HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-28, Page 1111
*,itIt Year'
Whole Number 1462
• The Conservative Association of West Huron has not Met for two years. A meeting should be held in March
For Good Clocks t
Go to Hellyars
We sell truthful Cocks.
We regulate and warrant euery one we
sell to keep good time.—
W. H. HELLYARJeweller and Optician -- Clinton t
, ise inAnti begin the 'New , Year well by
1 Be Y openg aSavings .Account with
The Sterling Bank Of :Cana
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and interest added four
times a year. The Department is interested to no delay in the •with-
drawal of part or the whole of thadeposit, •
A General Banking Business.Transacted. •
Accounts of Farmers and Cattle Dealers Solicited.
BAYFIETD BRANCH open Monday, Wednesday, Friday each week.
VARNABRANCH open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each Week
Your account will he•appreciated at either branch by
E ,
There should be eh* rally of the
Wheat 70e to 72c.
'Oats lide to 37c, citizens hi the town hall tosniget to
Poe '75e to 77c. hear eubiects which, are of such . ital
Barley ide to 50e. interest to elm towns •dissussed.
Butter 20e to 210, Meyer Wiltse will occupy the chair. •
Eggs 22e,
Live hogs, $6.00. •
ONTARIO ST, CHURCH. There was a meeting of the courail
held in the clerk's office ei the sewn
Reception service will be held next hall on Tuesday everting 5f, last week,
Sunday morning when =dictates for pursuant to a notice iseued toy tee
baptism will be received. A prayer president. Various' matters of eater,
and praise service will, be heldfrom est were discussed, prinsipally in COD
10 aerie to 11, a.m. In the evening.; the nection with 'railway matters, Tie
pastor -will speak especially to the secretary was instructed to euel;itilete
young people on "Keep Thyself Pure' eate' with the Boards of Thule ip
Goderich, Sea,forth and Mitchell, and
GETTING READY To MOVE, request them to appoint delegatta io
attend a, meeting to be held in Cilia
The Masonic Lodge will: to -Morrow ton at some further date, with a
might meet for the last time .;0 the view to procuring unanimity a h11 in in the Searle libel!, which has tion.
been: their habitation since June 1.3th,
1885. - The March meeting , wilt lie THE STOCK SHOU1.
held in their neW hall in the Sever-
eign Bank block, which is now being The directors „have completed. all
got ready for them. • New carpets, arrangements .forthe Stock. Show.
new chairs, in fact pretty nearly e,v7 The judges he been appointed and
erytbieg new 'have been ordered, so they are among the best in the pre -
that it is confidently eXpeeted it wilt vince; and entire satisfaction -will he
be a place of meeting in Which 'the guaranteed. Inquiries are coming in
brethren will take much pridefro M every county . touchine • Hutton
'for prize lists... Get your steak in
A BlISIS FANCIER. condition early, for even if 'yen don't
get a prize. you may. sell your. 'stock
Mr.: Joe Rattenbazy, eche is a great as the aid buyers from
lover of birds, past week remise that day,
Western Ontario heve been notified
ed, d peiT et Hartz eVlountwin, canaries and Will probably •be on hand'. Be
which Were brought • exit t r ore rice '
Many by a Toronto' erns es imparts Sun and get a, liSt. or ,see the prize
as. mr. Rastentbary has is,nen aeres list eto• be published, ia .the comity
- ' ''-- rs . .
ing this breed' of eariaries far social papnext week
years and say e they excel as sinMISFORTUNE
.. .
being rather fuller' timed
Rev. Dr. Stewart exchanged pulpits Varna
with Rev. Mr. Slia,w of Egnaandville .
on Sunday last . ' The toweship• cotiecil meets bete
If you are 'ping to have an auction next Moittlay.
sale, it svill pay you to have your I Mr. William) Heiei! of the Parr Liee,
bills printed at the News -Record of- had an ,auctien sale last 'Thursday,
The Sovereign.
Danis. .of Cnada
has 1195 Shareholders and over 50,000
The public are confidently .referred to any of
these for infthmation regarding the Bank's
facilities, methods and attention to business.
Interest paid 4 times a year. on Savings
Deposits. 27
Branches at Clinton and Brucefield,
: The
1 Cut
1 On Fur Coats for the Seaso
:And in doing so we are offering bargai,: which
you will seldom come across when y al are look=
ing for,a good coat any of which 's a genuine '
bargain, We are offering:
Two only -000n Coats, re lar prices $50.00. U.fl
'Last cut" price .
One only -Coon Coat
"Last cut" price..
regular Price, Pa% 27.50
One Only -Wo at Coat, regular price, $32 25.00
"Last cut" 'pH
Two Calf -s •n coats, regular prices $27•00) 0 1 Kfl
"Last cut" price 4 . i u
Two B k Dog -skin Coats, regular. prices, I 600 .
$20. "Last cut" price • .
0 e only -Beaver Coat, Fur Collar, Astra- • • .
an lined with rubber interlining, regular , 17.00 ,
price, $25.00, "Last cut" price
A Word About, Your -
Spring Suit,
Our new stock of Suitings, Pantings and
. •
Fancy Vestings are now m stock, 80 1£ you are
in need of any this seas6n*now is the time to'
'order, as ynu will get a better choice by order-.
ing early and have whatever you need made in
good time.for spring -wear, Call and inspect
our stock ,which is now complete and see the "
latest btyles for 1907,
and next week theses for 13a,y Ley,
Miele '
We ere glad to hear that Mary, the
miss olive Murphy, niece ei sera, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AU.
WMurphy of town
died in Dame ! Austin, is improving. She has been
. .,
on Monday, aged only twentyL years. ill with Pneurnon.ia.
The deceasee was a sister a Miss.Iea, I Mrs. James 3,IcOlymont underwent
Murphy, wire tenderly waited, upon ! an operation in the Gunn hospital, in
her during the wanting Weeks ber C•linton, ea. Thursday last and has
life.. • I singe done eilendielly.
Mrs. Netstii keys:, who'has been m-
.1 • • i dergoing treatment in the 'hospital at
To those .of Our correspondents who Qlintoti, is expected "home on Friday.
are in the habit 'of seneine in their The beery friou
ends tliose , 'We es
copy tate in the week we would like teemed ladieS see glad to ' hear of
to intimete that a day earlier would hewewell , they have been getting
be . appreciated. So much -matter 'tee along.
•in's held back until Wednesday delays I , Messrs. Jas. McOlyineet and J. 1S,
ws in gettieg to press as promptly as Harwell were in Clinton lasts'Sue-
we week' like., A day earlier ef !., l ,i1 ' .d ay end. attended the special s'etvice)
can, and if you .pleaee. -- being held in the Ontario St, church
• Court Varna .is nialSeg arranges
'V_ SR,.
than is the ease with our Canadian The. salt works at. Stapleton ate,
birds, and they sing equally wed shut down, the reeSon beteg that
der the electric light as when the sun brine is nolonger procurable. About
shining_ .• ' ten days ago it, was 'discovered that
Speaking of birds in genera, Mrthe tubing was split, so the pude
Ra.ttenbury says the pinegrosebeaks had to be raised. This was accent-
are,Still here and as Tong as they re- plialled without any !diffictilty, trouble
mein cold Weather is Prevailing' fur- lotated, the--pnp--was-4owerad
tiler mirth. • again, but at about smfeet it stop -
DEATH OF PVI'Ele •YESBEC.' .• Ped and in spites of ell niovenients
knOW' e to a long dipe.rienee refused
:to g6 altinch lower. Mr. John Rans-
Mr...rant Yesbee died on Satiwilay
ford at once communicated with Pe
lest 'after only e day•li
was, bork:witrn sight • a the falneui broleae and has engaged an expert' who
is expected daily: We trust that Mr:
Cedars. of 'Lebanon, • fifty-two "Years
'age aid came to this lend' of freedom Raesfard ,will have good luck and
and progresS about two decades einem speeddy get ..his wewe.into working,
For seventeen years he was resis ardor, for like most, misfortunes its
a, .
dent of Clinton did throughout
the influence is somewhat evidespreasi, and
which: 2"
.countye Carried on business as a ped- effecte. not. only,hiniself, "bet several
he seeemeaatea misses, emPloyeee, and in turn the town of
• ' •
erable money, He Was sClinton.
hrewd. kind -
ly,. had no enemies,, bet lees as Ir end
who were very sorry tis hear's)! his
Sudden. death. Twdyears aga . his Mr. ..JOhn. Bean died 'on- Serida,y •last
wee predeoqased leni; leaving a fain- aged seventy-two yeers. For uP-
ily of nine 'children, the eldest some wards of thirtyyears he was a rest -
seventeen years of age. Since The
mother's passing away three el the
children; lieve' been in Mount St. Jess
eph's Home, London; !rho . funeral
took place oft Tuesday, to St. Jees
ph's , churels, • where the Ree.
Father 'Hanlon cenducted •••••she
requiem mess.: The eemains were then
taken to the eseeecemetery-in---Hule-
halm J. D. Weiss,
lett fOF rme
.were Joh Shan
James F Brews,. Levy
and M t. Coibert. e Members et
the P.1VI.B.A., to whic the deceased
'bet ged and in whicird 'held an 111-
sranee ofee1;000, !attenile in a.liedy.
Successors to .liodgens *OSA Clothing Storg
• It weele be impossible in a
graph' or two totellthe story o the
Ontario St. church reviVal: perh, os
it would be 'sae • to say that never
the his•tOry , of the 'town has there
been Sv.oIi services. -From the vetting
largi audiences were in attendance, „sr
arA. deep • interest Was manifests This
On Tuesday there passed intorest
an, old and respected resident; •in the
person of Mrs. Win. Steep, sr. She
wee a native a •Ireland, but came to
this coati* when a yoke%) woman
and lived for Many' years in Goderich
township, from pence movieg to Clin-
ton,. Her husband died,lasb year. She
is survived by two 'daughters and
four sons, Mrs. C. Copp, • Mrs. J.
Farquhar, Williasn, Daeid, John and
George. • • -
their vole,es
The exectitive,,of the East Huron
Tea:chers' Association met .,in Seas
forth:on Saturday last swith the toll -
owing officers present e Presrdent Mei- Mr. John 'Sparrow left with a car
fate, Vice-president, Scott and Meat
sr's.' Johns and Murch. It was decide load of hoe* to Alameda, Sask., on
Frida,Y" week. Included in the lot was
ed to held the annual convention • in I an English. hackney stallion recently
hi Macdonald Institute, Guelph, en
im.ported and bought by Mr, Sparrow
Mali-garld--23ictes-A-3)x-ogranl-will- ireporters. There were also
accordingly be prepared and ai COPY four registered Clydesdale -.mem and
sent to each teacher in ,the inspector-
ete about the first oftillay. a Texae Jack pacing "horse bought
from Mr. M. MeNaugirtme. In addition*
• • ' there was a four-year-old grey mare
. •
sMiSs- sMyrtle • Beacom has taken a
position at kr. C. S. Lowery's.
s NOW •444feitiSelBellttes
leor- good. clocks,. W. •II. H,11yar-• 2... '
Last. Cut,' • Morrish ,:te Crooke
Lookieg•at things, W. taioper & Cei d., -
It is, important,. W. E. tertinter s
Shoppieg made easy; Harland Bros. 4
Otir rimless glass:we, A. J:
Auction gale, A, Wallace
White underwear, Hotigen•s .Bras...
Cell-ekin. coats $15, Toverle.,...:
New Wash goods, Newseornbe's $
meats •for • a grand entertaenmeete,
which will •be eel(' Lhe toitin hall
on Farley evening of next Week, When
we niention the -names those v ho
will furnish the program it will eas-
ily be seen. that a great treat th in
store for the big audience which; will
no doubt be preseet. There is •Don-
ald illcGregor, baritone Soloist; Miss
Bede, soprano; Miss 'O'Neil, burner
.ous elocutionist and Dr. Smith., ac-
eempanist. The first mentioned three
are of Toronto. Owing :-,to the'• big,
expense stile Court has. been. to procure
this talent, the price of •achnisSionbas
•had to be placed at 25c and 35c, the
latter for reserved; seat's.
• For Varna news eead . News -
Record. • • '
Next Sunday .Rev„ Steadman wile
exchange pellets with Rev.' Hart ot
Hensell, who will 'conduct . missioeacy
Servicee on this circuit. - •
Master Harley Pollock left on ' • • e.
day for London, •
• Mr. and Mrs, Charles•Ceek of the
Goderich Road eeterteined a number
of young people of Trinity church=
Tuesday evenieg, • • . . „
R• '51eitlerray, fish. inspector for this-
distriet, was at Grand • eteral Ons
by tordiene, a very superior ammal.
The balance of the lead was • made
up of choiceirea.ee mares and geldings
ehe whole forming a bunch whieleMrs
Sparrow will certainly: have no diffio-
day eir business:
• Master •George Ervvin left on Wede
neseay for Killarney, Man. •
• Mr, John Fraser occupied the 11• 4-- ,
'pie of St. Andrew's church 'Sunday
morning in the absence cif Revs Me-
NeiL •' •
Thoma.s Sanderson, sejto has sped;
. the winter with his parents, left lase
week for his home 0, Milestone, Sask.,
19th, Ito. siVIr. and Mrs..
Peter Campbell; a son. •
R0v. Steadman 0emmenced,a series
Of revival eervigeS in the Methodist.
• church this weeks.• • ' •
• Mr. 'and Mrs. James A tweed, who. •
have been vdsitinp; his brother, Wm.,
Atwood of thi* village, lefe last emote:
for his heree at BrOeltdale, Man.
Mr. T. J. Marks, who lett here last
fall for Oberlin, Kaesa.s, to spend tho
wester with his daughters, reteerned,
home last week. •
illissjellie Miller of •Clinton and!
het'. Oster,' Site., Currie • of "Victoriae,
spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. Donaldson. Mrs. Currie, who •
was to sing ' at the opening or the
rdelTiOd•Tereliurch, but was unable to
-do so through: illness, _kindly eonsent-, •
.ed to assist at a future time an at
Seaday evening's service, rendered. ,
two., very 'appropriate .
Dr, Smith-peesided at the organ im
Mr. Nathaniel Baer *and, sou of Col- ulty in disposing of. lie is not ex -
barite Visited filellsis here eerSunday, Pected home for three weeks or a ince • " . • ••. ,
the Methodist thatch on Sunday evens:
...Mr. and Mrs, Ben. Churchill enter- month s ' Cieetings of 'the Fainieys' Institutes ..
tained a nember ef the young peOple The concert giv'esn under the ails, Were held in the .town .hall on Thurs,-
on, Teesday night piees . of the 'choir of. the illethedist day last - At the afternoon,. sees -roe
Miss Edna Edria ,••••and Alva Beaeriai chureb, Wecinee:lay evening of fast addreasee were gieen by ,Dr, Reid .
-Came home from. Clinten, for Sunday; Week, .was of the finesttreets. Georgetown, B, -.1lleiseare KIPS.eln ,
•Mr. Wm. Leo Of the Clieton 'Elect- that has yet been • afforded the "'people Major Shepperd, St. Catharines. , , • "
lie tight works was in Our village On of this vill ear:ft district. Miss' the 'evening Dr, Reid WI( for his •Sea -
Sunday Hatt is an e ocutionist „ of the .11rSt ject "1-Iorses for Profit." Mr. Me •
dent of Clinton and was held in much •• rank arid VerY Much pleased the at' -
bearer. Mr. John Scarlett of Leadbury
-respect He :wan a member and office was here on Sunday list, visiting his (Hence; Di. Smith .excells. 'as a reader,
in. Wesley church He was also brother-in-law, Mr: George Tyner. ,, we shall always be glad to hear tem.
librarians, of the Public Library, i Ile gra. Jahn assesan spent - t 1 .And the quartette • from Clinton,.
was .teilee married .and is. sareived by , par 0
list week with friends in •Sta,pleton. Mesdames .roireb and Gibbingse and,
sills .aecond wife and three sons and as
Mr. David Bert attendede-the an: 'Vies:sm. Harland end Downs exceiled
e nual meetieg• of the.Tilaok Chapter in , thenthelves. LeS( but 'not least to be.
Many daughters. The funeral took
--vioe-being--condrzted by the Rev. W. mentioned . was air eddress by 'Reiss
place .011. Ttiesday . afternoon; the: ser
Clintee ea liresday. : ' s ' • 1 Mr; lia.4.. of elensall on , "The StfoLt!‘i
J, Jellifte,.assieted by. the Rev. • •J: ' Geo. Jolinson ire' has hired With, ,T. ChtliCh.' 'There, was good attend -
Greene. The pallbearer's were' V, Maiming of Hullett for the eiriuir-e
ee ance- but unfortima,tely ' the 'Weather
Fowier W. CantelOn, J. Stevenson, season, ' , • -
e r et News -Record. • • I was very stormy which kept .
Mr. Bean was a member of th . 0 d • For Semmerhill . new d Ti ' ' - at sllu..1.-1-
W., Boherty, • R., Holmes 'and • s roa ic. her - away. '
of United Workmen; .in Whieli he held 'Mr. and Mrs, James Miller visited '
friends in Hensel'. last week, ,• \Veit Tuckersmith
an insurance of •$2,000. The local ..
.brethren laid a very handsormo. floral
... Thomas • Lilidsay• has hired Russel
emblem. upon the ca,sgbt and a.ttended ' • Mr, Finger Rowcliffe of Osborne is
. Celbotrne tor the next seven months.
pares the funeral in a, hods-. ' ..
Clinton Fought .a,' horse from Mr. Mr. Walter Layton has' re urne
i visiting •his• aunt Mrs, J G C "1
A. few days age Mr. •0. H. Wallis o • • .
J. G. 1.
t d
Rev. Mr. Neiman, who occupied the
ulpit ,of Wesley church last Sunday,
ored in the mission 'field in. Japer.
the- years and is now' only home
on lough, intending to again. return
interest was intensified as the yen -
to the Far East. He is an interest-
'ingi posSed, There was searcelgi a
eight esitheitt decisions for the etter ing spea: r, and after the manner of.
those who re accustomed to reaching
life arid iii Some of the later meetiniss
theit audit° • through an interpreter,.
men and women by the score came .,
his • descriptioi is most ininuto. -
out declaring their faith in God. Sun- On Monday e ning Mr. Norman II
day mortipig at ten o'elock the lee-
ture,roorn was thronged . with Chris- lustrated his lea e. sivith a hundred
tian people who rejoiced to 1111 every a in imagination
lime light- views,
moment, ol the allotted hour with carried. along :from , •lace to place
prayer and praise. In the public set- those who had the plea ure ,of heating
vice following about a dozen adults . .
receiVedebeptfOie between fifty as'd Next Sunday eVening A . Mr. Jel-
liffe ,will take for his theme, "leeviv•
shays: united-. with theecliarele and ma and Revivallits., .
nearle three hundred received the sase
remota of elie • Lord's eupper. The On the Sunday following, the 1011t
inst.,. the regular anniversary a the
• Sabbath' school in the afternoon churchbe held. the preacher
evenseg audience thronged the church,
he be the Rev.• J..W. Graham Of London.
brotsght andther large gathering. T
Seats' ' aisles, entries, everywhere, till IN THE WRECK. '
manywere turned 'away, unable to
enter. ..93e1doin has there been swill a Mr. W. J. Stinson, ember of
meeting. anywhere. Seat after seat the Stanley township , ell, wee in
was filled with earnest seekers alter town • yesterday on his.. ay houm
the better life till between f*ty and 'from Toronto, -where1 ad gone shen, Line
, ,6.xpceornietnege ttluteers-tisheloafw3,1r.
fifty had takcn this stand,. fully half with a shipment of :ea d
of them being young men. More than up from the city he had an
teti hours were occupied in tha ser. which he hopes he may ver . see Babyleit Link
Vices Of tlfe day and still the people repeated, being a passenger on the
were reluctant to leave when at ti Grand Trunk express, -which, while
p.m. the meeting was finally dismiss= terming sixty miles an hour, jumped
ed. In vieW of the unparalleled inter-. the rails • in 9, ettt three miles east of
est et the Sunday dVening service the Guelph,
meetings rtbd not close with Sunday Five well -laden passenger • toaches
hs• announced and on IVIonday. and left the traek and turning ever on
Tuesday eVeninge ,setvices were held 'their side slid -down a fiftyieet ere-
• when thirty more ma& their choice
ter a Christian life; Between onehttn-
dred and fifty and two hundred con-
verts are reported, and wIlle Ont. St,
church will of course receive the most
of those a good' number will join otli.
er churches of the toseti; and country.
• The IVISSS Hall left Wesineedit• e
morning for Guelph te, enjoY a few
well-earned days' of rest. They .ate
announeed to open evangelistic opers
vices in Dunnville on Sunday next.
They have • greatly endeared the'n.
selves to the people of Clinton mud
vicinity, and their addresses, •exhur-
tations and singing will long lie te.
• membered.' Sibeere prayers will fo1.
low them to Ninniville that God' may
there, as here, crown, their Iabo:s
with abundant success,
Cha,rles Lovett for which he paid over' 1.64•11 to sPend fc'w Weeks
$200. Needless to 'say'. it is a good AV Mrs atnriOuteli1.0rs,IAA,iltrz. rC'hhaas Layton
one. '
Miss Mary Alm Watkins is speadiug the. sick lirst the past, week.
a fortnight er so at Mrs. Jos. Cur-
rfe's on the 7th •con .- owterich
t:IVIviiir.-.111r1.13:ff..•Ball laid in his seaSon'S
' W k obtained
stipi y co las ce e
it from Eatt's pond. .
• Mr.- Giorge,,Tyner, we are sorry to'
say, is ageie very *body. •
L e 0. L. No. 9281 expetted to
meet next Monday night. • • •
The mumps are nheree.as 'sail' have
reason ,tobelieve. ••
Rev. Mr. Kerney is arrairgifig for a
'confirmation chore
A miesionarY ineeting With stets
collagen vitave ' will be -heti in St.
Peter's church on. Fraley segla
Stanley ,Township
rs. Jaime Styles. from North Dae -
•s, visiting her sister-in-law, Wes.
Keys of Babylon Line.
Mrs. John McKinley of Go-
ceompanied by their bra-
n F. J. Redmondiovere
nd Keys of
Friday evening.
od of St. Helens
• Mr.
hankment and into a cedar SWS11113.
With the exception a two or three
every passenger in ,the . ear in which
Mr. Stinson had been 'sitting was iii.
jured, many o/ them seriously so. The
interior of the ear when its proeress
Wag stopped, wasa mixtm ef• broken
seats, shattered glass, and ,bruthed and
bleeding paailigers. It WAS some
tin* before at exit eould be made, as
WM •doom were jammed Close by tile
cars before and behind but a small bele
was finally cut with an axe. Mt,
Stinson remained in the egrior near-.
ly twO boats helping others not ,
•fortintate as himself, Ile sustained a
bruise oll the head and sane of. his
clothing Was torn, but otherwise he
estaped unhurt. ThreQ passengers
were killed. • •
Mr. Itohinsois Wo
is visiting at the hbvie of Mts. Ales.
Johnston of, Bannockburn. ' •
Mr; and MeS• John. CI fl of the Bay-
field Line, Goderich to. ship, were
the guests on itIonday of thp latter's
sisters, the MiSSOS Parke.
Mr, and Wire. Win. Pollock Go-
• shen Line entertained a numbe
their friends last, Monday evening.
Mr. Henry Dawson of the Goshe
Line died on Vonday, aged about four
score Years. •'
• Mr. Willie •eyiBrien, hes. returned.
home alter speeding • a year With Mr.
William Teeter of Ilullett
•Mr. Samuel, Switzer. sold 'a, good
two-year-old gelding to Mr,. Johu
Sinith of Goderich townshap.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Layton enter-
tained Alm choir of , Turnees church
ou Friday esviiing ,
A large number from here attenk.d.
the farewell service of the Misses
Hall in Ontario Street church on
Sunday evening last •
Horse' buyers are oe. the Mire
through this secticsi a• present. . I
Master Harold Turner entertained a '
few of 111s, friends 'on Tvesday even-
ing last M henor of his twelth birth -
Sheldon, eldest. sod of Mr. William
• Townsend has redovered from. an at-
tack of. eengestion. •
Mr. Ed. Bedford of Stanley seat
Siinday at the -home of Mr, Charles
Goderich Township.
wit. Wm. Perdue has sold his port-
able SAW milt with twenty acres ot
bush, on the 4th con. to 11fr, Robert
Elliott of Goderich, who: is also clo,s-.
Ing a deal with Mr. Alfred Nand for
thirty acres of timber. Mr, Perdue
intends building a, itbus c and barn on
the pleN- on the tayilehl Lino he
bought from Mr. J. W.Elliott t (Min-
ton so, that he will have his hands
full without the mill,
Lean spoke on "Thenomc,"
jot Sheppard.. on "Three Historical • '
Events at Niagare.'' • Betweeritii
addresses was in ' appreciated pro- ;
gram of music and song, to. whieb the :-
following contributed'. erestrinnerital's
by Aniestrong and see eri• the
and 'Miss M. Pollock on the orgese
(Nett, -Miss Flossie Polleek and Re
Bailey; 'readiug, W. •Browillee; . recite -
tions Miss Cleave; solo, Miss Aube-
Whiddore MreW, Saunders of Exeter.„ •
occupied the chair, , • . •
,The sad .news . hat Teethed' here ot
the death of Mrs., Edison, who fere/r-
ef:1y resided hoe Whitechurele but •
who removed some years ago to the
Wet, and settled . about sixty miles .
north aEdmonton. It is one of the
saddest Stories', of - prairie life,. :•It
Welg 'evening, and Ogle of. the occu-
pants had: retired to rest, when the
two-story house was found to be ea
fire.. The inmates who had gone to
.rest were aioeseds and Jack wia-thes
last to descend the stairs With hisr
mother, hut the 'smoke. was so dense
Mrs. led'ison stumbled at the foot of .
the taizs and fell, where a. visitor,
Bar: Cameron, was • standing. He •
assisted her to the yard, and theft •
ran back for some clothing. -In the
meantime Mrs. !Eased' must • have '
re-entered the bereing building, for
she wag found a, few Minutes later -
lying on her lace its the kitchen, with "
Stanley. Township
Mrt: :Sarritiel Peebles 01.1.1arristen,
who has-been Visiting her father, Mr.
Wm. Keys, sr., of Babylon Line, for
the past week returned to her horrie
on, Tuesday ot this week,
We are sorry that illr.George Clark
of Babylon Lino is ill with pneumo'
ia at present. Miss*Mathieson of Olin-
tatt ig the ettr*C.
Mr. F. J. Redmond front Leeds,
North Dakota, has been visiting rela-
tvtives on Goshen for the past weele
r. Alex. Cox from rester's Hill
slit one day last week at the home
of IVI Chas. Logan of 1 . •lane. •
Mr, elsoat Keys of Babylon Line
delivered •a,,, horse on Saturday Which
she had recently sold to Mr. George
Coleman of Parr Line.
11/Ess Jean Malr, teacher of,,Babylon
Line scluoI, visited friends near
(Grand Bend on Saturday "Of 'last• .
• Mr, and iiArs. Wm. Reid of Parr
Line were 'gilests ofthe latter's sib.
• ter, Mrs. Amos• Keys of tlahylon Line
one day recently,
the flames circling, alerted her. She
was terribly burned, and is quickly as
possiban a horse wag hitched and she
was driven to a heighbor's, e mile •
Way. Her face was...burned beyond
recognition. :and_ she diedthe next
evenieg. The boys of the family,,
clad only in their trousers, tramreit
irb the snow in their bare feet withr
the thermometer below zero. Thee
house irea short time was burned to.
the .ground. The saddest part of the..
tale is that within the pasb -tvio weeks .
two deaths occurred in, the faintly*
Mr, ndison, the head of theaeitie-
ment, whose mine • the Postallice
bears, died a week before, and the
next day his grandchild (the eight of
Jaok Edison) also died, and the two
Were buried. together • on the salute
day, being the first be latkin the.:
new 'family burying treutele
Live Stock Market
• Ter8nto Junction,. Veb.
eeipts at the 'Won Stock yards this
morning" were 08 04t8s cent/Mains .1,s•
100 cattle, "32 'sheep, 8 bogs and • 24
Altlfough there was a siight des
*eau) ire the peice of •export cattle,
the demand for octal() genetallv a•sn
Cattle, according to a man' from the
Exeter district, Wete Stelling at atieut
the HOMO Ink° as n the mstl•at.
A slight advance ()coated i* 'he
price of '"itiect hogs, according to Mre
Kennedy. They now s'ell tor $0.titt
Lipts and fats' $S.65.