HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-11, Page 4rT 1 '7"0"r,4,16" 91‘1171r A4rwilet- 4 Clinton Melva -accord. ... red Importations of .10TT. EPP 011130..IACITAW OPAMIEM.S" 4COAciiiNg PAYS IN .EN9LaNir." »..NOTOR GAR' • 4yRtAR, 'RIP VAN WINKLE,' The Rapti Doulton Simp ofi every piece, EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN 1FRENCH CHINA.. O - ur Art Department is a eplendid place to pur- chase a present fOr a wedding or any special . ioccasio n . W. COOPER & 00. CLINTON . ...^..evenneeeeeeeleneVe ereneeete."•• Clinton News-Ricord ,CLINTON ONT. • # W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Auburn: . • -.- Mr_ Stewart of Witgleam is home Leaping Messrs Young •and Denetead to eaeke stook__ Mr. I -L alalstead is moving' to God- erieh this week. Mee Maude Ferguson, accompanied Ey Mists Powell of Clioton, Suadayed. an home. • AlmJ. Knox returned homeelast mmek..after spending a couple of week:3, teitett friends in Drucefield„ She' eiroaight two of her grandchildren "Weersaa. age Stewart Knox to spend •the reelida.ys. Ale. -Charlie esgeith is speeding," 'a fiew .days in .Toronto this week.. .; • 4 me Cecil » Eeldingviseteil » at honek eme :flay 144 .week. before leaving "'for lietronto where he intends entering' 'a • opelanieseleehouse.L. Iftss Ciora,Ferguson- is hOme for Ya- . • :Mr. and Mrs. 1.1 Philips .spent, Sat - ray ,and Sunday in. Winglerent • - el7n- are • glad to hear .that Mrs. einaung is improving nicely. • .1 _Miss Clark of near Goderich teethed' ;,is R. -Young last week. ' 3Bss Zella Macdonald. is laid with mumps, • We are ao -:see Miss. Ella Pat- terson back from the West where shz %lees spent 'the lent ...three yeaese. He -brother Lawrence - accompanied her., • • Miss' A. Weir of Goderich visited at• Ale Eeratt home last -week. ' /Bert Cummings of Rochester N. • Y... eca•llen here the first of the' week. -7 • Mr. and Mrs.. R. Jones of Goderich, .aecompanied by. Miss Susie Jones of here, celled On old friendslast week:. Mr. an Mrs.. Lansing of the. Base. - Line are visiting their daughter, Mrs, Raithby, this week: We are ea.tt to sec Mr. Lansing en -weaving in 'reealtle-ana, „.. Mrs. G. Yunghlut visieed friends in ,:floderich last week. W. T. Riddell received the first, freiglai (in the C. P. R. that has •come to our village last.Saeurdity; it being a carload of salt. (Goderich Township . Lorne Can telatt visited the parental .honic :Saturday to Mor.day ev•cnin4 when he returned to Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. John, Carson and :daughter, and Mrs. Wilson, all .of Toronto, have been guests- thin -week clef Mr. and 1VIrs. W. 0. Elliott. . .• Rev. Mr. Steadman preached; an elo-• <pent sermon in Cole's church last. Sunday to the Orangemen of the Bay- field Line and 7th Lodges. There rwere also several present .from the ie. ton Lodge. - Miss Mina Middleton, who has been In Terouto for the past sex months, is !Tome for A few weeks' holidays, • Miss I3ertha Rathwell, Who is nurse .att. Cleveland, is home for her summer vacation, West Tuekersmith Mt. and Mrs.George Baine.Mis 31 e.. aboveart and Miss McGnegoe 01 Stan, ley spent Sunday as » the guests et •Alte•and Mrs. Whitfield/Cell* *re Henry Carter entertained nuniber of her friend; from Toronto • -who.narne up mr the Old Boys' .excur- Mia. John Plewes of Clinten Visited Mrs,42,obert ?lees last.' Week. M. aed Inge.. Joe • Addison of Ione ;don visited at the home of Mr. Wiat- field Crich on Sunday. • » " Mr. and Mrs.: Joho Layton ol • too sinnt Terlday lost with Alm -Pre0; .Petiper. Mr. 'William Townsend is laid oil • woke museular theutuatieln beteg the 'Milne has commenced ; the crop will not be as heavy as» hv the past dew years. a $01111441Thill The Many Wendel learned With re - gra, of the. deeth ot Thottlas Blight who passed peacetully away et his hoMe on Wednesday waning, July ard, 'Deceased Wae hewn on lot 15, nd Mee 1-141etti neareb gm, 1855 and va arettielent of that township 01 As' lite. Ile there mare - led Alice C. Emerson 411 180 tie tette= three childeene -eeere horn. He eras a. men oteSeerling•atlealeties, hou- • estand upright itie 'esti his dealinge with• bie, felloev men.' - 'rite esteem in' whielr lee wee lield was shown by the member which at- tended Ms funeral, on Priday, which ,was. conetictee •by Rev.. I/v..1n. Kerr, ;relator ot Ontario; streen enteral, cline toe and Was under the ettepices of the 0.0. �F. and A. O. U. W.. totin ot which he was' nioember, The.; panni bearers being members of me oedeg bY eenuest ot the tleeeased: D.- Coo R. Govier, H. •McBride, LJ. Othlf, J. W. Irwin,'" R. Fitzslinoee, The friends • from a distant* who attended the .funered Were..Alra...R. G. Emerson, of Winnipeg; 1Vs Emma. Biggin, Louden, Mr. and Mrs.. N. Beet, Kr. Stevens, 0. ,Peraingtou earl Mr, eel. Mrs. Josiah Allin, a Colborne al- so attended. Late on lciondaY evening • •f Wet week, Alr. R. J. Draper received. a telegram from Stratfoed weigh brounlit.the sad news/ that is brother Mr. Jos. Draper of near that cite, was seriously ill. ,He took' the fleet traiu from Clinton arra • arrieed two hours before his hrother's'apirit took its flight to the realms ' above. The deceased was his fifty-Orst year and, WaS born or, theefarm in the township of Downiug oe which he died. His wife e eunttves him but there was no fernily •The fureeel 'evbichtoore place on Thurseay, :the services being conducted by tee Rev, W. T. CIO, odor ef Ste ' efentees church,' Stratford • was» just one month to ae day. at that of the, father a the deceased. ' Many from this part will •attend the Orange celebration in Myth »bn - Fri- Mrs. R. Ernersdr, of Winnipeg visited this week. Miss A'. Wright is the Base Line. and two children Mts. T. Biggia visiting friends or. •• ,..-MiSter „Herold •KiltY is. spending Ifis bolidays with friends on the Bae, Ltn.e, ' Miss L. Carter seent the 1st of July -with h.r stater. . A number' from around here at:teed- ed t1te»»picnic';»ib Winehroo last week: Miss E. Biggia of London •attentee,l. the -funeral' of liee bid.ther, the. late Thos.'imeein. last week ...Miss Hazelwood of Wroxeter .is vis- iting her friendMiss 0...11411. , Service in -St.' Peter's churth.. will be field at the usual hoer » of seVen o'clock. •: ' , A humbal » oi fanners have corienen- ced haying. -Mr. G. » 'Hill .is improving -his farm by» ereotiog a wine fence along the front of Mr. » W.» Jordan of Porter's' ited. frienne here' on:Sunday.. . • IVrasfers Ogle.'gfid'Ecidie and Mine Jennie Milrer axe gleiting in Stanley.: Mts. it, Miller of Clinton s visiting at Me.. .1. GIANT TRIPLETS •'Currency' Bobsi apd. 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs., Qualily alweya- the same. . . 1-1 Stanley -Township . • . . . Mns. Nathan: :Peck of Egrriondeille, accompanied by her eon Bert, spent a couple of days _est week with,relaetiv- es on Babylon 'and Mellen Lines. .Erratt feetn• Ageure, was the!» guest of Ms uncle, :Mr. Isatc Erratt ef ,Babylon Line this week. Messrs, Stephenson el Babylon Line had a -bee en ;Saturday raising a ham on the McIntyre farm. • • Word has hemereeeived or the death or Miss Ellieabeth•Sto,gdill; . formerly of Goshen Line, , whicb took .place, on Monday, July 8th, at the .hoe.e of her he.ollier-in-law, 'Mr. Fred Forsythe eaLleoicie e• Mr. J. W. Reit .—C-enWrit---a--f-ene-t visiting friends in, Stratfore last week, • Miss Wroxy 9a1nier •of, Goderich has been spending a tee/ (lays with Ler cousin, Mese Dorothy Beene- - Mise Einnita, Peck is visetittg at* the horneeof Mn.le. H. Peck of Seaeorth. Miss Attie Peck and, Mr. :t. eek Sr. 'spirit Suaday at :the home of elt. Henry Peck. . ,„ Mies Hazel Peebles of Herrin -en% visiting with her anti+, Mr. Iuus Keys of the Babylon Line. A large member from this vleltity spent Dominion )ay in Bayfiel On . the 28th .0 Juke a --wedding took plate at the» home Qt Mr. John Watson, of »the Sateile Line wheit Iii daughter, Ethel, vva,s, made the wiee Mr. 'William MossoP,: a well-to-do far- mer Who livee en the same line. The cerereony.was Performed at 12 o'cloce in» the presence of a feW of the most intimate friends. The 'bride entered the parlor, leaning on the arrn of her father -as ' Annie Voseer of Verna Ogled the , wedding march. The Rev., ' Mr. Stead - Man ineformed the eeremony, while little » Miss Dowaf was flower • girt, The couple were ur.atedided. The bride looked charming in a dtess. of *white silk with over dress- of White net. After congratulations tire corn - pally sat dove a bounteous end Well eerited spread, The presentee wove nemeroue and useful and indicate the popularity of th' 'bride anon »be" associiite; That tit' the graetn t� the bride vette a beatetitul gold chainanl lecket. The bride's going elway Xlms waS (if ,cluiffon broad eloth, M. . and Mrs. lVfossee left at 8 &deck foe' 'tin; cerdine aucl other" pints and ore:their return will take up housekeeping on the groctee farm on the 13tervensori Line, We wish them a long »anl happy married* lite. • For QnalitY arid Quantity asli your dealer for We new big plugs of 'Bobs' 'Stag and Currency' Chewing Tobae- cos. Varna. • Varna L. 0, L. together with meal-, here ot the order front Bayfleld, ilea and Goderich toveratlip marched from the local lod•ge mope lest; SIM - day evening to St, ehurch Whore tbel rector, the Roy. M. iliOlde,„ preached a most .appropriate sermon. There was oe large ettendance, larger even than the capacity oe the °buten. Me, and eVirs. Wiliam Reid returned last,iiceir ter Bay,, „City, Mich., After a pleasant visit aneong relatives in this district. There will not be any service in: the Methodist eltorch next Sunday evening °Wing to the anniversary services at BruCefiehl. •- • Ailr, Areirew DunKin- returned , last week Men the Cobalt destrict, Ms dee tore from that eldorado. being hastende , by themyrids at voracious! anode flies wield,. Make We somewhat of 0 nur- den there. The paperers and painterS have rain- cleted their work on St. »John'e church WO; now has a vastly im- proved Appearante, The impeoveeientsi reflect much credit upoo the congrega- tton Who now have a very neat and bright .plane of diverie‘worship. Be. Ur. Brown will preach in Bay- field next -Sunday :evening .when Rev, Mr. Steadinan takes charge of the an- niversary services in Bettcefield. .The township council age asking for tenders for "Cement abuttheirtillie smell bridge at Baird's on the 2nd eon. The Junes Keyes farm on the Parr Line, consisting of 100 acres,. has been sold to Rev. Mr. Murray of Michigan for in the neighborhood.or 847,60. Mr. Murray •hes bought the place as an investment and, we understand, has edited, it to lten .William Palmer, for - merle of these parts but, for the past couple of years ii Goderich, who wile move on tekenhe,place. Mr, AttereweReid » of the Parr Line was seriously ill the forepart at the Week, with cholera morbus. • Tlie feneral ot the late Mrs. Jaanes Thompson took place on Weencelay afternoon from the ' 'tome et her een, •Mr. Alex Thempson of. the Bruce - field Road, to Ilaitirs cemetery; 1$/rally -picnic patties have passed through dur vii»lage the past week bound fee balmy, breezy Bayfielee Holmesirille • • • • Mrs. IVelt•er Leroyd f Kenora, n. visiting at the old home. • .,.Mr. aeed Mei, » A. Elepat .were- vise - ors at Staetley's on. Saturdin. . Mrs. Holmes or, Saturday list, the Oth inst» celeboated • the 101et anti- vereary of her bittielay eand many friends celled • to , ektend their con- • gratulations. She Was able to sit i..13 alnd take (linnet) •Witit • those al her childree who were p.res.nt. . . Miss Jer.nie Phip,ps and Mr e and came op on. the; Oid, Boys' excursioe Mee: Sviallow andfamily of Teront• en -Saturday to eisit old friends. Mrs.( Swallow and „fatidly 'will remain . for a few weeks. ,• 'Mr. and Mesdie 'Tudor of •Censtancel, ;iastittierddiayt: the lat. tk's .014 home Mt. " Amin el Pickering -,was visiting his nejee, Mee. A, J. Courttice. The 'atouel lawn social is to • be .held on tee grounds of Mr. Gunge Hol- land at an early dat » ..; • • •BlYth. Toaluiereiev's celebratiori of the an- niveesery of the Bettie of the itoyne is exnected to be. 'the biggest gether- in of the kind evef seen in nes as-. trite. .' • • . OO Feiday afternoon 'a .large number - of our citizens ttended the picnic near Eelgrave» In ,aid of Wingham hospital. Quite a'number arrived on the Hun; cif Old Boys". exclusion frani. Toronte oit Seturda, y ret,uraing on Monday ae- ter, having spcnit' a pleasant time v, ith friends and..relative,s 'here. •• . .Some 0 the Ora.ngomen of theeitoWn' joitted their brethern in» 13elgrave their annual churchparade to the Enelish Chvech en Sunday arterricion. On Finley the Censervative .conveae tion of East 'Heron was held in 13russers. A epod number ef cereal: - Mrs.: Miles YoeFiig is"ltavifig her res- idence renovated with a fro b coa:t of paint: Alonday he Diyision Court was, held in . industry hallf. judge Doyle residing. There, were... several eases disposed oi, ene a jury case. • On Monday nieht the fleet passenger frain made( • its first a,ppearence.ag Blyth Station on •the G. • & 0. Rai! - Railroad. In; future two: trains each way daily will be running. . • Ott' Ttiesday a game, of baseball be- tween Myth ante lateen was played, the 'score being Lecknow 12, Blyth 0. »" Great .preparations are being made for holding (heof 'coed leila,nd here on Friday. Should the Weather only 'prove favorable it is expeoted there will be the biggeret, crowd • that • ever invaded this burg. Hullett Township , A very interesting game. of few,:emit was played in Constance. last Vednes- day evening between the Constanee anti Brecefield • team, Brumfield had an: Unbroken record for the eeasor and had previously beaten earl et the heine team 3- to 0. • However, on thia ocCesion the boys -gave them eti un- merciful drubbing to tete tune of to1. Thet wore Is a fair inelleatiort the relay. • . While sawing wood with 'a eirenlet saw a stielc got, io the belt »oct flew and etre:* Mr. James Dale on the head giving him a ,‘severe out. • Me. George Heer-ref Torobto came up. with, the Huron. 01a toys on Sato urdoy and renevvor old acquaintances. Miss Nellie McIntosh left. on Friday -Morning of last week for Butialle where she intendto go in training for •a. mime, Miss Nora IllaVe, who has been teaching school in the Thessalon dis- that for the past six mantes, Ms returned home for the Isslidays. Mr. jams Tigitti is not Enjoying the' best of health at present. • . • nayfield Mrs. eKay and daughter of Sag- inaw are the pests of her parents, M. and Mrs. T. J. Moorebouse. Mises Nellie and Mamie Wamsley of Detroit are Visiting triende- in the , • Miss 'Edith Falconer: et Goderich Spending her holidays under the r- enai ro01. • Akre. Baker . nd family of Toronto and Miss *10.7s1e Biggart' are visiting their parents- » Mr. and Mrs. John Biggart. •. - • Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Wingham are guests at the Oommereial, Walter Pickard, Miss Peckai,e and Miss O'Connor of Sean:milt are guests at Mrs, J. Ferguson's. , Mr. 0. U. Walker of • Walker 4' • Clegg, Wingham, was in the village, Monday, on his way teem the Bend where he sileet• Sunday with his Jane By. Miss Ida Brownlee ot London is the guest of her cousis; Mee. Little, et present. Mrs. Wherein and family of Torolito arrived Monday and have .taken a tap in the White City, Mr, and Mrs. BroWn of Blyth were guests at the Albion this week. Mrs. Weir and daughters, Aliases Mary and Frappes arid son Harvey of London are the- guests of her sister, eepelmo_Tippet. Mi. John Whiclitan and sisters, Kiss- es Mary and Isabella Whiddon of Goderiele pent Sunday in the village, ...The following •came up on the Hun - on Ohl Boys' excursion and remained over till Monday : George and James Safiderson, Russell Troyer, J. Cows- • ley, Miss • Neill* Martin and J. G. • Stanbury. Nrre. (Rey.) •Irelland of • Be:emitter • speat a few days in the village on hot • way, to their -new appolotenent. Whiddoe left last 'Week fot Eernontoti where he will spend the summer. • Mrs. Morgan if Cleveland Spent it, few days in the village last week. , • John Stnegeon., • who has been' ab- sent the past » two year et Port Dov- er, is spindieg a • few weeks ate hie hame. He is. ace:onward:el •by Mee • Brown and daughter, Mise'Brown. • Mrs, Haines of Hollyrood is the gest or hee ',laughter, Mrs. . 'Miss Tena Roes of » Buf!alo» is th.e guest of her parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Ress. • Messes: W. Sanderson' and T. Cele- •ero.n of Gealetielt spent Sunday •at thele homes. _ , • • Goderith On Toesday of last Week Mr. George Acheson passed away. 'Achesonea strong constitution» seemed towea, en a year ago, and the' pot n spring. he had quite a • serious attach! Of grippe, but the laet attenk seerneci.to be one.of lerightes diseanee Death was. 'not expected by any or his'eriends thetrenorning, for he 'seemed in...extree mely geed Spirits, but- 'wh.ile he • en- joyed a light,repast, deatlt stood' by. The reneral7eernice tele house » was Prtvatee the • oublic eeryice tkirg place in North ,St. church: Five cleegyinen, -took paet • in the se csnee; Rem T. M. CeMpbell.anal Lahcely ol igoeidon, and Hazin, •Clement and l'•:ott? of town. The first apri'last • sung. by :the Congregation were •tick of Ages" and "Jesus „Lover of My Soot." Mise Teeth Brovvo sang "Who -Knows-:" • The Choir sang ""We, Speen O the Lane of the,Blest.P.. :Before the service the caseet was taken up to (he Altar tailing, 'and the rioter emblems were . placed (upon two tales in the sanctuary. Amoiag the floral trinities were a. baantlitll Ifillow of .white.roses, tribute 'Of the eereaved, tiouee 'of the deceased. • "The. Gatee' Ajar," tribute of the board pf trustees of the Oilmen and.. another •• tribute "Gates A.jar. from -Me: Harry Pollock, Aylmer ; • • a' beautiful anchor, tribute of the quart.- .erly. imard : 'creseene from Rogers 'Coq. Godbeith ; and, largo wreath -frOni th White » Co., Toronto. Maoy, beautiful • casket baguets were also aniceig » the 'floral tributes. • The relativ-es froni a diatance wim ateendedetheeionetal were ,Mes. 'Ford, a • sister trope Clioton , and a • brother, Mr. Robert. Acheson --from the same place ; •feene-anit Mrs. •Sperling, Toronto, tee latter a sister, of Mrs. George Acheson; Di. Lusk, beatheeeineaw of Mrs. Acheson, end jeles. Booth, :a 'twice both of Toeonto Mr, Harry Polloce' et Alynier, a telat- ive. The pallbearers were :• Messrs., Ephraim Doi'vaing; J. II, Colborne, J. P. Brown, Alex. • Alegaw,' G. 'Theme - son, and 'Capt. • James Tnomsein, (AI Lee(13, Dakota., Mr, George , Acheson WO a great oilier of •the Methodist church, and aided itoin all money train sae -times.. Mr. Acheson leaves besides hie devoted widow three brothers and •one siker. - • ••• Mr. George Por tot • is.. getting quit e.. .well arid will soon return to -his bus- iness. Through the kindness ot Mine host Of Hotel Goderich, Miss. Troy of • De- troit is holding a Saered Sone _.„ zee - eke every Sunday eV.ening, in/ the par- lors ot the hotel, Miss Tree has •a beautiful vdicc, » end sang. severer Solos • "Face To Face' being Me of Mem. ,number of our citizens eni631;• ed 'the evening song• service-. The funeral of the -late Alexander McIntosh of Toronto took place oh Tuesday, AO 2nd, from the residence Of Mr, and Mee. Charles Reid, the lattee being a sister »a the .deeeased. Service was conducted at house. and Cemetery by Re;', 'James. Hamilton • The tonere' Was conducted under the auspicesof the Masons of Maitland Lodee•al house arid cemetery as veell, 'SIX'," of the' members acted as peli- hearets. : Thee late' lVle, McIntosh wa; an exteedingle, active man, had been condixtot on the G. T,. Pa for almost 'quarthr al a ..eintdry. Pneumonia ' Mrs. A. Bee, 4ave.a• ealightful pic- ,nle to her young guests; the Mews 'Graves' • -el 'Texas mend • other young guests; at Point Farm, mic day last week ; winding up With strawberries end cream at Morrisdate Farm. On July 25111 the Ladies' Guild re $t, George's church 'will hold their annual »garden »party at the summer realdente of Mrs. C. C. Morrison, inn 0. F. Carter's grotoide. Summer Complaint! At the first sin of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets, or in a, few boiree the troubleretey be heyeil4 cure. Baby ''s Own, Tablets is the bent meilioinee The Tablets ought, -there. •iner complaints it given occasieeally to well thildrek and will as prempt- cUee these troubles it they ,come imeXpeetedly,. Unt the prudent, imed.b* ,er will not wait until. trouble. 4ornSa -she will keep her Ohelerete. well: through an occasional dose of this medicine. The Tablets •ouglat, there- fore, be kept he -the 'hoese et all timele Mrs. Chas, Warren, Nevis, Sask., says.: "MY little boy was greatly troubled with his stomach anti bowels, but a few dotes of Baby's ,Own Tablets wrooght a great change hi him. 1 would not be without the Tableto in» the house." Sold» by all medicine dealers or by „rinail At 25 cents a box Irmo The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Broclenila, Ont. SelefOntil. • There passed away in Tuckersraith on Senintay, Mary McKay, sister, 0 Mr, Peter McKay, a well known ,a.rel highly respected resident at that dis- trict, » The deceased had been a• great cage to the, gaembers or the family for a number Of year,e. Mr. Robert Willis happened ivith what might have Proved a( very eerie ous accitden't cn Dominion DayAc- carapenied, by Mrs; Willis he. leeel been spending the day • -with • friends a t Princeton ane.» were driving from Pen -motive to Dru.mbo, • to take the train for lionae. The horse - they were (laving became frightened » by an auto- mobile and Mr. and Mrs. Willis were both thrown from the rig: The latter escaped any injuries »but Mr. Minns 'Was not as fortunate. He •will be laid up for a number 0 weeks, having • Sustained serious •injuries » Omit -like head, also one limb Was: badty» hurt so that he is unable to walk. • - Carlow. • Frank 1VIcEionagle, jr, ii home from the» Unieeersiti 'of Tot -opine, . Rev.. Mr. Wright, of the Barrie Pres- bytery, is to preach lure the nextltwo Sabbaths:: - _Mess Tena »Jehnston is home from London, where she was attending t1t.1 ,Normal School. . • AlieseMona Walter'who is -teaching a, s,chool (near Cerletoit :Place, is home for the holidays., , • ' leenere» sorry to hear, that Mrs. Arch-, Horton-, formerly Of this local- ity, now ot Lielmen, is ill. • . - The farmers were cutting .hay last week. Tlibee who have alfalfa nee, it a' Mirly good • :seep. The hay crop ger.etally will, however, be .short. . • • The C. P. Re hasa large number ot • men working on the ballastihgeet the roadbed :teem, Blyth. to Sharpe'e • Creek' •The-neenstreetenteetrains •Jere -riming frequently-aiirtile sectran of the road will soon be» in gooKeilialee. • air ressing Nearly every one likes fine hair .dressing. Sometbingto make the . hair more manage. able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the. ends. Something,. too, 'that will feed »the hair at \the smile time, a regular hair -food: - Well -fed hair will bestrong,and will remain where it bdongsr-- on thc head, not on he conk! • Thet begat Mau of a testimonial- , » "itik4d for over sixty years." r•ads IT1f; #fr• i•• SAMAPAMLA. lers-msthrncrovx. VOTERS' .LiST, • 190r-`---MLINICIP- ality of the Township of 'Startlee, County of Hurn -Not -ice is hereby • given the I.haVe traesinitted » or • delivered »to the persons . mentioned • in section( 8 a,nd \,0 of the Ontario . •Voters' Lists Ant, the copes »re- quired -by mid section :4 . to be SO. •• transmitted . r delivered of the list mane, pursuant to, said Act, of all persons appearing by » the last` revis; • ed Assessment Roll of • tit.? sale Municipality at Elections fa: Mem- bers or the„ » Legielative:Aeseluely, and at Municipal Elections ; and • that the said hat was first »postci , tip in nty office, at Varna, on the • eteleth day, of Juaatealtlene and temente., there fetr dnepection. Electors are • called upon . to examine . the said • list, and, if any oniiSsiOnS or any Other errors are found, therein, to take immediate proceedings to haVe the said errors correCted according to law.-Deted this 4111th day:. • of 1807.-J: El. »» Hartwell, Clerk Of Stanleie. • . ,r d • Tom Oleos . SEPTEMBER 2nd. OUr 'management durinl iiio pii-ht year - trained,over. 200 young ladies and gentlemen as stenographers, bopek-; keepers and telegraphers and placei them in excellent, situations in lead Lig Canadian and Arnerieitt cities, , • individual instrLotiori • Write for catalogue , Mutton Business Oo lege GEORGE SPOTTOIC PrinciPa July Ink 1907 wa+sa,ara-aav.a.aar.--aama 44-4- J., B. HOOVER. IiitaCIN MALL Never before was our stock of Furniture fflora 00mplatO than at ti o preaeat Ora% Wacerry a large iatioty of i3edro.oln $1.1ite$C Sideboards,.. Extenslon',- Tables, Dining mom Chaim, Odd Suites, Parlor Tables, Ste.... In fact we have everything belonging to the rorteititre -business, and remember our pricesare as -IOW /10 the lowesb We have a large stock of Picture Moulding and will frame your pictures promptly and neatly. ' a Our personal attention given 'to Undertalv. ing, Calls day or night .0 HOOVER BALL ++++.±+ 0....6•■•••••••■••• llot Weather Shoes Here's just° the weather for them, and our under -the -usual prices fit --right into your needs. Ladies line white canvae Blucher Oxfords, out turn » • Soles, and white heels, male; , 1.50 Children's white cotton goods at ' .06 Men's Canvas Shoes, regular $2.50, for . . .. 2.00 Little boys special sporting styles at. , ....... .. . . ” .50 Big boys Special sporting styles at ., . ; .75 Buy your shoe needs from the. new reliable • . at -the -old reliable shoe store, Get Your repairs done while you wait.. Our repair- • , » » department is run at high speed. ED JACKSON " ALWAYS -RELIABLE." ' Successor to W. Taylor Of Son,. - CLINTON. . . . _ 444.•10.si44#••••s•••• ••• *SONS*** •S•44•!**. • •••• •.!* .1 A»SiipQn .T3iji.der I •Pure Mariana 'Binder Twine 659 • feet•13i cts. 'Manilla, 600 feet 12i cts. I. . Order early to secureat this low price. 10 per cent discount on Lawn Mowers, Gasoline and Oil Stov- es. HARLAND. BROS. * STOVES • --- AND HARDWARE * " ••••.+04k..*44••••••40••••••••••....****.o....4.......; . -''''Wseeesarer#0werneeeevieeneereesi 25 • e * 0 1W.E will give a discount of 20 and 25, per cent. on all Japantse goods, sold during the month of July. , • .4,11. goods bought from us will, be en- . , 7: graved free of cost. , • # t&k • R. COUNTER, ' JEW -ELLER, eaneveneen- oteneitene- noweekteeneeernAnee 11111•1111110•11 Clinton Ont , • Dungannon • • Miss Frank McLean of Lucknow is spending the holidays, at Vet lioine hate, • • Writ. Arelerson, wile •and fain* spent a. couple of days'ivith friernla in Chedey. • Jon Boyle, of St. » Augustine, »has • taken a» position as junior cleric in the Sterling Bank here. Wm. Cornelius and Miss Gertie, -ot Exeter, who have been visiting their palersts, Mr. and, Mrs. James Cor- nelius; of Ikagatinen, returned home an Tuesday,' • Dungannon. • • • '1VIles . Of the postofllee bOok- etere, has received a tieW stsiek 01 • souvenir postal • carde with » several Views of • Dengartmeit'S beautitul scenic features,. .„. Little Redvers Augustihe ws badly' • .bitten by adogi last week. The canine ' has since been shot. Rev, j'..W„ Robbinson preached hiS farewell sermon on Sunday eveeing and- he and his family left on, Monday for hls now station, Rev.W. A. Sindtli and family arrived here the same day front Lucknow.