribery;
. (b) to prevent the fraudulent mar-
king, counting or substituting of bal-
lots and other eimilar frauds ;
_(e) for the better tegulation of the
conduct of elections • • en. the part tif
both officials and candidates.; • •
eele to prevent the aeaumulation 14of
huge campaign funds dud to prohibit.
contributions thereto by carporatiotte
contractors and promoters ; •
(I) to expedite the hearing of elee-
ton petitions, to prevent collusive are
raneaments . for the diseontiniaanee
thereof, to provide for thorough. halves-
tigation of corrupt practices and to
simnlify the procedure therefor.
(1) to carry out more effectively the
law so amended.
This House leerets that notviith-
standing the pledgcr a the governeneet-
•contained in the speech from the
'Theme, and notwitlistandiug the de-
alacations of members of the govern-
ment from time to time dureeig tho
past four years, no such toe.et0,..a has
been submitted to parlia.meret at the
present session and no effective stepe
. hare been taken by the administeatien
,either to amend the law e or• to punish
their violation.
• 41,1.1 0110 t ere in theeemplo
the I), W. Thompson COmp-any untir
July 12 of the same year.
14. Jeiat prior to spitting the en -
ploy oi the Said ;D. W. Thompson
ComPany, James Vance, the Liberal
cage:gear, carne to see me '-
boarding-houee ae etreet,
tbe city of Toronto, .and there inter-
view% me as te any goisig to the city
fit Ottawa to give e.adeace Were the
Comtnittee or! Privileges , and Elea -
time as to the West }prop clection
Exiled Z7nder Pay.
in thee West iiur n b ateli • y
I 2. That I had • b_en deputy rettere:
ing offieer in, fommer electtons at the
said paint subdieisien, ' • .
, A Smarter Man. Wanted,
e. d'hei an the day proceeding the
lection one, James Yates, Division
Coert clerk for Goderich town,
to my house and asked for the bat-
co.tebox andhad . ,pdapers. and ballotsoin the . eivlatelsi
officer. Ile wished me to reatga my
position ie hie favour and asked me to
do so. I ' corieludeci' that it. Wee
f thought that ' I could not; manipulAte
' the false ballots as it was intended I
should. W. L. 'beton, of Godeeich
town, had previously ase'ed me to re.
4. After the said :Jam s Yates hell
interviewed me and had left my house
after I lime refused to grant re tteet,
I went down to rhe neighbourhood ot
Joinaellertits's ho‘el and I then: , met
the 1.. ifoteon, who again re-
quested me to *r .sign in favour of
James' Yates which I refused to do
15. I know Oat c2rtala' parties
were .attempting to serve' me with .a
eupoina issued by, the Said commit-
tee to give evidence before them, but
del net attend, heving for e con-
siderable, length; ef time, evaded, ser-
vice. '
16. The. said James Vance provided -
me with a- single eicket for •Hareilton,
North Dakota, States ofeetne
erica, which was the plate I told the
said Vance I wished to go to, it I
left the country. Ile, tin said Vance;
also gave me :lime teodey, bet t have
forgotten the exact amount. •
" (Sgd,) JAMES FARR,
Severn before me in .the city of To'-.
onto in the county of Yorke. thie fith
day of December, eaflOti, after the
same had been read avVr to the
deponent atal explained to hint end
reaxe let him. •
A notary public it. and for elm ro.
vinee of Ontario.
• party of British proviacial "mat
a' 0-- on on tee
invitation of the Dotninion Goyim:ra-
m_ n
Mr. 0. .T. Staverigon of the St,
'Thomas Collegiate •Institute staff has
'beer. appointed to a posltiOr i Qiietoe
'department of pedhogy.
" Placards were posted in Seoul thor-
oughfares •calling 'for the death of all
the Japanese officials in the cite.
c;iii.P1115 ..i -:-et,
\ Neeea
Tk,„KroNE -f4cfp,cri,'
!. ,,,,, ts.111,449,' l--s---rsitd-K., •
4.• b).1 a ET'ESl
e g'. n'alr "
OF t Ale rgeg Ps
Many a young man is ()M-
ario . who will regret it, Shiny a
yet:tee boy is throwing up competency
her for an expeetaray there, Riches
May come faette there, and wheategold,
and latul-gold grow bigger, yet it is
at the expellee ef comfort, of oulets
life'and unsatisfied wanderings. The
determination to do things inOnterlo
will produce great things in our soil.
Intensity of soil culture and of brala
eaergy ie eeeded. Applications ,ot
that persistency to Win,and the cut:
ting loose Item, customs that eriehain,
will make the Ontario boy the king of
Jets; fellows. Young MCP Who are
thinkieg •ot leaving for the West ought
to draw et) .Picturee of what can be
done here by intensive eultiteelon.
Tiley should heel( at the discomforts
of life it the West at first, and 'then
decide Whether the star of Colley
dOes hal 'still cover the grove fields
eind placid streams of Old Ontario.--
Vixehatige. e
Two Japanese sealers were
by a tnited Statere r:teroe. cut..
tear the seal 'stand a Kt. ma.
Q. you switched to how, many ?-
A.. 1 thina twenty -even. I think it
was twenty-seven differonte.
Q. You swithhed. twenty-seven.
That Would be, I suppose,- twerayesev-
en of a' difference yOte made No,
eineteeia Twice eiteteea is thirty-
eight. The majority was tisuaily Vora
twelve to seventeen the other. Way
and I put it twentyesevera the way I
wanted °
This' was' loarr's ;Way:
seCond method, which: was the
one that Pritchett taught to Sonie
half of a da.zen eeleeted deputies • 'at poll, is ebirs 'described by the
witness. „ ' : •
"He (the deputy.. returning officer)
Would have theta (the bogus 'ballot)
in his pocket, Veep it in the palnie�f
his • hand and when you . teat the
counterfoil off, you will tea v:e the sub-
eti'tued ballot there, pretend to tate
theaceunterfell. and • take the whole
thinge:,the eleetor thinks he sees his
ballot And it is'IropPed in. the hex."
9 How did•eou get ' theee bellote
the ones you lied ready ? " ea: •
4.. .e would %mai find them' 'in 01
conyentent place for my use.
At a later .stage Pritchett said that
he sometimes found his bundle of bog-
us ballots ready for him under .,tti•
bed he Ids room, ,The custom was to
pay the ballot switching returning
fear $5 for each . gentelfie ballot' mar-
ked for Conservatives which. be p:ca
duced to show that he had • substitua.
ed that number. These • .were his
vouchers. • .
• . ,
Thumb Neil 'Periele.
A third method described by Prit-
chett was fox the Officer to pet a bit
of lead 'entice his thumb nail and
meek • with it a Certain number of
Cor.servative • ,ballots
make them had. This was done ; in
counting at the close of the
The officer was paid $5 for
each bellet so destroyed.
means weak blood, general debility, impaired
digestion. No one need have these -so long as
such an excellent blood and nerve remexly as •
easteMees. %Broom
rableti are tc &had. They supply the blood
with red corptuc1a. and reit= heait. cleariag
the skin-punfyi.the...whole ayitem.
They build upincir. and mastic, and melte iife
well woithhvang." -50e. boxe.4, $2.50.
Mira...IMO Tante and Mier Oinement nee alsl•
(Aran:0'dr blood and shin ihnibles. TRY them
drugps1.3.:-orfrom The Chesnisis' CO. ell 'Canada.
ritosieed, tiarnition--Toranto
The Ideal Beverage
palatable,' fell of
the virtues °remit
ati'd hops, avid in
sparklhg'. con&
then, la the Weal
NOW when ehensists announce its: purity, and
judges iti merit,. one need look no further.
sohteee at PetaAvawa carafe and
Vancouver lady.
Three childrth were .swept: 1st
good at McComb:a West Va.
What Having No Nowa;
paw Means. The Ex-
petience of Butte, Monis
Cedar !Wilds, la., July lie-e"Never
has there been ;it this country sech
convincing evidence that the life and
PresPerity of a city rest largely on
itsaewsPaPers, 44 was exemplified in
Butte, Mon., a, City of 90,000 people;
'where for thirty-aine days the news-
papers all were suspended because ot
labor troubles" declared 4rtleer 13.
Bailey, a New York broker, who was
here this week en route home after
trip through the North-West.
Me. Bailey say's the spring stock's of
goods were not more than+ one-quarter
disposed of. Business men admitted
they never beton hall appreciated the
'value of newspaper advertising, :The
circular letter and handbill brands of
exploitation were tried, but proved ills
enal failures,
The inferiority of hilibeard advertis-
ing to the dailynewspapers was at-
tested by, the theatres, whielt languish
a for patronage because the public
was deprived of reliable ittorma.tiot
concerniag the- ola,ys. •
The stock exahanges were hard bit.
Outside invisters refused to; take seri-.
ou$ account of the cireidars purporting
to give correet quotations and held
back, awaiting the guarantee ef
curaey whiCh goes reengtez.,u
and reputable daily newspaper.
• "Wild rooters filled the air," ' Mr.
Bailey said, "which had 0.• depressing
efteet on business in genera. Mali-
cious stories everelpircutated. It was
ported that the Teading grocer hacl
failed for hundreds ot thousands ot
The owner of the largest de-
partment store in the Stab • was said
to be curtailing his business and Isis
aelvency was doubted. As a,matter of
fact, the merchant was la.yiag off
clerks by. the score beeause the absence
of newspaperadvertising had left hie
aisles. empty. ,
!,It was .eemored 00, a former May-,
pr had .killed himself; report bad a
prominent •brewer killed, and he l'ad
to hasten home falai a winter xesort
to coavinee hie 1dends he was alivg.
Raillery divorced ei .dozen couples are'
started unfortunate stories the new -
papers were atterw eras 'Weed , • to
deny. Rumor, in short, provi te .e.m.
elusively the service which itew4ol.pers
perform in .keeping the people informed
of , the truth; ;
"If you want to ive a chaotic con-
dition go to a city where there is no
cdoanil6ynirv:evopapers issued for. a ,month
or more." Thus said Mr. Bailey i;d
' •
The Of riles-
A Fnirmer'i. TellingTestimody
Thereis one AK; way to ease ter
sufferers from '•-giles, Juat. apply a
little Zarn-BWIC arid lie down fer .
few hours. Do it before going to bed
and you will be, grateful for '-, Ito ease
which follews., ' . ,
Mrs. Wm. Verrion of Whiteniontit
Man., says,: "1 Must admit that
Zatn-Buk is a wonderful bAlin for
piles. U hid piles se bad that" I
could hardly walk, and 1 inifered in-
tense agony. I tried seVeral
int -
'menta, but gat 'so relief 'until I feted
Zatualuit. It cured mo •and le haat
had no:return of the- trouble.'' -
Mre. E. Taylor of Greenwood Ave-
nue, Taranto, Writes '4For years 1
suffered acutelyy froin bleeding piles.
Duringthat time r spent an imm.:nse
amour of money on "remedies" ar.d
aeetoes'. prescriptions, but got PO e4 se.
Zani-Bur was different to everything.
else 1 had tried, and it cared me.**
Zatii-Eluk ig a sure cure ter all dis-
eased, suppurating, inflamed or ulcer-
ated skin areas, Meeks, abscesses,.
cuts, burns, • ieseet sting§e sot e feet,
ecxeina, old wounds, chafed places;
sunburn, etc. All storis and medicine
vendor. at 50 lants a box, or Zem-
BuW Co., Toronto, tor price, six box-
es for $2:50.
A Fake Story by .The Tor-
onto Globe
The Toronto' Globe the other day
got up a fake etory with aereaming
head lines annoutchee that th3 Wieteey
policy of cheap school :book's avas all
a fraud. School books, it said, Would
continue to be the game old price..
Of .ecturse there. was,no truth' thz
story. Mr.. Whitney called it a seae
seepeht yarn. Andwhen the (lobe
found that, it would iiet go, it backed
.down and stated that v,,fieti inter-
viewed by a Globe reporter regardine
the reduction in prices ori school
beaks, Air. A. W. Thomas, secretary -
treasurer of the Copp -Met Company,
admitted that his firm had, sold books
at the old rate since July the, 1st,
eettshould havt, been in force. My
former- statement to your reporter,
said Mr. Thomas, was iteorrect, But
in giving 11 out 1 was'una,ware that
an, order heel been, filled by mistake at
The old price. Attd thus disappears
another of the Globe's . grievances
against the Whitney Government. It
hates to see him promoting the wele
fate of the corentty. When the schools
reopen, after the holidays, parents
will be able to get honks at hell the
old prices. They are indebted to Mr.
Whitney for substantial relief from
the old eatig t chool-boolt swindlers
who had the Ross Government by the
throat for so .netier years'itls
most important reforne-Walkerton
, •
a Mie Collingwood Sebteiher Saes A TIIOVGIITLVSS wurreti.
gralefre on the G. T. P. *ill be come A Minister having given °tit ete
Pleted to 1.1dmonfort before Wittee.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier wgs- gieit . 'Iteliees," was about to read the
enthusiastic welcorne at QUebec.
' hymn when he was remindeee of one . .
'ado I liiiet, haaodno:tiontegeointteennt., aSritoolpopgiitt,Igingheionir aht
up all efforts to arrange' a eettlemeat 41
: h;Algtlieta:4 %lV
nfalt to the
The Departmett, of Later has giveit' kirgettultileS. Me"'
of the CObalt, strike. 1 !"
ati Lorer what a ..lonOttliss wtc.chite‘glinill'
Fourteen pers•,ni hoe ben tirown,a.
Marstratel, eweden, by the upsett-
ing of a sUllbout.
0000000000000000 6•In•rt
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44)11°C1putP"lq 11119 "MP03IMPEAD PUIP
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total" "irlar 91104
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Is CheeseMakg
Necessity cin?Suidity a
Toronto, July 12-111esars. C. V.
James, deputy aisaister of agriculture;
George A. Pletnara, director iairy in-
struotion; awl G. G. Publow, Chief iltr,
structor, Eastern Ontario, have pre-
pared a report for Premier Whitney Oa,
the quesloa of 3unday work. inam-.
nection -with the manufacture ,of cheese
They say in paat :
"In Westere anterice otst of 218 faee
aeries, 08 are menalaeturing cheese OR
Saturday night in )etstem. Ontario
less than. . one-quarter of the otte
thousand factories are taking in milk
in Sat ':day itightt and .rnatufaCturing
be a yery large waste of milk on tile, •
farmiii addition to the inereasing of
the. Sunday work on the part of the.
prate* to a eery large extent.
'4Havitg conaidered the question.
from all standpoints aad, obiatnee
opinions from, many persous interested
in the efueStion, we beg to reeoneiTiend
that, for the present year, permissioa
nhightegranwtoerdk to echoer:s aoosu
itue ithe Saturday a
not later than, 5 a, ne Sunday' morn-
ing. In • this connection We might
state that, it the great majority
cases beyond the control of the mak-
it Into ehoese. In the majority of eAs-
it maybe found iMposSible to make
es where milk is taken,. .on Satur- ert
day night it is found impossible to " the Pile" at at) early a time.
properly complete the work hetore El "Further, we would suggest that
o'clock. The work is, thereforeeon- early notificatiot be given to the
tineed for a, pentiod of from .one to dairymen of the 'preevanee, owners ot
loer or five in the beginning of the Sun-, Cheese lactorleS, • makers and patrons,
day. It will be eeen that, inthe fut. that it will be necessary next year to
tare, to handle the milk, at present (ay comply with the reguiremeats of
made up on Saturday night atd Sun- the. Sunday etbeervance . Law, and
day, either the teeter, must be re- that they should now make arrange-
conetrueted or equipped with better' -mate whereby either the patrons of
faciEties, or the -Petrone must put in factories: shall now begin to make
additional appliance, at home, and provisiOn to keep the milk at homo
preeide ice supplies[under peeper coaditions or utilize it
"If the law egaitst doing. any week: at home, or that the factories shall
in cheege tactodes during any of . the make such provision as:may be nedese
hours of Sunday were. strictly enforc- eery to enable them to handle the *
ed at cacao there would, Of necegdity, milk on Monday morning." • .
.t .
Gila the demand for a fuil
nace possessing the larg-
est amount of grate sur-
face, in proportion to the
diameterof the top of the
fire pot It possesses all
ii ti i 1 IL the advantages of a re-
turn flue construction:-
The 1*Admiral " has
the largest ash pit of any
furnace on the market,
thus permitting the free re-
moval of ashes
may beburn.
,eri in the "Admiral" furnace.
Write for Catalogue lox
romndnea at
Contracts hate bean let for 65a000
tons of steel rails for. the N T. Rail-
way, to be matufaetured • at the See
and at Sydney'.:
Harry Rurkart of Delhi Was
suffocated by:natural .gass it Galt. •
• The Dominion Coal Company Will
'Move :or a postponement of trial in
ehe action of the DoMinioti• Steel
pany iti the lIalifex court.
Argument • .in the liayweiod trial •
tommerees to -day. -
BOG SPAVIN. cunt,. 1ate4SNEts
are coRED-leavinithe bmse sound as a clatter -by
NO matter what you nave tried --ear bow many s,eterinariea have
faiiedget St,A.VIN CUES,' use it as directed and- it will
give Pevieet re"144 Novo,: oar; bus nom, ao., seat. 20 te,
"I ate lreatiin tw9 horse -one with Spavin -the other.
*06 i'clt 1vL I eat using 14:oz:chat's spavitucure and must gay
t nee ley tior$ea mu,.:5 improved. I have uniontBanRyoletnueLdies
but find liendall'S'The King Of Mi."
ri a bottleLflfm-P5.' rum "treatise On The Horse" wilf give you many
a taut as ta !low to keep horses free front blemishes and lameness Write
for low 31 copy.
The Triumph of .the Time!
1907 • TORONTO 1907
&idiot 26th to Sebtottiber 9th
Our Country's • Canadian Proven Our Country**
Resources illustrated industries
$400,000 Ia. New Iluddindb ' $400.000
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Industrial Activity Nationalmxli-listorical Al That's Best ill °
Exemplified Portrait Collection Agriculture and in At
Single ism for round trips awl excursion maims eftly Rao 01 snivel.
For alt iatormatioa address
W. K. GEORGE, 3. 0 ORK
Predset Mosso* gaa &ova*.