HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-21, Page 44 Clinton Newsm'Record February 2Ist, 1907 BARGAINS! 5000 Rolls to be Cleared Aul>luirn,. Mins Charlotte Lewlor of the Sault is h.orne melt visit.. Mr. S. Wilson spent A few days in Wingham. Miss Turrie Brown of 0oderleh spent Sunday with friends:hertz. • Miss Gelle McDonald spent Sunday at home. Last week itwas said that the rifle Club would hold their annual oyster supper on the 27th, but wince that the date has, been chanted to the 26th, Mr. O. Moore of Goder.tcth visited friends here last week. The bridgeruen have the first girder on the Maitland :bridge near here. The license cowuaissinnere held •a .:meet ng,a►t 1nepector Asqulth's last Friday and three transfers were paused To facilitate moving one of our large wall paper racks we want to sell 5000 rolls in the next ten days. Prices are Cut • and cut deep as an inducement for you to get your spring stock in advance. 10e Papers for.... -05 iSe Papers for.... .06 20c Papers tor.... .1 0 30e Papers for.... .15 Ceilings at same prices. L N.. L'ewis 11f; P. Would in,. crease the Postoffice Facil* Wei so as to Benefit the Toilers. The following extracts from Han- sard go to show that tire member ter West Huron continues. tits. -efforts for the betterment of the postal service: AIr. Lewis I waited upon tke late Postmaster General together with few hon. friend from West Middlesex. , (Mr. Rags), to,urge that the post offices in the country die - Wets of western 'Qntario should be kept open .after 7 o'clock at might. The holders. of keys to letter boxes can get their mall up:to;eight o'clock at night, but the labouring men, the Mechanics, and especially the farmers Who Cannot Alford to gray 'for •boxes are etenied that facility. I do not ask that this extra duty should be impo- ed on postmasters without eonipensa- ion, and 1 think the Post. ter -Gen. eral could. not do betterthanapply sortie of the surl:lus. to that purpose. • I 'have coneiderabie adir.iration'ter the Post Office Department, seeing that it is the only. public utility in the country which is successful in the line of public ownership', and I trust that the striiniste ' • 1011 issue orders that these post offices to which I refer shell be kept open Mitre 8 o'clock: West Tuckersmith Miss Irene Holmes of Lncknow was the guest of her ,cousin, Mies Maggie Holmes for a few days last week. • A number from here attended the Jessie MacLachlan concert in (Clinton on Monday evening last, Mr. and Mrs;.John McOowan of Stan- ley spent Sunday at thehome of Mr. Whitfield Crich. Mrs. H. C. Landesboro is visiting in Bl friendsth. y Miss Maggie Holmes entertaineda number of her fi iends on Friday even- ing last. - Mr. and . Mrs. William White' of Brussels spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. John White who has been seriously ill. The scholars of S. S, No: 4 have each taken their turn in staying home from school, being laid up with la grippe. London Road. Death has again cast a gloom over this vicinity. Twice within the past nine monifts has it claimed for ft's victim .a member: of the same family. Qp . Saturday last the people along the road were shocked to hear that May dangliter of Mr. John McKniggt but passed,tte the great beyond in her ?6th, year. She had been for some years troub- led with Asthma. which at time be- came bury severe but was as well as usual up to Friday when • she had a'n- ether attach and that evening med- ical aid, was summoned but despite all. efforts in the early morning hours she slerrt quietly away. To tate sorr- ow striken father, mother, brother and sister, the sympathy of the 'ex- . treme . neighbolrltood is extended. Miss May Dixon of Clinton spent Sunday the guest' of Mr, and''1\'Ixs. Jos. Shipley, " James Nott has been '041 the sink list but we hope to see him. itis usun,t sett in a few days, Mrs. Cote has taken uII her abode with, her daughter. Mrs. George Jack- son. The Member for West[Worn Borders Free You save from 50c to $2.00 on border alone. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE W. COOPER & CO. CLINTON Clinton ,News -Record CLINTON ONT. . Terms of subscription—SI 'per year in advance $1.50 may be charged . if not so paid. No Paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the opinion of the publisher. The date .to which every subscription is' paid iddenoted on the label:- Advertising rates — Transient adver- tisements, 10 . cents per nonpariel line for first insertion and 3 'cents per line for each subsequent insert- ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc, in- serted once for 35' cents and eaoh subsequent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, bee accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Holmesville • Miss•Lizzie Gould entertained the young people of this village. on Tues- day evening.of this week and all report a gond time. ' Mr. George Hall was called to Ayl- mer on account of the death of a rela- tive. - Mr. and Mrs: McPhail returned home this week after -spending their .honey- moon in 'Woodstock and London. Miss Sadie Cantelon. is not doing as well as her friends .could wish for, ' Farmers' Iustitute meeting was held on Saturday ed was_ very largely° at. tended. Several addresses we e riven and in the evening there was a ,joint meeting; the ladies -taking part: Add- resses were, given by Messrs Ross and Jenkins which were .highly applauded by the. audience. • Mucic way' inter- spersed at intervals'which added great ly:to the enjoyment of- those present. At.the• close of tbe' evening session there was a lunch for those who wish- ed to remain for the -evening sessipn. Mr, Harry Sweet is busy drawing 'ice for the cheese factory, having sec - cured the.contract for the same, Iiullett Township. Cowl! met Feb.16th, when tenders tion the supply of about 500 feet of elm plank were accepted from Messrs. Cart- wrigh and Mair at $21 and $24 per thousand resrectirely. The auditor's report and abstract statement of the treasurer's accounts for 1906 was adopted and copies ordered to be forwarded to the parties entitled by law thereto. A committee of the council will meet at the M. and B. bridge on March let at 9 a.m., for the purpose of examining said bridge and to see if it is necessary to have it replaced by a new one. Dr. E. Maclellan was appointed med- ical health officer on the recommenda- tion of the Board of Health. A copy of a proposed county by-law was received from Mr. Lane, the coun- ty clerk,. for the consideration of our township council, wherein it is propos- ed that a sum be fixed anuually by the county council but not more than $20,000, shall be set apart to he paid out of the current revenue of the county to aid in the improvement of the pub- lic highways within the said county, the money so set apart to be divided annually -by the county council among the municipalities in proportion to their equalized assessed value as set forth in the report of the equalization committee. This bylaw is framed pur- suant, to nn Act .of the Legislature passed in 1901, setting apart one million dollars to aid in the building and im- provement of public highways in the province, and will be more fully con- sidered by the council at its. next meet- ing,, March 11th.. 1 would suggest that for the better information of ratepayers generally, the said proposed by-law he published in the local papers in the county.—Jars. Campbell, clerk. Themany friends of Mr. and Mrs.Jas. Ferguson will regret to hear of the serious illness of their only daughter, but hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery to good health. Two of the Misses Bell of Blyth were visiting Bullet friends the past week.. Messrs. T. Fairservice and M. Lums- den visited friends inDundee last week.. They drive down and report It very pleasant time, We understand that Wen. Dunlop has purchased the Robert Armstrong farm for. $0800. It is a nice prgperty and in good condition. — - Mr. P. Papineau of Cairngorm is vis• iting friends at Constance. Mr. H. Tyerman of Cranhrook spent Friday and Saturday with friends .on the 8th and 9th con. Mr. Thomas Troop has been used up with la grippe. Miss Laura Stewart and Master Clarence Noble are also slightly indisposed. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. George Krauskopf of Dublin is this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Tighe and other relatives and friends in this section. E. N. LEWIS 111. P. • John Yule of Godes hl 11r,.:Let'.is:, Has the Postms.r b"(en seal any annound'euit-nt tin teal. with Takes Too much•Laudanuris , respect to the at of postage on. old Goderic'h., Feb:. 18. -John Yule, a well known;' 'bicycle .dealer and elec- tricians reed last, night 'from the effects of a large 'doseof •laudanum°• On' Friday night for .some reason he took a large quantity of 'tire drug and although' three doctors worked over him all .yesterday,. they..were' .unable to revive "him.. • Colborne Township Wm. Durst spent a .few days .in. Stratford. Miss Murnings : entertained friends from Londesboro. • Herman Maedel, Norwich.. visited Constance :VI r. Peter Papineau of Cairrigrom spent a few days last week visiting friends in and around the village. D. Sutherland has tive sets of her - rows ready for the vvest where they' are already ordered. Mite and :Mrs D. Tudor spent Sunday the guest of the latter's uncle, Mr, Jas. Snell Londeshoro. The Misses McKellar and Miss Millet, of Cromarty spent Sunday the guests of their friend. Mrs, R. N. Jewitt, countrynewspapers and magazines, and , also • as to using: a part of that surp es . in "keeping ' poste offices ° in small towns not , en, stores but in buildings entirely desotecl to the .post office sei°vice and keeping.tliem open' �,tluat farmers, •"labouring Men and nrechanies. .may get their Mail after their' worlr is done 'ire the. •evening. As,, floc post offices now closed at .7 ()Wadi! in the evening, .and open at :8 o'clock in the morning it le lette ss- i•ble. for hien, liy itg alone or 'living on. farms • toget theirs ail'. we tote a'. surplus and I • suptinse no nine believes, that • the Post, Office Department. is• for : tate purpose of making money, every one admits . that the surplus shouldbe, returned- for the ,00d of the people. I Cannot see any • better way of dying • -this than: by enabling these men . whe axe . not able to get 'their mail •'during the. present hours to do so Eby keeping the petit offices open until say •8' o'clock in the evening. his paxents. Mr. -and Mrs. P.11daedel. We are sorry to reportethat Mrs: Kurschinski has been :indisposed for some *no. We hene, however. . that she will soon tecoeer. . In spite of the -great stoem on Sun- day; the quarterly Meeting held in tho. Evangelical church veaStwell atten- ded. The wond proelaimed by Rev. Mr. Wagner was highly. appreciated Rt'iv. Mr. Pfeffer, a• formee pastor of the. Evengelical chtirch here, and now a meanber of the New York.. conf ence; is renewing, old a.cquaintiances our eommunity. 'Vas; he spend ' a pleasant time with his old friends. Hensall cut clown' a big tree on the *property of the homer last week and secured four fine raccoons. 'One . was killed by the fall but. the others were cape tired. Harry got some , severe scrat- Miss McIatyre,' 1010; has7beren 'assist- ing Mrs. tRoV..) Hart. in lief haptrened with a, sad miefortune. Monday. In going dowm 9he cellar Steps she missed her . footine and' fell to the bottom, bruising her head and fracturing her wrist. Zurich. Weakened By L►grPPc Health and 8trexugthRegained Through 171'. Williams Pink Pills. East Wawanosh, Mr. Jahn Noble of the West visited ids cousins, Jas. and Thos. last week, . 14lies Maggie McKellar. of Michigan is spending a rnotth with friends in Westfield. - Jas. VesraC emp, Morrie; spent . Sun- day last with his grandparents . on the. 'gravel. The. young people• of the 6th line intend holding Literary^ meetings in school house No, 18. The first meet ing—• took p'l'ace on Monday tight, 1liiss' C. McClinton, • who has !!fled the .place' of, organist. for Westfield .church for the past five years, has re- signed. Mrs. Robert Henry-. will take place. . W'illiath Scott, who had .the inisfor- tune 'to have his house burned •a few weeks •ago, 'is busy. hauling the tun-' •terial for building ..another .during the coning slimmer: Mrs, 'Robert' Henry, Marnoch, spent telae' past .week with her sister, Mrs. Wi„ejhtnian of Gci:4erich.Mrs.. Wight - man tt-hvi has.been seriously 11.1 . for. tie hast six•onths,: is now slightly better, we• are"pleased to say..'. • • The after effects of la, grippe are more serious than the disease itself. Its victims are left tow spirited and depressed; they are tortured with heds'aehes and backaches; lever and chills. It leaves the sufferer au easy.. prey to bronchitis, pneumonia, rheutnatisni and often that most dreaded of all diseases, consumption. .For the after effects of la grippe there is absolutely no me aoina can equal Dr. Williams Pink 'Pills. Every dose helPe male new, rich, read blood that drives diseases from -the system, and makes weak despondent men and women bright, • cheerful and Strong. Miss. • Eugenie Donaldson, of St, Jerome, Que., found a cure througtf these pills alter other rem- edies had failed to help her. She saysi:. "1 took la gttppe and ,did. not seem able to shake lit off. It devel- oped into bronchitis; I coughed day and . night and grew so weak that 1 could hardly move about. I tried remedy ` after 'remedy but as nothing seemed to help nio 1 began to dread that consumption was developing and that . my case was incurable. A"' friend's urged gine to .try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills end following that advice I.,. got a supply. For, two months I tool: the pills : faith- fully, following the 'directions given for their use. 1 am .thankful 1 did so for they fully restored my srtrength and I "haste since enjoyed perfect health. I will always advise sick and. ailing people to give Dr. Williams `Pine: Pills a trial for r: firmly . believe • that they 'will find great benefit from .their use." Rich, . red blood is t•he. one thing needed.. to.. maintain health and strength.. Dr. Williams t'ink Pills actually make. rich, red blood. That. is a the reasotf of their great popular- ity in every country in. the world. That is why they cure anaemia,gen- eral weakness, rheumatism, neural- gia, indigestion, St. Vitus dance. partial paralysis and the' ills of girlhood and womanhood,, with all its distressing . heaciaches, sideaches and backaches. - See that you get •the gettable pills with the full tarn `'Dr.. Williams Pint: pills for Pale i?eople see the . wrapper around each bon: Sold byall' medicine dealers or by ,'mail at• 50 cents..a, box ar six taxes for.. $2.50 from she Dr.. We hams' ,Medicine Co:, . Bro''kville, . Ont,: Oar Big Rednclion 4f Sic Of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Ia attracting the attention of the buying public as witness- ed by the big crowds of customers that have visited this store since our big sale commenced.. In Memory of the Lek#e Mrs. I Williatn- Keys of Stanley. 1: • . The late Mrs. Minim Keys Wes ember 2ethi 18,30... Her •parente, John Mark, and Eliapette Shenpaxd,. were the. town Godericif end taking. ea . great 'interest in the .religio.ue welfare of their family, their claueh.ter Eliza- . heth, true to the' family inclination,. tmited with the C'hurch of England. -Married to 'Mr, Wm. Keys oe Stanley township, \there *they 'have since re - The • following year, during', the prip- ,fte\r: Yokuni,' she stepped into ,g-retater fullness .of the' Savireir's love, - and felt that she: was hnlly totteerted to God. She at fence anited with the • M. E. church, of -which ber husband and. Since 'thee have 'together . remain- ed faithfid members 'el' the 'Methodist ,talked" of the "School 'Book Ring'e with all the pertinacity shown by the emitent Mrs. Gamp in her' refer- ences to "Mrs. Harris:" 'Some Liberal "Betsy Prigs" • insist that the Ring existed only in the imagination of the Opvosition• leader; mid these 'cruel words determined Mr. Whitney to bring factS to Support las state- ments.. A.ccoedingly, soon . after he had accepted office the Text Book Commission. wig avpointed. Its repo- rt ,is before 'the Legislature, proving beyond a 'doubt thee. there is a "Mrs. Hanish" Thete is no need to reeount, the agreemeet which united in We 'rig houses friendly to the late Gov - eminent. . The Main poin..t Is that for Many , years the- people' of the:pro- books, from two to four times the amount they cost. The vi Otis. thing eel; about the plan Was , that .- he 'People were forced. to bey pie Weeks, Rich and poor alike wtrso 'bled for the per - nose of increasing the bank a.ccoUnts of certain individeals who "stood in" with the Government. If the, late A& min,istration hnew the facts it was criminally negligent. If it dill not knew the facts , it' was criminally bl- ind. .As the days and months pass the wisdom Of the eleeters in tutne ing Jilt Ross Government out of offioe is More and more plain, A member of taie present Government says 'that as a result ,of the investigatlen the retail price of text books will be re- duced, by • one-half. This will lighter. the burdens on merle" ehoulders) for the expenditure of the tether of a family for school books was no small Ibsen, as' thousands can testify, The conimissioe, which was composed of W. Crothers, hes done a good work, and has reported with oommenda,ble 'celerity. . mem at. work making wood •and logs on the land he has leaSed from the Canada Ctn in Stanley 'township. A large quantity ,of wootcf is being made. An earthquake was supitosed to piss through here on) tiaturda,y. dr Sunday ow its pay to the cottet. If it did ge through this way it musts have ,been a slight one as nothing sllook • here except the people: ,vho. v.•ete. Gut in the storm. The death rate ire ZuRch lir 1006 was two in a pepulwtion of abeut • 500. This would average four in 1000 population,. The avetage death rate in propertron to populatiort Ouster -Jo is area 9' in every 1000, 50 'Zurich ninth he an exceptionelly heal- thy spot to' live in. 'The ' trea.sury of the township of 'Hay was enriched last week bye Ant sum of $107,50, 'being ehe •share of the railway tax levied axed collected by the Provincial GoVernmeitt from the railWays operating in Ontario. • Mr. P, Laniont left on Tuesday last with hie Shire horse, Tongo, for Carsonville, "Mich., where he expects to dispose, of him to Syndicate Of fist/hers in that section. Messrs.. Joel Erb ot Nebrasisa, and Chris. Erh of "Wellesley ire visiting their brother, Mr, John G. Erb of the Bronson !Atte. The former. has been living in the States for t•werity-three years, and has not been here In that EAT CLARK'S' OX TONGEES Their home 117.'S alwaye °pet to the mieisters• of the gospel; and no pain! end cheer them. in their worle ' Site Was of buoyaetetheerful. dispo4. sition,' and being waxie-hearted arid generoue, was a' general favorite . • in the' community, especially among, the Haien"' g in her heart as warm place foe all.espod work, she* became a:mem- ber. ef the Varna Auxiliary ,of the W. • FeW more weeks of selling at the rate we pave been going during the past Our weeks will reduce the Taylor Stock down to where we want it. it will pay you to anticipate your requirements and pur- chase now for the coming surnmer's wear. We can save you front 20 to 80 por cent on any goods you will need in our line. - Custom work and ,repairing will receive prompt and .careful attention. We extend to all an invitation to visit our store at any time and every endeavor will he put forth on our part to give entire satisfAc- tion to those who favor us with their patronage. . The 'fragrance' of her beautiful con- sistent ehristian life was a. cotetant benediction to all. ion- of good -health ,and. ;vigor, male aboet last Juee, when, the. fatal' ilis- eey anaemia., setting in, her vital. powers. ,declined, until . on January. 21, "her soul tOek its flight to be forever where nothing hides -or grows'brd. Them., is, left -to • Moine hee4losS, a or:Stanley-sand a daughter Ellet K. Peebles of Ilarrieton, who fed the and mother's life, and like her, cher- ish the hope Of. some day sweeping through the getes washed in the blood. At the funiral Netst ices of Jantiary 24th, which was largely' attended,' her na.stor spoke from the 23rd Psalm, the oee so often on her lips dpring The' hymns "Sweeping through. the Sung 'Try our sister, and used at the pliant faith. • They hare a rare relish alld a fine delicate flaVoer. But up in air tight gerni proof tins—It's wise to ineiet AUCTION SALE ItEGISTEXt. TuesCo,y, March 5th, at let 31, cope?, Thillett, foie stock and :mph, - meets, without reessrve.—Albert M. Walleye, proprieter , Thos. Brow:, • SeafOrth News, oa-ned and ed - of Yeaes was sold last week to Mr. wide' experieke newe-paper busin- ess,' having been .00nneCted with the Detroit News for some thee.: . At a recent. 'meeting *of the Pnblic. wheal hoard of this place a resoles 'ton was passed instruceing the secree retry to commuaicate with the ..Minis ter of Education :earneetly, requesting' liem to hiceease the grant be urban schools, as ehas. been done in. reral dis- teicts, foe. the reasa thet the school assessment is. very higher in totem then en rural sections.' on the Dominioe Bank ,etaff here tor four • years, has been transferred to the branch at Fort William. • • The little four-year- old son oi Mr, Arthur Colbert was liadlY hurt on Sa- turday. last bse being run over. by a, rthitaWay .horse belonging, to: Mr.,..St- ewert of Eggiondville; The little fele low ifed been playieg on the peve- meet in 'front of, Mr. Bate's erocery and aid not see the coming -danger e time ea avoid it., .Letters- From- Mothers Every day we get letters from Mo- thers telling of the benefit Baby's Own. Tablets liave. been to, their' little Pation, stomach and brave troubles ; ethers for colds and simple fevere ; some es a grea,h• help to teething bah - the one's life. We have thousatels of letiere—a.41 preising the Tablets, for Mrs. Robert Peerce, Bell's Rapids., Ont., writes: "I would not be with- out Baby's Owe Teblets in the house for a day. %ten anything ails. my girl I Aive her a 0 Tablet and. she 18 S0041 I am sere other mothers will find them quite as satisfactory." Sold hy druggists or. by mail at 2,5 vents a bil%, WM The Br. Williams' Medicine' Cie., Broutvilie,Onte Fred. ` Jackson • " ALWA1',5:, RELIABLE Successor to W. Taylor & Son, CLINTON. Emommummomoill • • • lir j, Inventory Sale IS NOW ON • • If anything ie wanted in the -line of Tinware, Hardware, Gennii- t ie ware, ete., it will pay youto take a look theough as you can effect • • quite saving. To call and see is the grey way to have any idea of • • the articles displayed. The goods ata on taleeS and marked with, ' • plain tickets so that evtiry person can see the pr,ices. A few lines ; IN HARDWARE— TINWARE— • Hammers 'w Hand Saws • Chisels Augers Axe Handles Hasps and Hinges Tea -kettles Pails Di ers • Wash Basins ' • Pudding Pans Strainer Pails • Coal Scuttles. IN URANITEWARE— Teapots Water Pails Rice Boilerd Soup Bowls. Ile Plates preserving Kettles ' Dippers • HARLAND BROS. Osesertew Orders left ith W. R. Counter, •Jeweller will eceive prompt attention. hen tke air Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to )reid, to exPeri- mint !.• You' want to save your hair; and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind this very Minute that if your hair ever ,comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy: The hair stays in. It .cannot do any- thing else. It's ,nature's way. The 'best kind of a testimonial— . "Bold tor over sixty yotats.00 svor. nous. hieh It seems a waste of words to argue that a business education is necessaty for the success in life of yourig men and women,. No reasonable person doubts it, It is a fixed fact. The only questions—the vital guts - tion is this : s'Which College e," 'Shall it be a school where common sense, practical methods' are followed: Shull it he the hest college or neXt hest ? It Costs nothing to get our tow eitte plague. Simply ash us to eend it to your address. It tells about the mei. practical BaOriges College in Onterio, We leelieve, it to be the very best. tioEent.tter. any time. Individual ifietrue- Clinton Bush) es's Coll e 1 ganufacturing'Opticians and Eyesight Spe- • cialists, of Toronto, will be at Normandie Hotel, Clinton, one day only Tuesday,. Fepruary 26th If there is anything wrong with your eye - Isight do not fail to consult them,. All work absolutely guaranteed. . • 0 0 0 00000..00000 00000000 0,)C; NELSON BALL atore Overflowing With. Wintpr. Furniture .Parlor Furniture in sets-airad pieces ; Hall Furniture in oak and' ash ; 13edroorn Furni- ture in oak, ash and mahogany ; Dining Room Furniture in oak, ash and elm ; Kitch- en Furniture in anything you want. Couches, Mattre's es, Iron and Brass Beds, Hookers, ' Easy Chairs, Desskg, Parlor Cabinets, Rattan Goods Pictures, Paper Hacks. Book (lives, Curtain Poles Looking Glasses, IN PACT WE HAVE Bring your pictures here to be frarne • HOOVER :& BALL Undertaking promptly attended to by night or day Night and Sunday calls answered at residence of either.of the principals. if 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. HOICIIS nightY.five per rent' of headaches hfe, Sam Johnson and Miss OilltelOtte of StaAley are visiting• friends around here at presente visiting at Mr. Sam Phillip's, Mr. and Mrs, john.MeCrostie of Itire ly vi-ited at, Mr. Win. McCrosti.'S this Mites SI eagle Bachanttri viilte friends in Wingletin Net, Sunday. 4roubled thlt WHY, consult 'teethe de on at the Normafiadie lintel on Tues- day, February 20th. • !Vise Olive deughter of tack of scerlet fever et Anilie.rst, °Mass. Miss Laidlaw has heels ertgo,g- ed oa., a case in Amherst college Where site wets taken -