HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-04-04, Page 2MIA.
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April 406
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t * 0 .0+1++++++++++++++++++++f4l+ # 4+++,O t t 0 4 0 # # # 4 I #"*4 #"##***"""# . . . *+"",*q,"###*##*4"** . I �
I . � .- Among the Easter vleltors ,were . I Spring Allmer .�
Once, you, were robust, brigift and I I .
. Clorrigan, Frank Thompson, 3ack ,
1, �, iwtol,41 " McKenzie, from Toronto; Tfie . News - From Goderich , worried, 'Pimples, boil#, oo" SO* .".1
, , I
. I '%10 ice Hayev, Blorat Mr. Jack . �%jty and appearance. eruptions, kw of appowAR, . -'�j
I 11
I 11, Mlssr or . failing In vita tbai OX44 .
. I - .. . - I ... "
. . I Clark, Palmerston. , ELOISE A. $KIPIMINOS, Correspondent ,. Just when you'ehould be at, your best feeling, fits of bilk9wom, hwolopia 41.!�
� W A� I .11 1). Mr. chits Patmote, for ten years you'n, playe(I out and. tized a cleaus- ond headache, irtre soine, of them. .. I
. I
- - - ' - foreman for Mr, Thos. Lawrence, left L I iqg,, braclv��. torde. Yonr blwd will �- They arel�oll 17441091ly and Per"- "I
I �' I 11 ;
moommom __ .. I L I 111111111111111111PIPMOM I with his family oil Thursday for Frank, **",, #*"+#"#_"+##" 0 0 4 0 $0 0 0 6#40#+". +"*"*** sooik redden', your v1,�#acIQ11$ Writ neatly cured by Hood's. Sanaparillo6 �.,�,
%"-L �_ e. " 1, ,, �1." . I , !" � 1- I � L 1 ' L I I .. � , *" # ",# . .
- Alta, - - will soov roturli,. you'll be yourself *- .1
+ . w � Miss Elia NOtatli, teacher. Toronto, ' Tbefutteral of the Into -Mrs. Mary This. gr.e,Ab medicine thoroughly 'A
, + gain, 1,1 you regulate the. system with cleanses the'blood and restores healthy, !,,
�, Mr. George Got -don, who has driven- is at her home, Bayfield Road, for the. Hannah Welch took place on M()jjday' .,
a. butcher enit bore for twerity-fivo Easter vacation. � I March 25th fronithe re$ � - , Dr. Hamilton's Fills. A truly won, ju�uctlea4l activity 1:, "
, WL . Ider,ce of her , to g* whole syeAmu I
experlew ce.0" operat,�o o thank our kind friends hrotber-in,law, Mr. R I)el-t
� ': . : - years, basidloposed of hit; business and e have t � 9 youm 'derful medicine. It searches out dis- ,
. , 1, . t it makes people well. - I �
. I will join ills family in Winnipeg. mr at ','Burnside Farm" for a witch prized Rev. Mr. Grahatu offifitiat,ed M ease, positively drives away headache, ,, .
I .
I 1! Roh�. Elliott for some timo Tot edrav R &step gift, hollseand at Colhornecemetery Dor- r I haVe used two Wtleo of SOW* 11a%. . �
. orsvid Pantsq KnIckw business here. also leaves with hie fain- On Good Friday we recelve'd ourgift I t). wearinesi, and lack of i I
. . , , 9 the service, all. sang "Asteep in Jea. (I - ' ogpitrIlla this sprIxW and bay*,, g*t q gp#.
, + , 11 y for the West on Toenday next. . of 01hot, cross butis" which were exceed- tis" and "Nearer My Qod To Thee" 01), '1ve Y' ,N, 7
- .- , I . , I ourself a cb,anc, Jse Dr. Ho=. deal ot relief out ot them. I bame beau 1,
.. . ' iltOu's Pills -d watch the result. ' . . ...
I . ugly tasty. the casko.t wet e laid many floritt * tri, ,an , troubled with bIllotionetis, but lfootllo lism ,.IN
. ors and'Overalls. . I 'r L � . A meeting of the light and water butes, among theirt being a casket tio. Sold eViery,,,Yhere lit 925c boxes.
. . I .. . I . . -Won lictraday last -( I completely cured rae.11 J). 41. 0AX0110010, L
. I . � . colnuii� was bold on T Itiet of yellosvioses front the L,tdiesl � .
� . I . . N Se4forth.' weelk.-AA which, anion& other important ,d of -Victoria street Methodist -.-- ____.... 043 Antoine 13ttoet�UontreAlIql3w. Get
.1 . gighest Wages Paid. � . ' aff8ird of the hour, tile secretary was clitirch of which dece4ned lady %vas a- - . � . I I " -, .
- r � , . . The annual Easter* entertainment requested to ask Engineer J. Grant faithfill roeirt ber; A casket cases of smallpox have Hood's Sa patill L ". ..
I . . �oquet of Three mp�e . . . rso . 10 j
. gkven by the Methodist Sunday school ItAcQrego e 0. P. R. 9 off to at- carnat Ions, the ttibute (it the W. O,T, been discoivered at Or .
A#% I . . I r of th t neida � .�
. - w1kSLon . . 100 4Q$QfJL One
Venstaw Emplotiment, o which in point tendrtbe next meeting, As so' much U., and pt,etty buil(thes of flowers from Sold everywhere, , d011ari. . ,
. . � . prigend . � . ..
. . I r surpassed adIrtbing of the kind held dissatisfa4lon has betm . . or ed Mesdames J.1i. Williams. Abrohnin I - ) I
� I . I here for'some years. The Church WRB aMOLng our citizens arvent the annoym; $With, J.. Brophy, and the Mis es Wat. - 4t
, - . I I I . L .. . . .., , , . .A . , - I to suffer for So L . ce . 0 - . . . .
1. . . . , A$ " filled to the doors with an enthusiastic ance thaT have had soii And others. The pallbearers were . . I .
. � L . . 1� , L . I Ladies ! TaL Miller's, CompounJ A
. � . . . . find appreciative audience. The prn. long by he litefficiency of both $up- ,All friends of the family And usemberar Iron. Pills if you would hays,% nice cl*ag Mr. '11'. A. PQtvIu, was nomiria. "
. r - ,
,+I.. I I
� r I gra in, I . .� . cUrCh :r Messi a, J H. complexiont. For sale In, Clinton. by for the Commoas by...t#LC ConoervXtiVL .
. inder the direction of Miss Amy plies, OfViCt01iAStPeetL 'r
� S � C .. L. Doty of 6I.,ondon, was one of rare Mrs. J. Be4ford left 9n Saturday to Edwards, James 'Horney, WiRl, Me, N,V r A, McConnell, druggist. - n I
' , . I . .
. I . L Ut . LL inei itand of unique character. Itcor). visit. relatives In Hamilto_ L and B1 all - - . , es of Kamouraska.
. � .. . .Q t Vittie, Robert Elliott and Dan Buch. . ff ,
. . sisted of recitations, songs, chornses ford. . I anan, Mrs. Welch was born !it OuVn- . . . . .
, . 1. .
I . (T . . I and fancy drills, in -which one hun-: Frank Dunlop and Herbert Orr left- wall, JEngland, In IM and cattle to r . I " , I
+ I 0 , � 0 - 00 . , I died and twenty took part. Will �last week to prospect in Regina. � this0anadA of oure with her parents I . . , ' I \� I
+ .. I .1 the numb�rs were good, special n- ach, who was ill at his wilp first settled at Pol-t H 1 - - " - '- I . __ ng- L' ' : ''I �
I .
+ . _ , v ,� h4bra,te & _ t To "LL U1 I r 6fL foVer, bit$ . � . ope and was D ung ann. o n . . . . I . 1. � - I., ' . I �� I I
.. .. - - � . '. _ . � - � -'' "" . " -, - r- 'L ;- - - . 'r - `r -ied lq . ' A Warni
� should be made of "rho Snow. hom&-in Milverton re- ma -t that town tbirty-five years , . . ,
. I . .. . I L . - . . flakes," a chorus and drill g ��iktle tripped to flit his position in L the SOV.� ago, M r. and Mr. Welch catin . S, Ifinis. . returned to I his'llome Ill ;
. . I -T__--WUe-,4,so a nijlio erelen Ban k. e to Hawtrey,.last . week. - + W.�, !
__ . girls all dt 6siiid in w . - T L Dungannon where Mr. Welch died. TO THOUSAND OF LADIE'S . ..
. , � '
. + I r Seafort.h. I . . ... I of W* Miss Lily Smith is spending qu le w , , I '�'�� ',
I L . L . tary march and eborus. by 24 young Mr, R. Huddle late. alkertou .Ther parents of Mrs. Wel'ch settled oin . .
.. . � � . I... . r .... I ... men dressed as volunteers. T . he sym-, and it former graduate of J. W. Smitb's the form 1 k ow USE PACKAGE DYES. .
I . . ., n Colborne and'died there days, at. her home in L,.n n . .
+ . I . L . +++++� bol morch, representing Across, anchor bakery let$, on .Saturday for Anti Ar. some years ago. Col. Varcoe, o
, . � r � . no of Walkom�'s - and Elliott�s milliner .1 ' -
+ 4+ 4 4 0 0 +++4-+ �+++++*44 4-# # * # # 1, 1L I 1 1 . and hearb.. as well as , �Ihei 6kepcise, bor, Rich,; -witere he. has.accepted a their sons inbopike . . Ly Ther.Wil s & RI-olfarAsoni Co., LixiAt � ,
. . I - . -r I
I . the place. Another opqrlings axe being held this week . turers of the�
- I
I I .. I + . ,t6Garland the Cross,", w;�re very bdau- position in-It'llakery. While here be son, Win, Varcoe, resides in California I eq, of Montreal,- manufac
. I . . ' t1fol. The proceeilis atpounted waboi r F r W. Sproul and wife itttLmded the Worl, r
L - ' - lt spent0oo I . r :
I r d Friday with his sister, Mrs. ..Or ab&lf reentury .Mrs, _Welch� has K -lamed DIAMOND DtMw.ouldt
� . . .. 1, . . . . . - L ,- I Fred Stokes.' Before leaving Walker- 6ein a. member of. the, Methodist : fu;nl,,raL I of AlrS. r. 'WeiCh. in, Godex4ch oik speciaaly ,*ara, a 11 usairs of DIA- '
. . � I eighty ClQllapis. . . I
. r
I. � . r
. . . . . . . . . I - . - , .. . V ton his companions presented. him church and while she resided at Don- � Monda,y la-�Pt, Mrs, Welch.was af or�e IVIOND-PYE S that . �,N,
. . ' Vote(f in favor L - . '' L . - address an gold . . . I they have not the�
' . d valuable gannon she ministered unto insaiy pex- time a resident of tlitits plaoe.- ' ' -ion witri any firm or
TAKE RIVAL HERB' TABLETS Deperonto ratepayers I L with an I .
. . I . 1. 1. . 1. . watch. Walt . L ' sons wildwereill.p .In -the whitei of We axe glad to r,eport -that Mrs. H. slightest canneot .
FOR .STOMACH, 1-IVEA, � of ..m.unicipaL_.ownersb1p of the watPr .. . . ,c6mbination .O� people who
I . 1. a . 4 . I . Mrs. ers has had a ]Long holiday 100'showasinl,o4Angelts, beitig .of. M. Duit -is on the way to recovery. - L axe now,
'KIDNEYS AND FOR QL- , an6r gas plants. - I . - late years At great suffero� from rheu� , manufa ' 1)l.n&�we&ki0uJt_ ,.
� � � with her broken wti6t; ib being sornin I . cturing �� I
9ANING,THE BLOOD. 'FOU � Iroquo' . 'r5itst Wawanosh. " ed as well. .This is the eighth week of matism ,She has been ,ndtiposed, for'some I
is :was visited by a 'fire that . . I � . She loved the beautiful land . . I I I eritol And wo=package dyes - - - -- -
NELL destroyed $40,0Q0 ;wo'rtb of propirty. 0 Iter inability to use it. . She is now time, - ,, . . . 0 .
SALE BY *.'A. McCON - rordGri Wightman -o� - Go"derich ' I , . of flowers but she suffered as much . . . The manufacturefs of DIATAON EF . -
' -
CLINTON.- WHOLE . SALE The Right Hon. Janaes; Bryce and 1. . I ,S thinking of keeping a, boarding house. pain there as she did Rit lidine. , Last Our painters and paper angers are ,DytS for their own interests, and I
� y spending a couple _of - weeks wi-th Mrs. ldcCiiuleyof the, Nelson street . -lent, an 'ev-idence that . I ' L
FROM THE, RIVAL HERB -Mrs, Brycc� arrivied in 0'.ta*a ester� fr,en,(SG L .. � .. . I winter,she seemed' to fail, renialiflog very Ittisy ii,tpre� . for tbiD welfare and vrotection of the,
. - � day.- . . . I . arourid Westfield. I I .boarding houst,has removed to o'bouse mu6b 9t home, hub no fears %V�re eo - housej,_cIe.AninF, time has argain, arrived. ladies of: Cana%.,L, find. it,no ' .. -
AR INE. )� In the Goldthorpe Row, Cambria Road tertaine7d by her,sister, Urs. Young &-I � cessary to
� . . .)
� I � . . L . . . Miss MinnieMitobell of Col-bortlB, is 'd . h
. . . . . . . Vr. 1-1. Deacon lost a iine horse last MlssZ,Spence lathe guest of her ,Ai; to a faial termination. She.%vasal. - . I L. .-uce - -ated 'by- i,
, . . .. I I L eno th6 reports ciTcul " , i
. I - . I 9 S .
I y. Marltoi!,, ways read st an . i " - I
- I � I I . - -s. Henr at 'present visiting h�ir sister, M:s. maker of common aad immi tJ46.,1.
I . . . . 1. . . I Areek; only . a short -time ,before, he grandmother, Mi 1. L y here 1:0 assi, y silfferi . I .. . . tai .. .,
I . I . the past month. I . I . persons whom i kilo " E3d. Miderson. -,. 4,__
. he mAk have wit I . . iTyes tPat their products are pit �'.
' bad refNSed $170'.6c the, animal. . ' , . . . � ' ,� D - . . tr up .
I . I Sontepeople have seNsrn their sun- needed,a'friend. . � . - I until'.n, teacher '
. . _. Miss Ili S. S. No. 8
� . L the boil . . . accor -ill . he formulae of the- I
L . . . L.--"-' obil. Harrison,,. 6th line,optirposes. flcrw�r seedi. and sewives began, . . . . . . Colborne7had. tO, close, be,r. s3hool'oitf, di g to t . � .. 11
Slabs : �. L C ' ' 11 I 'R � I L .
I . I . � , OAL _. - I DIAMOND DYES. Such claims made -
L �
� . . I I . erecting a fine residence this, surnmer on Monday, to get thpir-hoose-cleaning . L. account. of the mcasle's, - And has:rc- - . , ,
'. . , . ... ' .. 11 . by * makers of woet L
L . . . -d - . done. . The� seem to forget that it Iro"'PilISL 'or � 1. . bless dies are Als- I ", I .�
. I .1 . .. an has the ,brick ready- on, the 1. L Miller's Compound- al"i turned to her lfb1ine here, I . 11� .. -
. I I le, �
AM . � � I I . r . .� . . storm raged in, Manitoloin, the othe day I I . . : I . I I I .. honest and misleading. t" .. .
For Sak; I , , , �. Wound,. . L ., . . Thii post office had it regular Christ,- 25 cerits':for 50 doses, For' Sao ' in . . . .
I . . . . . LEAVE YOUR - O":SRS NOW I ., I : I - L � -_ . - _" . i . I I .To insure c6mplete Success iulbome. � ,
I I F�Qlf YOVjk� SFASONPS SUP . ., oux farmers meae rites influx of citizens looking for their., 044011- by W: A.McConnell , drU'ggiSe,. L I L coloring work It ..
- PLY, or iC , L . A -niumber . of . -Easter favors. - . �. I L . . . . .. . . . I . YZEN RULE BY FORCE, WOMEN Uy only ' theLtint - C_ " - I )
� , _ I . I 4uite a ,qualitity of niviple suga, I � � tried and reliable DIAMOND DY]13S. .
-L � GAL. WE .CARRV L r ., and - Mios Olive Swith returned fx6m the I . . . . . . .1 . � V BY CHARM. - - , I I 11.
I I ONLY THE VERY BEST G�LA- . , Syrup this soasoillk - I London Business College on Thursday, . ... � . I . . . I . . . . .This,'mbilith The Wells & L Richourdson; , .
We hqve for sale a qnant-' , I I . . I spend I ng%flaster tide tit her home. Lauirior Is Aske"d To N* ' . . � .. . CO., Limited, Moareal,.P, Q,,,.wilt ', I I I
I . I 11
'DF HICH ,IVIT4L * 138 SOLD I ' - has'moved into � . . &Me. - And yet,be6ause they live less stren . I
�jL * . , 4S' W L I As Mrs, Chapman L
1 9 ,
1 L . . . . I , . Olive, is it clever young stenographer send free to iny .Address new Dianfbn4. ,__� "
L '
ity of Ifern Oak � abs, cut AT' -F, 'therpos.'� ffi- and will try t4do Lhe G. 0. I. and out. I ., Men In Scandal.. L "." . . ., e Booklet and pretty Souvenir card - Z
.. TUB LOWEST POSSIBLE � the house adj,dinin s at ' . uously,',women'tieglect- 6be ea,ily evid-
. . I ..: PRICE - - * I . . Fordyce, utiliII'lately ],�Iept_ by' Docueg L 3,11 town. in aeneral the libnor of capt tiring ' 1. . I . . . L I . ences,of -failing vigor.. The 'wise wo- . Dy . L -1 . I
� .
16 inches Jng- 'sftab . .. .. Simpson; the patrons, oP hA q p4lice rt- the gold niedal 'whicli- Tar offeied for Montreal, March '24.-I'Wine, wom- ,rna4 will for baby. You'-shotl..Id have them. L "' I
. le'l ' L Q"ERS WAY BE 1',RFT.AT L i not permiz. - her charms to be. . . L. � I . - . . . .. 1��
. I I ' .. deive their mail af the eame -stand as competition. A golden Lpriz�, Olive., ,ell and graftp' is the, heading of an ar- robbed *b� ill-lieallh. She feels . . _'.
for ranges. I 1, . DAViS & ROWLA\D'�: NkAD- . . I . ,When
. . . _ L L I - Mrs. Ernest Kneeshaw hits been On ticle. appearing in Le Canadien.. of to ite faili erve , ge . tting o .g ' I � � . . - _" . - '
I _ � I I . . . formerly. .. I ' ,. I I a I We I . appet ri ri s n ed a . . 1, ' I L
I I I . the sick list the p, bt month. I Ir"st I I . . a .
WARP, STIDgE. OR - WITH ' - ' ; g'L 'takes Ferritiote. .1 I
, . . L , . A . I -1, I .9
- amd never ' before, perhajps, has T!he. .rising anion i ,.
. tit easants ,*rC ' ,.
. I L ' I L I., I i . . '! . . I .. . . the �!il sune'lline will prove beneficial da,y, I color.. fid,ding, stic . rtaiii spri 9' , . ",
I 1. . . - , . . _ . , . , her . . I ." I the -true, significance Of the.Fowler, Hvw jt H Rom -a is. eadling t Into the- -
. . I . . . , , , " . . . . ;, to . . . . I I LL sliarpt.ris the .�ppetitel ow ' �>
I I .
. . � . . . ..L 11 �. . . I I L . ... . . I . � Mr.-RoyMorric,on took'a littlere- o apparQnt'as Ili the. quickly rich blood it avallable to re- province Of Wallachia.. I I .. .1 I
: . . . . / . . . .1 .. I a I
- - '
_ . . i , J 4 t . . 11 . -PURITY- - -ACCURACY-. creation trip to'Berlih last week. L .. French organ'. of'.to-day.. ' - - stoire color -tot ihe-ch:eki, buoyancy to ".. � 1 117�' , � . I '.
.(; - - - - - - . 1. . I . I Some of our Merida L p ilieg . anad . . I . Step.. . Better . try Ferrozone. L . . ./ ...,�, -1
6.3 evews - I I. place Le C ' ien, re- the I I . .
J. Hamiltot �, w 4. � on , archased. 1' - In the firstL . . . ' . I '
I - - * . I I / . � :, 00*4609's 8066999009699 Ili *it ,Jardiniere to �givti their� friends o, - axticlee' in Le Ca I .. . LET T
I I I ,. . , , . . . .. 411, , . . '. I produces an. nada, in �oa!jl feel like a, new beIg, with, new� - E. I I
. I , . I . . . -terkift. I . .1 - . . .
. . 11 ' GoVefnmen'tls vigor And ability to confront lilies . fe by d0slt�� . .. , . '
'.1 1. . wor.N Em which thev Federal I ;�, �
. - MMMW � Mr. hompson-, 'th' f6riner,mangg6r . . You ca catarrh I . .
- . . . . 4, -he L
. . . : . fflou i9es. You, aro.supq io. , bless ,the. ri� I disease is Ili the, .,,'�
^--.-----.---'-. - , I : For-Anin-vigorator .: . 0 . . .icqe.' .11 , ,, sXt;6'cVuThe L , �
I .
. 1% .. , . 0 I ,, . L * of the engine works, is now traveller moutli,, .seekito displace the real di I � J
. . *
. ,. . . . Ae.. Sold �rq , nose..and brovehial tubes., In- �
. i
- � $ftl . : .. � I I .1 . : *I.' . I I . I ' . . for the Doty ,Co. 1. .. � . .: .1 . sigr,ificaxice *of, the accudation ma00 day you c6rnmenced,Ferrozo * th , L I .. � . ... . 11 I
. I _ - US E. OUR - I . .' I. . ThiDory Engine Works . * ' '" h .. .. '
' at -For' e. - 1. I I I . ever . 4 Oatarrhozo .
. Real 'L-st' e. . CO.I ard bv�the man feom New: Brunswick It, tie to The spot where- - - I
Xi � . , . . ywherc in'50c;bokes , . '
.. ... 1. I . _ : . .. .. , :� -_ . building it pattern room and moulding' . 1.
. I . 1. I . . 1. I .: I
. I I le :1
I . I . . I , .. . . . tie ' ,I Le Canadi iin pose� the. fo,!W� � - . ,,,� le disease really Is, -it clears awar ,I I I
.. I .. I . . L , . : �. en . . . 1. .
� _. ./, '. I . . . I . , ; . � . .. I . . . . , .
. - L . . I L . , p , slop on. their rkewpurchase, tho.Vair ___--77 --7- - 11. !,oul seen I I I
. . . 6 /L ' I., . . �e . * I I . Ever�restittO. - .. . . . . .. Ing- t=lble. .' question to its, Liberal '' . I I L. . � . . Aildlis, , stops discharges at'.: ": . * I ' .
FARM FOR SALE, LOT 4 HURON �,FAR�RS V .. ized . L . . . . . . :
, , /0 I SALE OR TO RENT e .- -' , . _�Vtofl * . . , 1. . ' Oil . . - . � .1 . . . . - Ies and ItalS L the � passagw,, - . -
. _-1 I .. - L. . . � on" . :
� . I I 11 ".. _ V . , . : - D. Shatino'n will c 'freres : . . , . � . .. . . . , purif . . ..
Road, G66xich towns -hip, i'mile . L , * . , ', - , �' - ., Mrs, W. j with he� . .. . lc�l'. '. . "I Gift of Tonkues. I . . *Iates ' ei ' iraci, or ' � -_ ' . "
I Lott. 14 � � � . . , 0 daughter,. spend the stimmerbere. I "19 it true ..'7t,ha,t an. ex -minister � . I I � � - literally anniln ev y I
,0 3rd eon.,. and; gouth halt. * �. . � . I ' r r . . . � . . . I 1. -
.Iropn Clinton, C011taiftill-9 130 acres U, 4.A� �on., in -tlie 'township r ' ' Mrs.- J. J. Edward is spendi6g Easter the: caVinet- . under � fils,e pretexts, the ' gham,. Marelf 24.- pi' - ,caibai�rh.. -NOtbj0.g_. :el,Cb0 .. is So. L direct' ' . . .
, �
In excellent cultAv �. L .. . �. 0 r r I . . Win I I csenta
of land ation., .,� , ' - . I tide rWit ' friends in Buffalo. � .1 . trt;e reason. - and certallr'as "Catjarrbozdne.�' Re- -' `., .�
I tt, a,re :.offered for sale'- . or, * .. - Mr. Alfred Saults1as returned from r -beingL'tdfat. lil- '],ad *A w0M tives of a)' �new, , rel, - ovement -, I I . . I
. of tile * . . . . I&IO, in ' ' . t4ee size ,
L Easy terms. Apply to J. Holmes, . I � . . - 1. . ' 0 . 9 an's affair on- his- hafids'-Adth which have.' Asp,peared in -to . Th( ' tini I Suits, ,gUlaXall, d. ' Two.' i 's 25o An* .
., -
P. O. 13OX 1-96. Cwairitoi6- Ont. L . .( rent; Tbey..c6jisist of 150 acres 0 � .. . sit.to his it Pico. -M iss, Barnhardtorf- O,tt(Lwa r� Was . .., .. � . . ey ol, , � . .
; 0 . 0 all far, from. . start . .S1.0 . _ .
. . . , I . 1� . I . .0 .* 'L.134 ,(rdt . Accoill- . I :. .... famil*. I . . flidt.they have reT e e "gift ,cf - . 01' at all dealer�s. I I � L. . L'
r ) �, . . B[l.L -F,�'l R�O.N. : 'I ,rnh. HO'LlSe; Galt. r. t�O" iFth ' . .. .1 � 1. I . I
.. � . all , I ni grass .except twelve acres, in a , - .. . : - . E ''..� . . . .. . t led by little Misideahel Barnhardt. to finish, �and- from ,)r tot ,�OtLom ? - `f.Gnguins.V , When, "i"It , it�' ' . .. 1. -1 . . I . i , 1,
I. ,. . . . . 0 . . * , le X I anitests - ,
"' . L. &I 0 ,. . . . .0 p ; . . ., hi, .. . ', . * ., 6. : ij..' � : � , ' - I . I I .
. r I . �,
, ' - . I
. . 1. � b=h . 'k .good, tW"to,, I 0 '. - , I . � . Is (Oapt.) 'Willoughby and little, .AtIs. it t-r.ue,,6r is� it not trve, �tfiai . self,. -they b0�Vir here .. I _ _ L L . V_ .
y rame:. u- . . . . n,co, litAy.. '.. .., .
. . . 0 .. Wl'' .- . . ". . . .[ in a 'M W I . ' . . , � .. I ; . . I
FARM FOR SALE ON 71H CQN- sq,, banli barn SOX70. wit . . : son oi Winds6r are guesti of' Mr*,'an.(L this - LIX-minister enriched 'famsel ; y eV,of b(XJSrJocJC h.;ts.-airi - . Rt.'� :aoll-'Le,�vl*� 4' 'r, i�' I I -
I .
, . . � . . . L . r . I � �Iv I arcourt, - 14 s L
' I
. . V - r
n con . L, s., , ' e in o TQ: , , ' '
Ste, ley township, taining V5 ., h power, a 0 Mrs. Grahann' ' . . . . I .�-, J'A: . r
. mill, Arivingms -9 . ,& . I, . 11109 a fashion -1- ,,- I . ` d.� 0 , , - of t.1 S
, hed,',3Qx50 ind: sheep I sc ndalous ` , , t, aw, is, �%,n cha & ne� Commissioner of li 0 Bi*tisb _ -
ool'- -�,',Inhe ' ' . . 1.0 . t, . I . .Work I :.the , .
acres. I rnile.frQ1R sch ' " ' * ' 'D I .. . . I Mr, George Sutton -is - stilt'L visi ing . '141, IhreLl , I
plar . I 0 -elati I gland . s it' true, or is it I clectri i-ght ,ent. His:, sa,lafy ..ministry, � has bee ,pFornoted to Cab-
' L
L from Presbytekl4ri and JAkle houge 2Ox3g.�. The .o to 'V�oll'.wa_ .. . . . Ithi I ves and fr*end0n En . '. r .. not, th'a't, ff*, . . 4,Qpartm . 11
, .
I . . .. 11 'r . . I ' Mrs. Ji Gi,�nt Arl cGregor . b;is 1 q6 . I . t I e. . ministets, of. the crown now in L o ice, IS $ , of r 'r. . . .. .. . '. . � .L L. . . �, . . L I
�Q�loi"' teried by spring, a drill' well-, and : � . .. t - . I I . .k -pe . ye - L not. ra-lilf.' . �' , .
' ,a I . I
, .
3hvches and pos boffice, 7 ad es t7om, ... . I., 11 I L .. L.r . I � , ' . 's r NIVes,ton,r C'. O.,F. organizer of . ' ' . I . . .1 . � I . :,.: I . - I .
r I I . . L , ': recovered front. 6r, recent indispo,,'i.; are unfortunately mixed -tip in, affan; . . I
the river.. It is situated 3J. miles : It ig"titie r - strengthen. , Llon . I. . 1. . .r . 11 L I � I . I 1. . . ,
. -
. from Nippon : , _4Uo;JIe(l lot 11 I 1. .. L I .,�concerning certain.1voniem-whi rantford, has decidod.'to"wake wir&ml � . .. . � .. .. I . . . .
tlensall. and .4 miles from ' Clinton and is well adapted a . . . . . . . . , , ,3i� . . 4 I � . : . 11W
� . - . , . 'L '
station. Therg are on the premises ,for stock%or gritan. Alsit Loi a - iji�, nivi .-i4llding tip 0 MrsJn6k Harririon is, we are gind cs are linown, "(t GTten repeated in- hain ililp beadquartersi and. moved- his ' .
. .. t. 12, a , I , . . ,,t . .. . . p
. .. . . ` ' r I r, DOUBLED � Up. WITft 03AU,' 1§.L - '
three barns 64x10, 76x�gr 51`)XZ&� - ' . the 8�1�tltlll)', . .L tolearn, L inip h. I �ost scandalous-matine I 6�k - - .
, , i6n 6tr con.,.- consistin 6i,100 le ' -. ; � I " iroving ih,healtl �. . family to toftdastv -.. ', 9- like an.'inlernil. mich.� '
. . . . rw, 4, �' , . . . . . . . L I . N . L " . . �- - Stomach feel' '
I .. . . . . . � T A. I OfL, , . ti . �. ... . I L , , '
. 9 . , . . . a , �uiroiw shipp-eld two cays �'Is it,trile ,oris it not (I thAt. , . -
all Lin good repair. Comfortable log : 0 ; Tho annilwrsary. servi" .i . :. .
: twelve: *acres bush and the rest See- .9� .. L � .. . .. 11 . . � I . . . . ,,, .of "A' A.-harr. ine and: you want relief. mighty qu"Ok. . .
� aD(
and frame house. 22 acres in fall ' d ' . I - I 0 .' � , - . . � .. , . . ... _; 7 - � ' ; tt New York and. JOW tbuOiOs of t -Wo * of these Inivistuns , aiie* '- for .1qethodist Sunday wli'ool .will. be held NoitibiniT does the wo * . I it . . - I I I
. , I
. . I - d6d. own. A n0er4ail' g: spring, O.NL�.�.. . . ' ' rgies,'�n('C Nvbi . , a , re I : ta, . L a,y, . . � .. - L rk.lialf so soon -� . �
' . . L . , L' : '. , '. . , I 9 wheat w'Exietet. i.hirdweek in'; Alarch. - iNsg
wheat. All fenced - 400 acres .well miii.,fot pun . .. . i . racefill 6 A p'r', 1 14.. Rd.��. D I as .Poison,,$ - � NexViline., W4,k� it kills : :,
. . , I .. . .' .
-)_ 0 . " . ,,-o ,,n, ,�, r I . il� . - I , 'It, "
. I . .� I . . - y I
- I .. h. ,.,., . . ..
underdrainod and *the remaining L �' "'� I o e Ca; us, of I,Ntowe ; wfll �be ,the �!ep� ths , pain, I h st,,A1*y.,. ,
f . . ".. �, . with the�.wind . inping'. Th- : ' . .1 . I � . I - �on` ' Sun'
'i :. � -mr. J6bo Pr'otidfoot was veniov�d to ',,i,,n 11 i, the eyes .
epe farim., ivill be sbld-together' or %) . . lexandis; hosplual'oti Marc4�5i ' "' .* 0 ." "`�' , , V . . , our. bottle i -A
� BLA.UD'f'__].,flL "" 'y
acres *ained by township . ditch: 0 . , . ..-: . . . e: tb6'A r �'. � - - . ca, -'.-Sin ., I % . L I q .. . - , I
separately,aud oil 16itze to suit -the: O' � _. ': L . . LiZZie�jAuLq - Pomment and , . ... L . :, . . . . ... I empty-ket-another �today. NeTVjline, L i ' *
_ .* ; ". . ' I , I L .
. . of e�nj bV . I
. I I . . _ .%I I , _ . . I �. . . . . . -
ailing -well , . a , ,� SS � ton -and Httleineph scan al w -y' 'ay the 1�m4t is I . I - L . � �
running through. Never f .. . ;d h1oh, to . . . .. L L "�
purchaser. If not sold,'will be ren- . ... . .L. . .. . A�.. , L I I . .L. . . I . keeps the .doctor bill sma-11. li�cause. it .
at the house with a new Brapaord tied. 0 PILLS".'.,:. . .e%v .trt,i%�edoi�,Wednes'day.fi,ot.ii alvibi.t. anvtl,*ilng b,,;t edi I . ... . . . I . .
, .1 , L, .,
. I I �
_"_;R. J.'L 341ler.-Mox N,, C , � : . I . I , � - 1. . I I . .. . ,-�VOUR PAINFUL:CORNI. � -cuies littl� ills before the I . '. . . ,
ntbii. a - . . .0. to' friell4s in. SeAf6l'th - - = . . . "q* . . . . d - . - , � .
-pumping mill, also a ne,�er follin-, � . .1 li I . I �. . . . , ..L .L �. . . . . .y grow big. :
0 � .. . I 0 ,,I '. i t true, 0 . is it. irdb true, that is, I 1. . I
. . .� I I . . . . a - s1k.e nPvv,hf0o(.l. , Wt. spil.them, bliss GA66 8tnith has rettirned from . . I * . . . What it wan-ta 1 soathing at- Nothing for7 indigestion, - heariburlit , � .
tj acres . ... . . 0 : . $ . L . t iik .. . I
spring back on the farm. . I L. � . . . .. ! . 0 L 1 Ze. for bott le. of 100. - - 0. Toronto hoilifts Ir .where* *she .1v` ful. .ano of 1,i,w�s'e *riisters wa s put- out, of ntion* of. Putrism"s. Corn Extra(,tor, , 'and cramps like P61sion's, N . erviline - .
, u . .. . . - I . � *. .0� __ - . , �;.be . ,r . I ' .. . � � . �
Ill, � ' , beatm .a gq�lccaiian- because this I
trm IS. . . . . . _7__ - , - - -` ! 1. . r" L I . . .1 I a . tr, . . I .. . ohj� I. . I 11 I . . . I
. . . .0 i.f and . ::�', . . I ..' ... I
I .. . . I �i . I .. I ti a, . I . . :, I . .
' _VMT� __ ' L ' - .. , . , " � . 0 '.'NtissMorrt� of Orffli4,�I'1-4i of,14, . �11 . . .
.q . ks ikl -of feVe I . A %, r I . b. lifts. out'the�Wy rooi. ' LaTge bottlr� for 25c.
in a first-cl&ss stale of culti-,Ltion FAIMI FOR . SALE.:::I I -HA F .: . , _ . �, 1117' I '1�t- "I � n w.u. acco.n1panied--by bra-ach in-shorC' order... . I .
. I . I ...., I a � . ew� . I N (6 paini no . . , I . .. . I ; .1 . .
a,nd -is situated in one f., I . tbe best, of ,lot .7, South Bouitdary, actid'We!A § L . ' . ., '' .1 . . 0 'Yovk'Ofty is-iioiv li�adtu 1111 ner atAl V- a. wo it. troubling,'the pea,co?- Now I. .1 _ . . .............. I ........ i -I .. L .. I . L : �
L " . . I LL . L .
ii. i tie. pro4 0 . . :� 0 . ) .. " * after effect, ,just - clean. wholeso-nip , ' . , .' , . .� . . - . .: .
grain growing sections I L . half of ,lot 3, coil. 4, Stanley, .6on- 9. : Kiui'r�. ' ', . 1. � L. 1. . . .let. ge, ,at the bottom: of- the -stor- . euxe-that's, "Pu . tn=1,s.)r : , � - � I I., I . . . - . I � . ... I . . I .
vince. Will be sold cheap. and oil . . 4Cj16S, L 8 � acr" es bush 0 WW So' R. HO'LLMES ell le .N0.1th -are ,. 'n� 41 . . . . I , I L m Zurich �. . .
sistAng.of .102' .. . I - Ve - - . � Mr- John flutler', ex-rilayor, has be eircuiatidg � i , the �? . , . . . I . . � . . .. . I I . . .
1 s -_1 . . _ . . .0 . , . . . I. .1 L " .1 . . .. . ' ' . I . .
. .1 . .
I . I I , . -;--- I _,�__ I . . I , , . .
terms to suit tile purchwier. . For the remainder seeded down except- 0 . . . 9 apooltit64 Police Nifogis�rate,. , ubs and oil the street." . ., . ..
. I . I
ply on - The Ing 30 . acreG. I The 196e is'well ten- 0*000000*0. I . M r s. Clark, .Nfapl e . street, n*ar Ran . . . �. L . . . . .. . . ". .- _ -L . .... .. . � , � . I . . rhe' many... fri6nds of � Mr. .Georgo, . - � , ,
. I
lurther ir.formation ap] . . p � . . I . . .. I .: I . .. . .1 1. . S I I . Y.6..& '-No. . - .1 - , . , ,,- , . . - . '. L anipbell .Of StAnley. will : learn' wfth - - � .. . . I I
or Geor;e , GOlem oad and dralaid, -and watered by. '. . . . . . I . I.: L . , . 'z ,,'- fokf's, Grove, was siilfi-ring last w . I . . . , . I .1 . � ,.. A.Mnistet With. Courige _ . . . I i
premises address . .L i 4 ' ' ' ' 1. front hemorrhage it �the nostrils.- .. " ' - .1. .. . I I I .. 1. i reigret th-3..t be, has -1�.een c0tifined to, ' .
� man, Hillsgre-en P. .0. 47 sprin creek. Frame barn. - : This _RELIABILYI�Y _1.-,EXPERIE.t�CE . . If . ".. L ( 9'i � .L : . . . .. . .1 . I . .
. . . . .. � . . . . .Are they "true or are th6yL not . the house fait some weeks owf � .
. . riled 11 . A depu-batAolti of miriin,6, mett went I ng CO. .
. . . . . 'd oil the Town Line, � . I � . � . I. . L . . I . - , Al6s,-Beth MackXay has � r � , - matter cleared Ub . . C. 1. 1. . iness . .
� I farm is situate . I . .1 . �. I . . . � . : , 66m. bet, v6it-ti) 1)eiroir.' . .. .1 1. Let us lisitc- this to, the PaxW 1. it! . .1 and. is .still. unable to. leave p - ..
. . L . station. L . I I I �. . .. . . -� . I . . . . � ., . � . .
-1 two',miles. west of,' K-ipp6r). . I . . . . oiraw and'foi all, 'If tbey' are true, J 3imeirt BVildingrgs, last w(ie' the'house . .. . . .
. . ' I ' I . . . I - -Mr. Wavriu.,er,'bas 511" e. ia ba,ie� - � for the purpose of-Trotds-thig iti,min,,t . I
. .
Apply ., on - the premises'bi - addftsS. . I .. . . . I .. 11 .. I -v deep- intendlin 6 . sllie 'boun*den duty 65f'. ISir"'Wilfrid L ' the I Coclird . ne 'blI1,to,-im ose a t . ax oif ludson Of the Parr Line .
FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30 AND . - . . . � � ment. v'or . I haVe'llis, I - , - . . I . .0 . -Mr� Iss-ac I . . I . .
, consisting J ames 'C. Parsons,, KippeE, Ont. 1 32 L;: , . , ',-"* , , - ov nd 1) k W;W, . . Laurfer to ,drive the accused.fror(i his . :
part 31, con.. 5, 1101lett L.. ., .. en bull! in ib a. . A. who I.erin a Stanley, has d" od of his. 125-aci& L .
. L . . L I I ritin6ral" oittput; Those I f! . isPose '
15 acres hard- .. . - � I I . .. .1 � '##*###4##A*##*#*#**04**" d n - .'L If L . . resb lagn, to. Andrew, ."Love ojthe stime I
of 117 acres. good I . I .1 . 11 I I . . . . . . rN rougb the kind n of Mri. OpAbb government and froni pit'rliamE!"' Ahe deputation represent, the inte .. . . � ''.
* - . . '
wood fiush, baiance under cultiva,r- .. . 1, . � . . . . I - 'L ., : we Copy froni the � s AtigiilesStinday' fbey �are not, true 'let a ,-wriou', inves- Mr CC�D I lirid.' fbx $5500. . Tar . L Hudson -doft. i ri , I .
I I � I * hrane I , been' appointed' to no
. - .1 I � ig as �
,and frame .SPRINC -TEM . I Times of March I , the following in- a oh t. I I . . ill .
FAAM FOR $ALE OR TO,'RENT.-t- ' , ,tI . s ituted I n ,order to'es- speak for in. the Legislature *; many ession Until next March, I .
tion. Good brick house . . M be ,in I � L' . ' ., give up posse . I .
. I . . ..� . oil them , . have I much influco"cel'in the. . I ..... .
' . teregling note; 'YachVracingin the 'tAb4sh 'their IAISityl. . qird 'nten.,13',going West after %eedling,
barns. Well watered and *fenced. Lot 13- boil. 16,.God�ilch township; I -from April 2ift d rni -erges into our sky' and otb r A� d'sights will, be seen gilt is in the, "ptiblid; Anterest,'!- con- � I . . - � there it the countr
Bearing orchard. __IJ- , ., of. 80 acres 65 -, acres- - ,.8ummer S6ss)0n'f6r July and I � vnel-A - of the - ituericy-; but still. Ote Miai�gter I . � . . T. I.. �
miles lr6m' consisting' $ I I - ut Kite Illee , ' - � The .m I const t. and play locate I � .
store, postoftie6,' church . and is ., cl A� AugusC , Enter, an� ,thne. . N6 k-Itesareal scho6lboyssusistedbyMr. - eludes Le Canadien . 11that, such'. a -.cu- . . ., suits, him, - - . ..1. .. . I . I.. , _.. ,..
the I .eared, ' balance bush, dood barn ,*. 0 . A, I I 1�_`s 1�� . I . . I 1, bq�,dly . told the delegates.' that �.kc . . . I . . . " �
rms as , r"assistan mantlAl kin It . . � ,
Will be sold on easy te - : 'and receive our Catalogue by. . , , .� t Lie , . . ' *! -,
and comfort4ble" house. . Well wat Vacati ns. ..Clip. out# sign this. - _( Lr .-s,'tions'shduld �easn. - us have. ar GOvetnment, Would- ri�i back, down, . V111, hiker. of "tile, Gosherr. ,Line ' . . . � I
. .
- .
tirn-ifiail. - -.--- '. I . =_� �. si; �vl I ofille public schools. . .. end of.Allis..,-orgie, busiress.� -flow wid ' . fail front . - .
- _. � I I _.- _ _11. - . - _ . ..
, -!6 t t fdr-,-.0Irmftrg- rizes - ro-rever.'M . . .. I I
undersigned iiLtends.g.oillg'--WO-s-t-----ered --- 6y- twfj--Sbod--tunnin"-tr-eai7�-*-,r,,r � . " t a that north.. hah the'rillsfortune to
. . �
R, J. Miller. Clinton P. 0. 14 J *mile from school �and .1. mile frorh , � , ' � i . . , . al . at thl- and in oiie_.ca*ie .pla-inly intima e -a-Wtpn-x-few-day�-��h-the-re--- I ' � . .
, - - ' �. . . li - -
- -
. . - . - .1 X, I I eet .was beld.0n Saturday . and I I I pame.,of. the hmdcJcex �llould% be galiam- - . .
. . postoffice.' Will, be. sold on easy.- N' me ... � ........ 1 ...... �... "..�...... : i. .7 .. . . I 1 I . . . . .. . , . .. � .. . . *akinig. -s-ul.t'thstt. his face wat3 * considerably '. .
* a 4 At �ng,tbe hot tii,, � � . - . . I . �, , were, in . :. . .
. - e
. .. I I . . . � . � 1)py "184tntos Dullion _-, I � . . � ; - 1. . . . .. d of the'llrotost tbt . .1
. . . T. T. Xliurphy, -, .. t I ' bruised and, he was otherwise shakent.- I J
. . . . terms. Apply . to he.futute is little Ernest Crikill) I I : '_ It is an ej�sy'thin,g toi put. on a, bold . � . .
I I Address. ,'... -. I ..... I... ...... �'. t, ' I " ' ' i . . . . 11P. � . . - � . . . I . . �
. ! . I . . . - -tind those of flve,other� Millr s' Worm Pow.ders,curp. � all ,front to one's - political enornies, or to , I � . I .
FARMS FOR SALn-ONE AND A Clluthn..: I , � . 35' tf . . wbose pilptiait .
. . . , . I . . Send to- Central Business ol-.' ��e given in tfieTimes. . . I . _4r 1 . I . . - I . I � . : I � . . I . . �
miles froill, churolf, poopt- : . , -. --, ... . I I . I ,�. .. . .. I �ailrnenti children. like, magic. Por those who aro'j - it' I . .
quarter . � . � lege, Toronto. W. H. S a 9 ' 'of powerless' to, hairm; . -- , 0 1 . I . I - . .
01 I � -----------:- I I . . Mr, H, H. Filsfinger is lion, . . I . . I . � ..
office, scho(A and the - village . . ., . ..� . � : PrInci al . ., . . � . 0. ,- . � travellei; sale bi� Clinton. by W. 'A. McConnell, is a, - very diffietrelit- thirij, to fraxkly � rer I .. I . , I . . .
. . .
�. . . . ', I I . . " for'l he Ganadit Radiator Co'. of OttawA , . r . - Miller's - - . .
for grain, or �. W 0 Que. , � . druggist., . . .. . I � fuse the .requiwt� .. of one's' political New If e for a quaxter., . .
Auburn. Suitable g 'U1qD0R -t4*"*#"#*"* . *"# I # .and Lachine . I., . . . es 1I . ly b� . - . .
-Wer . () .. . . . -
grass*. LotAT oil the Znd com A Slgllce�.-, .. I ! I I ,. I � titid busio s, associates, especially Compound Iron Fil a " .er.ty 1. .
offers for sale part.of I t .. .. � We beii0congratlilatiit two otour . . _ __._--. Ike IlVo cents for 5C�. doseo. ' For sale '
. . . � � I , . . . .
I . :. � .. . . .. . whien these have the po�ver to stir In . .
Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres 40 on the 'Bayfield Road, I ' mile -, I . - old I line young people on then, mAr- , I 11 . . .. I I
. . . . I � � . . Clinl0n, by, W. A... McCor, 1,druggisi. . ... .
et land, 15 acrits under bush and .-Sout)i bf-ClInton, consisting of '20 . I . I . �. . k flittoeat Cleveland in rMtrch in .the . A general strike has, boem diolared badk Mi, Cochrane ,may be wrong in . . . .. nel . .
.. I I person.of MIS Mahel, Henning and "in Canton, Ae Vaud Switzerland, all some of his. opiAborts, on* matteti. of . . . . . .1 ..
the beilance. nearly all grass. .. I !.1i ...'... -......, .. - _ ... .
, Al A;j,__Gv�o4�.Jrame.. house. - __,ViIt"t�. - I . ,. - ,., , , � . .. - . --- , . �. �
brick house, a bank barn 52f6or, it I _kq� .. **"404 0- _. - - I 0,10*0.�*+" .Captaiii'. 4111 Johnston, sot! ot-Mr, trades quitting work Ili sympathy prublic policy, but he 1�'aSr courage,- and . . I
Ono cellar, barn 36x7O with, Qomiefit ... . . . . I � Alex. J hns'01 1 CAptain Johnston I . ... .
driving house 24x36 with a .cement basement. Easy 'ic 1. 0 � � wii-h the chocolate warktrs. , corurage in this day of' poli -tical cov- Sir Wilfrid Lauri - his eti -
,J� - A." � . . roinained tit I veland ih '11144e pre. . I . . 1;. I . . er annomic .
. 'Fills. � --I . � . . I I I.. . I . . a-rdiee would ,cover many more Sins h is I tioni of attending - tile C!qlonti. , . . .
pig*bouse underneath, are ,on. , Sal Smith..* .. .. . . . _P , . 40 0 1 M I parat TO I nd tot, i emtojinatiou which, .. , _" . .. . . .1 - . pton I
' -
t . . - I . I when th roug ith Aed his Isivide -to' .. , . . - .. . - -of .) 'Onf .. . -
promaises. Aloo, lot 28, Eas , - . I . . I --- � '' I L than the. Minister Aines: is likely. ial 0. erence at,Ldondon, .
, .
.. .
Wawanosh, 2nd coil., direeltly 16ppos. . . I . I . . I . I . ,Jpri `Term.. I the altar. Th ' enning fau'jilly 114d . - Crying, Bablies., . - to commit in, a ,1ifa,. time.---Alleekly . . I I . - .
' . . I I - .. ere or year - baving a ' Sun. . . . I
I Ito said lot 27, containing 100 acres �� I 1. , I . - It f .. r, enning . . . I � . . . . . .� I .
1FOE-SAL I -I AND 0 " floneinillonT . I it street, nndbis*1 � -1 1. I . .
of land, 15 acreg of which are brish, , * son Harrity, not t I p . Babies, & not, cry for the fun. of it, .i, . I FOR OVER SIXTY..YEARS, . .,
lot o1i Priheess.' street. 11 rooms, I open TuesdaY.Apr. 2 , aphor, WaS or-' . � . - __ . I I . . . .
On this lat there is a bank barn . I ... . .1� .. I . IgAnist of Victo a e tchurch. 11toy nor 16, it, alwaysi bt,,�ause they are hun�' I Mrs. - Wilslow's sbothing .Syrup has . I ..
' I
40460. There are 4 acres of 1good , hard and Solt writer. Good. stable., I I 1. will visit Goderich tit all early date * ft, as, so many you'll,&. motli,--,rs ttift.- State* of 011161 City of- been used 9, millions of motbers foi
Will be sold cheap and on easy a C' � RAL I- Mr.'and Mrs Harry Stone, Jr. . , it vit" Nine Wlies o6t f ton hall'y's cry -in- .Toledo, Lue' i y .
karing orchard on the I . � * I I � 0 as 'County."ss; - their children while teething If dis-.
two terms' �bkms, Also 4 hives of bees and i I p t , Fr k . Ch.
Both lots "r well fenced gad ,'Un- , a . . . I . rented the hot se oil Solitli strOotAoLte- dicates th,at hislittle stomach 8 u an J eney make4 oatlf that tu�bed by night ana lyroken of ' your
der-drainod. A never ta,illngf. Spring !lumber of. bee boxes.�wilb . � !" 'I.V occupied by Mr. 3. Macdonald Ill. op 0,t(ler. Mothers will find ins -taut he is. senior pa*rtner of the -firm of, P., rest by a
11 �
. . I. 3") � I � sick child suffering itt(I
. . Ibir Suffering little- ones� in ,J. (.0hafteY &'00-, doing business in crying with pain of cutting teeth send.
runs across- both firms. Posaeselob ' , 4 ' 09 relief for Ili
. I can. . . . . � 11 . "A Do ONT. the organ fact,my. � ' .-
can be given at Once. Terms easy. .4 . � I V- .. 1. . . Mr. James Catling hits arrived from the ( �
. i 9 I I I I . I .1 / -gaby's Own Tablets. A fiew,ido.�es will _11ty of Toledo, County and state at once and got a. bottle of. I 'Mrsi
Ate age . .1 . .H I S, SCIJOOL, which 1.4 the the Thotoialon hospital and is at pre-: , - alarcsald,'. an6 3 'firm will.pay Wil8low's,goothing Syrup" for child- -
� I I largestond most, progres , senftho Ruestof-1116dangiltev, Mrs, I
to fourm.-Apply to Thomas Nich- 9'ARM'VOR SALE.ILOT 24 6-N or IT ; stfpatloft inhfgestdon or voIll'ting, and the sum *f ONE HUNDRED DOL- ething. It will relieve thapoor
The proprietor Isnow past t / cure the most obstitiata cases of eon that aid
. # aillercial allid short- I ,Lotli Postlewhoitp, tMr. Catling is , gl�e I 0 .con to
I-ive coil . i
1, . a ey', containing 100 c 0 n present, a w,vb thert -t,o ihe LA,US for tach and everi m .
olsonv Auburn P. 0. 'Prompt reply 2 At ol , ,�.., 16 hatid sehootill wesiern 011101,10, very good health a I . . u let 31t 11, . 6w Uu_ SO Of cat- Ifttle sufferier immediatety, Depettit . .
will be given to all communicate ams of bush, the rcmalndo�ls well on ' f . A young girl, Was Vanoone, was i well Wild will keep. it -ell. Mrs. arrh that cannot be cured by the use ilpon it, mothers, there is.Ato Mistake- . .
ions. . . . . . . ,lovs thm PePil(110011- Of d"wifIg , w .
. feno-d , underdrabled and )n a good I tit; 6est w6rk Ili Bitsiness Edu- taken to the hoptsital hist, week soffor. ,' Maxy Pollock of GaWab,, Ont., says : o f 11-1 I all's Ca.tailkh Cute. - I about It. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- ,� .
.. .. . state ot cultivation, 1/"Ite of ,or- cItlion ill -Cittladnt. Our gradii- I Ing front appendicitis, She felt quiti. 1 ,111aby's, O%u T,pcblets- ,have been a. . . .. . PRANX J. 0 HEIN B V. latbs the Stoinach and Bowels, cures
. - ' I
I . . . '
. ; . pbarel Anil striall fruit, 'On! the pre. Atesitirein demand its 00kniner- # well and wits at, her-dutieft 1hrough the kg.rva ' t b0efit to, iny ba,by. Tho,y W�(,, Sworn to betore'me and sabscribed %Vind Colic,, softMs th6 Gums, roduceA i
0 RENT.- Miseg J,k. it, tw clal teachelt; alid office abi,.iNtulas ; clay, but.took suddenly ill in the ev�, i - - �
FARM FOR SA-Lt"OR T O"Stoey brick house . . e . 11 , in " She was boarding ivith bit.l. ina-de him happy, peaceful and contew'. ill my,presenee,Athis 611i day Of, Dec- friflAntillation and gives tone and en� j. �
Lot 15, con. 9, Stanley tOWtiShil)) Wifit algite toot, a first-class fIrny Writefor our free entologov '6* rplat%-, Mrs..Allin,,but, her hotneis ift � ed, when, betow lie uscd to cry all the enih, , ',A. W. GLOASO14 �
, . or ', A, D. 1896, ergy to the whole system. "Alra.
- -
consisting of 100 ackes, 00 AUPS ,. houjo. A barn, . -size, 4( nod You will met 1`110 itiforinati(Ill . 6 avoll1iller. . . I thile. I havi, more 6111fort with bfin (seal) . Notary, Public, Witiglow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
. cleared and all sced0d. down except X 80 Wfth. 44ond stabling, b: Lenient concerning our gehool. . I # Mrs. Daniels nnd little son Thornton ' ,sfixo giving bini tile - Tablets thoLn I Hall's Catarrh (lure Is Wien int6r- ten, teething �
I., 0 - to pleasant to the til,iitt* , I
1.0 -tizieg, 'of � 'a 1409, amd driving house, pig . I I.- , . - i # were called to Kincardino by tile ill. � ever.)6xf- beloro. Ito now sl�,,; wid nall'y, and' aets directly on. the blood and is the prescription Of one of tht .
20 acres. There '&w ,gl) i -
gc;od hardwood bNfsh. �?, ,mllesg from ' pen " I d ben "ititfisi.- -Two tiever-fall. I I � I t ness of her illotber. ' ! plays aind laughs, while I do inywork. ant? mucous surfaeri Of thc SY�Aem oldest aild'beat female PhygielbAs and #
* .
school and 2.,L miles from the vill- , Ing ,Wells,, q,his fAthl. is Situated 8 0 AtSt George's church the Enster What greater pralso can I give ii,iliVIs Send for togthrionials freo. norses In thit United States. Prlt* 1. I .
age of Varna. TkAs- desirable farm miles from Brocefield, 5 ftom,-Olin- I Elliott & Mdaeblan - music wits good, In the evening Rev, Own Tablets ?" For ,.qalo by drog- ' P. J. 01411,,NEY & 06., Toledo, 0. 1,95 centA a Uottlo. Sold by all drulr� . I . . I
I *
will be,qold 'On easy tethlb, Ot it - ton alit) on L-od -gra,vol road., Ap.- . , , Mark Turnbull took for his text, Ist g-ist", or by inail at 4.5 cents ,.,t t t)% Sold by Prit9rdsts, 75C. 1 glats throughout the world. Be su& ,
I PRINCIPALS 448ut now is 0hpiet risen . I I :1 I
-, premises o, . and become tile first I ;
not ."Id will te'r�httd,-G, A. 1%,,Vs, ply on t h el I a ako Tlalll.q Vairrily Pills tor Con and Uk for "Mrs. WhisloWlts S , . �
' 111, I f,.,(.,V,;; IN'd td, f ot.11 The Dr.Will. -nis Medicine Co.d T� 06th
Varna P. O., , , .� 1. 04, Alj*rt No% Clinton p, (). � 03 4 fruits of thein that slept. I Brockville, il�it., . Stipation. - . iog'syttip. . .1 , .- . . ,I
.. I ! . . '. . . . k . � 11 . 1;
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