HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-04, Page 8WITT CfttCA News -Record. . k . 4 0 Aprff, 406 We want your Patronage. No Trouble to: Show Good"s '''o,N,_ :1.Mer aces'' UR-DAYo'APRIL .6th our annual Sprijig Sale of Linens begins.' a-,k'lmt. fall Nn laced orders, direct with. the British manufacturers for tie iwe. We have planned for the �gou - oda ;that on Sall en selling . in our history, d e Saturday for the first t biggest two ,or three weeks' lin The goods are here, to bring the busbiess. Linens of sterliug qualities that have behind them the reputation of Due of the largest and I , . best I known linen manufacturing with An attractive assortment in 't firms in Great Britain. Linens that come direct to us maker, lin- he way of the latest novelties.' We"re 11.0t ens that -CaTTY 'no Profit but ours—aild we have. cut that as fine as we dare e ha n you and him.,.Lin- confining ourselves, to one or two styles, but constantly adding to, the assortment witli because w ye an immense quantity to 'to give all the wear that you would',expect ens that you can depend upon -absolutely to get out you them and a little more besides:.- It -,will be particularly to your interest the intention .of bringing you -twice as, often to. our counters, If you. haven't alread were bought there have been several advances in l ' to your interest to take advantage of this sale year, becapse since these goo0s Y this yn*That means that we linen. cannot duplicate these values if we ,vent into the today, and the next time seen the new spring Ideas you9 . are missing the ,best hingin, n tow we buy we will have to pay niore, . Arid nd of course ask. you. more 48 - well. Thi's is why it will pay you toanticipate -a little now and buy, linens for,six months or even a year ahead. -Tbe -goods are good enough and prices are low,' enough to make it wortheto.doit. We boa goods below their market values odrSelves.,,1 your while 9:0 a W sh Cellars and tkow give you a chance to. do the same. In Ladies' Fancy Stock Wash Collars and ...... Collar Tabs, we aretop,We always on the receive'weekly shipments of the newest and most, up -to -deka the ma Towels for the Sale, urke�t-, Our prices are right, too. •- vVdni- .9a P 9 Towel vaWe's such as have never*beexi on our counters, -.Worth yQur while to and -Em,- lay in a good, supply for we, will not .have as good ones for many.a 'day. New Laces broideries. Towels 15c -a pair. Crepe Toweling 110c The newest designs in Laces and Einbroid- eries are now on our counter,9. - Just received Huckaback. To�vels,,'fknged ends, red:bor this week, ttnd the daintiest w6 have pet shown, "ders, 17yU, good 'Weight, regular loc, -for 1111 1 quality, Crepe Towellogibeavy'weight, red border, make splendid towels, apett' Widths, with, Insettion to match, From . ......... ...... 5 en, sale..... c1ql'at per yard.10• -,up. ............. ........... ......... .03 7 At 9 --for 95P.- ""i -In Hall! Bleacheel era Three or fobr lities'all grouped at. -these popular giv, Half bleachea linen crash. toweling. 231-2: ,inches p priceel. Not one ofthe4oi—but la -wax L h -M-0 LQ mot : � Some Huck Towels, 21i4o, Huck .towels bempl-nezi- wide, one of the best towelings you can buy for dish towels or •general use.. Extra valuea t peryd 0 and crepe towels and ffinged With aamask pattern,• W, with red border all -good weight and.splendid , linen salO ...... 2 FOR Rouph.,Crash 110c dryers, extra special for -nTsopen weave Towels at 20e rough crash TowelitrK, co.e- with ro4�1.ovor check,, ivakesL. i;plpndid hand , *10. towels for ordinary use per yard.- cbed Huckab�ck lfo�vels,'be&vy ....... WhiteWear. Good quality bleached New weight, hemmed ends, 20:k40, regular 35c,. -sppa- -S* tial for linen sale..... Betts Ladies ilk 'Half bleached. DaMIASk • Ladies Extra fine Rueka.back Towels. herurded -In Ladies' §�iilk Wai66 we 1have ends, full fringed, heavy weight, 2006, qach::.:..25 We'. have a beautif.61 range ot iNearly. a. -dozen --pieces 'tO 90x42.' A -ed Belt� Silk 11 the neweStL. fashions and, up= Extra large Huckuback Towels, . e Fiver on (I _7&ain�sooak-a 6d As to Ladies k, WaSh, ..a f, 1. ein bleach fable Damask egoo ­90vnsl splendid drying towel, for linen.th" bnou oLeall a special; Prices made - rt -U'ndu­'- Linen. and Leather,,,,�­it- I -9e-:bu­&�­_4-ate_-0Y1 Silko very _gh 'covers drawers'. ski S and __S,111 white.. Jap . Extra fine and large ItluckaliQLck' Towels" -1 good 'Weight, very fine quitlity, special each_. .371 poSeiple only 'by our direct buy41g in two e he latesi -Ne'* t daintily. trimmed -valen 'Wear, very,. pnttil y trimmed .'with le ard t York. style: Store lots, Here are a4e' of them':. w At 35c. You Will., find our Stock alm aye with Short sleeves., three quarter com lace,'wi lace and insertion,. at. 'all the Good quality Hnckabnck Towels, red borders At 25C. h'fjo fringed ends. 2Ox4O, good 'weigh 58 inch half blea&d'Table Damask, good,.wei`gbf,'L special for 256 up., and; full M J& linen sale per pair ..................... .. tour ov five, good' terns to select from, 4 1 leta in. -all the style .$2.* 0 UP. C ot Ar prices.. R, at 35 easily Worth 35c; for ;inert sale per yard,.:... 25.' Oct. ToWelings.. At 60 inch bAlf bleached Table Damask; ittleheavijer Some splendid towelinvAlui��.16r the weight -than the above quality; L Will. Wear well, - tj d patterns to select from., per yd, Jo big linen sale, good h6n6g four or five. goo st­:�quftlities that willgive lots of wear. At 371c, EXU11, heavy half bleached Table Darnksk; impoi t - At 8C. :ed by ourselves direct, from - the -inakers, •good pat-, • terns, .1 A'1 qua ities, 'special pecial for nen sale - I 17 inch Crash Towelliug, red good heavy per ............ 6372 weight, a splendid dryer. 'I egular 10c, special for linen sale per yard ... .......... 08 At 4 Half Weqched�.iahle Damask. 'guaranteed every 12y2c Toweling 9c. thread pure linen, .11, wide and half hleached, -will stand. no ei'd (A hard wear) Very special for linen, sale. 8' -inch heavy 45 Crash Toweling; colored borders" At per and ..... ...... .... .. good finish. one that will. roake'tip ,jeqidid tea 4Y P towels, 12jequalitieim, special for Lnensatis; pd....0 t7 ,. Bleabhed:Dam.askS. -flne, bleached 'table �dam.. toe. assortment of Heavy Crash, asks,,i be half dozen or more different qualities; .new. Extra heavy Crash Toweling, suitable for roller or designs,and values a good deal betterthanthe oidi- 4 A A ALALAQLMLALQ_A1­AkL A A --Abh sellthisW� v -v 1w w 0 dish towels, unquestionably the befit value we have. nary, special at per yard' A�A� % NO Could not possibly buy it today. and it for price. Three or-fourhnndredyards to sell. at I n. A n 7-A 'on' i: n n t 1., n. I 91n; I Kn peryard... ......................... .... ........... . Makers' Second Mw -Less . folloneig..SL. ars' With the perfect goods we -,got 6everial hUn..d.ied doll" worth of sec, S -r.. napkins, toweling and half bleached damaskg. -To.011'ntents and purposes. . eases, these will wear a& well as,the perfect"g6ods. Thej-6'is jUst Some little flaw or imperfection in the weaye that causes them to -be thrown •aside. and sold as seconds That mean's a liberal discount otregutar'pric'esi. the of this year. is -,very goad especially in cloths,and napkin.. Toweling Ends. Cloth And Na0kin Seconds. to 5 yahs and Napkh fine ed.at 143 to 14 legs than regular Prices 0 iiany sizes an( duk- l�,, as good Y borders. lengths trom Ili rd4,,.-Ju9t , Just because of ewl. prink xery • with colors iL 5W yards Linen Crash Toweling. -Most of them, quality, iteaflinen, I I qualities, all In. .-, he its if you cut it off the web: If thoy we . re, not Clot is, full bleached. extra ft N� onie 0ght impei,fectfon. If you want a good cloth mill remnants we would have to sell them . at 10 and With a. dozen napkins, and wantto gave rt littlemoney 12je, for the linen ssaW you can buythe'.m at. In buying, get somd. these seconds., lk. 9. n -'tfiu siic wa� of our Trimmed Hats Put it .............. .... .......... .07, .OS and 6­ Towelfng Ends 3 for 260. hardly.mbd tto speak stt h. a en sia It seem o es About hijVe heard every day from dur-costonliers since the .T1111L Mill Remnant Table' Damasks Hundradof short ends of-crAsii Toweling. ho, of the but an echo e words of praise we- -a yard or & little over in each end; Just the, -thing l'or dish towels; special milliners havashown exquisite taste- in the stylish lot of ,cial foellnen sale at 3endsfor.;10 0 About 100.millretrinant., of half bleached table nery opening two weeks ago.. linen. We cannot quote any prices for thein because n, 6es;'are the'. Very ne rich rich there aresb mpny. Lengths run from 1J to 3 yards* Toweling Ends'loce 'turd west and'the In a; .. Towelling - - . . bats they have ed, out this ''season... The sha.. The whole lot goes on -sale Satnr&�'-at pri(,6'9 that mean a saving to buyers of aCleast one quarter of Over one buridrerl:ends of crash 'toweling, 9f to 2J this town or,any other Will not po to -rollet wherever YOU.Mak go h U what is the real value yards in the piece.. Just the i king for -s- or .can and.fa"hionable and. be cut up into small. towels, SpebiAl' for,lineh-kale .19''S.. the -low prices: we.ask.�.- dup'llcatip hats like these anywhere near. Wy 5c. , ' .� 1� . . Stand Covers 25c 5 aed, Ends. 2 i our Plain white dresser covers or with colored' strfpa, Tine`ncVA4,T6,�Velin9j very good weiihi and -- new Trimmed Hats P1 n y,sa.pecialat pe•reoid.._.25. we 1�17 l8x46, for linen sale each..% .................. quality, 5. Satu haVe- We ormore aced 25 yard ends oni day . I . I ces which will surprise show' room (it-, pr,!i 'in Milliner .The -Latest-Models 11 in store will have, a barga-1 for you on Saturday Each. department. in Our fust whereyou ekn� dopend 66 getting always the very latest. 0 uIr r. g means that -'stocks -are replenished every few days; and Haat stream the' seasons latest noyeltie to 'ouf ''Se Print' 5c.' $7650' Raincoats . _�;, p fhiding its, w 75c Dress Goods and see the millInAry we have this season if you are think - 400 yards American Print,- sell- $5,95 t# it is well worthy of a visit. Come whenever- and just as here tot-day� for- 8,0 n4ly need to feel o�liged to b -a' unless you wish, . 'n,,eve1yV pe. y blue, . A, etc., -. guaranteed fast, Just -A half dozen 1'n the lot, lad- eu'r d ar' ' fi I piece each, Black, Xavy� Car- gat y for. ir So ies fine cravenette Raincoats, in dinaJ and Orby Suiting, 6.0 inches fawn and of vie Shades,* re ulalr t to spot, reg $7,50,justsix ABS*wide, guar ""' 10c White, Law, -rc xnteed no, 'for.- 480, -6c yard; ver'CoopeO. in lil-Saturday s' White Victoria ta*a d% A lar 7 t1st"., 't s" 'Week., They'.1, ,I , , .1.. - piece, .74.50 Embroidered Linew 0 M 9i Patte na,_..all. .enc lles -wide, regular 1.00 per 7k Black Taffeta yard,, -Saturday for... Waists s'2'.50. cflannelette 9c. a b argain for some tette: 58co 12 Here", ,I We have a dozen embroideied lin- 601yaidg black Taffeta Silki 20 ins. 5 pieces extra heavy Flannelette eu.Wal.8ts: in, stock which are* not regular 3L) to 1t34 inches wide, regular 10A quite perfent, The regular price is wide, rich glossy, finisli, reg 7L50,ror yard, Stiiiukday for 5801 pe -k Yard, Saturday $4.50, Saturday, y6ur ehoie�$9.30 t1