HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-21, Page 8• Miscellaneous Shop-
ping Bargairts...
'five clinks News -Record.
February 21st, 1907
A Lithograph
Cus4ion Top
With Girdle and Tassel to..match
couiplete for 37c.
Saturday we hOe over 100 banclsome .new Litho.,
graph Cushion 'Tops to sell. With each top goes
a regular 25c girdle and tassel to match. Every top is
new this week. Me designs are just on .Me market this
season. Mere are nearly a dozen of them. Vogether
the top and girdle is worth easily 50c. Saturday you
can buy the set complete for each
Thiriy-Sev, ents.
New Goods Every iay.
Spring Stocks are rapidly 30ming tti hand: Every •
day we are busy opening them up. We • have planned, -
for a stock the coming spring that vi11 discount any-
thing we ever had for you -before. Already "yon will
find good a4ortments of
English White Cottons
at 10c 121-6 and 15c.
English Factory Cottons
at 10c and 12ic.
English Sheetings
Plain or twilled at 30c 350 and 40e:
English Oxford Shh•tings
fast colors at 14c and 15c.
Tweed Suitings .
Checks and Stripes, at $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50
Broadcloth SuitingS •
All colors, $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50
Swissarimming Laces and Insertions:
English Laces for Underwear Etc.,
Imported direct from the maker.
' •
Buttons 5c ct card • •
Hundreds of dozens of Fancy BUttons to, go
on the bargain table Saturday at 5c a card.
There are two dozen on every card. Blacks and #.
all:colors in the int. Just thO. last ...ones left of #
many lines that sold at 1 5e, 20c and 25c a doz-
en. We want them out of the road before the.
new ones come, and Saturday you .take your
• choice of the lot at
Five Cents a Card.
• gow•i•AvAbAlb,w Afty•l.W16. Aftvii• •
Have you ang notion of.
Buying Furs.
If you have the slightest thought of buying ,11 urs
this winter, come in and see what you -Can do here. We
have a dozen or two very choice' pieces left and will
give you a bargain that will pay you and pay you well
too, Buy now even if you had not thought of doing
so before next season. Come in and see thorn anyway.
$ 600 Pairs Ribbed' Cashmere •
Hose at) 25 cents.
600 pairs new Ribbed Cashmere Hose to sell
at 25c per pair. Good qualitv, yarn. Seemless
feet. Spliced heels, • Soft finish, All sizes, A
Stocking that will give splendid' wear, Inipori-
ed by ourselves dicttrom the English. maker,
Just in last week. A real good stocking for
the price.
Per Pair Irwenty-five Cents.
ist V041:141=trir froaf
m tthe
Knitting Factory i n
town in lots too email for thein
to use. Just the thing for men.
• ding or knitting:, • In black an 1
grey. See the size of skein we
offer at 10c and the hank at
- CUSHION Toe. Five
designs. Good cov-
ers, 20 inches square at 20e
each. If you will call and see
them you will appreciate their ,
good value. They are as good
as many expensive ones and for
such a little aura. You can
scarcely call it a price.
W. D. FAIR Oa,
Often Cheapest —AlWaysBest
: 't•vviAAAmoA•wwwwwiew •
Ur. W. Osmond of Bayfield was in
Clinton on business on Satorday last,
Mr. Murdoch Ross, one of • the best
kndwn citizens of Bayfield, was in
town on Tuesday. , •
Miss Fisher of the Waverley House
leaves next Week to visit friends in
Seaforth and Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs, S. Kemp and their daugh-
ter Nellie visited at, •Mr Will Rath's
of East Wawanosh on Sunday.
The latest additions to the* tailoring
staff of Morrish $r Crooks are Messrs.
• Wilkinson and Coles, expert coat -
Misses Etta and Pearl Wheatley are,
visiting in Lapeer and Flint,;Mich.,
and expect to aw,ay for three
weeks or more. .
Mr. H. Draper of Montreal, Inspector,
Moisons Bank, bite been paying the
local branch an official visit the past
week. He held the position of ac-
countant in the Clinton branch twen-
ty-five years ago., •
Mr., Harry Darrow of‘Brilfield was in
town on Saturday, having come over
to attend the funeral of the late 'Mrs.
Thornton Wallace of Mullett.
Mr. and Mrs. George. Barrons of/Wel-
' ton were guests at 1VIr. A. J. Grigg's
on Sunday last. Mr. Barrons haw.
sold his farm •and intends leaving
• shortly for Southern Alberta,
Willie, son of Mr. R. A. Bell is a, great
sufferer from rheumatism:, but is en-
duing the pain .like a little hero. The
doctor hopes with good care to have
him all right again in due season.
-Mr. E. W. Jacobs, who recently bought
• the clothing busineas of Mr. J. W.
Newcombe, was joined on Friday
last by his wife and family and they
have taken up their abode in the
dwelling lately occupied by Mr. and
Mrs, John Carter. . •
Mr. .William Grigg. one of our Most
worthy citizens, has .been rather ser -
loudly ill the past week with pleuriey:
but we are pleased to hear that he is
somewhat better. Mr. Grigg, has
reached the good old age of severity
and eight years.
Miss McCourt, of .the Separate school
has placed singing -on the curriculum
of studies for the pupils of the Sep-
arate school, greatly to the satiable-
• tion of the parents. The 'pupile are
- entering into it with such zest that
shows much interest on their part.—
Parkhill Gazette -Review.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott of Bay-
field were in town Friday and • Sat-
urday. Their marriage took place
on Thursday, the knot being tied by
the groom's brother, the Rev. Jos.
Elliott of 4goderit,h. The bride was
Miss Alice Galpin, one of balmy Bay-
, field's handwrite girls. The News -
Record heartily Joins in seasonable
greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Elliott.
Mr. Lux. Hill, a member of the Blyth
council and one of the Most progres-
• sive busiritss men of that village,
was in Chaim on Monday. Mr. Hill.
carries on.a sash and door factory '
and bas made' a proposition to the
council whereby, in consideration of
a loan o.$3,000 he will much increase
the -business. His proposal has been
considered favorably and • a by-law
• will in due ; course be suhraitted to
the ratiMayers.
• R,
This week we are putting out several big bargains•on our counters for quick
sale -and a perusal of the following list will he of great interest to you
• Lace Curtain Samples
Another lot of 10 dozen
traveller's samples'of lace cur-
tains, in several cases they are
patched; three-quarter length .
• worth from $2 to $4 per pair
if whole length, Saturday .25C
Children' Toques.
2 dozen only left of Child"
rens' Cashmere Toques, in'
bluewithred and white stripe
and red and pink solid colors,
reg. 25 and 35c, Saturday 15c• .
• .A
0c: Heavy cdliniere
Hose 39c
Womens' and Childrens
heavy Cashmere Hose, ro,anu-
factured.to sell for 75c, and
we are clearing .the balance
out Saturday at 39c per Rain
Dress Mdslins, 5c..
20 pieces White Dress Mus-
Iins, in stripes, these are
snaps for those who do their.;
summer Sewing early, worth
8 and 10c, Saturday .5c,,`
\ • -
•TweedPauts $140
Men's 'untearable' Tweed
Men's Calf Skin Coats
10 only --Men's brown calf=
skin Coats, well lined and
made, balance of ..this seasons,
buYing. Regular $20 and
$25 Coats, your choice Satu
day :for $15.00.
$10.00 Men's Beaver
Coats, $7.50.
1.f - 11Ien'q blue beaver overcoats -
tailor made, newest : styles,
. good fitteis, well lined, velvet.. -
Pants in grek, : tailor _Made,
good linings; legular. $2;00 . .
• Saturday for .$1.50 ' •'
• • ,•
collar, regular 10 00 Satur--!
• • •
climroN, ON?
Tomato Bouillon.
. Fish.
•'Boiled Halibut, Hollandaise Sauce •
Celery. • Beets, Mixed Pickles.
. Removes.
Prime Ribs of Beef. Pan Gravy
Roast Turkey with Dressing, Cranberry Sauce
Stewed Lamb and French Peas.
Compote of .Peuebes.
• Vegetables.
Ailatabed fatO,ogot. toned Potatoes,'"
• -Peas.
English Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce,
Deep Apple Pie with Cream.
Wine eHy and Whipped Cream. '
•btrucp Pie. Peach Tart. Pear Tarticili
Ills& Toro? Coiree.
MoLaren's Imperial and Canadian PrimeChoese
J'rult. Assorted Nuts.
Witihirig to cater to the people of
Clinton and vicinity I publish the menu
for Sunday dinner.
C. W. Brown '
Hotel NornAandie Proprietor,
Dry :Goods
and Millinery
. 0.
• Ready.to -WORP-
11 the -Newest i Goods for Spring. . :,..
.... - .
Are now on 'Display-
_ • The largest part of our new Spring Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, .Ginghams, 'Lawns; Laces,
. Embroideries', etc., are now on display and wecan truthfully say that neversince-this store
. Was opened have we shown such a complete range in every department. Now, siricre we have*
completed the alterations in this store, every department is enlargedso that we have twice .
the selling space of last season. We will be pleased to have all our customers come in and see
the improvements we have made, and look over the neW stock of spring materials.
We are pleased to announce that we have secured the services of a first-class dress -maker,
who will take charge of our Dress -making Department on Marclrist. This lady comes to us
highly recommended and any orders entrusted to her will have her very best attention. Already
we have a good many orders booked so it Will be advisable to do your buying -early, • • '
Beautiful Grey Suitings New Wash Goods Department Saturday Basement Bargains
35 $1
We have opetted.a new department in our We want you to get acquainted, with Oar
Department*, All the space occupied by the so we are going' to make extra inducements to
store. which will be known as the Wash Goods new Basement Departinent and in order to do
. , • spring. staple goods is now filled with a great assort- bring you to our store in order that you may
Tent of cotton dress materials. such as Organ t see what a complete iltiltateled'aSoteauplittei for
roosdatit •uBrdasae;
from the lightest to the darkest steel grey. - ,
a,nd we are prepared for it with every shade
fl'reys are again going to lead for
. . their autnnuer dresses. No time like the present „„„
and already many of our customers are buying o2r8d-einrs. f000rogdoowdstaiAgliivtepr
ies, Lawns, Ginghanis, °Willies, Prints, etc., merit we have. We cannot fill any telephone
la. nnelette.
Beautiful Grey Suitings, light and dark eto get your seWing done, and you will
get a ette, equal to the best, 7c fianne ette
checks stripes, fancy and plain, 50 to 56 in- larger stock to choose from now than two 5 pieces for Saturday, good qiialitr Flannel-
. .
, cheitwide. A magnificent range to e oose months•
frail at - 75c, 25c, $1.00, 1.25 and 1.35 made to -day, in our basement, Sat, at08
Fiine 'White Lawns, India, Persian, and i 8 c WTreari pgeoroeaitepatternsieThe . and
ige, ii;le tom.
stripes. checks and fancy mixed. 40 to 44 startingat ...-.......9e, 10e, to 0 yar
Grey Dress Materials in a big range of Victgria Lawns, i : g ,. Y4OveaVeci •
a.mosti -V-1
Swiss, Plain • patterns, 11 new goods, in he base.
a " t
• ity Writimerette, polka dot and 'Dresden
inches wide, all the different vveights, at
pet, yard,. „ ... , ... „ ..... _ „ , „ „Me and 600 White Dimity Muslins Dotted S'
Hvies8, Shrunk Ootton; Linen Pinished Cotton, went Saturday, Pet' iar0...... ... .. . . AC)
Dozens of•pieces of the newest Dress Ma- White Goods for iiinnmer is. on our counters - .•White
- WhitelOrgandie, in fact almost evety kind of
windows, etc, regular 100 anc112,ic.
.... .... A
WiliTtCeaSP:eterier wilils6rnot Muslin, suitable for
terials in plain colors, including. Broad- ready for early buyers,
In the basement Saturday". 0114
cloths., 'Venetians, Panamas. Rexene%
Crespnies, Foulards, Taffetas, Voiles. etc., , Along with the above goods we are making
White Victoria Lawn lic
from . 500 to $1 00 .
One hundred yards VictoriarLawn,.40 inch.
to shades of navy, cardinal,- cream, reseda, a special display of Oratton's Fine English . .
es wide, fine round thread, etkitliir
brown, champagne, ete ,. • ranging in price Prints, Gingham's and ()bellies at ..... „...
price inc. Basement, Saturday...". ' .11
. Black and white materials for separate . Igmbroideries and Laces will be An greater
skirts or Waists, in the now 'designs for demand than ever, fine laces especielly, will be
... ... . ... ...... per vi id,
. „ k ' . P O., I I •11,1 . s ... IR A • ...• • II 14,1• • •1,21d to Ilk yard
za piece:Of/yards in each ' )
65° 'piece Factory
T e It ; 1 t) oat: do so . F3 68 citn:hYesCoWtitd0 en. nieditun weight, th
$ spring at.. • ...*......•50c, 000 to 51.25 yard used on white W a i 8 t a 'More than on any pre.. ;Iv
Newest:Dress Braids to match In all the new Yoe win owl here it selection of Laces raid
violas season,
IiIrnbroideries equal to anything shown by av,,181:00 yuuanargdilistiathorvia. n..11 .a.e.t.c.E., .fo.r.i.o..e: . ,.e:
g y. Basement. Satur
• color combinations., many city stores,
. „ .