HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-18, Page 1'4VV.•••••
--27th Yea
Whole Number 1482
The News4tecord will be Sent to any Addiess in Canada Until December 3Ist for Thirty Cents.
ge 1 1
It. is our
We hay,
do not know
Our prices
Cali and
.• . 100.
Awe/4r and
' .
ed. 'tit at - •
t lit lit 1 is tit
• ,
. .
that we '
'geed . del
' •
Mr. John, Heet•leye erincip'al ot the
Blyth school, bas bon engaged aS sues
cessor to gr. W, E. Lau it at a sal-
ary of $900. Ile bee a Ane reputatioe
as. a -teacher. Ile is a brother ot Rev.
rector ' • of the ErgItsli
church, Blyth, end is eceive in S. S.
and A. Y. P. A. work.,
Several from Clinton and still more
from Goderich township, who attended
the eelebtation, in Birth last Friday,
have . since had several days severe ill-
ness, the 0,01110a:hit bean; of a weals..
ening nature and tendering them in-
capable • ot any •xertion. It is suppos-
ed ta .have originated fromethe toed
they ate. • g"
, . .
While, On ,the roof of the Ontario
etreet church shed oe Mo, help,
erg to, take ti building down,. Mr, ,
Seth. Fisher's feet went thrOugh ' the
sheeting and he tell over head down;
ward's. It gave his , ankle a • wrench
and the. exposed. nails prickled • his
flesh soirievvhat, but otherwise he -was
Mr. W. T. O'Neil is spending the
week with•.bis + in balmY1 breee9,
Be field,
Acting for tire firm of:McWilliams 4
Everett ot Toronto, . Mr, D. Cantelco
bas bought tbe briek building near
the G. T. etation in which' the MAU-
Mg Conipany was formerly located.
It Will be fitted up as an evaPorator
with the Mest UP -to -date machinery.
We understand that it is the Orne"s in
tention else, to add to the• buildings
and. ear in a canning plant This ad-
dition to our local industries will
make Clinton a still better market
centre. ,.
' ° • -
This is the fourth anneal report :01
Glenn W. Campbel. s.suecesiul tOacidlig
- .,
e - corning to Clinton - Toronto
sine . .
Conservatory : Junior inroforte
II( I d S " th P ^ ' ' *
• Ise ea nod s,. cafor , honors, anti.
Miss Mina MeIetesh, Seatorthe prim-.
Master Harr ' Stev-
ary piasnofoirtet, e. a NI. , y
cnSOn , k ea cie le . n ondonis. e ,ConeeA.rvatoClerkry
Seaeorth. L, .
Junior pianoforte, Miss Gledys•Chown
lst cless 110 -riots, and Mise A.. Foster,
.Varna ; printaiy pianoforte, • •.Miss
EMI Hall, Wieghain, and Mise Laura
'Jervirs • .Clietore .hoth lst class haters,
lb-aaition to -these at the Toronto
Conservatory 'exams • in Feb, 1st.
Miss 'Hazel, Bratdon of Belgrave re-
delved her intermediate pianoforte eee,
-Meath,. and Miss Jennie Melleth of
Brumfield her Mao Marie -ceitifieate.
This melees •Mr. 'Campbell's examine-
tion class, ten in number for J007, all
succeseful. .• ,
. -
The , Nes-Record heeeeeen requested
to. publish ,the folIeviing .: - . ..
. "TO. the Editor, of ehe. Free Presea-
•Please •allow me space to say a • few
voids in. defence of the Clietereleira.
inert teng were inaligned liy. your car-
respendent of this .• town -.•One would
infer ;trete reading his repoet that the
:town .he beep repeetpdly asked to. pee
". • • s '
for boors, tot , .aid . first...mere DgOng
4904-4905 end Ie0e; ' I .wa.s ..clielrnian
.of the 'Mance vommi400 :and. have np
.hesitaeation in saying inet not . orate
during that. terra of eeers .was ' an ac-
couht o .. ..a. eature presented..to he
Munch.. Our firemen are as -Melva-
'able arid . • .well eoehe,ved as ary such
eeidy of:men meed 'te. he,. and feel -very.
keenly. •910. • • • insult offered. to: them ,by
your orreepondents . Tresting you will
• give th1S as - prominent • a place s iii
in yraw paper as. that gieen• the Mp•Ort
cern lained et I• am Yours' truly, I-1 •
• • a• • , ,, , . . . ..ye ,..
•• Wiltee, eelay.er. • . .
• •
, ... •
• • • -
.. On Tuesday . etreiting• °fleet" weet,
.. .
eine of Miss t 1
Sybil Ceur ices ten 9,
1 ' t her home •• the 'f ' el-
gave a recite, e. , , 4110
irig being the . program given, : .Vales
Chreinatignee-Godard The Flatterer:ea
• ..., . . . ' : - • : 7
claim 0 -- Afi.:s goons. plentsteel:•
. e nad. , ••• • .•. .
Flewer•SeegeLaege, Misileattie Lae
• is I;i, Lee Sylphesa-Bacernienta consola,
Colleen- • 13 rron
ton-, Li0t, .The. • e . ... a, ,
'Miss Mergaret • -Manning ; , The 14 'nue,.
4 , a , e„ T ,..4 A. 4.1,., I ,
'ala."-DGane 'gr. the Leaves-T'lm.P•le'
eh • Cradle Son - o ir
Miss Dere Orich . e.. g L I ,
'. Miseeleseethy Car.telon ; Ca.dle Selig,-
Heller,- .-Traumeiti-Soliumann,:: Mies
' C• ' el " i
Delia Taylor. ; .Valse , ‘aprice.- lain n
ade, Luliela-Barron, 'elase•..Entnia Lav-
• , ,
li ;• Dorothy -Smith, , Ariectae-parron,
.Potter ; Senate. Op .13.,
AGMs Grave, . A legro eon Brio, Beethoven.
1' Vale Chramatigne; . Leschetieky,
.Maztott--,Gedard, Miss ...Elva Wiltse.
- The. nunibers Were witheueeexception
played.' from reeraery. ate those - *leo
. had the ,Prieilege of attending .spent• A
very ' pleasartt evening. Misses :Greene
am) Watse assisted. with :vocal selee,
seees-,..: • . . '
. : • • • : •
• ..• .Sueossful. • .,
•-.., Miss Meraareee egarintnge obtained
•Peimery,. Rudiments With fiatt class -1
honors: end. glee Dorae Crielt :Fein-4,aq.
Plane With ..fitst •.clagg, honors in the
Loresen Conservatory of Music . exame.
I Both were pupils'.of •Miss Couertee, '
... '' • • -
rA - 'OCT TRIP • .
HAD A PL e es.i • • '
1. • ".. •
Mr. 'W. Jackson...retureed .00 TUE.
day from. a trip: to the Old Country
- . .
1 of -Mx weeks., twenty one days . being
spent upon the brine ..deep, tee eay$
going acrossthe pond and eleven trate
•bacl?'•• •
•Ing . • \ . •
I..i. The trip Avg& priniarily One t,f bust-
:ese at the. Iiii: elotlf ntereieeeraing
t .he managed as well in.
• Centis:.,.lynm
' elude considerable sight seeing, visit-
amoeg oteer. places, Old 1 ondore
I Anteverpe,Brustelg told Gay •Paree, ' •
, Mr. Jackson .says he did riot Men
intoxiCated man on the continent, al-
though there Was•tritieh -drinking, but
beverages 'principally itglit
are •
wines andeaesteleghter lagers.
'Another • thing which . iinpresied him
'DMZ the wa.y in which the London pole
icernen control the congested etreet
tra il-M. The . cop is DO respecter of ,
persons and it ig an "tetwrittet law"
that the wave of his handeflibst .be
oheyed Without questien Or heeitation.
eItatade. is receiving. great attention
' eV ' MI re bele talkee
and was. ety e g
about in a way-: that was a delight to
.say e Mr. Jaelason. And he add-
ed :" The season in 1..Ingland and. ort
the continent is very, backward, beteg,
*et and cold and: the English tattlers.
• '
ate havneg much difficulty iri saving
their hate 'Trade is brisk in the mat-
ufactutitg districts," •
etre Jackson's, appearance Indicates
that the trip . was a .• pleasant and
healthfil one., for he added no le.a.
than ten pOtIals to MS weight while
away, . : .„
•Today he is in Londot as 0., visitor
at the bowling tournament and it will
be the firet time in several yearg that
The W. F. td: S. meets be Whits
eburch this evening. .
The organ. factory closed. down on
Tuesday tor tee days. .
The IVI; isms. Hine, Rattenbury.street,
entertained a cranpany of their lad?
feleeete on. monday evozdog,
Ike Rattenbury won the.priee• at the
sitooting gallery . in lest 'Yt'eek's .tolz-
Eight peesons were .killed and about
fifteen ineered ia the oollapee of e• big
e•tore and warehouse on pumas street,
London, on Tuesday, . • .. -
• Tho regular monthly meeting of •the
Woman's Institute will he held at the
home of gee. T. Kearns on Thursday
next Visitors miWay.s welcome.. -
MY. J. •Iviiller has installed a .five
h. pe gasoline raigine. at the•House of
Refuge for pumnina nurnos s th
.„,f„d- - ' , • , 0 , g
"'' mill having been remind to be too
uncertain. • • '. -
. ' : :
Ernest Etlw.arde, pa employee . oi
the (a I ; hes, receleed twentyselven
dot! f ' M e 14 • f 1
ars rem r. I . ooper sir t ie
foss of. a . finger. t A, little insu•rance
. eomese in bany sometimes.
Mr John liarla,nd hand a .dog d a
Inn' of• aluable -chickens. Wbea the
• . s • • • •
chicetet stray leo . fat awe from
• 9 .
home what does die canine d•o but o
_ . . • - • g
-after them and elaillfully .theye : thane
back . e . . -
• While: waiting for train. cOenection
on Friday eeening last, on their way
home front - the demonstratiom at
Blethe . the Huron' .Regiensn't band
marched • up Oo•postoffice square and
played a number of peleetione;. The:
band is a good ene. •-•
The lawn social held last Wednesday
evening under the riespices of . the Au.,
burn leleehedist circuit was all thet
dould be desire& The large numbers.
°from Westfield and Donnybroolt in
sad th: tte ..te ce -1'th •
Sonage - reRandi 'an In" "al -Tenders
n ge g 0 . weee over . =weed.
Tile program eonsisted of • selections
by the Olintoo bran band, Mr, Lan-
sing's. phonograph and • the Westfield
quarte•te, and sileeehes by the pas -
tors present. The delightful evening
added to the good program and • all
wane hone assered that their aatice
patfoe Vt. a good tiara bare been reelies
ed. Tee . receipts of the evening
elleouneed 'to $109. ' •
Mr. B. Wilkins of Goderich spent
Sunday- in our eourg. • •
, It is lteely that Auburn's civic hole
day will he 'bola oil - the hist Wedoes4
day in August •
• Rev. Mr. Small of Blyth oecupied
Knex-eleireherablpit test Sabbath .eveso
ing A,s he• is •'
oderater for. this
-. • e • m ' '
charge be as -ed the' members to re-
main atethe close . of the service to
wosider th eallie : ' f .t Al-
thrarg it ie. ve 1 y , hee<iv get mini.
li ' ister. --of
to preaeh it wee oecided to leave ,th,
..it eo
charge remain acant Until fa ad t
• •
hear more ministers .during that time,
IVIiss Ada and Mies '-eelvetta Brigh.arn
and Mk. Adams of Londeshoro . spent
. .. ., .
Sendal . at the home .of • 'Mr, A. As-
quith. ..• ... - • .. • ...
mr. A.. Weatherall, whohas been :at
'Cartwright, Mane 'returned home on
Saturday, He likes the. IVeet .very,
much and he says • the only ticket he
Will ever :liu.y : . fronothere. Will be .. a
.return ticeetie. ' . •
. Mr. IL Knox eeeet St.m.eay in ' i God--
etch. . . • ' . e. • ., •• • • ....,. :
Mr. R.' Itaberion -, (trove •Ilie Oiengee
intn to Myth' on the 12th. • ' • • • :-
: a
'Mr,. stea . thok peep:aloe .• of
• - •
the hardware -store 'lest Wednesday,
Ha •went to • -Gorrie ." on Monday to
• • ' • •
help to move his - household 'effects
here. eel • .I. Carter•••
. .1-r.! e had charge 01 the
. . • • •
ore while he was aWay. ' : , ' ...
• mr.e0:. 'Asquith went : down to Tde-Mr.
•• •t1
onto wi 1 the Heron Old I3oys • lest
' • ' .• • ' • ' • .'
Monday and „reburnede, home on the
.d..P. R. to Blyth. onWednesday..• He
aaeb. the lq.eW ' way el teething • .Aubern
isea east'. improvenient..over • the .: old
'one.. • . . . . . .
" • "
. .
.. New Advertisement*.
•Wbite-C. Iteeree-5 %
Big 13ergaies--P. * Gees>
Private SaleeelV. Joesea-5
Third Week. Sal -Tozer -8
4 •Cleanup •Weeks-fiodgene1-
fiats-z...New-combeoe-88 .
Wente J. eatdoletoe 5
Midsummer Clearing -Fred Jacetson,..--e
For Men. and Boete-Pluensteel Bros
practice to regulate watches before
Therefore our watches, both. by beredity.end
are truth tonere.
netbing to do with the watches
to be accurate time keepers,
are as low as the often so called
examine our etock.
• .
. X. : Yiellor,
Optician. : ' w,
. . .
. Snyfie114
Messrs. J. MeDonell ' . ri W C 't
. an . owl
Of Heneall spent Sunday in the vills
age. ' .., . , .
Rev, Steacernan exchanged yelpits
with Rev. Bro•we of Varna, last Sur.„,-
F. Heath of Louden came up • en
VuesdaY theeperat a short while wlits
his family in. their summer cettage,
Messrs. J. Diechart and A.. Hest of
Zurich :were el the eellage' en Sue -
. '
day • . .
:Ale afternorat tea for lathes Will : be
green by, the W F M r•S'.• on the law
( iv ' • - a •• • " • . , N rt
o re. ( re_ atanbury eon 1 hurseay
-this.. week.. Acitniseion, 10 beats. -
A 'garden, .party under 'the east:ease
f cherch will be belie oe• the
rectory lawn on Tuesday.. eveniug next.
Na peels -wilt M spared to make this
a success: The .33rdee Batt. band el
The -Sovereign
4 . .. A . A.
A. E. Dviirmer,
F. G. porn/Err,
• Generat-Nanager.:
9 i
• .• . ' .
tank of
Op_CapitaLL,- .-7 • 0,000,000..
.' „ , ' •
• President'.
1V101.4ARON •.
, ...
K.C. •
' • .
Manager -
gtiatterly., a
. .e.e.
. . . ...,
uninjured. , ... • -
A • FRACTURED -- ANKLE. . • . •
• • .
Elem., the 'soon year old son of
Mr. W. G, Doherty, had ..one of his
.. 'oxides fractured while: at A picnic .at .
. Bayfield on Saturday lest With an
• • other boy he • was hanging • on to . the
,step of a livety wagon, When •his: tout
swung. . over ineo . Alm' wheel, .. but,
strange te • say, it ... was T not that leg
but • the one Ivo as standing on init.'
. e
was, fraCtuted.". '• • • • . ...
.. , .
_, . . • .
. . .
Goderiehe will 'furnish . . the rimeee for
the , oceasienO Admiseion • 25 cents',
childaene 15 cents. • .' : . .-
Mr. arid Mrs. Weir andferrate, of,
Norte Dakota, eie visitipg her 'sister,
Miss 51aggie Wild,' • :. '
. Miss Witit.teker of • Louden it • • the
guest of Mrs. Ge. IL liewsop. . :•
• Mt and gree Graham goorehoese of
Saginaw,' Mich., ere. the .gueste Wide
pacepts, gt, ' and . Mrs, : T.. J. 'Moore-,
house • ' . . , •
. . . .
Mast:ere Hardy and ,Wileore Geddes et
• •
Belgrave ate visiting their aunt, Alm
jarnee leer • • ' •'-' •
peen. ..„ . . .... . ..
Mir. Carl Worsell . and gin May Core
• •
nell of G.oderieh spent . Sunda,y, in the
village .: .' •• ,,... • e .:.;' : . • •
' IL • .W. -' ' . '
5. Erwin and .1Vjeeters Wile
ber .and Frank ' re the guests Of' gee;
' • ' - " • •
Ralph Stevenson of the. Parr Line
this Week. .- .., . : .. ..- . .. .
-. e'er. , and .Mrs, • Ritehiceand '. family'
•of ..Wingliam are ..guests at the .Com-
merdal. . • . ,. • - • . ,
. Mrs.. John' Freser, left or Seteadee
for Lecenow. to, visit her brother, Dr.
mott ,..• . . . . .
' Mrs. IR. Mfg - • of. Berlin is the. gueet
of her daeghter„..Mrs„ Daniel. election -
aid. e : . 'a • • . a
'•11/1ie, -C. StaliCer • and; . edielVer,OH61-
. . .
Man' Stalker, •Mrs. Phoenix and eon,
Master 'Boy, . of •Segieaw, Miele - are
,.• ., .•
visiting friends. fri 'the Sillage. o• : • '
• Mr: Alex :Martin Of Torontnis ''ilre
. SOW OF DIRF.0011,51
JADvm,.Esq., - - •,. • -• .
MACDONAD,• Esq., First Vice
ALLAN, Esq., - - Second Vice
.. ,
Hscl., ef.P. w.. IC, McNi.uoriT,.7Esq.,.M.P.°
Esq., MP. ALEx. BRUCH,•Esq.,
R. CAsszi,S,
. Asst. General
. , 7!I:;otrsonalt...
• ",
Mr. Geer. a Colemer. of Hillsgte • '
. .; ; g. en vele
in 'Clinton yesterdaye • . •• •
Ner. Tiede, Wive, -Goderieh; is visitine:
.' Clint°1 t• ' • * • • . ' r'•
n .re a ives, ,. - . . .. .
Airs. 'la .1., nay. el - is visit-•
.. „ o. Hamilton,.
• frig: mf. -te, Jones , . • • ' .
Mt. 'AM - Barge went .to Stratford
elms morning. ..... .. . ' . ..
Atm.:R. - Agnew- d • •f 1 • ' et
an aim y ere elm -
ing in iNinglia•i. . '.• - :,....• , • :.
Mr., Se Nemp a d elites N,ellie were • io
Seratford Yeste dey. e: :------ le :••• ' e
Rev. je T. Bina.1.••and •Mrs. Small,
. .
- Blyth,re 'n Clintor .. -Tue d; -,
•We . I: . , . 04 -, 'luesclay
Muss, Hattie ftemball is :the guest. :re
. her sister, Mrs: A. :Patter, Goderiele
mrs, Thos.' Bissett of Exeter. is Visite
angeatelae.: home' eit • lttes, Bewden
this *E.& . . . • . • . . . " . ,
Rev. Dr. geed, Mrs. :Medde Miss .Jesie
Medd-and 'gigs Regan are gaeees- e of
- Mr. mist Mrs. .L. GS' 1V100. •
Muss Helen Grate • passed. the recet t
• .. Toronto .Corisereatory ot eelusic ex,
• . amine . th high lion • •
• 'tens -Wi ' • ' sirs
. .. . .
. . .. .
etre, Evaes; • metier. of e. grs. leraele
. . .
" Evans,- is iii • Teets/ate vieieing her.-
' son who resides. in that city - • .
•M end Mrs. 'W. J. ••Mulloy and ramil a
. , s .., , e , _SY
of Longer, boe been Yisltant. Or -Mr.
• Jes.. Twitchell's. . : - " : , . •
. : L: ., . .i • .,•,,.. '. :. • , ''.
Miss Mahel Tettmae at tomeeale.: ' `was
' the.guest of 'Mrs ' J F eliaemaan oa
, . ,. • . . • , .. a . . ,,
iday last • • • •
Fr . . ... .: .. ... ... ,., , •
Mr. Wm. Srmpson Vas laid off :- work
, ,, . , . ., , . e . - . ; .
a athe beginning cif the weee with
.• r
lood-poisonine. .. . • ' ' -
b- • - ' ''.. • • '' ' - .' s :'•
'Misses Gladys Herman. aea : Shall v
"Mr, De Canteloo • has let the eerie.
: trash; fot :the nia,kin•g of: Srom. 10,000.
, ..
1.1" 4,000..aPele . barrels to gr. W.
'Anienill of Seaforthe the barrels..., to be
.• • .. .
made in Chilton in order to give em-
-pleyment to local • men. "Mr.' Ament
has rented. the .buildieg formerly iised:
.- at Fairs' mill for a cooper shop and
will start work . in about a fOrtnigift.
, Savings Bank Depart' neat.
at best current: rates paid.
_cl .ruce.
an ..... ..
. • • , e .
• lel:arson will I e foreman r
ela :DIte . . .. „) .... M ,
i ,
• .. . ... . ,. . . „
, • • • . •
• . . . ..
. .•
• .. . . . ..
The Sterling Bank. of :Canada,
Head Office. Toronto: . .
G. T. SOMERS, President. W.,:-K.AMORGE;- Vice -President.
F. W. BROUGHAM, Generaflinnager. •,..
.. .
t .
• ..
.114,,,eseloLoulrseynferox. Bc.oyeh: will., sew :make
• . ..-
. • . .
- - y . . . • ..
. • .
• '!You • will ; find : etclosed• an .exeress :•
order for the renewal of my eubserip-
. ..
, ton. •Everi. if the racreasedepdatage
Calls', foe • • Iff Iy• cente.. a y.ear; enore, wii
neist ',have The News-Recorde'. Thus •
Wrote •Mr... jeteee- Eaglesen.or'Aber-.
•eeeri, South Dakota. • Mr:. J. J: Keyes
of Nesheille, • Tentiesere Mr •A 11
''. ' ' '
-Fee-dniond of Marlette Mich., •and Mt.
G... C.-• Leithweite of Edinburg North
lealeate areterneitg those ., :who' . Ileac..
aereedy.repewed at the $1.50. rate ..1
- . • ,,. ..
PICNICS,: . , • a , . • ..I
.: Weeley S. S.. pideceed , .in Bayfield.
oil Saturday •:last' The weather
• • • .: • a''
aerfeet, the •itteedarice large and •, en- •
- '
BruCeffeld• . ..
.. , . . ... • . . '
• MiSe. Mergirerite,.. Stewerteef ' NeW
'York is eisitieg her aunt; Mee...Diehl..
• .. Mies' Taylor of ' Lotdorie is. the .guest
of her sister, Mrs. John Snider: .•' '
.. Th' many .friemia of Mr. learlee of
the Sovereign' Ieasek • will be sorry : • to
hear has. been. remo.ved to. Ilderton.
. ,
Me., Sheeherd et Clieton..takes bas
. .
•plate here e .. • . • • - • : • • • •
'Mae Te.ylor of Grand ..Berad; is. • tie
. .
-gu s ' 0 - het ea gh er, es 14. ,. "ten-
e t f h i u t s, Boa.
• '''
berr .
y. • • . , ..-• .. ,.
Miss.:.Pearl • Woodsley; of , Ooderieh
.spent Seedily in towir .• -" : '
. ''.. . :, , , r. • . : , , '
The - arativereary :' set -teem. of: the
.m heti • 'e isi.•eh,. were -held • 1•• ", e .c u -
,..ef ( st el .i... ..: lee, . n
' dayearal •Weee eery•lergely . attended
. • Mrs. Turner • of • Learein Ion ' Kees
. , • •• . .. . ... . . .g . .7 '
eucky is the, guest of, her aent, ...left's...
. e
T. Sienese?, . ..; . - : • : . ' .. •,. • ..
Mr D • VeTavish has gone • to elms-
- . •• .., ..: . • -
A general banking
business transacted,:
- •
Interest on 'savings accounts credited
---. . •
• '
. .
Saturday each week..
open Tuesday. Thursday Rod
. .
BEAT.TY, LocarM.anager..
. , ... „.
. . : • • 'Canue
guest of hs Miter IVIrs. Peter . .-
. ,
.eell. •-•••••• , ' : a •
.:There is etending 'on theveraed'ah of
. .
' ,
h tt hell d ol
e e pre y • ' ei e. residence. - Mr.
John Whidden a 'Cactus. on which elfem
are 120. blosterne.• It .. is, a: beaueiltil
. • . e ' •• • Iv ' d'.. 1 th fl rs
Pial4 , ed le so . eo ere. .e . owe .•
that it has been. Mucli.ad-rnired by all
• s . • 94 ' " ' .• . •• '
v,ho •haye -sealer... • , . . .
Mater Orate ',Beller*, soli de gr
\V • D h it ' Clinton, • met aviele
: • ,,„'.q.. . 0 e. y!. ....: . . a
•serious actider.t, ion: Saturday lea oear
the groVe. While e • picnic :parer were
dr-, ng in fro.ni Clinton,' it appears be
.e- . .. • . . ,
lumped. on beleed:•and be some*ay 'Ins
leg was caught ..in ehahind wheei •ati.1
•• .- e
braten &we' ethe ankle. i'..Dr.. Smith,
was:knt for ,?nd• hal the leg set And
. e •
:put in, seen* wbo • he wee, taken
bonne :to Clieton. , • . .. • • • . e ., es
• . The funeral .of the late Will 'Me-
Naughtrat who died se suddenly , iv
lednionten, teak .,elace. from the. 'sta.-
ton. in Clinton • on the arrival of ..the
reelalay train fram Aire ease last 'See
urday . to Baefield . cenietery. Service
it the *graatelde were conducted- • lie
Rev, ma Made, • . rooter •of, . Trinite
church: For • the , relatives.' ea tht
young mat ' Who was .so sudilenle sera
nettled much . sympathy hasbeet ' ex
.. esse . . .
pe• cl ' • ' •: - . •• ' '
L. 0. L •N: ,I. lk " t • Bi +I'
. 1., a- , wa en - a • y. 1
taSt- Friday...Mesie was furnished le
.Meesee,...parrow, Brownlee. arid Ellie ti
,•• 31r, T. He Brownlee •wae id.. Clintoe
sie eiofidayJj . . „„ . . • . „ ..
; Picnics galore have •been e held •it
Bayfield the . east fortnight.
• •• • ,
- ••
• joentent gned supreme,. , •. • . ,. •
, . • .• ...- .... ...• .• . • . . •
. .0n Tueeday Williechurch school.: had
their annual . le • i th • ' ' '1
, . oe .. ng a . • e same p ace.
- it. was.- a, neerri • ' diy. fai . the eourige.
.sters 'Yee! ande the' elder • ' e '- t • '
, . , .• .. on s, tie,
all of wifion• have registered the •pienie
. . •
ot tbis year .of. grade .e.s. .. One :of the
beet...they have yet held . • . - • ' .
The B et' t • .' S t • 1
a . is sego ,over on . a urc ay,
the Ontario, street on. ••TuesdaY • .end
• 1' ee 't . a o hat .oe:
St. Pau s th nee d y s t r
liveries have .threct:ex'tra„.big days' ie
the:next Week::. „. • ' ',,, • • .• : -. ..•'...,.:
A CHURCH. SHED. •... •.• - •,
• • • •
: .. The ow. Ontario .- street . chuich shed
• •• • ot., . y • '
was'. taken down egonda ,. member,
. of . the: • .0ongregation doing the. 'were,
Oft laborin
, the paa_stor with MS coat, g
• RR hard as any of them. A. portion of
beildieg-hae been sold. for .iffty
' &altars.; some of tife belence will . be
•utielzed in the new shed and the 're-
mainder broken Up -.rot kirallina. : • e .
. . .
,Tile contract for. the . cement portion
., . •of the new ehed has . been lee to .Mx
• Archie Cousies... at. ;fifteen cents , kr
. . •
foot The walls will, be ten. feet high,.
. .
twelve inches Welt and 57 x 75 feet.
The roothig,wili. be galeartized ,ishing-
; • •
les. ,. The slie,d will -cost' about • one
thousaral ' dollars and is • expected to'
comfertably 'accerninoda,te thirty ..eigs„ .
• - • : • • • • s . •
The reiiains of.. the lite \Via 11.16
.• 4, • :Iv station•.
Neuglethe ario se. at Olton .
at noon rat Seturday frora Eletreinton;
Alta, andehe funeral took niece to.
Rayfield cenietiery wham they. were
laid at rest:in• the 'family plot. The
• •1
serine:s. were conducted by the. :Rev.:leg
Mr. Hinds,"rector of Trinity .chtttch,
Ilayfield. The • pailbeerers were • the
two brothers of .deceased, John, and
David MeNaeghtera, tem. courens, Dan
d MMeNaughton, his •ther-in
and bro 'the
law, James johtestone arid John
Sparrow. . , . • : • I
His .passing WaS Stidden. In COM-
pany with Mr. John 'Creoles of Olin-
ton, who thawd to ehe in the city on7
husinees, they.spent• Satorday ivereeg, I
evetirbg, the eth fest., with hie sister,
Mies Ka,te MoNeughton, and they ar-
'ranged to: attend church riext tote-
noon. lent le coneng down state . in
the., morning he, Was stricken by . ills
lieSs ; from thig he partly recovered,fme,”
but or Monday morting came another '
attack to which he suectinibed at e1ev-1
en o'clock, hie sister nursing him in
t • ' e ' 1
bf .5', lest houre, Hear failttre arried
hian off at ' the early age el MAY
years. •
Mies • McNaughton aecompanied • the'
remailIS east and saw •theent laid he-
side those of their parents who pre-,
deceae:d him 'several years. . .
Will McNitughten. is . borne sin kindly
reniernberance in Clinton., for his rtenial
warrn-heartedness made him trietias
and t 6 newe oi MS =Wiley' death
. b ' . .
. .
.cept Saturday. •• ..:.....
. . ,.
_ _ e .., . . .
, Bawden aro usiting..friends in Per1:-.
•: . sell 'arid- Exeter this' .tveck . •
Mia• J. E.1... Booth:of Orange:Ville and
. .. . . ; ; _ .
- ;Mrs.: ( Die). glare: ..efeSte Peel, ' Mum,.
. .. • . - - -,
....are geesia, of theix reotheto etre.. S,
•• : G. Plummei. . , . . . eee:
• Miss JenTe no., .Exeter,. visited Mts.
We.) Evans: on Wed9esdaY while on
' • -
. her wae *eo visit sister et :Gee-
erich. , .
Mrs. ale. Austin aed. eamily. ef Verne
'• visTted at het lentheiSsee .,,31r.: -Abeet
Seeley's, toivii, eine day .. last week .
Mrs:. EPPS accOMPA-11ied thelfi. :
Mee. 0..'Hanlee 'left. on Meeday, lee-
competed by her oephewe ..ele.eter•
•• Nixoe Welsh; 'io suit friends in the
a , state of Michigan for several weeks.
Misses Colteshoun, • WIrOi are viSiting
their 'sister,: :ars. A.. Megueray. of
Stapleton, assisted. -the •Prograni
at the .01sta:tie street League Mot
daY, eveeine, .
Mr..D. Be Kennedy .had a visit from
• Mr,* Henry 'Meoney, • foemeely reeVe
df the townehie of Morels o
but Wh.
has beet.'farraing in, Seskateireeren
for the past eight ' year s: He . has
done remarkably ' well out, there and
. has about rate teteusend acres • or
Jane and Jest '-a on had a' very
' large yield Of •Whent•-hestdes Coarser.
grales. %Veen' no .left he bad • twelee
horses plowiri •
ig. • aapteuniteet be
built a,. very large bathe said to he'
Oee Of the best .ire that•Part .‘01 tile
Previnee• ' As ivell as visiting among
old friends. in ,,TOrris, Mr. gooey. ie
calling upon •a, quinber of his formet
colleagues of the county council
• .
. .
•licika• for a• i'oeole of months. ,• . '
' :Willie • Wilson • -..and Wilson. Teener
came• • f • .'e le t th lIto n
Op !MM.: ..0 -On o on e . e
Old :Bays' exce.reion.. . .
. •
Mies 011ie . lea.eteribirry is , visiting
Toronto friends , . • ' .
e Rev, Sam .Polloek, who :lived here
tahout‘....tWeree:•yeate .ago,'•is :ceiling. , on
hie Many friends week. a • .
. Mr. and Mrs. T. .H. : liothwell e•
Toronto were the: gueets. of gra., . W.
II.' Rattenbury for .e few daye la,st
week, ••• •• ' ' • ' a•• '• • • -:
. elts.: Neil ..Yellotvlees, • tied little.
daughter etc' visiting •at, Mr. D. Made
rlonalir s. .•,. . , . , .• . . , ' • • e • '
Mise 'Kate.. Hare is hoineetpt her
holidays: . .: ' ' . - • ' .:
Mrs, J, T. Reid• has been • visiting
tier patents, Mr.. and :Itlig•••.G...iellititt
God • I ' *" -
of ori c
, I cown,r Iup, ., .. • , .
• ,several members 'el the. Presbyter-
. . ,
Ilan aura. attended the meeting *of
ihe Presbytery Of Huron held in Clins
ton on Tuesday .., a pro.. st againA tho
removal of the Reve lir to
another . :charge. end ' were gtea.tly
.gratified• by the rleeislou.' of the Pres-
bytety that gr.. Savers is to ' re-
main in Br ucefielit . where he • ee doing
good • work', • : • • - • ' -
„Ile. James. tioedy WAS throWn Off a
load of :hay on Monday .aed gave hie
love a had Wrench.. It's Worse than
a, break; said. the Medical man
' Mtge Lottie Prime emit home froel
London for a 'feet hOlidate, aecoMeane
'fed by Miss Ward„. They Are both em
ployed at mgcCoterdit's biseuit, works
and have returned to the. city 'and to
.their duties there. ... •
Brueefiele defeated Kinberne on the.
home .greends at football .biit,' Ma
with a reveree by the return match.
Mr. ame Mrs. Dulilyar of near Dun-
• ganuon. have been . vieitirig their dau-
glieer MrsThosBaird of the 2nd
.. . 'se:t
mi. of Stanley: . ' • '
Mrse.jemeg., MeOlinchey 'of Adelaide
has been visiting ttiends on the Gosh-
'en Line and trensall and elso her brae
flier, nob TIothani of our village! an I
at Mr, George Watts .61 the . London
Road. . : ...• ' •
• miss McDiarmid, ." ftaughter of eir.
George McDiarinid, was vedting at
• • ‘ • th's .' ' ' ' • '
ete. Jamss fewa . , .
The many. friend.; Of Watt I.e:Ytes
aro pleased to see itiM able to be
around oriee more.
. MisS M. Robinson, daughter cif Mr.
Joseph Robinson, tormeely a one Vtl-
lage but now .ot .Lontion je vieding. at
her unelelt, Mr, A. Stephenson's ot
the Parr Line ted alSO her mane
friendin and around Breeeileld. - ' .
Miss. Jessie
i. -.14v4..4. qrairger is home iron
• •
' 1
No Safety -pins -No Buttons--.--Ne'Needle-.-.No
' eeee
"( ee,
." 1:333e
e; 1
to be.
ee - e. •
e -
a -
" Tatr OM NM
butioise :It
"reed one •
e . . .
•ft.. A ." -
. •
a '
ea e 3,
: •oeget"
' • '''the
.. .
..e., •,.
e, , .. ,• •
• t•
.. ,
, . ..
. o eric . OWIIS lp
o' 4 ' 'h T. h' -
. .
Mte. J. A. Caldwell, • from Si eftle,
. .
I the most thriVing city. dn. the Pacific
coa,,q, le : ,vieiting sat the perentai
home. -Ile. • has been . on the emetic
Slope' kr \seveial years. end 'e. vita
meted with the buoyant spirit •se
cha,rAeteristie of teat eountry., " nee
he has doee well we ire all pleased to
hear .. ..• • ' :
The A. Y.. P. •Aee Of • e Mil llseent,
Hohnesville• Sunenerbill, Olbetot, Sen-
forth and .doderich.will have a a.ion
picnic in Bayfielde on Weenof
- - • veley '
eget week, .,:. . .
Mr. William :Perdue raised Ins,:, new
barn on .Saturday last :raid leige •new
-hotted will - shortly' he • ender Vey.
Glad to see thesloe ahis teas -
palter, .• „ • . .
. Miss Ahnie Itailwell, a recent rail-
tlate761 Clinton elusineee College' , has
one to Torotto 'main eleuee
g . . g . ,.‘-d a
PosistiOu as hook-Iteeper in that city.
A large number from this town:hip
atteeded elie Orange' celebration in
Illyth on 'the 12th.
gr. R. . J. Cluff and • the Misses
.4 . C • ' '
Cleft, linton, were visliore at 3Ir,
W. IL'ItIllott'ea oft:Standay. .
.._ .
race /Ill OLDWAT,
le our Athletic Neck Caton Mkt,
buttons tO COMC off 'indexes* ending
.. .... ..
. .
WM (iistii ii..S.00
is theaye • coeilort-bei
It is toade• ire fait -black.
Men's Summer
Men's Summer
Men's extra
. needle,
Men'El Combination
plain and
Underwear in fancy
colors at 70c. per, suit .
Under wear in plain.
extra value at $1.00 per .suiti
Underwear, same as
't1 50 per suit, .
fine Silkateen Underwear
ribbbed unshrinkable,
fitting at $3,00,per suit.
Underwear' inSilkateeri
fancy colors it $2.50
.arld • plain
• . • , .
. - •
. .
arid ribbed ',
. . cut-
. • . '
glove •
. •
. )
and $3,00
- . .
ilats feSt e...
. '
one, .
. *•••••••• 4.E•
' Hullett. Township.
• . ,
Miss Ella Pietson, ,of Ethel IS visit-
ing her ' cousin, .Irene claeter, at Pres-
ent, •
Mr, John Jenkins, Who: had his head
et) severele out, and &leo bad his jew
btokee by a falling eleee of timber • at
Mr. Jamee Repson's 'resit ;'IS deirg
reeely. /t goes hard with Jack to he.
tied tip front Work. • • .
•Mr. II: Lenee of Hamilton, called ' Ot
Ifie friend, -Mr. Wm, Carter, last Sat-
erday, . : ... -
le di io '5
Mee llotinne :if C, \Para Oh , ..
\dieting her brother, Mr, P. Reynolds.
A nuinher from tble vicitiity atteede
ed the celebration ir. Myth.
line of Boy'S White Duck
celled this week, at. 25c
Early and secure
. .
. • , . . ... • ,.. . .
Successors to Hodgoris Bros. .,
. ... . ...- . clothing Store
"A Square Deal for Every Mait.''
,, •
Too amen Tote eaneeea
• • .
After partaking of ire cretun on Fri -
day last, the two-year-old daughter
of Mr, Haney Heavens became very
ill and the doctor had to bef.sy.;:ornon.
ed. It soon revived, however, a,nd is
r. i i 44./44 At kb,i411, .
.Britoifield. '
Mr. James :Maxwell of North De-
kota has been .visiting -his sister, l'fr.s
Munro 01 our village and at iIills.