HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-03-07, Page 1•••••••••--.^.••••••••••••••••,-
firtaton _News -Record.
anh Year
The Conservative Association of West Huron has not met for two years. A. meeting should be held in March
Whole Number 1463
For Good Clocks
Go to Hellyars
We sell truthful Clocks.
We regulate and warrant euery- one we
sell to keep good time.
3 Jeweller and Optician Clinton t
4Anci begin the New Year well n
Wiot '
I Be se!
opening a Savings Account with •
3 The Sterling Bank of Canada
4 Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and interest added four'
4.times a year. The Department is interested in no delay in the with -
4 drawal of part or the whole of the deposit. • .
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Accounts of Farmers and Cattle Dealers Solicited
3 BAYFIELD BRANCH open Monday, Wednesday, Friday each week:
3 VARNA BRANCH open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week
Your account will he appreciated at either' branch by •
It "Pet VIP II 41. lei" tilliellet, etile IV** 4011
The Sovereign
Barkli. of Canada.
Current Accounts and Savings Deposits
received at all Branches at best rates
consistent with conservative banking.
Intereik paid 4 times a year on Savings
Branches at Clinton and Brucetield.
The Ifromotion„ exarnitations for tin
Public schools in the n'eutity of Inur-
onewill he nein on Tneesday and Fri-
day, March 21st and 22nd.
Wheat 70e to 72c.
Oats 37 to 38c.
Pees 70c to 75c.
Barley 450 to' 50c.
Butter 200 to 21.c.
Eggs 20c to 22c,
Hay $12,00.
Live hogs $640 to $0.45.
Mr. J. W, Treleaven arrived in, towit
on Saturday from Almonte, wherenhe
was 'principal of the Iligneechool for
five years, and on Montlay entered ' On,
.his duties as classical mantel: at the
.Collegiate, a position he fortneely
held for several years. His engage -
Oat has strengthened the' staff very
• • ,
There were never better prospects
for a Show than that anaoneced to
be held in Clinton, on April 8th. The
director § are sparing neither trouble
not energy to 'give the people of the
county, an exhibition worthy of To-
ronto. They have persuade& the lead -
ng horsemen of Stratford and Tanis-
tockle' char \er a car and bring up
some fifteen . e more horses, mostly
roadsters, d e dle an Ingle jum-
pers,' classes which will give a variety
to the Show... As there in, no charge
for entrance Or , admission,many
should exhibit in order to make a
big seecess. This show is to encour-
age the breeding of first-class etock,
• so that buyers will know of Clinton
as the horse hub of Western Ontario'.
• .
4 4 "Lion Brad" Clothing t
• MrS, James Bryan of Lunette o, a
prominent. Temperance worker., will
deliver an adnress, under the ausplees
of the W. C. T. U., ift Wesley church
on =Tuesday evening next. A musical
program will accompany it.
During the ;month of January and
February last :year there were lour
intoements in Clinton cemetery. In
Januar n of this .year, alone; there
were as many, mid in February' eight,
making an increase of eight over the-
coinesponding period of last year.
In; renewing her subscription,, Mrs.
That. Campbell of Oaltburn, Mem,
writes ; "I would not like to ',do
without The News -Record which
keeps me posted in, the hannenings of
Huron, Mere I 'neve many old
friends. The 'apex reaches nee tegul-
arty and is like a weekly letter from
ThenConnpainons of Count -Prosper-
ity A. 0. •F. held .thene nese, social
event, 'on Friday evening last and it
proved to be successful .beyond their'
anticipation. Though' ,. the •elements
were riot very' fa,venable for a, laene
turnout, they, had a, big and appe
reniatien ;audience. An attractive pro-
gram had beea- provided. The chair
win to have been occupied by •Dr.
McRen, but professional deities) pre
vented' his: attendance and Mr. Jame
.1nm:fond proved to be a v'efy. accept!
able substelt.ute. • • • ; '
A special feature of the even* *as
an adetrens antr• preeentatiOn to Mrs.
Rime, High Chief •Companion. of the
Peden; from • Torento, who cine to
Clinton, especially to; be with the
local Companions on the occasionof
their first social event, and to • deli-
ver' an addreas on the benefits' of the.
organizatiene • The • address to Mrs.
Riggs, Winch waseaccomnanied by a
handeome .piece, of 'silver; suitably en-
graved,.•the pre§entation being made
by Mi•ss Etta Duneord; wan -read • by
Mrs. Appleby, and was 'es follows,:
To Mrs. Rime, our worthy II.. C. C.
The home of Mr. J. W. Moore was
• the sem of a, hanpy, mat yesterday
'afternoon when his sister, Miss A.M.
Moore, nee:aene the bride of, •nr. John
:Robertson of Mooterieff, Grey to*'oe
ship. The ceremony wan oerfonned
• by the Rev. W. E. Kerr m the 'no-
nce of a number of intimate friends
of the contracting parties. After cone
grattilations and good. wishes lied
been, extended to the heppy coaple,
the company pertookof a Nery
.dainty luncheon, and on tee 6,45
train Mr. and Mrs. •Robecteen telt for
their home Ip Grey reorient') eters
tire groom is a,• prosperous farmer.
The News -Record jOlOS MOStneattily.
the •Telininallinir
Tl e fine farm en tlfe edge of be
corpOeition, belonging to the Fair
family, was, in order to fecilitate
the winning Ito of the. estate, 'offered
for eale:by public auction yenterday
afternoon. There were ai nurnber of
terested persons present and eeveral
bids were made. The highest was.
•$10,2430 made. by •Mr. S. 11.• Smith,
but as ' it did -not 'reach the reserve
price, no sale was Made ••
• Mrs. Jobe, Powell, who had been iii
ler enme•tinie; paestel away on Theirs -
day last aged sixty four years; She
is survived by • her husband, three
daughters; and one son ••The funeral
took place on Setnenay, the 'services
• being Oonducted by . ' the Rev. W.. *I
• Janine. The pallbearers; were Thos.
Beacom, Williath Jones, •James Twit-
chell, Harry Hunt,. W. • S. Harland.
Josepli 'Wheatley.
Aefore yon buy it you know it by its name;
After you buy it you know it by its fame.
4 Because it is made by best known
1, makers of the best all wool fabrics, and is
thebest possible style. Don't know heing it could be
made better. Every strain point is re -enforced.
Double on the knees and seat, double elbows, con -
„cave shoulders, French facings, shoulder pads, etc.
The handsome patterns, the perfect fit and the finish
are just as good as fingers and thoughtful minds can
Full range of patterns and prices to choose :from.
Headquarters for Boys'
We solicit an ,irispection at your earliegt convenience.
: • • •
.EnareConeranicni,-It afford's us im
'tense Pleasure to represent • a com-
mittee, who. in retire represent yeeir
nerneroue Campaniens • inPrioceee Vic-
taria* Circle No. '1.39.;•,amid on their
b.ehalf to .present you with -this, piece
Of •silver as a .slight token on:Ilene'
aeprechitiort .of • the' •admirable • and
praiseworthy '• Manner in which you
have • (Uncharged the responeible.• du-
Rev. Mark Turnbull preached, a len
ten sermon in St. Paul's charch last
evening, :hataing made en "exchange
with :Rev. C.: B. Gunnd:
Mins Walker Of *Owen Sound ;
taken Orange of the liken:making den
• pertment• at NeWeorabe'ee' She coines
,very recoMmentled: "
R. Fitzsimmons and SO. and Can-
telon end. Wallin made •shipenente of
live hogs this 'week. The price .paid
*as $6.60, bait there ts none ,a, lower
tendency. • • ,
Mr. W. E. Jacobs, who bought .the
clothing stock of the Nevvoamnn
Co., <also intends. carrying en the cus'
tom branch of the business as well.
Ine is .a cutter "himself, And a very
good elle, we;are
Misses dentelon and Potts al e thiee
week opening': out a millinery business
the store .nelongleg, to Mr; eT.
Jackson, sr.: They 'have, tee plebe
beantifully fitted rin .apd will bid for
a good share of the litniness in their
The anniversary services in • cornice,
tion with this church will takeepinee the cost of what 'he considers un-
met Sunday with Rev. J. W, Gi•Li- neeessary alterations. Will not appeal
ham. of London as the. preacher. In- to nine at all.
terest•will be added to ins nrisit from. The Standard Of Montreal, an illue-
tne lent that, he is • a. native of this trated, publication, sent in, a; request,
town,- first seeing the, light of day asking 'for the photos. of the members
when his father, • the late Rev. J. Gra. ofthe council. Such in r,ame,-. _
bean was . Paetot or. the old Ratter', Ann Joseph Wheatley resigned . the
The Standard of MontrealWants Photos of
the Members of the Clinton Council
• The town council of 1907 began well, one hundred eollarS there ami 'than
they would practice the strictest ec- the funds are frittenett away and. eo -
onorny woolen:Tilt with . efficiency, and M the fall when we need the annety
all that sort of thing, but thus early for the streets there is eons to be
they seem to be departing from the had, it's been all spent. I promisine
ore -election ocorniees, having at Mon; the electors I would oPPeee these.
day .night's meeting decided te refuse grants and I will do so; even if L
to any longer rent the tithe() ia the stand &erten.'
town hall which pays oniharadred dol- And he stove alone, his being • the
lass a ,year. They will in addition only vote against a grant or fifty
build -partitions, raise the floor,, put dollars. The reeve said the Fein of
in .eleetric light frxteree, extend, the last year was, a great success, e nen,
furnace connections and put in a, new efit'to the whole community and z
front entailieg an additional enpendie goad advertisement for the toorr.. niz
tine. of probably three or four burn conclusion he said ; "We cant:on
drod dollars, To • the average advertise the town without spending,
taxPayen there is now ample room at Money." •
the hall or all the presen,t requiee- • The report of the property com-
ments and the loss Of ;Ate tent • had inittee caneed a tireeoree diecussion
of an hour and a half. , it recommend -
.ed Chet the ceiling of the towq nagine
either papered, painted or given et.
enetallie coveein'g. The latter Winn
two coats of paint would. cost anent.
$250, Me more than the paint. 'Me--
nourecal.decided, in fever of paintings --
saving here,' tenet they will throw awn:
ay in loss of- rent • by ,ilispossessing
the music dealer. Mr. Joseph Como
and a better judge there is. non leo "
mattere of this kind, said.: "pee on.
the metallic by, all means, it loons.
better • and will stand longer.'"
Joist' Harland said Gen same thin&
4' We oat a metallic ' ,are Mt •
court . house at • Godericlie Dann'
the reeve, "and it made 0, eplennitr
Tole!' .. •
The reeye -spoke. of the Good Roadie
Fund,'of. .orte minim., dollars which'
to be. distribeted among the reenlei-
...panties of the,province in the proper....
tion one dollar from the province-
for Gin impeieve.ment of the highways..
It' in peopostel that, thin, county • egret-, '
cipate in the distribution- and the.
of these eines was a matter of bu.se, county council.: la. asking fee .ene en-
trees, the otheranadvertieement, it ore:neon from the variouir municipal
we throw ion •the ' rental here there councils before the June meeting wyen.
will be no income front the hell: :••• the question will be taken up,. andl,
. Chief Wheatley, wine ought no.nnow, favorable the bylaw welch was pa -
said it costs about 'fine 'dollars per lished in The ,NeOs-Recend cow it' '
night to heat arid linntt. thehall.• of Weelto. ago': will be paseern
. After' some further discussion, it was,
dined that each of thc• 'applicants be'
.cearged nest half the Actual cent' of . Underwriters' Associatiore winch. gare
heating arrn the tanpayers to
..pa,Tyhethtlembas1;anctin;r1 „ ilthiiea.nienteeseeonferettelietebtrhpeprfiarteCoghLiengirtadan.
Men; of courece Mal 'titer much talktt•
epee •up bee discus- just anneleadent cOnnitione they;
e ne
was resoled :hold :another niee•Ong I tribliignligt.. thou' iniApsonsiibtleitaaf:ic169,MutiPltnri
net Inforreny night to append a ecinelthe stip,ulationa of Grit most auto- .
neittee torifee With the • nell'ineSsi cra,tic body, •• ' winch is. everlastingni-
coreneittee, and arrange upon .joint ec-
. .
ikon. • , ' • • I council let the eo.mmenicateen• in, at
denianding• something or other, • the
11r. F: A< McGuigan,' the .fourth one .car and out at the otnen. •
Vice-president of the ' Grano Tem*,
io. eeply, •to a • coniinumercation fronr
the .counCil, said that the matter :of
the new, etatien was re the hande
the Superintendent, , Mr. BeriOnlee
ei to call in the instruments • and ma-
, fortes penning reeerganization. • It .
Toronto, who will meet a rein' expected, though:, that the band. wilt
reientative•bodo of eitieens before
neeout againe neith . the flowers
the locaeion of:the new statiorreis fin, epeing. •
ally. enacted aeon. •• ' • • • • •
A communication Was 'received.: from rue receinte the month,' oinFen-:
the secretary Of • the 'Sprieg
"; • .4iry were as -follows : 12.a
Show a*ing . far' a 'grant On fifty 'tock scales,
• 2*(1:11.451,.: .
75.011., •
bury street church, nee' ition of villa of the 'fire brigade,
. The choir is preparing special mune wind, he ,has Amid for 'the past five
for the day. The trustees are asking years . or so.'His successor is Mr.
that the collections amount to , three Charles iliellyar, ono; has been a mere -
hundred dollars and as the her of the brigade-for_the pa,,st score
plc of. Wesley are noten for their ilh. of years. It is said that'. Charlie al.
erality :to the schemes LA the, ,church, ways has his, beat ear leaned in the
the trustees, are not at all likely to direction of the alarms bell ; at any
be dleanpoinnted on tins occasion. rate he is one of the very first to re-
-Pastor Jell Ifs will on Sunday -fill spend to its call. • ,
Mr. Graham's "pOlPit in London The -hockey club," which sonic time
ago engaged an itinerant company to
-WILLIS CHURCH. give an entertainment in the town
Willis -church next Sunday•morning .
service in', hall, fared rather poorly , and 'asked
There is- to be a childreins
the council to remit the rent, five
dollars. And Mrs. S. 11. Smith. Who
'at which , the Rev. Dr. Stewart will
preach. The children of the • sohool. galve aL. recital .of her pupils iir-th
sante place a, few nights ago, made a
Are requested • tomeetin the base-. similar request. This paused quite a
nient at 10.30. '1 he 'waits the
niscession. One councillor; said ; One,
church be/ reserved for Green
•Parents and friends are' invited' to be
present' and thus show their 'iliterest
in the school.• • • , •
At the business ranting 'of the En-
deavor held en.. Monday ettening Mr.
'Charles Lindsay was .- appointed vice-
eptesident to succeed Burke, who
has lent town... . ' • en • ;. • •,
The congregational. meeting, will' he
held this (Thursday) evening. It
important that there beeitlaego•-ate.
endance as business of importance.' is
coming ,en.. .'• •••• • ' •
,The. anniversary' sereriaes•will be
held. ow March 24th • when the Ree,
Winchester .of Knon•chuech,. Tor-
onto, wirer •nean at one time a inns-
•stenern China, pro's hr '. • ;
•°On •Mpridny Police. Magistrate Au-
• drews fined Martin- O'Donnell One dote
lar and costs • .for cussing at his. son.
Gecirge Rands. . .' •
•;•The fallowing composed a thin of
our local curlern Alto played in Gen-
-erielf yesterday afternoon: R. ,:.tnra...
• 'ties • appertaintag'•te yoler position. ham; We J. Stevenson, Jackeen.
Your high 'character, integrity and E. 'Porting, .
zeal have oot onty 'wort the •eeteere Mr. Daerid• Dennison; who. was' rola-
arid confidenne of your' •Comeenons, ted to the. Mooee. 'family. of town;
and of ',these brought into inutediate
contact witlf you', but have naelieted
fan and .witie so .that you hane'reach-
ed the position that is • not only' a 'cre-
dit to yourself,. but to the ,Conipatie
ions on the Forest at large. •Thetyou
may long continue in the service
which you so, admirably adoriele, the
wish of .the 'many to wh.olm your Wish-
es are as hotis'enold Words. With 'this-
sotivenir•let us on the pert of these.
whom eve represent 'Wish -you 'health,'
hepPinese and 'prosperity.: Signed 'On
behalf of Princess Victoria Circle, -
Mrs, nettle Appleby, ' Miss Mabel
Dunfoed. .
Mrs. • Riggs was so cernpletely tale
en by surprise that for 0:time she wan
it a loss for langtiagetoexpress her
feelings, but recovering somewhat •she
launched out into a • very eloquent
speech half an hour's duration..
. „
In the program ,which Was presented
'during the evening, the following took
Gramophone Selection, In Livermore
Instrumental, Miss N. Hermaa
Solo, George Grundy,
rluett, Misses , Margey Lappine and
Zada McRae •
Itecitanion, F. Grundy
Solo, 1.1. C. Chapman
Violin election, Miss E. Heaver
Solo,* Stewart Jecnson
Recitation, Miss Lucy (Irwin
Instrumental, Miss Cleta Pord
Lnstromental, W. G. Campbell
Solo, George McCulloug1y
-Tilt,' Companions 'are auxiliary of
the Aricieht Order of Foresters, and
are the only organization for ladies,
exclusively • so in this district in
'connection with the' fraternal benefit
nnitieties. The Circle was organized
last July by Mrs. Riggs and now has
an active membership .with fine prat.
pea of growth.
The affieees of the (livid axe :
Chief Companion Mrs. Appleby
Sub Cfotnaption, 'Miss M. Duniord
.0 Secretary, Miss S. Sloinat, •
Treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Drown
It. Guide, Miss M. Livermore
h. Guide., Miss I. Harrison,
I. Guard„ Miss S. Powell
0. (Ward, Mrs. Ineele CudmOre
Physician, Dr. Thompson
Successors to Hodgens Bros. Clothing Store Is
Och Paddy Dear ,an' did ,ye hear
that an. Trie;h. Social will be beld •
the bazemeet of St. Andrew's church
•on Friday evening, March 15th. • A
splendid programa of, nrish ree-
itations and readings neat will • fa
eneeed that of last year Le being •pre-
pared. inn's.' Jack Geddes of 13elgrate
a general favorite with music lavers
' A long ccennimilnation wan resin
frorn theesectetany of the Ca,nacinten
The Citizens.' band being now: same-
What.disOrganizen, the, -pencil; itiv •
wham' the property :nelongs, ifeeiciren
• of our villnge, Will .take Oat, and I ('
lolnain or more. To this Councillor •Marnet enees,
S, mini took .enceptio,n. • SEM • he : To•on Ilan,' • ''
Other •outside talent is 'enneetednoonini am opposed on, p,rieteinfle toe these Come' tern,'
early ann dan't miss any of the fine
:grantee. It's fif ty dollars . ,re and Pill iar d License, .
mild choruses that "open .the evening n
entertainment: Admission 13c. •
The. next 'Meeting of. 'the Women's
Institute • will be. • bent orr Thursday.
afternoon of next week. at the., test-
dence of Mrse S. Cleave of. the Sal
ble-enne. In • •addithen, to the usual.
business a. short • progra,m being
The Citizens Protest Against the Grand”
Trunk MovinO, the Station to the "Y"
. •• • • ' , .•
- .. . • • . • .• - •
',The meeting. of citizens' held iit. the will •ldwer 'the nitsuraece fates, it wile
. ..
died In ope of the Clecagot hospitals a •town hall last Thureday ev.ening '••• to save , peoperyy from the ,ravages . of '
few . nays ago ' the ..fateen was engeg. proPared and a - very . intereettne ee consider , several qtteetiOnn ot live pubn. ere, . it will leseen; 4'he sickriess, nand
ed in the sheernalting. in Clinton for well as . helpfulmeeting is .expeActle lie interest., was well attended., lire will sae our Wives mina" tittlieteenarn •
many years, ' but left'. here ' 'several The subject for 'fbe day is " The chair was occupied by Mayor Wiltse, I labia, making housekeeping •cc uch le&el
years ago. , Curing of Meats.n. , • • ' . wire wasted. no time in ecenless pre-' binnletteome. I believe, ins the use el•
Mr; Robert Penhale of, Stanley* nee; lieninaties but •prompt , L., on the! water„ pure water,' and plenty of ite
in 'Ailed '
' • ' ..• TI.' first speaker wee Dr. Antereally, externally, and eternally. .
ABILer.rIrt SICILL tACT••• opened' out a , buncher shop in, the • , ••
•• . • I JI le sens Shaw. • " 't h 11 For mann'.
• I Tie, Subway. ,
-.At the meeting .of the Collegiate, ,store a I PX ..
. elle residents of' the village will *SIM Sewerage Good but not ne.ccesaty. L t. . a . .
Institute board, held' on leriday iven- ' • . .
leg last the, lenneipal business was the .elkeappeeeia;te this' tOnventenee.• and Dr,•!SltaW sand Pert : ales meet-. years .1 have given -mech. thought to.
pat Men.. nir . Pistillate, for • they. know Mg. is to imprav:e the town - There areith.e raineay .crossings ' ore tire gar-
discussion . of the 'official report of
veny Well then during the pant ye" •several things, we need; and . we can , field ,and London Roads . ' Which. 'axe,
school on the. 28th and 29th of 'Jan. or o illee scrnine was Mk .VerNr Sa.tif4.: .:get them ef we go about. it.. The nitli-'enost certainly dangereun„ ' ler often,
Principal Wetheral, who visited. the •
factory. 'n • •• , • .„ , . 'clay has ,neen to get' tines neople' inter- I times ireffic is 'Impeded by the train%
The Inspector dealt fully with the .
W veil waterworks' kat we standing on the tracks for ten.; or
principal features of the report' Are as • Miss Ida 'Peo.walee of ;London . was' es4d'
need'. it Ira ler. • The.graunn OE Clinton; Intent minute • though. the law say,s••
is *highly satisfactory . to the board the guest of Mi. Little a few dave
; . ,is of such a nature the sewage does' five' minutes, is the limit. We shined, -
is it , will be to the citizens„... The •nhrte elvmsnm‘rweiet. r t 7'
follows ; • ••. . . 'pied - the, pulpit .rot soak away, -but. rues ening gra-. have a, scrub—way under the track ac- .
i .
tas until it' finds its :way into the. rose the Bayfield -Road. There ,
of the infethoilist ich on Sunday.
. Owing to the .absenee, of the... Rev.
Under this beading • the Inspector Mr. , McNeil, the purprtk of St..., An-
sayse• " As this is my fiest visit to drewna church 'was vacan on. Sunda'.'
• Charanter of the Teaching. • y.
this school I one not grading the char- last,
acter of the teaching. The principal The followingis ttfe report of tne
and the Specialist in Modern' .Langin Bayfield Public school for the )-oorilli
ages have already made fine repeta- of February, based on attendance.
Gone for themselves." .
• demeanor and general proficiencye.,
Organization, Sr. Division. , • n;
• Pit Ur •Clase-Mani Matelougal I,
The report speaks highly of the or- II. Cemeron, Cleave Erwin.
ganleation, division of. duties among Fourth Class -Hilda King, • Ford
the teachers and the discipline, and lei ci. rid
nn, illo .Pollock;
a,dds that the Time Table is excellent•. Third Sr.-Winnle McNeil, - John
, Accommodation, McNeil. Edna 'McGee Wenn
The recent imnroVements caused the • Third Jr. -Evelyn Pollocke" Andy
• Sturgeoh, Maggie Meteorli
grading of the grounds and buildines
to be raised. The buildings now re- Sr, Sewed -initial King, Irene
delve the highest grading possible, 'Ross. Mamie Parsons!
.The canditioO of the gempaseen, none Number On roll 42. "
es in ter criticism and the board will Average 35.
have this defect remedied, imtnedia- • T; 14. nrownlee,,Tcacher.
tely.• • '- • • Jr. Division,
Recommendatione Sr. Seeonit-Linu King, Harold
• Brandon,, Annie nlliatt,
The report recommended as follows.:
wells. The dry earth closet system
which was • introduced last summer,
has worned en improvement, but, our
water is yet far nem good. • We •re-
quire waterworks for the punlie
health, and We 'newt it for fire protiec-
tioo. • Oer engine is too slow, water-
worne would ,be mach quicker. Arid
there is a revenue from the water
eased for .domestic purposes. The en-
nieber "Who Was engaged to survey'
tlfetoWn three' years ago est/treated
that 'Li eultable system could be in-
stalled for $45,000, but the cost, has
since increased 'by say twenty per cent
Two artesian Wells would supply the
town with all the water that is
need not bother_k,modigh will pay us.
raise money on debentures and maim
needed.DrThompson, e
about the sewerage questiok 76—'1 major combs : "'The Graina r'irTvia
hardly believe it is practicable in . a people have decided' upon building
town' of this size, but let us get tea- station in Clinton this year but, as is
terworks; • I Mine examined several uuderstand it, have not yet complete-
specimens cit our • water arid fettle ed their surreys its location is
them not good. • It would be goad not 'decided on, We should ender
business. to buy •the electric lighting with the cotenant and midst strong -
plant, and rtut it in; eenjunetion with te moving, the station to nee toner
womurldilbree town.,
bothaWSathearswPbreken 'rimefotindt wr.(Arllierw etiol wannsd, awnhirceesittli
both will yield a good revenue on the , Ve7e n„ Iloover `The waterenorna,.
Investment. That's how they do it by-law which we introduced' last year,
in, St. Marye, and ou writing to a was an educative one. It ban' tilt
friend there for information he replied defects, but seemed at that time, tst,
ltalgte • losses b°yrk;re,hilereglaVedslenthnelenr1 $14)Iellr(!belrythioeasiimblperoplvetent'AlloYE. nbellb;
could not be Used and that they also • town will have my hearty support.
Much interest was taken, in the Az' -
pa awyni gthegoeol(eictirtilicerelsigthotiL pliahnet, ivbeesith. eruassmo:ppaoridstea,dt, ittos cmiotriera inernormairtzt
will make ajtO;In4liiittioerle atWt4ratrec6,11 oannidtIrleepor ahltu:nottlitItect8dm6engtindgi.,8c14"1
• 1st -That the double desks be re- Jr. Second -Willard Sturgeon, An -
placed by single ones. nie McNeil, Agnea nitiedeneld,
2nd--Tliat seine additional chairs be Sr. Part Second- Willard Pressler,
'procured. ' Ernest McGee,Albert Leitch.
3rd -That the ()tact be properly Middle Part Second -Katie Little,
furnished. - • Dessie Elliott, Abe Drandon.
4thf-That a MUSOnnl be begun, Jr o Part Seemed -Alvin 'Townslfend,
Prank King, 'Lillian Calling.
/Us Ability., Skill and Teen Sr. Part leirste-lVilmer Diair, Ilea -
In conditeleu the Inspector says ,: trice Brown.
" This school is now passing through Jr. Part Pirst-Attaby Elliott, Sid
it transition period in its hislory. Castles'Clatence Parke.
The new Principal has ability, skill _Nitiliber on roll 4.1.% •
and tart and the future of the schbol Average 37. ,,
may safely be left In. Ins charge." In In. •fetanbury, Teacher. ,
• _
believe, ample room. • Certainty
would add to the safety of the travel- •
'ling ,We ,should try and'haye. • ^
• the now station built on the situ ,,on •
the present one: Ti a 'Move ts.. madee .•
the company will go to.. • the 'IP'
which would cost the town $4)006,
for new sidewalks and. gravelling, •
• Mr. David Ca,ntelon ; The sub -era
would, be a very good tiring and weal&
not inconvenience, the Grand 'ne-unnee
Let's get the co-operation of the coon -
01 of Gederieli toweship le dealing.
with . the ..earnParry. There. in not •au
town in Ontario • 'where then haVo:
worse streets. than Clinton. WO have.
been panehine them too long.. Let'