HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-25, Page 1Clinton News,- CIA-NTONt-0,NTARIOt. THURSDAY, APRIL,25th. 1907 ecord. WhOltit_ •Number 1470 'ELEBRATION WILL BE HELD IN CLINTON ON MAY 24 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 4,44444144.4.4, Opposite.the market. Oelnellessesneen~eeeelbeelleserelbeileeslfreneereeeneeleeseelesereseeeee. 0. giamonds, Watekes, Poch* Vut dilverware ilaeleeseesee-ereeepeeeeeeleesneereessemeeeesiaese,46een-lnelle,sie•lb• Repairing a' Specialtg 4"4"Irreri, call and Inspect Our Stock:- firilmirirt***41,0 sit A A let A 4.4.14,444.4•4444444.4."44. Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office" ,TorontO• • • RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Pres. A. A. ALLAN,`Vice-Pros. D. M. STEWART, Centre! Manager. CAPITAL. SUBSCRIBED... ........,. 54,000,000.. CAPITAL FULLY PAID .• ...... . . 53,998,000 RESERVE FUND. 51,258.000 ASSETS OVER .....eszes,000moo GENERAL BANKING. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST CREDITED QUARTERLY. H. T. Ranee, iom. man/tors Clinton and Brueefield 344.444444.44444.44444.44,!!4444 3 The Sterling Bank of Canada Head Office Toronto. G. T. SOMERS, President. W. K. GEORGE, Vice -President. F. W. BROUGHAM, General Ilanager. A general banking burliness transacted, • - . . , Ineetest on savings acconnts credited quarterly. HAYFIELD BRANCH open Monday, Wednesday, FridaY,Pach week.' VARNA BRANCH open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week . , WM. BEATTY, Local Manager. toieterepolviuttepoisvisimpeepiretepiiii• AilffikAtaiiinfamiNsmtii/ONniaW/MNI~i, V444.444.444.444444444444.4.11.44. 4 4 4 4 3 1 That, 10.1 Suit) Is one 61 the drawing cards that. is, cobstantly bringing trade tp ,this store. We have cheaper.'. suits and dearer _spits., but this one at $10 seems to be the onethat wisely appeals to shIewd buyers as being the best value, .ever these parts. The originality and .style treat– ment givea these new suits will appeal: instahtly. to anyone examining our Stock as ware show- ing the best values in ready-to-wear garments to be found in the county-- made . right, 4t right, tailored right—that's why we have such a demand for our ready-to-wear suits. • A custo.I mer once having worn one always wants, a -n - other as he knows_ satisfaction is assured in buying one. Ordpred'i-•clothing- Is another specialty which ,we are giving great attention to, having now itt stock a fultrange of Worsteds and Tweeds to ehoose frolp. ' Don't forget to as1;, for a 'TIN& or "13011- SALINO" Hat when buying one, iiai DOA' .toti tto .MRRISH & CROOKS Successors to Hodgeni Bros. Clothing Store WILLIS CUUROL The Young Ladies% Guild, an active organization in eOniteetion with churelt. has' imIdertairea the wiring eAnt lighting of tire manse, and have in- Struoted the electricians toigo ahead with the work. DEATH OP KITTY. FOSTER. Kitty Foster died at the House of Refuge on Monday, l'ust three weeks after the death of her brother, the late Thoreau Foster of Tara,. She was seventy years of age and had been. a resident of this' town for raanY years. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 7004o 72c. Oats -84c $7c. Peas 75c to 77c. Barley 45c to 50o, Butter .21c to 220. Eggs 14c. to: 15e. Live I -logs $6.25. Yc)Ult ASHES? • • The "burpingquestion," locally .anee erwise, or pas, em •ays ex s has bear, °will ashes burn To sii4 the average citizen, has 1en conducting It haseng come • to the ears of Mr; eipertments Or his own 'account.. the J; W. Irwinsecretary of Caurt Clin- immediate- result being the diminish 'in of the ash'piles. • It a mixteare,.of coal, .c.eal ashes arid salt, with a tOutheof oxalic acidwilt cause a Mar terial.reduCtion in tire feel bill. • 'the Altoona cobbler, who .thought it out, will be lesereing of widespread thanks - " OFF THE TRACK. 1-1,A,RTZ, MOUNTAIN CANARIES. The other day kr. Jete Ratteribury received another consign:neat of Harts Mountain canaries . and has since dis- Posed of them; Joe is a great bird fancier. but irr.ports these canaries more for the accommodation of his friends than for:prolit. CIHCKEN FANCIERS' MEETING. • The peultry assoeiatiora meets .on Tuesday vettiug ue t, but on thisxoc- \ mien there will be neither a paper or judging, but ins* ad a discussion on the good and welfareof the asso- ciation, and a fulleatotendenceld the members is requested, , BIOGRAPILENTEISTAINIVIENT The blograph, entertainments • given in the twin hall on Thursday, Friday and Satufda-y evenings of lest week. by Pref. Green, were the best that halm yet been presented here, and -drew audiences which overfiewed the hall. That- pr.esent were. satisfied is the beet recOmmende7tion that can be given. • o TU int, WAS INSURE!): A carload at mai ran off tile track at .the water, tank op. Monday after- noon; and for three or four hours the service.was interrupted. The 3.23 eastbound train iwa,s sent around by London and the 5,20 was teld• here, another train • being sent up from Stratford to-ciarrY on the passengers. The aperiliaer -wes brought up from London, and aftex• much jacking -up, etc., the heavily laden car was got on wtoEtshLeEtyc4uitH raekon:ecino.re. ' Rey. Me. Jelliffee :SulijeCt 7 -mit Sunday morning will be,. "The. Offer- ifig of Isaac," and 1 in the eeenipg, "The cotvereitin, of Said a Proot ,of •the Divinity of Christianity." . ,The annual meeting of the Sunday. school was held .w! few eveninis ago whtn ‘the Marts presented were of itry gratifying nature, Thn officers and teachers were as follows: '$uperintendent A T.. Cooper Aseoeiate. H. E. 'Rake • Secretary, L. E. Doherty, Treasurer. W. H. Hellyar Teachers. H. E. Rorke. A. J. Tyne- dall. MieS • Porter.' Mrs. F. R. Hod - gens. Miss •Onnteloa. Mrs, E. J. Can. talon, giSF: M. HOhdeS. Miss Greene,. Miiss M..MeNringhten, . Wes ,Hunter. Miss Redd, MISS 8, Powell. Vise) A, Jenkins; Miss L. Reid, Miss Davie, Miss .S. Ifaddoele DEATH., OF MRS.. JAS., DUNFORD. Startlinglysudden was the death, of Mr.. James Dunford which tooleplace' last:Saturday morning. She had: not 'enjoyed good healthfor the past 'Ple of .years, but managed to goalie:hut and engage in the duttee of- the home. On Freday evening she attended 'a con.: Cert In the town halland.'retired to rest with no . apparent . premonition that at, the dawn el another -clay she Would pass into the lifeeternal. Mr. Dunford rose at the usual hour Saeurday Morning, and alter taking breakfast • With a member. of his tarn - he went in to -speak to his wife before leaving for the Store and found her -nob in her own nom, but at the entrance to the iadjointing -one-lying on: the floor dead. The end appeared to haw -come in the tevinkling, of an eke. with tie time to say a parting 'Word to the ,loved ones. Dunfard was borne hi 'the tow* *peed Grey fortyyears.ao, and was A slaughter of the latejohn Small - don. For the Dist Sixteencyears Mr. and Mr punter& have been nit - dents of Clinton. • ii..446.00414.1444444.1"14.44411.40.4 ton...I. O. F., 'that it was locally re- ported that the tato Dr, Oxonhyateli- ha, the Seprense Chief, was not him- self, insured in the.Order, he hat re -1 quested The News -Record to. State that' the Dr. ea,tried, inegurance in the I.O.F., to the full amountallowed) by the constitution,. that is to say $5;000 THE BAND RE -ORGANIZED. ' There Wilt considerable change in the jirsonnel of the Citizens' band this season, it being now largely corm - posed of the Youger clement. The old bead, however, stead ready to ren- der service whenever the occasion calls for it. At instead of the lead- er ofeseVeral Mascot -past, Mr. A. A, Hill will be in, charge. He is deoply interested la the band and is said to be fully qualified for the ' leadership. Mr. Lappine is, president, Mr. R. A. DesVne is vice-president Rind "Mr T.. E.. 1Vlackendie In . theeseereeary-treas, The funeral -took, plaee- on Monday afterneon, from her residnice on, King Street, where service was conduct- ed by tire Rev,. C. R. Gunne. The pallbearers were Jas. = Fair. P. R. Hodgens, E. Bali4 W. J. Tozer.: J. E. Hovey and, J. Taylor, t.Jpon the 'cos; ket, Were a large n,uniber of beantitul florartinblenis. From the fam•ilv Was a wreath with ."Mother" inscrilited npon it, and from- Court Prosperity and Victoria, Circle a broken wheel. Otherecontributors were .Hoover Ba.41,-Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Murch. Misses Nellie "Wasman and Emma Pickett, Miss Sybil Courtice,. 4.1Ma4 bel's Girl Chums," Misses. Doan "the Ilrethere and Sisters." Among these item 'a distance who attended the obseauies were the three sisters of deceased, Mrs, Allan La- mont, Brussels; Mrs. Robert Canting, Listowel: and Mrs., fl 11. IVIatliewson. Toledo, Ohio; her two b.rothers, Harry and William Smalldon of.Cran- broek. her,. unele and autit, Mr, and Mrs. George Smalhlon, I and Mrs. Harry 'Smalldon, all of Ctrey. The remains were taken to the resi- dence Of Mre. Thos.°Dtinford at Brute sels, that eVening; atid:the licit after- , tidal the funeral toOk Placethe ser - vies iliere being condaoted bY the Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford, The pallbearers Were William GreWar, Nagle Gerry. James 139.11entyne, Wllltanm IVIderack- en, E. C. Dunford and Jas. Jones, To Mr. Mulford, the three delight - tens, Mabel, Pearl and Cleta, end One son, Ernie,. the deem synmathy of the community ig eitteriekth hmthe irreparelle lots they have sustainadL, • . A. NARROW ESCAPE. • The Grand' .Trunk station* had a narrow'eseape from deetruction ..by fire on Monday afternedn; In the at- -tic.of the' end used ' as a )dwelling stool d stove in which was a -• short length ,pf pipe not attachedete,the Chimney, The stove waS. full of obd. rags and paper to which tile children,' who were playing ' in the recipe, set fire, The :flames poured up against the roof only, a couple of feet disfant; and in thetime it takes to, say it, a Lele was burned through.. Fortunately the fire was'Soon observed and, .a pailful or so of, water extinguished it A Jew' 'Ittnartes, later and the building worilCin all probability have one up in Sinoke and the question of. ,he .t,o be or net :tobe of a new ' station would have been deeidee,.. LICENSE REDUCTION. With license • redes.tion on. the air, Practised' everywhere, itis somewhat Surprising toehear of arhe nitinber being increased in. a rural municipality, and *Yet Such .is tare casein the township. of Colborne where an additional li- 'ccnse has been granted, the seem& to the house at Smith's was cut Oft five years ago. At the meeting of 'the • commissioners held in PAubusn on Monday an influential 'deputation protested against such actiPe, but it would seem that the board has a better : knowledge Of the needs of the township than have the ratepayers themselves. It is, hOwever,•satisfact- ory to know that'll tifere must be a licensed house -at Smith's Hill. it will be 'in. eampeterit hands., Merely as illustrating the difference between lieense, boards' of adjoining in- spectorates, we might, direet attere, titer to the fact that in South Huron fiVe licenses Eve been erit off and five more lapse because of Local Option.. TUE NEW FURNITURE °TORE. Messrs. Walker Ross have opened ent in business in "The niev lurnitnre store," and from the dement floored basement to the upper storey the place is crowded with- a. new and complete stock of furniture. The firm are wide awake and,. practical; and will make a strong bid for a share of the patronage of the public: TOO LATE FOR CANNY AROME. Seven men b•ags full of 'eameadlee literature arrived frem Ottawa at the Parliament Buil:dings, Toronto, or. raday morning last addressed to Mr. Hislon. M. P. P. for East Miran. The Ititrature. however. arrived too late to allow oi Mr. Hislop sending it through the mails ta.his prospective constituents at the expense of the province. It is hardly likely • that canny Archie will pay the postage himself. so that the riding, is likelyi to he spared the deluge for another year. $T, pAui.,,s CHURCH. is expected that theeRight Rev- erend D. Bishep of Huron, will hold a confirmation service in St. PaultS church oa Friday evening of next week. There will also be' a confirmation service at Holmesville at 2.30 P. me on Tuesday next, and at Summerhill it. 7.30 p,m: on the same day. The confirmation at St. Jentes' church. Middleton. will beheld on, Wednesday .at 2.30- nen. , , . The annual .S. S. convention and Deanery meeting of Huron ;Deanery. will be held in Brussels1onTueedaV and Wednesday, the' 7th a.nd 8th May. Sunday„,..May .5th, will be Miseeon, are' Sunday for the Church of Eng- land .in Huron county. The pulpit of $t, Paul's church on that Sn4av, will be occupied by the Rev. Canon Brown of Paris, . who will -preach; • 'nerving and evening, in behalf, of nissions, THE RISING TIDE. , The tide of iramigration is rising and 'into Canada is pouring a . vastly greater number of . settlers than ever. before. Fiore' Many countriesiand dif- ferent 'climes they are coining, even from the Island of. ,.Grenada, West Indies from wheneo,three arrived in 'Clinton yesterday. They are W. A., Ernest. 0., and Cyril A. Gull -Merin, young men of education and el.., ..e. frank, gentlemanly: beating. • They are of Scotch. desoent, as the...name might siGnifY) .but were horn in Grenada,. and have been Principally engaged in A'grieultural , ,pursuits, bet • faereing, en .the island is vastly , .ditterent from whet it is in this' . country, and :the ontlook net being very bright•and the climate .depress ng ,they dedided to come to 'Canada. They. will probably 'temil. not to believe, but they look as fi the Prospects here. as bright as i Migration, : pamphlets May have led, if theyepossees the necessary pluck to overcome the ' initial ' exPeriences. ; Two of them Nal last evening engaged with Mullett farmers., - -. • . ONTARIO STREET CHURCH. The teachers and OffiCer's of the On. tario Street S. S. are justly •rejoiced over the success of their anniversary services of last Sunday,. At all ser - `vices the. eherch was well filled. In the everting every available seat was occupied. A choir of =thLrty boys atrd girls led the Singing in the morning and afternoon and did well. In, the eVening the excellent choir of the chureh surprised themselves in the finality arid spirit ,of their numbers. The addresses • by • Mrs. Harrison pleased everyone. The offeriug will run considerably over 470. • The Epworth League are planning for a "Free Parliament" next Mon- day evening, and will considertele,. tions relating to the sale of cigar, ettes and the pool honi, The mest- ing proinises to he most interesting as strong debaters will speak both for the .‘Agovernment" ami the "opposi- tion" Come and 'eniby it. ,Rev, H,E. Curry. Of Londesboro will preach next Sabbath at both serviees. . The boys and girls of the Junior League and. 'Sunday -sehool,, assisted by the hbeir, will give an entertain- ment in. the church on. POiday evening,. lbw progrtni Will be presented don - Siding of OluiruSee, part songs, solos am reeitatious. Misses Gladys end th 'Switzer 3.4;fill assist. .Many will be especially glad, to hear "The Patty Crowning," by a number of little 1)eaDr, Thompeett WIll 11r:ideted, LITTLE LOCALS, The Oddiellowe will attend divine service in the Baptist churelt. next, Sendai eveztiug. Mr. C. C. Rance has the thanks ot The News -Record for oopies of• Hali- fax and other lower province daily papers. ecutracts for the improvements in the town ball have been let' as fol- lows decoratiug the auditorium. J. Opp:; ove-troughing and repairing the roof, Davis & Rowland. bEATII OF MRS, W. ROBINSCeN, Mrs, W. Robinson, an aged resident of the Huron Road;, • *dem Monday evening. With her husband he see. tied -on the farm adjoining the eel:per- alien, .trver halt p century ago, purchas. in ,the place frone the late Samuel. Harries' who teolt- eu.t the patent froira the Canada Conipany. Mr. Rebinson died about eighteen' years ago and none.; his widow is seevived by leer -me sons and one daughter. Mrs. Robin- son was a devotal Methodtsteand the funeral took •place 'yesterday atter- non from Wesley church, the services beg eenducred by the. Rev.- :Jr. Jolliffe: ••• • i- New Advertisewnts. House-cleaning, liolaud's ...... ...- 4 Shoes unlike wine, 0. kleare... .... ..... 5 Administrator's sale, W. Bry4one -5 New furniture store, Walker & Riess 5 Clothing, E. W. Jacobs. ., . 5 House-cleaning want, Tozer's ......,8 Newest wash goods Newcombe's .- 8 Millinery headquart;rs, Hodgens 8, - ttere and There' • . , . . A teenier member .ot the town cons - 011 and a public-spirited citizen: to bdot Said toThe • News -Record, the , other day : 'Thc council should buy a 'SPJ0.11 of horses wkich could be nrofr. itablr. erriploVed, in the summer Mon- ths on •the grader; in watering the streets and in 'drawing gravel. A.nd in the ‘v.riater months their seryieee would .be useful in, keeping the stkeia• and, walks free from snow.. Stich, team put ,in charge 01. a man, v no !mows something about Teed brilding would pay and pay well." • • * * *. The attention ot the. street. COMMIt- tie is directed to what was tort:tole a 'gravel walk to:the cemetery. Our- ing the past few weeks it has been, so tench driven, upon, that it is il cut up ver.re:trujee. th.rieleintideretdelvh. %lad weohinchditicliv% here direet attention is outside ec: town, limas, but it leads to :corpora- tion; property and is a walk much uS- ed by our citizens. It should ere' re- p,aired end'then. in the fall obstacleS, 40 placed that rt. inay • not again be driven unto. - Summerhill • Mrs. Biggins ,paid a business trip to London GU Monday and Tueeday. Messrs, J. Moffat and Beaver'left the other day to go sailing. ' Jordad has returned to the village again. Ur. W. H. Johnstone and Wife of Holmesville Visited friends in the mel - lege the other day. A Ladies* Guild has been organized in connection with St, Peter's church in aid of Home Missiornswith the tole lowing as officers,: President.'Mrs. J. H. 'Lowry Viet. Mrs: O.' Hill - Secretary, Miss Tyner; ., Treasurer; -Miss Watkins. Committee. Mesdames Lowery, Lovett and Williams. . The Guild is to hold its fiist meet- ing on Friday,' May 1st, at the home' of Mrs. Tfner. All are cordially in- vited to attend. .• Mrs. J. Sprung was attacked by paralysis en Monday. . Mr > D. Laesine . seriously ill 'at present, We are sorry to state . Mr. E Bali et • ounton visited friends .along the Base Line the other day Mr. J. , Colbotne has bought 'the pieee of grour.d next ta Mr. 5.1Vfearls for which he ,Paid in the xreighlrorh.00d of 641: It belonged to Mr E., Jor- don. . • • IVee. James Howe of diatira wasein the village this Week. on his • usual rounds. ° Goderich Township Miss Isabel Daley of Seeforth was latt. week the guest of Miss Flossie : . • „: . MisEa Muff et Clinten spent *. "I have a conibination read ma;eb.- ine;" said . Joe Rattethurv to The News -Record on Monday'. " sad have called the attention,of members of the council to the good work it has been doing on William street. -As tam as the committee is satisfied that my grader works Satisfactorily, 1 havein vie* offering to put that piece 'of road past the Ontario street chutch in good order • as Well. Some of our streets are made of what 1 use for peepose%e That is. instead of throwing the earth, leaves, etc,, from the giltter, to thw centre of the roadbed, 1 put.in my garden.' Joe is level-headed and a great believer in havinig- things tidy ,• and in order, as that portion of Wil1ian treet whielt runs past his residence bears evidence 01. And the Improvement he has made at his own t4mo and expense. It would be well lf more ot our eitaz- ets would follow Mr. = Itattenieury's example in thiS reSpeeb. * * * The street Cointnittee havina decid- ed upon a progressive polley, is pro. paring. a report for the neXt meant* of the council. Here's, hoping that they May Stitt Wisely and then. not grow weary ineywell doing. * * By the way,' We aini086 forgot t� mention that Joe Ratterbute'e "COM' hinatiOn.. road ineetino), inerely on sist,s of a shovel, a, rake and a wheel- barrow. -few •days.laSt . week at her Uncle's Mr. John Clufi • Miss Aphrew Steep ' has returned from Toronto after ,a, Very pleasant visit with friends in thatcit. Mr. and Mre. .1.,> Cole visited One da.y last week with the latter's,lera- tiler, Mr. Nathan Peck of Seaforth. The many, friends oi Mr. • JOseph Colefough 'wilt he sorry to hear that he has been no • seriodsly ill with paeuracifia.. Bayfield Mr. and Mrs. John. Biggest Jr. and family left on Tuesday for Barrie where Mr, biggatrt baVing. taken.. a situation, they will locate. Master ,Cleave Irwin, left on Satur- day for London where lie goes to learn the jewelery business. Succese te hini. Chester. TiPPett, wire spent the past Winter la 1-lamilton was the duesti of his uncle, Mr. Job; Tippet% the pest week. . - iOur fishermen -four. boats sail out fr.om our harbor-) started the seas- on's operations lad' week. They in tend fishing for peren •which .are O. Veined about hall a milieff shore and *ill thus, he engaged for several Weeks Albext McBee, who has had Mr. Jas. AleXasider's farm rooted on the 7th con, of Goderich tewnShip ler the Past year'moVed irate the village thit wce,k and has rented Mr. R, Rouatt's house. " • -• -Mrs, Richards and, her daughter, ly(ils Ellen Richards, who spent the *inter with her son, Mr,. Isaac Rieh- ards Of Brussels, have returned to the village.. ' Mr. Carey of Toronto, owner ol the River hetet, • was in the village, 'this,' week.. • Stanley Township Mr.. aite MrS. J. R. doverilock of Seatorth ;were the guests of the lattr er's sister, Mrs,. W. L. Keys or the Babylon:. Iline on Saturday and Sun- day. Mr, and. Mrs, George Dewar of the Saubie Line spent . one day recenly with their aunt,. ' Mrs. ndrew -Keys or the Babylon Line.) Miss Jean Carnpliell of. McKillop is .speniling this week with her sister, Mrs.- John, MCKIA10 of the Goshen LfneF" . Miss Annie ArmAtiong = of Breeefield spent Sunday with -her parents, Mr, and Mrs.., Wilson Armstrong of the' Goshen Line: Miss Mend. Rathwell of the Parr Line was a gtieSt at:the home of her uncle, Mr, I3en. 'Keys, of the Babylon Line, elle day this week. ' Mr. Charles Johnston left for .the West on iWedneedav.• • Mr. W.,Herd with his gang of treat- ers are now Working at Mr. D. II. MeNaughten's new barn.. ' In Spite of all rumors'ta the cone teary, Jimmie Howard, is not mar- ried yet. • :- Messrs, Parker and i Slatk„wha have been engaged with Mr. Valentine Wilds the past week sawing the mat- erial. for lois new barn. finished , On Saturday. The job was a la.ege one, there beteg .over thirty thousand feet all of Which was Sawed in little leas. than a Vieek. Parker% threshing en" gine supplied the power 'and had no trouble in. driving the-savzthrough any hied oi log. Chatlie Says he would rathererun the sawing machine than the cuttliag alif threshing outfit. Charlie always says what is right, The neere barn will be one of the best In these. parts, being 40 x 00 with straw shod 40 x45. It Will ,he of %V material and will he erected on a red brick foundation. S. Dietz of Hay will do the Ironic worle oldie Shantz and Rose of Ilensall will build •the wall. The eost will be $2-,000. Wilds .is well satisfied with the tam- ing job and says he saved, $100 by having it done in his own yard, Jack $ptritorwas in Gederich on . „ Monday. • Varna. , . The Methodist church -is undergoing 'kenoMatiof, being painted outside and: papered and painted in the interior, the work being.idone byMr.. James Watt of Clinton. -There Will, in conse- quence be no service next Sunday and the ,Sunday 'school.virill meet in, the • *town hall. On 'the following. Sunday. the Quarterly meeting will be held. in the' Goshen -Line church.. • • Mer -chants Beattie and •flarnwell haM.3. started out agaln' with ;heir . wagons for the season. • :• We hear that in all proba.bility one of the Ifotel - licenses tri• Bayfield Will be tut *off. , . . • . . • , London Road. .• , Mrs. T. J. Elliott is visiting her . 'old home mbar Uxbnidge, Mr. *William Falconer has leased the home, farm of Mr Wililam Stasbnry.. Mr., Gordon Waldron ot Toronto - spent Sunday at hisi -borne on 14 - London BOad. The many friends -of Mr, 'and Mrs. James Nett ,will,bepleased to'hear Of their imyrevedkealth andliOrle to soon 'see them as hale and hearty as of Rev. Mr, Brown Of Varna addresied the London Road 'League on IVIondiy evening last,,at the borne - of Mr. J. McKnight., IVIrs," accompanied: him. • " • , 1101MCSVille Miss Bertie Sta,tley has, been called • home' from Toronto owing to he Ser, - ions illness of her 'mother. Sadie Centelon is imp...xi-Vint very Mr,s. James Snell of Hullett :spent ' ekeral davs last week with, her sist- er, Mrs. •William. Stanley. • , Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ilineks of Tarot:. r eraengdueths te5 RoerviuMsr, eintoz, y lest week. Mi imqthoiland has lax Ati a position in Clooper's booesteep , Porter's Hill'. ----- . " Miss Weeten has been on the sick list with.. bronchitis but is Procuz• Mrs; Walter Westoni is again Con- fined to the house with a sore foot. Mr, and,Mrs, Fred Morgan :are spendhy4 a few day s in tide vicieity, . We are sorry to hear that miss Ma- bel Newton is not Improving. ' • Mr. George Weston now sports .a. ilewnilDavidbg.Mars. Mhall is net improv- ing as fast as his niany friends would like to see. Mrs. John Co X sPent a feNY 44Y's recently with friends in Goderielt, Mr. Wesley Vanderburg has aga,in started out with his peddling wagon. Mr. Fred. Morgan and Mrs. Thomas Betilis drove into Clinten en Mendes: to visit their sister, Mss. "B. Yee. • who is in the hospital there. They sa,v she is getting Ape nicely, Mr. GeOrke WeStOn is again, engaged at his trade of stone mas0n:1 if which he is- an expert. P:rti,eonce people aro glad to See spring more -it has been late coir .Mrs. Mary Burton bad an attack of pleurisy lately, Init.:we are glad to hear that she is aide to be about 8445ftls'. Willis Bell and gre, Thontaa Bell Were Called:to Betreit last week by itzthiee Adlelai stIoin We iste eeir atissyrit, orhirsao. - with them in, their bereeatement, The Misses Whiddon'of Bayfield vis- ited at the Misses McPhail's on 1VIon- idtazyn fiLattetthneooMdi.sses MOrtaiVO On MOt1,- We are glad try hear Oat. Mrs, IL Pettoorn-is improving, ,/