HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-05-09, Page 21010111.10MPONIONNONnoitoispiriosmig 20.00100.000011,000.00900000.0* 5 • : Helps for i • • • I Housecleaners i • • • Gillett's Lye • • • _: Caustic Soda • • ; Ammonia, • • ' : (liquid or powder) : :. Turpentine • • : Furniture Polish • • : Globe Metal Polish . • • 9 • 4.: • • • -• a * • • • • If you need a bracer• to keep 8 • you well use our : er I P"eptinfzed -Beef, Iron & Wile : e • • 75 cents Pint Bottle • • • e ss 11 Ws S. R. HOLMES i . e • • ............moo......... Sulphur • Carbolic Acid : Formaldehyde : Copperas _: Moth Balls ; Camphor : Lilac and Lakes : Mo'th Bags. • • CENTRAL •••••••••••••• 5TBATFORD0 ONTw Waa establielled twenty yeare ago aud by its thorough WOrk anid honorable dealings 'with its patrons has become one sit the largest? and Meet wieely known Conamercial Colleges in ' the province. The demaoil up- on us for commereial teachers and office assistants greatly exceedoehe salmi!, Wee assist graeotates to positioaa. aints are entering each week. Catalogue free, Elliott & MoLachlan Clinton riewswriecord . DANGER IN CORN SALVES . They usually Oseettaill aeide and been the flesh., The, one safe mere in ligifid hirrn is Putnam le Paieless Coen Ex- tractor, which is purely vegetable, causes no pain and cures in One day. Don't forget the name, ,"Putnam's." r•••••••••44.9••,••••••••••• SPRING TERM i 1 from April 2nd merges into our Summer Session for July and • iAugust, Enter any time. No Vacations. Clip out, sign this 1 0 and receive our Catalogue by return mail. PRINCIPALS Cobalt Mining 8tooli Silver Bird advanced be 25c per share Gioldeo Born, .Larder TA4e, 25e per share, . • Cobalt Development Co.,,20c per share Before an Oversee:in shares intending purchasers should tut quickly. .; H. OCItltelon, Commissioner and agent, Clinton INP•77.770 .............................................................„...,...............:... $ ' Mens. Sho"e8.. $ $ $ $ AT CLOSE PRICES $ $0 Men's Shoes at $1.25 0 0 Men's Medium Heim Solid Leather Boots, standard screw soles, heels well slugged, made on a courfortahholust, 4 goed 0 0 shoe for little money, per pair 61.25. : Men's Shoes at $1.50 Men's Heavy Working or Walking Boots, made from. best plump Oanuck huffs, well stayed and heavy soles, good do. , $ $ r able • wear, per pair $L50, . • . f 0 $ Men's Soft Fine Dongoia Boots, laced; very wide tits ing, eor7; • ' . - tension sole edge, sewn Or etandercescrew, perpair $1,75.,, $ $ • : extension edge, at $2 and $2.25 per.paire 1 Men's Choice Box Calfskin Boots, laced, heitey pr. light soles, a •• . . T rlen's Shoes at $1 75 rlen's Shoes at $2 and $2.25 • Men's very fine Doneola Boots, bleed, light, • medium And heavy soles, adapted for dress or business wear, pee'poir $2 awe $2,25. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKinnon & Co., IFILYTH .1111vd .416.^41i. via.,./h.,^41.,11b• "%rib. "lb,A1i.illb.^%,1416...11r 4116•Ab,11/11b, .116.416. Real Estate For Sale 0 FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH CON. FARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF Stanley township, containing 175 of lot '1, South Boundaree and West half of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, cone sisting of 102 eats, 8 acres bush, the remainder seeded down eocept- ing 30 acres. The -place is well fen- ced and drained, and watered by spring creek. Frame barn. Thie farm is ,sitileted on the Town Line, two_miles_west leiPPen stedlion. Apply on •the proeaises or additss James C. Parsons, Kipp, Ont. 32 acres. i mile from school, e mile from Presbyterian and Methodist olunthes and postofffce, 7 vides horn Heirsoll and - 4 miles from Kipper) station. There are on the premises three barns, 64x40, 70x28, 50x28, all in good r•opair. Comfortable log and frame house. 22 acres in fall wheat. All fenced, 100 acres well underdrained ane the remaining 75 acres chained by township ditch' running through. Never failing well at the house with a new Brantford pumping mill, also a never failing spring back on the farm. le acres good bearing orchard. This term is In a first-class state otcultivation and is situated in one of thebest graingrowing sections In the pro.' vince. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the porchasee. For furthers information• apply on the premises or address I George Cole- man, Hillsgreen P. 0. -. • .47 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30 AND part 31, con. 5, Hullett, consisting of 117 acres. 15...acres good hard- wood hush, baiance `under eultivae tion. Good brick house and frame barns. Well watered and kneed. Bearing orchard. le miles from store, postoffice, church and school. Will be sold on easy terms as the undersigned intends going West. - R. J. Miller, Clinton P. O. 14 '•••••••• FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from ehurclf, post - office, school, and the village of Auburn. Soitable for grainor grass. Lot 27, on the 2nd coo. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance neatly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 5260, a driving house 24x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on sat premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., direotly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of land, 15 acres of which are besh. On this lot there is a hank barn 40x60. There are 4 acres Of good bearing orchard on the two forms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrainod. A never failing spring - runs across both farms. Poeseseisen can be even at once. Terms easy: The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. O. Prompt reply, will be given to ati corarourdeat: Ions. 5. FARM FOR SALE Olt TO RENT. - Let 15, con. 9, Stanley trivinshie, consisting of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared and all imeded down except 20 notes. There are 10 acres of good hardwood bosh, miles from , school and 21 miles ftetri the ville age of Varna. TMs desirable farm will be sold on easy berme Or if not sold will be rentol.-4, rt: keys, Varna P. 0. 54 FARM FOR SALE OR TO. RENT.- Lote13, con. 16, Goderich township; consisting of 80 acres, 65 acrea cleared, balance !melt. Good barn and comfortable house. Weil wat- ered by two good running streams. e• mile from school and 1 nine from _postoffiee. Will be paid on. easy terms. -Apply to T. T.:. Murphy, Clierton. 35 te 14e, , FARM FOR sA.LE.,—Tilp UNDElle signed. offers for sale part of let 40 on. the Bayfield Road, 1 ' mile south of Clinton, eoneleting of' 20 acres, Good frameehouse t:with at - ono cellar, .barn 36x70 tvitle derreent , basement. Easy .terms. - 47. A . Smith.. e 't 40 Nana° .. P. .. . Send to Central Busluess-Col- lege, Toronto, W. H. Shaw, 1 Principal ce •••••••••••••••••••• •••4 COAL Order your yemes sUpply. now. The best in the market, $7 per ton, but if orcieree and paid for before May 31st, a dismount of 40 cents a ton will be allowed.. Or dere left 'at Davis Se Rowlands will be promptly attended to. W. J. Stevenson Just Arriued Some of the most handeorne aln ner sets evee , shown in Clinton ; - glassware in sets and odd pieces cefd. cups and saucers ; 'odd' plates, toilet eetee etc. All will goat eur- Prisingly low prices 'to 'Make room for what' is coming. Call at once be - foto the °hole°. pieces go. • -7--Hea;equartere for Choice- --eGroceries. FARM FOR SALE. LOT- 24, CON. • 2, Stanley, containihg 100 acres, 10 acres of' bush, the remainder is well . fenced, titiderdrained' and in a good. state of Cultivation. 1 acme of Or- chard and Mali fruit. On the pre- mises is a two story brick beuse with \ slate roof, a first-class farin • house, a barn, size, , 46 x80 with stone stabling, a cement silo 14x30, good driving house, pig Pen .and hen house. Two never -fail - Ing wells. This farm Is situated 8 Miles from Brumfield, 5 from CHO- ton and on rreocl gravel road.- Ape ply on ehr premises or address Albert Nett, Clinton P. , ' FARM FOR SALE, LOT 4, HURON Road, Goderich. township, .4 mile from Clinton, eeriteining 130 antes of land in exeellent ,cultivation, Easy terms. Apply to J. Holmes, P, O. hex 1-96, Clinton, (int, . . NOW IS TI -IE TY.ME,..-TO PLACE your order for Penting before the advance in price. Me the Coil Spring Wire made by the Canadian Pence. Co, of whieh 1 ani. agett in this dietrict. I are oleo! agent for the celebrated I/eitazirtan Plano - 1. W. Evans; Sox 155 Clintoti X.04 TAKE RIVAL HERS TARLETS POE STOMACH,-' LIVER, IC/DNEYS AND FOR, 01,‘ EAI•I/NG pm BLOOD. VCR sAtin BY W, A. McCONNELL CLINToN, wiroLzsAtn PROM TEE RIVAL HERE AGENCY, EINCA.RDINE, D. Beaton Phone e.111. Prompt delivery The ow Fir • We have opened out busi- ness in the stand lately occu- pied by Sharp Bros.. where we are prepared to do' first-class Horseshoeing and all kindsdf General 131acksmithing. Machine Work promptly attended to and LAwn MowersSharpened ' --and Repaired. • Your Patronage Respectfully -Solicited . . oesooeveoee, _ Seek labs For Sgle .. We hqve for sale a quant - fly of .I.reruloCk Slabs, cut. .16- inches long, ^ suitable for ranges.. J. Hamilton and Less • As•we have decided tn retire from business in BayfieldWe will dispose of our entire stock of • • DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and CROCKERY • • At Cost and Below it, The Stock meet be dosed out by the end of blaot When we close our demo. ' Come and see u. and take advantage of. Our (1enuine Bargains , FRASeRf BAYFIELD. 4umberandPoOtefor8ale wish to inform the Piihlie that r have for sge a largo Stock Ilemlonk 'lumber, all, lefigthe eind other timber mit to order. Also a quantity ot Cedar Poetit ell of whith sill be Sold at reitstembie prices. SAMUEL MOORE DAYPIELD P. O. ••••••11•4 0.44••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44•044.4.11•440 The News From Goderich ELOISE A, SKIIIMINOS, Correspondent 4144••••••••••••••••••40t••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••• Our member, E. N. Lewis, IlLie and Mrs. Lewis returned last week from their long stay at Ottawa, Mr. Lewis practices what he preaches, he has taken eleven his front fence that all May me and enjoy the sights of the flovvere, shrubs and trees in the gar- den. He is now building another .stun - mer reeideno en the bank of the lake, ecie-he-bes-calle4 "Eagle's. 7) The eottage in which Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, O. E,ispent last sutnnier, is named 'Outlook, Mr. McGregor's cot- tage "Cliff Cottage," and the largest of all "Verandah" cottage. Mr. Md. lerundley of the Drysdale farm is now et "Burnside" farm, New- ton: He is a faithful, practical Man, Wright Martin keeps up hie record as .ft lucky egg merchant, having goth- erep 3728 eggs during April, Andrew Williamson is placing new sills uuder the building purchased . from Miss Swift. Mrs. Wyatt, having . sold her real - dome on-Toi onto street, halt removed to Stanley tdvenshlp and occ'umee the house lately the residence of Mr. and Airs. Robert Bell. St, George's- Day Was the anniver- sary of three of ourcitizens, St. (.eerge Price, Charles Nairn and Frank Lawr- ence, Jr, We know Mr. Nairn was presented with it rose, for his sister makes hien a gift of one each birth- day. Mrs. and Miss Amey left on Friday afternoon to spend the summer atBure ford with some members De their fam- ily who reside there. • Mr. and Mrs. George Ryder and in - taut sob ef Birmingham'England, now occupy the house on Park street lately purchased by Mt. Walters, Col. borne. We were .glad to see. Mrs. J. W, Smith in her store last week. Mrs. Smith has .been very' ill for several weeks. Mrs. Toni Wyatt now occupies the house on Stanley street for some time occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ktobert Mr. end Mrs. Davison and family of town have beep visiting friends in the country, preparatory to Nettling- insthe West. -Captain Frank 'Johnston, son of Mr, and Mrs.. "William Johnston, ' is•to be congratulated on being cheieo to commited the P. N. Parent this season whichruns from Buffalo to Duluth. Mrse(Oapto, Footle Johnston is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Mrs. Fowlie and little ion, who•spent the Winter at •Conneaut, Mich., have returned tothe residence of Mrs. Alex. Creigie, mother of Moe Fowlie. The many Mends of Mr. John Proud. foot will be glad to *know that he is much• more robust than he ever was .beFidforre.ayi'mornin g was cold hut Friday evening wes cold enough to wear -ail one's winter wraps. A farewell dance was held at'Odde fellows' hall On Vieedneeday evening in horror of the two young .10.P.Ite engin- eers who are leaving for China. About fifty guests were present. Luncheon was served ' at midnight.. Speeches *ere neede• eluriere the eeening. e Mr. Carr-Iliteris thanking them' for himself and Mr: Hutton who •Was absent on account of recent indisposition. Mr. 'William • Acheson having per - chased the Property knotyn • formerly as the 'estate of the late Mrs. John Allen on St. David street and Cambria Reed; has had already two .excavae tions made preparatory to having stone foundations in readiness, on welch to build twp large brick houses. with modern inaptovements, Jr. W. Acheson' is also bricking up it. new building on St. David street, north •We had quite a novel experiedee on the morniug:,of our hirthdayeMey. 2nd. It was not quite one it. ni. wheri we Were limiting at our vase of daffodils. .before retiring (for literary People Are • eometirnes ;obliged to sit up far into the night) and we sew • theta terse .we foetid cm the afternoon. of &wedding, etfededoievay. We thought that we might es well threw it ioto the stove, . but it was pinned to it bit of wood like a match and we thought it unwise to been the pin: Well, it seemed pretty long foria pin,' and When we did get get it out, there! It looked at us -a ruby set in it: The rose triust have ex- tracted All the gold and ruby' out of the Cobalt •specimens that are in the. vase. Hemstreet could not rival that strange,codticidence for. we have the pin and the rose; too. In the afternoon we found a fOur-leafed gold brooch. It belonged to Mr; C. Beck: • • Mrs: (Captaine, Jim SntheilanJ has been very ill for over three menthe, but is gaining slowly. Her illness de- tained her husband, but he left foe Lake Superior on 1st May. • • . : A very large eoongregetion greeted Bishop WilliamssatSt: George's ehurch on 2nd May, mew: Macklin and seven young holies of the congregation'and Mr: Gledhill riled two young dien, Con- rad Carteyond Politer were those who 'received, confirmation at the !muds of • Bishop Williamis, The ladies were all dressed in white, His Lordship's .ad.• .dress to those who were to receive the rite of confirtn'ation, was \most. Christ like, taking for his texteSt. 'John 15,14, "Ye are my.friends if ye de whatsoever • I command you." He told them that it was e great dignity and honor to have thet title bestowed upon 'theme "Frierids• Of eestui Ohl ist," but only on conditions if, that wonderful weed, "if ye do, etc." Paddy Milne's property on St. David street has had a good foundation built under it and A dormer window placed in front. Mrs, (Captain) Ferguson of Bayfield visited her relatives in town on les; sit ,May. :Captain Ferguson commands the steamer • George .Cort, plYitigbe- tween Cleveland and Duluth. Hi e s a Baytleld boy. - •The *onean's,Inititute which was held at the residence of Mese Hovirie, was as usual a verysuccessful one: The election of officers resulted as fel- lows :-Mrs. Magnus Swanson, presi- dent; Mrs, Sara Clark, vice president Miss Mare/ Salkeld. secretary; (re-elect- ed) Directors, Mesdames C. Beck, Chitties Reid and Miss Porter ;district directors, Mesdames 'Clark. J. T. Sale kelt!, Harry Morrie and Miss Porter, Mies Skimmings read some numetotor articles from the "Newt -Record," and a Orden of a poem of Longfellovve, published for hits Centenary 27th Feb. 1007. The Secretary, Mimi Mary Set: kelt', road o Mose, useful article on Spring Planting :Mr May. Arrange- ments were made to prepare - a prm gram for the annual: distrust Meeting Which Will be held at "EdytlihOltne" residence of ex -Mayor Murney, We Are glad to state that the Goderich branch Of the Woman's Inetitute here is in a flourishing condition. It has a reel of 87 Members. has held twelve meetings during the Months of May, 1066 aild 1007, and two dietrict In a monetary eense they made $110.11 at their-hoOpitel tee in October 1o01,L 100 being presented the Daugh- err of he Erneire itt aid Of the hospit- al. After pestle all experniie of the yeilt 'handing $5 to secretary, and pending delegates to Guelph Agricul- tural fegin„ have the nice little sum of $20 to their bank account. A flee o'clock tee was served to which the Members did juetice. A vote of thehlts was given hIrs. }twee for her kindness in inviting the mem- bers of the W. I. to her home. The retiring president,- Mrs; -Lewitt; -was- ..ont,or. town iast week. She was most efficient in her work and much esteeur- ed tio all the members. Mrs. Harry Morrie of elelorriedale Farm" was pre- sent. The national anthem brought the meeting to it close. Mr, Alfred Saults accompanied his little neice Isabel Bernhardt to visit his sister in Goderich. We are very glad to note that Mos. Je Keraighan, whose life was despair- ed of several weeks ago, was well en- ough to attend lest week's meeting of the Wotuen's Institute. On May 24th IMO,three schooners lay in our harbor waiting for the ice to break up in Kincardine harbor. e L. S. Carleton of Clinton has opened an agency in Lee and Craigies office to take orders for a "perfect pantry." i John F. Donnie Goderich boy s win - fling laurels in Duluth, tlinn, Mrs. Lloyd registered at 'The Aber- deen' during, her visit to town. She returned to her home at Paris on- Sat- urday after giving directions to the paperhangers, painters, etc., for decor- ating the drawing and other rooms in her -residence on Nelson St,. which her brothtenre, BenawrriinstgesreDasincnkrion, will oc- cupy71rehave a 'Raffia Olub'e in town and they are exceedingly interested in Raffia work. Presumably the bazaars will profit by their painstaking. . The baskets are very pretty. The "Teo Macks" lost a lot of nets in the May storm but have gathered up mmosrt. oafntdh emu) • James Postlethwaite mourn„the death of their little daugh- ter Lily. Mr. and Mrs. Wallbank have taken the apartments lately occupied by Miss Spence. - .A dvices from the hospital at Detroit up to Saturday last were of a very sad nature concerning the possible recovery of little Bedford Green of that city. ,Birth ---At Leamington on.12th April to Mr. and Mts. Ilehderson, a sou. Mrs. Strough has returned from, some weeks visit, at Leamington. Ont. She also 'visited Detroit. We congrat- ula.te•Mrs. Strough .on the birth of her first grandchild.. •• - • On Suudayelfr. John`Youregof Hem, ition preached very effective sermons at Knox chureh beat morning, and ev- ening. For his text in the evening he choselst Chrinthians, lst chapter, 1st verses "But of Hun are ye in Christ Jesus, who God is made unto ns, wis- • dom and righteousness, and sanctifica- tion and redemption. . . .• 'Growth of it._great Horse Remedy. • No bet -ter illustration can be given of great things coming. from sioall be- ginnings than Kendall's Spavin Cure. It was compounded and used in a small way about 30 years ago by Doctor. B. J. Kendall, in the then obscure village of Enosburg Falls, Vt. . Since then the name of "Kendellee Srisivin Cure" has gone to all parts of the world. The tnerits, and the merits alone, of the rarn.edy have tone iti • White Dr. Kendall was practicingb wrote a little book entitled OA. Treatise on the Horse and His Diseases' It is safe to say that no more popular work on this subject has ever been produced down to the present clay. It woo orig- inally handed out to ebe horse -men with Whom he .came in personal con - teat. • It is said that, no* upwards of 12,000,000 of these little books have been published and gratuitously die- tributed,.. : • heecures-of-spirseinoeutb; ringbon , splint, wire tans, sores, etc., end the expense and labor saved to horse own- ers by Kendalles Spavin•Oure are be. y-ond comprehension. For the greater . part of these 30 years Kendall's Spav- in Cure has been the thief, , and with thousands of horseinen, the only rem- edy used. It intist be remembered that it is not confined to North Amer - ' Ica. It is decidedly a world remedy; With the little book mentioned above te guide And with Kendell's Spavin Cure at hand th treat protriptly any case of sprain. wound, laineneee, in- cipient bone growth. etc., the ordinary herse owner ' is well fortified against 'all the common ailments to which horse flesh is liable: It is unquestion- ably a more efficient remedy, • and ad- apted to the cure of 'more of the ail- ments to, which Che horse is liable, than any other eow oil the merket. • OVERTAKEN BY NAUSEA. M You .eon't loiow whether if is going to stay down ot .coineop, You ‘1001e lik? thirt cents and • feel , Worse. If one thing is ,euicker than another it's Nerelline, Ten drops, in, sw:e:en- ed wafer giveserelief ieetantly. AI - wont elle magic in thd change )oo experienee. The cause of the naes,ea is rernoved, every se/nmetom ot ing arid indigestion- is cured • wItilin ten minutes. When Poison's Nerviline .is so trusty and eccsnoraical, o bottle at home wouldn't • he amiss. Large Ones for .a.lquarter ot 'alltlealers. •••....*.imoimr••••• 4.101 Morris TownShip:' Mies Maria McCall has taken a pod.tinn in Brentford, Ernest Wheeler is now engo ed relieving operator on the G.T.R. ble Iis a son of Charles Wheeler, 4th line, The farm of V. McCaughey, of Myth, on the 8th line of Morris, has been purchased by Henry Richwine', the price being $2,150. • • George Koos, 5th con., goes to liar- rieton to engage in horse buying. The home farm has been leased by Wm. A .SUGGD.ISTION OF RARE VAL A diseased condition of the Auden Of the di passages Muses bad bteatit but more commonly einanates fiom indigestion or an impute condition ef the blood. Thoneande of ,cases 1..rove' that Dr. Ha ilton's Pills, throe& their spieeitic action,- on the sderetmy and eliminative organs, not only cure bad breath, but so thoeoughly trolly the system that nothing suggestive of blood or digestive troubles, 19 nossie. ,Through Dr. Iltunilton's Pills tho skin grows rosy and elear, activity of the body and mind increases, and hounding health is eatablished. old- oerwhore in 25c boxes. Toro By Wild Beasts. lin4Oleir On A eutleAo Dise0Vellto. The old Rewan heroes who were torn by wild beasts at their fights in the now ruined Colosseum at Rome, the Greek cha,rioteers, and the gladi- ators who made fighting a profeeeion, nil knew the virtues of herbal Mien- ces for skin injuries and diseases. They would emerge from combats sore, bleeding and coverecl with wounds. They would apply at uight their secret herbal helms, and in a few days venuld again be ready tor combat. Their ideal of o balm or salve was a correct „mee-oprepeeration which must com- bine power With Perrlty; andthatieleal derealized4n-ZenoBok _ Ordinary ointments, salve a-iiner em- brocations are generally composed of rancid animal fats and mineral poison. Zam-Buk, on the contrary, is a heal- ing, half cepeposed of highly refined paps, load prices got from certain rich medicinal herbs, and every household may rely on its healing aid. Wherothe little one runs in from his play with a smarting dirt -filled scrape on his hand or knee, simply wash the part, and 'smear with Zero -Birk, lean. dagi rig if necessary. „ When father returns from work with a cut hand, the handy hex of ZaixoBuk sigoitr meets the emergency, and the -housewife or mother, vontin- ually finds it a real friend in need for the burns, scalds, serapes and bruises of general household duties. For ece zeina, ulcers, itch, fistulas, absc,esses, scalp sores and all skin diseases: it act!, like a charm.. It eases the pain end .tops the bleeding of piles and curter this peinful ailment quickly and surely. All druggists and stores sell at 59c a 'box, or frem Zarp-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50. , 1 Feed Becoming Scarce. Mr. Thos. McMillan. reeve of Hui - lett, in the Weekly Sun !says, in con- yersing with farmers in dafferent sec- tions of his • neighborhood, he finds that feed is becoming scarce in many cases, and this, with poor prospects for early. grass, Is ceasing a feedna of anxiety fu the minds of several farm- ers. It is maffy yeors since there has been such e near approach to the monthot May Without weather con- ditions that would give vegetation at least a slight start. • Where !Limners ,haveused good judgment in feeding duringthe winter there is little or no complaint as to the condition of cattle this spring. At is sutprising, however, -Mr. McMillan says, in a country such as that About Seaforth, where all the I phase of stock keeping have been lis- cussad, both ae public - meetings and through the Mess, to find how many there are who still make a- practice of - cerrying• their animals through the reinter months on the barest, allow- ance of concentrated food.. With Such in the face of the high prices of grain, stock has not wintered well, but open the whole, this has been it fair spasm) for ehe wintet.ing of animals As many 'frit cattle Were sent to :market before April, there are not so many such animals on formers' hands about Seaforth as usual for May delivery, Neither 19 90 mapy being put on geess for jelly ehipment, this being due to the fact thriothe post tivo seasons have been somewhat unfortunate for graee ers: , • • A.Niee,Prophecy for Merry May. Ree. Irl. R: Hides has certainly gat an awful grudge • against this .old world. Wo did not mind so much . with the other months, nut when be . forecasts for May after the Aprilwe had, a itioritb . of many and, heavy., 'stolen% ourpatience is exhausted •and we fearlessly proclaim bine an enemy to his race. Listen to A regular. stoerta period from let to 3rd, . reaction- ary froth 61h to 81hi a reg.ular storm periedirom 10th to -1$t h. ' reactionary refine 18th to 20th; besides other store:is from 23rd to 20th and 28r h to '30,th; This progietin ferrieto interesting from the fact 'that we areto have all kinds of weather-, from noreasonably cold, snow and sleet, to hail,' tornados, elect- ric sternis.with an ,occasional earth- quake thrown in, Nice for the inetry month of May. Miller's Grip` 'Powders Cure. Solby d , W . McConnell, draggist, Clin- ton.• May 9th 1907 Hood's Sarsapariiia Purides and, enriches the blood enil builde up the Whole eyetern. It radically cures all blcsOd diseaies, from pimple"' to scrofula, It is the best remedy for catarrh. rheumatism and dyispepeia. At all tinees .of the year it is the most widely useful medicine. These statements are confirmed daily ebetellred men, and women. Ovei ed,9,90 testimonials received in two van-- an unequaled recerdt Theist on having Hood's and get le today. 100 Doses One Dollar. • FOR OVER, saw YEARS, Arm Wilslow's Soothing Syrup bass, been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It dise turbect by night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle ot . Wilslo*'e Soothing Syrup" ter 'child, ten teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake aboet it. It cures Diarrhoea, resgU- la* the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en,- erg)" to the whole system. "Mrs„ Winslow's Seething Syrup" for Child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and ,is the prescription of one et the oldest and best fernale physicians and • nurses in the United States. Price • 25 cents a. bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup. • Morris Township. -The three auction sales representing - the six Kelly estates came off recently. W. S. Kelly's 100 -acre farm was sold to Michael Kelly for 35,900. The bome- stead 100 of Wm. Kelley found a our- . ‘chaser in Richard Vanstone of Wing - ham at $3,400. James Kelley bought Wm. Kelly's 50 acres, the price being $2,300. What might have proven a very , serious if not fatal accident occurred to Mrs; Jas. Dnncan, 4th line, while driving to Allan Speers, Friday. Her horse became frightened at some pos. • • teii which were tacked to the fence and owing to the high wind caused a• rattling sound, and he comtnenced to hack up. Although an expert driver Mrs. Duncan was unable to control the horse toeing to thefact diet she had - no whip. However, she pluckly jump. . ed out and led him as she thought ppastthe trouble, when another gust of wind - caused the papers to fly again.. The e horse made a desperate plungeterrag- ging Mrs. 'Duncan ',considerable dis- t ince when she was obliged to let go her hold. The horse then dashed down the roa-d straight for Mr. Speers gate, it being paitly open he dashed • t hrough leaving harness. and buggy on the gate. poet to tell the glooniy tale of what ought have been, . • . State tA"Chio, City of - Toledo, Lucas County. --ss. ' Frank J. Cheney inakes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in • the City of Toledo,. County and &teat,. aforesaid, and that , geld firtn will pay the sion of .ONE: HUNDRED DOL- • • LARS for each and every caseOf cat- arrh that cannot be .cured by the use of Hall's • betaerh Cure.. FRANK J.' CHENEY. Swop to ebefore mo and sebeeribett he my Presence,. this 6tb day* of Dec-, ' einber, A. D. 1886:, A. -W. G-LEASON (Seal) Notary Public. , Hall's Catarrh Cure is •taken_ inter- • nady, andaetsodireetly on- the -blood •• and' mucous surfaced of • the system Send for eestimohials free• e F. j. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Oe Sold by Druggists, 75c. ,Take. Hall's.Feenily Pills for eon. stipation. .. "WHEN WE DO IT WE DO IT WELL" lotorii\ ay elebratioll AT CLINTON, 1111441( 24TH ATTRACTIONS ' MORNING •AFtERN0ON LACROSSE MATCH Monster Calithumpian And Trades Proceseion, G.T.R., Station at 10.15, heeded by the celebiatecloind.popular LONDON NEWSBOYS BAND 30 string, Also Clintiin Bross and ire and .Oriun Betide. BASEBALL MATCH at 10, at par -k. Clinton TWA- er Co, Baseball CIO vs, Gocler- ich. • ADM/SSION Wiretham vs. Clinton $: FOOTBALL MATCH ' • Erusselrevs. Clintoo . Commencing aHt the park at 3 . '' MARATHON ROAN RACE .$ p.m,, to olmesvle e ilnd return* 7 miles. Prize, silver cup, vale - ed at 315, to be the property of , the winner, entries unlimited. No Fee. $; TN OF WAR • Open to the townships of Hull. eto Tirckerstnit h. Colborne. Goderich and Stanley, for prize 15c. of 310, Ten men to a tertni.8pau GOLD WATCH -GIVEN AWAY FREE, Valued it $20. All tickets to the grounds and coneeetowill be number ed, Lueky numner drawn tendert. - • ' ' GRAND -CONCERT IN THE sverliNa, by the celebreted Lohclon Newsbeys Band. 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. Autoission 25e and 35e. ' Poe. further pattietilers•seeposters and small 'bill& - Everybody Come and Enjoy It, Ad mission to Grounds 26c Children under. t2, . • . UNDER THE AUSPICES OP THE ArmItic 141•111, OR, A. F. AXON/ Prei. H. BARTLIFF, See'Y Ood Save the King' . Long May He Reign libAr00.46,41friorifrihibA6.60.06,,'