HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-11, Page 5iPtri1 1 i til, 1907
The Clinton Nowa-Record
Are You.Going to Praia
.4I+0 The dater .of 'The NOws"feeord
Dear Six, -Bulling. tbo past two
49`40, • tjlo l apartment • of Physics
been endeavoring to emphasize
• 'tfio importance of underdrainage, and
•erragelmelttal cavo keen, made- wherety
40ur services Are available to anyone
"fishing .advice in matters relating to
'drainage. We have full egnipment• for
• ',drainage stirtrey work and, when . re-
tiuestild,, visit a man's place,,-srxvey-
%•>ti3 100, -give WM a ,nisi ' showing elei
-*atm. of all parts sgtveye4, togeth-
er With 10 tion of drains'"the'i'r grade
a�ieptli, etc. There Is no Charge made
:•for this work excepts tihe travellieg exe
;t?cnses of one man, • Consisting: of rail,
;Way fare, meals and cartage of is -•
*,truments. These expenses are. .V„ry
•fight, as arrangements have been made
vWith the railway -companies. wi>iereby
we eau travel at one cent a mile each
away, i, e., a man living fifty miles.
from Guelph would have an outlay of
,wile dollar for railway fare and .25 or
50 cents for cartage; one living one
'Hundred miles away; ant Outlay of
=52;00 for railway fare, and 25 or 50
• meads for cartage, and so, on.
.bast year, together with others;
you were kind enough to make anoint,'
.Cement of this plan, and many appli-
•cations for assistance either by way of
'infermation or surveys resulted there,
cfronl. I beg to thank you for L.
past kindness and to ask if you will
,'again make mention of the work.
Yours very truly,
Wm. II. Doig. •
Lecturer in Physics.
Stanley zTownship
Miss Goldthorpe of Saltford has
:been engaged by the ttrusteest_off S. S.
'No. 3 for three months, when our
Tormcr teacher, Miss Jennison, is
-again to take charge.
Quite a number of people - around
here are recovering from mumps. '
Miss Hazel Switzen of Goderich
township has been the guest of Mise
'Maggie Peck the past week.
• Mrs. J. W.. Reid and her two sons
.-visitedWitlf1he ,sister, -Mrs. Welling
-ton Fee of near Zurich on Friday and
•'Saturday last.
Miss M. Jennison spent last Thurs
$•day with Mrs. L. Clark and Mrs.' Ed -
'ward Johnston. ,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier and other Min-
:asters are in England attending the
Colonial Conference.
Dr. Drummond, the poet of. the
-Habitant, died in Cobalt on Sunday
•Mod paralysis.
Still another plot has been discou-
vered at St. Petersburg.
Twenty -Eight Army, General.
• Send Letters of Endorsement
To;Dr,. Hartman, the Inventor
of Pe-xn-na.
NO Other catarrh remedy in the world
bas received such unstinted eulogy
from so many renowned, statesmen and
military men as Peruna.
Gen. O'Beirne ot Wa*hMSton, D. C.,
Writes: "As many of my friends and
acquaintances havee successfully used
your Peruna as, a catarrh cure, X feel
that itis an effective remedy, and X rec-
ommend it as such to those muttering
from that disease as a most 149pefal
source of relief." --.Tames R. O'Beirne,
290 Broadwa;, ,"-'Washington, D. O.
General S. S, Yoder of Ohlo,.
Writes: "I have found Peruna to be a
wonderful remedy. X only used it for a
short time and am thoroughly satisfied
as to its merits." -S. S, Yoder, Wash-
ington, D. C. '•
Brigadier -General Kirby
Writes: "I can recommend Peruna to
all those who are a ilictedwith catarrh."
-D. T. Kirby, Washington, D. O.
Brigadier -General King of Confederate`
Army, .
Writes: "I unhesitatingly state 'that I
.-ant env redPernn9is a,mcin
edie thnt
. will effect all the cures that are claimed'
for its use." -J. ,Floyd Ring, Washing-
ton, D. C.
General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C.,
Writes: "1 havre • used Peruna for ca-
tarrhal trouble and find it ben'eiiclai
and to be aU thatit promises, and freely
give it myungilolified recommonda-
tion."-Robert Smalls. •
General Abbott ,of Washington, D. C.,
Writes: "I am fully convinced that
your remedy Peruna is an excellent
torilo. Many of my friends -have used
it with the most beneficial results ;for.
coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble."--
rouble,"-Ira C. Abbott, 906 M St., N. W., Wash-
ington, D. C.
Captain. Yarnell - of Washington, D. C.,
Writes: "tour medicine, Peruna,' I be-
' lieveto be the best medicine -for -catarrh.
on the market. - I have taken only a
small amount, and can see, very benefi-
elal results." -W. G. 'Yarnell, 2322 - Lin-
ooln street; N..F., Washington, D. C.. -
elUnder the bentfit of THE CLINTON.
Righ class American Biograph and re-:
fined Moving Pictures
'Thurs. Fri.,Sat.,April 18 19, 20
rP �
.0 15 AND 251ENTS•
NNNN *Nd' •N•eNON4•'
ilair Oombs
i Hat Pins
At C�st
:and Less
We have just placed
in stock a large assort-
ment of new styles at,
Scientific Jeweller end
Optician p iia
O , O
General Mei: ide of U. S.. A.,
Writes:. - "I ., have !no hesitation in 'rec-,
oinmendina Peruna to all persons o,
a goon general. tonin." -Chas. F, Noske,
213 B St., N. W., Washington, D. CN.
General Erwin's Recommend.
"Many of my friends have used Pe-
runa as a. dyspepsia. remedy with the
most beneficial results." --John • B.
Erwin, Washington, D. C.
' Brig. General Schell Benefited.
"P.eruna is indeed- ii wonderful tonic,
and for coughs and colds I•know of
nothing better. y-P..M..Schell, Wash-
ington, D. C. •
General Qudfieldof:ihe.UJfrloilAflfY',...
Writes ; "I have used. Peruna. in my
family : and have found it a valuable
medicine, and take - pleasure do recou -
theriding :it to all who suffer from ca-
tarrh of the stomach or -who- require_ a
tonic of efficiency." -The Cairo, Wash-
ington, D. C.
General Butler of South Carolina,.
Writes: "I canreeonimend Peruna for
dyspepsia and stomaeh•tronble:: I,have
been_ueing2out medicine for a Short,
period and feel very muga h reY'fevecl. °It`
is indeed a wonderful medicine,. besides •
a good' tonics." -M. C. Butler.
Gen. Powell, ,Becker Post No.443,
Writes; "After'using one bottle of Pe -
runs I became convinced of its' curative
qualities, and. continued its. use to date.
are afflicted w`itli catarrhal troubles."-
J. D. McBride, 450 Pennsylvania Ave.,,
N. W., Washington,D O
General Noske of 0.1i. U.,
Writes "I commend •Peruna to those
w,ho are,troubled with; colds, producing
catarrh, asa moat effleacious cure and as
as we hove .decided to retire from
"dtnsines I in Bayfield we will dispose of
our +entire stook of
At Cost and Below it,,
' The Stuck must be closed our
by the end of May when° vire
• • close our doors. . •- •.
Come and see us •
and take advantage of
',Our Genuine - Bargains
..ar. FRAS ,
V -ti .a
C.:av nettes.
an - tsoat� R . �ainc
In this Department.: we are
well prepared to meet your de -
mends. We have thein in ell
`These coots are niade by.
modern mrthod
and •
the very be.t *eating ,qualities. They ere n►rcely made, and •
we can maitre you that no tter.
value can be shown anywhere. .
We -Will 'Al e - or
We- I t r
•Re -press any Goat
- .ir-ee -of--Charge. -
If you are thinking.
of purchasing one thl.'
spring,. wa . •world ' be.
pleased to. show ' you our
large range of Patterns,
Styles: and Qualities.•.
Tailoring. Dept
•The mien that buys one -or
twosuits' every year needs to he •
becareful in hoosing
his cg ..
If his judgment is fined, he
will choose a suit that is made
in a suhstantial way, and in
,:,.good style. without „being ex-
--creme and flashy.
He Will :he particular about
the Tailoring, the Lfnfnga,. the
Fit, and the Material, •
Every Garment Here
is mad ,for Wear
and Good Looks,
Our stook, Consisting..
of imported Worsteds and
Tweeds, is entirely of the
newest, colorings and pat-
terns. ` We use only the
best trimmings,. and can
guarantee a perfect,. up-
to -date Fit.
The Up-to-date
Mems Store.
All symptoms of catarrh have disap-
peared, yet I continue its moderate- use
as a preventive, and an old man's tonic." -W. II. Powell, Belleville, 111. -
Gen. Sebring of the Confederate Army,
Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend
your valuable remedy Peruna as a very
excellent tonic, and also good for coughs,
colds,catarrh and general debility.." -
W. H. Sebring; 133"W. 4th St., 'Jackson-
General Payne of Washington, G. C.,
Writes: "1 .join with my comrades in
recdmniending.TerlTria terry lfreeuds as
an invigorating :tonic to build up the
system.” -Eugene B. Payne, 407 4th St.,
N. W., Washington, D. C. General Talley of Pa. Vol. U. S.A., -
Writes:"Your .Peruna has been used
by me and my friends as a relief -for-ea-
tarrhal,troubles with the most be •A sial
results. I am so convinced of the efi•-
of Peruna that I do not hesitate to give
it my: recommendation:'-Wm..Cooper
•Talley,418=D- St.i-N
D. 0..
General Bigelow Cured.
Gen. J. G. Bigelow, 151 C St., N. W.,
Washington, D.'0,, writes:,
"Peruna has made • me well and it has.
given; me more than ordinary strength
and spirit for work." -J. G. Bigelow.
General. Chase, Asst. Adi. Gen'I G. A. R..
Writes "The' excellence of Poruna . as
aeure or relief for catarrhal disturb-
ances is well established. Many of my
friends have been benefited by its use."
-B. R. Chase, 28 Harrison St., Ana-
costla, D.C. •
General Q'Connor of U. V,, Legions, -
Writes: "If you are; suffering from ca-
tarrh or physical debility, immediately
commence -the- use of. Peruna.. It' has,
been of the greatest and service
to many ., of • my;. friends."= Dennis
O' o or, 788 32utr-St.: h7 W --,'"Was.-
°ington, D. C. - . • .
Gen. Wright of the Confederate Army,
Writes "I take pleasure in recom-
mending Peruna. It Is a remarkable
medicine and should be used by persons
who -are in need of a good tonic and by
sufferers,from catarrh.'-MarousWi+ight,
1724 -Corcoran St., Washington, -DTC:-
Gen. Hawley of Washington, D. C.,
Writes: "I have used Peruna andfind
tt very --beneficial for: kidney trouble
and . especially good for. coughs,':colds:
and catarrhal troubles." -A.. F. Hawley.
Brig. Gen. Cook, of Washington, D. C.,
Writes: •."As•' . number of my friends
and acquaintaaces have used Peruna as
acatarrh Mire -with good results, and as.
• at tltc City .Hotel,=Brener. .Bros ,
ved .by the undersigned, • by letter
only; .up to tire firc% of Mayfor the
i..osibion of librarian if the Cl'i,toa
Put}lic, .Library. Salary. $17v:r,per
yettr W: Manning, Secretary.
arknowledgewithth es_thePrompt
payment .I•O me of the atom of .$2,
• 000, ' being- tile 'insurance on the life
Of •PIY late 1tusia d John
Bean in
the AS O. •L. W.. of Ont., and haindeI
• ro me by Mr. R. J • Cluff, the iRe
coder r of the�ac 1 Lodge No. 144
11:':ury Ann Bean,•' Clinton, 'April 8th
- e l
� S
tenders mir1ed t
Tensera for
ton Drain" will be received byy the
undersigned up to sit o clock:
. ori- April 15, 1907, for ..the construe-
' boll of a Tile -Drain from• a pant
Isaac. streetr" to, the. t on
the Byfield Road. Plans and `spec•.
;ificatnons,,,' may be seenat the office
of D. L. Macpherson, town clerk,
Clutton. -F. W::Farncombe, C.
Bank of Toronto• Chambers, Rich
mond.'street, London.
ersignetl will have for sale at- the
Commercial .• hotel, . Seafortii,. on
Saturday, April 13tlt, at 12 •o'clo'ck;
and at ' 'Clinton an the : following
Wednesday, - April' 1,7t1i, a load` of
good calves. -Geo. Chal,'.nan, At-
wood. " ' . ,
Lord Crolne.r in his report issued
Warning against the possibility of
pan, -,slam war.
and implements. The undersigned
has been instructed by Mr, Albert
McGee to seal by Public ;Vection at
lot 34, cpn. 7, Goderich TbWnship r41
Monday, April 15th. .'rhe- Following;
General purpose horse ti years old,
• Marriiages.
•K Winnipeg
F� ..
March. 29th,. by Reii. Mr. Stewa.;t,
Dorothy, - daughter r.of Mr. iii hard
Baker\of Clinton, Ont., 'to .J',., Cs'•
R. Andrews, editor, of clic ilealtl
of •'Cupar, Sasi .,and• lion' of .:vIr. "S..
J.• :4ndrewsClinton, \
W;ILTSR-BAWDEN-lnr 'Clinton, ; on
April 9th, /by - Rev: W. E. Kerr,
' Grace Bawden of Clinton, AO Ar-
thur Wiltse of the :London; Road,
Stanley. ' - .
GO.VIJNLOOK-BARR--At...the tcsid
•eice': of the bride's.. are•ts
forth on April 4th,, -bv ,the ' Rev.
F. II: Larkin Mar aret, dao 1. ,Pr
, g b
of Rex,: M. Barr, :to Robert Gov
enlock of McKillop township:
Manse in ,' eafoi th 'on April 8th by
• Rev. F IL Larkin, buoy Filen,
:daughter of Mr. Michael Flannery,
to James �'4:.Burgard, all of.Tt&k-,
ersinith. '' .•
T R 0 n yth at
the 'residenc'e :oS.Mr. John .Carter,
on March 27th, by Rev S. Ander-
son, Richard Pratt to Alice Pat -
Jerson, both of HulletttownSlyip.
BALDWIN-VINT-At Auburn, on
• A i1 3 . • • i Rev. Mr. Jones
Px 3rd, 1 YJones,.
Wrn. Baldwin to Miss Jane;: young
est daud,ter of Mrs, James Vinfr
of Pa$t Wawanoslh:,
HILLIER -BEST -At the .residence
of 'the 'bride's Parents' in Seafarth
on March .80t¢r, by the Rev. F. H.
• Larkin, Henry Hillier of Hamilton'
tor Charlotte Isabel, daughter of
Mr,. Francis Best.
of the bride" a father, Bluevale, on,
March 27th, by Rev. George Ba-
ker, Milv,ert. Sellers of N,'orris to
Malge, . �0daughter of Mr. George
C•asemere, Bluevale.
WALTER-AC.HESON-At tlfe rest-
ory, Exeter,
,on March 28th, • by y
tteRev, W. D. Ceiling, Herbert
S. Walter - to Lily May, eldest
daughter of Mr. W. T. •Acheson,.
oiv March 28th, by the Rev. •. .Mn
Ross, William A. Rennie of Zurich
'mare, yrs.,.. in foal. to Laura M. Broderick et Loniten.
general purpose
roadster colt rising 1 year, sired by ••BAWDEN-BROCK-In. • Loddon
Lord Roberts, 6 cows dire to calve • April 1st, at the residence' of the
in April, farrow cow, 2 steers 'ria- •' bride's father, Blaiicifa, daughter
mg 2 yrs, heffe,r rising 2 years, 5 of Mr. George S. Brock, to Miss
calves. • Cattle all 1n good condition., W. Rawden, formerly of Exeter.
• •-n ' a s
I�eermd binder, mower, M s cy-Har-
ris, Oft. Out, hay rake, seed drill,
iviasseyrHarru ,, eutcbva..or, ,.aassey-
Harris, plow, set diamond' harrows,
scufor, fanning mill, set bobsleighs,
gravel box, sorb .plantet,, set log
bum's., hay, rack, wood, rack, set
double • harness, set single harness,
top buggy, new, 2 rain barrels, 2
• large boxes, forks, tit', s chains,
shovelsrand a number of cow chains.
A quantity of hay. Sale at one:
o'clock sharp. 'terms • All suets of
110 and under,. "cash ; pier that
amount, 7 months'' credit C41 approv-
ed ,joint notes, .,;r ner Cent "discount
per annum for cash oft credit
! amounts. , Itay cash, -Albert Iilct#ee,
proprietor, T. Gun•:lry, .Acv Houser.
1 am now using it,.benefi¢ia11y,' I can.
safelyrecommend its use to persons
suffering from this. disorder:"-4eo. W.
Gen., Middleton of Washington,
Writes: "Your preparation .of Peruna
as,a cone for catarrh as well 'as .a nic
deserves the gratitude of -those. a r' eted
with that disease as, well ae, phy til
prostration. I have been muck be
fated in every respect - in various wa s,
and I feel it "a duty to recommend its
usefulness to my fellow citizen.'- John
Middleton. , . • • -
General Sypher of Washington, D.IC..
Writes: "After suffering for years with
neuialgia,I was persuaded by a friend
to use your - remedy, Peruna, and after
giving it .a fair and' thorough trial, i
can pow cheerfull'yrecommend Peruna
to any one Who Is suffering, with
-neuralgia,_ltis else' an excellent tonic."
Sypher. --
Brig. Gen. Gibson. of Washington, D.
Writes: "Peruna is not only a remedy
for colds and catarrh, but also an ad-
mirable tonic: and should be in every
household. I commend its possession
and :use to all persons.' Am using it
myself,.:with good •results." -A. G.
Gen. Henderson of W. ashiu*ton,Ix C.
'Writes: "Peruna has been, used in my `
family With the very best reeuita, and I
take pleasure in recommending yoa*
valuable remedy to my friendo''as a Dots
tonin and effective ow,e ter "citarrh." -
Mal" Gen, Armstrong.' of W031:10 .7.-
ton,. P. C., -
Writes,: "As many of my old domracleny
and friends have been greatly
by the use of Peruna for catarrhal,
troublesa 'I. heartily
join in their en-
dorsement of its curative qualities."
I', 0.,Armstrong.
General Pettys•of the U. V. U.,
Writes: "lt affords me pleasure to say
that some of my patients who have used
Pdruna as a tonic and also for catarrhal
troubles, have been greatly benefited
by the same.. I am satisfied of the ex-
cellence of the same," ---Charles Pettys.
General Legg of Washington, D; C.,
Writes:."1take pleasure in endorsing
the many recommendations I have
heard and read of Peruna, because of
having had knowledge of 'the truth of
so many of 'there. .
"We always tell our' sick and, ailing.
friends of the remedies that we have •
learned, from experience, were good -
for us when ailing in the same way, and
we do it as a ditty we fuel that wet: owe
"Why ih it any the less our duty to
advise all the .people we cart :when we .
know of a good and - comparatively `in-
expensive remedy that . nia'kes many
cures, and benefits in almost all eases?
"My ownlittle, personat experience -
of being relieved of deafness, caused by -.
ii -siege of catarrh,, warrants me in ad-
vising all the afflicted to just try
Perrins:' -A. M. Legg, . ' . -
Co1; Shatsweil of Washington,. Dr C.,
Writes: "'I commend Peruna as a most
agreeable as wallas effective medicine.
Catarrh and -catarrhal colds are checked
and generally cured by a j, dieious use
g g
et it. It is a nod romote f digestion,
and is an excelierit remedy. for .a Weak ;
stomach. .It tones up• the appetite and. •
es not at all disa-reeable to lake,"---
Captain Jackson of Washington, D.•C..
Writes: "I am eighty-three years old„' -
a veteran of the Black IIa`vk,, Mexican;
and Civil Wars. Some years ago I wan.
seriously 'affected with catarrh of they
stomach. ,After the use of three bottles.
of Peruna every appearance , of my -
•conplaint was removed." •
11 you-klp not derive prompt and Batts
fitaoryresu-1'ts3.rora the use 0t'.Peruna,.
write atonce to Dr. FIartinaue -giving t
full statement of your easeand he will
Abe pleased to gide you his valuable ad -
vine gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman,. President of
The Hertman Sanitarium,. Colum nus. O.
All eorrespondence hold confidential. 0.
FOTIIERI`GHAM,-In Tucleirsmite
on April 7th, 'William. Fothering-
ham, aged '83 years..
SWINBAWK=On the London Road,
•Tuckcrsmith, ot1: April 7th, George
Swinbank, aged 81° years. •
' BUXTON -In: Clintons . 4n April 1th,
George • Buxton, aged 54':years and.
2• months:.
CAMPBELL-Iir • Winghain on April
,.8th, William H.. Campbell,'. aged
.63 years. '
CADZOW..-In Buffalo,.NewYork,tk, .ot
Aprils 8th; Archibald
merly of Hulleit township, aged
abot'.t 75 years:
•CAM BELL -In Brooklyn, New:York,
• on April2nd, John M. Campbell,
M. 1);, 'formerly of Seaforth, aged
69i•years ,:
STARK :On March ,28th, ,at the
idence or. her.parents, Toronto,
Ethel Louise, daughter of Loftra
and Isabel'la . Stark', formerly .Of.
Seaforth, aged 2 - years and 11
months. .
LhMONT-Iii Grey, `oli: • March 29th,
Malcolm Lamont, , in his 82nd
Sir Robert Cranston, ex- Lord Pro -
vest. of Edinburgh, was:given .s, Civic
ree ptiot1 and in his at?,.lress in reply
he stated that he would • like to so
free trade throughoutthe world.
Births.• -
WARD. -In Stanley on April 7th;, to
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ward, a, son,
K ENDALL-Iii, Wingllam on April 1st,
" to Mr. and . Mrs. George Kendall,
a son..
ORTWEIN-On Brownson Line, Hay,
on April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. .I.,
Ortwein, "a son.
OVERT-IOLT-In• St: Joseph on APril
4tih, to Mr. and Mrs. James Over-
. bolt, a son. '
Belgrave -
PATTRRSION-In Grey, . on April lst
• Isaibella Imlay, rela►u of the late.
gee. Patterson, in her 75th.. year.
SCHMIDT-In Hay, on Mar. 28th,
Gertrude : Soilage, wife of Andrew
Schmidt, aged 74 years and 6
Live: Stock Markets
Toronto Junction,' April 8. -Trade
was,' activeat: the Union, • Stock Yards
this morning, and the cattle brought
fairly good prices. Tho receipts , were
83 ears, containing 1,747• cattle, 20
sheep, Oca '
... -vex and rses•l
Snitcher cattle sold from about $3,95.
to • $4.50. ; Exporters brought from
-about $5 to $5.35, and feeders $5.50
to $5.70.°'
MaODonald'i Maybee
n'sold 14 export-
ers, 1,410 lbs., at $5:34;, 20 exporters,
1,230, lbs., at $5.75; 24 'exporters,
1,190 lbs., at $5.10; 20 exporters,
1,285 lbs., at %5.10; 15 exporters,
1,260 , lbs. at $5.10; 1$ exporters.
1,320 lbs.,. at $5.30; 17 exporters,
330' lb.
1 $5.25;
1,2$0 lbs., at, $5,30 ; 18 exporters,
1,340 lbs., at $5.40 ; 22 feeders, 1,270
lbs.', at $4.80; 17.: butchers, 970 lbs.
at $4.60 ; 5 butchers, 1,130 lbs,, at
$3.80; 11 butelfers, 1,020 lbs., $3,7,5
12 butchers, -1,1"t0 lbs., at $4.63 ; 10
battchets,' 1,010 lbs,,.at $4.63 ; 3 feed-
ers, 1,150 lbs., at $5.70. - '
- Chicago, April 8. -Cattle -Receipts
30,000" steady to 10e lower; bevies,
$4.16 to .$.6.65; heifers,, $1.76 to, $5.-
30; cows, $1.80 to .$4.90; calves, $5.-
26 to $7.25; •good to prime steers. $1-
35 to 6•.65; poor to •Inetlium, $1.15 to
$5.30; stockers and feeders, $2.80 t 1
$51.00.,' Ilogs-Receiiits about 54;000;
generally 15c •lower,; light, $6.45 to
$8.65; mixed, $0.45 to $6.65; heavy,
$6.30 to $6.021; ,rough, $6,30 to $6.15 t
pugs, $5.90" to, 6.55' good to choice I
'heavy, $6.50 to $6.621; bulk of scales,
$6.55 to $6.6214. Sheep-IteCet is
about 20,000; steady; native, $1,30 '0
$6.00; Western, $4.50 to $6,60
lambs,, $6.50 to $8.35; We4trn, $6.501
10 $8.35.
Mr. James Taylor had the lnlsfor-,
tune to lose one of his team, horses
last week from'4dflammatioit.
RV. Austin Budge of Hanover vis-
ited his father and other relatives
here recently. "
Mr. 'David Oeddea had the ,nif,fnr-
tune tobreak his thumb the onset d:,y;
while splitting wend.
pp is the passport to . the ®,
E 14'ry best .positroes''in the C
' "pp - land: The Central' Business [x]'
L 1 ', College of- Toronto offers ❑x .
this passport on easy;terns [x -
pp to - all ambitious -people.. in
®. Write foreparticulark if [7
p terested. in' securing:a, good fio1
Q position at .a good salary. ,
Q; • \ .0
1 Address 395 Younge Si,, 1p
'E. > .-1` ronto Canada � r
x 5
Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Proctor hare
adopted a bright. little. .girl 1rt.in
of Bluetale,:td>b mother
havingdied recently;.
.: 'We have -opened out : ` busies.
ness in the stand'latel- oeeu-
pied by .Sharp `Bros.. where we
are: prepsred to• do first-class
iorseshoeingand all.ki"tids of •
:Gene 'al .Bleeksmithin.
Machine Work promptly attended to
and Lawn Mowers • Sharpened
and Repaired. \ ,
Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited
ee%y & West
'+♦44♦4,♦♦44-4++44+♦-♦+♦++♦++♦ 4-++++++♦++++++ •
TheO� ON � � -
TI>rl l S ,
VW41/V1/1I1/VW •
1 am roar open+ng up my new stock of high,grade as well as
staple stock of boots and shoes Which were specially selected by 'a
competent shoe expert, The stock is brand new just from the mint
and "i'onsists of the latest up•te-dete'styles. The store will be un-
der the management of a clerk of both city and town experience.
The public ai e cordially invited to call and see it for themselves
that the quality is first •clxassand-the prices very moderate,
Repairing of all kinds neatly and
promptly . done.
My large plana and ntuskal instrntnent business will be °MAIM/.
rd its usual. Can and see some of the One new styles in Pianos and
Organs I am opening up. -