HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-18, Page 6a
.. I-- ,
Clilatc a News -Record.
Aprit 18th, 1007
1,`h i M.
' ^ C _ I Nathingl by Which We Can Aooltratoly The 014 World Charm That Crowns ;Many, L`.siisnda. and Tradition*. That �--�.
Toil Its Asir, This, Moturesgtto City, ,,,, Link, Thorn Toysthor.
The White Woman Who Fought With
no great .spbinx of Giizeu bearo no � , the Tonto Apache#. � - y
Inscription by. which we can tell its Dear, delightful old Quebec, with her 4 all countries In which the wltcit- The following story was told by one ■■
._.....,-.... • - .d tem _-.Calrigila,, who in..;nof1._.,".$'ray walls and shining tin roofs,; her craft delusion now exists, or in which • , I , 'sl .:.
of Arizonas earl _ Pioneers:._. _ .
ern tlydes Was, the drat to clear ,awl precipltoult, heacilorxgstroe#s call sleepy : it Prevailed in fernier times -we find- - In Dr. Alstep and Lora Dtigpa,
y squares and esplanades; her narrovr folklore ,stories connecting those Inyg- < i
11 the sand, found between its paws a terlous. bogies with the lams of those well known pioneers, were Prospecting ,
�} alleys and peaceful convents; her, g p
stela of til@ reign of Thothmes , C., . particular regions: Even the great With a party in the Bradshaw mqun- 1
a s E'T OP �j and therefore it was believed that . the Harmless .antique caungn an. the Para- Shakespeare causes his witches to ails- tains on the Ilassayampa creek. One �
CI I't"I:�EIt FR ( ��+ sphinx was. carved by that monarch. pets and her sweet toned b@iisi in t4@
course learnedly an the diabolical warning the party separated for ttf?e I .a
_,p 451t-Frm lBi.C7'1 evkda But In love the excavations of Marl• spires; her towering chateau s the propertiies of ''hemlock d}gg'd i' Clark" purpose of hunting. In going u a h
efts, uncovered a g , bearing the heights and heiti long, lover queer smell- and Of "Slips of yew• silvered in the tau . on in which t13e w p" d ' ` ' ri
Our IBG atalogne will tett name of Cheops, on which . is a refer- ing warehouses In the lower town• bee y , y were separated r� , r.
; moons eclipse," i..
yoq how to get, Absotu#sly F.roet. v. encs, to the sphinx, The ipscrJpt[ou i* spick and span caleches and her dingy to pse' They .are supposed from their companions by high moun- A - „r ps( ,
g evident; of a late g Have had their ,fuvori#@ dowers as tains, DuPPa'$ detachment was attack.- `fie� k�0h nap g use .
%4 iaeaut�fyl Carvin Set of up- , alp of soldiers, well, as Plants, and in. England At the e• he v .. ...
y period, .but is s trolley Cors her rinklin ed by a large band of Tonto Apaches, it7T A in
�,SHEFFI�LD $Ttcil., with posed to be an enact cope of an an and sailors with Scotch accent and , • 4ripn, Sold son1Y
Celluloid Handles and tient carving, and the translation seem. Irish brogue and cockney twang on a Presnt time foxglove is aitokefq of as 1'he whites gradually fact their way
t ed to place the sphinx, ea than the . background of petite bourgeoise speak "Witch� bells!, hArebells A6 'witcth rola the ridge with the hope of re-
darling Over AAounts . ea th bles, The common ragwort . jointng their companions. Darin the -- '
r , waw,; enclosed lir a handsome pyramtds and Eons@quenily to prove It In the +
g quaintest • Qf French dialects; is well known as. the ",witches' Horse," advance Du II
, �r'; pipsh And -,siIk lined the most ancient piece of work in the ;Her memories of an adventurous glia: the tradition being that the mpuri#ed bind ppa' who was stationed be• •.
It / Ip,�r/ world, Still there remained -four lines tering past and her placid content- y A rock, noticed that ,he was the A IN fad ,leader.
case, The outside be- rank growths of that a cies of weed particular mark of air Indian with a one night at a court ball is t1w ? .
l�:�� carved .on the base which could not men with the tran4ul7 grayness oP thn and ,trod@ the skies," Just as t a r
/[(✓ fill .16g Covered with leatherotte. "rk be read, but M. Daresay deciphered pr@sent, her glorious daylight outlook ; He.(l-me bow, Several arrgws Had fallen a# his 1'uileri@s Napoleon IIx. was ga atter-
II with the pointed Hat rides the broom feet, end one' structs him in the arm. tive to'a beautiful young woman asi ,
IIln Our handsome Cakalo uq ancJ[%� theme and it appears that the inscxip• t over the vale of the S#, 4harIes, the
Y Guide Book is richly illustrate4} and r11"µrI tlon Is in two parts. In the earlier level shore of Mon#morenci, the gr@en in the familiar Picture, in Germany Raising his ride, 2r@ teak rrim, And just to excite, comment among the other •
- is free to everyone who .asks or 7''" < lines there is, no mention of the sphinx, i Ile d'orleans dividing the shining and throughout northern Europe it is as be was.tottching the trigger the, sA women, At last, in response to a direct
q e y h f it I + i g g the belief that witches float from place posed Indian cried., „Don't shoot!" In , tribute to her beauty, she said;'
but the dines which date from the Per- reaches .of the broad St Lawrence, y,_composedgood• En lisp but it as a Com
/ / and contains details af•other special offers, \ to place on ,beds of ba ��
( - sian occupation mention: the repair of and the blue Laurentian. • mountains ,English, W too late, and Ah, but your majesty pureents•
largely of witches blossoms cud, devil the body fell over with ills, extinct. me too much"'
eft. also ,+
, gives. full details of new and standard the sphinx. There is, therefore, no#h- rolling far .to the eastward, and at spikes," this last being a_specied of Soon After the two. a ties succe "` ar ab " he lied
varieties of Seeds, Flants and Bulbs., p r tided in How remarkable," le, rep `9slth
Ing lip whit]#. we can #ell.the date' of ;7fgbt the -dark bulk of the citadel Ou#* dwarfed slough grass. ,
Write to-tiay, the monument; and tit@ onlyevidence lined gh rass. St, Johns wort, forming a junction, arid. the Indians re- a twinkle in his -eye, "that you should+ -
against the starry blue, and far which is no* so popular for shoulder treated, leaving their dead, sayust what every other woman here
DAREH & HUNTER SEED C0.gumited we have is the hegddress of the Coles- below the huddled housetops, the si- and buttonhole bouquets on. $t John's out of curiosit the ar returned is thlnki 1 --
sus,. Its hood is ornamented berrind lent wharfs the li hts of the p y P. ty @ to ng .
Xc3r`4 c)N, CaYracra. , g great eye swas formerl worn for the @x- the lace- where Duppa killed. the sup -
y., y
with three bands, a Large. one between warships swingingwith the .tide the p ,Purpose of averting the crafts posed .Indian and found that It was a Only One Objection.
- two smaller bands. , Now, this is , s. intermittent. ferryboats plying to and and subtleties of tire. witch@a bo es i,. radia ' a d' -
Si , vi entry about thirty .Some page. said that "Life' would be-
, E YO fashion �vbleb only existed toward the .fro, the twinkling lamps of Levis ria• ghosts and spirits, which the European years of age ,and dressed In all file tolerable iP it not far'its vs
M � end oP fife twelfth 'dynasty in the � lag along the dim sou#kern shore, and
to @ able were am e•
a peasantry believed walked abroad on paraphernalia of the „
�`� ® rt i ,e reigns of tisurtesen III. stud Amenem.! reflected On the lapsing,• curling sea; : "that ni ht o „ - p Apaches. investf m@ate. Many people give most co>C
""'�"��P-'�""`CRE' - - h@t IIIc- As this lama :-showed mut �. a g f witching. mysteries.. gation was made, but na trace of,ber dial nt to this dic No ob
y h 'iv__rd 8ltdi_ng.wii•veA,got .tb,o-great rlveri ..Uuo.on SReetatgr, farmer Whereabouts could case tont jee•
, . _ ge g �, city Ps . u .
trait th the Harm islnrobable that moth of the etHrm new world kee so talned, :7
# c d ever be ob• tion can -justly* be made to it except L.
e ha of the old? Henry ' that it is. not true •-L• ondou Saturday-
' the monument is the work of.Amenei Van Dyke iu Scrtbnetoo -voo azin , SHAVING NAPOLCON ' Review''
• bet III, -London Globe,
I _ f
. - Westerntaad '
. ,
. 71 .
� .. .
.. ...
If' you ` have friends in Western
. I
Canada, if you are seeking inforl ' a=
I tion Jeoncerning the West, .this of
ler will appeal to you. ' •
Many' Re4iona of the Earth Still Re•
OFFER -N0,,` I
.. . ----� '
It ' Is About
Manitoba Drily Free 11 Press:.' '
Winnipeg ... :• ,S Maaths
cohiffant, Napoleons barber,
the many difficulties• he experleirced in
News Record Clinton,. Oat ` $1
i. •,
band cut oft .his flawing beard. Mrs.
Crimple -Yes, he bad to do It, I-ga e
114onths '
Ing This, Simple J4ct,
"The only way to stop from
Postage prepaid to � address In the Dominion.
other continent is las well ma Aped as
OFFER rap. z. • , -.
As.might be .expected, a walrus Is
-fibout _as belpless on land' as a canal-
Winnipeg Weekl'y' Free Press -
. take his.place in the chair, conversing
and gesticulating• Suddenly he would
and Prairie Farmer
_ -
3 Maths
Is to' do as is done• In England, .There
News Record, 'Clinton, Out. .
never come, because surveys are 'very
expensive and the five oth �' tin
. 3 . Months '
.way in order to. facilitate the opera-
tion or shavlug..
Postage prepaid. to any address in the Dorriinioa.
over like torrents' of rain: On
S `rock or lee. he gets along, much
If you want informlation in, re= ` '
Napoleon had 'a singular whim of
gard to Winnipeg and Western
bettec, and , o -ten a herd will •spread
cities and towns, .i.nformatioi about
having aatIy one .side of his face lath-
the weather conditions' •
the chances
... several rads'. back. from the. waters
for a situation, the cost.; -of board, L
and sbaved at a time. When lie
;.shaved' bimeelf,. which was seldom, he
business opportunities; � take 'offer.
edge, t
The • females and younger walruses.
-No. 1. Xf you are inore interested '
.invariably`cut himself badly, .This was
due' to his
in the agricultural situation; and in
have far less development of neck to
. quest of information in . regard to ;
restless -impatient@, and,
though he was serupitiously neat in his '
f renin n
g a d farm 1'ands tate .affe -
�" .
tncumber and theYefore entjoy
more of motion' than 'the old
. No. 2. You ma if you wish •v Ah-: `
yz y ,
• out extra expense, .have ' the . Free
.. .freedom
males; who actual; seem a great bur-
' Press • sent to your address and the
from his. cheek ,give, up the. operation
in- diegdst and go about
News-Reeord forwarded to -,a friend .
den :to tiiemaelves... These creatures are
strictly social in• theft •habits a1-
in Western Canada. .
, , with "part oP
his face unshaved until he. had found-.
. .:and
- ways- go. in. herds, whether traveling,
Enclosed find ..., for which -send me Mani-
bis faithful barber, - .,
. toba Free PIress and. i e,wa•-Reoord, as .per: offer
.feeding, fighting. o>< resting ashore; :In
th d beior tit r ht i 11
' The :Two ;West Points. ''
Name................. ... ,.ti•,..,.., _ ,
ain't nothin', miss; darks .• flinging off an; : outer' garment, leaped
hastened.to'assure her, . "It's only a pa- Pc�r it, . Sentries tried to•stab him with.• 'one
Address. ..6...... ..+....•;..... ..
., ..
and yet :thou av6ld'est acid :pursuest all
things as 'if, they woukd be -eternal. A '
• bet III, -London Globe,
g e..
. ,
. I
.It Was a Difficult .lob For Constant;
- the Emperor's Oarber.
Many' Re4iona of the Earth Still Re•
. had to Do it,, ` -
Mrs. Turnbull -It's too bad soar hue. •
.. . ----� '
It ' Is About
neer W
'4 Ways Folks Have of•Do•
cohiffant, Napoleons barber,
the many difficulties• he experleirced in
ma[n a M stet .
y y
tiffany years will elapse before. any'
band cut oft .his flawing beard. Mrs.
Crimple -Yes, he bad to do It, I-ga e
.Just as Helpless, as a
Canalboat Would Be.
Ing This, Simple J4ct,
"The only way to stop from
shaving. fibs emperor. Napoleon would
other continent is las well ma Aped as
him a diamond scarPpin fora birth0ttg
As.might be .expected, a walrus Is
-fibout _as belpless on land' as a canal-
plastering a ,stamp of any old place
"upbn.the envelope except the Ong
. take his.place in the chair, conversing
and gesticulating• Suddenly he would
Europe, and -perhaps the era of per-
fected mapping all over the. world may
_ -
boat It is with no little difficulty and 1
Is to' do as is done• In England, .There
call a paper or turn rapidly idl t 1
P y o look.
behind him '
never come, because surveys are 'very
expensive and the five oth �' tin
^ • •
. much hitching and floundering that he
drags.his -huge bulk upon a sandy shore
a letter which does not have the stamp
I In the right position isIcast -aside
The utmost cautlon was -necessary
. et con. eats
hAve Par greater expanses than Europe
. even with the boosting gets from b@=
handled only when all -other mail is
on the art of vis barber to kee it m
c.uttinghim, yet in spite of all these
.of comparative; y worthless ]ands that .
do; not call ` for the most detailed .and
bloc; by the breakers as they roll In
and dash against him, His hind flip-;
sorted and exchanged." iflea was
a vanced'by 'a postal clerk by
restless movements not once while
refined cartography . But , a large
Pers. are of little use on land, and on
the Philadelphia Record. "We 'often
. was shavlag the emperor did
be iia so.. =
oP pioneer worts' affil invites
the explorer, for many of the unknown
sand . or pelrliies,. where his front flip•
pets not hold well,, the labor of
lose' considerable time because of these
Sametime9 '• when in' file their be
areas have much -territorial extent. -...
.floundering forward is so great that he
tetters,' continued the .clerk, "for often
we have to stop and turn over an en-.
would sit atiPP and motionless aS a
atone;' and Constant -tells that he could
In the Amazon basin, for. esampte,
'three of these regions are each much
1. nevem stirs beyond the edge of- the wa-
. ter an usual; lies d y es with his body 7talf. �
velope to find. the stamp. We do not
mind so much the love •youth or
not get' him to: move his head either
larger than all of our New England
. • awash,, with the salt spray dashing
' maiden who places the stamp on the
.way in order to. facilitate the opera-
tion or shavlug..
states: One- unknown area in north-
west , On Is nearly as large as New
over like torrents' of rain: On
S `rock or lee. he gets along, much
,center. of theenivelope, iiecause, a, stamp
Napoleon had 'a singular whim of
England,:' and .the 9eharA :bus two,
bettec, and , o -ten a herd will •spread
so placed can be seen at a glance, but
k4e chiefly with the'foreiguers that
having aatIy one .side of his face lath-
'areas in black .that are each twice -as
... several rads'. back. from the. waters
have the trouble.. These people in-
and sbaved at a time. When lie
;.shaved' bimeelf,. which was seldom, he
large and another,three times as large
as I3etp England- -°
edge, t
The • females and younger walruses.
variably put on a stamp at any. but
tate rig -ht place, and you wovid be sat;,.
.invariably`cut himself badly, .This was
due' to his
Asia still 'bas'several .of 'these vast
have far less development of neck to
pry to know. how they do it.. • Why,
restless -impatient@, and,
though he was serupitiously neat in his '
' wysterions spaces, and .solid thnntc
, of the UZ1kWwA- In Now Guinea, the •
tncumber and theYefore entjoy
more of motion' than 'the old
I: have seen seen -letters upon. which the
I?grsoq; he would, after hewing. a siiee
lragest island in the: world• excepting
.. .freedom
males; who actual; seem a great bur-
stamps have been laced- on the. b*ck ";
of -the •envelope at the point *;here the •
from his. cheek ,give, up the. operation
in- diegdst and go about
G}teefilanil, :would Svvoilow. up' New
England and leave black border,
den :to tiiemaelves... These creatures are
strictly social in• theft •habits a1-
society girl will. pnt her monogram' in'
, , with "part oP
his face unshaved until he. had found-.
a' all
' around It—Cyrus t7. Adams in.. Har -
. .:and
- ways- go. in. herds, whether traveling,
sealing wax.:.Others whets t4ey ,have
m' Pay,- says 6 cents postage M-01 bay
bis faithful barber, - .,
per's. .
.feeding, fighting. o>< resting ashore; :In
th d beior tit r ht i 11
.flve.:one-cent stamps• and put,:oae .ort
' The :Two ;West Points. ''
e aye• e . e. s ane er o a each, corner of the envelope, with the-.
living creatures became a' ruling.pas-
Toe ' sensations of the new cadet
To him Who is. penetrated by. true
remaiain' one, ac
g acting aedi upon
. ; .' Sion. in the breast of man the Pacific •'the''back.',
when,. after •the climb from. the" boat •:
landing, he flash the
princtples even the -briefest. precept is
: autilesent, And " to re=
Could Thin Them. Out. .
species Inhabited the whole of Berlag.
in herds- often b
y reaches: plant--
those .. first sensations linger
g a
cotambn precept,
mind' him' that he should be free from
The Bon Ii.. L: Dawes in hie Y*oul
sea and strait which
•. An Exciting .EscAoo. .
contained thousandapand'eveu.tens of .•. Prince Kropotkin, the -Russian rev*
while. There are two Nest Poi'nt's-
Ute actual West I' t '
grief and fear..• For, example, 'says
manhood was an- ndi �reat,•speskw.
Partitipatln 'dna, law ease•sooa after ��
thousands of individuals. . .lutionist, once 'made ati. exciting es-
oin' and the over-
arching spiritpal one, of which the.:ca- .'
Leaves -some the'wfnd scatters on tt►e
:, h!s admiasien` to the bar 'fore a. Noatlle
��. ,,'
cape from a , fortresa • prison' in St
def only becomes con'sclous about the
. ground-.
Adams justice of the peace, Dawes • .. .,
• . • �Pay'less Dentistry. •, . ,, .. -Petersburg. •After two. years %in ,the,
.time . he graduates. The' 'deter' 'in
m ate
: so 'ie .the race of then.. .
opposed by an' eider atieraey
' A Baltimore man was one afternoon prlsom-he 'had been removed to. the ail
hrs mAste r -for
Leaves .also are thy children,
whose 1
vents, attracted'' a trawl+
Seated in a dentist's anteroom, waiting hospital, where plaits: were utatured
'hist urn, whena.young woman, ovine-,) by his friends for his flight He.wo*
. -
four yenrat a fit the aha
, pe of ,his des
leaves too are the who c out us" i .'
, , ., -- y ry f
. that ;lacked the courtroom. The justil ' `.
. was free; y;peiapiring; '
.Ing every evidence of utmost agitation . allowed to walk'for an' hour each after-
film at'the'-40p. .the slope
with. 'ominous
they were worthy.of credit and bestow
and, drawing
his coat'in the, midst the. lawyeis
.. at the thought of. submitting. to angor- I„'noon, guarded :by armed sentriea, .in:
.silence; ; He hears n .,
be no teen o
their raise or .on tile. contra titres
of . r
eloquent address, be said: • - -
• •. - i
.: deal, entered and. ,;took . a seat "beside. the grounds. A line of .spies .outside
voice sees po tone. figure, but:.d
.there ]s communicated in "lona way
o y
or -Secretly. blam2 an sneer and leaves
In dike manner are those who shall re-
, k
."Mr Attorney, suppose you sit dpvrn
him. -.Very shortly thereafter a series. , maintained. a s stem of s ' afs = =
`. ` . ,.. . . 7 len ton
medium the of
and •tran"Smit a mans. fame to
and let Daw e
begin to speak.. l.vva:a,-
' of. plereiug shrieka eame from the oper- I tify. the _prince when -the ad ioinin g.
sting room,., whereupon the ttmid y�oumg--st;sets should
an. -1 viai
n ble authors #y, cold, inexorable
aftert imes, far al] Such things as these
to thin out#bis•crowd "t . • .1.
-be -clear.-. VWhen all-wa
woman• sprung from her seat' in: terror -_ well, n .friend in a kioskr gp its, .the`
P ..
-relentles 2im' n@
s,. @ ver a
we rs.away
this. first feeling: It comes 'back,to.
!'Are ,�
@ rode in the s
P ted eason, of.spring, .
as the poet says.:, the wind caste
and, grasping the. of She colored at- gates played noon a. violin; After one
every traduate:on. retvrnin to `Vest
ahem down. "Then the 'forest"' :r *duces
• ; teudant, gasped: . or two false,, starts the violinist burst.
Point, let his years. and his honors be
other leaves in their laces. But a
gr- .
• . `'Oh,' what is that? Oh, what is that?":, Suto a mad m@tody; and the prisoner;
"Xt '. the
what they 'ma .. 'And erba s it • is'.
y P P
brief existence is commp
.:. On to all things,
ain't nothin', miss; darks .• flinging off an; : outer' garment, leaped
hastened.to'assure her, . "It's only a pa- Pc�r it, . Sentries tried to•stab him with.• 'one
just as well that it •rte so; that there 19
place left in' our country where
and yet :thou av6ld'est acid :pursuest all
things as 'if, they woukd be -eternal. A '
tient, that's: beiti' ,:treated' free of ' thein bayonets;. others hesitated.. to
.. • . .
'vanity gr•u'sserted ancestry and the too
`little` time,, and thou shalt. close thy
charge," shoot, ,believing that they could catch
frequent arrogance of speculative and `
.ayes; and him, pVho has Attended fifes
remedieseureall �Iiin andblood diseases , Emema,;
him.' . A carriage.' with. a racing ,horse.
'Episode.., I
fortuitous commercial leadership find
tq 'thy grave Another soon will lament.',
S"1°' Constipation, indigestion,
1.•- A . Cooking ---= , in the shafts was ' waiting. Into it
a clttli.- Genet su! fliorris Schaff in A -
8Rd Oilier yes It of impure blood. They eo'r c -it . '
. •Tlie• people who know it all are So : lie sprang,: and they left at a gallop:
;antic: •
destroy the evil condition. -
. - tiresome that the verdant simplicity. , Hier .beard WAS. -off, his clothes
. , of the novice in everyday. affairs is - changed, 1
h aged, and be Spent the'first.
Endurance of Migrating'Bitds.
Curious. Nesting H'abita.
Many birds.iu'theIr Westin habitsMiraBtoodTa”rearndM:,a?abtcacleansethebloorZ
t:,aa�,�iaara,arhetanahearaarrdura+earsk: n•
Absolutely xefreahing: Here is an in- of. his hiding. stn the best 'oafs, in St'
The vi or and endurance that birds
have accommodated themselves to.
artd ixvigorate stomacJt, liver,,k:anevs.ond bnwrLe;
• cldent,about a. young woman who was Petersburg,
display upon the twin Are astonishing. .,
advance of civilization
v tion. Thus file her: t
Ointment ani;' Tablets; each 50c. BioQ
. making her first at honsekeep- µ , . . , .11
Ing. •A friend. had'. sent her by mail: a `The Amateur 'Detective: i..
Nearly ail the grate ;. species, of
mi ry
Enrope must Crags the Mediterranean
and cliff, swallows, which .once :built,
- ander overhan ln' chips .and'ln eaves;
g g
Toai $I.. •At: drug -stare: r- or ,from Tho
. Gitea[iRs`, Co. of Caeady f invited, •Hamiitoa ';
recipe fQr, some new ;rind of .bread, Said the man to the restaurant to the,
without resting.. The , little bluebird '
aero place their nests on .the' rafters
Torogto. .
1. giving. her directions to take. a portion n#Ler across the table: ;pays
.an' annual visit to the Bermudas,
; ,nd .beneath the eaves of our barna.
oP•.tHe dough at .'time and make It ''I°ll,,bet.you're a draggist" " i
600 utiles from the contineut, and Wil-
The himne • ' swift wb'ich. • 'nail
. .
. .... into the` re uisite form for bnkf .. „N : „ .< .. .I
. . or
R 7 , y
, .. . . .
. 'A ng• o, gouge wrong I Son •estimated 1tS" very- moderate flight.. lac'ei1'its nest on the inside of hollow
_ -This seemed explicit enough; but What "A; ebemist,.then?" ' . I 'at more than• a mile-* min'ate.. R@= zees :no u • . . `"`. `.
�+ was the. surprise of the friend to re- ,,,Wron a ' in." markable steric re. fol f t n , our chimneys•Por that Full E• 'lamed .
_ �_._� _R_ .. . , ," g $a e s A d o he to it purpose. The purple martin, once nest- y., •'rl'
Another unsuccessful att•at's has eel �e.a telegram from the youngbouse- A pboto' heir?" • l flights of tame falcons one c}n 1800 Student-�-Arent .there somewhere, A, contract lifts beat Signed• between . „ „ d , g,.. g g , . ing eac}usively -in .holes .in trees, wIit ere.
Beeper to flits effect: ,What shall I do .This time you're professor, ea hooklike, tho
been made co fife life off• fife` Grand the ;G[tvernttien•t, of 1'cri and, two y .,'right.' How,.did miles in a single day.- Jawel:mentlons
Dine ict;oIas of Russia. x with the .rest of the dough? Please ' ou uess it?" . ca f r. i e f try. prdtruding to i catch the s
R ss a. Ne�ti .I ork contractors for tlfc.. . con- „ '• y ,, g. rr e pigeons ons that: flew , rem Rouen pas erba?
use 'nothing ng bat the bird boxes which
' answer.. ... :. • .1t .was simple ,enough," was the an• ' • to; Ghent, .150 miles, in an .hour, and a' . kind hearted men -have erected ' Professo . = Yes, I - believe' `tbere ate
A movement is on loot' to ive a atruction of .a $10;000,000 raflroad: to
Part of lharrim g the ticayali .River. saver.: "I .guess+ed it from' 'the 'way you half,,•and .a certain wart�ler must wing , .. varieties that aro •trQnbled with ,•
some •
Harriman's powcr,� to the, ]Jtti . .. Polito. ..:� held the vinegar cruet in making your Its way from E Pt to. the Saltie, 1,200 r -spines.
ecutivc of ,the t'pion Pacific: •
° Robecchi asked a friend to dinner salad. You placed your• tittle finger. at.' miles, in,,^n tWg:1z_t Handl pi�etf
1. "Too . bad about ciieene. There'9 a' e
. , .: . -and then'retur'ned home furious. "`;That ..the.bottom of the bottle. No on@ but'a ' . a . Would Coat Wer More'.
nrvatur6 bf the;
General Lee CL'ristmas of Memphis, lYIiller s Grip .Powders Cure. h`or . • fund of good 'humorous. attf>P do the: .\
is the matter?'! gaid• his wifo. . map accustomed. to -'measuring out ,.You naughty child, where have yon an . ,13ored, to Death.
Tenn.,' an officer in .the Honduxati sale itl Clinton, by. W< A'., McConftel •' , . tics of the. would he sodety people to if
army, was cut .to pieces by Nicara- dru tsit. - .
Do not soca;, to to@. It Is shamel ' .graduated and exact. quantities' does 'been? You have been fighting again. „ e -T 'had 'a: Cali from Mar-
gg .. .' I always i:bouglit a'ptiisteness produced •I. that,, h n elle today.- ger Husband -1 eu p'oae
guan soldiers, a ..• with, Paul. .Just 1. kat soar clothes! � ,,, ell, he's justrthe .t .1 to take ,;g
one is .return so L asked Dobelli to ( 11 base to bu otz a new snik he bored you to -death.. as naval, witri
The Department of Agriculture has " lunch."' I "Doq't y :advantage of that fur his funny her sht id, talk.? . Wipe Yeo, dear, she ou'say anything, ma. You; sketches." „ P
found samples of butter ad+ultertett Russia is massing trobps'or.. tlti: "Aad Tuts be refused?" . Thnt' only• is, a disgrace to a man Ought to see Paul. think his snottier ofti the whole Omer- '
S "_. Yes, but his wife is trying. to get Rite., *about_ tip
"Refused? I should think not. He tt ltk tr he has deserved ,to r3ufser.- wit! have to : bay' a new. boy. Zfz „ yo
with olcomargarinc, and ,till institute Persian •Tronticr, The Condition o£ .nto sdciety there,
prosecutions of the guilty oarties. Persia is ,described-a.s. chaotic. lids accepted,11-�La Caricaturlsta. . Phapdrus. Change. •
._ .
r.i�.uwirs.r.rsra.. YL,fyr1A. ..
G R A 0 F''. •
Hd ..
liSED kywINE 20 REARS -AGO. - t ubrooim here .fez
Clerk You can't .ge
„'Years ago I was almost a physical wreelco- that man. lie's drum:. Doan (support. 1 0
and was sutteringwithlungtrouble. Friends ing a Weary friend)"That's all ,right
S '. and neighbors thought !would never get What of that?. Clerk=-Thfs is a tem-
. etter. i be an to des air•tit self. Losing penance , hotel. ' Man -Well, . he's'" too • - -
b F Y
,t- .. faith in my physician a procured another h
Those who use it get well, who recommended' the use of PSYCHIN> . d -
It ivas Surprising beyond description- this,
rank to know t e difference, + s
. •
etlegt rt had. I seemed to gain with eVtry . `
Certain Curt for'all. run "down conditions and' wastsng diseases. dose, ;aside of two weeks I was able .to Yrouble Ahead.
H• • . . .+4! , . . attend to my housework again, There are . " "Is your husband yp `yet?'" asked the
ighly recoimmended fi r lnsoninia. • no symptoms of consumption about Me now. early caller of the pour faded woman t�S
'IMP HENDERSON, St. Johrf,N.l�." at the door. "I eiepecehle is," was the
THE PROOF. reply. "I'd like to see film Por: a teW A shaple and effeativd remedy for
The following Is a Far Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Loss of Appetite take PS'SYCHiNE. minutes.". "So Would t. He haan',t They bombine the germiefdal value of crowiene ,
sample of thousands g � Colne home yet" with tt,e soothing moportles bt slippery plm acid lib*-
Of testlmonfos to the For'I'tlxoat and Lung trouble take P CHINE Foie Indigestion and Dysp�epsla take PSYCHINE, rias,. _scar drnaclet or from us,, ,loo in ,temps. .
wonderful merits of .
For Catarrh and Consumption take S'YCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take, PSVCI'IINE," LzUmo, MiLaa Co., iimtted, Agents, ixgntreat. ;cz
PSYCHINE In the most : The truth of !t Is' those -who best de -
tors It a p os. nee- pp���� For after-effects off` La Grippe, Pneumonia acid Fox kun-Doarn System take PSYCHINE. , s@rve praise have generally the , mast '�
tors are prescribing hvilbtJ[itlt�
PSYCHINE In their s Pleurisy take PVCHIN9. , • eRpuisite relish of it- Steele-
praetlee with the most Ca.>' i CEN . ' To Feet Voting and i<4ep Young take PSYCHINE, .
satisfactory results.
. ' ..
W e � � �.:1
"Several years ago Bodily Proportions.
my wife was so seri• In the man of average stature the COBALT Si1A:GYAL
ousts ill of lung tr0u- Iteiltt of the boat' is ten timca the �1 sodid train of Vestil>uie Cars anal
be as for months at . .length of the face, the face from the Sleepers ii itve "'T'oronto daily at hint
be unable a vyalk, at ,' , .shift to the hair is as long as tiro hand, .p. fit. Anal arrive ono Bail at eight
which time a noted
physician told me ° the arm is tour tlmes the length of the forty five A. nt:, New I,isk"eaxci at
that the nest dress race, the sole ,of the toot Is one•sivth nine fifteen. - •
that I would buy for. ,
the Iength of the body, and six cobik is the -rieltmt mining camp
her would be a " times the thickness of tate hand. in the in the lvo -Id attl, is ;veli woirtlt a vis- -
shroud. She used thickest Dart equals' tiro thickness' of it. .
PSYCHINE and is frits, body. i)Ni: WAY !S)E IOND CLASS
soew reasonably Wre11, a1W 'C1I,UIv"i;�' 'I'i'(:lCi'.'i'S
ARV. C. E. l3tntltl�t t., .. ' • _. 11W Oft .
a e rnan tvlto can Stant; Prosper, t
t, t4lifailii;i�,g Cure for all 'throat, � ttig and. Stomach Troubles. 0br Mala aft Sall ciwrugl�lat6i sac* its there are a ltttnd'red Oil sale daily until April 30th to
13apiistMiaister, :tiMi $gt.tlps br Di,. `i'. , f3loouuiit a - m r that will s nd poiin#,� in British Col mhia, Galiior::-
rbre}t,Clnir'►'Ciiable 1~Lem+�dr fro>t' dilaf3ee.ettsed bbure tff bold oir frets trtrnitgd,i7AK111g#t+W.yYt'orutMC� dleralty� Ga11vIe, la, sltt7tntan,�, +Lolbrad Washing'ttlfr
... and O gon.
t - .. .
. ? -