HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-03-21, Page 2The Clititc4 Newa.Recorala '., . . ..10,,,.0.0•,......,......„010,...,„,,.....00.2 i / $ • , LADIES, • — We cordially invite you to our Spring 0 8. Opening of Millinery, Jackets and White- # # wear, On Friday and Saturday, March 22nd 9 0 and gy3rd 1907. ' ' • I'Miss Porter, formerly of Lindsay, has ' charge ()tour- Millinery Department and will be pleased to raake your acquaintance and show you through our Millinery. 0 .We remain, yours well disposed, , $ POPLESICONE et GARDINER, # $ BLYTIT. , Successors to McKinnon a Co, 0 $ , • , -ViPetting. 'Friday .and .Saturday, • March 2Z, 23. • • • , $ WANTED—Young ladies desirous 4,:1eirnini -$ the Millinery Busines. •Apply at once, • Ogroga.laria,slarslrio.sabfAiri.Arirs4.1110•11..414sAa.,sibAb.N...slibeis.q/ses1.4 . . TAKE RIVAL- HERB TABLET FOR STOMACH,- • ravEn, KIDNEYS AND FOR CL- EANING THE BLOOD. FOR SALE'BY W. A. McCONNELL • CLINTON. WHOLESALE FROM THE RIVAL HERB AGENCY.; KINCARDINE. nesseelessnennennee S It is reeortel at Shanghai that Wesleyan mrssion has beendestroyed at Muse° and the -missionaries killed. The : Qiiebec •Legislature hes Inc.n prorogued. • • Fier) persons were killed in Belgrade; last week in a conflict between 'he Police and the strikers. Slabs For Sale We hwe for sale a quant- ity of fierulock Slabs, cut •16 inches long, suitable. for ranges. I COAL LEAVE- YOUR ORDERS NOW. FOR, 'YOUR SEASON'S SP • • PLY, 'OF COAsle- WR' avErk • ONLY THE VERy.BEST.GRA- DESeWHICH WILL 'BE SOLD . AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE - , DOERS MAY BE LEFT AT pAyis-'& Rpwr,Amys HARD- WARE STORE. OR WITH • J. Hamilton W.;3" Stevenson' A Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE, LOT 4, HURON Road; Goderich township, * 'mile fropn Clinton, containing 130 acres of land. In • excellent cultivation. Easy. terms. Apply to J. Holmes, P. Q. box 196, Cliatota, Ont. all in grass except twelve acres. in • • FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Lot 14 on 3rd Conn and south half 14, 4th con., in thct township of Hullette ii,re offered for sale or to rent .They consist of 150 acres, FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH. CON Stanley townelaip, containing 175 acres. * Mile from school, ' e mile frOM Presbyterian and Methodist churches and.poetoffice, 7 miles f130D1 H0113611 and,4 miles from Kippee statiore There are on the premise's three barns; 64x40, 70x28, 50x28, all in good repair. Comfortable log and frame house. 22 acres in fall wheat. All fenced, 100 acres well eadeadrained and the remaining 75 acres drained by township ditch running through. Never failing Well at the house with a new Brantford pumping mill, also a never failing spring back on the farm. le acres good bearing orehaed. This term is In a first-class state of cultieetion and is situated in one of the best grain growing sections in Me pro. vinee. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the purchaser. For further information apply oh the premises or address Georo,e •Cole- man, Hillsgreen P. 0. 47 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30 AND part 31, .con. 5, Hullett, consisting ' of 117 acres. 15 acres good hard- wood bush, balance under cultiva- tion. Good brick house and frame • barns. Well watered and fenced. Bearing orchard. 11 miles from store postoffice, church and saloon --Mill-4v sold on ease terms as, the undersigned intends going West. - R. J. Miller, Clinton P. O. 14 • FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from churele, post. office, school, and the village . of Auburn. SuLtable for grain or grass. Lot 27, on the.and coneVest Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, ,15 acres under bueh an the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 5200, a driving house 24x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on sai, pre/eases. 'Also lot 28, East • Wawanosh 2nd con., direetly oppos- ite said let 27, containing '100 acres! et land, 15 acres of which are bush.4 On this lot there Is a bank barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good • bearing orchard on the twee jelynnee Both lots are well fenced aed -urn ,.nenee- derdqtacide eA 'never failing-, spring runs Across both farms. • Posseesion cap be given at once. Terms epee.. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply vrIll be given to all cOmmuniee.e Ions. . .buele A good twoestory frame hou- ' se, _bank bare 59xiii with power mali,; drivingeshed 30x50, and sheep • house. e0x36:- Pbe piece ie well wa- tered by spring, a drill Well and the river. ,It is situated 3e miles from Clinton and le well adapted. for stock. or grain. Also Lot 12, on 6th Cone,consisting of 100 acre, twelve Acres 'bush and the reit see- ded down e never-failing-sering with the windmill for pumping. Th- ese farms will be sold together or separately and oaten= to salt the purchaser. If not Sold, will be rens • ted. --fl, J. Miller, Box 25, 'Clinton, FARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF* of 'lot 7, Smith Boundary, and West* half of lot 3, con. 4, 'Stealer,: eon- • sista% of 102 eats,- 8 acres hush, -the remeindee seeded down except - mg 30 acres. The .place is. well fen- ced and drained, and Watered by spring creek. Frarne barn, -This firm issituatedon the Towd two miles •west of- Kippen statism. Apply on the premises or a:Metes James C. Parsons, kippene Ont: 32 FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.. - Lot 13, con: le, Goderioli townehip, • consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres cleared, ealanee 'bush. Good • barn and comfortable hduse. Well nzai- ered by two good runrinig streams. * mile from school and 1.mile from .postoffiee. %II be sold on easy terms.e-Apply t� T. T. Murphy, Cileitoegs : 35 it FARM FOR SALE. -THE''' UNDER- sign,edi offers for sale pert of let 40 on the Ba.yfield Road, 1 mile Beath of Clinton, consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house .with st- one cellar, barn 36x79•With cement be -see -lent Ea,sy terms, -- 'J. A. 40 • • ; , 4 FOE -SALE -FRAME HOUSE AND lot on Pitnegss street. 11 rooms, {hard end soft water. Good stable. Will 'be gold, cheap and 'len easy terms. Also 4 hives of bees and. a 7nitiliiiier-iiinbeeteires.---William Dun. . ' 30 11 • leOttSE FOR SALE -.A. LARGE frame house on Wellington streets. Clinton, lately occupied by F. 0. Allcock. 'rooms and pantry, tv-Ood- shed, good' atone cellar, hard and soft water, 4- acre of fend, A Sp- lendid chance for a petsen ',vetting a good house. Apply to Mrs. Chid. ley or to Mr, AlleOCk. • 39 can. FARM OA SALE. LOT 24, CON., 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well. ' fenced underdrained and fa a, good • state on cultivation. 1 acre Of or. chard' and small 'Mit On the pre - raises is a • two story brick house with slate roof, a first -clan farm house. 4 bent, size, 4. ••tt 80 With sitene Stabling, a' cement silo 1430, good driving - house pig pen and hen house. Two neeer-fail. • ing . This fatm is /dilated 8 miles from nruceileld, 6 f om 01 - ton and on geod gravel road. Ap- ply On tie premises or addros Albert Note, Clinker P. O. • 02 Court Sustain** Coliviction of Goderich M111% for Bigamy Toroneo, March 14th.. -Jasper X. Brioley in Aprii, 1897, married Rosa May Card le the eotiety of I -Neel; where be atill reeidee.fli wife left NMi August, 1903, and went te Michigan, where on January 15, 1900, she obt•ained a, divorce; Afterwards, On. April. 12, nrinley left with one Emily Florenee Pieot, and was married at Detroit. Upon •his return to Canedia, he was oonerict. of biemny. The firsteq•uestion %emit- ted to the , court of appeal was whe- ther the decree of divorce granted to the wife on January Itth,"1896, by Ilse circuit court of IVIichteae, was val- id and bindir.g and e„ good- defence •to the indictment for bigamy. The, court decides in the negative. The second questiou submitted was whether the Culpability wee relieved by, the at cif the detenelante• knowing that, the eecree of divoree••had been granted and his having been edvised that he could legally marry again. The court answered this question in the efermatke, • NEVER SLIT YOUR, BOOTS, That doesn't cure the corn. Just apply the old. stand by, Puteirn's Corn Extractor, rt acts like magic. Kills the, pain. cures the cone does it without burn or scar. Get the best - it's "Petsiam's..".' The' city of Vienna has eoughti out the two: companies which control the estdertakting, business there. ' • Floods are • causing great 'damage and loss of life ni Western Pennsyl- vania, and the adjoining States. . • • • ANOTHER GREAT DISCOVERY A well known gentleman 1 Black Bay, 'Ont. Mr. John, Cowan, has dis.- • covered an absolute specific for 'Rheu- matism. and writes: "I was affected with Sciatica and chronic Rheumat- ism whicth I coneracted- years ago .The disease had la' • great hold in me bloodare itt was taid tOi make any impression on it. Rea,dirtg Ferrose one 1. was convinced "Of it's Certainty the. best :I .have hner tried. Why it • just drove away • the Rheumatiste. ;Even .stiffene& old sufferers will ev- Perienee quick results. The reason is that Ferrozone acts. • through: the blood and thereby destroya. the cause of the disease. Pride 50c aer box it all deal - era. ' • . -PURITY- . -ACCURACYPelfect . • . the verdict from every firmer ,who has used DouglasStock Invigorator • " netesseene: • . • Why pay -frein $2.00 to $3.00 a • pail for Stock Foods when yoe can get a better preparation I much cheriper. DouglasStockInvigOrator A large pail for 75c IT'S GOOD. - USE IT S. R1 Holmes ' Mabufaciuring Chemist.. • We Xeep Only' Pest Offiee The Beet. Drug Store, , -RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE- • • i•••••••••••••••••••••••••t fI SPRINCITRIVI . I . . Z. from April 2rid merges into Orir • i• Summer SOSSi011 for July and August, Enter any time. No. Vacations.. .Clip out, sign -this' .and receive our Catalogue by I. eetern mail. Name •••• ..... 1 011 . . 0 . 0 . 011. 0 0* • . 0 Address • • . Send toeCentral Business Col- I lege, Toronto. W. He Shaw, : •••41••••••••4••04•••••• 1 Principal C. N. -R. . . . . , 1414.444 0.•!..0.4.0.....y...: .1 C4 priori Term' ., b - . . i 1 opens TueS•dar. Apr. i M. '")_ ggi0111,11_. • 00),,e/P-NCL-7,9e.e • sTRATF0f10, ONT. i.T. largest and , most progres- HIS SCHOOL, which is the I i enjoys the Invitation of doing . .. u reve etenelrnintnsliorte nand Sriri001 in 1 .e t tare; ication in Canada,. Our gradu- • the best work in Business Edu- 1 rites are in demand AS commer- icial tea.chers and office assiatants , IV pit e for our free °tithing tie and you will get full information I concerning one seltoon _ i .. es I Elliott &i, *Lachlan 1 i ,, PRINCIPALS / • 04.4•••••••••••••••4104141..110 1....“14,44p444,44.44444.. Goderich ,,...._,,,._111.111110".10110111.1111111 ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS Correspondent. •.•••••••••••••• 0.**1 Mrs. Welsfr,. sister at Colonel Ver. con esell at the iresidence of their slate, Mrs. Yoking af:Elginteeenuee Dr. 1Vialbee hos purchased part on the Smyth estene. Three young ladies are employ the organ, feetory as stenegra Misses Margery Ball, .parAh McX and Frances Wiggins. • We are sorry to lose Mr. Frieder tram our midst. He sold. to Piper Young who has, c Ids mind about going to Detroi will have any inneunt of the "s of the pipes!' when Piper, Young es to 'town. Mr, Fritzle,y and f will move to Drayton, elan, Mr. and Mrs. Augustine hams, from Waterloo street to the formerly occupied by Mrs, Guest EllexeMcCarthy hasmove her eld home. 011i Elgin penes. Mr. H. J. Morrow, grocer, has out to: Mr. Torn Pringle. • IVfise Mcliferchy; • daeghter of MoMurchy of West street, le now nurse -in -training at Mount Sinai; t* piNew Yorke Another dann Mrs. Howard, will with her hes make a European trip this cot einniner, Mr. Brandt, manager of the Works ,Ore, has taken the house Vicitoeia street owned byMr. Wall Bayfield. Mr, Boyd is now progressing favorably, • Mt. John Proudfoot has taken Innen %lames Ifas hanged We oding mole aniily homed, hoese • d to sold Mr, a ems•- band ming W 'larch 210,1907 The Alt Home given -by the Canon Club was attended thy a large number of invit.ed, pleats, Antony there being it great malty Of the young la44es a our town. Dr. Mabee, J. Acheson, Fred, Brophey audt Kickley did all 4u their power to attend ito the comfort of then' guests. Messre, Lionel ?aeons and Torn Naila were much oilseed. Last Sunday eventing Rev. James Anderson- preaelied a seemont to th sailorsand fishermen., taking for hi text SteMatinei • 8-33. "And when he was entered into a fillip,ide"diati p es followed him. serrnori was replete with -the. love of Christ fer the fishermen. There were twenty seven 9a al male voices in the choir. "I'm a Pin- Plretsr grim and a Stranger" wee sun be. Le the offertory by Mr. Jerdan, Mr. Arthur Sutherland akiconmaniet. enese Mabel Tom has joined the staff of trained nerses in one of the New York hospitals. Miss Fletcher and Miss Tillie Grabens 'graduate4 at the same hospital. -• The funeral of Miss Lena Olive To- t on,a Wilson. •daughter, of Mr. Albert E. Wilsoh o Sattford, took place on -the, late ott March to Maitland cenue, etery, the services belle conducted .by • the Rev. James Anderson. The little white casket was covered with floral emblems. The •Saltford S. S. pupils • aird the S. S. class in ICuoic, whith Ven a attended were present at •the • funeral in, a body. The pallbearers were James Therneson, Rose Ruther- ford...In/ill, 'raylotr, Wa1ten Mitchell, J. lEi.st Je90e. • and Will. McEwen. All of denote enurch •.choir of which Veena 3N.as a valued membee taking selee very • often during„ the Sunday servites and a number of enter tainieenta She seemed to have a great, future before' her, being profic- ient i insbruineetal ' Possibly' her•brain could not stand 50 Possibly her train could not stand so much study as -she became unconsei- end ous oni Tharsday 7tle Marcie and ..when D., the physician was called he pronouns - sew .ted her illness to be a case Of cerebro- spinal meningitis, and the 'child of promise passed- away, to the lanid• et sang, the abode be the angelia throng. She is deeply mourned by all who ennew bright, saulful Veona. • • - ••Mr. Charles .T. Wilson, of Bowes Mont rN. D: spene a . week the guest ef:his -Meter Wii- lowheept, and has • returned to his Dakota home. - Mr. Wilson visited 'several relatives • in Ontario, during his two .moneh's abseinie: item home • • Clarence Grahame only son of Mr: • • Bennett Graham, who is, e student at the Medical College ; has been ill here for some; weeks at hist hothe New- gatte St., but; ,vre, are glad to •say, • thee he is improving •quite satisfac- torily, • ..„............„,,,,..„„,.....A.„.........,40.4...„,...4,4.9..... 0, Epwoisth League and $ o • • S. S., Coivention. e 9 ' ' 0 S Th0 AMAMI, COnVentiOSI cd the Eq. EpWorth Leaget” by Rey. Mr. Curry,. worth Leeens and Sabbath Schools n s 01 Goderieli District was held in the t-1;in4g.4. WMVQ144:11ilatti. Wefasilalliet0kthg, "4-ilt.f Methodist church, Blyth, on March traduced the important wpie were arranged in "Th• e- t7,11.1):144terni8:otlf4.wliite draPing and small ing discussion followieg. A splendid ° e Tasty decorations- value °t Decieion, Dee anti thetbest method of condecting 142 an interest, flags, eenteatte of Xing Edward, and replete addren was giVea by Al - Queen Victoria and Rev. John Wei- /red ',infield, of Nile, on "The Ep- ley, And a, neat display Of flowers.. worth League es a missile/vary Ferree) ' There were also large suggestive mote "The Epworth League as an Evenee. toes. A very cordial reeeptiion was given listic Force" was briefly but pointed-- t, the delegates by ILO Reception none cjlYiind.toelt: with by Rev, W. E. Kerr, a • - mittee and the hospitality of the • The majority Mr. Clement, of G:oderich, • gave a nlyth people 'could hardly be outdone. PreSident - Retdol• th•tett oclaircuitthe.i ..e14111 tab:: etellc:utitPrvileeehoelflEsreiv:Wutiinghva:da:tcre:s lollinesett‘riv:t0htheeasS.Eat: ... bath School Literature, its eational, Dietrict were represented, 'elfersday Sessions. doctrinal and morel influence." , _ • A resoiution was carried empower-. Mies Bell, ' of Londeshoro, and miss holding a joint Sunener School. Peatri (idly, of Blyth, acted as ac.- Miss carr presented the report a TecrePere'seto t diuerinegHowthato. niaaftkeernruna: -Abe Resolution- Committee, It dealt ior League a success" „ was taken by with the distribution of the balance - the paper for Miss Ada L . Beattie, from the Stone yacht and turning it Min Brownell, of Seaforth, who took . over to the Forweorid w1VIDovisetrarenictt.suaine: aesent. • • This Su- who broueht out a number 3711tiesedr 07 the°el lb°0°htt:led jonf.Rrecommendede Rev. T . G t. 11 eB Barlow,. cl cr wu r-,, who was -; , of excellent Poiete by different dele- missionary at eja,ebieuet, B. 0., who. gates during the eiscession. ' an eneellene, asidress on "Present is assigned to Goderich District Lea - Rev A, E. Jones of Auburngave • gees to support, and League tasked to. Pro- .. Lea-• seecrrile angec'mneentfsorbetheirm" made with Mr; Bar- . eth chinch; also that' gress and Outlok of Epwor.., . lo* for a quarterly letter, Copies . of - . the same to • be sone to each League and to thli District press. • "The importance of Epworth Lea- gue reading course and best method to • conduct it''• was the topic' introdueed ' by -Rev. A. H. Brown. of Varna-. Ile heel on, is of very are, lapse after several weeks' .iliness• a trained nurse has been called i We...learn, that Mrs. Love has • her residence on Wilhelm street to. Mr. Geuley ;and at preterit resides with her daughter, •Mrs. Bert Drink.' Mts. Hawley was indisposed • for 'some days. last week, bet we are gla • to hear that she bee since very much improved. ••• Mr. S. ' -Lynn' of the elevator has taken up his eeeidence in the cottage formerly owned by Airs% Shaw: •' • • Mr. Frank Elliott's daughter; Miss Vera, ha i taken upeteakirers Work and; her Neither -Earl has done the *same. Ile new bakery beingbuilt for Mt. Warrenet will occupy the former. site of the Marble works. ' • .terieleitimpione-after spending the Winter -elle Detrain -is • . now .registered . at theSaults House. MT. Roth of the Sterling Bank Iso • a guest 'he the • same well-ni 6.igeTh4eill" 'Society is '0 aignieg fee new members !and is $ °ding Very well. . We must congratulate M Urley on her proficiency in mu znination at the •Lendon Oellser he having passed •• her first -Class ry of . Music, taking high. honors. Mr. Palmer of Kincardine nevi oe es one of the cottages on what eallee Goldthorpee'Row.'e Mr. jordan . Windspr hes bou e Naftel lots on South street , Sri- sotlie-lots from the Gibbons • • Miss narrows is steadily impro,y1 we are all -in hope si theteshe w on be herself again. • 'Phe.new restaurant is to he kepi "The telympia."..' Whens.in me. •.• , • e. Perk his had a, .very large Ve lith •annexe( to his brickeibuse , grie eVeaue. •' • • • --- • he employes of the knitting. facto seeted their • late maerager with. dsotme gold locket. and. stick •p ore hie departure, .. ' he News -Record gives the news. derich. •• rs. J. We, Smith has been suffe roni Amelia:nem ler .soine time le ow better •agaie. • • . r. -E: C. Grahame . who wed'sai no he •very' ill, is new able t tend to business again. . ast Suedan was the first anni vet: - of the •oeening of the new North eet ..•churelr. and Seccia ecr.:ce5 e held, the -preacher of the dav be. the Rev. W. G-. Howson of .n:ing , who delivered tWo :very eloquent ons. His style resembles that .of Daniel, both using the most flow language The anthem before the on,' was "I letti ,Sieg," at the tory; ‘40.3f the Father.?' e Seedily • school of the•Ntirth t Church aleot 'held annivereaey.' unary. afternoon. ' ss Kate Watson principal. of i net Andrew's ward school, is again es post after an absence of soon .deving.te having 'waned. • her e. -.Ethel Fairow esnimed tales of. principal during her -0-1 a ce a to pi be •th al tat and so ae ne Ei eed • pre han bef ' T Go 'er f is n • M said a,t eery Str wer ing • ham ern' Dr ery germ offer • Th Stree on 5 Mi St. att h days ankl the r is an" am - LW, iss SiC, ex- cu - has Vie Ln, es - ng• ill va a r- 011 ry 'a in bf It, Rev. J, 'Lire Stewart las received a call from Feet Wayne, Detroit, tobe. corne pastor of:a Piesbeterien chetah in' that city, • ' ' Green geraniumns Were the greetetle floral rarity offered the last' week, Mre.Herris and his neide, Miss Nel- lie Harris, are now in benne. Color- ado, spending some time with WS. Before . leave% • Mr. 'Harris rented his residence furnished to a prospective benedict. We are sorry, to learn. than Mrs: ..1°. Grant McGregor -has beetnindispened • for some time. • Mr, R. Doak"is enlarging liis resid- ence on the Picton street side. Erin's compliments, by way of souvenir cards for Si Jeeleleletiy have been, truly apprintheed this year °of 1907, •• • With pleasure we chronicle the ster supper given -at the King Edward hotel recently at which the Goderielf Towirship Rifle Association incited many eorigratalation on the victory eained by ihern•over then! stalwart Opporients from Colborne. • Peter. referred at tee supper. The eight menthe eld sot of Mr, George Robertsom died on Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Kirldnide Was able to attend the antlYersary serVides in the North etreet church on Sunday last.. Will -Gibson., seri. of Mrs, J. Ade* Fowler, has vile West Grant Boyd• siker Mies Mary Boyd have arrived from Toronto, a couple of . weeks, _ ago to yisit their father Mr. .Boyd who was seriously ill, bet is new better and they have .returned to Toronto: ' FOR OVER n1XTY YEARS„ Mrs. Wiislowis Soothing .Syrup- has • been used by miliions of mothers for their children -while teething If .die turbed by night and broken of •your • rent by e sickchild suffering' and •crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. .Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- • ren teething. •It will relieve the .poor little sufferer immediately. Depend 'Oen it, Mothers, there is lo mistake about' it. It Mires • Diarrhoea, regu- letee the Stomach and leeesels, cures 'Wind Colic, .softees the Giulia,. reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the Whole system. • Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for.child- ren teething is Pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the, oldestand best female physicians and nurses in ethe United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists •throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs;Winstow's Spoth- i0g syrup. • • • „ Samuel Sheppard, a fern label Cr tear Leedom.. Ont.. was roma ;'r, Zen to death. with one cheek atin ell by. State of Ohio, Otte Tolede, Lucas Coepty.-ss. Frank J. Cheney manes' oaAlf that he is senior partner of the firm of p, J. Cheney Sr op., doing business in The City of Toledo, Countyand state aforesaid, and. that said firm will pay the sinn (4 ONE HUNDRED "DOL- LARS for each and every caec of cat- arrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Cataerh Cure,. FRANK j. CHENEY. • Sworn to before, me and subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of -Dear ember, A-De4886. A, V.• GLEASON (Seal) Notary Public. Catarrh Cure is , token inter. nally, and acts' directly on the blood and' mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonialsefreet. • • F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. • Sold by Druggists, 75c. • Take Femily Pills for °. cone stipation. •'" • A metioai to repeal the Irish erimos act hag. Geen passed in the British House of Cominons. ' =Lass—of—Appetilee Is common when the blood rieedeperi- tying end enriching, foe then the blood failstogive the digestive organs the • stitnuleenecessary-forether proper per-- formance of their functions.. Hood's Sarsaparilla is procaine/Ay the medicine to take. • It makes the blood pure and rich, and strengthens all the digestive organs. 1.4 have usee Hood's Sarsaparilla as spring rilodldria 4114 And•It-melte% My • brothereirsew metre, for blotehes on his Mee arid was pertectirenred, He has not been troubled One? • theme Piaritria, Peterborough, Ont, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the world's great blood purifier and tonic. 100 dose one 'dollar, • gue.." In -his address he went backto the time -when the • League was first formed in thoyea,r 1889 in Octobee ir Toronto. In the first Mee years the enrollment of Leagues was 82,e0o members but during the next' four years .14,000 members were•losts- The next two years 2,400 were added and last year the gain was 5,500, These gave many practical Wets of value. Rev. Mr, Wo.odsworth . gave the last address, the subject being •"Chestier/. • Stewardship:"• He was much At home on. the theme. , • neiaegeeene_interestingneudienee• es-- sembled at the evening-meet,ing. • • •gains were brought About lamely be the Forward Movement. •' The • verbal • reports • of • •Sunday • School work in the District from the delegatee•eno,wed that they_werein- flourishing conditietrand .that good worn was being dome . 'eRer'.. Mr. Curry of Londesbara took was presented by -Rev.. W. le Lorr.. • . The off.icters for the. eett year wi...re. • in.troduced as follows :... . :. Hon. President, Rev: .A.- K. Birks,, • Seesaidfe°nthtC.: , Rev. J. Rei . d. N PeRe . .: let Vice, Mies. 1C Swann, Iloimelee • ville• , . 2nd Viee, Mies- B, Greene, Pinion .3rd Vibe, efiss le'. Carr, Blyth • . . . 4th Vim, ' Rev. 0. 14..gitzeli.,, God-. . erieh the lessen: ell -anted. by 'a noted writ- ,5th Vice Miss A. , Brewnell, Sess... . er is to take a Pencil and paper and. forth' ..; - . i • . . two bibles one bere :the lessee and Secretary, Miss M. A.- Bailie, Nile the 'secondone for reference, rine - Treasurer, Miss A. Bell, Lonideslior then write the eeestions thee the Cori'L Representative, ..Ree, H. F. • children would likely 'ask and • answer: Curry. them. The teachermust Pray fan •. the lesson to their pepile. • st,Rree:g. tlmi r t. o...14;hieivirete,t,he oie:-.Ocw:totno; •.gicvd: • au addreesSon Sabbath' SChe il effort :. The ,cherch Chair' sang a good &Alf- • * 11.. Kerr, of:I/russets, v.' ve • leem...1-1Watr.land, of Clinton, sang "Where 4essed,-the Convention " on' "The ine.' is - Maven" in his 'usual able manlier,. finance and Power :of the Holy Spit- Rev. Mr. Woodsworth • delivered the • . it, which was greatly enjoyed be he ;third address en "Christian Stewerd- audience• ' • : enip". dealing with "God's cha'llenge' Rev.. R. W. Wo.odsWorth of Terme) J.Leelie Kerr renderede choice sole dealt treecitently with the,vital ques- "Argel Land•b° .. Mon, of "Christien Stewardship." He . . . • An Te, „Copper of *Clinton, was in-.. aoplZaysletiednifaotrtp. agria,villnyx..tound .the , banner traduced and dealt out Set shot: se . • 'the: Tenefieraeee • !question of the day, e relating to Local Optien. Mr, Hat - knee *end: solo era,te "Jestie Say- Ae address was given ' on, "The re. lour pilot me," 'which was appreciate - tenon of '' the Sunday School' to the •ed. .. •• - • •'., '-. • , • , The • Business Committee's report; . the subject `.14ehe Teachers' , Prepar- ation ot the Sunday. School Lesson.". The teachers . shoeld be chosen, -care- fully and those who fail to 'prepare their lesson sin age:lest God and man. Some teachers study as .they go to Sunday School,while some do not study at all: What .a teaeher should db. (r) Loirethe cause fOr it &Merida time and patience, (2.) Study tife les- son before you teaeh it (3) Mal:e. a systematic study, beginnbie at the first of Alie 'week. The way to study. - • Friday Severing.. •WHEN LONG- BREATHS HURT You know that •troublee exist which • Dungannon. • need it k tt • n lc a ention. •Proper action consistin a vigorcus 'rubbing of the chest and side with Neryilion whicn sinks entoethe tiesues where- the pale is . seated, and !eves relief in a; few mireltese No liniment so dean, to strong, •SO powerful Results guarant- eed with every 25c bottle of Polson's Nerviline, 'Get it today. .. • One Hundred Clothes-Press- es.for One Woman . . Ozie= clear, crisp autumn .day I :wee 'sent in the capacity 'of aureporter to interview lVIrs. Clarence Mackay at her magreficent eountry. home, •near •Roslyn, Long Island, Ast I foll- • owed my guide through Mrs. Mac - key's suite to the morning feom, it. Which she does much of her literary work and elane her campaigns in the interest of, education, we welked the length of a heoad corridor•-a.belie ty. feet I- shOuld imagine -welled with taptetey ane inset with great mirrors. VVIein, the • interview was cosicluelee, and again walked th- rough the corridor, the mirrors .haiti opened, on. springs, to disclose olothes- press after elothes-press fitted' with fatuous eageehe Bowe. He metered . . ' padded hangers and with myriad from Spring eruptions and -then boil drewere for blouses,wraps,hats s-, broke one on his neck. I tried blood • lingerie,- etc. Evidently 'the maids PUtifyzn remediee, sallies and teet- hed talen,•advanta•ge. of the fine day meets of all .kinds but nothing seem - to air furs mid other heavy raiment, ed to 40 elm tee desired good. elle in which moths might take lodgment. boils got worse and beca,me so loath - One hundred and twenty feet of some and uneightle t that I- could not deep elothes-presses filled with ex- seed tetisite raiment...elm), far 011,0_1V0. him to sehopl.. as Sorne of the . heirs anct ulcers could not con,veritient- nk-t in enie-Tbink of What that represent- ly be covered. About this time 11, expeeditures, dear little home*malter, who Inust keep tevo small sainple box of Zan-Buir was gieen to ham arid we tried it The sinall,saen c *tete filled for yourself andeaught- -er or.) a Itouschal--and-dreSs-nllow; pleedid-hilien, good, so I bought • -Mice of twenty-five a week'. Yet Mrs.ftp,14!.0 cent box. The result was aurae- Ineide a week's time the boils Mackay is not a, notoriously extrave agent dresser, -het ranks among the bad begun to dry up, and in a very short time indeed evere pee of the& • woinent who are perfectly grooined, • and gowned in, •admirable taste, No was. healedee Zam-Buk is a eure cure also for en, .matter where yon see Mrs. •Mackay, on [the street or at the opera, the :tielitousedasi.1) ose°Eroeel'o tilireelfsT'tesitsjerkeT c , woman out -shines -tor clothes. -Anna sores. eruptIons and entitles due 10 SteesRichardson in /Tome Companion for March'. /Tome' blood poison, etc, Itt tops bleeding land cures piles, fistula, ete. Is anti. ; sehtic ;• an excellent, "first ald ! Every home and farmstead shoul p The British Government's extension: belle its box of Veam-Iltile All drug- ostel coetreet with the Canedian` gista and stores, at 50 eents a• box, Pottle provides for a journey of 108. or front Zain-nuic Co.. Toronto, for hours trom Lieerpool to. Hong Kong eriee, 0 bone for $2.50. S'ead in summer. , ; stamp for trial box, : We are .pleeseci to, report that. Mrs. R, E. Manning, is able' to be out again ' I'after e prolongee illriese' itIrS. J. 'O'Neil, • and • her son and, .-, deughtee, of Fannytdelle, •lean., who , harebeen visiting the former's moth - e, Mrs. McCann, in Wawintish, left • „ or their home in the West tast Tires, day mornieg. They were acconmanied as fax as Goderieh ,by Mrs. O'Neil's sister, Miss Carrie Wearer. Mothers' Gratitude to Zam- IT etnign IffiR BOY OF • PAIk- . . FUL SORILS.• • „ Nothing is more unpleasant to the eye and more painful to the sufferer than boils and :ulcers. Ab this period of the year mainy adult$ suffer acutein • from these painful • outbreaks. When . boils, tfleere, etc., °Cour on children iis . pitinie to see the little ones suffer., • • Mrs. -E. Holten, of 30 Guts? St., • Hamil ton, M grateful for what Zeal- 13ult did '• for her little boy when i: 'this pitiful plight. She says :-"I.. wish to expeess my -gratitude for the benefit, Mee:lied received from vour • 4.