HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-05-09, Page 88 .EXTRA. GOOD CARPET STOCK UR Carpet Stock This year is extra good any 0 7bay you like to take it. I-10ing two stores enables us to show just double the number of patterns we wuld had we only one. Vhat means th—ere-Vi a greaterImTY- HERE t1in any store hereabouts. When we buy direct from the makers in England and Canada, and only from those whose products can be depended upon to hold their color and give satisractory wear. From them we have gath- ered together a stock that far excels the best we have laid before our customers. Ube varieties are here; the qualities that 2vear are here; the valves are here; the new patterns are here. Rbery carpet o7,er 50c per yard is cut. made and laid Vithout extra charge. We know ho b to do it right too. Let us figure on the next carpet you Vant We will save you a tot of bother and perhaps some money as well. 4' I. Brussels Carpets Choice new designs in the hest English Briissels Car- pets. High-grade qualities that will give' excellent wear There is nothing to beat a good •Brussels carpet for a room that gets constant use, and we can recommend the quality of every piece in stock. New patterns and color combinations suitable for any room. Many de- • signs to select, from. .00,1.00,1.115 and 1.25 The line at $1.15 is special value. Tapestry Carpets English Tapestry Carpets, imported by ourselves direct from one of the best English makers. An exceptionally large range of patterns suitable for all •rooms, • Not a poor design in the lot. Dozens to select from. Colors and qualities the best. _ ‘.40, .50, .65, .70, .75 the yard The line at 65c is exceptional value. Wool Carpets Our wool carpets are made by the best carpet mill in Canada. Every yard is guaranteed pure wool. No shoddy or grease of any kind irsthem to make them ap- pear and feel heavier than they really are. Nothing in single piece but thoroughly scoured and clean wool: Colors absolutely fast. Two andthree ply. Many new designs to select from. .75 .90 and 1.00 per•yard The line at 90c is extra value. Union Carpets Our union carpets are made by the, same Mill as the. wools. There is nothing but clean stock in them either No matter how low the price you can . depend on the quality, and the colors are guaranteed not , to, run for these mills dye their own yarns. ..30, .37,:.4s, .50 per yard., The.line at 50c is an extra special' Rugs.• . . • • • Rugs are growing very popular for almost any kind of room. We have imported direct from the makers, an extra large stock in Tapestry, Brussels, Wiltons and Axminster. There are some very handsome designs in all the popular colorings. All standard sizes in stock ' end specialprocured on short notice. . • • • Wool Squares • Our stock of all wool and union squares is very large. We show them in new patterns and color combinations • entirely different from those of past seasons. All stan- dard sizes always in stock. Specials procured on very short notice. Linoleums .• r The popularity of linoleums for floor covering increases . each season, and more of it is selling all the time. Those we sell are all high grade. Every yard is imported dir- ect from the English and Scotch makers. This season importations have been exceptional large, and the • stock we show today has no equal outside the large. cities.. Block or floral patterns in pleasing color comb).- nations. 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. .37i, .45, .50 ' 60 the sq. yd. Japanese Matting Straw ma ttings from the best Japanese makers, We had to order early last fall t� be sure of getting them here in time. All made from bright, clean, fresh Straw, that will stand hard wear. Fifteen or rtwenty hew patterns - .15, .20, .25 4nd .35 . . illinery Departm t Is running at high pressure these days. W are busy, very 'busy, but not too busy to get you out • a stylish hat on short notice. Our milli.... nery is suiting parti- cular people w h like a hat that is jusla. little.... out of the ordinary. If you want millinery 'of that kind, come here. We have it. DIRECT IMPORTERS CliittC A NeW$441KOrds May 9th, 1902 1 IF YVU ARE THINKING OF DECORATING THE WALLS OF YOUR HOME INSPECT OUR, STOCK Oia WALLPAPER COMPRISING GOOD GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. ARTISTIC AND MANY OF THEM INEXe PENSIVE, SUCH AS WILL AT- TRACT THE CRITIC, PLEASE THE POSSESSOR, AND IN -Y-OASES—SXVE—MONET TO THE BUYER. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED WE WILL BE TO YOU. OF COURSE WE TRIM ALL PAPER WHEN DE- SIRED, AND TRIM IT CARE- FULLY, TOO. The W. D. Fair Co. Often Cheapest—Always Best 1 Mr.. Jas. Fair' was in Goderich yester, day. Reeve Cantelon was in Brussels on Wadnesday. • • Mr. Arthur Tyndall left fpr the West Saterday last. Mr. Frank O'Neil has returned from Moosejaw, Sask: Mrs. J., F. Wasmart recently visited Wingliaan and Brussels. Detective • Goderich, was in Clinton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George King- of Bay- - field were in :Wive on Tuesday; • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Magpliersein leave tiext week for New LiSkeard: Mr. AIL Asquith, license inspector for West Huron, was in. town yester- Inspector Robb, Brussels, officially. visited tire- Clinton Model school•on two •erayS of this week. 2 , • Rev. W. '8, Kerr and his daughter ',.G.race visited the, old home in Brits- • ,sels last w.eek. • . • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry; Routledge and kiss Maud spent last Stuiday with • Seaforth. friends. • • Miss ;Susie Beam of Brussels was the guest of . Misses May and Nettie Wasrnan from: Saturday until Mon- day • Rev. Rural Dean dense was th Brus- sels on Tuesday and Wednesday at tending the Deanery meeting and S. S. conventioiL • • • • Miss :Clara Wiseman, Professional nmrie, who spent the whiter in Florida„ returned Ifoma on a Visit on Saturday :last Miss Biggin, London, •Is visiting Clin- ton and Hullett friends, Miss . CoOk: who accompanied her returned. to the city on Moeday. . . His Lordship , The Bishop of tendon :was the gueet Of Rev:,Father Hanr Ian on Monday 'And..ito aleo Visited) O the .Separate School In Hullett Mr. W J. Tozer was in, Tottse,on. "Friday last- Mrs. Tozer and the . • - children, who have been in the city for thepast three •weeks, are ex - Peeled bonne trear.orrow.,• Me. • and Mrs S. ICent,P, little Mies Nellie EeinP, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis of Tornit visited Mr. and Mrs, Will. Rath el East Wawanosh on Spnday., Mr. and Mrs. John Miller .and daughti- er Nellie of Indian, Head, Sask., axe spending a few days in, town as the guests of Dr. and 1Virs. Evanh and Mr. end Mrs. J, W. Ncwcombe, their way to England. • Mr, J. W.' Elliott 'returned home last night after three days absence in the district abut Exeter and Zar-* lett 'buying horsesfor his livery, He have twenty-four this season, four more than lost .year. The following members of the Mason , le . Lodge ' Visited • the , Seaforth Ledge on Monday evening on the 'cm - basion of the ofilcial visit .of the D. D. G. M. W. J. Tozer W. Stevenson, R. 0._:Belcher12--j7-,-he• IL 0. Chant, J. Taylor, A. • Cassels, J. IIowe and G. McLellan. Mr, Hugh Ross "was in town this , *Peek and shiPpod his .household eff- ects to Clinton. Mr'. and Mrs. Ross and niss Jean Rea *left en Tuesday afternoon for their new home. " They will be missed ,by "•tinany friends . here, but have the, hearty good wishes for success at Tines, 1 (Less than Cost, Saturda ° Iff olmesvflie The annual shoot of the noImesville Civilian Rifle Associallor. will bejed on their Tanga on the INIctitland.'en, May 24th, and 31st when all niembers and those desirous of joining are re- quested to be present. Shooting com- mences at nine o'oloelr each day,— Garge Mair,- Captain ; W 5.,,M4le,r4, See. -Treasurer. TIVIARS WILL Bl • rtEcnivni) by the mlersigned. up to one o'clock on Mod- May 7, for the erec- tion of a, t arch at Diehl's bridge on the 4th con. of Stanley. Plans and _specifications may be sean. at my office in Varna. The lowest or any tenaer nob necessarily acepted.—J. E, Harwell, Clerk'. • . • Ready-to-wear Skirts, White Bed Spreads Weare totokifigior -BIG BUSINESS—Satitirdak;- -astrif—value and prices - count for for anything on Rea,dy-to.Wear Skirts we will have it, If you are need- ing a tweed or cloth skirt don't miss this chance but come. early for good choice • • • .0.111101•11.1 $3.00 Black Cheviot 'Skirts $2.00. Black Cheviot Ready-to•wear top Skirts, well made, trimmed with cov- ered buttons, pretty designs, sizes 38, „ 89, 40, 41, and 42. Regulae $3.00 Saturday only 2.00 $3.50 Greg tweed. Top Skirts $2.50, • ••• Grey. pepper and salt tweed top Skirts, piqued seams, very netty styles; and will giveeplendid wear. sizes, 38, " 39, 40, 41 and 42. Regular $3,50 Saturday only 2:50 .$3.50 Black and Blue Lustre Skirts $2.50 Black and navy blrie-"Lustre top• skirts, pleated full length. A very • pretty skirt and made of good quality lustre. Sizes 38,39, 40.41 and 42 Regular $3.50, Saturday only...2.50 • $1.25 White Lawn Waists $1 • Two dozen only, white lawn Waists, • embroidiff fronts, several very pretty styles to choose frern,Niih 3.4 or long sleeves. All sizes, regular $1,25 for 1.00 Sacrificing Kid Gloves. Clearing up the odds and ends of our kid Glove stock. . Perrin's celebrated make is the.o_nly line we .handle and you can depend On getting good value. • Blacka and Brown, two dome fasten- ' , ere, assorted sizes, .50 up. • Union Carpet . for 25c . Four pieces union carpet, good O weight and fast colors, all good pat. terns, brught from a wholesale house going out of carpets at a price which enables us to clear them out • • O .quick at per yard .25. O $1.00 White Bed Spreads 65c • Three dozen only, white bed spreads 8-4 lengths, slightely soiled, reg- ular $1.00, while they last .. -SS • - . White Musliris 5c a gd. • Fifteen pieces white stripe and fancy , muslin, splendid line for children, don't miss this chance, Saturday .. per yard 05 2 Pairs Cotton'aose tfor 25c. • , Women's fast black cotton hose, seenaless foot, full fashioned, all sizes, 2 pair for" 25 • Lace CUrtain Special $1.00 " Have you seen our special lace cur- tains at $i00? They are the best val- ue in the county of Huron. Other people•charge $1.25 for no better. A money saver at 1.00 • • Taijpring Furnishings • ; • • . • • • ..•••••=0...m—mm- 1 4 • • . . ry Goods, and Millinery Ladies' giddy to wear Garments CLINTOIT. . House Cleaning Time is.. Jiere OW that housecleaning time has begun in earnest, its time to look after thenew carpets and curtains you have been talking about, and we can sayright here that this,store never had Suoh a stock of House- ' furnistiings as we -have. here today. In site of the advanced piiCes asked by many wholesale houses, we are prepared to give Our customers prices eq. uallT as low as last .year, with a.few exceptions; We'll be glad to have you visit our Housefurnishing Department as no greater display or better values can be found in town, - ' • tommagrog44.44•Nom Lace Curtains at $1.00 per pair Nottingham Lace Curtains 3i yards long,. 54 inches wia.e, in pretty floral designs,' six different' patterns at . 4.00 Fine Nottingham Curtains, $1,50 up Dozens of designs in Nottingham Ourtains, O yards long, 50 to 60 inches wide, splendid values , and lots to choose from at L25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 to 3.75 Curtain Muslins in Great Array. • White Ourtain.guRlins in stripes and polka dot, Scrim, Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Etc. ' 10c, 121/2c, 45c to 25c -Tapestry Rugs $7.95. . Tapestry Rugs in several pretty colorings 0 feet square, fine for bedrooms ... 7.95 Tapestry Rugs ,10.00 Tapestry Rugs, 3 x 3i yards, colors of' red, fawns greens, etc. pecial at each:- 'Brussels Rugs $20.00 Heavy weight Brussels Rugs, . colors of fawns green, red, etc., a big selection of patterns, in sizes, ovar three yards square at.... 20.00 and 22.00' Japan Mattings 15c to 25c. • Japan Matting, 36 -inches wide, in a number of pretty designs, green, blue and red mixtures 15c, i8c, 20c and 25c. 4,,,,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:•• May.'Ige Month -for Millinery We douht if any storein Huron county can ;show -a Millinery department equal to ours,, with such a complete display as we are mak. 2 ing this year, and the do' nright good values we are giving makes the department more • • than ever "Headquarters for IVIillintry" in these parts. Its•not necessary toliiSriifaneY price for a pretty hat here. With the lin. mense stock we have for you to choose from and the moderate prices we ask, you will find • thoay.. here what you want and at prices you want • 4,4,40 .4 •44. •• • • .• • **4 4141.• • .. , . • . • .1P01.4rIMPIPWWwWW.IirrvvIrwinv-v7-yr •