HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-21, Page 7AF• ebruatry 21.st, .190
D. iieveggit s D. gerwart•
aggart Fircos,
'11124TEettee$T ALLOWED ON 1),E
1,0. 00000 .10.0. 0.0 0.0
eleFFiVE-Sloane Bloch-CLINTON.
Conveyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate and Insurance
Agency . Money to loan. ....-
hail. 13. HALE - JOHN DOUT
•atalltS. GUNN & GUNN
.Dr. W. Gunn L. R. C. P. & L.R.C.S.
f, -Edinburgh-
"Dr. J. Nesbit Gunn Melt. C. S. Eng,
L. R. C. P. London
*right mills atefront door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church
NOFFI0E- °uteri° street-.CLINTON
---DR. J. W. SHAW-
-Special attentioa given ao taseeets
,of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat__
-Office and Residence- •
North of R,areseriburv S.
-DR. F. A. AXON. -
eek (Suecessor to Dr. Holmes.)
Shecialist in Crown • and Bridge
elraduate of the Royal Cute:se of
' Dental 'Surgeons of Ontario. iron&
-graduate of University of Toronto
Dee.tal Department . Graduate Ed the
•Ohicago Colleae of Dental Surgery,
Will be at the Commercial. 'hetet
Sayfieid, every Mooday from 10 a. in.
• to 5 p. tn.
J. LEWIS T-1,10a1A
Civil Engineer, .Architect, r:o.
(Late Dominion Depa,rtment • ?utak
Consulting Engineer for ltir.-
iaipal anO County Wore, El-
ectric ,Railroads, Sewerage .axed
Wit ter works Sys tams , Whet Yee,
Bridges and Re-eieforciel Cots -
The Clintom Nows-R4
iniriry7Trniir 1r 1, IF 1r •Tt
A Mastex
• Lumberman's
All travellers, and those en-
gaged in outdoor work, should
alWafp have a bottle of
Hirst's Pain
-at hand.' It is the most
„ powerful liniment manufac-
tured and gives instant relief
in Cases a Wrenches, BallinS
and Sprains. It also cures
Strains, Rheunralism, Neuralgia
and all kindred troubles. 25c.
at all dealers.
•TrY Iiirst's Little Liver Mils
for indigestion -awl dyspepsia..
Ask your dealer or send us
25c. *direct. A handsome
•Souvenir card free.
THE F. F. eala.ey CO., Limited
Hamilton, Ont.
half 'tee love waated so useIeSsly upon
her, I will vvin him lf I can if I fall, I
will tale a terrible vengeance upon
hira," the beauty muttered in a cold,
hard voice after he had gone,
••• "I know how I pan bring him to my
feet. Yes, I know hove," she added with
a strange laugh. ,
Despite all her efforts, Allan Drexel
seemed hard to win.
"I will be patient and not despair,"
she to herself. "Surely my beauty
must win him sooner or later."
One morning, in looking over the
personals, she read among other pare -
wraps that Allan Drexel Was soon to
sail for England,Intending to take an
extended tour abroad.
The paper fell, from her hand, and strossor's marriage
a low cry broke from her Ups. to Allan Drexel
"If he goes, I must go with him rui e went steadily on -4t was to be a quiet
his bride," she cried out excitedly, 41 affair and a very hurried one, owing
to Ailed's prior arrangements to •go
cannot -I will net lose hira!" ' abroad:
Inez was just about W send for kiln, Yet this quite suited Inei-who
when Allan put in an =expected p-
pearance to bid her good-bye. •seetned to have a decided objection to
its becoming known. •
"How Ing shall You be gone, Allan," Yet the ne/as of it did leak out, care
she asked with pitiful eagerness and ial was to it
. something like a gob in her voice, t It was chatted about among the ser -
as she conceal
"I don't know," he replied; "for , vents, end it came to the mete oa a
year's in all probability. Inez, I want dariebrowed inan who had Managed
something to fUl up my life." I to secure for himself a situation to
• There• was profound silence for look after the furnace, but who always
spun minetes, and when she spoke managed to keep well out of Inez
again,Allan would scarcely hare Montstroesoe443 Way. Standing there, paraly,zed with horror,
recognized her voice Tears sprung to a "So your mistress is really to be heard after what seemed to him, an
her eyds and her face paled. i Married?" he said te, jeer maid on,
Wiese interval, the sound of a heavy
boaatialling into the waters ef the
• ossolos, roidscor• IMO• eaChallied,
starting to her Wk. her heart throbs,
bitig, her eye* dilatisig, her face pal.
."Yee, it is I -Allan Dretel," he an.
e1vored, with a horrible laugh; "the
mail YOU have so cruelly deceive4-
whose life you have wrecked and
bla,sted oncost infamopely. I am come
to see the last apt of this farce played
-I an here, an uninvited Wiest at the
wedding banquet. could not staY
away -the desire to look upen your'
fatallY fair, false face onee more was
gteater than my will power to 'testae"
Ana again a horrible laugh fell twin
his lips.
Cereal° sprung to her feet trembling
with, emotion. This, and from lam!
Hove dare he add insult to injary thee?
Nigitt and deee a heel:Mkt. dimpled She crested her beautiful golden
0...e vein.
taxon, awl egad and turned eauglitily away.
he wolild ruX-in*S.dly from solitude in- "Allow me to go," she cried. draw*
to the crowded thoroughthree-araidah ing her Mitten skirts away aled t at -
mirth and revelry -crying tent: tempting to pass hina by.
"Heavea help me to forget you, "Not =tit you have heard aU that
Coralie-d am going mad!" •
While the•deteetives were searching
for her -while Captain Stafford waif
mourning for the bride so cruelly Peet
to hen in the very hour he was to
e'laim her -and her mysterious asap.
,pearance was being discussed in every
paper-tfeere was one who could have
"I bave to eay, and answered a •. feW
quegtions that I have been longing to
put to you. Yes, I Will'ehave tee truth
at last. Yon MUSt answer me. I am a
desperate man. You °hall tell me why
you fled frein me, or thee wedding does
not go on,
"You are mad," elle said colellY.
tadaed the deeP.otheterlt and reeettled fr am mad, it Is You weo have
her Whereaboots--that one wasAllan
driven ine to tt," he cried, "No, yon
Shall not go -you shalt not leave nie
The arrangements for Inez Mont
Drexel! until you have answered me," he de.
elared, catching at the thin bridal
She stepped baeltward-the thin
veil tearing in twain; and falUng with
the wreath of orange -blossoms at his
They had been standing at the very
brink ee an old well, which no one
therea.bants knewatlie existence of,
even, it was So overgrown with, shrubs
and tangled creepers.
With that one fatal. step backward,
• the earth Snell:104 to open_ and swallow
her. '
One cry wee trona her lips as she
lo15. smotheredcry; and he,
ICutters left endewe ieill sell
them' at.coses• •
AISO a few' econtl-hend
Cutters very chea'fr.
0 -
Repairing .
tolo) Promptly Attended to
0 num ST. - CLINTON
'Eboeareeete • +So" O4Otoe me*. •41.44 e
, . •
The P. R. are -build:Lae. three
• new steamers:.ie Groat Britain', esiVo
of which are • *. intended for ttste
trade. '
"elee you •sorry, Inez?" he asked in 1 five "one aeon, I suppole." • • 1 e
I "It's to be eerly next week," replied
• ahe turned away, burying her face to Maid, with a toss of her -yellow
In her hands. ' ' curls, "and a handsome. man she tit
"Why shottld I 'witheold the truth?" get too." ' • . .
she had beeo hurled to• an untimely ' tenth you expected to leave here. A.
going, Allan, The sunshine of raya,-Uti e "Where do they go on the wedding- miming little plot it was,• I agree; but • • girl; she would be free in an hour's
I see your lace •no more." i know?" • • • . .. mtiminee.hf she woulte. 'tut; c.onsfent, to be
eth 0 hip y , 0 yott . hdeigt, Ana the. _feint wet .8. all his -all
you should havapetlearned by this time
will have set in deepest, &one evli, , trip?" he a''.ed h • 1 • "d
emomooNSoaaar,', Ole gelitleman went ..,o;e1 ta, 14,414110, umiween iorelY
on; "any MO rale *ea that. And, with little Coralie, the working.girl, And I
the aherntee of that very essential ele. will glory ha .telling him that it wail I
moot -love -what he is marrying her who parted them, and by the Yelentag•
for velll aways be One of the =reveal- est lie that ever mile to a Man.%
ed mysteries to me,"
rl'a'orsin et ra:ct
down,etoothhunert.hahheegmlriuse. Abnudh
gbaAatly welts beneath her veil.
The allM figiare moved on,'her face
who picture my amazement On
It was Inex Mentetroesor.
hale clinched, her jeweled hand until entering the house to fled in the bride
the rings made &refit indentures in the Whose wedding dowry I had planned
' With Wee to steal, the gla whO bad
bel4ervennessthiangere notic,e that he does Supplanted Inez In IVfis$ Moot -
not love me," she mattered, with a bit- strossor's affections, and who Was to
ter laugh; "Bata I would rather "beets Inherit her weelthe-Ceralle, Ala it wee
Wife-thougls, he hated me -than any a Mast thrilling surprise.
other man's wife, even though I were 4'Now I see, a way to -cap -the climaX
Idolized. It 10 auch love as mine that of ray revenge welch I swore railioUld
• take upon Allan Drexel when he turn -
ends in treigedies."
The time was corning all to soon • ed me from the silk mills -his mate
when those words veould return be her riage with Inez shell go on. Then he
• Shall learn that Coralle, his lavrfully
with startling vividness.
When Allan called that eveatng, she wedded wife from whom no divorce
observed his actions keenly; he did hes ever been obtained -still lives!.
not meet her with a smile; he did tiot t- and that he is by this seeond marriage -
part from her with a kiss, and she his ' -a bigamist.
• "When the prieton-doors close upon
betrothed bride.
"It is quite true he does not love him, thea my revenge 'will be corn.
me," she decided. "Still he shall be Plete
raine; other women have Won their "I will go to there and taunt
hasband's love after marriage, I shall him with the maddening knowledge
not doetsparayirtoiffe.w.,Inning Allan Drexel's; that Congo, whom tbey are search.
that shall be the one hope, the one ing for and all la vain -is in my ,
power -that she is not buried in the
depths of the old well, as he supposes,
but still lives.
- PI will tell .him how I galnedl an en-
trance into the boUse and took from
the safe the bag of gold which had
It was on the following day Inez
Montsttossor kept • her appointment
with Robert Sinclair at CentralePark, been intended for the bride's doWlati •
It was galling to her pride to be and bow, in hurrying through the .
. grounds, I discovered the old well by
being almost precipitated into it. -/
was saved treat a horrible fate by
catching at "the wide ledge that rune
around it, two feet below the surface,
tell me what you want?" she cried and drawing myself up into safety.
angrily. • "You must understand the "It seems there was a fate in it, he '
time has long since passed when. I muttered, "for It was just in time tWitnes a,
tl:kmweaertaltIlitge. Pbefithweeeal:CWW04u‘11;
and Allan Wesel,
have platoed, her tato eternity, had I
not taro:led out•my arm and caught
her in the nick of time. light
obliged to obey, eaten he proposed
they should stroll/through one .of the
bygeaths and sit down on one of the
benches to talk matters over.
"I should be pleased if you would
wig cleme et -your beck and call."
•littehat do I want?" he repeated, with
a shtill laugh that was not pleasant
to hear. "What do you suppose I want,
my dear?"
To torture me, were the words that
rose to her lips; but, she wee too wise .
:rhat a horrible sound those stones .
to .utter them, and ehe enswerea .
ev aa is i vt ea lnyn:
.. •
ot imaelne ."
- ... .. ... . made, that en -fielded benenth eee Peet
end went crashing down-dowas-111t*
old well -a dial, heavy splash, the)), ; o. * the depths of the dark water, ^ a
Only este minute before she Wag swered harshly. "I am here to find out: little fury wisries site bad died -.rather
J. 'And then to erown. matters -the,
all watt still. ' 'Thee I• will inform you!". he an-
stehding before hire full of y•outh, What. You mean by putting off seeing
attength, •beauty and life; the next, me until the tweutieth, when dn tee than have been .saved by me.
"Despite -her heated of me, I like the
.she sobbed. "Yes, I am sorry you are • ' The man's brow .darleened. -
Erps. ? •
"Of course I do," the girl aneweted, etelp. oh,
it ie riot so easy to make a dupe of
Hailing 'a passing tab at the park • *
q .CHAPTER XXIia . at et, 1 With a laugh, 'dor r go with them -mad my dod, heipl, ii.e. tried. •
1 Tidy Wouldn't leave her :mild ,
t where mirat and merriment was ,itt Weald is* fitileso wide but I should find
Sinclair. , at e: et_ ee .. .:: _
The Cab tented trite a hattehe side,
-heterete -the eintertore of -ale - -grand- nitititielott 1.TP ‘•••••••;. "I' ' q ' ":::4•,. Sti eta' flee elite' t he 1Y lip-tOWns . . . - '- - - - . `.7
But his Voice did not pentifrate tO., RQbeA
. .
entrance, he was soon whirtitpg rapid-
It sedate -ilia litihel Upon Allan's as- We go to Paris 'direct!' . .... • . - ,,. ,, • street 'at leilgtli,•alici before 4 rather
tonished dered60 (Oat 'Inez • Montetros. ' ,l:es' `you ktiow. hose long, yoit gay 4 its heiglit' -- : • ' . -- ' ' '"- - wan, aniy When .1,found you, I' should
' 1 1 t-rr'bf fir ,hia
gilt lettering upon a small sign outside
• „ . _ . 1 • ite" li 'asked ' • He tried, to reach the house, but his 6 4 fk.":•-•,,„ , , p• dingy,' red.brick hquse Which bore in
wet .,, . tDs , V v111;1,1.1100 111)011 you
lovedsor h''
. How she weal! leve him -this * , "Noss ,roag pays We may noyei limbs failed him, arid he fell on tile . . .
prouel, beautiful, impOriotiS giri-to be ham, bade. ground utterly unable to move..
,sobbine, over his going. • • t • Aet,,, •eete eeheth tro.d. ilia iipa, •ft'ei• 04.1,giHtlsitshn
dwwithdread.. with.
•What. horribie impulse° WaS . it that ."I -I beg yeer pardon, miss,"
pronapted Min to take a seattin the
said herriedlY. "I Was thihkino' of The -11°"°t. a that awful splash had
• " '
'velvet divan beelde her, trying to seme.thing else -something of. ;malinoet driven. him Mad.at '
"She is 'lead!" he said hrs. himself.
'draw the littte• jeweled hau.de • away mportance. I hone you won't mention - ..s. ,
ine into his eye:. : the name -Dr. Ration.•
`'..Yoti are mis.takeri if you think I• Robert Sinclair ran lightly up the '
‘`I have yoii in my power', my beauti- steps arid rang the hell. .
fear you replied Inez-Montstrcigeor.
Itwawsirtyherrdeortectottrinlainir-nswelhf-o a,opsmenaelici., ‘
dark,the door. - .•
ful Inez. You cannot play fast and
loose Nvith' me. I am nota man to
11 oed-m
from the tear -wet face. • . ie to your% mistress, W-ringht cost stand that Sort of thing, Remeinber; I. "Ah meting
"Is parting with, me so•hard to bear, : -171-il, my ouu.o., you knowes . . . fiil even lo undei ad..
d •••ta - • ' e a t e - • f - you blahdly, 'how is' your patient tmday.
old too many secia.s o youis m
E.,Ying prone on the ground, power- Is there no hops of an improveinent?'' •
Ineel" im asked . Madly, his • heett .... ,to think of throwing me over. • 'If it
"Oh, I elitiee't uteation it, if you . es_ to move or s .r,
hi Oir that, he Wae the tease of her. came to that I would go. to Allan The doctor slim* hisomad. • • .
moved to the tenderest pity, . ' - Pi,omige aPt. 0- so offend' again," re,„ ,. sw,:so TAt he cried. out to
Drexel and confess all." ' "Obettnate as eVer," he said,: with a
. "Death would be easier' to content- torted the maid, with a toss of her , i 1116 ‘
I h: a -
.- He looked (tette distressed, and his The hi'emise waerendily givea. ht. w, • • .
1 . . ',lire ferliaVe saved her -stifled ory +Aii from • er mg. . laugh. "I'm afraid . sir, she means to
plate-"• ' • . -- --- yellotAt„..braids .• , (seath-ie who would- have given hie
latiks tcliatehyly did net belie. his feelt et,
--Asiumie and effective remedy for • •
They combine the germicidal value of Oresolene
with the soothing properties of ellppery.eim and hoc),
:loos Your drugvait or from. us, 10q in stamp&
Lantana*, Mans. Cie., Limited:Agentas Montreal. 4,74
The tilitioifillitual.F1 re
tratan.oe ..Com(Ianu
. . .
-Farit and .Isolated Town Property T-
• .-Only lastired-
-OFFICERS•a• • •
J. 13. McLean, President, Kippes
0. ; Thee, Fraser, iee-lt rest dee
Brucelleld P. O. ; T. E.' Hays, Sece
forth P. 0
Williain • Shesney, Seaforth ; Jobe
Grieve, Vainthrop ; George .Dale, Sea -
forth ; John Watt, Harlock ; Juhn
Bennewies, Broalliagen e 'James Evans
Beechwooa ; James Connolly, Clinton• .
Rolehrt Hai:lock ; E. afina
chley, Seaferth ; Jarnes Ciimmings,
EgmondVille W. Yeo, Holmes -
vine. •
"fiatiorte. '2220 LONRON, ONT.
censed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. All orders entrusted to
-ale will receive prompt attention.
'Will sell either by percentage or
per sale. Residence on the Bayfield
Road. one mile south of Clinton.
.ge Elliott, licensed auctioneer for
the County of Heron„solicits the
patronage of the =bile for busi-
ness in his lam .Sales conducted
Gra percentag, or so much per -sale.
All business rromptly attended to.
--George Elle ti, Clinton P. 0., re-
,sidence OD th-• Bayfield Line. 55
Anyone sending n sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free vrhether ali
hlvontion ts probably patentable. COrtimlinirro
ttOtteletrlOtly conthionnil. HANDBOOK on Pat011tli
dont free. Oldest agency for SOCOrlog patOnta.
plikoht44 throtigh MUnn At CO. receive
'pedal notice, without charge. 10 no
Scientific Jitnericano
A handsomely Minerva pa weledy. Tal'itest eft.
sulationg any eelepl,liVirnals 'rain/4,13 A
knollCa 261Broadv....New Ton(
tns,n1. n hyaiulenetippienj.
Rowan On'Po. 425 V EL. Weahtnaton. O.
The Best in Current Literature
$2.60 Pen venni 25 Cvsot COPY
svdev fsi COMPLETE touts
. • .
Parties desirous •to effect -fusee:thee-
or transact othet. bus-it:ass will be
promptly attended to on application
to.any of ahe aboVe officers addressed
to -their respective, postofficesi lehiset
inspected by the directer veld.) Meet
nearest' the scene.• •
ri.; )
--- • ',AO.'
upward:1 AgN
doctor,"' he said
• "I would sa.y to elm," he.continueds leill herselfeeshe openiy.de.ela,res-eshe--
• "So my beautiful' Miss Monastroseor '
a$ te•rrible to see how•he 'crept ' "Beware of this Woman you' areabout will, and we watch e'er conseently."
• • - - . . thfilk3 tO orstwIt:ine, doeS she?"' he' to tho: h.r.ioit. /ordain , `''. to wed. See has no more. tee right to • ,`•-`That'S. right:" cried Sinclair, haste ••
14at•l'ored-ili. ttl-e*1104t. to any tate," he will 'have to. look pretty sharp to beat' •'--- -- ---" .---- .
loan her „hetet : _ . . thehhnaine Inez Montstrossor teen I ily "She must beswaeched carefully "to.
g over it, calling . , .
"E. did net know my coming Or going mettered„ 'under his breath.; but she
aneevered distressedly; contin.uing im-',have. The story 1 nould • -tell „would prevent anythine of that sort -she is
' ' Just one of those high-streng.creatores
Robert 'Sinclair I.‘• "Oil- CoanIte- davit -oat': he. cried. "I
cannot- live without vout w no . "Hash! ln Henveree. name, Inishl" . who would kilt herself. rather than eve
. should - like to see . a . • / ha he soUnd more thrilling teen a =vet."
she cried.. "Some (nee may- be within courage the atitiresses' of a man .she
- ear -shot. Some ono. may hear." hated -even to save her from caPtiv.
"It. is well to -refresh one's meraary ity for years -pet aps torevena .
by going• over the main
pointsof y.our aShe deplanes she will certainly kill
story once in 'awhile!"' he' pried, with herself. la there is no other way,' she
lau.. . . . will stsave herselfe' affirmed the doe -
She. saw it was madness to attemOt tor. "Really I am sineh• yea -brought
• toreaaon with him: . thegirl here, I am indeed."
There was but :little Use of trying
to argue with ae Man Maddened. by 'CHAPTER XXVI.
aulsivelyi "Ithypit care! 80 much for
Ina, Inez, tree lifteis• yours. I cannot do.
'ceive by making any false pre-
tetiSes. 1 .admit. 'candidly I have no
, -
Drexel duped by the beautiful fiend, • . In another instant' he 'Would harn
• curse h&l
im:. but before' she leaves- this owed aisaie,es down into the, dark
. comitry I have a little account to eat- shadows of death, but Heaven inter-
' tie with her. ' ' ' , ' feredt for at that , Moment :the maid
h.eart, offer.youbut .it you are will
10 , ' "She! told me. to come' here on • the camein search of Coraslie ,With her
•ing to trust yoar haelmiesn to me with- twentieth -cunning plotter -when she 7 eeedre • • , • , • •
- -
out love, my .wasted •life is yours,. Is .expected to be wedded and aa y by He drew back tato the shadow of a
will try to melte you a good and•true the- tenth. I have alwaye thought she beech uatil she should go in, but
husband • ., • needed watching.. There is nothing ,! .instead, she raised a great cry that
. .
• To the day of his death Allan Drex. like getting. into the heuse and tato I brought all the, guests aboat her. -
el never forgot the. took 'of startled. the' servants' bail to find out what is They had =seed her be •kneweithey
liapPiness on the Igyely face. ' ... transpiring' in, My lady's btimione . Would soon begin to search for :her,
'Will you ever learn to love imp, ,That night a mete anme for Miss and he realized that they mast not
-Aldan?" -She whispered, elioging closer -afontetroseor by the evening mail.
"I will do my best," he answered find him prowling like a poacher about
to him. - • • ' One triance, at the envelope, wbieb .1
I•he grounds. _
honestly. "No peeerien peoeitee mote." .
tl accept,. yeti, ellen.," she Mukalla-. -
ed, "feed -love •yee •to.".,, • • .
He did not •cl, se hertio his. arms.,
rapiing PaSeionate• eissee on her faee, .-
trembling withdelight at those sweet
Words, as he hari. clone ; when , little . morrow !afterneen • at three % 1 elealebe. , cries :fdr Coralle as he lay tossing on...
Coralie uttered teem,' • -• " . . . standing at the: main entrance, Watch- . hie bed of pain, .and •. then the,heerte:
"Will you tell ree• abouther .whom int, fer.youalf you are wise you will
. ,
you have loved, Allan?" • elle askede, •netit fail me. a ' .• • • . - tending- crat ' • - . • • - '
• . -. ' • " , • -"OlteGod;:t.e.ave Murdered my dar-
.• •"1., wottld. rather not speak of "
. it, : a:hoar:nein' great hastee .
• Robert Sinclaitat :leaked, lips. - . • e -. :
• finsetat WOuld burst' froth • hisfoa
. m; Tell me about yet*. past Wee' • • " " a .
Ines e' he ens.wered lioaraely.: "Heaven: - This was the . startling story the
knows I am doing ray best to forget it.
The toteure, of remembering IS driving
me toad." •
"At laste-ataiiatia-nrermet
the maid handed her, and a suppress- He gave one hurried glance around
ed cry fell froni her lips, ., • the scenewhich he was never to for
She opened it With heads trembling get tben hurried away. . •
with excitement. It contained but, a Before the tight of another day
'few, words, whith Were as followito dawned, Allen Drexel was tossing ite
tae delirium of brain fever,
eInez,-Come to Central Park::to
' It was .pititul to hear his -meaning
Dist:el-estate the maid from her pres-
ence, Inez Montstrossor gave vent to
the wildest passion of • Ungovernahle
when he Imo left her; -"he is mine. I '.•Bilt a few days more and I should
will make him for happier than any haere been safe -safe," muttered the
brie else could have done.
"He loves eoralle," she added; "foe
the second time that girl crossed my
path, but he will behold. • her face
never again." .
• And the very thought of Coralies
beautiful, pathetie. faceanused 'a verl.
demitu ot jealoesy in her heart, for
nurse's daughter Jenny would have re-
vealed :to the detective had not her
motb.er spirited her awe*. •A
Shelled tiursed-Itordsome
his infancy; she had -teen him grow
be,auty, teartngahe letter into a thou- up to to je nianhopd
sand Cali -meats and ,.grinding it into She woulettot, believe that -his hands
the lilies of the Velvet carpet•with. the Were stained with blood.
heel of her bronze satin slipper. She wouldnot believe he had any-.
"I suppose I shall have to go. I can thing to do with $piriting away, the
imagine what he wants and what he beautiful youna girl, of weom the.
.will have to say. Ma God! how 1 trem- ,papers said so mech. ,•
ble when I think how conipletely that • When Allan awoke' to consciotis-
• • • • h flees and found that long weeki had
•she could 11Otb•
she loved handsome, deboniar Allen wretch has me in nis powet.
--Drexel, with all the Jove her southern ' should reveal all to Allan Drexel, I elapsed since. Coralie's disapPearance,
heart was capable ofwould be ruined for life." . . bitter, heart reniling irtaans broke
A lave teat would not hesitate at a It was three o'clock to the minute .from his lips ' • ,
crime to sweep a rive] froth heraiath. on the following afternoon When a . Should he reveal her resting place
Allan walked-hack:through the star- close cab drove up to the main en- • after this late date? he asked himself,
light to his hotel thoughtfullyeneugetrance of the park and a slim ngere, brooding over the matter by night and
He had asked Inez Montstrossor to heavily veiled, emerged from •11by day.
marry him on the impulse of the mo Robert Sinclair stepped forward. Only Heaven knew the agony the
melte and- new he was regretting it "You are here promptly, my dear thought cost him. a •
with all hieeheart; but he was a gem Tnez,'! he saidwith a lea; "ecei tenon' He knew that the Wellsin that lo-
tleinan; he must marry her, ee told better than to disappoint me.", cality Were supposed to be • bottoni-
himeelf As he leaned forward Iaez Mona less; the body in all probability would
Then lie thought of the warning the it r la found Why, then not keep
old nurse had Whispered in his eer,
When lio rose from the conch on which
he had tossed for so many days in the
ravages ot brain fryer,
"It was well that no one save my-
self and Jenny were at your bedside,
Ma" she said, lot von yon muttered
strossor detected the odor of strong
"I am. here," she ansWered, drawing up in hie own boeem?
-veliat do you want of elle?' rible secret weighing him down, malt-
-brandy.in his breath. • the !secret of his darling's fate locked
• haughtily back; "now the • question is What weeder. then, with, this, her-.
"Cm= and let's sit down on the Ing life a• living curse to him, that
bench by the lake and I Navin tell you,,! bandsome Allan Drexel should ,grow
ho answered..
ee - taciturn and. morose, and so laaggard
strange things in your ideep." " 'What if a 'refuse?" ehe • tinsweeettle and clespirited his Metals feared; 'for
•• N, I , •
His face pilled. to the. hue of death imperiously. . . , . •
iteela.• ' •• • ... • "If you would mane, Allan Drexel- . It was quite .a, surprise . to them
The thouglat ciecin.red to him now- itubwing Nviutt; WI do -you, dare not , when his engagement. to Inez Mont-
, ,,
avould Inez ever disrover the dark, eV- Tefuse What I ask. Come, no airs with - strossor was annogriced hi the society
• ful seeret tint wail buried in his heart . me, Inez!e. - . ,-, . t aourealst . ' '• • •
. "A beautifel girl, that I grant you,"
--Making litP lint ft Iivintr-curse to
• • "I could tell him. of ' the clever Robert Sinclair frowned. 1
schemelaid by yeu and me to answer "You are well paid for it lie said, •
.the advertisement of Old MisES Mont- Impatien:tly. . • e
strossor' for her niece -win= she be ' "True," returned the wiry little doe-
Ile.ved still- lived,. and whom she had tor 'but of all the 'wowed I have ever .
not seen since her infancy -and bow. heheld, I can tails say I have seen •
you -a poor sewing girl -carried out Harding. I am: sure if
none like:Miss
tete plot successfully of foisting your we do not release her the girl will
. self upon her. as her niece. - commit suicide." , •
'1 would tell him how fate laid out Without replying,. Robert Sinclair
' the work of checkmating you by send- etrede past hina down the 'corridor and
lug Coralie across the old lady's 'path up the broad stairway to a sort of
to inherit her torture% ' . . . study and reception room on the upper ,-,-
' "And. last, but by no means least,.
daring proposition to break into the floor. : , ., • , -
you?" asked the doctor„ following' him ,.
how you came to me one day -with the Shall I send IVIiss Harding here to ,
•steal :the bag of gold thatewas.to be '
house 011 the night of the Wedding and
, to the door. ' • • '
'Yes responded Sinclair.
'alyen the bride as her dowry." • ... • A few moments later. thee was east
- "And the fat that , you carried out
that little affrfirprevorttroyotr-forever
the doorway.
sound of rustling ekirts, and glancing :
from divulging • jt,' returned Ines, up, Sinelair sale Corage .standing in
triumphantly, • . He sprung to meet her with out •
"But there was another, which fol. stretched hands, but she drew haught-
lowed on the'heels of it which I took ily 'back, with the pride of a young
no. part lu, and that *as old Mite (Limon.••
"Do not come near me -if you tench,
Montstrossor's death, on. the day fol-
lowing•the making ofthe new will in MY ff
hand I Shall cut it She cried.
your fevers Ali,'now yoil' tura, pale; my "So this is my reward for saving .
.dear, No wonder!"." . your life, my dear girl," said Sinelair,
' Surely you do not suspect --e.--" reproachfully:
'1 really suspect she Was put out of '.1 might have thanked you grate -
the way, my dear, 'and by youla . : fully for • that ad if you had not blot, -
ait is false" she .cried furiousl5e ted out all. feelings Of gratitude by
How dare you intimate anything
the Mad!" • . ee -abducting me," she answered, bitterly.
"I Wish you had let me die:" , •
'There is. ,,no limit :as to -what I may 'you have go= on in that Way ever
dare do,".ite' answered. "It would be since you were broeght tiete, yet 1 da •
eetter. to teriniorize with mei my dear:" net regret' bringing you:: returned
"What do you Warit--what do you .Sinclair. aI hive veered' no otherman
expect," -she cried tri a frenzy of rage, shall Sun himself ,in your SmileS, and
"for keeping silence?"'" - ' . I will keep my aove. You are lost to .
, "The dine was When I weuld have the World as comPletely as though yen .
answered.: , your .love, my girl. Now I lay ..dead in .your grave. You have
answer money, You have all. of old sought every means of escape, but
Miss Montstrossor's money; you mahey mast thave proven -futile, •
either =trey me or divide your. for "On the day you were brought here,
tune with me:That's fair, isiht it?" you succeeded in getting to the Win -
She -grew deathly whitethe friedow, throwing up the ease, and !Shriek- .
, 'lia
her eves arnazed even hirn, it Was of leg aloud for help. What did it avail ,
such a tigerish, greenish glare. ' '... you, when you knew; -for I had told
"Yoti know I cannot share my for you-thereputation of this place;
tune With you, why task it? De reasoa- which is well known is a retreat feta:
able; say a few hundred <toilers; .and inebriates, brought ender tbe doctor's ,
youshall have it She said speaking special ca,re?. There` aro places in the
Calmly with a great egort. : • . • • :great eitY of New, York of which thril-
-"Eitlier 'half of Anse Moniettoilatir'S 'ling things'inight he written up, if the
fortime or nothing," he replied rough- World but knew of them. But enough, '
ly. "Ely hiothin,g' I mean, if ,you refri• Coralle-I am ceme to ask you for the.
last HMO if you will be mine?" .
"Poi' the- twentieth time I refuse!"
eridd Ooraliel • "I, abhor you -words
are Weak to tell. he* much. You may
threaten to hoop Me here for years- ,
etio may even carry nut that most in-
human threat -but rny answer for all ' '
time hi tile Sa1110--r would die sooner o.
than Marry you!"
"Take care!" he replied. "Yee ,een• '
turna by conetent demonstrations of
hate, the doopeat love."
"Your love or your hate is a matter
of equal indifference to me," she ail.
swore& seofnfully.
.' '', aVo-imer-oatient-iir-trying to.•
win your favor, but I ehail betpatient
.no longer!" he cried: "ISwill take other
ulTilOisai-r:er fell from Coralle'a white
lips; she sat .with her hands elasped
in her lap, gazing dejectedly froni the
Ivi‘1"11461etiVe the city to -night, and Yon
go with me. I shall not stay here e
day longer to hunior,e, woman's with.
and caprices." .
"When I get Into the street / shall'
acrenit for help," elle wad, 'utwisa
°*911.0 P alholhaa, • ,
him? - • , said, ono of ,Allan'.; friends to a corn -
lam, the whole ot it will go to Ile prop-
s ' s , .
' panion, "but as hca.rtlesee-if report 130 er owirt,r,, for hon shall never keep
'For hourafterhe reached hiown '
. . roottalvapacea eileanO clown his roorn I When Coralie had reached the rose, • true -as woman.•well can be. She has
art *the nearest teach, trembling like a
• Honsen hove merea upon ma -T am t beneath7the drooping branches of the every man she meets bee la,wfulhirey.",
ono do al of it,
FOR SALE, BY. W. IL llt.11,14YAn, • , •
., garden on that fatal Wedeing night, • been so wershiped for her marvelous Sho gave, a great gasp, anal eel down
CLINTON, ONT, . "Cetalles oh, (loathe, my darling! ! she thine herself on the rustic bench beauty that she considers tbe life of
rartel-etel yet " 11E3 (Tied, magnolia -tree sobbing 118 11 her heart
'hallo has very little trouble winning
b • • "You cannot po9cdbry be such a mad -
1! -TM: eohereullY, Wrnafi rather you lee, would reale them. A &nit from her splendid •
• A a dead in your lwidal l'01)0k4 filet see yotil It was so cool, so bright, So still • black eyes, a touch of her white, jewel-
. • •
IllEn!" she gasped.
mauled io Capirin Stafford, Covello." around lier; the dew was gleaming on' ed hand, a whtsper front her musical
lool-ed at Ails Itaggerd face Um grass, the moon. -and stars were . voice, and the hearts of mon go out to he money. Bring it to ilia sante spot
All th t h. victims Win. in retort t. .
Trains will artive at, and
from Clinton station as follows
Going" East 7.38
Going West
Cg• tt•
which:the lone remelt minor reflect- shining in the skv. there was a rich her. a er
where we are novr standing. I willbe
clepar. ed, and was nt."-ertloti itt evilanes" odoe of :are flowehieg the night wind are a few smiles, a few tetoa-tetes, a
waiting here.'
"I am haunted by. my horrible .50e- seemed. to cool her heated brain; the Week's fidelity, and then they have "It is of no use telling yoti I cannot
to make ,romyr foreanethera
Dry ret, even in thy dreallte," 116 alit him- burning..sensationlefts.
a. M. e -ed with shreidee: 'and again he bow. , 'et can remain here but a few mime sorrY she has drawn Allan Drexel
wi;o'NuOeriaoninit tyhoenlweanst; ho answered.
hit tes more " she murmured, "for Cato into her net. He is too good a man to
3.23, ed his handsome head en his w e
5.20 h. m. hands, evoking out !hat the dark secret lain Sta ore w • 0 ,settrolt marry a, coeuette. "Give me time to think," she Cried,
10.16 a, m his brast was eating, his of his bride; wtthin the hour hall "Allan would net thank you for oour
- "Yes, I-21 'Ikon'. be hone a week from
. to -day, and answer you .
life away. be his wedded Wife, my lips! ust advice; better leave affairs of the
buried 1
12.56 p. m.:. Then he grew recklessly desperate ! smile while, the bitternetie of death is heart of other people quite alone," ad- thee."'
6.40 p. agaie-what mattered it what his in my heart; No one must know that vised hie ,friend. Robert Sinclair stood motionless in
10,0 p. m. future WAS like -Whether he lived er the prayer el toe very soul is: Oh, ' "I Predict that it will be,a twist iln. ed
' h pia lt f r an our oratter
h more she
LONDON, MYRON & MICE DIV. died -whether life went lit the Ilea:Vent be inetalful--elet Me here haPpy union," declared the other
Going South ex m. same groove, or if ho went to the bad and now, and end it all." . stopping Short .on the street to light not dare refuse" he tho ght "T
"She will bring the money; she will
, hen
1, 4 •4.23 altogether? -it was of little rouse- A step sounded oia the long grass, his eigar, and taking little nOtice of W le marriage between her and
ill 1 t tl u
quenee to shadow fell between her arid the the tall, slim, gracefel figure of e
Allan Drexel go on, and in the midst
Going North 10.15 M. What bad eome over lintulsome moonlight, a man emerged suddenly woman, heavily veiled, who halted
• 11. of the honeymoon Allan. Drexel shall
6.35 p. Allan Drexel, las friends aheed them- into the path and stopped before her also, as if Waiting at teti °roes -walk hear front inc.•It will be a. glorious
te. O. PATTISOX, Station Agent selves; but'no one could 4113W01 that -a man with a, face wild and pale, for an up -town car, but in reality' „.,„„tettget
17. n, nODGENS, Tomtit Ticket Agt. quoslion. Not one of them dreamed and eye's shining like burning stars. Patching eagerly at every word that "
J. D. titACDONALD, Distriot Passcoo, r.at ,rteeret 8°1".sr " 41-11111g. his
. \hi In Thee first quick, startled glance fell firm their lips. "I will tell hirn boldlY to hie face Of
ger Agent, Toronto, •. . • * "A•lait Drexel does riot love Matt Oant t9. Virt)Dit •100
she reeognired hire