HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-25, Page 5•
►ptsii 25tht 1907
News -Roma
Friday worn az Mts. Robot
Eiploy wood O4 awar to • the
UM Sterna.. She • bad n. iu 40.1,6th for Years but anddentiv
; t5rew. worse a week pareViot a her
Nleathk, Mr. - Srwixr, who lead beery ht
•: jbebq, for the paat two ;490 4, re'
x ' iu tin a to aittten tiisw�to
:her last illness. ?he funeral took
`place ",pfi: ,Sunday.. ,aitexa w t Green
•. Hill . ej efery.• Luakutrw. .Serve ws►t3
mcninti1O44at . the 40,me•by., :kbor 'pastiar.
• 1 ev, 'Mr. atahfard,,, Ripley and at
• -Miss Lizzie Mirehouse is still im-
Mr. 1 R. Carrick is thinking of builde
leg a new generall repair shop this
.coming season.
A. Fox has purchased! a haadneee
roadster stallion from Mr. J Swartz_
Miss Bella Crow has returned from
'Tort:alto where she was for some tite.e.
Mr: P. Kennedy. Who. nad his ankle
Iractured ibc 2nd day t, last
March. is able to be about again. hut
with the aid of crutehes. •
Dave Johnstone is setting up 4. bat-
's establishment on the farm
formerly ofocupied by the Messrs.
Mr. Thomas Kew is nioeing to ?Via-
,gharti. and we understand Mr. Spar-,
- E. Phillip's fland family have inot.'ed
to their new hame •at Auburn!. . Sorry'
, -to part with them, . but wish them
-success in their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt have lest
-their little son, aged almost three
Our stock in this DC-
partment is one that we
Fe always pleased 'to
show our customers. This
week we opened up a
large assortment of very
choice patterns in tweeds
and worsteds, and we ean
safely say That no better
values can be shown any-
Special. $8.50 Suit
This suit, collies to us as a
special, and we are going to pass
it op to our customers as such.
You will agree with us when
you see it, that in every respect
it equals any $10 suit. It is weir
made. in the latest cut, and we
guarantee it to give en tire .satia-.: _
faction to the wearer. We have
them in all sizes, but we advise
calling early' before the range is
broken. Remember the
price. Special .8.5c)
We also placed in stock with
this special a full line of better
tweeds, cheviots and worsteds,.
which are the best values ever
shown in.thur store. We have'
not space to describe theirs, but
will gladly show you the "goods.
whether you with to' buy or net.
We re—press or alter
any suit free of cwt..
A Complete Range of
Always in Stock
11111 '111.11.011111111611.111111.10Ma
The tlo-to-date
Clothing Store.
Of Me
Ry Honest
550 nale St. 3tik1,14iniz.
ltiticia L. Wall, 850 IC Dale street, st. r*ni, Minn., *rites;
oLast spring 1 bad. a very severe ease or catarrh of the stomach and
bowels. I was very muclfrtm down in. strength and lost my appetite.
fel took three beiges of Perttna and found myself gaining very quickly
in ever)P way.
odl &kW:ad catarrh in my head, which has been entirely cured.
thank Peruna for the health lam enjoying." •
The World's Greatest Medicine — Forty Thousand Patients. •
The rapid growth of the Reruna medi-
cine Company is as phenomenal in the
husiness world as the 'Universal popu-
larity of their famous remedy, Praline.
%b The plant (Myers. a number of sores,
and employs seieral hundred people.
$o other medicine firm in the world
reachei anything. like the volume of
business done by Dr. Kartman'e firm..
Although Peruna is a proprietary
medicine, the details of its cempound-
ing ale in strict accordance with ,phar-
=mufti:al discoveries and nothing
gives Dr. Eartman-greater pleasiire
than to show his iutin;tate professional
Mende through the laboratory where
Pot yeare Dr. Hartman used Perms
in his priVate practice as a regular pre-
scription. He had no thought et maim-
.facturing it or advertising it as a pro-
prietary medicine .until there was a de-
mand made upon him by. his many
friendsfwho Clamored for: the original
Dr. Hartman estimates that he muit
have prescribed Pernna for over forty
thousand patiertts before it was adver,
Relieved la Four Weeks of Severe
Aliso Joide filchaetzel, Gene Del., Ap-
pleton, Wis", Writes:
settled on iny lungs In very short order
and it was not long until it developed
into a • serious case of catarrh. Every
morning I would raise a lot of phlegm,
which was very disagreeable. My
digestionwas poor and my lungs sore.
"Alter a Jew doses of Peruna be-
gan tO. mend, and felt that if 1 kept on
taking it, it would not be long .untll 1
ivould bowel!. lwas right, tor In four
weeks! was well again. .
441 thiok reruns le granitniediolie,
andwish to add my testimony to the
manyothers you have.” .
Ciatarrh is almost universal. Catarrh
is difficult to cure.: Many doctors do
not care to treat catarrh at all. .
renewed Doctor Hart -
man's Advice
. Grateful Letter,.
.-Mrs.A.n.thony Rauch, 488 Johnston,
Street, 'Iltteyrna, Ohio, writes: ,
"1 was suffering trona obetineee con -1
elipation end torpid liver when 1 took
your advice and purchased six bottles of
Patella, and Monate. '
ielt much better anis I owe taken
When" had fatal:tine bottle I
two more bottles feel rely well,
but I wilt continue taking the medldne
for a short time to. make sure of my
441 think Mauldin is one of the finest
remediee for constipation that 1 ever
tried. I 'viill never be without it. 1t has
made me to strong. T can do a day's
"'I am eo Mid 1 do not get those dizzy
spells any more, lhavn'thad One since
I took your medicine,
4'1 cannel thank rat enough for whet
your medicine has done Mr me. All sick
people should give it Altair trial."
Pert= ifl int like an many athar rem -
adios that pus away as soon atethe first
feW bottlers are used. The longer Patina
is used in any community, the mere
popplar it becomes. •
Fundy, Murray Siddal. was ,hrOught to,
safety by a rescuing ' -party. It :s
feared that his companion hie perish -
by the imdersigned up, to the 10th
of May, for the nieking d'corriont
tile from 8 inolreS up, far the town-
ship 'of Goderich,—John Middleton
there *ill be OWered sale )ri
longing to th.e, estate of 'Ellia:Cext4
two acres of land, more or less. Or.
storey brick house; with tithe roOMS
and good .cellar, and also a frame
kitchen an& Woodebed. ,and: n. frame'
and 47. on the Corner of Princess,
and Raglan Streets, containing one
acre of:land. more or less. On these
lots are a good 11, storey frame
house with seven rooma, a kitchen
and woodshed and a; ifearne stable.
These lots are well-lodetedlor
sion and sale as. lau;ldiug •104s. The
prOpev6ies Will/. be spld subject to re, -
serve bid; and Sehject to the a.ppro-
N Ail of, the Official Guardian: For
Canteloir:' AdMinidtrator. or W.
Brydene: Solieitor for the
4,444:4•44 oeNt 4•44 444•404e*:
Ladies' Bac
Side Combs
.i in Sh.E.Il& Ambgr
in stock a large assort- ,
aloft, of new styles at
iIELL—TROXgR—At the residence ob
thebride's parents:, in .the :town-
• Slily cif Hay,. ou APril 10th, by
. Rev. S,. Toll. Albert Bell. fourth
Son of the late Robert Belt:a thia
Effie Jane. third daughter. 01 1Vir,
Stephen Troyer.
STIkETTON--FOX-;At the residence
of the bride's uncle. Grey, On Apr
of the bride s unde;. Grey. on
Atari! '10th. bY Rev. II. M.. -Lang -
Ford. Jas.,. Stretton of,,ficus:
Taggart, e daughter. .
LEITH --In Clinton, on Ain't 1,7th, to
IVIr and Mrs. •Jobn Leith, son.
REYNOLDS—On the 4t11 con; , of
• Mullett. On April 24th.,to Mr. and'
WHEELER—In Seaforth. on • April
llth. to Mr. and Mrs.. ThcimiN
'James Dunford, aged .3p.
. **Its Robinson. aged ,181
Fo's aged 70' Years.
SHARP—In. Clieton. ca., April , 22
Mrs. Jarines Sharp, aged 25 years
Isabella Rtitherford: wife of Mr.
Joseph Lowery, aged 68 years. .
STRONGIti Tuckersmith, on April
' 15th. Della, Miry, datigh,er of Mr.'
and Mrs. Jas. Strong, aged seven
rnenths and 28 davs.
ROBERTSON—In Grey', en April
15th. Cora Sanders.' wife ,of Geo.
Robertson; in her 25th year.
OAMERON—In TeesWater,,, on April
Mrs. 'James Camera, .aGred
1VIURDOCK-4n, 'Vaticouver. B. C., on
April 7th, Jas, 0. Murdock,. • sen
of Mr. P. G. Murdock. formerly of
Lower Wingham, aged, 23 years.
John Taylor, aged 81 years.
'gra. Jessie Vmith, 408 linttles‘Ave" Columbus,
Ohio, writes:
"I have used your Perugia for catarrh of the
head and stomach, and have been greSillY
'IT herefore, 1 canz;',ot prelim :.erulia too much,
and can •reconimend it,tO any one having the.
above disease, as there is nothing better.
"I always keep it la the house."
Finds' Retie
in....Pe-ru,na After. Suffering‘ Twenty.Years;',
Mrs: ht. $4 Davis, , , Buena Vieth street; Nashville, Tenn giwrites .
"After hiving bee a constant Sufferer from catarrh •for more than
twenty $feers and after ing afiaost every. remedy. advertised,. +and Wm-
eluctundy began the use of Pertma about two
ing lost all hope, vety
There are a great many catarrh cures
in the world. -The most of firm are
local. applications. Pew of t ern, are t.e.
be used -internally.
Unfortunately, a large mber of
these catarrh remedies, especially the
ones prescribed bY the doctors.•centain
narcotics of some sort. Codaine, opium,
and other narcotics are used, •
These remedies give temporary relief. •
The "patient thinks he is better right
In a few weeks, however, ne discovers •
his mistake. •Nottighly is his catarrh no.'
better, but he has accruftedthe habit of
using some narcotic. • •
"Everybody saYs I look y nger now than I did twenty years ago, and
actually feel younger and r, and weigh More. . -
simply because it. eliniinaters catatrh.
- Peruna hair tie bed . effects upon ' the is explains why reruns 'has he-
sYstein and gradual.ly eliminates ea- come go . popular. ,It relieves catarrh.
There are a, inultittide. of homes. *here it shout become popular.: " " ' "t,. .
itytenti. yeirs. ... . ,.. - , . . • .' It theref e follows that when a rem-
.. , . et.- 'edyie devise that can be' used in the
... : ie-ini-na ACtuaily Relief/eye .--,-^41. i home at.a mo rate east's such a rereedy
The teas= why Potent', has **me a, I should. inevitab become popular.
puneran ,Of the -Al; Line
ba;ite Nis dwelling veneered,
and urice. Our 'double .breasted sn.fs
t $5 • or single Or double breasted
Robert D. Currie, 'formerly of the
5th Linc,, Us., left Echo Bak, Ont.,
for Sault Ste. Marie where he has se -
Cured pesiMen. He :says the,:e
;till plenty' pi snoW along the North
suits; at' 87.50, and lastly our tt.r..ble
breasted suit it 810.. ;They ,excel
trimming, quality of steel: and pait,•
tern, ,and With , all other' goods are
being sold for bash as we hava tettr:ed
'the beit men. credit.—A. R. Smith:
Plothier and Furnisher.
SeVen: Sutherland Sisters beg to an -
film .thely have made arranoments
and will; hold 'daily .demonstraticini,
for ono'. weet, commencing Monde*,
April, 29th, „ regarding treatment of
the flair and Scalp. They respectful-
ly invite, everyone to tall Etna eonsett
with them. Come and see the long,
beautiful hair, groiVii by the-uSe of
, the Seven Sutherland Sisters Hair
Geower and Hair and Scalp Cleaner.
ave You Tried laurnin
Your Ashes ?
The days or' henvy coal bills passing --is ;teased, in fact
It has been successiolly • demonstrated that ashee will burn,
and the secret et it in. every man's. Moisten with either sail
water or sap w.rber stalta'ung olatlic acid in solution, a mi.'s -
tura consisting of one'part coal and three partS ashes, place
• ;it In ydur furna.ile or it the )kitchem Taliget, wad as you shut
the door you will .hr•te, vi,sienst-visionsl ;that aro ottrue pro.,
the end; if you re V e 'Up ashes enotigh, Vantsithag. The kettle'
the heat Waves Irani your radiators will. zig-',.ng UPWgrd
on'the range wkll shg a 'new sting with • mat.tall vigori•vvItile •
. fievor-ending.provIsslen. It is true, that aehest.will burn,. The
people of, Oatarlor Died doubt it no longer.
After. he,had oalefvlly read tip Altana: despatch, 41owing
how ashes could by burned, Mr. Charles Kinsoy, the Globe's ..
day engineer, dettided up oh trying the experimen.t. His first
trial was croWned with success, and now economy in coat.
• c-onsumption is th:e favorite, theme4 in the boiler twin down • ,
near the hig presses.
Four bushels of ashes: which wire ready for hoistirig to, the
garbage wagon were emptied to the .flotor. Aboet thirty four
poands of coal were piled on top of that. and the entire i heat?,
mixed thoroughly. Two bandsful of salt were borrowed lrom
'a nearby grocery 'and W.A$ dissolved in n pail olevater.,
The ashes and obai were dampened•witit.the brine, and the
nevv fuel was ready. Still convinced that the papers were tel- -
b,Jrn, the engineer
ing -untruths when the statement was made that ashes would.'
sitoVelled the mixture into tee furnaces.: '
He and ,his Iskistant sat down where they could watch thti
waver. Then by, degrees it Went azound to deter figures '
'than Charlie had even. seen it before,
"'I guess we can Unlock the door now, Bob,. Ashes, wilt
%urn e6nclude,d the engineer as the boiler room beeame urs•
When seen three, hours later Mr; Kinsey stated ilia he Lnitl-i
ed no mare feel, whereas on other -days he hadl tO threw it
more oofill every half hour. No roethenuttical 0a/toulations had
been used in measuring the rnixturo, neither, had they added
navy oxalic acid.
1 "It is a pity we cbid not know-atiolit .110 last tall ineitead
linding it all' out in the. 'spring," added the engineer, lie
kohl the garbage man tile Globe Would burn its ashes after
+This discoverp that coal 'may be made perfectly
IN a serieus thing. For many iyears th? British; Admiralty
has condtieted expertnients which show that coal imMersed for
: long periods of tirne in the' ocean, burns, better And lienVe3
less residue. The thernical ettPlariatilons of this n,hcnottenti
and the AltOona, Cooper's process are 11110410-
gous. The -cobbler, who for many years had 3 riv6ili-to solve
a millionaire, but wine oPened the ',f,„ag end 'the oat io out.
All the world burns ashes now—or BOOM Will.
it wtlo yesterday that 'llorcinio land out And colimenced
experiment—Torooto Globe.
One Areasozt why- Parana has
found permanent use • in so many.
homes is that it contains no nar.
Peru= is perfectly harmless, if
,taketz according to directions on the
bottle. So used, it cab be taken an)
length of time without acquiring 4
drug habit.
14,SQ.N.S'; BAN
hoes, nlike
tiny youe Shoes from us and yon will have the assurance that
.they are NEW and up to -date. Cell and tell US your footwear
needs. . NVe will put our t,ime against yours, and guarantee a per-
fect tit, nod the totality to coriesponti with the price you pay., which
will be as low as the next •one, and perhaps lower. • •
Our watchword is Quality. --not quantity, and
Prices to suit your Purse,
Ws bave a fullstoCk of . all kinds of Musical
graphs, Sheet Music, etc., in fact everything that is
found in,an up-to-date Music Store.
You knoWthe Place-7Corner Store to Searle Block, Opp. Market
bitroAT/014. ..M
El 0
g is the passport to the MI
g vary best positions -in the M,
El College of, . Torouto offers
[41 thiS passport'on easy terms •M4'
0 to all ambitious "people, 0
El Write' for particular0 ir
0 position, 'at a good salary. M
El Address 805 Young° 'St" M
El Toronto? Canada.
Major Josepit Rorke, ox -M, r„ for
Celled Grey, died at his home near
MAY lst to 4th.
Single fare for the round trip, Phut'
50 cents for;admission 'Good'
going on May lit, and lake end' one-
third: tor rounkil trill, -phis bil dents
tor admiSsion coupon, good goiti,ipM4,..
Ml tickets are valid to return Until
Low rates to Norfolk,
until Noverobte 80th, on account of
the Jamestown Exposition, Choice
A. 0. PATTISON, StittiOn Agent
J. D. MAC/00gALI),, bistrict Passe*,
ger Agent, Toronto,