The Clinton News-Record, 1907-07-11, Page 1'
• • -
704 'row
Number 1481
st Huron Conservative Nominations: Commons, Dr. Chisholm, M. P., Legislature, James Bowman
„„e gruth.
our practice to regulate watches before selling
them. Therefore our wa4ehes4 both by heredity and
training are truth tellers.
• We have nothing to do with 'the watches that we
do not know to be aBeuritto time keepers. _
Our prices are'se low •as the often so called good
• watehee. •
Call and examine our stock.
„ . .
al• ma Mk Ilk AL allo male,
.Y.. ILeiIiqar,
jraweller and Optician, ; • ; • ; Clinton
The Sovereigh Wank of Canada•
XMILIUS JARVIS, En.* It• 0* JIMMIrrr. Esq.,
Presided. • General-Afar:tiger.
Xtrintos lawns, Esse, - - 'President
ICANDOLPPUZACDONALD, Esq., First Vice -President
A. A. ALLAN., Esq., - Second Vice -President
HON D iidceiteeete, Box. Parert'idcLaanx,
Dvbnorr, Esq., M.P. At.e.x. Barrel, Esq., K.C..
Savings Bank Department. ,4•4,
. . .
Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. .
Clinton and Brueefield
• . • . .
The . Sterling . Bank. of, Canada'
• 144444.414•4!**
Head Office Toronto. • .
a: T-soingns, President. W. K. GEORGE, Vice -President.
F. W. BR-011CIKALL;--Oeneral ' •
A general banking business transacted, - • • - .. •
Interest on -savings -accounts credited quarterly. -•
BAYFIELD BRANCH open Monday, Wednesday, Friday each weeelre-
, VARNA BRANCH open 'Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday each week
WM. BEATTY,. Local Manager.
Wheat 85e.
Oats 45e to 470.
Peas 730 to 750.
13010Y 45e to, 50e.
Butter 15c to 16e.
Eggs 14e to 1-5e.
Live Hogs $6.35
Mr, Fred. .1Viutelt will play the fite
for 14. 0, L. No 19 Qederieli
township, in Blyth toemorrow. Be-
ginning ate a boy in kniekere tweney-
two years ago :there hats been only one
celebratien of the 12th that he
not attended either as fifer or member
of the braes iiand in his native village
oe Auburn:
Mr. Joe Ratteiebury leas let the con-
tracts fee the erection of his' new
hotel to the following parties,: cem-
ent walls for basement and laloeltieg,
Hiram Hill ; brick work, DanPrior;.
woodwork,. Thoslefackeneie t; plater.
tett Jos, Copp.; roof, Harland Bros,
The Memheeting amt. plumbing has
not yet been let. The building is to
be of widte brick, three storey?, 'high
and 52.x 72 feet.
Mr. Sandy nines cif Stanley dove
into toWn on Tuesday and while re-.
achnig into tho buggy for the natter,
his math bolted. and started Off tel. a
sensational runaway. Dashing e wn
Huron, street at top •speede she wheel-
ed on tot' Orange street and in cluing
se broke a wineew and tore some sui-
t% off ''The Wigwam."' Continuing
her tlight, tlfe animal had reached Mr:
John jenkinen Goderich township,
• two genes distant, when she got ean-
gled up, was thrown, and just- about
strangled when a farmer happened
along and out her, loose. The buggy
may be worth repairing.
Fled. Rie1tards,1 one of. Vett. Males'
carpenters, ha.d e Very narrow escape
on Tuesday afternoon .froen meeting
with serious if not fatal accident, He
Was working on Levi Wilthe's barn
on the London eltoad and was very
lieu the pinnecle of theroof When he
lost his footing; • slid dowb 'the iron
roof head first and in • that posit/oft
shot to mother earth, 'a distance of
about thirty feet. The speed at whieh
he descended threw him out some dis-
• tance from, the building se that he es -
seeped the timber lying around and lit
on a manure heaThiTeettelt softened -his -
.fall' wed, no doubt ,sayed :life. He
was ettemed for a tune and was obe-
giderahly bruised and shaken; up and
had a eufor two which the prhad
to stitche• but it .is ., expected, that
he will be aroundegaytt in e, few days'
as well as ever.
There was an tinuenally, large antte-
danceeat last Thursday evening's Meet-
ing er Court Maple Leaf arei the these
The Metope oalectivns• at Clintoie
poet of entry from APrii to Jun # antle
1007 Were $401.3.53, betng an increase
of $7.04 over tlte correipor.ding period
of last year.
The mixed cienetette of the Ontario
street chum') consisting of Mrs. B. J.
Gibbingee Miss Gibbiegs ad Messrs.
Will, Harland ad R. A. Downs' sang
with nwen seceptance at a garden
party given under the auspices of the
1VIethodist congregation, Lintdenboro,
Teesday evening. •
',max Lopm.,s.
The music pupils of Miss Sybil
Courtice gene a recital at lien resid-
ence on Tuestray evening'.
Mr. ilitus Callyer An Saturday won
the prize given: weekly at the shooting
gallery. This is the second week in
%moose:ion that he has done so. .
The num Old aoys, excursion nevi
Toronto to the old tfeme coun,ty ap-
pears to be growingin favor year by
year. On, Saturney last two bit;
trains were nacessary to convey all
the pasSengere and so greatcwas the
Mr: Harry -Hoiden, Vrito has' beet rush at Union Station tbatn amt.
bead elern in Tozer Brown s dry lion to the regular staft of ticket sell -
goods store, hes. resigned to accept' a ers, twenty extra men were engaged.
'position as travellerfoil. the Pugh Mie It is udderstood that the H. p. Ws
Co.,. TOTOnL0', 01'4. Moaelay evening, share of the reeeipts will amount' to,
the eve of his deearturn to eater tecoon Yearly. $400,
his late . employers 'aed ids fellow .4.':::VI/ILQ:.EivirtoTa7t; se'aforth, 4 war
eleTics a handsome seal travelling
abbot, vainictketifrcolomsetdfiethenz was a
palship of the Clinton, Model' school.
suit- among the applicants for the Print -
He came up on Wednesday. of last
week and Personally interviewed the
De. George Dewar of Glencoe died members of the board, each of whore
in St. JOteeph's hospital, London, on he assured that If given a salary ot
Tuesday morning after undergoing an $1,000 he woold do hie utmost to
operation for appendicitis. He was maintain the school's high standing.
born- in Sealertn forty-two years ago , The board met the followin.g evening
and his early life was: spent in that did accepthd his application and next
town: He was a brothar, of Mrs. Jas. riorning he was wire& to that effect
Fair, Clinton, and paid frequent and an answer requested, Mier wait -
Visits to this tewn where he foemed 'rig in vain for a reply, •and ascertain-
many abiding frienes pe. Mr. and ;Mg that Mr. Moffat was not out.. of
Mrs. Fair are in Gleneoe to attend town, they tried to mesh hith over
the funeral which takes place this an the " telephone, but he appareatly
teenoon. ' couldn't be ‘oaxed,th the Certral.
• . Tht next day,a, postcard: was wo:
on wasenot fat to seek. itwasthe.
' Windup a Mr. VV. Jones' twentvfour
V4.1.444.44.4.444.444444.4•4•44444•491 yce:rs tenure of office as finanCial-sec-
'retaey and the brethern had as'semtbiled.
to do him honor, their seatiinent be-
ing the following address,
which was reed by Mr,' J., B. Hoover:
To William Jones, Esq.
1 CORDERED. This store Will close ,nt 7 o'clock MANMADE. .
LOTIluic. -during July and August ex. • •
cept Saturday. . • • _puma°. .
This s the_Shirt that fits
No Safety -pins -No Buttons -No Needle -No Thread
DROP THE OLD WAT. TRY all SEW WAY. (ent. tc.. de)
This is our Italie Neck Cotton Shift, without beteae. It Is always a eemeee-ine
to buttons to come Of and none seeding to be mired on 11,11 made fan black.
• •
Men's Summer Underwear in fanny and plain
colors at 70c per suit
Suir—iludernmer -wear-m-plain-and-ribb
• extra value at $1.00 per suit.
Men's Bachelor Underwear, same as above cut
at $1,50 per suit.
Men's extra fine Silkateen Underwear, spring'
needle, ribbbed unshrinkable glove
fitting At $3,00 per suit.
Men's Combination Underwear in Silkateeri,
iplain and fancy colors at $2.50 and $3,00
eA special' tine of Boy's White Duck flats just re-
d this eek at 25c
Come Early • and ecure one.
Successors to tiodgens Bros. Clothing Store
"A Square Deal for Every Man.'!.
Dear :Brother :- •
We are very sorry indeed that the
oceasion has atriyed when we must
part with you as, our Financial See-
retaxy. We know thatiyour heart will
still continue to be in tlfe week thug
after the time of your laying aeide
the active duties of the office.
Mfery member of Court Maple 1 eaf
No: 16 has been fully'Cognizant of your
untiiring zeal and integrity during ylout
tenure �f office, covering the long per-
iod of aearly a quarter of' e century.
Many a. rob .i'! you have, sr ithigly
passed -over; fnany a beatt-aclui you
have experienced cloiag your duty due -
nig that lime, and many of us owe
te-direatly-to your--perseverithee-the-
fact .of otik still retaining Our .mem-
bership., for we fear we would have
allowed out name tepee had 'A itet
.new (intros., he was !presented by . • -
Mr. Will. MeNaughterr, brother of.
the Misses McNaughton formerly of
town, and of Meseta. John and David
MeNaughten of Stanley, died Sudden-
ly- on -Monday in Edmonton,' Alberta;'
of heart failure. He has, been in tlfe
West five years but only sbe-montlfs
in EdmondLon where he was Ellgaged.
in the real estate business. The re -
matins are now on their way east ac-
companied by, Miss. Kate McNaughton.'
The funeral will take clam. ficen tlre.
• residence of Mr, John MeNaughtote,
Varna, on Saturday . afternoon on
• Sunday: The deceased was .only thir-
ty year of age.. • • ...
. • . • . ,
,. . •
• The corporation stene crusher hal:
been 'kept busy all week and has al-
ready turned out many, teats of . road -
making Material which e is being plac-
ed o ictoriaentreet 'coning Mirth. of
the railway ••teaelc". etbee etreire-ehrid-
during the day IS rolled for a• couple
of hours in the evening, the motiv.e
power being hire:felled by Albert -Mir-.
rell'e traction rtgiee -which also op-
erates the crusher from seven a. re.
until .six p in,' "Albert thus pitting
in a •good lor.g
°Road -making along these modern
methods goes slowly and .it is -likely
to be well ee, into before the
work ,mapped .outby the street .Cont-
mittee is completed.
Chief Wheatley i general •overseer
with George Trowhill .. first assistant
at the big orusber. •
The machine: Is .sonieWhat noisy and
rather dusty se that citieens. livingen
the vicinity of the townhall.protesteS
against it being oCeratee. there so it
hasbeen m.oved to near Fait's pond..
The meeeing. it the - Public school
board was held on Thursday evening'
lase Was what will likely be the fast
meeting until after • the • holidays.
Priesinal Lough was presence and gave.
•hig final and farewell report • which
was as follows: ' •
"Oureattenclanee for Jun.e *as d.''•
follorws: Enrolled.: 'boys 188, girl'
166, average attendance 248. This is
the lowest or some time and it was
caused by mumps and•measles. I pai
Vie town treasurer $19..70 non-reeielent Miss 5, Carling, who nese been
fs for the six. months ending Julie Jog in Plensall, has gone to •Toron-
30th,. ,Ac'eept my thank§ ,for .all kinte. , to to spend her yaeation4 ;
'nese' eshowe rne-and-for-thee-feree-Mreandelfre. Geciege -,Fieliarrr-
end -
well on Friday last. My desire is to family of Weston were guests last
see the echool in whieh I labored so Week it Mr. J. P, Wasmann's.:
been for your, gentle reminder. long prosper 'an 6 the boys and &Is vi
of this town grow to be mode) guest of her sisters, the Misses
eees• ,Smeltser ;of •Meaford is the
We desire to ehow our appreciation citiiens. Daring/ nty term 685 Model Mountcastle, at wehe WigsVatee•
of your services is some -Small man- students attended the scgool ar.d about; Mrs. 'Harry Clucas, Torento, was the
ner, knowing full welt that the intrin- 600 pupils passed the Entrance. With guest of her sister, Mee. J., W.
etc .• value of this Cane will not be your' perrniesion 1 shall ring a ,fare- 'Ratter:buy, from Thursday to Sat -
considered by you of nearly as much well to the citizens of Clinton before =day:. •
,importer.ce as the good wishes , and I take my departure from town." MT. and Mrs. Lester Scott, Tacna°, first cost of waterworks, bet its num.-
"God bless you" from the entire For the poeition PrilleiPal made were guests of the lady's Parents, tenenee afterwatese We must indeavor
membership of his Court:, vacant by the resignation of . Mr. Mr, and Mrs:, Pluinmen Saturday to to lea,ra how many' will be weter us -
me how w hope that your declen. Locegh, the following. hi.:e:wapppliiect;t: Monday oVeunoinge. wit tad 1.31, ees and the probable income..
inn •ay be happy and fritittid, tion, but wbo• will be t Re F. - v Yt a a ba re (Itber members toolc part in the die -
and be assured that we who hest as teemed on Tuesday to their home at
sedated with you so. long will never Pali is not yet en w
D. Currie, Gore Bay, P.000 - Burlington after fortnight's Vieit cuesion and then. Councillors coper
and Forel. were 'appointed a c "•
1 ,
Did the Town's 00,000 GuarAw
antee to the Thresher Co.
ICease With the Fire?
If so Can the Council Pa Over the In-
surance Money to the Compang?
At last, Thursday oxidizes meeting
of the town council Counoillor Coeper
fell foul of Covaeillor 'Smyth, the
chairman, of the street corirmittee.
Said the worthy chairman; in effeet •
You are incessantly, in:teetering with
the work of my committee, Awl • 1
want you to understand. right here
aod 'xiow that we are getting dowle
right tired of it We are doing our. '
best anti are anxious to snow ger d. the
salts when we agaih come before 'he
people. to give an account of • our
stewardship.. • •
• This little heart-to-hea.rt talk arose
over the picsentatiou of the street
eommittee's report. The crusher is
no.haewir;e:nci,yalpedIr • weelipoorpaonitoon,z7la. go; tonott
supply of road nuking material on
hand in a few days. We have been
getting adtviee from various (nutters,
inefoling. en:gineer of OZ.: Geed
Roads Department, Torontoe Feu -
pose running`four-inah bile drains uf.wri.
both sides of the streets, with tress -i
pertion of the street the compao,y4 •
will exchange land north tf v.biun
they bought' from Mr. Copp. in Fbeell
it wa,s asked that the street he molt-
ect north the Wfdth •of itself in trim
that the works may have a grcater
frontage on ICing or •StAtion
The coune0 saw no objectioll
granting the request and the Mayor
and Cotacillor !lawns were vpoiired •
to confer with the Ceimpany and ar-
range details. Part of the necessary
peeliminarn is the Postlieg of notices
and. the. insertion of an advertisement
in one of the local papers.
ceived statihg :then he had ellanged hip draino at .quentsar.d spots, e
mind, • ' MT. Alex, Maekenzie entered a vig-
Bet in the meantime -and here's the crcus kick ag'ainst '111.1C dils;t3'' slate
point -the Seaforth. board had been of Ontario street upen whit& a thick
called together and Mr. Moffat':s sal- coat of . coal cinders from the Salt
peaded ewo ' ernes
airy was relied to $950, an increase ef Block was
fifty donate , • .: Householders along the street tax(
: . A Few Queries , e ever since coMplained of the tercet
Why did Mr. Moffat personally Can.. amount of black duet elle when . the
vas the-inembere of the school board I wind 'blortva from a certain direc:tion
Why did he not answer the telegraph they haVe keep their doors and
:message or respond to the telephone windows closed. "The duet iejeres
call ? .
Is it correct that he told the Seae'
forth board, that he had theeivece • a
better offer from Clinton Without at,
the same time telling them that • be
had in person eolielted it ? • •. •
.•Is pta,yinee one school ,board against
another for more mor.ey according to
the•presenteday ethics ot the teaching
profession? ••
.Should not the:after:ties of the Ed-
ucational Denartmeat lie directed to
Meffatonian methods ?
Miss Minnie. Cook- hoe returned te
Meet Josh Cook and family ensitel
Goclogich friends thie week.
Mies Helen Bowers, Detroit, is the
guest of Mrs, A.• J. 'Grigg.'
Mrs. Mills and Miss Bastede, Toronto,
are. guests of Mrs, liodeene br
Rev. Dr, :Vette f Foregt visited is
brother, Mr. J. 0--ele,dd, this weeki
Mr. W. Diamond Toronto was a
guest at Mg. W. H. '. Cook'k this
Mis„ James Shepherd., Townsend St.,
• is ,Yieiting •friends he 'Paris, and Hale -
Mrs. . (Dr.)'Thompson:, and Master
' Charlie are, visitingHamilton
• •friende. , • .
•Mrs. Coulthse of Toronto, 'formerly.of -lice is being indulged ir it : must
, Clinton, is visiting her many relat- itop.. The town will nottolerate the
• Ives here.' • ' use of intoxicating liquor atnong e. its
Mrs. Geoellanley leaves next Mote fire ,fighters while on, duty,
dayfor a few weeks visit, • atmeng It was alleged that Mary street :
friendgen Michigan. . being used as a sewer much to the
Rey: W. E.. 1C,ere, Mrs. Kerr and fam- itenoyatee of eitezen,s further dawn the
ily go over to Bayfield . this week street The street inspector was or.
for their annual oeting. • dethd to take action against the ofe
Mr. and MrS i F.' Wasmann • spent tenders. • • . • '
Sunday last as; the gueets of the/fore The Knitting Company having .ate.
xner'n mother in Mitchellpealed: against their asseserrient, tbe
coentil decided lot only to defend the
assessment, but to .retain extra legal
assistance. - •
• Orir-beltalf-of the Citizens' •Commit:.
tea, Secretary Shaw , requested the
council to submit a by-leiv ixi favor
waterworks at as early a date ae
possible and along, the lines of the re-
vert ree'en.tly presented by the Com-
In speaking en the subject,Cduneillor
Gibbinge • said the most lenputen.t
phase of the question was not the
cue. property," said Mr. Maokeniie.
"I had my house painted :Awe these
cinders were placed on the street, bee
theevork has been destroyed and will
have to be gone oNcT eeaine And the
Mkt is of such a etatere that you can
hardly 'wash it out of ceirtanu end
otter artieles'."
'Mr. •• A. Armstrong seconded ••bis
neighbor, Mr. Blacken*. We are mutt%
inconvenience& by . the aseu. aed•
weuld.a&e. the council abate the
euisaneet " -
__Reeve Ciateled : Coal ashes maden
nice road for driving on but there is
to doubt they. cause a greet, deal of
• dust and the • reeidente '• Of Ontario
street have certainly been the sufferers
thereby... . .
• Inspector Wheatley: We dan reimoYe
.a tot of he dust 'with the, grader. •
Councinor Gibbirge :. Try ehe grader
and' there put a lew leads of gravel
where the duet is the worste .
The: 'council ordered the removal el
the grievance of Mesces Mackenzie
Armstrong and Others so fa.r ae might
be reasonably expected, .
Councillor Cooper is afraid ' Ova fire
brigade . are in elle habit of boozing
toe mtieh i thair hall. I keow for a
fact, said he, that they have hat:
lieeoe, in their rooms on more then
one. occasion aed. that •some - of them
have gene home tip:sy. 7
• The Mayor a,d.d6 that if such a Peace'
D, A. Macdonald, Toronto, $1000
with relatives in town,
aw prepared for motets -
profitable times we have, had together. C. B. Price, Landon, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'Ross and IVIiss 'store to the .001=11 at the August
May the peace of God °that passeth W 3. Moffat, Sedate, $1000 Jeen Ross visited lerucefield on Mon meeting. '
all understanding ever be with ;ea. • W, M.Scott, Moorefield, $900 •day. Thet is Mr. Ross' leatteelace Barrister Brydone, on behalf of the
YOUTS in L.13. ez C.,
Thom A. Allingliain, Peneta,rigi.sheene and he has el big list of relattivei Thresher Compaey, .asned permiesthe
$040 . . . . •• . a
' • ad friends thereaboudi
ts. to vert the easterly end of
RebtJMiller, 0 R
P. Sheppard, R. S. J. Corrigil, Elmira, $800 Yfr, Will Rattentrary returned to his ton street which. runs north the
J. 0, Gordote, Laketeld, 000 poet in the Molsoris' Bahl: on Mon- Company's works. That its for that
Signed on behalf of the officers wet
• John 1.1artley, Blyth, $000 do after a forthight's holidays a
members of Court IVIaple Le:af No.•10
Cha,sOrillia, $1000
0. O. P. Clinton, July 4th, 100?.. . Ramsay,
'e, liv titrprite, There were but two applications for
Though entirely takn
appropriate rely
Me. Jones made anpthe Model term, lh tt. of Ftlward
in which he dealt somewhat with the Sia'ught° ' of Senegal efeli D. T..
Mr. Slaughter was
history of the Court Which itad'a Smith, Lindsay.
membership of 54 when he was elected .ttetTinc.11.0ice, at a eatery of $156 forehe
restalrY6achra'sge' s'tco
icce, gr'*:•inl. ...For the second division, which Mise
Cheney has • resigned, the -following
Court ir: Huton c.ocatty. •
'Several of the •bretheen gave hetet
tuldresst,s, all alluding to the retiring
Auntie:I-secretary in eulogistic terms.
They appreciated his servites, Were
•soery to loose them but gla.d th latow
Itt. purposed often to be with them,
,nd winkled him happitiese, inthe years
to come.
. • "ch headed, cane which was pro,
Rented Mr. Jones is a very han.dr3orne
one and itr suitably engraved,
apnlieif eaeh at a, salary of $3715 ;
Jessie Wisemad, Clinton
lVfargieet, A. tdward, St. Marys
Winifred Mimeo, Pt. Ellgin
Ruth ncBride, Arnprio.r
Bertha Prankish, Wellesley
Gertie Davidson, Clanbrassil
Olive Cooper, Clinton
Linde Macpherson, Tiverton .,.
Bella .8, Wallace, Ilobageon.
The choice of the board 01 on Misq
few 'days of which, accoMpanicd by
his Mother, were. Spent in Detroit.
Mr. Bert Harianda Detroit,was the
guest last wee?. of Ifie brother, Mr
Will Harland. He. is demonstrator
for the Art Store; Co. whose opera-
tions. extend over the Western Stat-
es. and is meeting With the success
that 'ambition and • merit always
Mr. Md. Floody accompanied the 11.
0. B. excursion ba.elr • to the home
county on Saturday, as a matter of
course, for in his list of the most
• popular events this rally. of the sons
and daughtersof old Huron ranks
next to a celebration which occurs
or the 'twelfth of this month. Mr.
Moody was one of the organizers ofi
tlfe association and is certainly one
of its most energetic members.
The Citizens' brass band played at
a. garden party in Auburn on Wednes-
day ening arid tnis•evehing they will
furnish mnsic at a similar function, in
Drueelleld, •
Mrs. Fred. Lockwood died at bee
hotte a short distance Mirth of town.
on Monday aged fortreight 'years..
Her Ildsband and thirteen children
mourn theix great loss.
The following rinki from tite.local
Club took part :n the Seaforth howl-
in'g tournament this week 1,--J.Tay-
lor, pl. 0. Courtiee, J. D. ITOOVer,i R.
Agnew. 2--0, Ilarge, .1. Wiseman, J.
Hunter, T. Jetekson.
Murphy L. 0. L. will celebrate the
12th in Myth and will be aceeMPar-
led by their fife and dettne band.
The ' residents of the northerly end
of William street presented a petities
asking that • the' street on the east. .
ern side • of the_ park be made the
standard width, The street was al-
ways narrow; the -registerei plan sho-
wing it to be auly einety tieee feet, .
It appears that When it was first sur-
veyed enany• years ago the owner of
land on one side gave half -the road-
way,expecting the Mae on the other
gide Of the line to do the Same, but -
this ragreement, if agreement' there •
was, was not earried out However, •
prepereY owners, there are now asking
•that the • council cut a piece'. off:
. the.
perk and move bacle the high' fenice
whichwas only 'rc,cer.tly repaleed.
is claimed" that elle parties. who are '
benefitte-d, evenif they a:re not
caned upor to pay fee the 'land, sho- •
.uld' at defia.y.the. deist. oi moving
tbe. ,
Cominunications were received from:
each of the three bapes..psking for •
grants for open, air conceits.. The fife
6. nidigrhutmb.aivaret.d dto
dollars, {(1:1)nutit
the S. A's wanted toe bundred' dole ;
Iars•and the •Cilizens' bandthe same . • ,
amount: The council' did not look upe
On, ,any of -the . requests favorably
cept to 'the ,extene„ ' of fifty dollars
voted the CitizeneCe hand. the the .pure .
chase, of hew insteurnente.,
' Reeve gantelon would 'place•alltlirell..
bands on the ;seine !potting and • give- ,
them twenty -eve dollars apiece.
CounCillor .Gibbings : The town band
is a tittle different from the othener-
.gandzatione,' Tee give them '. 'toe
grant they rwifliri all probability dis-
band and it will be difficult to re-
oeganite again, The unjtheres . which .
are worth, $300 and the instrumeette
hale that sunt beleee to he town. . '• •.
think they should" get at ,least fUty
' •
Corporations; it is ;said, have no •
• steels: ; if:such IS the ogee tee 'vote of '
thanks w.hieh ithr. clerk was insteuctedi '
to send the G.. T. B,...for. the -
trahspertation.c f the Blyth and • St- .
ratferd beigaides. th' Clinton on thapee'.
casien of 'the fire in May, will net be.
. appreciated, • • • • ••••
• The following Cammunicetien from
the Thresher Compeity caused, consid-
erable' adyeree discussion,
•"We. hereby •ts, mortga,gors tin,det .
bylaw of 1905„ in relerenee to the .-
$10,000 security, ask for your . as-
surance that upon, our rebuilding emelt
re-trintiring our plant eel doing all
things, celled ler envier said byjaw,•
you will
a.ete:ily6,tir 'Urn!
seerar.ce inoney."
Councillor .Smith .Thd property
which was our security for the fixst
guarantee having gone up it smoke, it ---
is only right that the insurance mon-
ey should remain in the hands ol :tins
.corporatione-Hadethere. been any do. ---
bt about, this* the' eecond bylaw .weeld
not have carrie&so unanimeiesey.. '
The Mayor : The •,inion .
and. all that I have talked with cn •
the Matter is that this $10,00 te the
property .ef the town -$0,000 wa•s the
. ••
Councillor Gibbingse The peaole, tee
lieved that the ler:it of guarantee was
La $30,000, but $20,000, $10,000 in- •
surance cancelling the Best, guarantee, '•
It is tip o the 1 -Wrestler Convene', t�
prove to •the contrery,
- The other eineineers of the council
•1: ' resent spoke in a sim
eyor and Councillor Gib-
bings were apcointed, a committee to ' '• •
confer with the Coinpany and dear up "
a matter which should:tot have beeh
left in an abeiande sa long,
Councillor Gibbings reminded the
.property. committee that they are sp., '
endifig eonsiderable more money than
they were expected to.
New Avivertiiements.
Fer Sale -W. G. Perrin -5
Specials -M. W. Jacobs -5
Hay for Sale -J, M. Hovey -5
Shirts -Morrish lit' Crookacel
Teacher Wanted -S. Cleave -5 •
Bargain Day -Walker ei 1{oee--5
/levitated China -A. J. Grigg -5 ,
Can't Lose 1t -W. D. Pair Co. -4
Voters'. Lists -j. Id. Harnwell-4
25 per cent. oft -W. R. Counter -4
Last of Millinery-Newcombe's-8.
Rooms to Rent -Mrs. Johniton-5
Tenders Wanted -J, Id. Harwell -5
Good and Comfortable --0. Hoare -5
'1" -.mer Goods. Selling-410dgens-ft
Igniter Twine Otutp-Ilarlaed nren.e4
The Farmers' Prientt-A. R. Smith -5
Girl Wanted -Mrs, M. D. MeTaggart-8