HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-05-30, Page 2411e0.00000000000000•11001,04 -E-RE CORAL et The Peeret ot perfeet healt.11 : • es is the ability to combat the a •• inroads of germs whleh de': fe e troy the human tissuee. • • 1 Thalood. . • feeds the body. and if the id a blood is kept in proper cote • • dition the body rind healthe: • wet be all right, e • •• -es_ .8.1.a.tuEs_Improved * • e • Iron Pills • • : Make New Blood i • • • : 25c Per Bottle of 109.1 • • • 5 Bottles for $1 : ' • • a • - . • • : P. S.—Almond •Toilet II : Cream removes sunburn. i • • • • • • . • • 1 W. S. It HOLMES f • , • • Manf'g Chemist : • • 0 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRATFORD. ONT. Was established twenty years ago and by its thOrOligh Work ad nenorable deal:tags With its pato es has become One ot the largest aud Moat Widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand up - us for earamerelal teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the 'supply. We assist graduates- to positions. Stud - ants are enterino_eaell week. CataTonaliennennee EIliott& McLachlan PRINCIPALS Cooalt Mining Stock Silver 13ird advanced to 25c per share TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to one O'cleelr• Qlonday, Nay d70, for the ere*. tied of a cement arch at Diend's bridge ore the 4th con of Stanley. Plar.s and specifications may be seenat my office in Varna. The lowest or any teader nonnecesearily aceepted.-J, E. Inarnevell, Clerld Goldep Itorn, Larder Lake, 25c per share. Cobalt Development Co., 20e per share Before an advance in shares intending purchasers should act quickly, 11. Cantelon, Commissioner and agent, Clinton COURT OF REVISION -TOWN OF Clinton -Notice is hereby given that the ir.eeting of the Coint for the revision of the Aseessmeet Roll a the Town of Clinton. will he held le the Town Hall Clinton on Monday, tin°, alth day au May, at the hour of 8 o'cleek p. m. for the purpose of bearing and --settling-Complaineseagainstotbeeenin Roll. Persons baying busieess at the Court will please attend at the said time and pine without further Notice, -D. L. ltlePherson, Clerk, Clinton, May 9th 1907. ANNRINII! " ••••• ts'esedeneenenseasnoesevainenenentin ,oeeeeeneeemaneomeaveastreneeneftedneeew $ DO . Ypu Waixt $ $ A Re_al Good .t,trt o 1 i :0Our suits are sewn with linen thread, shrUnkea for t4e11/1. o,xey ? o • and well tailored. If you buya suit from As..for .a 0 0 boy; young man or gentlem'an you will be sure to have good wear. .......— .........--.— ., Man's Suit for $7 Man's Suit, made of,. PatiisOn's• domestic cloth of• strong fabric in dark and light brown littered effect, splendidly lined, and a snap at per suit $7. • • 11.anlIS Suit for $9 $ $ $•$ $ : $ : $ $ $ $ : Man's Suit, made of extra heavy weaveseodso fine cloths, in dar•k and light fancy (Wei checks, plain cloths and mixed effects, double or single breasted, extra fine linings, at per suit $0: Man's Suit for $10 Man's Suit, made single and double breasted, in fine worsted finished tweeds, smooth and hard, in brown and (Wont grey grounds, with fancy dark or light overcheck. -also in stripes, in dark shades with light stripes, well tailored, at $10, • Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. POPLESTONE & .CARDINER Successors to INICItinnon di Co., BLYTH : odeaenennereeenenneateenoneeneesnaeeenernesseananaenefanoeeseeneedsie• momomuMm6. •Real Estate For Sale Clinton inews.flecoro . GOdenieh .',.4,$. 01,414o...”••••••••••144144t0. +.44 ***If IMrs. M. II. Morris and, Miss efany The News From Goderich i Nairn, *spent Victoria Dan in. Mewl id the guests of their friends, airs. Mae- / vmse A. $K1111MINO$, ,ce,rrespoodent , ....o......*******“.••••••••••••••••••40......4***40.4' M. arid Mrs. Ilaastea,d (nee Mies Miss Hattie Harrison. of Beene was McLean)are here for the eunueeni.hel accompanied from that city by her fernier belug ill rather 'delicate health. Mr. E. 0, Belcher has resiortecf his Position in the organ faotory. Messrs. 0, • Stainbeek and A. J. Staeford haver idn,ted, the skuting rink for one year and are nootine it to be used as a' roller rink. They ere also going to uee, parttf it aa bowling alley. • --MissonlattiollarelsenentaNnosln_dnq spent Victoria, Day at ber home bere, Mee. Bedford has getureen from. Detroit where she was cane& by the accident to her little grandchild wbo is now slowly improving. Mr. W. Sharman's residence on W t 1 he been "remote& a COURT OF REVISION.2TOWNSHIP of Hullett-Notice is hereby Oven that the meeting of the Cant for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hullett will be held in the Tovvnship Hall in Lon- desboro on Monday, t•lie, 27th day of Man, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. • m. for the purpose df heaxieg and. • settling Complaints against.the said Roll. Parsons having busiaess at • .the Court will please attend at 'the said time and place without further Notice: Jamei Cappifell, Clerk. Hullett, May 9th t907. FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH pox. FARM FOE .SALE -WEST HALF Stanley township, containing 175 et lot 7; South Boundary, and West acres. a mile from school, I mile irom Piesbyterian and. Methodist elituthes and postoffice, 7 miles teem Hensel' and 4 miles from Kippen station. There are on the premises three barns, 64x40, 10x28, 50X28, all in good repair. Comfortable log and !tame house. 22 acres' in fall wheat. All fenced, 1-00 acres well underdrained and the remaining 75' acres nrained by • tatvimbin ditch running through. Never failing well at the house with a new Brantford pumping mill, also a never failing spring back on the faem. la acres good bearing orchexd. This farm, is in a firsteclass state et ctiltivetion and is situated in one a the best grain growing `sections in khe pro. -since. Will be sold cheap and -on terms to suit the purchaser. For furthee ieformation apply on. ehe premises or address' George Colin man, Hillsgreen Fe 0. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30 AND part 31, con. 5, Hullett, consisting of 117 acres. 15 acres -hard- wood bush, balance a ,• cultiva- tion. Good brick house and frame barns. Well watered and fenced. Bearing orchard. 11 mike from store, postoffice, church and school. Will be sold on easy terms as the undersigned intends going West. R. J. Miller. Clinton' P. 0. • 14 • half of lot '.3, con. 4, Stanley, con- sisting of 102 acees, 8 acres bush, the remainder seeded down tempt- er:1g 30 acres,. The place. is well fen- ced and drained, and watered by spring ecreek. Frame barn. This term is situated on the Town Line, two miles west of •Kippen station. Apply on the premises or Wines' James C. Parsons, • Melton, Ont. 32 • OUR FIRST STEP OFTEN MEANS SO •MeT011, IT HAS MEANT SU&CESS TO THOUSANDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE WHO WROTE FOR OUR CATALOGUE AS; A FIRSIa. STEP TOWARD A d GOOD nALARIED POSI- TION. TAKE THE STEP TO -DAY. ADDRESS Central Business College. ' 395 Yonain St., W.; TaRONTQ. 11. SHAW Principal , FARM FOR SALE OR TO. RENT.--: • Lot'.18, con 16, Goderlch townehipn consisting of 80 acres' 66 acres cleared, balance bush.. Good barn' and corcifortable house. Well wat- • ered by ;two 'good running streams, a mile from School and 1 mile from •postoffiCe.elnill b� -sold --o terms. -Apply to • T. TX11nurphy, Clinton. e 36 tf •00AL . , Order your year's supply now• , The best in the market, $7. per ton, ° but if ordered and paid for before. • May 310-, a discount of 40•dents a ton will be !Monad. Orders left at Danis .& Rowland s. will be prortintly attended to. •Stevenson .Just Arrived a er oo• streeta dark (give green with triinininlgs of white, and the roof et the portico aleo. Mr. Harry Watson has added a pretty lattice fence to Ins grounds in front of his residence which divides his garden from his -lawn.• • Mr. Date Naftel �l 13ritannia Road is building at ewo-etorey .additiOn to the back part of Ms residence. • Miss Kathleen Carpenter of Dublin was last week the guest of ° her friend, Miss Pnalea. ' Miss Bay of Clinten, has, been email' ing several weeks at the residence of Mrs. .F. &meth •• The two little, daughters of Mr, John Prondfoot have had a pretty severe attacr of typhoid, fever, but we Soine of the 'Most handsome ale ner sets ever shown in Clinton ; glassware in , sets and odd pieces an4 cups and saucers;aodd' plates, toilet pets, etc. All will go at sur- prisingly low prices to mance rooni , for what is coining. Call at once be- fore •the choiee pieces go. • . —Head' quarters for Choice"- ,„ --Groceries. •-• friend Miss Hamilton, who remained tbe guest of Mrs. J. 0. Benisonun- til Mouday, Miss Harrison's duties calling her to Berlin oir Saturday a, u. Mrs. nen'. Moore, while attending with her husband a convention of "The Brotherhood of L. El's," being held at St. Paul was given an into- ductioneono President Ino,osevelt. After politely acknowledging the . in- troduction, the President Myname is pronounced Rozavelt." On the evening of Victoria, Day. the supper given by the Ladies' Aid of • the Baptise church, was e most suc- cessful undertakies. 300 or more per - eons were served mall beatitiful supper includine meat, blackberry, lemon, cream, end other kinds of pies, and texts ; pickles, cheese, cabs' cakes en •may kends, jellies and' salads. At 8 p. al. the newly opened naptist church was pretty well lined • with those who attended the supper and others who did -not, vvho came, to attend the concert given that evene ing, in it. Tn... • prograne was first • class!, The first No, was "The Bo- bendan Girl" anno "Afterwards" well rendered by the, onclie,etra. Miss Melita ,Raymond °soloist, Brantford, • sang "Twas no Vision" and several other. classical songs, in geoth voice. Mrs. I/ L. Wright hen mot rival in her Doteh readings, .111y trust that their recovexy ' will • be Daffodils Anlowing;" was one pretty. ra,pid. • ' • • little chaneon rendered charmingly by Mrs. James Reid and her daughter, Miss Raymond. The first sole, was Miss Winnie, will spend the sea,son in Brantford with Mrs. Oliver Rny- nas. Our citizensseem to be all alive to the hardships. of people .on the. .Labra- dor coast, hut last week the readers Garvin and sister alise WanIace. Mr. and Mrs. Lugsden, Toronto, wile came up for the 'reCital in the Baptist chorch on: Friday arta the de- dication on Sunney, returned to the city on aleuday. Mr. Mullett, supt, of the Dentist Sunday school, Galt, and Mrs. In lett wain the gueons Of Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson on. Victoria and following days, remaining for tlie dedication services at the Baptist churcn on Sunday last. Reve Mr. Ma-, gee drovn up on Sunday alternopn from Clinton to. take pert • in the afternoon, services at the 13andint eberen. He was accompeetedeleyelnirs.o, Magee and Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs, J. , B. Hoover of Clinton Oreee up on Sunday, to at- tend the services at the Baptist church. The evening service "at the Baptist eh...rah was ettended by a very large cangregatioa. The contributions 'ton. Sunday at the Baptist church dedication, were very generous, • . I). Beaton "The Veterans, Song" well rendered by Mr. R. S. Cook of • Forest. Mr. D. L. Wright is a master of the piar.o. and • rendered sone fine goios during the enening, besides acting as accompanist. `' A Rose in Flea,van" of our columns will find that the was another pretty little merceau coaet.att-White Fish BUdn' Lake Sup- rendered. by Mise, Ra,ymondo "God erior, 'needs looking after by hernani- nave the King" ended one of _ the eariane when they read of one of our toennemen dying up. there where there is nether -doctor not aospital within forty miles. Mr. George :Porten is still confieen to his house. Dr. Clark is beeetifying his 'resid- many coming from Beemiller and sure ence, by actding a pretty portico • to rounding countey. In the choir we the south er.traoce. . • noticed Mrs. elution of Leeburn. The Standard Loan. Company is •The otganist mete. Mies Lizzie Wreght .having a men cereeet sten laid in of Leaden ,a youngesister of Rev. Mr.. front of thee ()bee. -Wright. Mr. R.,- Ss Cook of Forest Mr. and Mrs. Jarmyn, lately of kindly readered dering the eereice ehe de.gione, now occeoy on of 'Mr. Dan- sacred sole in good wipe,- ".Jesus. iel's houses on Netvga;te street, Mr. my „Sheehere to Thy fold I tome." Jermyn.„ie now working at the Organ Ole the pulpit 'platferni_ weee seated labtory. • . Rev. Dr. Cross! of aleMasted tinvere air .se-Gebege .Williams has a parrot 'in her robm's the Oddfellows' • hall most dcliglitfel corneae held. in any (running here.' .denication of .the new leaptist thatch • took . place on Sunday list. The porn:rig. sunshine Made ene• ehureh loot' beautiful aria the •church weer peetey ••well filled Niny 30th 1901 Spring Ailments' Pimples, boil., weenie, and other '- eruptions, loss of appetite, that **It feeling, lite of billowiness, intligeitione and W1040140, are some of therm n • They are ell radically and pereeeee needy cured by Hood'e $avesperille. Tine great- medicine thoroughly'', cleanses the blood and restoree bealtedr • functional activity to the whole syrnesee It maker) people well. eI have nse4 two bottles of Inoodn flare° papering this spring and have got a great • deal of relief out of , them, 1 have been, troubled with biiiousnese, but Hood's hags completely need me." no. Cesoreemee ' 842 Antoine Street, Montreal, Que. Get Morris TOWI1Ship. Harry D. Ainley, tertcher, was away to Guelph to tbe • Teachers' Convention. Townehip council and court of re- vision met Monday of this week. Mrs. Altana Ceoolcs is enjoying a hsoisitiedrey. n, nit at Hamilton mak her Cortege Crooks has put new metal- lic roof on hie barn. His farm ad - 'Mlle the oorporetecn of Brussels. • George Keys was lime from Har- riston. for aAn addition will be built to the •ern on. John, Rroadfoot's farm, 5th line. Cement stabling has 'been put under it. " Mrs, Donald Currie, ,4th line, 'is haek from visit of four weeks with H relativee in amilton .Her • little grend daughter, Rhea Arnold, • came blank with her. • Arthur Shane and Henry . Hopper were ae Luelcdow Thersday, of • lese we* as representatives' intro Bluevele and Belga:ye Citeunts at the endue' District meetien of ' the Methodist church. • • • Last week • Tho,s. Clanit, '5th line, sold five dandy Tatmdi worth Pigs to e ' buyers. Although only '5 months old their. aggregate wetght was •1401 pounds. Inereceiedd 0.60 Per cnt.' This 'Itinn Of hoe raising ought • to. pay. Sold (everywhere. 100 doses one dollar. t Miss Isabel Kelly dropped dead one the street at Stratford. *N. State of 011ie, City of- • Toledo, Lucas County:4s, Frank J. Cheney makes oatlf Usual he is senior partner of the firm ot F. J. Cheney ,& Co., doing business inn the City of ToledoeCounty and stater - aforesaid, mace that said firm will pay ' the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of can- arrh that cannot be cured by the use- orldell's Catena Cure. ° • FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn IQ before me and subseribede in rey presence, this 6th day of Dec- • ember, A. D. 1886. A. WaGLEASON Notary Public, H(Saella'ls) Citaxth Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts , directly on the blood" anO mucous surfaces of tbe systeart.• Send for testimortials• free. - F. J. CHENEY & Co„ Toledo, • Sold by Druggists -n -75c. • ' Take Hann Family Pills tor con. • stipationn • '.Jos. Onnies nas sold his farm to . Mr . sity,. Toronto, ;. Rev. •Mie • Jones, .Pres- Ditubar too, afei Rev Mr Weight.. •The latter . ' - '* . ' ' • We regret. to redort this week the which got -three& °.• ehelong winterm . ade a short address' , to the congre- " ' . seasonwithout aey,' bad 'effect. there- egation thaaning them for. worlcing so death, of Thos.' Elliott, ,er., : ' Which from. and now. on the fine days ...iS i bard .111 'evfty. . way, .to have: their.' 'ta°1° enlace. on Setuina,y .. morning. Deceased had been ill for sone time 'allowed to . have • his cage 'hung o,nte pretty. ehurch • opened' on, the anniver- and 'death' wa3 not unexpeetedThe side . the porch. .Wher.ever he 'sees a • eery of the layir,g of the •cornor .itonci e. funeral took place on .ntanley "Sereet resident .he Cells • 'One , on • Vietoria'• Day 1606 ' ".Crawn Him .. :Monday . to Widen • • . geennu • cemetery.. Rev.- J; . 0: .Reid With great vim "Pussie !" • - •Lord of' Alin Was then 'sting byechbir selville Rhyne.s' of the Tea'n•Trid -ceogreganon.. Rev. Dr. . Crone . . . . cenducten the se.reices. Mater M • • • An unknown man was found dealin ereek near Brighten. • •• • 4 TENACIOUS FORan OF, SYSTEM -e- • AT •• . I° CATARBIL , . . . . • Not easy thing to cure, ana a remedy that makes good deserves taw I credit,. •Catarrhozone cured Chas. H. Webb of :Woodstock, N. B., who' write es! : nFor a number of years I • was: troubled •with systematic eatarrb. It was very. tenacious form of -the • dieeaee and nothing helped; I use& • Catareho,zone and g'ot relief.: To build upi • my • system, nenineeteperro- zoee. This combination can't be beat- en. They cured Men,' your case may • be chronic but Caterrholone will drive. out catarrh and keep it out. sizes, 25e and $1.00 at all dealers.; ankl ender guarantee of satisfaction Phone 111. Pro'mpt deltiery. PI,qy • _ FARM FOR SAInt.THEUNDER- • signon offers • for sale part -6-1- net 40 on the. Bayfield Road, •mile dearth of Clieton, consisting of 2(t • acres. .Good frame house- with st- one cellar, bin. 36/00 with cement baeement. Easy . terms; J. A: Smith. •• ••7-1Ti • FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND ' A quarter miles from °hurdle post- affice, 'school, and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain ot grass. Lot 27, on the Znd con. 'West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres tinder hush . and the balanee nearly alinarass, • A brick house, a bank barn 5200, a •driving house 24x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on set premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., direetly oppos- ite said lot 27., coataiMng 100 acres of land, 15 acres of which are 'bash. On this lot there is a bank barn 40x66. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two fertile. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never fen* spring runs across both, farms. ninfistession can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietdr is now past the age to farm.-Aperreto Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all commetieeta ions. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, - Lot 15,. con. 9, Stanley toWnehle, consisting of • 100 actee, 90 ;totes cleared and all seeded down, except 20 acres. There are 10 steeds of good hardwood bear. , 4 illness teem school and 2n mike fromthe vill- age of Varna. Thie clearable feern will be sold on eaty tierete or if not sold will be eeeted.-0. R. Kaye, Varna P. O. 64 FARM FOR SALE. LOT: 24, CON. • 2, Stafiley, containing 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well • fenced, uridirdrained and in a good state of cultivation, 1 acre of or• and small fruit. On the pre- mises is a two story brick house • with slate roof, a .firsteclass farm house, a barn, size, • 40' x 80 With stone stabling, a Cement silo 14x30, good driving house, pig Pen and hen house. Two never -tail- ing wells. This farm is situate ci 8 miles from Brucefield, 5 from Cline • ton and on enod gravel road. Ap- ply en tho premises or address • Albert Nett, Clieton P. p. •02 FARM FOR SALE, 'LOT 4, HURON , Read; GoOdrich township, j mile from Clinton containing 130 acres •Of lend in, exeellent cultivation. • Easy terms. Apply to J. Holmes, , P. 0, bo e 1-96, Clinton, Ont, Cream :Separators E n NOW IS THTnlin.-TO PLACE your order for Fencing laefore the advance price. Use the Coil Sprihg Wire made by the Canadian Pence Co.,of which 1 am agent in this distriet, ant also agent for the enebreted Ileintztriarr Piano.- V. W. Evans, Dos 155 Clititon P.O. TAKE RIVAL HERB TABLETS; Pon STOMACH, tavEn, KIDNEYS AND von, CL- EANING. THE BLOOD. FOR SALE I3Y W. A. McCONNELL CLINTON. WHOLESALn , PROM THE nrvAt, Bgrat AGENCY, KINCARDINE. No article on the farm pays the • farmer better than a. Cream Sep- • arator. When, buying, buy the hent •nethat is the DeLaval. I am agent • for it •in this district. The Cyclone Fencing , The Cyclone Wire. Fencing lia.s • the two area,t requisites -it looks 'Well and lasts a long time. Be- • fore placing your. order let me show you • this fencing arid quote you price. . • -JAS. APPLEBY, Clinton • ders' Bank- is with his mother at the gave the .dedication sermons tatting Saults Dane. Beton somewhat andis- for his text Galetians 2-20 "I . awn posed., liennniii take a few weelis rest. crucified with Cloriet, nevertheless I • . • aerfiniiier Miss-Fe.nnie Co' of Toronto haslive ; yet that I, but t:heist tenth rn • • been Spending • the. neet season with her grapartarther, Mrs. .E. Bingham. We ,note the Ilis *Honor nudge Holt and ,Barrister PrOudfoot will, be con- tent this season with .recreato.ry eport. at, limit ie 'Carlow, Mrs. dames aht- ad nut," he said, "his conviction to ehell 'of that place having rentect to the end." John' and.. • James were 'tllem her fishing grotaids. • 'tellers of .fieh, hut in a mos -rent . • ••be7. e One • rebreation, which. we have lon- ged to see become fashionable is arch- ery" arid on the 18th, instt we „had the • pleasure Of seeing. a bevy . ot n pretty little girls on the lawof Mrs. Warnock who. each had :her bow and arrow, itele Miss Iris. Warnock o whwes in the greup,, kindly present - •Ems* Snyder has been vett' sine of me." ' e ••, , . • 'd they' were . • late only good who learned of self effort; • F. Kerscheneki is away' fro at home • and sacrifice' for the love of Christ. t doing some mason tvork. I Peter and Paul he . said representee ";at vEesen M. Schvvanz has engaged. the ser - two different attitudes. "Paul follow. vi - ' ces of Mr. Htutking for ,the smenter - Sia 4s For Sale came 'Athens:Of. Men. alaehew . - with his, duties as *e shepherd, changed • too iooking atter :souls... The semen was ir.aete'rly yet simple. During the oftektory Miss. Wrient • gaen etn organ: . ' We are very -glad to note that Mt. James Catling has so fax recovered M us with loveln bogeet ot dano- his healthf and, streenth sufficiently en dills. * go beck to COckbern, Islandfor the :The d•affoclilla • are "delighting 'our eyes for a niuch longer period• this season' than in former years: • We prce sumo the cold weather is in • their ft • MSS 011ev Sint th senuner to attend to bis duties theme Min Catling will remain here. Mr. Getting's •unele, Mr.. . James natlieg died in England recently. He was a brother of. Editor Catling of Loudon, silent 'V 0 idtoria England &f whose lif The New -Re D. ‘. and following days last week' ate her%ord . gave a short sketeh a Dew home here. • "• .. ton•ths ago. •' etre. elenteith' of Clinton was the lir. Tom 'Nairn, the, retiring sales- - .• . • t guest last week, of her daughter, Mrs; man of Charles Nalen's grocery and T. T. Leckie. -brother of :the Manager, was toasted .alisi May -.Conies left on:Friday to and. feasted, on 'Wednesday night, . by _ . ' join het father at Winnipeg; who is his brother oanoeists of Camp Menes- engeged ' :with the Westenn Canada .etung. , De. Welter S. Turnbull had Flour Mille Co. .• • .,•.e plerning program prepared for the • John e anz sowed some. mangels 'ten dans age. This is, quiteearly. Ward. Gledaille who has been setae - ing with it light attack of layer, . is much,. better and ye hope soon to see hmm,again at his usual post et -the factory; . „ • eGeorgenNewell is . the • h•a.ppledt man intall Benmiller, and that happy atate• of things is attributed to the arriv- al of the little lady who has made fier .appearance as the . youngest mem- berot his •household,• •• • h'Ixe for sale a'quant- ity of Itertilock Slabs,cut • 16 incheS long, suitable' • for ranges. J. Hamilton THE CILYDE nTALL1ON LORD STANLEY • Will stand for the improvement of stook for the seasno of 1007at his own. table, on Lot 24, Con. 2. Stanley. Lord Stanley is e ligh t nay, stripe, nigh hindfetlock white.' He wo$ foaled June 24th, MI • rket Coateof Toronto • erne evening's eritertninment, :alter .. a • de - Miss Mas iv.ersity, accompanied Mr. A.' Suthen \lighten - luncheon, ha.d • •been partanen land': on the , big'. Solo nom- 'Of by all;•Mrn Neint. wats• the efficient piano, in hers at St. Georges A. Y. P. A. cn- treasurer '. foe the club; and. always tettainrnent east week. • •• • . ready in any ' 'scheme of ;he same.- . 2. r.. Joseph Pigott after, the luncheon On Snaday..efternoon i . M t aboet • ' preeented Mr. Nairn' with a very neat o'clock it grew so 'dark that we .hed • Mr, N. Sturdy', ie.?, law unto himsell Dr. Sale: • • . • companied by 1.• • love; gold loenel. • oaddtess in .the name of the club, ae- . to light a. laity witile, an dinner.. et: the.' sarneY time -'taeeit-°:.;ti. ale put a `iNiire., fence • around . his est - tate below the nostoffice :ionic Tears he hearty . corigrateladions• of all, and was' preset"' by leJ Pigott 'with - ago, but lam ter reoved, the horse, • •-• ' service • Both heatiteul silver tea. . re- . lot on Waterloo St. S e ene tom teethe. ciplent tenderea . their greed:id which was on the' corner' to the other tti nub for the gifts„ with his wire' fence all -down, and - after to, r they o' e re:be- the , hbese all ..Goderict- ' were . • neeeeeted.• noth may youog nen have many warm frieetle in town. • • • . After tie2 regulat meeting on 201;11 .May of the Oddfellows' Lodge an in- journment 'nes made to 'the banquet hall where lure:neon was served to 46 or 50. members ol the tinier, . F. F, ,Lewrenee email% - the chair, and. took the opportunity of thanking tne PEI:HORSE : Siberian (irep) nn3175) (1103n), Glenlaggen (imp) (4605) (1050(1)., Rekettleld (inert) 14871 (4100). Seetlend Yet (imp) ' (345) (1202). Co etain Watt (111301231j (400). dein alhone Waning - gen [5840), May. 1.8RMSAILIBonin;TuteN$08• ir, Proprietor p. On, Sunday evening last. the I. O. 0. It . /eaten, crossed the corner lot until the path grew wider and bander, se on Mondani there loomed another wire fence • 'be- fore their eyes. We never sa;iv any-, one working at it, so in must have been done. by the light of the moon. Our citizens like short cuts, 'only not it beef steek. , . MrSWarner j& e great fancier of Lodge for thbeautiftd gift peesented dahlias. She had a• barrel and a half e el : ' s. . • of bulln and never sold one. They incently in the form of a. pest jewels.' After sineing "He's kept well all winter in spite of her having no cellan. Miss Marguerite Perin is spending this week' the guest of reie..tiws in Berlin. a Jolly good fellow Bro. :ninon was mane the recipiene of al handsome gold watch charm, for which he tharneel them in brotherly terms. • Grenn Chief Patriarch Pneenley of the Mrs. Gus Wyatt and two little Kinnstee Lodge was pennant made,' iin daughters of Loedon, spent Victoria snpropriate entire -a referring to the Day the guest ()tithe- letters gtantl- giving of presents, asdesirable motkr, Mrs. T. Wyatt, . feature in recognizing the usefulness Mrs, Bradshaw and Miss Wright ot of members of fraternal organizations s , solo London are spending a short season Sherif% Reynoldthen sang a in town the guests of Mee. W. Gard- "The Tele of the Cassowary." 11 We._ Ball and Charles IItunkx made rtes. moot, old Gratia 411 •appropriate .a.ddresses followed by Mr. tanged" The Highlanders Pra.yer " sung The fog horn. was on dutY on at "I PAuld Lang Sync" being sung with great pathos by the sherifl. by all • A warrant is, out for theearrest of J. Edward I3oeck, •ra, gem ' broker, who is • alleged • 'to hese disappeared frost the citywith jewels and money amounting to` over a euarter of n, millioe dollar. YOU MAY BE SICK. T0,N1GII1. • Without a moments Warning pain springs upon us,. At the boutset it is astantly cered by . Nerviline. Sur- prising what- fifteen drops of this merveloue medicine will ' no. 'It's wenderful effeet when taken internal- ly. Of course Nerviline is poweefunori it cooldn'tbe so pEnetrating. But not irritating or caustic. There • are ether pain .remedies, but when yore • use Nerviline you see the differenen. T.Irat diffexeriee • is this, -others :nut 'Nerviline does cure sprains, etraies, 'swellinbe, earache, toothache, •neuralgia, lumbago, in fact all non- colat pains. Large bottles 25e at all dealers. • . • . . '• • • . • ' Three Ita,lien'ettriedren were proneh-- ly fatally injured yesterday by a my- sterious. explosion on a New, York st- • That stomachn ache will cease if no will take •Miller's Compound Iron, Pills. One after each meal. For salee by W•• A. McConnell, druggist, „ ton. • . , pulpits on Sunday a. in. last. • THOUGHTS' OP THE' SEASON.. •• FOR OVER SIXTY 'YEARS Mrs Wilslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by nifutons of *mothers for their ,children while teethieg -If dia. turbed by night and brenate en your rest by a • eickdchild suffer*aridt crying with pain of cutting teeth send, at fence and get •, a. bottle ef ",Mrs. VinIslOw's Soothing Syrup" for caild- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Deport& upon it, mothers, there is no Miataker about it. It Cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates 'thei Stomach and Bowels, cures. Wind Colic, softens the Gems, 'reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the wholetystera. Wirislow's: Seething 'Syrup" for ehild- ren teething is • pleasant to the tast�. and is the prescription of one et the, oldest and best. female physicians an& nurses • in the United ,States. ' Price 25 cents a bettle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the warlO. Be surd and ask for "Ore: WinsloW's Soothe' ing Syrup. „ Residents of town -and .city are eete thinking of 'their nummer outing. and those who live in the buedt inlarencen- tees .generally turn th:nr attention to the Seashore, those who are un- decided, Cushing's Ikland, Casno• Bay', near Portend, Me., is recommended. Two andnone-hall utiles from tire eV of Portland, it is e combination • of seashore and country, on one side the broad ocean, and on. the other a mag- nificent • view of Portland Iiarbor. The Ottawa •• Itous•e, well kr.o.wh for several years is'• situated here, • mill with the cottages in connection ac- comodates 250 guests.- It - been thoroughly renovated and,. refurnished. The sanitary arrangements, are per- fect, house lighted with electricity, water supply secured frontan artes ian well that is equal to any of -.the famous springs thronehout the State of Maine. Hotel under management of Messrs. Goyee and Hatfield, two experienced ho*.eI managers. Alt information., booklets, etc.'may be. secured on. applitatiort to' J. D. IVIcDonald, rnion Station, Toronto Ont. •, . •• „ Town Of Clinton. --31sA-X SALE- T • • PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GV- • • en pursuant be sub -section 3 of sec- tion 143 of "The Assessment Arne that the list of lands for sale -1n Vest municipality of the town of Clinton • for taxes has been peepared, an& copies theteof may be had in my of- fice : and that the advertisement embracing*such list 1 being publish- ed in the Ontario Gazette on" the• of March e0 and April 6,. • 13 arid 20, 1907/ antt that in, &Wilt • 'of payment of tho taxes,, as ehower in the said list, on or beta()• the :nate fixed for sale, viz., Tuesday, July 2, 1907, the lands will be sold for taxes at such date. Dated at the town of Clinton, Ontario, tnia third day di April A. D. 1907. M. D. 1VIACTAG(GART, • TowN TREASURER. • TILE TOURIST SEAS() n is now on, and a chance. to traNel is offered to those NO10 spend ibe mein part of the year on the ferna' of • the small settle:matte. • No Atey-) or Provinee has more it tete:Ain, . sorts than. Ontario. tnarmine Muskoka, Lakes,. (JO:glen IttcY, Lake of Heys, Temegafiii, ktgonquin Lake Huron Beanies, Xewartha Lake es, St. Lawrence • il)%er; While Mountains, Sea Coalt, Jamestou4 Exposition, Eta. The GrendiTrunk liallwaY system and connections can give yen a cori. fortable tourney to any of the abet POihtg, , '