HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-06-20, Page 2r.......................
. .
• •k*e secret of perfect heelth :
. • is the akeliteeeto 'combat the •
• le_ inroods of gertua which des. o•
; - troy the human tissue& ;
• •
* 0
:The Blood ,
. .
.• •
a feeds the licitly, ancl if the *
• blood te kept Au PrOPet. eon' •
ell &doze the body awl health •
• si 1 he ell riglat. , re
la *
• • '
Blands Improved •
• •
o •
• Iron Pills ' *
O . •
0' /flake New Blood
,G , • •
: 25c Per Bottle of 100, • :
• 5 Bottles for $1 •
o •
• - •
O , •
• P. S.—Almond Toilet •
• •
e Cream removes sunburn, •
o . •
•, •
• .. - •
• •
• •
a Manfg Chemist :
• •
e , •
• •••••0•••••••0000••0000••
I Cream Separators -
No article en the farm pays Ike
farmer hotter than a Cream Sep-
arator. When. buying, buy the best
that is the DeLaval. I -am agent
for it in this district.
The Cyclone Eencing.
The Cyclone Wire Fencing has
the two great requisites -it looks
well and lasts a long time. Be-
fore placing your order let me show,
you this fencing_ arid quote yeti
JAS. APPLEBY, Clinton.
Will stand for the iinerovement of
stock for the seliSOTI of 1007 at his neon
tablet on Lot 24, Om 2, Stanley.
Lord Stanley . is a light hay, stripe,
nigh hind fetlock 'white. He Was
foaled June 24th, 1005.
PEDIGREE: Siberian (imp)10:43751
(11933), Glenloggan (hup)[46051(10560),
Rakertield (inn)) 4S71 (4100). Scotland
Yet (imp) e345] (1202e Oaetain Watt
(imp) I•2311 (400). daM Miu»ie Glenlag-
gan [5844 May.
TERMS: To insure 88.
A LBERT NOTT, Proptietor
Was ewtetblished tWenty yeare
age and by i thorbugh work
sxid honorable dealings with
its patrons has becorna, one fyf
the largest and most widely
known Commercial ,,Collegea
the province. Tbe demand uP-."
Omus for commercial teacher,
and office assistants .geeellY,
ex6eeds the simply., We assist.
graduates. to positions. Stud -
ants are entering each week.
Elliott & McLachlan
TAKE NOTZCE that the Morrie:1gal Couriell
of the corporation ef the Town of Clinton
inten(1. to construct granolititie sidewalks
VI Per schedule below, malt° assess the final
cost thereof on the property abutting thereon,
and to be benefitted thereby, and that a
statemeat showing the lands liable to pay the
said aseessment, and names ef tbe owners
thereof, so far UR they can be ascertained from
the last revised Assessment Roll, is now filed
in the office of the Clerk •of the Municipality,
and IS ()Pen tainspection duringeirice hours.,
• Or, the.no`rth side of PrinCess St, from Wil -
limn St. to Collegiate Institute entrance,. 4. ft.
In width.. Estimated cost Of the work R138.8.0
of which 403.20 is to he proylded-011t,Of teenetee
ena funds, ef the municriaditY.. • "•
On the south side of Princess. Sc. 7froni, Gib- '
hings 58.to Raglan Sr..•i ft.. its width. Estima-
ted cost of work 8241.00 fif which ono L te bo
provided nut of the general funds of the muni.
On t e west side ot Gibbings Sr. from Prin-
CCL e St. ta Rattenbury St. 4 ft. in. width.. Es.
timated cost of work $110.60 of which $20,40 114
to be provided out of the general funds of the
municipality ,
On tire east'side Of Dinsley St. from Rotten -
bury St. to Ontario) $t,.. 4 ft. in width.- Estima-
ted cost, of work $126,40 of Which $52 00,i,d to be
proridecl out of the eenerautunem of the muni-
cipality. •
On the sOuth side of Dunlop St.' from king
et. to Fulton St., 4 ft in Width, Estimated
.cost of work $184 20 of which *25,60 is to bo pro.
vided out of the general funds of the .nrunici-
On the west side of James from Cierdon $t.
to Ontario St..4 ft; in width. Estimated cost
of work 8325.4001 which $4 9Q 1 to be providea -
out of the general funds of the municipality..
On the east side ef Kirk Sr. from Victoria,
Sr. to High St.. 4 feet in width_ Estimated
coat of the work $224 20 of Which S,39.80 is to be
provided out et the•general funds .of the muni-
cipality. • • • •
• On the cast -sided William St..from, High Sc..
to Ontario St., 4 ft. in width,' . Estimated cost
ot work $236 5001 which sin 80 i. to provided
out oftne gewrral funds of tbe
• .A COURT OF RET:.$10N • •
will be held on 1V10nday the 18th day of Jnly;
4907, nt 8 o'clock p.min the Connell Chain her, '
for the purpose of hearing coriiplaints againi-t
the proposed assessment, or accuracy of the
frontage moasurements..orof any other corn -
plaint which persimis interested may desire to
make. and is by law cppnicable hy the Court.
' • Dated ot Clinton'tbra 13th day of June, i107
The. operators Of. the Western Clean
Telegrapli CompanO are threateehig t�
Prot Dorenwe
Of Toronto'.
dThe Greatest
Hair Goods
In America
Is Coming to
Will be at the
Normandiellotel on
Tuesday, June 25th..
LADIES -If you appieciate the added charm, and the yourig,
-appearenee lent to the face by having he,nt,JLi belle
' not fail to see the wand assortMent of Switches, Bang
Pompadours, Wavy..Fronta and Wigs, which Professx
Dorenwend will have with blue Consielleitions ,eotoet
free, and demonstrations given regarding these henna,
conceptions .in 'lateral hale. . • . ,
GENTLEMEN NV110 ARE BALD -Even though you are bal
. or partially tozr you can legain your fee neer appearaneo
wearing Dorenwend'S Wigs and ToUpees.
They are made 'to match any shade of hair. Thee ar•e
prntertion IA) '111.4 henci-land-a-cUre
and catarrh. They are perfectly fitted tee the head ,abd bee i•
no trace of artificiality.
A '9'rateful Mother'* Message
Ct,tred her eld14 of Eczema,
When all else Paned.
In griltitilde for the greet beeetit
her ehild received, from the use of
2nni-13u1.,„ the greatlierbal balm, Mrs.
R. Cientlernait,. of 1990 St. James'
Street., :Montreal, gavethe following
Octane for publication. She sa.ys t
"My little daughter Lydia (2 years)
was troubled witlf eezezna on her
body and face for siX months. Dur-
ing that time we tried,several .adver-
tised remedies, but the disease hod
.1do well hold Of the child for these to
onercome, and filially we wore obliged
to eonsult doctor. He treated the
little one for smile :Lime, and gene tie
prescriptione for vaxioue salveand
rueflielnee. We tried them, and triet
them well; hut the chilli gioe no bet-
ter. When 'Fhe gpt warm the itching
was terrible, and 'then the vain! inade
her cry and be very restless. One
day somebody strongly advisee me to
try ZailieBek. We obtaiued a suPPIY,
and it wae really wonderful how the
Zam-I3u1 cooled the sores and gave
alinoet inotant relief. It .stopped the
itehleg; healed the sore, and int six
week$ from first conneeneing ithe -the
child'sskin was as seeciotte as. \via
born. .
,Zaan-Buk is compounded ?tom rich,
healing, herbal eseencen Aral is el
ideal natural combination, of power
and purity; suktobleoelr000etheoelelicate
skins of infants, eneenne714e0.
For summeriekin, treelike; Spee feet,
W,,:selen.Pletra'eleen‘e, '„aeettnisest
iii.g$144,14414,ati'4oPttloirS scalp
sores, nam-Btek is..unequallefl, It also
'cures .pilee. All druggists arid' stores
at 50c. a box, or from Zaln-nuk CO.,
Toronee, for price. 0 boxes for $2.50,
Clinton riewwellecora
tine Session of the
Junin 130, J907
Huron County. Council
The county council of Harm' »iet We met at the Home of 'Refuge on
Goderich on Tueselay of last week, the' the 1st Of 'February and- thoroughly
proceedings opening with an address inspected tlei lipuse end outbuileinge
by the weeden: 'who .outeined the work We were satisfied with elle manage -
et the scatim.. meat, and that the 92 inmates ar be-
' Captain Show, on behalf of -the 83rd -Mg' prov,:ded for as weU ae ..circu -
Regirneet, :invited the'counell to visit stances will permit.- The -matroe it
the Iteginaen*, while in, Camp at Lon- nore wo than-one,wanan shout dt b
don. :Thanks for theineitetion and be asked to .da so we entrusted the
regret.. att"not being Able to accept It. Insvector to seizure suitable domes -
were duly sent the gallant Captain,. tio to asst mn the . household work.
Applications for poiltiOns at 'the
House of Refuge, Were 'received from
the following persoes : Fr.,Uy21.1 for
keeper, lelre. H. Seemed:a:nor assletanel
matreo; George Newell and wife for
keeper and 'matron, R. Ferris, wife
' paired. Re motion of Irwin and
Mosgrove, I have examined bridge
over the gortb braneli of :the Maitland
river and thint< if the floor be:repair-
ed if will he good for'this year. Ail
the -other bridges mentiowd in mo-
tions:are not county bridges. 1 bave
made arrangementth have Belle.
bridge, end Smith% bridge at Exeter
refloereq. Re small bridges wet of
Blue Creek on the botuelary of Iie.y
aird Steolien detente action, should be
taken to have it filled up or a bridge
erected. Regarding the Bayfiela bridge
asned the council if teodere foe the
supezstructure will be asked for this
1 season
:- The 'Estimated expenditure for 1907
Early 'au the year there was eonot din
fieulty in getting a sufficient supply
of water, owing tp. same clifficiency
the penile but at a sefall expense Gills
Ian been remedied. On ath march,..•we
again" met and found it neceesary to
wee daughter for keeper, matron and e,nipley eonechanie to butte brieliwork
assistant, matron, Robert Mutch andin the naseinetr'ne" fidifileent-e-e enetnee.
wife for keeper and matron, Elizalbetli
Fletcher for assistant. matron, ;Albert
Bissett, wife ante daughter tor keeper,
=Aron ,and assistant matron.
On motion the couneil decided that
it will- not require the municipal
clerne to fureneh copy of their respec-
tive assessment rolls to, the county
• votil further natifiece to do so,
but that they be required to furnish
aneually a statement of their rolls.
Reeve MoLeao-ae. Goe4rich brought
'in, the following motion which wee
cairted : That this C'euncil extend an,
levitation to all the ex -wardens und,
. county oeunty councillors and officials
to meet in Goderieh in June 1908.
Report of House of Refuge Orninnittee
The peibelpal business transacted by
the cotteeil is emboied in the reports
of the various' committees which were
Has the Country '
Merchant. a Snap
"Yes," remarked the country mer-
dearit, "I certainly 'have a. snap. Th,e
wholesah houses semi dues • ever,
month mei draw on nee at sight, bu.
il I seed &bill to e -farmer he i)acorn
ell swearing mid and quits etreding a -
my' store. While 1 . am herd Ise for
mbney, marby of ehose wbo ateowing
me are sending caele15 advance to
mail- order houses.' If 1. contribute
ineney to any cause people say I arn
bidding for traele. If I elonet they say
I anea hog Every eay I am expected
to deg no for eoeeythine, that; cemee
,al'ont, from a keine. tickee toe, church
'fame be envie who. olefin I oupele to
do ;this' because they do Parti-ot :neer
'trading here, but our frienders.,
Simpson awl T. Eaton • nettlferebtie
tickets nor.. help 'the church fund, an7;:i,
yet get the eesh in'advance bbsinees; I
andif J . were to. circulate d wee-
seription • paper among thee wholinaie
houses where We trade, •I woual. get
the laugh ,premer. 11 e sella pair ol
jeents ' I, mush treat the fairely •te
candy.and eigenso it X buy a luad Or
.potatoee Lemust do' the same. Cue
tomers who are 'able to pay, haeg
.-to tine,: money While I:nay110 pe
ceet at the :bank to .get.teady. -cast
haiie big business duritig h4rd, times
and 'prior crops froth.- neople Who are
wilting to trade :with me; providing I
can duplicate ---cateloguo hoteee pries
eon wait untIe hareest. for money.
My stales weigh toe inult, When I sea
sugar, ad too little when I buy but-
ter:, -I am a. thief, a like •and a graft-
.er. If I . ;ain a soft soapy
hypocrite, and if I eon% I eln:
'grtimy. Yee, certainly this is ' a
clers. how he could .reiee '050 to pay
shap:'' And- heeeteepO2d. Oyer $1.0,000
of aceounts,all good and. wone
.A eieet (lege due toemo'rrow-Ex-
'etelfeeee --Comporied -Iron Pills, Only
25 tenth 'for 50, ectense Sala by W. A.
Mcdonnell, druggist, Clinton, • •
---•-"eteleltnetee-RORENWEN1)' wile to -lie
nfeasigeseent.s died demonatr•ate Lire'
merits, ef his Wiese... .
. ,
Don't Forget the Day
. •
• and. Date.
Real Estate For Sale
Stanley township, containing 175
• acres. e mile from school,
tram Presbyterian and Methodist
ebuithes and postoffiee, 7 miles bora
Hansen and 4 ,miles from Killeen
station. There aro 'on Oho premises
three barns; 64x49, 79x28, 59X28,
all in good repair. Cenaloreebie leg
and frame house. 22 acre); la fall
wheat. All fenced, '100 acres. .1,411
underdrained and the remaining 75
acres &rained by towns* ditcl.
running through. Never failing veell
at the house with a new_Flreelleford
pumping min,: Also a never ' lolling
spring back on the faxen. le acres
good bearieg °ethane. Thu farm ht
In a first-claes state of cultlIation
and is situated in one of the best
grain geowlng sectiinis in lee pro,.
vince. Will he sold cheep and on
terms to suit the purchaser. Fot
furthee information apply 1.'1 the.
premises or address Georee Cole- •
man, Iiillsgreen P. 0. ' 47
2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10 ,
acres of bush, the remainder is Well
fenced, underdrained and in it good
state al Cultivation. 1.- acre of or
chard and smelt fruit, On the gre,
ltliSei3 ts a two story lid& Menses
with slate roof, a first-class farm
house. a batn, l•
80 with atone stabling, a Letnent
silo 14130, tood driving house, pig
pen and hen. house, .Two nevet-tidtk
Ing. Thio farm la ittiated
milea troth Ilrucefield, 5 front OM*. t
ton soil «n0 .41 (travel read, AO.
"Ay or 4 tie/nisi** Or address
, Pr t'
• concession 9, Stanley toioathip,
coesistmg of. 100 acres, 90 acme
cleared and all sceded down except
20 aeres. There 'are 10 ares
good hardwood bush,. e illness from
- school anti 21 miles frore ehe vill-
age ef Varna. This dmirable 'fame
will be sold on easy , terms. -G. R
Keys, l'earna P. 0. • 64
Lot 13, con. 16, Goderich townshilei
consisting ' of .80 acme, 85 acres
cleared; ballade bush. Good barn
and comfoettible house. Well woo -
era by two good running streams.
. mile from school and 1 mile from
pestoffice. Will be sold on nasy
eerme.-Apple to T. T. Murphy,
Clinton, , • , 35 -tt
signed offers for sale_part of Jot
40 oil the Eidyfielil Road, 1 Mile
south of clieton, consisting of , 20
acres. Good frame house with st-
et* cellar, barn afix70 with cement
basement. Easy terms. J. • A.
Smith. 40
of lot 7, South BoUndary, and West
• half of !et 8, eon. 4, staulay, eon.-
sislAng of 102 acIts, 8 (sera bush,
the remainder seeded down except -
big 80 acres. The place is Well fen-
ced and drained, and watered by
goring ereek. Pra,tne barn. 'Mir
farm is situated on the Town Liss,
itoni aillot west of t<loort stetion.
A. env oe flo pretrneee or stlfler, rr,
1.,„1 V P r, .
in bee -Mess, . None in our work.
As it Is we cannot' begin to
eueply the demand for, our well:
traineti products. Get • .into
- line now aeld spend the sum-'
.mer in preparing for • a good
:salary. Etter. any - day.' .Far-
-. ticidars free. Write Central
_ BtiSiana .•College, „ 395 Yonge
: •
St., Parente, W. I. Shaw,
For Sale
fut. sale a quant
dr 3Eernluek Slobs, cut
' • 1 :itiCtle.s long, ..,,,anitable
Older pitr yeal'e supply now,
l'he best, in the me k et, eee per tern.
hitt ir od anti 1)Airi
discoing, of 40 Cents
to.1 will he a iloweri.
(it tiers left At. DaVls „grItowlatiti
will Is. Iteetiteily at tended t o,
portion of the building to preNent a.
trifling settling near the centre. We
recoonnend that if an lunette with to
leave the 'these fOr a time, that the
reeve of the municipality from wliich
.such inmate came mnet requests the
'release which, will be subject to the
approval of the Inspector. Smile five
or six inmates of the House are pose
messed of considerable means and eau
solicitor has been insteueted toez At-
tend to leis matter and the transfers
are About all cthsed up. Tles! will re-
lieve the- county of .a. considerable
anee.rve for maineenance.. We met
againee Jtme 4th and audited the ae,
countS to end of May and find the ex-
penditure is $1879.81, ot widen
e755,45 han been paid for coal at
$5.50 • delivered on car at station.
The teaming from car to Renee- has
as follows ; bees done by the teem on farm and
Mehates. At tnis dae,e 82 inneates
Report, of Roan end Bridge .
Committee are cared for in, the House. , Since the
first cif the year 3 theve been admitted
5-enteetrerendeenel 8 haw dieete The -
farm is 100king fairly well. relieve
are 7 Ores of barley, 7 ecres of oats,
11 acres of hay, 3 acres sugar beets,
2e acres of manges, 3 acres potatoes.;
,1.• acre corn; .1 acre in garden and th
balancein pasture:. The' committee
have considered' the propriety of ad, i-
ing addieional lands to this House
of. Refuge farm. They have examined
the farm adjoining on the sooth own-
ed by Mr, Plurnsteele This fernexpe-
teine 92 ,acms, es in good condition
with lair buildings, end is well adapt-
ed ler- this' pprpose. Mr. , Plumsteel
'offers this farm • for $7:,000 without
the crop on this: farm and 8.1 aores of
it be assumed -bythetownshop„ane: -crop—for $.500-.1y1i-Lpliinviteel'S
let -
we also recommend that all other tees of offer, 'aro in the poStession of
small bridges that are net covered by the Clerk, And can ,be examined, by
the by-law are not to be considered.
any members, who desire. This come
We recommend that the emelt
woodere-bridge.west of Black Creek be
filled up, the 'county- to assume the
responsibility flit do -not prove sat-
isfactoryobut would ince to hear the
opinioe of the whole council -; we also
recommend that it be filled upas soon
as possible so, the dirt will he eettled
before the wet weather come.
Re Bailee aim]) Struther's mptien re -9
garcieng Taylor's bridge, we recomm-
end .thet it be rebeilt or repaired: if
our engineer thinks ifi aeceesary.
Re Rapson's bridge, reconeinette
that if min' engineer think that a
twenty -foot bridge he requiredit be
Melt by the county, Out- if MA that
Re the .Port Albert bridge. We re-
eoommeed that no action be. taken this
Yeasont. , •
Re Taylor and Struther's motion..
We recommend tifat the engineer ex-
amine the bridge loiown.ni Graliefe13
bridge -end. have repaired if necesearY,
Be Messrs. Shearer and liarnStocrs
motior.. to communicate witif the Proe
vinpial Governinen,t with • regard • to
the Good Roads appropriation, we
•consider _that' something should . be
done tp got our share -of • the appro-
.peiation. • • • '
We have all the tenders, for bridges
which' Were received.; by our engineer
The bridges ere, one a mile soutlf of
Wingham, anonter at Grand Bend,
and a third a mile south 'of St. Jos-
eph. The. following are .the tenders
for ,superstructure ."
IVinghare, Briege 149 feet lonce.
• Onitarie. Bridge Co.'10;000
Stretford. Bridge; Co.. $b X50
• Hunter Bridee Cd..1$6,600.
Hill & Co., Mitchell, $6,165
.Crried Bend Bridge, 25 :feet. long .
Stretford Bridge Co. $520
Renter pridgc Oe. $566 '
leill &Co., Mitebell,$185 .
,.We recOmnienell, that the . tendie of
Hitt ee: Co. for both bringes.be ace
Concrete Work, Per cubic 'yard.
= ' . ", Winghani Bridge
Hermsworth gari—mer•
Thomas Sandy $5,80.•
.Charles Barber $4.25
." Grand Beed Bridge
D. YisS5o.051:' '$5. .15:
St. Joseph's Bridge.
'D: Witherspoon., $545 -
le: Hardy $5.50 , • • .
. :We recominend that tee itehdere of
D. Witherspoon of Ansa Craig for
Grand Bend and St. acne/Ars bridges
ke accepted• at the _figures he quoted
with 7eeeente- - nee ' -cubic yard addee
foe excavation work. .
• We reentineend that the tender of C.
Barber of Winghaen he accepted for
tIe Wiekham bridge at $4.25 per oleic
yard antd $&0 for fillingand fencing
We retorninend that the road. and
bridge)committee 5: with mem-
:hers of the. couneil ant!. the engineer
Visit ehe Bayfield lecidge and give us
Some definet informatioa as to what
should he done. • ' buile. a new abutment and I have este,
Subsequent Report.'eft for teriders for a new one, 7..n cone
junction' with the thairman of the
On Jitne 7th the road end beidge road and bridge conniiittee • of Perth
comminteeeLlOgethereeivithosolne-enem- -counteeeve--met.eetethe-beidgeo-a,bout.
bees of the couecil and- the etiginteer ofle! mile mirth ef Kirkton, end deent.
visited tho Bayfield bridge :and exam- fel to put a steel superstructure on
Med the abutments, we recommeeal the old abatements if .they limed to
that the engineer make a careful ex- he solid 'when the old bridge is taken
aileination of the abutment on the down. A. Hill (le Co., Mitchell,, were
south side, and alio the centre a,htd- given the•contraet for $9n5. On May
event, and if he finds that 'they are on, 31st the contract was given for -a
solid• bottom to have 11.e south abut- new steel bridge on• concrete abut-
ment replaced by taking down por- molts to be erected over Gil Ale,:
thin of the northwest :corner and re- Sauble- River on the Iroundary bet -
build and reinforce with iron rods. ween Stephee aed McGillivray fo
Also •lueve the approachOf south cost $31.650. On. the 22nd May, Mr
ahttment well drain:dr 'But if he Fraser and myself examined the
fioest after careful. exarrjnation 'kat' bridgeki the village of Wroxeter also
the); are not safe to put super.truct- the appronehese and are of the °Pim*
tine on, we recommend that he earl it is tha settling at the roast tames
the road and bridge committee to the trouble, and not the retaining
other, and we believe than if we wall. A partior, of the retaining Wel
haree to make now abutments that it at the end of the bridge not required
would pay to build new bridge on should be taken down. Reenedine
the eite of the present one. But if * motion of Bailie and Stothers, have.
finds thet the abutments are in good examined tha 'bridge oft the boundary
shape eXecepthig the south orto, we beeweet West Wawahosh and Ashfield
reeeminend that he call for tenders known es Taylor's bridge. This
end have the bridge erected bef�re bridge may have to be built tins seas -
the spring freshets. We also teem- on. Motion of Bolder and Geiger re.
mead that the bridge . S fourteen bridge south of Hensel'. I thinit this
foot roadway, Strong enough for a bridge good for this year. A small
eereet rloor het lee reeommend that bridle soetlf rf 13o4erave known as
e..„; (Icor ; en et r ••! et. f'pr.,..,11 e'l s I dice will hr...•e to be re -
mit-tee recoil:reelected these proposals,
including the crop to the favarehle.
torsideration of •`' ebe • domicil and if
considered claimable, ask, for pen..
misSion la .matze'the purehase. •
. „
SuPplementaey Roper
Ii refeeneece to the applicatioes for
the positions of Keeper, Matron aid
Assistant Matron of this Rouse of
Refuge' referred •te as we recommend
the app.ointrnent of 'Aft. Robert Muth
ae Keeper ; Mrs. Robert.. efluteh as
Mateoroarel Mre, Simpeon the present
Matron as Assistant Matron, at tlte
salaries for Which they applied:, via
$350 for ,'Keeper. $250 for • , Maieron
Med' n150 tor Assistant Matron, that
the Keeper and Matron' asSUrne their
clutiei ;within two. Weeks from this
late al that tbe• 13..y.iuwicotrarrniag.
.their appointments :' provide 'hat the
Keeper: be required to give at least
• theece•hfootlis notice le the event : of
hie tr. teeti o re to resign his position ,
an that such notice be giver.to the
aouneir or the chairmen v'of this Om-
inittee, .The emanittee. desire our beo
half of this council to exirrese their -
appreciation of the efficient faithful
'services al Mr. French Who hasonned
the position of Keeper since the es -
and as a -tangible' recognition of the
same. •we recommend that' he be
-granted the-eumoon-enlefiloonohis re-
tirement from his . duties, and that
the Same nayreent be inede • on the
order gf this chairman of this- corn-.
reittee, and the Inspecter ef tbe
House of Refuge.. • - •
RePort cif En:ice:lion Committee.
The appeal of ele Ruston wee 81
others against the division -of S. 'S.
No. 1,. Stephen, we recommend he
not greeted. e.
That len eccounts of. the Parente,
Lieto"Wel and liarristoti High Schools
for Huron pupils attending those ' in-
wditutes, .be paid, -
We recernmend the usual :grant to
the schools which do cOntinuatipn
class woe:: "and an increaet of $fA5 :to
Witie•hirn •High School which' Will
now receive $575.
Report of the. lezigir.eer.
•A washout at the south end of St.
Joseptee bridge made it neceseary to
is as follows :
Achniniotration of Justice
Gaol =Mit •
DiViS1011 Court Jury Fund
School illana.gernent
Miscellaneous Grants
Municipal Government
Stationary Printinee. etc.
SundrieS and Charities
Tat rest
-iVnty Property,
Industrial Home
Roads avid Bridge's
Sterline Debentures
Currency Debentures.
Registry 'Mice $1,100
Licenses 1,000 •
8urp1us 1908' 3,87073
Proceede of By-law
' No. 8 :1967 2,398
. 100
13 a constitutional disease
ori *impure blood
treatment acting through
and purifying the blood for
its radical and permanent
care. Be sure to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Nasal and Other local forms of mdsrrla
ere quickly relieved by Catarrlets.,
which allay inflammation and doodoris*
Sarsaparilla. *Midst $10
Catarrlets, Ind order only, 30 cts.
For testimonial* or remarkable cure*
*end for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4.
C. 1. Hood CO,. Lowell, Mass«
Norris Township.
• Albert, Crooese 4th 'Hue, is tot en-
joying very rugged health but we
trust improvement will soon ensue.
We are sorry to state that JAG.
Manning, an old ared well known lost -
dent of the 5th liee, is not ,eajoying
very trobust health but we hope a
change ;for the better will sepn•ensue.
One of those ,happy and important
events of life took piece at the resin-
enee of Geo. Peaeocle 1st con. of Mor-
ris, in tee marriage .of hj your.gest.
elmag-hter, Eleanor Mary to Geo. 0.
Thorntein,"eldest soe of Nelsen, Thorn-
ton of Morris, on time 4th, Precise?
ly at 5 p. m. the bride and groom
entered the parlor during the playing
of the Wedding!. Marc]) by_ . Mrs. J.
Peacock, sieteronelaw to the bride.
The marriage oerenoiny was, performent
by tbe pastor, Rev. Geo. 'Baker,' in;
the presence of nearly a I:uttered', in- .
vited guesIts. _
In many catarrh snuffs, cocaziiee is ,
63•752,-10 tit.: largely, used ingredient; 1 con-
sequence th., drug habit may be form
ee.. To be really cured of catarrh,
to -do so quickly, safely and pleasent-
IY, doctors say Cata.rrhozone super-
ior to an other remedy. dt Irate'
sore placee, stops discharge, Preveete.
hawking,. epittiag. and bad breath-
does this by fleet destroyi-ng • the
catese of the disease. Catarrhoeone is e
no experiz»ent, it ie a' tried and prov-
en cure that is guaranteed for boon- .
Oriel, throat; hose and lung cetera. -
Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 ot deel-
West Huron Conservatives
The elticees of the West ehoon. Con-
servative.,Assoclateorhele .as follows :
?resident, Cantelon, Clinton.,
viceepeesienents, M. 0. Johnstpn, God -
elicit, andW,B. Hawkins, Port Al-
bert ; secretary, II. J. • McEwen,
:Goderiehe;. treasneee, E. L. Diekine
tsooini.o, vGs:
o e er • • : • '
• Viceepresedents of Municipalities • as
' Ashfiele.--No.. 1, Thomas •Steithers,
Dungaanon ; No. 2, James Alime,
Belfast No: 3, Wm.Bowles, Belfast);
No; .4, John Sehoenhais, Pert Albert;
No. 5, Thomas O'Conner, Kingsbridge
No. 6, James Roee, Lochalsh ; No..7,
Robert,' Hamilton, Amberly.
Coltiorne.-Nee 1,, Augustus Nan-
Storia, 'Beirmillet&,No. 2, Peter 31-ce
Ewan, jr., Sanford.; No. a, Thomas
Hamilton, Carlowe 'Noe e, J. el - eice
Manus,. punkip.
'Ooderich Township. -Ne. 1, Henry
nalkeld, Gederiell ; No. 2, John Mc-
; No. „ 3e „tames
Mose, Bayfield; No. 4; ,GeetionEl-
liote, Clieton • No. 5, „. •We-e4.-OLabbe
e No. 61 Adarn Caateloat,
Flohnesvelle. ' •
WestelVawanpsh.-No. 1, iJosepli A.
Mullonst, bum-ram:ion No4 2, Robert
Medd, if., -Auburn • No. 3, •Ed. Mc-
Roberts, Ste Helens No 4, ,Jas,
Dentin, St. Helens ;No, 5, eVer, • Mc-
Quillan, St. Helens.
East. Wannar.oste-Noe1 George
sSaoothivaarric14,iyc, ,•246.1Ven
iBlyth, No 3, ptio
Wei.nrcglyhear,°.1 ; No j'°"Ph Clia‘2111111!Y'
F ..:
Blyth —t McNallly.and F. Metcalf.
.e -To be ran lneal •ast.
e •
, William Con-
stance No. 2 .Bent • Allen, learloce
Toiehatt-ti-Blitkc,. Clinton.;
4, :Chas. Rinklell,..Londesboro,;• No. 5,
-ISsae Bair, Clitton ; No. 6,' Arthee
.Jamieson,_Londesbord ; NO. 7,- Wm.
Patterson', Auburn..
. lelembers• ot. the ExeCiefiere commit-
tee Were named as follows : • '
Towle of Goderichee-Abee Higginocen,
Wm. Campbell, R. C. Heys, Enfe,
•Dicnihrs.on, W. A. -"McKim, Hebert Mc-
Jean-, Richard "Phalen. Clinton -D,
Cantelon, J. B. ,Hoover, Themes
Johgsttore and ,OliVer Johnetoete Weng -
ham --C, M.. Griffin.; Dr. Irwin and
Thetna.s Bell, Blytheo.Thomae 'Code,
Joseph Cartoh qederich ToweshiP.-;-'
James Connelly., Porter's. Hill C.
J. Naftel, Goderich ;- W. Lebe,eol
Hohneseille ; ;John • Middleton_
Olieton. 'Astifieldo-efiteper
Dungannon; J. Griffin and..T.'O'Coenor
• Kingsbridge;, Jarnee'Gatener, Lucke:ow
West, Wa:warlOsh.-4131. Caniero , Pt,
.,feelens ; Patrickemitter, Donny-
brook James efohneton, Atteurn, and
Dr, Case, Dungannon; Best, Wawanoeh
.8tirtely.. Auburn J. E. El-
lis, Blyth,-41ellett,-IVilliam• Fatter-
SOO, : Menge ; Charles lituleell, Lou-
desboro leert Allan, . Flarloce. Col-
borne. -N. Johns, Betuniller ; tr, NV.
• •
This is a. vital .cjuestion with htvid-
reds of .men who, are bald or 'partiajly.
so. How to overcome the disfigure -
meat lent by baldneee ls 'a simple
matter when you coneider the per-
feetion, of nicileine t4rb in the makink of
Wigs and Toupees. The visit of Prof.'
florenwend •of Toronto to Clinton ott
Tuesday June arith When he well be
at the Normandie Ilotenrenders' it
poseeible for any who wish .to coneele
him to' do so at .hie private apart'
meets retained at the hotel for this
ritirppsr.• Demonstration given to
show the heefeet naettrielnese of his
Wige and Toupeee.- ito not Miss this
opportunity, lermember the days and
Stop using acid corn •salvei; use
tial wows Peinless Extractor ;It
costs a more, lint iVa far the
best.' ttse tray "Putnazil'eno.256
all dealers.: •
Tile • longshorenien at New Yeo.k -
have deeided to eeture to wieelecn the,.
best terrhs olitahlable. • •
: tiee is herebk:gieen to all persona:
lieekngeelaims _against the estate' at
James Keyes, tate of .the township
of Stanley, in ,the county .of Huron,
' deceased, to .send the same:
detly verified . to theundersigned.
eieeetors err or . befeire the
flith da y of july, 1907 ; after Which.
date .the said executors will, proteed
to distribeoe the said estate amongst,:
the persone entitled thereto, having
:regard oney • to the claims of: vehicle
notice ehallthen haVe4beeri received,
and that -the said execiltors. will not
- be liable for, the Proceeds ot the es
tateso distributed to any person: of`
Whose claims neice shell not, have
I been received. Dated at s' Varga ,tht$,'
'llth day, of June,. 1907jeznes,
leicelymont and Willia.ze Logan,' ee-.
' executors.: ' • ”
your order for Porten% before the
:advanee mn piece.. Use the Coil
, Spring Wire made by the Caemenate
Fence Co. of which I am. agent in
, this district1 am aiso agent for
the celebrated Heintamen Piano. -
F W. Evans, Box 155 Clinton P.O.
The Weeny Mail and Empire awl
The Clititon, News -Record Mailed tee
any address, postage paid, in Canada -
Or Great Britain; until January lee
190$ for sixfrEents. *.
Both publications for 7 months; the
etriod mentioned, at regular rates,
would cost $1.15. By aetepting thie
offer new,o, subscriber e save fifty-five
The Weekly Mail and Empire during ,
the Summer months. will .unquestion-
ably be the greatest weekly publice,-.'
flan which enters, Canadian, honato. Ti
at present contains a greater notribei`
ot column; of reading matter .than any,
other Canadian weekly. Alt the neves.
published' in it is carefully selected to
meet the varied tastea of lie readers,
The General News; Seotion will con -
thin the fullest and most complete
Information of the events transpiring
in all . parts Of the world. Po rtieulao '
'attention will be given, to cable and
provincial le vs.
The Agiieultural Seettor, Will he re-
plete with information for the gener-
al advancement of agricultural scionee.,
Coetributors to this. section will be
men eininene in this important in-
41°84.47*li/fitgatine Seettoti will also be
1111110. of ,inforniation upon subjects
width ate at present attracting pub,
lic attelltiett. Huy of the articles
ll be brighienmby illustrations.
Altogether the 24 pages, which cont.
prise The Weedy Mail and EMPirei
at price fee which is One Dollar a
yaerearalibrary he . themselves, the regtde