HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-04, Page 4" u ., 2 F 4 ,-,,,, ""rVrrrW,V d. 11.%VM�, . contoa new*-wrd _...-_.M...... -; ._.- ayleld 13tbA1y ''aarmap springMager "' April 4th: 1711 The angel of death has again been .Mr. and Mrs. Joim• McKinloy of A soaring medicluo is a necwas'ty. opectal An oulcement in our midst and there is� another va- tloshen Line spent Saturday and Sun- ,Naturo demsaida it as an aid to cn.- �1r cant chair, arttathttr home desolat?d by day at ,the keine of tJ,e letter's xnath� rbching the blood and -carrying off the the pass ug of ,a lover one. This timo or, Mrs. John Campbell of MGK�llfap, impurities that havo aecumu.Utan dar- ,j it is Awn Whiddou, son, of Mr. John Mr, Rufus Keye, prgaiifzer for the ins the indoor lit a of the w'l,tpr We have much pleasure In announcing tbat we'have �al4t boagbb Whilddon, who bas departed to tale un G. O• F-, 'iso spendfulq the Kanter lioh- moutlus. Thou'sesuds, of people recon" the stock of Mr, A: Wiiken and have secured hie oervicoe top our seen,worl d, leavingt a gap in the homel flays at his -home on Babylraa Litre. nlze tate ueoesslty, for a, sprung medi- caotom work rand repair department.. , . � . circle and among. lrls associates which Inspector Toms visited Babylonk Lute cine and dose themseli+ s with lia;•th, Mr, Wiiken does not need any introduction ,cont ►,le and the pit will talar time ai long while to #ill,. solu4ol an Thursday of last wee i griping purgatives.. This+• is a mis- character of the work he has been ,riving to the public generAlty' I� was only . in his- nineteenth oar WD t are pleased to report that Mr. takes Ask any doctor and he .will tell speaks for ltse)t, Wr, Wiiken will have .charge of our Custom . and there,wined- .a bri&4t future. he Wm. Keys Sr, of Babylon Line is re- yon, that the use of purgatn;N•a medi-o Work and Repair Department, .tore' lam, but'Ilia Who doeth all th'ings covering from hfs recent iltneks, cines wea,keo tlfe system a201 cannot' Mr. John Derry is well known to the ,public generall . and wit t well has decreed othorwlse. Mado, . Mr. and Mrs. N:atlean Pec of 5g possibly cure eifsease. In the spring, give hfe rittention to our hand sewn ind cripple, ,oboe ctepartmenti was. eidaicated, zn the Public whcHol' n}on eville visited relatives on 090111en systom; needs building up--••lnurgativea wand will ase�lot in our sa;lescoorn, • I here . c .1tiic Clinton Collegiate`' and Babylon Lines one day last Week. weaken. The ,bloom. should be mads - Where ,he •propari d for and passed his Mrs, W, L. Keys of Babylon Line ricah, red and. pure--pufgatives cannot Weare now in a position to reader the. very best service possible matrieukation examination.IiS .ill- spent i> few. ,days a't Easter. •with her I do. this.. What is needed fs a tonfc, in a• Boot and tikes bustnesa. ness: • 6xten jed -over several, MQntnis uncle and aunt•, Mr. and Miss Kin 9- and the • hest toTile science has yet It has always been our Aim to give the public the. Very best class and ovaerythta possible was dolts to sten qt Oakville. devised efg Dr. Williams Pint Pi11s. • Of,shoes .1n. the market and we intend to maintain our. reputation ae • ward od tris grim destroyer, buhi all. Miss Myrtle Cluff from near Ch�isael- '�E:very dose of this mQdicfne actually dealers lit SOI,iO LEATIil7R, crpQDS, ' in vain gull lie sank peacefully to rest hurst is visiting her sister, Vim makes ,new, rich blood, and this now . Under our present arganiza,tlon and wfth.aur immense stook we . on Sunday morning, last: The funeral' Robt. - Rabansoli of Parr Line.. blood strengthens every organ and can give the people, of Clinton the best servioe•ever readers is the ,, tools plaice on Mooday aftermo�n, We' are. sorry .that Mrs. Andrew every part of the body. That is why. . history of the SbooTrade fu plinton, The services were conduohed by the Keys , of Babylon Lfno* is ill al, 1 I Pres- these Pills banish pimples and un- ° family pastor', tlie•Rev, Jdb'n McNeil, ent, •but we hope fox her speedy re• 'sightly skin eruptions. That is why while the pallbearers were t Dr, cov'cry. a they cure headaches, backact'ies, rhes- _ .. - _ Smith, Alex. McLeod, -James Cam, Mr. Bert peck of! Egmondvitle is in tissm, neuralgla, and arhost of other 4 . •exon, Harry Marks, John Bailey .and spending his Darter holidaysa with•re- troubles that come from .poor -watery Archie Armstrong, There were many latives on,Goshen and Babylon Lines. bloou, •That is wb+y the hien and �'I beautiful fiaral offerings, amen tlieni Nr. and• Mrs David•Jotfrn McClinch- women W1lo use Ax. W'illiaaits Pink Fred,111 JaCASOIR a ver hand�Some' wreath from the ey spent Thuxsaia in Bayfield as the y y Pills eat well -and' sleep well and feel young men Of' the' village with whom guests of Mrs, , John ,Da,vi�dson. ! actyve and strong-, -i,YttwMabel' syn- ' -- �- -`• -- ---------` -�- _ • 14lado was` a great favorite. Among Miss L. Blitchell 3s suffering from; nott, Lisle, Ont,, says:-�'''I Was Palo ," ALWAYS RELIABLE -7° t11 those from a -distance who attended erysipelas but we ho to hear of her J` ,,,,, y -hope and weak and suffered greatly' from the funeral were : Mr, W. Whaddon speedy. reeovery. 9 headaohes, and I found jnpthain4 to r - GLI - Mi�ss:es Mary. and Bella Whiddan of . Mrs: D. H: McNaughton. vfsfteti help me until I began taking Dr, Wil- SuCC2SSOr t0 W. Tarlo � So11, NTQN. . • Qederich ; Mr, Jahn AIM; AA of with .Mrs, J.; ' W. Reid one day last (i'iams ]?ipk Pills. These have com= . ), .. Port Credit ; Dr. Brawn of - Ford week. pl�etely ftetwred my health ancT I bless .. .. _ . . r 1. ., H J hn n f I onion sapeat r, . •. vvich, and . Mr. and Mrs. Thornton AL SS a sa a J the ,day I began taking them. , , . . 141ustard of .. Clinton, The 'deep s+ym- Sunday With . hex sister, Mrs.• Albert F B'ut' be 'aero you get the genuine ' �T Goderieh Towashi abb of `the whole' community its ex- Robinson" 11II�Oii News -Record P P . y P.11s full na'mle `'Drp.WiI- _ i nv th the u '• `` /� . tended to the bereaved family: • Mrs. Tone Jolmsap.of • the Nile is liams; Pink Pills,�for�Pala People on NNeN�t•1►N�NrNNti��1N+NON��aNae•;►N#j#"#*" , • rLINTON -°,, ' ONT. Mr, F. H.. Powell has bought what , Captain John Fergusoir left on spendingl thea • Easter week with ;her the 'wrapper ' around each box -ail ' . has laden •known, .as .the "Whitely"' A�-�nday for Cleveland, , parents,. Mx. and Mrs. John Johnson other so-called, pink Trills are fraudu- .�.-.. a ' . farms on 'the 16t'h con. from Mr. Alex. Alfss•Jennie Erwili; why spent the :of Varna• lent' .iimitations. ..Sold, by .medicinte " • . Mr, and Mrs. ' Arthur Stephenson dealers i or ,b mail at 50, cents a bo W. J. MITCHFLt,, Elliott, the Ilarchase. rice being, winter with her sistar id. , Midland., Y P anal. twa children spent Easter at Editor and' Proprietor, Mich. 'returned halve last week, or six bases far $2,6.p from The 1)r,. -Y .. . $3,000, It -consists of 80 acres anu + +,i clic the Lannon i �ttfng friends. Williams Medicine Co.,CaBrockville, Ea' �'pl ` `' adjaips Mr, . Pawell's own: place so . Mrs. John Fraser is spc g Miss Lily Dunkin is spending a, few Ont. Sh .op ng . e.re .� Laster week with her brother, Dr, wceks.w'th friends in McGillivray. e •� ' tha;tilte-.`new has a find farm.of. 1:.0 ' H , Summerhill` .Elliott of•Lucknow.. ® < acres, well -located, He. intdlids •hiak- „ • Mr; Herb, Dunkin, ' 'who has been ,. . Miss Jessie Biggar, o'.f Barri'e is visiting, friends in McGillivray, return., . Bliss Petrie, ,the ,cooker .of .ourtac- 9hig-a nuIII.* ..,af improvements, �a home on a visit• ed home last Monday. I - ALL GOODS MARKED. Lha PLAIN P West, Tuckiarsmith adomy, Js enjoying her.. holidays at ,that+ thher home near .,e-comin .,season will be' a busy Mr. •and Mrs., VOalter Buchan of Dur Mx. and Mrs.' D. L. 1VTcNa1-19 Td . Leslie Crich• of Stratford. : . R RICEaS ... - Pont on __ Miss .Jennie Mains, who•.has charge. v Mrs. ',Dr:i �Voads this week. near Biucefield. � � Vail anything is .want,ed in Hardware Tinware. Mr J. Edgar Crook n his sister, ( � ' I er •holidays 'at ]pis hooiiie here. y �, , . of a school _n' Stanley, is hems for 1✓. g. s and is ,,• -Miss Minerva; Stephenson of the Miss Minnie Elcaa`t of .Alma Ladies • Mira Uretto. J: Croaks o1 Linwood ::, 14Trs. (rin. _�_ }` i>ght. ` or Tottejibj ti , • Graniteware, -Wire (goods,. Plated' ware, Woodenware • � the hroltdays• is vns7timg her parents : Mr. Sana' Mrs. Parr.• Line. has been visitang with College,: St, Thomas, :s, home •for tha Fi'1 O 1' 1 • ' b }. J' Goshen Priv s. • 141r. J. W. IIlll . has been visiting ,were guests of their uncle; : Mr. w.. a O r and war Varn sh Stains ar � aEnamels 'Mixed friends in Eastern' Ontario Ga sweet. 9p holidays. Crooks float, Fri t Tuesdpy_, Miss Ella J has f T i on a hoxm' 1 + { r .y y Y pp g • - ! nano . Airs. L,, Clarlra and Miss Mabel T • . Paints :>Jtc. you can save -money b ` sets m here." ague, we, belim-e. We .leave heard 'tabs, Mr, Jaiites - lVir 13ilford_MeLeari and Miss Edith o o' o t! a i - Clarke have been visiting with Mrs. is. dialfdaying: at home. All foods possible are d Splayed on tables and mark-. Mr. James white of Callioxne spent Smith, the auctioneer; has bough 4G Falconer of Godericli-Spentl --Sunday -J: Watsonf the-theLine...- P Tlie • man friends: of Mr. Thos. Sunda in our villa acres e�f.:the Craig, farm ate thq earner. • the guests of the ratter's parents Mr. a rl.e end Mr. Johnnie + - Y -- - _- _ - ed iIl Filain, figures: . . Y and Alrs.• J, F lcontr: Miss Kane Pa O Brien are •sorry to. hear -that his of the 16th con.. and the Ba fiend , . a a list -t0 hand ear _of ,Cleveland high. carbon 2. Sacrament of the Lords Supper h . , e 0 Y Barolay spelntl E,astei ata Watford at, , at present` vety., low with, no hope �)t ' a_ - Road the, pi. a li`eiln ,• :$2, 0Q There Mr. ' J.. W,arsell spent Goad Friday. _. step coiled s riri :`,vire, • was administered in St. Peter's ':. tris risme of i-lr; R. Mcliveen. clvurch last Sunda The vestry aro no liuildiitgs on the place. of bis hdmc• at Goeierfcia.. - ' tees}aZy, p. g. Y Y i , ;g . 'a ;` ' , _ _`. - Mrs. Geo. 'Turner `• olid dattgiltpe Z We,have a pre oration' that. is F just elle -thin foJ" meeting, was held on Wednesday coven Mr,-,Jgseph Calclquoh of th : i i,>I Mr. Alex.' 1VI-stein who has' been vis- 1jIattie are s shalt Easter with. '�' g in of this•wceli, comp. has bought •figs farnr'whicli A'r. .itin his sister, A'Irs P. C m 11 t to S. ' no Z• �w'hitewashing .poultry lipuses OI cellons,• free for` t 1e g g. , a pbe 1 g' Chatham'�friend' . Geer FIolland traded' fors .bei Eif,trd Hillsgreen Mr. Gcargo B. Hanley, County .. a past .two weeks •le'ft for his home at - • Miss Cara Rowcliii`e. s ent last•week' a°king. ' Master of South Huron Coun '' Or- farm near Holmesl ille, they px,ce ,.being , Toronto n Tuesday, ' 14Ir:' Ira c Hudson d the Parr Linc P - I �: $4,909. The. buildings are good ,cud o .o y, a o the.. guest:, a#"her' bxotlter Mr. Phil. snags Lodge, visited No), 028 on, Man Bliss Ethr l � Al, -s vvho teas been just norhh of this'village, :has •dfe�pos Roweliffe af. Clinton. - -� -=-� day evening. IIs was accom anted h the place in' excellent .shape for IVlr.: a - ed of his farm of 12,5: acres 1 hiss .1. P y spendin the winter at. Obciliti,. Kant Mr. Trios nlland is an ,pnduutrio.us and tip• la- _ Ma bar} of Clinton..Clinton•. .. . , ..: i h Aiidibw:.,-Love the rice . . ne b r Mr p ag sas, returned •hems on,Saturday. .She g.. o , + . - • Several .of our farmers .have started d'atre farmer. ; . .. . > bean ^ _ .�_"" .,HARLAND� xr,•::•,,.-.. Miss Ha tie Trick is. homwirom or::. was accompanied by her brother,-l4Tr, i;-$o,c00• This makes. Mr: Lotus's : ' Mc.Ki1lo .TOwnshi to plow. Harr M 'rks of., Colorado S rin' s -farm eonsis.t � of 226: ac,xes,�o'P,ohoice; P P :.. Miss Ma ie McLain kiln o Lead- of .the southern counties where %she Y• a_ P . g •+ - . _ Mag g if -- Co, or, la'- , Mien nary sexnions were gives,. at--.ctTOYES AND, . HARDWARE. bury is vision at 14Tr. T per's:' ' liar been .toaoharig, school, . Shst.,et,i,.ns - r: Joint Turns of•'the Parr Line. Ing Y .Mrs: D. Harrison. and Ahrs:. Joshes • : M r th'e thre _ appoaaitmervts in -Walton cin- . Miss Lizzie: Garter spent Sunda at egair. after the Easter Adlidays. has saki. to Mr: Bucfianain. of%Ht�all 'cult 1 t. ' t Y ass bba h... Buchanan of Ggderiali spcnt.Sunday • . L. N���N�NNe•�N�N��N��NeNN�N�N��NNNN► . her home here. Mi', George I3o11akiui..was to the I,pr- one of the. finest tworyear-did colts.- 'Rev. Mr. cistron of Bl civ was .. rie" district . I>',s,t- week -on bust ansa: in :the village.- , Y,' Miss Lily Butts has gone to Chat- ; , that has ever,•left .this. district. The the reaober. -- -__ _ .. _.. -- r-._ • . harm for medical treatment. He has nqt •yet moved to the Elford ,..Miss Lizzie Ferguson of ,•To2ontoi is 225'. ' Mr.. Buchanan p .I. visituu her an price pafd -was . .$ a NIrs. Zeemtug, who was. quite ill,_ Miss Woop of S. No. 19%is kbit- farin'at Holmesvflle whictx. het Yec.ntiy. .. encs Mr. and:'.Mrs. has a -mate for him and will, stow halve.. ' dayin at her home an the Bayfield acquired, bane 'expects to do so in:, a..Johsi.., Fergnison tins week. has recovered. • •tMM4 g Y • .: a teals.• that he need natl: be .aslramrd.' lVI . Lime G i few days. Still retains, •dui ,80 a. i e 1Lliss Nellie Bt rt left on •Thur; I.wraps` and, mcasl are. prevalent : oder ch township. Y •. , , gga. of in any show rin . -This fines colt among Alie' younger p `ple. `Ve wish _ . ,,• Mr. R. G. Reid of the township . of lost an• the .11th:conk.; which he will 'ir,•, day to vhilt frienc'rs at Barrie. was bred : from BraVe Bo tate', ro -' .,� P + .,, Y, P P elf atiicted a speedy rec cry. . • Stanley visited friends in and about vote .o hay and pasture, . 'We have Mrs: -William ,Elliott xs visttintg to • est . of Mr: Snell of :near Clinton. -vm: %Iolmes .fins herr lit a farm. of the village op Sunda Never saw heard that, Mr.•'.11ollatA intends o;n Detroit. Chas week. Y t , IS MP01:Irag Y t; a Mxs, Coates., on , the L'eadll y . Erne. ` ,.-t 1., hien looking better. • ' somewhat .extensfvelp ;nate sheep •;uta . Mr•. '1'. H. Brownlee rinci .al' of the . „ .. tie Mrs, Coates ibte ds . `o - On Thursda last ,torr and Albert in is partialit . is', for Oxfort'e ' .principal' 1Ve heart t g Y Y g M y Publi c School and Miss Flossie Stan= Blyth.'.. in to .reside in. Brussels; Wallace left for Naith • Baattlefolyd, Dawns:' % bury, assistant, Are.,both. in Toronto Berman Slebert lies, engaged o • . Sark, Will! he much pleased. to Bear Thos. J. Coo er son of • Mr. Gen: trials' weer:. - - Mr. and Mis.. Frank: Bennett hay. p Coop4r, work for Findlay McIntosh for th of them loin well on the broad' A. Cooper,. has far the Vast. seven , gane 'to. Cornwall whtra _ he .figs : '.�e- a . " . g P . ,. P , _ Messrs : Alec. IvibLeod principal of $easan; Slebert is a -'goad, 'Than 'at , cured a : situai>_on. i.. _ To ' have a -de • end.able ' -- prairies. P Y Zurich Puiblic school , and Joitnes . � . #arm .work. . p ....years been located in .the reit • and p. r ' eyed . nt . Mr. Albert Townshend • eras rented..thriwin !town of,Ktillarne Man,. and. Mr, JosePli_ Carter has m i. a i sc is in thesi3 .artslamd - -. _. ._ Y, , . ; Cameron' of .No(. 3 , :flay . are both t tiaw s a .e p . . • �. Iver ..hack., flee farm belttivaing to. Mr. T..1. Mux- nearly, all..tiiat time, he baa: ;been. • to the residences .across the r .w ulte a number a_re be`ddin 1. their spend, their lialtdays under the pair- 9 ., g - "{ h of Clinton: and later occupied b :the em to f 111 W.: C wan• who he' iebentl purchased from' ;Mrs.. +I: P Y Y P Y. .t - p y . o r o ental tools. Y , __ retook with. sawdust from the dffte.. 1. %Mr. Ed. Jordan and is now,; in pos,- .owns the ' larger of the, two, T.:Carter. ,, . g ; `saw.mills: session. H is ens fell Miss .Lenny Erwin -left on: Thursday .. 11, • He a genial ow and a „stables tlierc. Tom looked .after .t11ie, „ , . • Our S rin Sfiow was' Held ori Tues, There wvlll :be -a good deal of Easter. p p t or Barrie hospital, where rho �.a �;;. ' good neighaitar so we are glad to. wel draying end of tit unfUl ;w iiiotyth ,ago last' f i a day'with. a good attendanoe.. Some. visiting, If, the • plerassnt . weather' w' �' came him into our midst. Fd'r the when,he "bon liti the •oautfii -nrid biusi leas .gone in bran I as a nurse.. , g excellent horses � and . Cattle were , are now gettvng� conhinue� a' few days,.. � piast year or so.•he has bees'laving in iuess aiiai�is now runrfiin 'ft o. ltfs.ow I ' ,Mrs''. Green spent ' the .past week" - d We g . on exhibition; Tory. . -u ., That s .the kin balmy Bayfield.. , , accauixt. He ,has a s tlenld�id air, of visiting Iter. daughters .at Detroit.' • - - - .•h - p, G. H.. Hewson • 'n Toronto • lye understand Alt. John Bloor '•has ` /,�, . -kee .: y Mrs. J. H. Lowery entertained. the matched Percherotrs 1which:' :he would was i o onto a" __ �_ - - W you a purchased and taken possession•; of Mr. " p Le_t tats rho choir of Ebenezer -church on Friday rias, p -art with for ar.::cenlU less than few days. fh,.7ast week on bausiness. p . , , , W. fLdberts6n's baler shed restaur Tire British rIause of Commons yes=k evening last. Mies Nara . Fe uWn left last week y them and uote rices. g $ti00:.Tuan is an industrious young; ants• H is so well. -known here `tihat. Aerday ratified -the Hong .Kong mai, q • p. iVIiss Lily Edmansom of ,Clinton was an nd h 1i is.d in ell is not for Brantford'.ta spend a few weeks o c c r c with. the Canadian' Pacific . y tr a tat e o a; vy a we"are sync he will get a good 'sharp q t a t . w.4q . home for Sunday crone duan We .all .ex •ec d, , with her • sister; 1VMrs. Rhynas. . n1.aalwa Com an . 1, y., p y . a. Mr: ,F;. ,A. Edwards. spent': a few o -f .the patrons- of the -public, Loroo Cantelon, son of. Mr. , Albjart . days at London the past tiveelr.. Early Saturday 'moaning. the angel ::Cantelon, spent his. - Easier holidays . - l " . ; c Alr. Joint Fraser" has itnally : decided of death entered the peaceful hones . -�� ,C(- I.NTE. Porters Ihi1 ;at the old homestead auxd� has sine . , • to retire front busialess an$ is offering. and took away the eldest ran of Mr. • ,. . returned to Torhnto. Junction wheree' bIr. -George. Vaniterbur h intends his entire stock, at prices which must Eaton. The .remains .were taken �o• `� e . . I... .. ­.­­ . R�� '� ­ . g g . he pas a.' goad si;Ima I n. starting his peddling wa next ele : quiclrly' el,:spdse. of it..Mr. Fraser is Arthur on• Monday .for interement. g P g ,gon wx ; . xo ,al JEWELLER Clinton ,> ,:On t oes our if take raatds scala weather, permit. 7.'h:e , Gadexiclii tx' y�•. •car- . a . worthy man and a good citizen. ami The -parents hav''� the s'gmpathy' of the + I. .. . + • Mr. and Mrs. Afbe Adair ..and lot Chapter wille in th,. hall of we will.be sorry -to . have . him leave community- p• L. O.' L.., loin, aro the14th stir ,vilrla e bwt. be will in all nabob- wihMeVdaughter of London are vi fting at '2, g . P •The annual vestry •meeting of .Txin- h�Mi+ :r. c i ' of April, . at o.ack. lZ,:..III. Initia-. fifty `engage. in.; •Mission work in colli-. i n. Monday ver- . . I. M S. M Pha I s, .. ity ohuagch was . d o , y c Heart Be.at tioiL af; caiidrdates, ettt:, requires .the' neetiom with the Presbyterian Qhuroh. Mr. Wm. R. Mains of livron is vis- Y ing. with a, good attendance of the11 attendance 'oi ;all members util visit- He. has alread labored in, that `field T. ' , . 'iting at Mr. John Coxs..' • : Y, members• Messrs: Metcalfe and . Ing Compantatis. aatril with, sucbess that .his serve- Miss Sarah Start oir d4rie_s Cross• Coaad were,.anpainted wardens and, F. ♦ .. .. { 44 ' ing is visiting her sister, Mrs.. O..W..' Bliss Caotelon of the:. 7th conte, 0. q Metcalfe was. shasen as ,the represent- � . .. . y . --J B. TIU(�VER. NELSOhi DAC�L' Potter. returned on Tu from a few he A aril .in.ttin of ,the Warrens ative't+o the -s nod: Does a fiend out sod blood •1. tlIiss Persil LiniTsag- spec Sunday days visit with 'friepds in sited about* Institute will be held .on T.hursaay• On A'bbla'y Mr;,ad,6 Mrs. J. -T:; orbad•blood? You know fore - under the parental roof. Lucknow. afteincon next al ` the residence, of Carter left for Miuilaiixl where they . food .blood is' ¢sod health, Nearly every person you see these , •Mrs.. James,. Campbell.. • The ' selbject iptenld making . ,their home fou tike p, . iVlr. and Alrs. t R. H. Dlliott.anrl -- .� • are AS�UC1t : 01 days is complaining of having• a cold. for discussion is a very, timely one, future: bad blood, bad health: _ And A Misr,Phy�salfs May Hanley ,attended Miss Kate Maedbugall is. on, the the re -,inion of the Wilsons fa .il in ".Gardening' , in- which every person Mr. William Jo4instone hast a,boit, •1/Oi! Know precisely what to, . sick Rist at preselrt. Godericif on Easter. Amo those is interested. comp4eted Arran' emeh fs for ,embarkli y . ' We are sort to hear that Mrs. R.. g take :for .bad blood --A er s ..' Y present were : Miss Wilson from Har . Beacom is on+ the sick list. .Her. p " in the butchering Lusiness; even t.i the . .. � niter. Satrs»ip>zrllla. Doctors have r lock,'. Mr. and Mrs, Harry 1Gallond ��" `"� �`-" laying in a large supply of ice. He . daughter, Mrs•. Adam cantelon, is endorsed it for 60 .ears. waiting r. her. and Miss,Pearl.Wilsan'.of . Guelph, A has;' liowever, changed his .mind and g a e - �Ioltnesville :.> . .. vzr pleasant tithe I ,epox d - . has disposed of itis stook of ice to Mr., ons! produe setb.dbi.onl.r.io l,k OR the last month we ,hive...Been fitting .our:. : Mis9 Erna Whatley iSi vi?atan61, keit 5 .. " u er; Trui:proauee.ccn.cipre+on, leY000na a. /� . , 1E#etfron,.who, was very. well satisfied eubrteneeat►tethen.aMsor mtir.>,,, store up with good, relabl and U to elate cousin,. Miss Hazel. Maodon'ald. We are sorry,to hear. of the deatli Air.. A. J. Cowrtice was in London � �� it to d 1ius1 be rid of o luYteedocberp�reino�edtro bod)r y p- lIx. Bert Young spenlr Easter visit- met Mfch, 8 Mrs, .Eliza Davi ui'cliasiii . o x an t P- .. nature intended. ria the ba, ei. op.>~ Furniture for >th'e S rin trade,Ve have bee g , iii Calw. , , o purchasing, :his spring, owtfit ,duxinn trsth'tir.r•�r!».rnrerphi'.. euwstable, position. p ing friends fit Colborne. idson,, sister df, , Mr. ` Jo1in •bantClon;ttte holidays. C&efU ing It buy O inn ' � 1 in, select sand zx the best ter' Miss Viola Bennett has, elle measles and •neice of: Mr.. John McCartney of Mr, Will Pickard spent the holiday9 xi°obaiw °.d:''„l..M Zf"''�"' os able therefore you. need not hesitate to .nooks at .her aunt's in Colborne and. i5 not Holmes"lle. She was a • daughter of with his .mother .in London.'. P HAIR VISM p i y % ' able to come l;�me at present:. Mr. Arthur Cin'telon of Blythl aster Miss• Annie Swan of. Dashwood is A?, housseau• was struck by a AauB WRL _ your purchases here.' , hIr. A. F. -Jahns is spencili .. Easter Grand Trunk train, at Vaudreull Yers ty0my pw tu- .. . passed away .on Saturday last aged spcndiiiig .the, Holidays at her. home. holidays under the parental roof in, thirty-eight years,. Air, tiVm:'St'anley, spervt part of the Sttitfoln, ,Brown fifty feet. and klllezl. PICTURE FI�AI'II1VG.done prolriliiptly . Tuckers holidays in Toronto . visiting bis son .,. " ' = •- .. J , and, neatly. . Master and Harslet. Bates " _---- Feed. enc faittily, and also Miss, ter of • i, ang tlfe Easter tie, r eNeNeolNeN�eNN�Nee /NONeeNe�eN . *#" . . $la#se ave . and Mr.-. McKenzie of Goiter •e It ing alsQ spent .Good 1;'.ritlay' with l.er p 1 j� n �i T 4 tew� The mare that wear' sold. by Mr, ' mother.riog,To'rV l S .__ H O V ,-.1 R W B A L „ • April --,__4. riser Fiilber of Zuriclu to AIr. John Siyar-° Dr, Hotix►es' and .wits elf T)etxoat g- '`" *. p. owof Varna, was raiseit by Mi. T1108; were tite guests of his mother' dsiring. . L. • . ht or day kettle, of this lace wits still owns a en . . • p the toaster holidays.. '�-'`-�"-moi tidertak ng Cas e o nig r dant. m[r. Shcrrttt raises nothing Air. Lea Brown 'of Toronto is' vistty During January and lrebruarq the Clinton Boniness College had Ftii++41' 1+++++++♦+++�-F++F+' i1` ��"Ff - +1 the bests in light horses. He re- ing his fabher anal ntosthher. wentq=five times as many calls for Stenographers; Talegrapners, Book . . refused $300 for a,three-year- We .understand that Air. George Melt- A'"' 0.0 re, and College Teachers as we had gra nates to 4enti•I L.WINS .. . e • , At"eridance is always smallest during April, May and June, cerise• - . +d by;fiexast Jack, thtt pry- butt has'purchatsed the -sten froth' tar,. gezitly each student sets more indtviduul attention. 'plats ig the host - Alex, Innes of near'Clin1- Joe Jervis''that, lie lives on. + 1#°++1++#1"++#+++##+�+1+#+++++++++ii+ �erm:oi the Year fns' the student, .} 'ver promIgo of .being ' Mr. " A. J, Courtice Ivav called tri 'Learn cif; t'he success of our graduated -by sending for a htindgamd + tt also epld a iasis illness s,t his sister. x Taran Wi O ekes sous h J is' of his sis received Gl►+a tel- est atb • Beat the Actval I�usiness S Advertisers. And. 'that It aiseft yr g g -, l di! I � School in bntano'i. . eezv'far a Li ,lviE,onday antiouneing tris tieat11 • ,r'7 he 1$ackward" br "rusty„ Peel at home with us its each htuAent + a goo.- ac- of h er iii A2irhigaii. I , inatructed at his own desk b a - ainstakin sympathotic teacher. 11 l ltas� lyC I,lfor # g V Y 8 L s ° to use the: colum, ns of raduhtes daraiiteod situations, neer any time- :.I in it.i0 . „. C MH"TOfiI `BUSINESS' COLLEGE , , T ic, News Jteeoi�+ . Geo, tlspnoN, 1'.> ,.Bated• With WinghAtil Midnen Collcge,l PAIN610M4 oN��N�1►oN♦N�loo�o+*"#*00*4*4io*446+ 0 �io� i++++++++++++f•�'�4:+++++++++i++++'f++++++#+#t+ . � .• ` lzl f '• ' G _ : 1: •• ,