HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-03-21, Page 6r_-,__,_-,'-
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cunton r4lems-Ro4wo
March 2 I at, 1907
_ .. I I I I � I - � - ____ _. , - , ;, - . - , ...." �,, I . I - � I ... . . . . . . - I - I I 1. -1 11 I . I— - _-_w- __ - - I . I 11 I � 11 I
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. I 4
1 1 ,
I . . W00001111yousk T . ftint John 010N.,
... .1 i ONE OF THE MOS"" IMPORTANT DISCUSSIONS February Otil, 19010, � . I
I I uroa, is, -
, . � I E. X. Lewis, West H itif VX01 - I �
, ,11 CRATRAN � " I . . or this session oi.r Parita.ment was-.- . . . 'With 1, and W" 49t = I : 0, � I
,. -1 � . go neW hemisphere.
.. III bator ` , ' ' - - 4 alidi Ameriew enjoyed now a, zort ig I I . �
I CU I .. I
" z . , t molal reciprocity and they were ;6ble I
. � - I . �
� � ft Wme I ODUCED BY THE MEMBER, FOR We � H R N to discaw, toriffs " w )
.1 - ,
t, 11 I ' I . INTR I .. . . cobly., Wbr not otheir rr=y� �11 3*1-1 11 4 - I
I w there is Ill . . I ' I
I 1. 'IQ I 0 � , g " � bouindarles and the like ? What Can.
� . . m4aloy'llin' Ulm is!*& po�ltry I . . . . . 1. . . . I I 4te(I 4 1
I � I I)Q you know tp�y Incuft I I I . . . . . . . I . . . Ads, wA Avid what Newfouniftwill .
� I . w y on - I tion. in making 'any wanited was av, square deal 404 tie ' - to- I
bato ill abIg ! Mr V X, Lewis (W Huroin.), Mr. press desipal'oh. . . . I feel some biesita
.. g,r.rV a ''Any est, Can,adian, Aspociated Press Cable. I prolioluicome, . p Minister to say.in , - . I
. ,. ��.;a Jan : ' ' ring to the at- � , nt. It. so lr�ppens , th Press hi - ,,w time .
I , " _ I p ak , , 9 place tbht Newfoundland �ad the
� otfiev" lag you can S o or I wislP to b London, Monday, December 10."Toe our sister province of Newfoundland Reports vited
. � - P ..
. I '' 31 I ,loce? I tention of'thel: Hou . . sympathy of her sister oolmi . . .
bava. on � ourp .so And more espee. . *vs.
.. Well the . � Publication of the correipiondence -on Is now iavol.N�.-d in considerable diplo- � . � . 4 nu us
. . ,be things Are 4�-al,ly to -t1le, att,ention of the, ri;bt tile Newfoundland 'fisheries, -question is niatic trouble with, oar, neighbors to. . . I . I
. , I . I In
. 1 truW T4, ills'Unds of people all . . r'ially by the lmd,W5 the south,,but as this' trouble is now t, jet oria, B C, L04don Free Preas. .1 so No' I
I '� .Ova p inieter, certain mat dealt with, ehito "R , * , , , �
I CAI-2.q.4ft have, proved it hou. the Prime M . I aily Coloni'$t, V
w. , . . I .4 - . , . . � -(From, Our Own Correspondent.) . r� .. � I . .
.. .K 4 ,. 'r a I ters Lot Importance couce-ri-Ing 'our in, niortil P, pem. ,in the hands of the,'Colonlal ,Office . I . . I
I op .yearfo th3lostfiveyears, , 49 � - �� I . I -
. The IT-ilnea' says the correspon`dence� and tbe w, 2th.—Mr*. E,. X. Levi- I
; 11 1 want to.. uoto Y9 i . . . � I British diplomatic service, Vlcorla, B. Q., Feb.. 9th,' lgor7. Ottawa Feb I _". I - .
I . �_ - - I
. 1. on my Chatta mpli in . a a price ternatilonal iela,tio,n3, And th-a triode in I Unfortu-natel � � is, the poiiuila� member for West Hur, �" I .�
cubator,— . esent Is r.ot very satMactory reAdIng, tile 'Who y are not dealing I
I 3NT . whIch! liegotia7aons Are At pr 4uL's- with Ottawa, Feb. 9 th.—Sir Wilfrid Laur- on ,delivered one of, the notable ,Secretary for the 0940nies,
S0144 � IMEppil on a $-year . niost, obvious thi'Ag is that the It -in a. mabner sat'istactiory to * ,
guarantee. I 1, wautto send y ou. I ter answering Mr.. Lowis, made an V1111- speeches, of the *salon in. tile. IlQuse The motion permit of -A. f%11 I
, . , cmducted, between Canada, Newfolui- 146n, ,of possible difficulties, ought to. oilli: sistoi , colony, I do not see * how tant statement regardlug relations upoit the q,ue , . will, �
my Chatham book. This incu- . tes. Last fall haVeli0eft fore I seen. and'fully discussed We calliiaterfere at preselit�, glthour,h, plor stion of Cana&'& inter- discusei,on; oftbe'difficul0% betwe-cok .
__` " -bator )).�ok is 'filee—I11 send it I dlAnd an,d the United Sta -bf couirse, tRw sympath with .tile states. He said Canadi * a it
I , . .. . I betweee Newfoundland awl the Foreign I y of all Cana'd- national relations, especially as they the " Government - nd The Amorica � ,
to you for just avostgl card. 1 4 was stated by Priesidibilt ROOS.Qvelt, . a M thioed w1th 'Newfoundland .
1. .
.. I It tells you howilo make iiism.04,.out, of 1 It Office, and the nature it the. desired iaM is with the people cd Newfound-. y Pa re- have tix do with Newtoundland. Jilsherinon. The acrabometit is ua�
ch � t In lis opinion, Canada should - referred to, an garding the fisheries controversy. popular in Newfoondland. I
� . _ meat, ar� �lanO.. My lion. friend . I . �
lqkons. tita. n solution, provisioual ofilerma ., . . I The News, Toronto, . . . I
.Chatham Incubators at 11mve a representative ot-her Own at rived 4 1 common consent, As it incidel.A which took place in 118571, when . � I
. Washingt,Qn, and while that - , laenxt scitt4lit, Fr e P as, Nanaimo, 13. C, I is raised ,the subject wu� . �
TAN .gnake you mpikey. ;or a pti4thaux , . .1 . �t by
. .
r *111 batch a live, heal ll� a . em. to have bi-,ia the colony of Newfound Mr. Lewn
'noub'" . t may or w a we se so fright- � - 0 ., re .
.bi.k.. out.of dvek� fordler vilit put , I . I . - . says that every Canadian is with
.... . Into it, in ZI days. . is no doubt Onew by Secretary Root's aggressive the help and assistance of the neigh- I � . . . Spring Blood Troubles I
� , . may w.t. 'be true, there .1 inence'of ,he boring coloriles Ottawa, Feb. 9th, Igo;-. Newfoundlan ".irp--Wilfrid Laurier - � . � I . . .
Will you wilte for,lnr book to -day? . tone regarding the imm I and obtained that help .. * � . .
, who,tever that the presi.,rit, system of , and a,qsistaxice for the settliament, in conclusion said : I have only to BTLEANS . CLEAR THE SKIN OF .
just say on a . postal I P ease send me I . fishing s,&apon that we not, otyly bur Of Mr. Lewis M, P. asked - 'Premier o I . �
, . ting * intornatidtial affairs -is not I . * I
? .,y6ur coinduc , ay, � and I beRive ' that in this I
ddie5s 6 raoitall.r., * � . riedly gave Away a point 0ii, which their disputei 'But ltb. the present ill- Laurier in the. House yesterday to vo,ice , the PIMPLE'S �
- sa.ti4fActory..FAIA THE GRANDSOM the jq most stress, but also Stance the colon , ; feeling of every citizen , ' ' — I I .
I l9gy-J, - y of Newfoundland hits . make a, doolqrat4on, of sympathy with of Cana .
. I . d.a, that we�-desire �to'help I
. I � I impurities in, the Woolf,
' Ampbell OF ONE OF THOSE MEN WHO took ,A, line which Involved us eig- the people of Newfoundland. -in their the people of -Newfoundl ,
I Mmson C �' ._ktd I in dis- 'not .S049fit the assistance of, the n, ' Humors and.
. -
� . -President I LEFT,THE UNITED ISTATES AND . hboriTt'g pLrOVinces, no. do,tibt for good t - . �
' tinct interrbrence'wit1f,the power., of I an"d AS far as' ,f4rce their Way to the surface in, the
11 The Manson Cold0ttl Co. Ud. i F OLLOWED THE FLAG TO CANA, roublelwith the United States -over in our power, I .
I I , and probably the t . I Springtime an -4 cause I
Bei$.I, 12i , Chaftsta, On4 -' -DA,. AND I, TAKE SECOND PLACE th6 colony to le.gislate'over her own reasons, of her own' . _.. . eruptio
. - - . hW-f1sher1QE;. .. . � I � _ I qns and .
. . cit, . . I chief reason, is that,the time is prom- I . . . . The T-imes,", London, E ago unsightl sores% Nature has providell
NOTIll-I tsar izew;. . . . . . I V .
lameptocksand . TO. NO MAN IN. THIS HOUSE OR . I . . ature, that matter now being in the I I . . � .. 1. - .
ship r . . I I . A remenly In Bileausi. which are pleas -
WITI.TIN ' I I 9' hopes the co,101iial colt- hstid3. of'the ilifilomatic b ,y. Ottawa Free'Pre.ss.. ' ... � . . I
ir .1 OUT -6 IT IN MY LOYALTY TO .. The 'Time. , od But . ' . . -.9th, 1907. -e, not unpleasant in operat, .
touses at Cal. . . . - . ,, . . . February ant to tak
. gary.Alta.;Mon- I THAT FLAP.' UNDE R "WHICIr-7.7 'U'rence will .seriously rifse the great -qLdte apait from that' and without " .. . . . I . I . . jon, a -getable: in conv�
t"Al I LIVE. A pountry cannot have much qm-stdozi of an imperial council, 'and P . I I � I � . I (Froir. Our. Cairospond-ent.-f - - I. . , nd are purely ve
I , I
I '2."no.?HB'2n* . atteniPting at ill .. � .. I I position. Women with. skim blotches. ,
d... H- - , * I February 9.tb, 1907, '
d ; heilp. from a citizen whose. first affect- 'ur a ihCnecd of a strong tribunal ., I 111. : � . � . . � . . Ottawa, February,. 8tIf. .
fax. N. a.: vic. I - I zl'� . An import -ant speech *upon the rola- � I . *and ert;ptiods*,ohould. provt how spe�d;-
, WAR. B. Ccan I . . ,ge . .
factory at hat., , . , tie beyond 4ts shoLs.' But, this to determine appeals.from the colon- Alf. Lewis, r hav-e nof, wish t int- I In the Dominion Hdu(so lot Commons: - *ly Bilea S'r6movo thQm. Ouq or two ,'
11 loulst� 4 a questiolij Of loyalty i Is a ics. - - I .. � I 0. tions between CanAda and Newfound- I
, It , . . . � n
. - I is not , . ..� �'.. I .errupt the right lion., gentleman, but� land and between both and tho United tioday Y�r.,Lowis., the Conservative Bil6lins, taken, juat'before rietiring for .
. : " W I'd he - al o . .
I n_A, . question of the proper conduct Of ,- The "Advertisqr' say,,T Whenever a ou - I W, we to, say that a member ifor -,West Huron, .spoke, of the the - lt_tl at is
, � � I States, was,made in the Ilouse of Couvf rel I urg] , I ,aill! Iforving sick- ,
I- I OUR.. BU-SINESS. - RELATIONS que, 0011 of this. sort arlses the colon- little'fruit.and .wine biefore the,pers011 mona yesterday. afterntoon b 'Sir Wil- .
I _. WITH OUR NEAR . . , S Iwaya.get tile vor�t of It,, , be- JS dead 'I � .y " 4tiotio - of Great- Britain, with tile ness debility, in'lligestio'n, biliousness,
, . i . I,, �S T, . TH A D 1'7� ies, a * much, better thAn, . flowers frid .Laurier. - . . . . ,United States. and, the Q01011-ies, and .heartburrg. headathe. coustipati(,in; .. ,
. OMPETITORS, THR, UNITED ST- cabm there- is a cimaideration outside afterward , . .. . . . w . . I _. saW. that Great Britain�had, declared fles. and female ailments .All disapp- _'
. . ,
. , . `\I-- , . � . It was- provoked, by x speech by Mr. shei would noti ' t w r . with the ,* - .
. . I),
� . . . I . .
� . I I ATES. The system of doing, bminess of. the narrow I , . . 0 a
. n - colonial - view of the � . . . 1. . . . go I car before a shpit %,L!..rsq,aof Bileans'
NOTIllali Macdonnell his. tiven rnos( n 1 in. tile W-estern healtsphere, is as d.,ft- -position.eminently unoaCR—stactory, 'as E. M* L;ywia of West-Hurolit, who ur� United,Ztates'oix acodunt of s0mg, 001- All dtliggists and . stortEM,& 50 cents :
I . Sit Wilfrid Laurier. 41y: hoit. frien& ked,`uXiv. it was .
I .
Rhodes selloJar 61 Queen,; �'lyivvr-mty, orent .a�i -daylight fron"ark, from ,.he this cou-ntry setems to fie .always, mA- is al ti 4 , , 'W, , . 1. the duty of Canad� onial fishBr1ea;' but she.did..nob'saY a hbx. or -from - Bilekli, Co,, Toronto,.' - -
. . . . togs her too pessimis ,ic, * , and . . .
king cancessions. There is no, remedy Would do..Well to to show its active s;ympathy witil thqt
A C-P.R. express -..ir. into U _-V�ed -. I System in, �Osue in tile inother count- . 1, beir in mind tl�b. - whint �'eBritish fishermen.were for price, .6 boxes� kmt for $121.50.
* . ' I ' . . Newfoundland in. its Idioutea with the shlolt 4o the 'NOTth'Se by the Rus� Seud Ic. -staffip for free.6-imple. * .
ing tr&in oq a corye near Poirt Ai- ry. We,'have new -ali§toinis here, M10 but imperial 1oderation.. . . old A!Wge '. Make ha�ste.slowly,. There . I a
. . . .
titur. Ono .inan. .i .'0i -'ilnier v f I . United - States over the: fisheries-. RP sioap. The principia-1 pirt. of Mr. , - ' - ` - ... . . . .. I
live close .to ..the 17filited Statesi -w. e The 'Stani;lard' �a' : The Newfavin,T* is not ' - w - . . . . .
. . . . . ys a Caaa;dian .'ho does not,sym . I - . ... . .
Rossport, -was killi,d. . . I associate With .the. poqp-1c of that illand government is - ciltirely right p4thUe with 'Newfo,.maland ;. And , if eardplaine.d. that 'tifidei it was part of Levols's speach ireterred to -the present . . . I . . ..... . . : .''. � - I
. . . 'thei .policy of Grea;t Brftairb that On- r6f -attitude of ,Newfoundland, ind he del , . .., .
I I co;.intry, We interinarry With' tavin, When it aswrtis that,Amerfoang hwi- ,the. time, should. come when that - col- , - t .. � - �
Mayor A'sh-down. of Winnipeg and 111"F and we -liav,�, all kinds of recipeocity ' - . . I ground wh-Atevel: would. .England inta .Twent�-t�vo Miders:Klifled. . I
___ - . . Ing rights -ill comniOn. with..native'fish- ony would desire -our help -and. assist- r- clared that Great,13ritaiti. knmv little - .
. . . . Saarlouis� Rhenish Prussia, March *
. ' .. -e, � .. . � favore -
. -d wit I . xy!one in this of Caiiada'qa. poslitbom' He I . ill - �
'- 4) : with them pxcept.recip,yocity ia oade orroon' ard equally b6un h them. %nc I am sure that-evii - . . —Ti era were killed:. �
.Aird, local mainaiger, -1-re-_c,Qm1ng . fore With the United States, .- . *
. _. I . . . I . � I . � . , . - 18, venty-two min
'rommito with the ci'14�act . . . I .. . I *th M . Roolsimlalt, thp,
of negroU . and commerce. . We livo'under different if bound, the ministers, have ,sbowa 'country would oilly be too glad." Ao . . . . . .vh r' . a0lio'"ment -`y65terday morning at.the Gerhard coal
. f - I . - - " , . be,.Tor'onto.' .. o a. - . , * Attaphe at Wash-ina-
ing a loan of $2,51io'(00 with tile. co * ns ho -re rom what they do� "11 til tiff necked. . Tile o 5 Car.adiai, .
�_ , , 7' I � . � n . 4: � o mine. They were descending one of'..
.1 Me. ,. . I I .. . - . -cable , '
. t ,L�r a - , ' , �nd i �belll 'Standard' fa&ls bQund to eondenin the reasons for this'sympithy -are obvious, I . . . I the shafts.,in a ca, When the
13ank of Commerce.- . e 0 I� , nd I believe we emselvei unduly a .. � - d what- he could 'to'assiat her., The The � Glo . .- . ton:
. le
. . - . .1 .ge
. . A c', u I t � 't- . ' � . I Mr., . 'Lewis s . . broke' near the top and the' nuiners , I
. . I bet r ab'l',71e��Q, 7=orrdu . wealc A,ttitllifde of tile inilieriQl goverb- First of:all, the people of 'Newfoiund- . (Special R�sOatcli fo Tlie-Gl6be.) �'Ini cionclus,ion, ,ald. ,�- I
I �
I -_ Ye .. , . . I I �
pris with 'the ,,�r41-J'7'. .. . . . * -h e iwere t1ir plunged down several .hundred leet� - .
orra, ielatl' i bed - , 'i-.,-;t� 7n�e,�— _*.,, � I . , . � Ottawa Feb. $t .=Ther alying,
. . land. ' are our ' fello ub` cts - ' and ) I
. . . W -S 39 . I . I ce- " This is no time fo� shilly-sho .
. i .. � -- , 'in the disT,ute ii I . the it,*Iiso no time fat b g About,. tile Their all met with,inskant.,death. . .
---q - secondly, 0 The mine belon,%rs to t � his Prussian
1: I es than are the - -1 . T 'Ob� crowded: b qrs -of Antereir�t in caitin, .
1. . . siAtesnien ot En4 'ald, *�iy, --tl I
. . � . _ryer ie�comVawond- ... � . , ow going I I
wli,6 Ilfeathe Another atmospher-. A�h . ' 'forms Anything: but ploasant r6j-- -011-i -they-L&W the weak�r body, a and the House this afternoon, � . . bqsih�-� I .ask Sir Wilfiid La.urier, as., I '
ence . I . � I . Goierrfinent, which has, already -begun
Re I personally am no.t ' I favor of sympatlijes : of-anf; ftlan,-a -who -is- -x. th TPremier, to rise in.the Parliament Of an offici . inquivy 'into the accident..
' n . - -117wivIierg 'of the , -_ � . al .
. din�to iti-telligant. we I . _. Mri- Lewis.zaised - 6' question ot - .- .
- 'aiw�man represelitati,re at I . . � .1 1� . . � . Canaida, ,and t . 1. i
having a C I . empire d-tid tb6, union. - Welcan-not but true man, always'g'�. oui�toite,wea� 08liada's posit'lop, in replard to Ahe tie-, � . 6 speak t6'the- country.. :
"Your D betor I . Washington, I ,STILL THINK . . 'hat f eil that:once rno,6 we beat the knee, kor" . But :there is_mOre than Ihitp., go . . 00cla, *
. . I e . � mt beirg conducted ,I ask him. to re to tile World , .. ' . Masson 00t On Bail, - . '
Cari cure your Cough or CoK . there hre'niany q I u6l.tious which could . . . . 'c tiations 6b prds . e it ' 'Pa,rli , ent and people � 61., 'Corn
. . I .
� the am wall March 18.�Charlie 'M
. ill, defarence� fiY-Ametivan Interest,,, I.fi The rights which. N ,wfouidland is n�ow': between. Great Britain all-il'tilia Unit d - fb �
I . ' I I . � I . - I .1 I
mo question about that, but- � be 'well settled by us for ourselves. If iwe I.threw the. colon,v clakilffig arL- very Much our own, The States, ikfith' reference � to'Newfound Carlada are in .-sympathy, with our. son of Ott��sj the hockey player,
, I .., I tulka:r parla we I � . - I � , - �
. , I .
; -why go to all the 'trouble and i we call delinift the.�boundamcs of our . - I ...
� I . , I .io,nAl: dow , . I . , . I � 11 I nid ims-io- the- present NtiWf-ourvdIa&d brothers, down by ,the ' " Bud" McC
I inconvenience of looking him.up. . � a,t 11", - � , . 'N is charged With cai2sifig the dea
; quarrel which i ewfoundla larpil. .He considered.that .. . '
- ake.�, avd_:xegulato the intern . . . I . I (lay with the United Sta ' 'ea, . aiiii : that *e,will so fax as lies ,ourt in a - match ;he
, tes, is not' system. of conducting i6ternati6nal --' . 11 'March 6, has been released on '
. I I . .
andthen6fhEivinghispie-scriptiin- . - I 0hairacter of 'on * te ' 'why all- I 'was � bail -$8000".by.hiniself, $4,000
. . .. , r. wa rways -- , n -Dec-. <jwez? zssis tham' to.socum
�Alled, when,vou can 6tep, into any - ,Also glad to, ged that - I at,present 6u�r quarrel, but At 'any' affouirg, Was not satisfactory,. an� I t
ouMh * t other g,(iestionsi ta-.'(Armi , - . . . . . i !n .our p
0 . . � 11- em4,eT last tha Toronto* �Glofbe' advo- inoment'it'may becone cuts ,The while.not personAlly in f ustice -and fa:ik -play ;.*.an,tr I f6el'sure ... ' �
<1rug store in Canada athil obtain . � . I " 4voT of. ha,'�-- I . . father, D. t. Masson, a;%d $4
. -abottle, 6f SHILOH'S CURE od . by us. . I ' SAY HER141i AND. I e'atlad I'll; o.u� seIf_defeace,'a,,'cba4go ill righ lied by Newfoundland r , . � t, that � the -whole people of Canaida - will J. H, Dewar of Ottawa. - ' . .L
. i16 Y 71a'i' are ing a represen-ta,tive of, Canada ., .A. '
I I , ta . . .
, SAY ADVISEDLY AND AFTER _t 119 - . fou the treat,� of 1818, whiq1t Washington, be tli�ught theizq - . might s An( I ' Ry . I 9.. I
lor a quarter. 'I � i negotiat� . ndad,on t '- b -him in sv,doin "' (cb6ers)_� , , The - bail was - -granted. by Co
. . Why pay two to five dollars , I CONSIDERABLE THOUGH7, THAT- i0ins. 'I.__find...alSgL *.da ' ' 4' 'y of n ' . ' there. Was anai; .g .. " ,ex . y. .. , � '.
_that, the,- Ottawa wis 'discussed -a few� 7s ago. in this ...Sir W11-frid:saiiii no C :�Jud 6,0'2 '11, � I .
-when a twenty-five cent I THE MOTHER COUNTRY -, DOE'S 'CidaeW lal�,,� the kian�d* that Canad-, .1-1 ' . I .. . . . .. I ,be % bettier wa sebill g, matters . Sympathise I .. �. I I . I . . -.1 .. ,
. . . se; 1. I . . . - United diarx who did not - . 1_. .,. I
-bottle of SHILOH Will cure you I .. _ .oi.i. . � . . I . , . I affecting 1 Canada and the � I . . Witit . - I .
I pOr .. wtJIin that tile I I . . I I . . � I . . � , _ . .
. . "' , DOWNING STREET 001�iS * lanis - are tectly., � .. os tban. , the the, -bim�'o I- !I * ! . .--. _ ��. ==.-1-1____A 1,
�as quiekly ? : I . I I .1 . . StO � pro*�St, - f1p, ariked NevA6undlagd,,_1and` It I Anle , - - ". - - � . .
' . .
Why not do as hundreds of - I 1�1`ROOIN110�11,- W149N IT ANNOUNCES friendly polations; bkW�ezt"Oariada, And. the trea . ty-of 118-18� resery.ed to tile the Pr1rho Ministet io .Aite to - tile wilten., a -he, dict -want their -help and as;. . * ... I � . .:: . I . . . ., . 1. . . . ,.
� I .. � . .- I . I � . �
thousands 'Z . I the* Uniite'A SEate,slitould'ho colitinued I I �
. of , ;uadi. havg TO THE UNITED ST A.TE $' * THAT �. It Canadian' ' * I j,01 opo�at_ world,. tfiat the,- ly plie'a, 'Canada. Were - -alstaince. be was sure that averyoiii,4�,,m I 1. � .
. � .4one for the past - thirty-four, i0i. .QGLONIAL- bISPL71tE MUST IN. .. - Oirf�%-ilied'Cano� p'06ple. the' basi I . - 11 I
, 2. . , . ,. .. . da. -Ages: ftcit� §up -ply .,. - ho - . . . th. the peppla o ' the . country would. be � only, too KI a-1 I 11 .. I . . . . I .
. - ILOH be your doe TERFERE - B TPEEN . . THV� PIMS- - cemept. � - .- ; - - . .. . '. ki sympathy.wi I New- � . I .
. year, let H - E __ - , , I I . - I � .. . lon 16 t -M Prosecuti.on. bE. the.. fisheries. . . I I I
. S I . � , _. . . � � . * - '. :-* �The"American hermen, are not all * foundland, . ,' 4 ' that ' tax �s th-�,y to,, do what - ho, couild to -assist her. -
. n r . 1. I—. . - . ; fis O� I an SP . � -dam . . . . . -.' " , il
" tor ';he eve a Cough or. Cold . ENT FRIENDLV�.-RELATI;'�S EX- . * - TN40E MARK RE0157CRED. I �
. V I ____ . , � . . . matter,,* -,h6wever, -W&�--tn thel � . % .. . : * .
. N'' " Wed. to .dome i4to.' Canddiku' harbours .could' they.would :stand ,by 'them. , , I a The � I . .
appears. I '1857,, ewfoundland w a , . I . I
* �ISTING BETWEEN Ti-iost -Two. - InAho year. . . . .. A I 1. I - . . . - .. '
, ,
SHILOH '*ill cure' , and all � COUN. . .the holme gov- being treated in �tlie qaq,,vt, way by tile e-INOM ,tot four.' objects. �aloae - -1-or. theilir'pr6ent ticitilil * -, . , . . hands, of the I ;�
y6u � " ' . e. . dolonlial. Office'an-d n6w Blood, Tonic; ii; a ottre, saf,, pmont ic�re for'
41mrsts back up tW statement - . TRIES," Ano,;if. . I . ; . . � . . . . . . . . I. ... . . , for-. , . e aus" .
Me' ` I iTdQmati�ts, hb, un nervous . - th dort, palpitition - of the heart.�
.. " (F t, - ii ...I- ho gqverwneub; 'Awl,:tlio. Nfcw[ound� i�6od, for.watei,. -for�.'�helt *or _. . -, I.. . 'the�*,British 'A W I
V.i a poskt#e guarantee. croment ��es not --state. thd , .. . - er - for. � . .. I I ''.. 1. .. � * * I
. . ,
- � low� � the statement to go.iii tlio'pres�. I Ao4jge of Assembly on, .... For' ' � . .1 . . I � - - - - ' tunateA d6aling'with.R Ina. viriable al�petite, soui stornach-aad otherdisor * ''t. , .
. land I � Mj.rcf11 ,1, repairs. na other pul,tose what- I I - . . y,,,wera licit - . . .
The next tirne* you have a I *' I - , , � ' . :The T-imes London, Eng... � sa t cickused by bad blood or overwork. :,...
'Cough qr,Cold cure it with . been 186,77, tent. ,the 'Ilbrt. John Hunt aifd ever can. they exiter Our Ilarb6tife. It . , I.". . . .. I 1. ... . I IntmIle'r isfactiory to7NewfotindIand'. .1 urstif. Clesr the pqa�nou .� �'
withollt -cohtradict-ion;. It has . . . . ., .. I I . � . . �� 11 I I . .. ' Don't neglodt y6
. I . . the Han - - . o -everybody tI i4� did -no I � I .
ann u. ed to the wor .: Proderick 'Cirtek, -afterwaLAS .is. a.,matter known t 11a t I Otta-wi .,t siee.,hoW they could inter -
o. no no fish- - . . . . Feb ` 8th, -Itt the� House A ., � of -i.ull -.by usini; Mittl1lood Toi& * �
, . 1ov-yeirs' , -, , , fekc�, at present Although '.the' ' ' �111 is Personally -
eries dispute between. !�,anada and thq .��ir Frederick, Clarler"a, - gentlemaii. .an$ yeArs.-wo offered - to , 06trimons, to'day Mr.'Lewis, member d! - 1. SYm- Evity disil of its maunfadura, . ...
. . 1. .
. .� lionaiur to- be eXchange ady,antages with.ot�r A i - for.West - - 't athy of Cana a Was With th� 001116fty'. . suporvisid.by experienced chernias. 'Made froin
United States will ,endanger friendly with, whom I .have 0i 11 � Mer Huron,. Ont�rio asked. he p. . . . , �
. �
1. .. . �
I , � but th-4t � is. not Whitt. Girat' 90im . Wall. neighbors, if. they would agree- 'prime Minister to state P what it - Year by year the � r 'et foi Cana- , thellureft and best ingte
5HILOH ewhat* relatcd--4s,delegAt�s tq,,the . any . �aili _ dients oft the most elfe6tive '
elaitions . I .. �. . - ' $1 is; -_
. I - . L� neighboring 'colonies *to, .enihst their, that is, we � wdr.1d .share witlf thvin- thing Canada proposed to do in tile -d'an fish,,in. the jJ'aited §taXL9_'wouId . 10niul" *'[�"e.d by midern science. -botde:. , , - -
___ I ritaifi said when two- of her' fishei ,. . . . I .. . , . . . . . � At dhq-ftor -�-or'froln- The* Ch,einW Co -JA I
�F I g, i,An �, flee.t, sympathies in ilier * baii of wopiiationig. or, carrying way f help, 'r. Ti- .; WjJA '. .
. I men. Were .](I - course'and . 'a;,Jked th a I In, er be lesis nee e -als an Ou C '? 6 -Canada-, U= -tea l4smilioaw-Toronto.
lled-W-tlie !Ill a I I I , e , .. 9 Newfio�undlaund- In h . .. ,
. . .
I I . '. sea . - Al ... T - ing-i6duRtry ifthey w.culd: Istru le with the" Unitid States. . d be * her Qiwn, in 10 , ft ,� 7,'g&d$,;nd.b40n
� �
-tile' North. . titpir' assi��ince_. lie Hon. � Ain roze on ,tile - fish 'ad&- woul . MI -4 1�iOjlbe hed1th- .
. . . , Ji,* I'rwat. tha�t . � ne, ,� . . , . � . . . .
. I
. . ic gqverrument.ildes wronig . to' hj- ShQaroine -of the, bij . ' ' I e. -with i�'s tli6r. fiia'tket'. -Th' A -I 6he; inarket- fai Niewfooftiidl &-fis. a .- _ - , �- I . . . I - ------- �_. , 1.
I ighic :I` . , I .
I � : . &� n.Ln:6f that . s 'OLT I . e , m- _..._..ro,at. Bri ' n, Mr. Low a 4eclared . . . A! . .1 . I . .
* born . I Js6. nradb_a, stiii g...speedh orican peopl ' 1. - I ''. - ._.reat. Bri , , i ... . .- �� '. weit, - Al I - Uiat was, hocesisary � was to ; .. . . . . : . I .. . I.. . .. I I I
I ... � fo I . ,. . . . . . I �
I .
i -- � .. . . ntfY sactift 4 . - ; arta$ . - .. . . .
. sulf, docs:.wtong,to the. United Stat.:- liak . I rIA oil c�,_, r.. reasons of., . t le" t' .pgrsl�te .1 �: .60 0 � .A. aiid . I - . . I ". 1 ': 1. I r .
a - W-hin it 'allows ' be inferred the'qu�§66, dhd tihe-l�rovinces passed. own.,.. have- refused to share their inap� NeWfqundland -to,pliase . the UnitW si�)Ive 6 t le 0 ransporta- 1, � -xiti-P :
Ifuron Co. Stock Exhibition e , -it 'to, ... . ho probi m. ." f thp,:t . iff*�* M-2.-Cusure. , I.. � ,
I I . . -,. . � � I .
� I . � . resolutilo . f 'a I .1 ket, with us.. We shall have, by' , .1 . . . ii6hl' I of . fresh , . fiph i and. Lin, a, few years In, some -bedding belonging td an bid : 1
. I fr6ni,publighed statements that there Us 0 TM.P411Y Otr011gll( cull- I afid -,4tates,.-,alrd N.ewfouilidlahll-'s only hope I , . I . . .
. . . . -
. . � w�as, om, .. I ,!' I woman who died in, ati-English w �
. 'I, rence. with,, the rain- dt�mnatory .Gf the action'.of flie Col- : by, a .niirket for; fresh fis'll, in . - our bf . aid, 1r Canada ' ; :_ ept, or. ciceliange -a -1 ' .1 oric- - .. -
i ' i ' .
. at Clinton. , . wilt/be * hb At�erfe . . I � . � . esult ,? terrLto . ,ry' Without ha;:ving to seek it in - , -..' .. .. .. - . I IF .. . . house, the,purcha'sOr found a bag,eon-,
I . . I . onial Office; What was the - - r � 11 . . . I .. � �nia
paut l,Te's`s* of- the United State.-, Con- . .. , � '. .. . . . �. . i4et- wild.r' the United States. Mri .
. 1. .
I . .
, ,
. . . by the Jorfign eld-mrint, W.116, The , se vii -pea s ' .. � And a forcigil country. We have tr.r-day,-iu ' I . . . . I . Brye6 would sobin, have th6 Newf . 'taining Jewejry-a�nda note for'f;00 de- .
'Thursday k, J907;i ,ductled � � I were"suce6ssf.ul, . 1. , I aund-,, .
,.' April 41:1 ' C is sfiio- of Lak6 Supe'r'-' � I DAily'T , . I 0oslied,lit a Liverpool bank thiiit�-flve'.
. '6onstanfl' t,,�Ist the Colonial Office withdiew.it;s oil- . anada, on. thi . . degrrilph, St -Johns, -� .,.aid, difficulty* to deai * ith'. .
. iliftiavouring: to, I � , . . .. . . �. . . . . W z . . I
, . . are 7 c I , __ �. . . , . . . ... . . * . - years-R&o. -The'bonest finder inform- -
/. -the flon'i tail. I'believe,that th,qre noxious ,xuling' What Cainada:wants -lot, a p6p�llabw'_, � �.* riArc. inillio;ns' 'We - -'- , �, " ' , .,:'. N., B. , ' � 3A conclusion, Sir Wilirid again ex man!s relatl�es In Cardiff of - -
, , I . . ed the wo
. . . - . j�;;: �. � , . Monitreal ` and , : , .. ., �, . . . I I -
PRIZE LIST. / ed - states'in d hat Newfoundland wants. is- a have -two -1 1, - 1',s -w-1 . . - � . I I.. .
/ . . I .. � . _. [� . . I - I , d' his sympatily, wi)th Newfoun& . I
a,re broad mind I en in the aft.. W I * . . . . . presso. . . I the'dIspovery- . . � .
. - I I . . � declared that Canaida; would ... .. . . . . .
HORSES. / Vnited. States who wpuld'not-'act ,,Is square deal. We, are two nalion's. sit;- Tur,vil-�.. %'ve, ;.;*, tour'cIti,6,s of the I ' * : February. E(th, 1907 .land,,, and . . . . . I . . .. . I .
. .1 * they ha . pliti . ulated side, by sicre, prowing up si onddask-Que Otta:v�a, Hamil;- .: E. N. L&wis.of West -Rtixon maide,a I I I . - . . . .. .. ...
, ve done under. p Cal, pres- . . *c i of . . . settle -all difficulties witli' the bitit6d The -Pesirl Lottery. . . , � .
. .. . I . be ' I ' �a Jouse to-�( . . I
CLVDI'SDALES. I . nee .,of I by ,side, an . we- hmla greater.intcr� ion. and -Lov-don'. We ozens qt o, ple .iin the I lay fOk' A� Stat�s b y. the . peaceful 'mean's of dip I ' A4 eipert toils or . an Instance where
sure,. wc�re It'nit fow the sl1b . (I ... I . .1, . have d . rqog � *
I I . . .1 . '
, .
. Ist . -2nd 3rd tile mother. country, in these matters. iests, .in; this * henll�phere' than. either. smaller cities of from live ' bli6�sand to -better. hiandi.119: of the diffiTenew be- joublitw - action �nd - ilegotiathpit,, -but'. 4,000 pearl shells ivere tak4�n which
*ts1lion,3 yrs and over ............ $10 .66 3 ' %Ay twen,ty.. thousand -people. T�e moment :twem Canada and the United: States. . ' .
2 IF E NGLAND ;. , tile �,ir6tlwrIqiiA.*or' Any Other nation.'. � , I arbitramell-L of war. -
-Stallion, 2 yrs atid under ............ 0,. 4 WOULD ONLy � . Iiievet by�'tlie . . yielded less t4an $50 worth 6f ,
. . � , pearls,.
% TO THE U . NIT9'D 9TATES, ,� THAT . MUNROE DOCTRINE W1 . ,we, ire able t problem of He .said- that� the , Mothorlaild was "not - I . . . . . I . �
CANA- -11-. I .. � . . (cheora).* - , .. . I while In the same locality over thirty. -
� . � � I I QH HAS ALWAYS, bEEN ATTRI- the, transporta,bion af�fresli fiskh --- 411� ap "Un -ted with this new hernissphere. - - W 1. .. � _. . . I I .. aund in �ond da . one of- -,
Suittro. , DA AND N�Ei WFOXINDLAND . MU8'.r ,. . " . . .. I ' - ' I . pearls .were fi yo .
We . , . i
I HAVE- A SQUARE DEIAA, NO . MAT-� I ' "' ThIOUTYIn-1 - ."1:)Iy"(Yv-G-()f--'ttle--�mg���—E,tten�ifig--;JI,Vl�al�.-Ot-f-a-wai'-- . I - -
' I B-T,7TT,-'D-TO'-TRES1DENT 'MUNROE, cold'storagg, ,from that moment . . 4 b . I . � . I -_;"d —waS`-96Id-�,r*I0,000;-''—. - .1 . -_
Stallion. -y" . F - . .. .. I I I .
. .'3 . and over .......... 10 a 3 , -WHICH, AS- MY - HON. RI- shall.not look -to,Washington ' or . to gestiIoniq� 'president Roosevelt t"t . I I � I ' . ''. . I
'Stallion, 2 yrK and under ........ :::�' g. 4 2 TER W8]kT IT COSTS ; and: that . BUT. I . . I. . . . . . . . .1 . I.. �
.1 . .END FROM ST. JOHN (KR" T_ Boston, fox our marrc�tsj�blit,'w a tiae,li at . February'lith, 1�0",. . . � - . . '. . I
., the disputes ,betWeen iis must be ad- . . ,S . I I .'e shall, there should be.a. Can-adia it . I � . . . . I . . . Greek.r1re. . I
PrutellZRO9. .. I . . . , . . ` ri. . . I . . . . .1
. Jur- . . - IIAS SHOWN IN . HIS Anil out marke.t in Canadian ,.torri-w Washington. Canadians and .Ame " . . . .1 - whIcO.'bad, several other, .
I 1� Justed by a' triburad' of eminew : OCK . TON) tory., The - C'4t, is 'n . ot . far distant cans, oniqyied now a sort of sociial rec-,' A plea for' the better haltdaing. . of � �' tireek fire, i I .
Qcst Pereheron Stallion ............. 10 . ists, if' E)iglunld. only said that, it BROCHURE ON, THE,,SUBJECT, � na:r�es-wlld fire, llquI4 fir% *Ot,fire, .
. al ,, f1le REALLY ORIGINATED WITH. MR. whevi. in -this as in other .hn,0 . � .. I .
� would.cowduce-to,' th� peaci6 I . . pitant iprocilliy ailid they were al�lei'toj d.iscusa difficulties between, Garbada'. And the . and fire rain-descriptilve of Its - 4e�.
, I
. . .
HE;Avy DRAUGIITS. � . I ' o hear it: CANNING, THE -PRIME MINLSTER respects, "w*u - shall have ,ot,,'r 'Own mar- tairifs, and ,waAetwaps. a,micablY. WILY United, Stateu Wa:4 made'lly Mr.. Lew- . structiveness,� Is said to . have been the.
Z11pood 7M(Lre. 3 yrs and over ..... 6 4 22 Whole world.. 1. was.-gidd t . k t "and when - that market will de�- n4 otili,or maiters such as boundaries is of, West ;Huron, Conservative, who ,
, 3. gwid b y . Secretary A�oot, . th� �, efiiinipt � OF GREAT BRITAIN-4hat dpetrine ..� , .. . I ' .1 most � destructive .englho of war pre - .
- 9ftwd Mare. 2 yra and under.... . 5 a . . the House, and . . . .
* . . .
, Gelding, 3 yrs and uVer ............. : 2 �, declaxes.,th-at - nb.. -EuropoArt nat- mand '.ni.ioro and more.. T-li � day-- is and the like ? . I 'A. - I does not often ad4ress - .
. 5 �j 2 s,tatesmaii, -that there were, two, nat- which . . e .1 - vious to gun�owdez` Discovered..'br.
Pelding 2 yre; and under .... . 51 coming-,perha,ps, it has- already come Ile , chaigpd that* t4o British 0o#orn, like inost men. of . that haibit speaks I I . I
� re&nJ i� :' ions -on 11his Continent inavi ,,on 9-hould be' illowed tjo . interfere - - . , . ' � to - Syrian. ,It WAS firilt'used -
harness ............ � .:::: 8 1; 4 , ng ,,alo,n.. . . . . I - I . to Onay When k,jrba Soniet ,ing Callitildus, * A
* 4 �.whon-, if the Americans were , b o er Iiii Ealowinj thf& Bri,tslk p a h Sayk i
Family of 3 colts of 1906 .... ... 6 ' I ,f wil-h any r6liublio or any othei. nation � t' 9 ment.1 � ress .. . in the. siege of -Const-tin'tinople,: 673-61% "
. idd i)y side lor the.p6ace of tile woi:� I . . . . I . � . I . . � ,
, for exchange, their mar- in . .. I
� c us exchangi akc the uncorrected sitatement-that He Wanted better Paloguards-for '0.;Ln . . . : . . : ,
'AGRICULTURAL. , ld ; �ohe Canada, the, other'lli-o' -United 'on this Ontiu6t,*has just As great I . -lion, flow . - and at . Mecca. 696.:. .;. " . . . �, . I
. . I
. ket. for.,our li,Vls of operation' I -am .no dispute with, the col.quies �ould'be adian.intemsts 16 sucli'cases' t - . _
Team in harnem, int. Roller donat- States. THE COURSE1. .OP; THE an initeFost for us a� got the Unftal.d. . � . t Can I. ns andi- - . . . . , . . 11_� I —
. - '
z ThoR. Niurphy. agent Deer- 19-INTERNA'T�- Statei WE HAVE AS MUCH RTG_� sure that the .Van,ad-fan pieciple'Wouiti taken as. entlangering peace - between existed. - He noted .ths ad, a � . . . . .
ed b UNITED STATES I . . I nited. State --was A 'ericaft already endoydd. gu sort 'of . . . � I .�
ilig fg. Co., value $15 . ......... 5. 3 -MATTER9 HAS, NOT BEEN11, HT. T6 THE, A.PPLICAT OF ,be ready to accept. J am.stwo, thAt in Britain. and the, U m . . . .
Brecd Alare, 3 yrs and over ........ : "s 3 2 IONAL . , � I making trouble a,nd.eneduraging, the Social reciprocity.. Tbe�- were able Lo I
Brood Mare, 2 yra and uiid6r 3 ...... 3 2 1 SUCH AS -TO COMMAND OUR THAT- DOCTRIN)@ AS.T*t;NIf- aJew years,we shall n6t'bii willing o - .
GENERAL PURPOSE. , ADMIRATION. Lool; f �vhat happen- ED STATES, and in ha,yin,g.�O,ur ,own to accept. Right. Hion'. Junes'Bryco tail-twigtors .in the States. to oi;�s'at diac6s tariffs. and .waterways a,mica- I : 1
04 lnattcra� left to' the negotiations of has. Instruetions'to, deal with this the efforts. . of high-nihided Am�Bridan. bly. Why not. other mattep, ..bout, il- I - ,. .
Team in'barnesia, 1400 lbs and under 0 4 1 ed in - connection With Newfoundland. I tile British Colonial.. Office is simply matter and lie ia.9aging.on-the 13th ,state�ftnan, What 'Britain sh . ould . say ties And. thd like? : I ' . .. -1 . I ,� . I
Jn. 1905. and. i966�'Newfoundlaiid, pas-- ' � I I � I . I � . - . I
. . .
. ROADMRS. - . tantamount- tQ,, plotighibg the sand, of this morlith fo th6 United States, t I h 4orld wwsl- tha-lb : the Colonies 1� . - - - .
sed cortatri lawsi affecting list own .pe- . I . r. , 0 � ' a ' . I . . .. il .
-Stallion, 16hda ac under, 3yr &over 10 5 2 1 ople, And* The United States irnme& and can be 6 no, good. purp6rt . what- He .will deal with -the question, I shall iiaxe -their' fair and just rilgirta *Mr.' Lewis, maiin point of .complaint
f . I � I I
. �
I .
Stallion. 16 hils ever, 3 yrs and over 10 5 2 isitely. sell . t a . mandate to. -the' British' soever. . THIS IS - NO TIME hope, In a manner satisfactory to the properly'slijud-ged- in, an impartial tri- was iheip gritishl. treatment of New- - M * a i I
� Slagle -horse in harness 15-i bd,j and , . . . FOR L BE, ATING AROUND THE peop)6'of Newfoundland, - Now, we have bunal. , . I ... . I . .. foundlanid and'.iespecia.Ry ., her pveson4 "I I
over, equipment conaidureld 6 4 ,i,Lrlibassador A,t Washington for -tmns- , - . �, .
I , 'i .At . -1 . . I :%��
addle Horse ........... ..::..::: ' B,USH OR FOR TREACLE OR come to 619 po Won liviour relations The chief compla-iiIi wasr * the treatment !nvoWifig tb�p disallowance . � . _
.18 5 li , mission to. Daivning 'Street declaiing 'by which ,& � � �
Team in harnem, 10 hdfA,�;d over -.10 5 , . TECHNICALITIES,. AND I AS�K Wi6 tfie�I)VoPlesbf the United'States' Briti�h treatment of Newfoundland, -of the acitaof 1905.an,a 190:6 . ,,, :
I cAtaingle acerin harnebs, equip- that on no ground whatever .�Iionld . . . .. . treatment -�In Newfoundland sought � to. vtafilish her . . .
�ment Ciefisirldered . .... .. ; . ........ 5 a . . . THE RIGHT HON - THE -FIRST -We can neiler,concti% of W -Ar betw- especially thq'presept' 1. I. . I �
' .
Jumpink I urdle .............. 10 d American fishermen in .Newfoundland NINISTS R TO'RISE' IN HIS SEAT ean us, or of war between Great Bftt. the, disallowance .of the act of 1906 rights, irs I her - own% waiters, ' Mill the I CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC' TABLEIS I
iRoad*ftr un;er IQ hds. equipment conRlder- waliers be Interfered with, P was first I IN - THIS PARLIAMENT OF' Ain 'and .the United States. We mean and 1906, by which � Newfoundland, I institution ot another m.od'us; viVendi , A simple and efiedlyt ritnedy for, . ...
4K pivo of a Islanket, donated by R, Graham. under -the impression that Graat Brit- CANADA AND S, A Y' FOR to settle all our difficulties with that i9oughi to. establish hier rights.. in her . .. . .. . . . . SORE THROATS AND COUGHS.
HeRt,ttoadster Am under 151 lids" Whip do- Ain, tool�a&ionwioihout the' knowled- � I . They combinatlie gernifeldial value of cresolane
. nwwd.by 3aines 4peios. , . ge. of 11�e Newfounkfiand . lib-gislat,004 11-IMSELF AND AS FAR AS nation -by peaceful 'means, by, dAplbm- own witers, -and ,the consiti,tution of ' The Result, - tith too soothing jwdportles of alippery-alin and llcoA
, ' -ItM at lon, by g tiation, -but ' I 44 , . . I I . 1. -]..-, your r1rurriat or front uoi, 10,� In star
n 1119 POSITION . ALLOWS I AC met no 0 never another in,odus vivend, ,- rentains oper . I . . . np&
CATTLE. but 1 -have 'since foll0d ih,At the ActiO - . I TA&V.So, UILLb Co., Limited. Ajouti, 111011tfthl. 0i
TO SPEAK FOR THE, by the arbitrainlient of war.' That is tive. * ' I I . : 'St. John's, Nfid.; Feb. II. -The -in- . . . 1. . .
. was, taken with the lCn0W1cd%e ot i a ri . . . '.
� . COUNTRY -1 ASK HIM TO , DE- t1fe condition, I have only to say, What, Canada Wanted and' wbm no;Litcemint -that Sir Wilfrid L u er
. Newfoundland, but against lier Writ- - V I., , . . . .
I 11 * 3 re an ov Or ..... I ........ ... CLARE TO T14E WORLD AT LAR- and I believe that in thls,l ' voice Nawfoubdiand. wanted, Mr. Lewis cort- has exoressed Sympathy with New- - . !7 I
. 11 1, 2 yea an ubdefr-, 15 3 2 ter protest, and that attion re-sulted. GE THAT THIS PAItLIAMENT -the feeling of every citivel.b of Cana- cludoll., was a square deal, aind he in- .fouridland I'll, the colony's oamoAigli li - �L _ � I . . I . - . I
I . 11 71 . -1
. u 1, 2 yran under....J....:....... ....... 5 3 2 in. granting to the- United Atates fpr ,-� 4
. I 3 vs an over ............ AND THE pEOPLE OF CANADA da, that towArd the solution of tdielr i �Iitod tile ftime minister to "Y In against American fisermon, evicou I 0 It
r, re . ....... ......I......'.".'. 5 5 5 one 'year every ptlV4lege 4vidilh the - his place that. NewfolllidlanA had the aged, tim 'Government leaders, who 11 ki 11a
11. A, 4
� 11 f, r. .1 y "A 2 VnIted States , ARE,, IN SYMPA,Ttly Wy,TH 01IR difficulty we desire. th help. the people o I e th r Aang of Wrther ffz6 1 ..
1 4 . . yr .......................... 5 . asictil for. ".'tie Vnited BROTHERS 'DOWN BY THE. SEA, I of Newfountiland, Ad far as our pow, sympathy of herL Sister C"JoIlIeS. In Will utl�, a el ii, I D Cl,.kSS,
Hrupponna. _ . Staties has posGesgion of tho Navioolk- A14D THAT WE WILL, SO PAR AS er lies. . . I fEtVJJJ'L" Such An, a'SSur&nCe the 111-pill'ier probes . tin,g Against the modug vivendi, ONE WAY.-SECON �
2 yrs , ndl"d fislierles aniii you 0,11 I:now ' . *�vo6j have lh.t� sup,liort of all ('Lni-. Tuesday's session, of the Legisla- C 0 L 0 IN, I ST . LIS
till., ,"a over .............. .... .5 3 11 IT MAY LAY IN OUR POWER, AS -o I ' . !1
ull, I yr and under ....... # .... ... 5 3 -that Possession Is nine points of Vie . L . ' '
. . OFFICrL r- SIST THEM TO SECURE JVST- .1. Mr, A. A. Sto�oktolv, bonser%tiVe, diang. . . On sale daily, 1- I ,
, I yre and,over ........... :i ..... 5 3 1, i. %r_' , . -do, . . � . 141 . I . - ___1pxA_,2At, I
I er under 2 yrs .... ............... 6 3 la,w. THE COLONIAL VIM AND .FAIR�PLAY -, AND I (St, johni City and County).' I t' L W\ I The newspapers.' ol the OpPOS-ition points in British Volumbia, Oalif r -
I . EX (PRANTEP SOMETHING W11- . Toron o orml gian, Colora,do, I
PoLLED ANoUS FEEL SURE,� MR. SPY!'1AXE-11, not,jisotosayanything uOduthe iiub-T .1 uttered a vehement protest Saturday nia, Washington, Ore
. . ICH I WAS GLAD TO SEE 'SNN k- THAT EIVEIRY HON. AIMMBER IN ject, that hasi been illsous" by February l7th, 1001, against , the strong laligia-gro u -,ed by Montana. .
ull, 2 yrs and over ................. 5 I TOR tOUGHMD, CONSE.R�rAT- MY I . �
! � I ft "dwaird Norman Lewis (W. Huron) several Government speakers ii tl,q �Spl.XIAI,. TRAIN TO NORTHWEST
ull, I yr and under .. .. _:.::.-.* ...' 5 3 1IV9 tEi�DER IN - OUR $ENIkT1,11, THIS HOUSE, AND TITAT, Till,', hoft. friend from West Huro (Mr. V *
;a Fra and over ...... 5" 3 PV,,OPLP-, - OF CANADA WILL hey advo- Will leave Toronto eve Tuesday
� All) VAS A13- I Lewis) -and spoken to by my right maho a, marked 'imp,ression, by his Legislatuire on, Thursday. T ry
ol rundet2yra ................... 5 3 1 LAST NOVEMBER S &ND� STAND BY HUM IN SO DOING. lion. friend the Prime lldihist�r (Sit short address the other day, Which cat,od the secession of the colony, during 'March and Aptil, ( At 9.001),Ill.' I
IRV COWSv PAT &.8VOCIt STEE98 & 1181PI.CRS �C;OLUTELY.7 UNALLOWABIX' . � . Wilfrid Llturicr),, except to say that struck'z rpsoonsivib chord in Now, frqtn the empire. - I I o ,writh cololl,Wt sleeper ) for accoinod-
W141CII AFTERWARDS THE, UNIT- 'The* main part of tile GOVOUninvot's I �
Cow any age or breed ... I ... 6 "a 2 ED STATES SAID THT",'Y WOVIA) atiswer is a,;, follows. . . . . it is, ono�'Of tile most Jinport4nt sub- fowdland And -attracted attention Will Diucusa Modus Vivaf,ii- u-�lon (it settlerg. f traxelling with live
eifeir. age considered..... ..... a 9 � -
Steer, age potiAldered .......... 3 2 NOT PRT -','SS FOR AND ADMITTRIT) . jects that cam possible engjg6 tile t1trofthout the empire. ThiN is surely St. John'u, Nfld.,* Feb. 11 .-The mo. stock. Passengers travelling withOlit'
toe cit4erg,3yeiLtA�tLfidiiiidet..., 3 Rt. Ilon. Sir Wilfrid I,Aurlor '(Prime attentloo of,this Housti. I Ifs,toned to the time 6r Canada, tO 01tMd the dug viveildi arranged last year be.- live stock should take train leaving
ndundor .... 3 " MAT IT WAS SOMETHING Tlll!*,'Y I ,, illy thodi-soussibn the, other flay With very, tight, hand of id,lowship, It oaoti- the tween Great Britzin and the 11,1nitee, Torouto'dally t.45 p, il
wak Helfora, 3 yn; a 2 .. HAD NO RIGHT 1-14VIPIN TO ASK 5"Inister). Tile question, to whicii A. to 11.30 P.M
. I " - to r-
9WIMPSIPARP8 . . . trong arm. of defence, to hot Bist(lt Stiates will be discussed at length In For full Iniformation as ates And
V61t, 'May , I be permitted to ou�te I 1'i'Z' friend has called, file attention of great interost, And I hope that I may '9 .
eotMala any age ............ I".... ....... Clock the commonts, of two, or three of tile I the lioust is a very delieAte on -P, and have an opportunity during thel pres- colonjaixti neighbor staft'. Mr. Lewis the Newfouvaland LegislAture Vol). tickets. call oil .
I I . I .
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ai-_J.�nd 4c,
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eRt Female any 496.. Xllotk regarding willell,, even after . the ent stssion ot saying something uron sPealeA seldom, . but( always, to the i'2, whti Premier Bond will wive an
tat 3�ofany brd6d. 2 Yi�6a'i�h;i;�Uh ' loading English newspapers; on thl'; Of* 110 hx; nla.de to llfti�, I tile . . . .1 . , V, It. lJOl)Gt:,'\S, Town koat.
. DroloIna, ma,ttar which I 1101 ,Ill. an ass'Oelated earnegt Appeal fishery rights of Van-ada. - poill1"', address on the subiject to the 11titils'll, A. 0. PATTISON, Dep�t Ag*ont.
blitil ; .. .. ........... .......... ... . , ,
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---i — - 11