The Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-28, Page 8t.,
The lintcA New;.Rec rd.
wooly�. L
.Ao. lyssortmenta.ef .od1i.'r
s'Jmetight (rare the,'
Knitting: •Factory • in
town in lone too small -for them
to use,lJustlhe thing for ,ment
ding or knitting. In black ape
grey. " See the: s.,ze of skein we
otter at. 10e and 'the hank, at
Hundreds of . Garments to sell
at makers' prices and less
..,Fi ,•fir•,
ARL Y. last fall we made a contract :'with
' 1tr • r ,
one of the best makers .of Ladies' •Whe-...
Underwear in •Canada' to take his entire range . of
. amples as soon as he was' through with them.,.,,
? hey were to be charged to us' at 1-4 to 1-3 less r
than the prices his orders had been taken ate: and
delh,ered in time for early March . selling Z'he
.entire lot has arrived and, on,
Saturday, March, :2rid
2ve will put on sale hundreds of high-class . under
garments at prices that will be away below those
they 'rbere made to sell for.
These samples must not interfere with our' regular'''
gstock due to arrive later, and every garnueiit basbeets:''
s marked very 'close indeed in order `to clear the entire
lot quickly. They are in first-class condition save"
that some may be slightly soiled from handling' Rte.
fore being shipped, all were sent to the pressing ' rdorm
of the factory to be re-ftl.tied,•and to all intents and
purposes they are as good 'f'ftaken direct fresh from
the boxes. In the lot are dozens . of' high-gradeg
ments better than we usually.carry •' stock.: :All' will
be cleared at prices that will be a decide a saving for peo
pie who buy them.
Corset Covers,
Childress'. Dresses, .r ,
pp ,.
designs. Qood cov-
ers, 20 inches• ~quare at aoc
each. If you will call' and: see
them you will appreciate their
good value.. They are as good
as many expensive ones re4nd for
such a . little sum. Yen van
scarcely call it a price.
u D. FAIR -CO.
Often Cheapest =Always Best.'
'Rev.. Father Hanion was in Teeswater
Tuesday and yesterday.
iMiss Kidd of Listowel • is the guest of
MissJeun Macpherson. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tisdall are expected to-
morrow from a week's stay in Buff -
Dressing Sacques,
Dozens of different styles in each. It is • •not''O
we have a chance to sell garments of as good quality at
any such prices as these are marked. In fact, it Wthe
underwear chance of'the season, and it will- pay `. you,'
and pay you well to take advantage of the sale ' Once;
these goods are sold we cannot duplicate any of them,
unless at a good deal higher ;price. You can depend:
on them being good.. If they were not they would not
be here.
Less than one-half.dozen;:Jack-
OA to sell now..
By actual count less than one—half dozen
Jackets to sell now. We are.not going to let
prices keep us from selling them right' 'away '
and having an absolutely clean. sheet to start
with next season* No use attempting .to des-
cribe them or give youprices, but if you want
a coat come and see'them: We will make
the price, to suit.yo
New Laces.
Two big shipments of new Laces Mist iii tills week. •
Every yard direct from :the' teakers iii England or Sax
ony. Laces for all purposes, :big 'generous asSorb•
ment that you will not see duplicated anywhere ' else
in town, P.ricPs tight tom. lay Ming direot from' the •
makers makes that a 'sureity.
Miss Minna Ratttwell visited with. Stray
tford friends from Friday until Men.'
day:. '
Mr. and. Mrs. F. O'Neil and Mr.'and
Mrs. D. B, Kennedy visited Blyth
friends' last Thursday.
Mr. SPoak of Tavistock ,was in town
Tuesday .and_yesterday and as the
result of his • visit he may go into
business here.
Mr. John Scarlett' of Leadbury was in.
town on Tuesday. having come over
to attend the annual meeting of the
' Black 'Chapter.
Mrs. Robert Logan who had 'been at
the old: home, Mrs Gilchrist's, for . a
couple of.months; left last,.week to
return to` her :' home in Saginaw;
Mich. _
Mr. J' .W: :Treleaven is ": expected to.
arrive " this Week. from . Althonte
and on,entet upon hid
duties as classical teacher at the
Mr. F. O'Neil. Left on Monda,y,'tor
Moosejaw, Sask., and, was 'accom-
panied as far as Condon y his old
friend. Mr. f .B..Kennecy, , who r
turned: home the. same egening., ` •,e=
J J.•McCaughey 'of Blyth .was. in
wn.on 'Tuesday attending the
funeral of the late •Peter'Yesbec., Mt,,;
• :McGaughey is„ the executor of •the.
:estate of the:deceased
Mr. John Holmes of the Huron Roaad.
returned, home on 'Monday from
Whitechurch :where he had been at-
tending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs.
'Joseph:Holmes, who' had reached
the venerable age of four score and
' four years
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fox. -of Morden,
Man. who had•been, the guests of the
latter's brother. Mr. W: D. Fair, left
for Ayr from thence they—go to St.
...Louis, Mo., after which they, Will
again: return to Clinton before begin-
log the homeward journey,
Mrs. R. J; Ciuff and Miss Eve (Muff of
•town and Mr. and Mrs. George Hud -
ie and theirlittle daughter. Lola of:.
Goderich township, yesterdayatten-
ded thewedding of Miss Eveline
Elliott, daughter of Mr, • Win :Elliott
of near Kincardine; 'Lola was the,:
, flowergirl and a pretty little • one,
The Oddfellowr held their annual
oyster supper in their lodge ronin, .on'
Friday. evening. Mrs. Murdock' pro -
vi• • the supper in"her usual good
yle. After supper there was a good•
program. ` Miss Pearl Wise and..Miss:
Hicmirdson of near Varna ,delighted
all with their fine singing. Miss .Liza -
beth Ruttenbury and. Miss Jennie Mc•
Heath,were accompanists. After the
program the young folk repaired to
the Dixon House hall and had a' social
dance. ' '
Mr. Charles Willson and family have
moved to Toronto
Mr. George Turner of Toronto. $petite.
Sunday at, his. home here. • ,-•
Mr. Mitchell, editor of the Goderich
Star, was in our village last week,
Mr: and Mrs. George Swan are gett-
ing betl
etting.i;ett led in the home they purchased
from Mr. Hart. •
The Template intend holding a box
social on. Thursday evening.
Miss Emma Reid is spending a few'
'days at her home in Varna.
Mi'.'J. R. Holttitai attended the fuser
al of his aunt, the late Mrs. Joseph
Holmes of Whitechurch, on• Satin day.
on Vitm.Stanly de Snell
the i ienibeis of the Methodist
thumb met at the home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Pickard on Wednesday
evening to show their'apppreciation of
their services rendered in the choir by
presenting then with a purse of $25.60
in gold. and all enjoyed a social. hour
together. A dainty lunch was served.
February 28th, 1907
a '
last ,call to get a good' brown calf*skin fur coat less than cost. ° Don't miss the
chance, it wont occur' again in a long time.
20 and $22 Calkskin
Coats $,15.
M eri's•'brow, i calfskin' Coat
with natural collar, regular
420 and 6 only Men's Calfskin
-••` coats with astrachiin collar.
Good, big well furred coats,
Saturday your, choice for $15.
25c Heavy Wool Sox
10 dozen Mens' heavy wool- •
len Sox' in. grey,. good heavy
sox, regular 25c, Saturday 19c' •
20 per cent off Men's
, Saturday you. can have
your -choice of any of ; our.
Men''s Winter 'Caps, less 20 per
cent. Good range to choose
° $5 Waterproof :Coats
• $3.50.
Men's Waterproof. Coats,
grey mixture, velvet collar.'
check rubber lining, cement
seamed, all sizes, yegulai;J5'
for $3,50.
75c Men's Working
Shirts 59c.
Mens' •:heavy, ' dark fancy ,
• stripe working shirt, good .big
full sizes;' can't beat them to
wash and wear, regular 75c, •
Saturday 59c.
$1 Men's. Sweaters
Men's plain navy blue wool --
len Sweaters, with roll collar,
regular $1,00,. Saturday at the
annex 79c.
50c Woollen 'Mitts
Men's woollen mitts, red
and white mixtures, fleece
lined, dandy -gond Warm wool-•.
'len mitts, regular 50c Satur-
day at the annex25c. •
The members of the 0.0.0,x`. met at
the horde of Mr and Mrs. Ross on Fri-
day evening and tendered them an oy-
ster supper and Moot presented them
With a handsome couch as a,' kind re.
tnembratace. to Mr. and Mrs. .Ross on
the eye of their departure fol the Wesi
'Their friends will be sorry to part with
them and the fancily will be much rais-
Theauction sale of stock held at. Mr.
3. Rosa' on 'L'osday was a success. Bid-
ding was brisk and prices were good.
Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey Snell were
the guests of Mr. snit :Mrs, Stanley on
Dry Goods..
Ready -to -Wear
t Garments
e •. Warstir Waellietip.•
opened a new.•de art . -
rnen`t in our Store which will .be known • as the Wash :.Goods •
We have P , with
Department,. Ali the space :occupied. by. the' Staple. Department. is now . filled • with a great as
sortment of Cotton Dress Materials such • as Organdies, Lawns. Ginghams, Pinnies,.
1V0 time
Prints, etc., and already many of our customers are buying their summer dresses:
like the presour'sewin gg done, and you Will get a larger stock. to . choose from. now
present t o get your ,. - •
than two. months. hence.
Fine 'white Lawn, India, 'Persian and Victoria Lawns, in 41most every weave starting at
ipc, .12c1, to 40c"'per yard
White Dimity riuslins, Dotted Swiss, Plain Swiss, Shrunk Cotton, Linen finished Cotton
`White Organdie,in feat almost every kind. of. White Goods for summer is on:our counters ready
for early -buyers.
Alongwith. the above goods.we•are m ing a sp drip ftra`ton +'fii7o'~Ft ' '
i2 C to 15c per card'
Prints, Gingham anal Challles' at... 4... . r , s a • + Ir. s , ' • • • • ,
• _ • in than ever, fine laces especially Vvili be
. demand,
i;r>iLbroideriessnd Laces.will be any previou:y `season:
used on white waists mora than in"
You will find here a selectiones equal to anything shown by many
° of Laces and Dtrrbroideri