HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-11, Page 8D CliatCA NOW01400,rd. July Ilths194 1$13• SeIlin of Summer Goods. The past week has seen big selling of bot weather goods at this big store. Our stooks are exceptionally large and well assorted with strictly summer goods. They will keep that way right through the summer buying season, We will have what you want just when you want it. You will save time and likely money, too, coming here direct for summer needs. Cotton and Lisle Undervests Many different styles and qualities. All sizes from infant's to extra large for stout people. ' The best value we have ever shown you, .12c to, 75c the Aarment. White and Tan Summer Hose. White and Tan Summer Hose here in abundance, all sizes, several different makes for children or ladies, plain, ribbed or lace effects, 15c, 25c and 50c a pair. Women's Summer Cloves k Spleddid stocks of them, lisle thread and silk, in plain, lace or net, white, cream, black and colors, long or short, and all sizes. • Short Gloves 25c, 50c, 75c and $1' Long Gloves 60c, 75c, 90c, $1,25 and. $1.50 Women's Cotton Gowns It is a waste of time ta make -your own when gar- ments such as are herecanbe had at our Prices. Made from fine English cotton, in cleanest and best factory in Canada. Handsomely trimmed with lace and em- broidery, 12 styles to select from. 75c to $3 each. Some Saturday Specials. Some rattling good mid -summer specials for Sat- urday selling. It is stock -cleaning time with us; and every week you will find bargains worth- while if you come here. Here are some of them A Little Price for Good Waists 79c Instead of $i.15 and $1..25 A clean-up of waists for Saturday. Every .single, one this season's style. . Half a dozen or more designs, The cheapest was $1, most were $1.1p or $1.25. All are on the bargain table Saturday morning when you can, have any one of them for 79c. White Skirts 42c • Ladies' White Cotton Underskirts, made from good quality A ft cotton, 6 inch cambric frill, special for Saturday each op•TL Men's All Linen Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c . 20c each is the real value of them, We bought a big quantity because the price was low. They are full size, pure linen, cambric finished, while they last we will sell these 20c hand- kerchiefs at 25 2 FOR • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1t Those Lawns • .Those Lawns at 15c and 19p are certainly the 1. cheapest that ever went out of the store. Full 48 inches wide. Note that 20e qualities for 15c, and 25c Qualities for 19e. When they are .gone pOsi- tively no more as good for the same money, for t - Iwe cannot possibly duplicate' the order. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• White Belts 15c Big shipment of White Wash Belts, nicely embroidered, I good patterns, special each s U $5 and $6 Tweed Skirts $4.25 75e to $1.75 to be saved oda Irti.mmer skirt. New garments made from light grey •tweeds in stripes and broken checks, cut in this season's most popular styles, tailor made, stylist: and dressy garments, regular $5.00 and $6.00, Saturday your choice of fifteen or twenty , at $4.50. Hustling. Out the Millinery. We are hustling out the last of the Millinery, Miss Reynolds wants an empty show room left while she goes for her holidays at the end of the month. We have cut prices in two in order to clear the Stock to the last dollar if possible, for instance you can buy 4 50e to 75c Flowers for 25c. AH our expensive Flowerr lit exactly Half Price. Any Untrimmed Shape for 50c, Any Trimmed Hat, and they are new, for exactly Half Price. -w...--i.,..,..,,.....~.o.....,..-* $ You Can't Lose $ . $ Your Foun- $ $ tain Pen. , $ If it is -a Waterman's 0 Ideal Fountain Pen fitt- ,- $ 4,1 with a clip -cap.. The $ clip -cap is a neat piece of $springy steel attached at one end of the cap of the 0 pen, the other end being $ pressedsnugly against the • $barrel of the spring. It $ holds in much the -same : way as a clothes pin and $ # will keep.the pen where • .0 it is put. See us about # it if interested. $ maw impoierzies W. D. FAIR CO.. t $.0ften Cheapest —Always Best $ .11101111.116,111,46,416,ftwiWilOIRK ,•••••••••• Mies Etta Cook is •hoine from Toron- to on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. 0„ W. Brown were •;r: . ToronZo this ;week. • Mr. D. Kennedy was in London Fri- day and-Sathrday last. Miss Clara Lindsay, Toronto, visited" her holmeIn town this week. Miss Lottie Cook came up' with Sat- urday's excursion oil returned to the city. Monday, evenilng. MaterErney.Dwriford is enjoying the holidays., at his: un,cle's, Mr. Miliarn Smalldon's, Grey tovvnship.. • Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Tozer' and their guests, Mr. M. Tozer and Miss Toz-. cr, Toronto, quit Sunday in Bay- field. . Mr.: W. .J. Toer had as his gUests •' from Saturday to Monday, his fath- er, Mr. M. Tozer, and. his, sister, . Miss:Tozer, Toronto. • Mrs..Thos Brock of Kingstbs is the guest'of Mrs... W. S. Harland. Mrs.. 'Brock is thd widow of a former pas- tor . of the . old ' Ra,ttenbury ••street church. Mr. Howard Jackson of the Canadian. Express.Co's Toronto • office, spent from Saturday, to Monday evening at the rarental-home,on Rattenbury street, Mr. I. Ja.c1C,son's-. Mr: and Mrs. W. F. Cantelon and baby, Toronto, vrere from Saturday v.ntil Monday evening guests at. the former's, parental home, Mr. and , Mrs. William Cantelon's; Misses Ida and Susie Mitchell of De- • troit arrived on Friday last 'and will ' be the guests'. of their, sister, Mrs. Ben, Cole, for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Cole met them at Goderich. Rev. Father Ilardon• was 'in, London on Tuesday attending the presentv tion by the priests of the diocese al a chair, ring and bross,:valued ,atl $700, to His ,LordShip Bishop . Miss Ann,a,May Robinson, who was ' teaching Alia past term in Joseph's -Island, was a guest at Mr. • W. Simpson's fox a weW but • went to Toronto on Monday to. attend , a summer school. Mrs. William Downs Sr., Mrs. P' pert Downs and her two daughters, Clive and Tura, and Mrs. William' Downs Jr. all of Toronto, cane up on Sat- urday'S excursion' to visit their many old friends in Clinton,. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker went tq . Wingbarn Saturday to assist the .weloome' to theOld Boys', excursion- ists. Mrs. Walker did noVreturn home until Monday afternoon', spend- ing Sunday, at the parental home, ex -Reeve A. W, Sloan s, Blyth.. Mr. Them. Peckitt came up wth the excursionists on. Saturday to visit his father and brother and returned to Toronto on Monday afternoon. atterakd Albert 'College, Belle. ville, the 'past term and after. the vacation will resume bis studies tlfere., Miss P. Cook arrived from Byng Inlet on , Saturday and will spend the va- cation with her . many friend:, town and Goderich township She has continued to meek with success in teaching and has been for some time principal of the sclfool a,t'Syng Inlet. • Among those from Clinton who have taken Cottages on Varlis' terrace,, • Bayfield, are : Mrs. W. '1'. O'Neil, IVirs, : J., Ireland, Mrs., R. A. porwns, Mrs,"..1, Johnson and Mrs. R. Reck, • ie. The heads of the respective •• blonseholds join their better halves oh Sunday. Mr, W. *Jackson is expeeted home on Saturday night from his trip the Old, Country, By the Way,' on registering at, an hotel in old London on his recent visit to that great city, he noticed , that just a day • previously Eldred Archibald hadal- so been a; guest. Eldred, is a nephew of Mrs. W. W. Farrell' and has been ,,. on a lengthy trip through Europe and Egypt, • • Detective Dick Phelan, Godetich, and Inspector. Alf. Asquith, •Aubutp, were in town Monday. That they • are frooently seen together dons not 'neat that they are On businessIbenu for having been intimate friends, for years, they may now be designated old cronies. By the wav, they say the genial Phelan will shortly— well we don't know that the date has been set. GIRL. WAN Iva).- FOR ONE month, Iligheat wages.--.Appfy- to Mrs. M. D. kleraggart, Second Week div July Stock -Reduc- ing Sale Saturday starts the second week of our July Sale Numbers of our patrons went away last week pleased with some of our gem - nine bargains. This week's list comprises deeper cuts than last. Don't tail to give us a call and get your share of ,the bargains. White Silk Waist Ends 98c 24 Waist ends of white stripe ,Tap Silk, very neat waistings, no two alike, regular $1.50, Saturday Sale each • 0 U 500 and 60c Dress Goods 38c Lustres, Caillimeres. and Tweeds Dress Goods in checks and plains, ,• • black,hlues, greys, browns. etc.,etc. regular 50c and 60e values, Saturday 0 0 and following week ' V ...•••••••.1.111 25c and 30c Dress Goods 20c .‘ Cashmere. Cotton and Lustre . Dress Goods, fancy colorings,checks , and plains in bropne, blues. black green, etc. Regular 25c and 30c, 20 Saturday and following week • $1 for $1.25 and $1.50 Tweeds. Harris homespuns and French Worsted grey Suitings, regular $1.25 and $1.50, dress lengths only 1 .0 Your choice for per yard only.... White Muslin for. .4Cts.. 5,pieces White Muslin DressGoods --just the line von will want for • children. While they last the hur- 04 ry up,price will be. it 10c and 15c White Lace for 6c per gd. Clearing up thelace department. Fine and Torchon, 3, to 8 inches wide, regular 10 and 15o . values,.......... choice per yard"—, ... ... • 75c Men's Shirts for 49c. Men's Soft Front Shirts, light and dark stripes, all sizes, regular 75c for' White Embroiderg • Reductions Cleaning up the Embroidery ends We are putting the lot on one table at the following.prices, 10o for .OS 0 12,c for aU U 15c Muslins for 10c Eight pieces fancy Dress Muslins the very newest, rosebud designs in. n pinleand green. Regular 15c for... I • 65c Table Linens 48c Pure linen Table Linens, two good .feateirnrselaffoolerached and unbleached • regular A8 $1.25 Table Linen,98c Two good patterns in gond pure table linens, bleached. extra good weight, regular $1'.25, Saturday and following week. ' .98 12%c Crash Towelling for Oc Extra heavy roller Crash Towel's ing, with or without border, regu- lir 120, Sliturday 41, - • • 25c Belting ' Linen Wash Belting. whitelzround with black, blue, green and red . stripe and, figured centre, regular 25c per yard, Saturday, per belt I ft length 25c Back Combs • , 19 cts. • Ladies' brown, black and yellow back and side combs, several pretty styles to choose from, regular 25e, I ft Saturday • pearl Buttons, 2 doz. .• for sc. • .100 dozen Pearl Buttons, ten sixes • two and four holes, regular • 5c per ft dozen, Saturday.. ,.2 DOZEN FOR. Cood.Pins, Cent. per paper. Three sizes in good strong pins., regular 2 papers for 5c,. Saturday .0 per paper Dry Goods Importers • 4111111111111111111 1.1TVIrWmilrKTV7-4w-vur —, ir v w N...., -.......... ,.,, ,„ .,..... _., ,„ „, _ „ ...„ __ • . . •.The..Last.-.Ost.the illinery Just a few weeks and our Millinery Department will close for the sea- son. We have sorted over the stocks into different lots and place all trimmed hats, flowers, etc, on sale At Half Price and Les s. Everything in Summer Millinery must be cleared out no matter how great the loss, so if you want a tylish hat for the least Money come to this sale. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE For the balance of the Millinery season will trim all hats iree "of charge besides giving a liberal discounton all goods in our Millinery Department, , • Spectal One hundred bunibes of Flowers including • Roses, Carnations, Daisies, Etc.„.. itt all the leadingshaftes. Regular price uplo. $1, special Saturday 25c, A'Amera• 1 Six Big Specials For Saturday. , 1 4 •Saturday naorning next at eight o'clock we will have ready a list of specials -which are, about the best we 1, have ever given. Quantities in some cases are limited so it will be well worth your while to be here early.. • Fast.Color Print 41c Just 200 yards to sell, navy blue etc. guaranteed fast color,12 yards Hulk ft A 1 to each easterner. STURDAY 1.1./42 121c Embroidery 5c 2 200 yards Embroidery and insertion in assorted widths, Regular price IOc and 12io. SATURDAY 15c Dress Muslin. 10c $5.00 Shirt Waist Suits $2.95. 20 Per Cent off All:, Whitewear. • On Saturday you 1.,.an buy any kind of whitewear in our store at 20 percent off rsgular prices. • • 050 Gowns and Skirts $1.20 $2.00 Gowns and Skirts $1.60 -$1.00 Drawers and Corset Covers BOO 75c Drawers and Corset Covers 60c Ten only—Shirt Waist Suits, made from duck, linen, etc., colors of tan, light blue, dark blue, grey etc.,rag 2 95 1.11U1' $6, S/%.TURDAY ..... ........... • .05 $1.50 Shirt Waists $1 00 • Two dozen this season's newest Shirt Waists, made from white lawn or mull, trimmed with insertion in • two fir three styles, Regular price I 00 IPA, SATURDAY • 300 yards Dress Muslin, all nevol col - 1 0 ors, Regular 15c, sale price. .• Dry Goods and Millinery Etc., Etc. rt. .0.41111111101.1111.111111"....""mil"..CLINTOist Ladies' •Ready -to -Wear Garments An4 ANA dk.. ..11,A ALA •14.A. ii. A A -AA.All.A Am1.1111•Aildirditaallii