HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-05-02, Page 2Ciifete Newomaccord. May 2nd, 1907 : Gillett's Lye Caustic,Soda Ammonia, • (liqui(i or powder) ° • Turpentine . 6. Furniture Polish : Globe Illetal`Polish ; Sulphur Carbolic Acid • Formaldehyde LI Copperas Moth Balls Camphor 5 Lilac and Lakes : Moth Bags. • • • • • If you need a bracer to keep • • • you well um • e• Peptonlzed_ Beef, Iron 4Tc Wine • • 75 cents Pint Bottle • • • We S. R. HOLMES : • • • • •••o•eoisloo•••4•4•••••••••• STfIATFORPs ONT, Wet established twenty yeare ago -and by its thoroligh, work anid linnorable dealings With Its patrons has become one of the largest and most 'widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The denaand on us for commercial teachers .and office 'assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positioui. Stud- ents are entering each tveek. Catalogue tree. Elliott & McLachlan PRINCIPALS - Cobalt Mining Stook Silver Bird advanced to 250 per share Golden Horn, Larder Lake, 25e per share. Cobalt Development Co,, 20c per share Before an advance in shares intending purellasets should act quickly. . H. Canteloa, Commissioner and agent, Clinton ..1=0.411111 Men's.. Shoes AT CLOSE PRICES # • /101111111=ISIMI.0 # Men's Shoes-. at •$1.25 Men's Medium Heavy Solid Leather Boots, standard screw soles, heels well slugged, made on a comfortable last, a,gocid ' shoe for little money, per pair la.25: Men's Shoes at $1.50 • Men's Heavy Working or Walking Boots. • made. froth. best plump Oanuck buffs, well stayed, and.heayy soles,' •goocl duu- . able wear, per pair $1.50. Men's Shoes at $1 7•5 Men's Solt Fine Dongola Boots, laced, very widcl_fitting,ex: - tension sole edge, sewn or standard screw; per pair $1.75. Ileti's Shoes at $2 and $2.25 Men's Choice Box Calfskin Boots, laced, heaty or light soles, extension edge; at $2 and $2.25 per pair, Men's very fine liongola. Boats, laced, light, medium and heavy soles, adapted for dress or . kmainess wear, per pair $2 uni$2.25. . • POPLES -TONE- GARDINER, . Successors to MeKin:iion cgs, CO., ELyarti. 44M4n4.11.4.- Rdal Estate F'or Sale FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH CON.• Stanley township, containing 17 acres. mile from school, from, Presbyterian end Methodist ehtuthes 'and postoffice, 7 mileiS hem flensall and 4 miles from/ Kippen sta.tiorf. There are on the premises • three barns, 64x40, 0x28, 50x28, all in good' repair. ,Comfortable log and frame h,ouse. /22 acres in fell. wheat. Allrfenced, 100 acres well underdrained and the -.remaining75. acres drained by township di.tch running through. Never failing Well at the house with a new Brantford pumping Mill, also a never falling spring back on the far_m. le acres - good bearing orchexd. This farm is in a first-class state of cultiv4tion and is situated in one of the best grain growing sectionsin lhe pros vince. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the purchaser. For further information apply on the premises or aa'dress George Cole- man, Hillsgre,en P. 0. „ 47 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30 AND part 31, con. 5, Hullett, consisting of 117 acres. 15 acres good hard - :wood bush, baiance under cultiva- tion. Good brick house and frame barns. Well watered and fenced. Bearing orchard. i miles from store, postofftce, church and school. Will be sold en easy terms as the undersigned intends going West. - R. J. Miller, Clinton'. P. O. 14 FOR SALE; -WEST HALF • of let 7, South Boundary, and West half of lot 3°, con. 4, Stanley, con- sisting Of :102 edits, 8 -Acres bush, the remainder' seeded down except- ing 30 acres.. The place is well fen- ced and drained, and watered spring creek. Frame barn. This farm is situated on the Town Line, two, miles wait of ppen station Apply on the premises or address James C. ParsOns, Kippen, -Ont. 32 . . .• „ • . FARM FOR SALE :OR TO RENT. -- Lot 13, con. 16, Godericli• tcyinsbip, consisting ' of 8.0 acres, 65 -acres cleared, _balance. bush. Goodbarn . and comfortable house. Well ;wet- ered by two good ruining 'streams. niile from school and 1 mile finial postoffice. Will be . sold ad' . easy ternis.ApPly • to T. T. IViurphy, Clinton. ' 35 tf FARM FOR SALE; -THE UNDER signed offers for sale Part of lot 40 on the hayfield •Road, 1 mile smith of Clinton; consisting. of .29 acres. Good frame bonne' with: st- one cellar, liatn..-36r70 with cement basement; Easy . terms. -• J. A. Smith. 40 . • FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, 'CON: Stant:eye containing 100 acres, 10 acres ot bush, the remainder is well' fenced, underdnined and in a good state of eultivation.. 1 acre of - or- • -Chard and small fruit Oji the pre- enises is a two story- brick house with slate •roof, a first-class farm hease, -a' , barn, size, • 4. x 80 with stone stabling, a cement • silo 14x30, good driving house, pig pen and hen house. Two never -fail- ing wells. This farni is Situated 3 miles from Brumfield, 5 trom ton and. On zeod gravel road. All-, • ply tin the' premises or address Albert Nett, Clinton P. 0. 02 FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AN,Bee A quarter miles from churelf, poet - office, school, and the village Zit Auburn. Suitable for grain or .-grass. Lot 271 on the 2nel con. 'West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and, the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 527e60, a driving house 24x38 with a eteeent pig house underneath, art on, 'kat premises. 'Ale°, lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., direotly oppos- ite said lot 27, containiWg 1:00 acres of land, .15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a batik barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing .orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. "Possession can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to fanni.-Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt .reply will be given to all communicate tons. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Lot 15, con., 9, Stanley townehip, consisting or 100 antes, 90 acres cleared and all seeded down, exeept 20 acres. There are 1.0 ores ,of good hardwoOd hush: witless frone school and 2i• miles from the vill- age of Varna,. Thio desirable term will be sold on easy terms, or if net sold will be rented. -G. It. belt, Varna P. 0. 64 , . FARM FOR4ALE, LOT I,. 1-11.1R0N • Road, Godericli 4oWnship, mile from: Clintote containing: 130 acres of land In, excellent cfiltination. Easy terms. Apply to J, Holmes, P. 0. bo k 1.96, Clinton, Ont. NOW IS Trin '11.111E. -TO. PLACE your order for Fencing before the advance in price. Use the Coil Spring Wire made by the Canadian Fence Co. of which I am agent in this distriet. / am also agent for the celebrated Heinfnman Piano. - i'. W. Evans, Box 155 Clinton P.O. DR. OVENS, OCULISTSURGEON EtO,,,` will ho -at Helmet' drug atone, O1int01.10 On .Thursday,. April 4th, ,• May 2nd and' 30th. Glasses proper- ly treated abd diseases of the eye ear and nose treated, „ The largest body of visitors and missionaries ever assembled in tile Far East attended the opening a the Protestant ?Misnionary Conference at Canton, China, on Thursday ot last week. Dr. C. 13. Shildecker, a Pittsburg morgue physician say the lungs of tho average Pittsburger are permeat- ed with coal dust, and are blue blaok in color. A HARD CASE OVERCOME . No longer neeessary to suffer from muscular rheumetism. Every case can be cured. Forrezone is unfailing as proved by David Johnston a Or- mond, Oat; "My wife as a dread- ful sufferer" ne writes. "For two years she ceuld searcely do any work. Her knuckles end jiunis :swellett caus- ing torture. To get'lip or dos:me:hair:I was impossible. She took box actor box of Ferrozoue and rubbed the nsre plaees with Nerviline. Imprevernent started and she mended fast. Today she is quite cured and wetlfank Ferro - zone for her recovery." No reinedy more popular 'With doctors than Feri- ozone ; it cures- ; 50 cents per box et all dealers. .The project for tlfe construction • of the second Suez Canal is entirely in hritisn bands aiiit will he eupperted by Bril•ieli capital, , . The best cure.for 'Eczema is Miller's; Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 Cents. For sale by W. A. McConnell, druggist, Clinton. eee ••••••••••••••••••••••• 40404e.: . • SPRINC TIM from April 2nd merges into our : it • uS mmer Session, for July and • •Vacations. Clip out, sign ,thi !. August. Ener any time.t. No ' and receive our Catalogue 4, return mall. t—Nanlle iv.. a.,4 • • • • • • • Addriss ....... .......•o • Send to Central Bu 1- • lege Toronto. W haw, 0° 4. Principal ,C, # • ' • • ..44,...•#.., ..••• COAL . • 0: der your year's supply to*. The best in the Market; $7' per ton. ~but If 'ordered and paid for before atay 31st, a' discount of 40 cents a ton will be allowed. Oeclees left at Davis &Rowland s will be promptly' attended to. Stevenson Arrive Some of the most 113'11.4o/11e din net Sets ever shown M Clinton ; glassware, in sets and odd pieces 'odd cups and !saucers ; Odd plates, toilet sets, etc. All • will go at stir- kisingly hew prices,' to make roma] . for...what is coming. Call at once be• fora the...choide pieces go. ' • —Headquarters for Choice— =Groceries. eaton ..ehon011, Pronvt.deliyery The No We have opened :out busi- 4iess.in,tbe stand lately occu- pied by Sharp Bros.. where we ,are Piepaied • to do first-class Horseshoeing and all: kitids of General Blacksmithini.,;„ 'Machine Work promptly attended to •and Lawn Mowers. Sharpened • and Repaired; WO patronage ResPe5tful6; Solicited • ' • , • Seeley & West Slabs- For Sale We Inve for sale a quant- ity clf Hemlock Slabs, cut 16 • inches, long, suitable for ranges. J. Hamilton TAKE RIVAL HERB TAI3LETS • port STOMACH, LIVER, ^ KIDNEYS" AM) FOR CL- EANING THE BLOOD, FOR • SALE fllt W. A. McCONNELL • CLINTON. W116tESALE FROM THE nivAt, HERB .* AGENCY, 1W0100114E, a 4 440t 44 .4440 4 O.* N4P.4404044.14404 itiHos *NO 4444 • ••• 44 • The News From Goderich ELOISE A. SKIrIMINOS, CorreSPondent •••• •••••••• •••• ••••••• •••• **4****. ••••• Mary Carmichael, reliet of the late On Wednesday of last week. a very Joseph Morris, passed away On April 2.0th aged seventy two years. She was born' in 'Argyleshire, Seotland, but came to this country with linT parents in Iter infancy. The family lived for a while in Hamilton and lat- er in Galt. Half a oentury ago ' they settled in the township of Colborne, where her mother died nelew months later leaving her in the care of her aunt, the late Mrs. Thinlop," wife of the celebrated Dr, Duqop. In 1850 sine was married to the late Joseph Mor- ris and they took up their residence on ths well-known estate of Dr. Dun- lop, the tite-of the present village of Dunlop. Ur. Morris died in 1896 and his 'widow remained en the farm until three Years ago whew she came to re- side with her only daughter, Annie, wife of Mr: Peonge Stcwatt, florist. Her surviving sons are : Edwin J. Morris of Austin, Mn., James -N, of Buffalo and Herbert of Colborne. A brother, Demean • Carmichael Of Birm- ingham, Mich, , also survives her. The casket • was laden with lovely floral tributee from the many relativ- es and friends, among them being a lovely cuthion, the creation of Mr. Stewart. her sorein-laev, Rey. J. A. Anderson officiated at the house and a.t Maitland cemetery. • The pallbear- ers were: D. Stoddart, W. R. Rob- ertson, G, W. Thomson, Jacob Sto- kes, Jarites Buenana,n and* William Warnock, • Birth -On- April 20th, to Mr. aud Mrs. Reinhart, a daughter. 0 inday last, the anniversary of . 0. 0: F„ about eighty-five ibers of the Order marched to St reorge'e church to hear the sermon preached by tire Rev. Mark Turnbull, who took for his text, "The Son can do nettling. of Himself; but what He seeth the Father do, for what things soever He doeth, these thing•s also do- eth the Son.' The engagement of Miss May Caro- line, eldest -daughter ofJudge Doyleof town, to Major Burnes of Seattle is announced.• ' • • A gra.nd banqieit: Was held at the Bedford on Friday last in honor of presenting Past Master Frank LaW- rence with a jew.eL About...fay-flee_ were present at the feast which is said t� have heeti' ;a suinptuous one. Souzs: were -rendered by vocal memb- ers Of the I.0.0:P. and speeches gal - pretty wedding took place "Stod- dart Place" the residence of Mr, and Mrs., David Stoddart, the contracting parties being their eldest daughter, Miss Margaret Ellee, and We J. Bale. er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Baker of William street. The bride entered the -drawing room on the arm of her feline er. to the strains of Mendelseolia's Wedding March joyfully rendered by J. East Jerden. The bride, who was given away. ' he i: father,. looked charming in a tailor-made travelling suit of blue ladies' eligh, with all-ov- er lace, over cream silk shirt wit, cream rose in her coiffure, and carried a shower of dream roses. Miss Annie Stoddart, sister of the bride, looked charming in her costume of blee,..MOnee. seline de sole dotted over with biue sille dots, and trimmed with: bine bebe ribbon. Tire • bodiee had at lace yoke :trimmed with the: Sallie ribbon and carried a shower boqfuet of pink roaes. •The groomsman was: Captain Robert Mackay. The .Arid.ek Party Wed der a pretty arch of boxwood with floral background, The . Rev, J. A. Anderson, tied • the nuptial knot/ A very recherche breakfast was served, and the bridal party led the. • guests who Were the relatives -of the . bride • and groom and the orgaiiist and choir of Knox church. 7.'he ciguirti redini wee, •nicely deotirated for the ocoasioni as was also: the table. The guests (row distance were Mrs. Stoddah • and daughter, Miss, Lizzie Stoddart, from Shelbtirne. The ,bridn's Mother looked very charnaing, in her costume of Meek silk, and • the • groom"s mother, alete,'. Who ,-wore costume of fawn. coleeed ladies' cloth. 'Me gifts . were 'both ninnereus, • Useful and expensive. `Vie gift of Knox chinch choir Was ett rocice of rosewood. Mrs. J. A. An.dersan rendered. "Lock L mond'-and other songs in. good e voiee; -Mise McVittie Sang "0 Promise Me' and .Miss Adelaide. Naire rendered lVfendel- isohnee ' Spring Song delightfully; , Mr. James Thompson, also sang a -duo with' Miss MoVittlie. . Quite a numbers of frieuds were et the; etatiei • when- . , , the bridal party ' and - paste arrived, rite showers were in order. • The hap- pey • ample ' loft on the 3 train) returning tee. their new residence on• Wellington 'Street on.the' late train 'on Friday-.:*.hoth. are wellsknoivis and, all. joiein, wishing them a long and pros - ore - ore by ethers'. • . • .• • . -• •• • Burrows took place, on :Ole '29nd. 'of The' . 'funeral of the late William The:effects of the injury, which Pl. ica.Magistrate • Butler..received some months ago have returned' arid • have April, the services being conducted by the Revs. Hazen Clemeat, assumed a serious aspect so that he the service the hymns etNearer may: have. te go to the heepsitele., in The • Engieeers Carr-Harrie • ani Hutton God To Thee," ,ands "Safe of .tbo. C. leave ....for China. Artno of. Jesus" ewere sung by • • all. The casket .was.coveredi with e floral: in a few days and nail .from Vtincoue tributes.- :A. large pillow; Of reinis wa.t ver on the. ••13th of May When they Stearner the Empress of sent by Mrs. W. D.. :Cox ref •Leanettig- taifl the too ; large Wreath,. feoni. Seis. eta, •having ;received appointmeets on ley of. London; e. lovely casket eee the engineering staff ofee the Canton-. qtet :front • Hay Bros.. of Listo.wer .Hang Kew Railway.. air. Carr -Harris 'will be es-sistent engineer and • Mr InKety bench of • carnations 'from -Miss' Durtrin of :Dungannon, 'anottltee' Hatton's position is ..telso .a lucrative pretty., hunch front • Mr. and . Mrs'. one: They 'go • on 'el slum-To:ere' . con- An•gus elIcKinneneof town"; and tract : " . •. large pillow -'with "Father"' in, „gold in the Detroit, .fotirnal of the 20th lettere, from; •fainiry.. The pall- of •April we reticed the 'report of: bearers were : Stokes 'Cc: Acheson, -serithis accidentrivhich hefel little' Bed - Ephraim Doweing," W.. -Robertsen, ford Green who, . was! struck by an J. H. ,Colborne and John, Shaw The auteinebile and rendered uneonsciete. feneral cortege. Was. very • largee so He the Son of Mr.' WillianiWreen; many country. carriages being . added tormerly.of Goderich: • . • .. to those' of town,. The late Mr. 'Bur- Citizen', Doak, now tbat he . has he- .. roeyS .WaS .• born gun to build reSidences' tor 'itimselei England, and Came- to-CA*6-.1 with .h4s neeme 4tete, .1.Te :has his •parents who. lived -.built .pretty pertibe • thir1,.' .Ritlg,TWood• and .several: other pliteeS Stee2, entraripo of his house on. Pieron• in that Vioinity.. ' carne to ..Goder-: street and a 'dormer *Indew.•in. • the' ich „about eeeeeied* at the Nile in i862...to :Mits-Terissa, Stew., .end of the nth* 'addition; s • :• . . . Mr. Carter'S resideeme on Elgin art, Wile 'euyviVeS.:hrini with, fetif child avenue,,,is making, good progress., ' ren Mis David Cassedy 'of Ayr,s Lionel Parson intencle • remov. • Mrs. B,. Munnings town;' inge the house lately ,the abode .111.S.M. Margaret: and Thames .at home, Elford, .West street,sonle feet fronntho .The: relatives from a, distance • who Pevenient and will have': the side . of , attended the 'funeral 'were ••• 'Thomas. the, hiiildingefacing the south which at Elmes of Preston ; R. Elines of present -faces tlie west. e• Paris, D: CasSady,. Aye; Miss Stew. art, St. Marys, 'Miss • ' Durnin A... 'Y.. Pe.; A. of • St. •Georges celebrated the,evertinig of St: ebrec' and ,Alex. Durnin„' West Waevenosh.Thei •Day. by having • e • feetieltY,- and spent deceased. gentlenian was 'a 'Choir lead - the evening with games and vocal and er for many years, and was e pleas-. the Music. ant tna,nnered, public spirited and , goorl..eitizen.. • . „ The Bishop of Huron will hold ,The" funeral* ef •the late :Kagits ,Mac- confirmation in St' •George's •church doneld took: place on .Saturday after- on. Thursday. evening. of -this week.. Rayfriond Redinoud, from Welgielcie noon . to Meitlaed, Cemetery, the ser- • vices being • coneeucted• by tlie Rev., Mr. has sufficiently" recovered from"- a bad Ander:Oen.. The , pallbearers : were Mi.. attack' of grippe to be a.ble to take. dhael O'Reilly, Dgn. ,SleLeode Norman. up his stedles attethe' Collegiate, McLeon. eand Malcolm McLecid. . The In a letter from: Mitts. Macabe old gentleman eame,,t9 Canada with Wein Went. Virginia, • :ieceined • bylte_ his . wife : from Lewes,: Orkney:Wends., last VOH,,. she says "A'f, the time MVO 'sobs and three daughters were reaeinen Yew:Act:ter and :boxeol. shnrn- boin .to them. The d.aughters living rooks, we. .Were naning anxious are e. airs. J,olta Mackay, whose hus-; time. owing to the fact that we 'Were . hand lighthauee keeper .at Loyal having erie 'of • the Worse ffsede , Island ;- and ' Mts. - Alekander, whose lralve had 'since 1884. It came within husbalid keeps. the lighthouse at Port a feet. ef; %ire first floor eStling,anell Colwell; Of son,, • Dan., it- a Post- we feared for a'whi.e. would entne mester in 11Iinnesota, John a sailor, • upstairs, but are' very- grateful. it did and Neil's whereabouts lave not been. not. I had the piano taken out tor . as known for some time. Mr. Macdonald p. thought, aplice of• eaSety,• but the was married .. twice, his 'second niarr- water reached itai•A though I have note lege • taking place at • Hipiey, No cltil-i.had•eit brouglets back, ye't" :know it is dreti were born of thisenarriage. ' spoiled. . Our out buildings. went and Tho two Settle daughters , the late I a geed, '• bit .of mittee, daneages„Was • Macdonald .are ill- with feeder I done." . • in their hopie so . that their grand -1 Mr, and Mrs. Grant. McGregor are father's 'funeral could not take plebe again. for the Summer at "Cliff Cote' from his 016 home. The young ledies tage,". after having spent the winter are being nursed byetheer grandmokher, residence of Peincipal. Tigert. Mrs. 1VIttek,enZie, and her sons wife, Our member, . Edward Norman Mrs. Kenny Mackenzie, who came Leeels, M.P., mustlfave had a very dowh. Witic•them from Ripley; . busy time down at Ottawa, this ses- On :St. George's Day, .Organist Cuff sloe, for besides- mainng some mato. unfurled the Ited Cross of St. George . worthy -speecliet in Parliament, he In front. of his residence and Pherise has had a nese' wenk :pnblished eteti- Stewart's roses were an disposed a tied "Lewis' Law .of Shipping," which On the Aameday is the only work on the subjeet pub - We were surprised, on openine a • Belie& In Canada, making the work lege at-our-dbor the-;:lr--neeessarn - to every professional inan. press Agent on Saturday lot. to find Mrs. Rks Price is havieg repairs that it • contained one of the most made to her pcirtiece and other parts stylish and .expeesive hate our eyes of her residenbe. • ever fell mean-. There are liutterflieed Mr. 'and .Mrs. haker now oo. beetles, and a' bird of superb. plumage, ' cupy the house on Wellington street with purple velvet ribbon bows and formeily occupied by Mr. Charles silk blonde of shaded orange underly- Knight. • ing the butterflies. The hat itself is • Airs. Henry Tichhurne has recovered (at greth hair braid. Some Of our from le severe attack et grippe. many friends must think' that "Gold- Mrs. Coni- Victoria street, has beett en Leaves" are making us gifted With "second sight," and can aire. We thank the giver Very much now read any type. without the eict of tor so mien atiteeitioti and foretlfaught spfttaeles. Goderinh. Mrs. Watson of Lighthouse: street is halting a very pretty and strong wire fence, with tubing ois too, in trent of her residence,. Miss Alma Sturdy has been :very ill with an attack of measles. Mrs'. Thomas Ward, grand -daughter. of Mr. George Sutton, has purchased ho property On Pletnn street form- er* owned by the lateWilliam Somers Mrs. Weiss and family have rented the house on Macdonald, street form- erly occupied. by the :Misses !Coutts. aer. ft.:. Belk has. purchased, from Wt. Tom Wyatt her pretty residenee on Toronto .street. Miss Turie Brown has -been. holiday- ing at "Balnay Beech," Toronto, the guest of -Mrs. ime, formerly of CeadetiCh. On Nelson street, in front of the D. Mackay esrate, there is a gnarled tree, .branches and all goaried the tame. It is,a - perfect curiosity for ugliness. • Mr. Arthur Suttoe sold out .bia laundry business to sotne man in ,1411-tehelL . Miss Jennie Bell is"speading weeks in thestate of New York.. Angus Murray one .01 the,crew , tire 'Searchlight,""s whieh sank eft .Harbor Beach, Mich., was a equsin of Mesdames McIver and Wieginsemed was a- reenient of 'Goherich fax manyn years.. Mrs. MalcOlm. Macdonald has re- turned front .1fer visit to .Ripley, • a '- • Miss Eva. FIaggerty 'of Brockville, Ont., has . mysteriously disappeered from the Women's Hospital in Phila- delphia,' • • :Coatracte have .beeh let by the Hamilton department for a . new fire engine, examination wagon and other. fire eeuipmene. The Montreal City Council has ie - solved to 'ask Andrew Carnegie to re- rew his*offer - •of 'a library. for • Mon- • treal: • • The Senate next • sessioe, will 'have •its restaurant managed by a Salaried 'superintendent. lt was 'decided to elotse the bar. Miller es Compound Iron ' Pills, wily 25 cents for 50 doses. Poe sale by W. 'A. McConnell .druggist Clinton: • Sir Thomas Sbaitgnessy says •the 0. ie. R. will have nothing' to do with the proposed BlaCksod , and •Halifax Fast steamship. line, • • . 'Worm• Powders faX Sallow Skin; old di: ." young. For sale by W: .MeConnelr, druggiait . • The case against Captain Bunn of the° Qoyernment cruiser Vigilant was adjourned ,indefinitely, no one appear Ing .to tunport the cltarges. ' PRCIVED• ArThR FIFTY -EARS. 'The' test • .of time hat proved that Putnam's Corn Ext•rattor cures ntilek- er, :WM less ;discomfort and moire thoroughly than, any thing else. Con- tains no, acids, is .purely vegetable and . .alisolietely • guaranteed. Insist on. ."Putiram's". only -it's.. the best. - The treaty of peece signed •by Nee-. araguac and Salvador Provides tor ' Central American Peace CongresS. . . . • prit TELE 131.1SY OFFICE dAN 1 He feels half dead, a. sense of, ,estis- ea; heada,che anti nervel strain. He is - on :the * verge of. breakdown through Overwork and lack of. exercise, These difaulties are -best overcome by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which malio the bowels active, stimulate kidneys' -and liver and thereby' free the system of ••- Almoot, exhausted from exposure on a piece .of floating ice in the 13ay of Fundy, Murray Sickle' was brought to safety by a rescuing • party. it. 'is, feared . that his, companion bee perish- ed. ' • : *HEN:. THAT COLD 'COMES. • How is it ;to . he ,cered ? This meth - is simplicity-iteelt: Rub :the eliest throat *ell ivith Nerviline ; use it as a .gargle and take some in hot water 'before retiring along with one -of Dr, . Next' moreing: finds you • refreshed, tree froili • coin and bright .as a dollar. These household 'remedies are • wonderfully stiocesslid, and certainly Won't failin yeur case. For sale. at all . dealers. . . ^•••••••••:, Four anarchists, thought to liekre donnas on the' life of the Belgian heir presniptive, were arrested last Fri- day in Brussels,. Belgium. • • State of Oltio, City et -- Toledo, Limas County. -ss. Frank J, Cheney makes oath* that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, andthat said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED opt, LARS for each and every case of cat- arrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catanth Cure. • • • FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and suliscribed in ray presence, this eith day of Dec- eMber, A. D...1886. A. W. GLEASON ASea.44 Is Publie. Hall's' Catarrh Cure ls taken inter- nally, and adts directly on the Wad and mucouo Surfaces of the system Send or tatimonials free. F. ‘I. CHONtY & Co., Teledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 750, Take Family Pills for C6w: stipation. That Tired Feeling That cornea to you every spring is is sign that your blood la wanting in vitality, just as pimples and other erup. time are gigue that your blood la inn, pure. One of the great facto of experience - and observation le that Hood's Same. parilla always removes That Tired Feel- ing, gives new life, new •courage, strength and animation; cleanses the blood, clears the complexion, builds up the whole system. This ie one of the reasons why Ilooint Sarsaparilla is the Best Spring Medicine. Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on having Hood's, get it today of your druggist. 100 doses one dellare The Bell Telephone Company has se+ cured a, three-year •franchise in tho eity of London. • AI project for the construction of a seeped Situ canal is assuming deer.- ito shape. FOR OVER S/XTY'YEARS, Mrs. Wilslow's Scnithing Syrup has. beennsed by millions of mothers • for their children while teething If ais- tarbed by night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and. crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get' a bottle of "Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" tor child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer • immediately.. Depend Upon it, mothers, there is no Mistake about it. • It cures Diarrhoea, • regu- • lates the Storne,ch and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens. the .Gump, reduces Inflammation and gives tone. add en- ergy to the whole system "Dirt., Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren •teething is pleeiant to the tante and is the prescription of one el the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure and' ask to "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup: - . Lamberanclo$tsforSale I wish to inform the public that. I have for sale a large -stock- of . lienilock 'limber, all lengths. and other timber out: to order: --Also. a quantity of Cedar Posts all 'of whicb vi11 be sold at •reaseatable prices. SA.MIIEL 'moot BAYFIELD P. Town of...Clinton.. • . • TAX SALE NOTICF ' .• , . P1l3LIC NOTICE IS HEREBY G/ • en pursuant to ,sub -section, 3. of SEC- tion,143 of "The Assessment A.et". that the list of lands for Sale in..the municipality. of- the town of Clinton, ler taxes has, been prepared; an copies thereof may be had in my of- fice: and that • the advertisement eMbracing such list .is being publish.: t nd in the Ontario Gazette an the Saturdays. of March 30 and April 6. .• 13.' and 20, 190n and that in, deflatin "of payment of the: taxes, as shown In • the said list, on •Or before the. date *fixed for sale, viz,. Tuesday, • ;July •2, 1907 •the lands will be sold for taxes.: at such ,date. Dated ,:e.t • the town of Clinton., Ontario, ,this • third day Of .April -A. D... 1907. • ' b.' MACTAGGART,, TOWN TREASURER. ADmINISTRATOR'S SALE OF DW-:. 'ening house hi, Menton. On the . day Of May, 1907. ,at &plea, pm, there will be offered for sale by reeb- • lie- auction, the following lands hee longing to the estate ef• Eliza Can- telon. deceased :el-Mist:Ay-lots -mem-, hers .80 and 81. on t'he east side ' of Raglan Street, Clintorii containing , two acres of land, more Or less. On -Orem lets are erected a mood storey brick house, with nine rooms • and. good Cellar, and also • a • frame ' • Intelinn and 3voodshed., arid a,fraine: stable. . • Secondly -e -lots humbere 43.• end 47on the corner ,of Princess •• and -Raglan Streets, containing one . acre of land., more or less. On these hits are • a. good 111- 'storey frame • house' with seven rooms,' a kitchen and woodshed' and a iramee stable. These lots are Well -located for 'Otte sion.:0,nd. sale os • buildhig lois; The . • properties wifl fie•sol4 subject to re- . • 'serve bid. and sdhject to the a.ppro- vil of the OffiCial Guardian. Fer. further particulars apply to Henry Cantelon, Administrator. or W. _Brydone, Solicitor for the Adminis- , trator. Dated -17th Apeii, 1907, Gst and Less As we have decided to retire from hosiness in Bayfield we Will dispose of Our entire stook of DRV(:5' GROCER:ESand CROCKERY At Costfand .Belo‘it The Stock „must he closed out by the end of May when we' close our door& Come and see us and take advantage of Our Cienuine Bargains J. FRASER, HAYFIELD.