HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-07, Page 314ebritestY :7th, i9o7
MO* New*.
,,,,,40414.tweik.,..anwilthlogli god Dews
quickly h0 the. toetts egietaigied la
,- • :
They .gatheare• the gad torpueglei kt the bloo
" •Pt° wr" 4400'. 1444' irlfiliti0 PI*
figs* fectiele witaketes, atiSersro, pain as des •
hack, knot skoesity-od ether ot. iesocliat .
oe9a 4014liceeilteivii‘e <0 the hoclea
'At'.....*O161"."140tte ttetroxe--.6 kneSZ,$0.'-e-or
IWO_ The 11etsiirtt* co. of Canada, L.igaited,
Iremaitia-eToogetra Notiagetraderliark-.
. •
NAOS aLtlaIrgag0,
'Was Desjardiues was' burled see. -
oral yards whan the crown plate a
the locomotive- on 'which be was 1ir-
'14 leleW out at :Indian Head, Sask.,
and fatally burned.
Mrs, WilSIoNit'S Soothing Syrup has
been used. by millierts o moths for
their children wbile teething. If dis-
turbed by night and broken of your
Test by a sick child suffering and
esryiag with pain of cutting teeth send
at once said get a bottle or "Mrs,
„ .Soothieg Syrup" for child-
ren teething. It will relieve theeppoe
little suflerer imeaediately.-Dopead
.uPort it, mothers, there is no raistake-
.about it, It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic, Softens the Gums, redeces
Inflammation and gives tone and en-
ergy to the whole system.: "Mre.
•:Winslow's Soothing Syrup"for Child -
'ren teething is pleasaut to the taste
•and is the prescription a one of the
:oldest and best femalePhysichtnk and
nurses in the 'United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drun-
gists' throughout the world. Be' sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
.• It is said thataJohn McIntosh,' who
is ander arrest at- Hamilton on: a
charge- of fraud, eollected thirty. thous,
eend dollars from'sales of bogus Hill
railway s Locks. •
, .
Aged RinCis Ontode ineiretich as He
Has Not Quit 3oWit14 His Wild Oats
82 Year* of Age -Has "Gone the
° Pecs" All His Life With Astonish -
Ing Recklessness Even For a king
-Tyrant of the Cons°.
Among all the crowned heads of
Cliristendera the aged Xing of the Bele
glans is uneaue,
Leopold II., who has exceeded by
two years tlae scriptural age limit of
threescore years and ten, has not yet
finished sowing his wild oats.
It is not because he did, not begin
the •operation hi:tilt-hes. There is )10
record to show that he Was ever OM -
polled to straggle against an inherit,
eel predisposition toward goodness.
Nor has it been for lack of applies.*
don, There is no evidenee that he
has been slothful as a sewer,
With abundant and long continued
opportunities to arrive. at absolute
surfeit he has embraced none of them,
but has continued to exhibit a: per-
tiencity and an ndurance that would
have made a hero of him had they
been exercised ft a less unconvention-
al manner.
• Glaring ari,•they have been, Leo-
• pold's moral shOrtcomings alone might
not have emulemned hithi in the eyes
of an age which, dos not expect con-
spicuous virtue in those • who it ha
the Beate of -the' mighty. Other kings
have beete 'Morally derelict, and have
escaped universal yeprobetion.;
• •
'the person Who permits. 'operation for any.
-noisonee woeue, or sore; or ahree$0, or ulcer.
- without first would haye
good cause for regret Latter. reading such iv...
• . .
senBatiohal-inctdent, as to what .follows:
Mr. Win. C. Ed.wartik, P.P.O. A. tiltvolwrds one of the:
syittely It nown'men in fttendly eiwioty
• 4:10.4 it id pos-lble Lo MOO:, let Ie tIIot AIM here
i • hk ifXperIence. Intervi,,Yred ht. his neitio In ••
Peter St., rorento. be soh! -Jit January .uf
It st year I mit t. e middle Anger ouiy tett'
i•alai severely on i amid poisen 'sot in. 'trie
W lid WaS se.Yery that I 4.0014 net iti4e-
he whole hand, which began to.s..Yelt ;tad in-' '
.11itme, I consolted one of the -Ittadin4 dent -ors .
of Toronto and for two IVtQ&iIhitL wo; Under 141
tare. The wound get no water. Wilt- one /lay
the doctor saki, " lt1wtt['i1d 1 0 on y thin.; 1 cm', •
11) wtth Mts. Angel, es, take it ter.. tt never
.N• ettred.."fbia wad not yerY„o ousant noWst.
-owl at 1 hitt time t he agody ?rota he WOalarn
Wag terrible and the swelling awl len.
-0-,tended right tip he arta. r went, to See
-otlier doctor and. was under b14 t reatment r
• i"ente weeks. Ha then told in • that all he donfa
----titr-for--Itte-Avas• to nut open tit • whole.
. Iliget-
11.1111 scrape the bone, whiolt he .ttitt 1)144 1)0001140
.t kensed through the olool poisoning. I went
aWay I-0 think Walar- I -wmtitt-ttare-dittrelv'm-.
an I met it friend who, h aringthetiktatts..
,41,1d. "Try %stop Bak before yeti have it talten.
OI*" I did do, I battled the .wou nd and amide i
•,offie of 4,1to baltu, and: thst, night I ot ;t 1111110
i4e.0.1). Next morning 1.114 wound beg-tutto:
bleed, whereas, before it ba4 „only di -charged
pus. - That wad 14 g sal sign,. so.LI. went on. with
•the Zara. Huh. ft beetned to soothe 4; and draw •
the soreness complettiy away, Within a few
lays I cook! dO Way with tho sling it. wee
mut earkireti the- han I,. and in a few wettits'
Ilife there, iltr11.4 titan traee of the wound'
.suon. To-dar my. linger is Us sound as a bell,
whereas, had' I not, used Vatot-link,.1 shoult/
have been a !lager 1. . I paid over Vitt
•lootord fees,and when I thlok'ot. the tritlf
611/14 of Zan! Buhl um attutzed'at its Wondo Cul
value. • My •vxdorlenee
-tun, 4,' .1 iuI[b'other nitbr-
80 I do not. mind you staling the Mors. ••
What Zatn.guk Cure
The Ideal Beverage
palatable, full of
the virtues of malt
• and haps, and h,
sparkliog condi.
• tion, is the ideal
Whba Chcmttili ettnounce its purity, and
judges as merit, vao need look no further..
caller by both- of them When she
• AMPLE FOri R;41.1Ert
went to Brussels to see her dead moth-
er the king had her ejected from. the r-
aeovernor SwettenhaM Cables Sector
palace. Louie% this second daughter, ee f State Far -Colonies That Ree
was treated so shamefully by her liuse vaY a
band, Philip of. Saxe -Coburg, that lief Funds For Relief Are Enough.
she was, obliged to accept the protec- Kingston, Ion, 26.--Govern,or Swet-
tion of a Hungarian officer, Lieut, tenham has cabled to the Secretary of
Xegelvitch. Instead of coming to her State for the Colonies that the provi-
• rescue, her father had her immured, sions received are more than ample
• in an insane asylum. Clementine, °or the relief of the destitute, and that
the youngest girl, was $0 outraged by no further funds are needed except
her father's doings in the palace royal Or the relaudding of the houses of
that she declared tleat she must leave the lower, and middle elapses.
it, She was Alien permitted to with -
draw to a humble residence within •
a ston.e's throw of the palatial one• .
the old king's latest favorite: Traders'. Bank Accountant Dies In
The mother of tliese gide bequeath» Jamejna.....Witere He Sought Health;
ed to them the whole. of -her large :Toronto, jan. 26.-A, cablegram re -
estate. Leopold has managed to re- ceivecl yesterday 'front .Tanuftica con-
tain.possession of this property as well veyed the intelligence of the death of
as the great estate left to his Rs*. gOger D. 'Stove', for many years con.-
- Carlotta,lay her unfortunate husband, elected with the Traders' •Bank, and
1Vfaxirnilian ef Mexico. Leopold was who, with Mrs . -Stood, their little son
trustee•for the exIenaprese; during her and Miss' Birchell, a friend et the
• lpng residence in a saniteriain, and: aridly, left in • the latter part of No-
ffeion-her recovery he declined to put vember for arimaica, with the hope of
regaining the health of Mr. Stevel.
her in posseesion ef her estate.
With a• civil list of three-quarters A letter received from the payty .the
of a million, this modern Sardanapalus day before the earthquake stated that
• Stovel was very ill Etna a few
is master of a privat,e fortune reputed r.
Ws* SoviprOcien ,or Eighteen in
the German Election*. •
Definite•Victory For the GOvernMent
by 20 Seats-Llberal, Radical and
poneervative Parties, hurl:M.0ns
Von filuelowfs Colonia l Policy, Win
e-Sociallea LOWS Occurred In Sev-
eral of the hero Cities.
Berlin, Zan. 26. -The Government:
has won a definite victory in the gen-
eral elections held yesterday for a
new Reichstag. The Liberal, Radical
and Conservative parties:, supporting
Prince Von 1:Mellow's colonial policy,
have wen at least twenty seats,. But
more important for the Government
than the success of its colonial plans,
is the crushing defeat of the Social-
ists, who will lose a total of seven-
teen or eighteen seine. -
• This is the first election since -.18$7
that -the Socialists have not increased.
°their representatioli in the Reichstag
by from five to twenty seats. ' They
have Wet especially in several large
cities, among deem Breslau, .Halle,
Madgeburg, Leipzig and Koenigsberg.
The Clerical Centre holds :nearly
every one of its former 100 eeats.
There is a posoibility, however, that
.re-ballotings in , the undecided
takes may lose that party one 6r two
more settee. •
• The Conservatives have Won , six
seats, two of them from the SOsial,
ists. Re -balloting probably will be ne-
ceasary, in 175 constituencies, ,so that
complete returne will net be in ham%
Feb. 5,
• ,Certain districts in Upper Bavaria
that are snowbound have not yet been
heard, from, but they are considered
safe for the Centre party. •
to exceed that of a,ny nether potentate• ,days later a cable message aequainted •
bey Yesterday the simple message, E.NT.RY IN POISON BOOK,
ionable seaside resort of Ostend and "ROger dead" told the story a the•
on earth. He owns mines and tee -• the friends of the death -of the little
toriee art Belgium, hotels at the •fashe •
game doubly bereaved Wife and. raother.
even the proprietor of seve'ral.
R D. St 1 b T
ogee ove was orn o-
• •bling houses at that Place. For a:long-
ronto, his mother being
time he he was sole pensessor of the. Bel -
Smith of 480 Jarvis street. Brothers
• 7.,198.r almENT PICainta aeons? _
ttue that ainee of .the •heroes of hap-
piest memory were decidedly . lame
na • 11 and the "gently Modifying
years" have tranefornied their frailty
into something that horrifies no long
glare Congo,: which :under his system lire: C.. J. of San Feancisco
of extraction became veritable Mid- • Seattle, and Reit, also of .the U. , S.
diri's lamp. , • '. ..• Mrs.:Stovel is a daughter. of the late
- As the buimess now stands Leopold
is the savereign.of the so-calledaCengo years
Rev. Dr. 'Davies, who was for many
principal of the. Nampa Selma:
Free State, an office which is entirely here. Mr. Stovel was only 34 years
distinct from his Belgian throne, At. old. He had beep...identified with the
one time the 'revenues of the ',Congo Traders': Bank for .15 years, and had
. . .
. State showed an alarming deficit, and risea frem a subordinate position. to,
: Leopold made up" his mind to Tech.- that of assistant aecountant in the
ganized matters. ,Ilis scheme certain- head office. In the early period of his
ly had the merit :of simplicity. . He connection etith the Traders' he- was
• laid down the rule • that the Belgian
eaoffilials-inethe-Gortgeoereaturee •of his
. own, must pay to him a certain rehre-
nuee and he let it be known that fhe
did'not intend to hold any man .ac-
• countable for the means employed to
stationed' in Orillia. He was a 'noted.
•amateur photographereetnetewas last
year president ef the Toroato.Camera
-' :raise it 'Under 'this, stitruelation his '
. • •- • officers succeeded • ire . y e ,
So , it., is not thie venerable rake's kirig a revenue which is. now-ee neat , •Aspirations re. • reat es. , . • It ie -currently reported.' that Detec-
menet lapses alone that have. Made eed to amount to $10,000,000 e year. i ' London,. Jan.' 26.-e(C.A.P .),tit the ' dye., Relearn of Toroato has,, been: de
his name ae• byword amel a reproach It is claimed. by those, who „areal:et, annu•diarier:. of the I-Indelemfield tailed•pa the na8e: He is Steld'he have.
aneorig all the natiene, 'The (me thing. ing to put a stop to the.nefariournbusi- a
alien r a Commerce, • Lira Brassey, • called 'on rDr. Snider Thersday and,
thee 'makes' the eiviliied-whild Shad- nosa . that by their pecoliar rnethode. referring to the Claim of the eoiredes, left here for CO:Wield laet night, . .,
der When the Mime, of Leopold IL is a raising this revenue these men have that they be consulted in negotiations • ' " . ., •
WHITELY'S sLAytn: .• , .. •
epoken is his conduct as Sovereign , rethiced. the .population of the Cong.o of treaties, said : "If their . claim' to a , '
' arid tyrant. of the Congo, : . State from 25 000,00Q to 15;000,000. The - largershare in tbe direction ofeempet-
•mote :than 40 Years, and the country ' tives is explained iri"tids way: The , iel affairs be adniitted, they nease•beet : Identified as 'Fernier .Schooliriaeteree.
• He has been ruling Belgiuni 'for problem af elle missing 1Q,000,000.:na-,
has preitieted greatly under his ad • Congo native's Inoet,irriportant duly at least Some pert Of the responsibil; 1 ..- Will Probably, Recever, ... '
ity of eafomerng the obgeevance•'of ha i London, San. 25. -The police•have
ministration, He came ag the elirgeie is te, bring- in rubber for Xing Leo- ternational ai.treements." ' • . identified the murderer of .. William
about the time of the close of the ' 'pold.• For -the first failure otie hand. •
. Donald ,itiladda:ster at kleevick said Whitely, the aged•Merchant, Who was
.American civil war. Since. that time is eat off. . Eon the *end the loss of
. ' he agreed with the German statesman shot Thursday, as Horace George Ray -
'Gera -limy," Fiance and other countries ' the other hand is the., penalty'. For ,
declared lately that if the.' Era- ner. Ile is supposed te, have been a:
on the European mainland have pass :absolute fennel' to Yield this tribute . Who
... . like adopted Chamberlain's poncer the schoolmaster', but recently eyes ueem-
ed through various political. changes ; death: by slew torture is the alterna
Empire weuld. he Vern riaaeW. • Was it .ployed and livecrin it cheap hotel at
tq try another forrii of Governnient I All this . seems incredible, but 'en- .possible the parent nation and her - Bloomsbiity. He' told the proptieter
but Belgium has shown no dispOsition aye, : . . ' • '
Ile. is • only the second: king that ' °Ugh of it has been eorrobotated • by ,
. ,children were. so abeolutelY tost to the of the place that he:was the scat of Et
deliveringto the
Strychnine Osiensibly •Purch•ased By
. Mrs. Perkins.' Brother in October.
Cayuga, Jan„26.-"Oct, 4_1906, It.
Curry, Cayuga, W.-J.Q.."
The above entry, which appears On • inliernitting please do'so by. Express Order or,
09Stal Note, and address
Don't neglect your cough.
• Statiittcs ehow that in New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
And mod ts:tf these consumptives might
be living now if they had not neglected the
'warning cough.
You know bow quickly 'Scott fa
Eirsteltsfori 'enables you tit) .throw off' a
cough ,or cold.
AIL DRUOGISTS) 500. AND $1.00.
• .
The News-Itecord east GW,it:eo.e.n.lr,,I, Ewtirpildre.,
,. one ye r. • ,.;:,i..1,.,..0,111,:657055
. • Weekly Globe. .
" • • Family Herald and Weekly Sttir • •en. 1,05 .,
S r " . r 6• 2.30
• Daily •17e‘'ve,•Teeee,,to:, ................ 24.1;1.5,
• • " . .Aelvertieer•
Farstset's Advocate and
se • • Free Frees. , , . _-
Weekly Witness.-
, , • • Home Magaelne 2.25
, • 1 05 .
, I • ".•
n! 1,60
•tr • ...... . • 4.25
•• :Waat(i)triml.tclin Night
Free Press,' London
Free- PreEls, E Vetting Edition • • • 3.35 1.75
. 66
. (I
the nelson, book of W.' .3. Quinsey,
.alruggiet allel etatioaeg of thie.yillage,
was discovered on Tuesday aught -
Thursday the book wee locked up -• •
county crowi:attorneye pending the ''W MITCHELL
ip. the -safe of j. Meirphy, the.
rf Clinton, Ont.
action of the GOY:eminent m the Per-
'Irins poisoning case at Canfield • oe
Christmas day last '
The entry means that ten grains ef
strychnine poison were puechased on g-,.e.a.;:.a,,-,,,aee,a,aaeeeeroaeeae----aaeae,..eeeea,---- ee,e-e-•
Moaday, Oct. ID, •1006.' The purchase
'was signed ior by Ralph Curry •and
• the sale wee: made by 3. W. Quinse,Y.
The poise:M. eva,s purchased ostensibly.
Mr. .Quineey. stated that as far as
MUST: PAY FOR • PRESTIGg. h -e could remember. the pare ase was
made by R. Curry. brother of 1VIrs.
Lord Brasse ' :Reference to Colonial •parkins.
ai • to inheritance from their forefathers they wealthy London business man hailing
k 1 i fio whieb part of
the country, the late Mr; Whitely
Belgium has had as an independent '• missionaries and foreign cons s
were incapable of earning , round a from Yor s re, ri .
state. Until 1830 it formed a part of make a strong ease against the aged
N 1 d In reprobate whe is, responsible for the o th mutual benefit?
fly table and taking a reasonable
• the kingdom of the et idrlan s.
that year it becarn an epe
•Giavernment, and the father of the It; is only fair to record "that the
present hing,;Leepold L, was chosen. king of the Belgians h,as found able
by.its congress ea its constitetional apologists. Cordinal :•Gibbons, be -
sovereign. It Was to the interest Of elieveg that thoold monargh has been
Grea ,
the other Powers to have a Govern -.1 eereasented to be. .
rnent not allied tot -he rising great: : •
ness •of GerinanY in thatPar , weel.i.,mptepg BIRTHPLACE.
continent, and they agreed to main- ..•
• ..
tain its neutrality. Within 'a short
Effort, to Preserve Old Home of .`•ette
-time all•the states of Europe recog,niz
ed it officially: I • Good Gray Poet." -
It.is a miniature kingdom, but it -Walt • 'Whitman, "the good gray
'is E4 veritable beehive of induetry. • ' poet," was born at West Hills, in the
he country is- the •garclen of Eu- township of Huntington, on the north
rope. -1t is divided into small 1161d- shore of Long Island; N. " Y. ' The
ings, and the greater part of it 'is genius of the 'poet is being better ap-
welled with the spade. So intenaive predated with the passing years, and
" the, cultivation of the soil that it his admirers think that means should
• produces vastly in excess of any other be taken to preserve his birthplace,
in Europe, The Belgian mime and which is falling into decay. is an
factories are equally productive. As old homestead of a type familiar on
an example of the ,kingdOin's indus- Longalsland, with a well ineffont ems -
trial thrift may be mentioned the fact sessing one of those curbs only less
aricient 'in date than the "old oaken
that it contains 1,600 stone quarries
bargain fr em
• __ea_ •
Elections In British Colurnbia Cast
• d some of maligned and *id he is not es he is
For all poidoned wettntiA:U
rimers and hbooespa, Zarn.i.tok 114 est:eel:tee
Palitable because of its hitch tuat-oplio inowevd•
ff you have it wound or %ore whieleb id de not,
• ttli ointment, and tatiVed, it is St ade fiti'hattl; ittlk.
Zato.liuk also corot4 eczema, itch 8(11 j)
deres, ringworms, bloteltes on the face and
Ishly. chapped placed, ;told p les and
• .antitrged vessel. Ad an embroeat on it ultra*
eliettnott bort and Sciatica; and rubbed ever the
erupt relieves the tightneds (11)1 10 derero mild 4.
All Storea and druagiatot sell at 50 can td box,
•,w post free front the Zant.Hutr. Co.. Termite.
boxes for $2.50. , .
FREE BOX-,1V,(11.°)1,12P;i!.(69t4!)11.aiid
matter and dainty antitple beg Will ". be mailed
ThPre ate many people in the east who ate
Int -rested in learning how their friends Whe
MOVed to Western Canada aro getting
••nn. wa0 are allalelle to shotv what Winnipeg
..and Western Canada aro like. There aro lute
large numbers of persons in this. frroVinee
t'ho Oro anxIoU5 to obtain tenable information
i•nerrnIng the west and are at it 10es to knoW
I,,.w to prOeUte It In litto mannter.dser there athere
Irony th., bast who -have irit,
in active oparation, employing iabout
37,01)0 Mall and yielding a revenue of
over $11,000,000. Belgian iron and coal:
vo, to all parte of the world. The,
story of, its commerctal activity is
tolcl by the fact that Bergiuta sells
aneetally enore than $500 ,worth of its
produCts for every family in the kipg-
This is the couritrer that ;Leopold
rules, and it eaneet be denied that
its prosperity ie. dae in latge part to
hie succeseltil businees Methods. Ile
•Tilei; Shadows Before.
Ottawa, an 26, -The coniing' gen-
eeal election in 'British Columbia-
• casts its shadow before. • In the Home
yesterday afternoon a long debate rag-
ed about the Xaien laud scandal, and
each side accusedetheeother. Forted,
ly, the'matter came up upon another
transaction growing out of an order -
in -council Of the Dominion Govern-
ment, by which 10,000 acres of Indian
land was granted to the G. T. P.
R. la Borden sevexelyarraigned tie
• Government.
Mr. Oliver claimed that the Indians
• agteed and will -receive $7 per acre.
The House spent some time in com-
mittee of ways and means..
Sir Frederick Borden introduced a
bill to amend the criminal code.
17Warit row ICATSHR.
,Pope Pius Orders Ceremony For Pro-
• testant Ruler Without Precedent,
Rome, Jane 28.-tratieen authori-
• ties expressed the opinion yesterday
that the assuxaption of power in Spain
. by Premier Mauro, at the head of the;
• Conservative ministry, the success „of
the Centre party in. Germany, and the
failute of the anti-elerical roovemeritt
• in Italy were significant of the atti-
tude on religious Matters of the mem-
tries surrounding France, where the
• 1 v meat is triunephant.
moderli Belgium that it is impoeeible bucket" with its sweep. Whitman's
' 'It is signifieird alio that the 'Pope
is. so identified with the peeking of .
to :separate him from it.. From the ancestors came„te • the United States • IIT"rdneereet the dal/hi Art:11 Inf street:
alert commercially, and he' has sue- ticat „in 1635, -Before :the Revolution GCsinareoli. terearanyeaotoLlmhe esonnAhver.
begianing of his reign he has been from England and: settled in Comma.:
eeeded in inepiring the naturally slow broke out the family hired on a farm Y
going Fleming*: with a wonderful, at West Hille. Whitman's father mare liam of Germany. Such a ceremony
amount of :induetrial keennesa„ ' d T ' "tf if Veleor• the daughtet for a Protestant ruler is vtithout pre -
It is admitted in Belgium that the.: of it Doe h. farmer., in 1816, and the ' cedent, te drama having legrinonsuonigthut,
king has, awaye been gay and greay,.: poet, ho° as th second of their hine the past only on the occ . 9.
and that he remains HQ. All eorts of ' lindrvien AWvas arn in the now vener- birthdays of Sathelic seyegenpa
gitories are current in refercnce to Ins eble -farmhouse in. 180• During his ."--------------4''
escapades and: to his ptefererice for 6childhood his parents . removed to .
with Huntington it a later period It W111 Cure
the soniety of peraons whose acepfaint- 1ooklyn. His career eves associated
of the Archduke Joseph of Austtia„ still published in this, hiatorie village. It prevents and positively cures
" Any Cold or Cough.
mice roust be far from edifying. At
the Age ori8 he married the daughter .1 when he edited the Long Islander,
the pretty and amiable Merle Henri- His works contain ,many references 10 L • G .
r i p p e
the scenes of his childhood. The old ' a
ette, but domestieity did not tame
Marringe did not - curb his taste Whitman homestead is now the prop.
him. -
urty of FranItlin F. Rogers of Brook -
for the life- irregular, and the riat4on Iva borough, New York eity, and an
t who would_ woleome•-newsi from their old SOeMS tO haVO aecepted •the situation effort le befog made by the Whitman
rf.aw, PrAsent Owed Ariends with a copy
of • • rellowehip to -purchase and 'preserve
liThoN obtraws!rttesre has arran'asa to Ring Letmeld has Ile son to suceeed it, The Colonial rioeiety of2Huntingtori
xtrrangetnent wIttobe "Manitoba t`res Press," hint; If he should die to4day the crown I)" Owed tablet' in tne°1°rY
pn;ory those wants by. entering a Clubbing ' of
e.f the -Oldest and leading nowspa.pet WI itman on it bowlder near Inc birth.
4. auttA21.1.41.0__ would fall to his nephew, Prince Al- eatlee. , •
'',:-Wlo.0-t.ietts, editioftft, will toll ymi,stoi about TeTt,'1,755---
the wonderful growth of .tbo eity of Winnipeg. id- as conspicuoinf IiiiThis
thee coutigtette estioutie In 'tan ettk, the elie .----
punctilious observance of the PrOpriee
%tate, the thateee ier•empiOyhtent, the test Ot tiCS as his uncle is otherwiee. The old A Murder in B. 0.
business openings,. and wilt also furnish you King has three datightere, and it is one Victoria. B.O., ann. 20.-Tlia Pre-
ttying, house refit, att., thu opportunities et., r o -
with full infOrmation on the Same etitdeets in, of .the meet distressing coirnts in .,the vincial police weec yesterday advised
mare to other cities and rising town* et the of the mttrder at Salt Spring Island
The Manitoba Proo Press Prints every day, treated them badly, Stephanie, the
eldest, It.iias th? esitifj: otf 'the Crown 13eover P°Inte °°°Dge "Williams, a
from three to four full column. a “situntium •
Mg to the west woad and it of the greatest, at Meyerling: After her dissolute huts- , Coal From Japan.'
Eastern Canada who to conterattlattng remov-
testy »SG fall nobleman.. Iter alliance with "66.v° on Puget Soul* uhortly
vie clubbing Offer Of .the Minton 11.1bwk.. 1 6 .fr 1 k i f to lielp relieve the fuel famine. *
Ildeord advertised Ott another Pegs, afford*. yott °Ian 0 10 or 0r Yan Pic° 00° 1 ° -
an goo
west. indictment against, him that he has
of a settler floated A„ Doeights of
turtittes." and usuaily two columns of "Board prince Rudolph O Ile rid, ‘vha was . settler, is suspeettsd.
• Vocant," over a eOhlthil et "Duette:les Opper-
altb 11.00ra" Itavertleethents. HverY resident. of the victim Of the 'unfortiitiate affair :
advantage to aubeetibo for the Vivo Press band was shot the princess became. :. Tadorrta, Wri...Tan. 26. --Several car-
Isul ritmtedt with the stetual conditions before the wife of Count.Loriyay, a Heingars god of coal )shipped from jepan will
' for it short time for the purpose Of Sweater.
0 6 nullity of detittrIng the ittare4teettri telle6
to her father and 'to old Frans
conti tbe Preit Vitae 4ift -oPe" del ilatife. • /USA! that Olio Wree elleaWned nracti.
But They .1-ifsete laceeeeed Their •
, • • Vote By ea 'Per Cent.
• l3erliti, Jan. 27,---,..eccoeding to the
latest retaumf of the R.eichstag. elec,
don. held Friday, received by • the.
Wolff Bureau, • tte,- Sacialists. have
"'pined. one and lost 20-eseats. • ,The
••claricale lieve gained two and lost ,
fame, the •No tioriai Liberals have gain- I
ed nine 'and. lot egaal number,the
Arricrient groups have: gained five and
bot two eeate, the Poles have gained
:•twoe the Guelprie havelost three, .and
the Agrarian ane Anti-Semitio groups
. have .gained ?tee?. feed "'bet 'five seats
each. ,
• The Secielieta • ho,V,e • entered :de,
mends' for 7fi .re -ballots. From, these
they are not likely to -elect, 19 niern-
bersehence their strength' in the new
.Reichstag probabie°. will be below 50..
The Clericals have deneginded,nbout
30 re -ballots einhitave•chaueete Of win:
• ningeenough. seate tri retain their hill'
strength in -the new Rouse.
• The two Conservative parties have
demanded. 41 re -ballots, the National'
Liberals more than, 50, the Radical.
-.groups .45 and the Anti-Semites,- the
• Mr.. 1 homes Bevies eras. killed 'aft "
Greenwoed, eleat
. . .
. „ .
lag oft him. •
• • • • / .
Dan el e'inundn'es,, whose' .paants 4va
al: -lit:az:111e, was aSehexiated eo31
1.11. nipeic
D Slootines Great Tonic
.and Disease Destroyer
• Rottobtoutto(o ii•sain)
Used in Thousands
of 'Homes hi Canada
TSEWHO don't know what Psyc
•le -send -what it drses-areartallingabo t -a
Agreria,ns, the 'Poles, the Alsatians; TE1OSE WHO do know what Peyc e
a o a o . 9
ably have :increased their total vat& regard it as their best physielanand_ _
The Murderer :Wee oPerated upon .
1 f 10 to 15 er cent
-Paris Monte. Oyer R.
Faris, Yen. 28. --The 'Waterloo of the
liam's victory vas not '.particulaily
elections as eViclence that the work -
elections Friday was melte a' surprise
GtthheirothnuaeattiLett:S:ornIc.teiettnItsisatisl the. Reidhstag
cheek administered to Socialism. .
ing classes of Germany are at last
with the inevitable class war, toward
to Prance, and, while Emperor Wil-
weleinne, scene ef the Igereous French
papers Manifest gratification ate the
'turning from the idealism of the
Marxiets arid dogniatic • collectivism,
The semi-official Tenips.regerds:the
through the Libe°rfa
ppalairtzaibesle. reforms
"The defeat of the
best organized Socialists in Europe
marks an interesling step, the 'deft:
ance of • the extreme parties by . the
people, who are awakening to their
eftttl f Th Socialists' prob- is and hat it dries are using it They
.yesterday morning. His injure eye
was renaoved, and the, bullet which, he
.fired into his forehead was extracted.
The- dobtors believe that Rayner :will
recover. The motive for the -crime is
still a tuysterv.• . ' • '„
Cattle Dying In 'Alberta.
Lethbridge Alberta; Jan. 26, -The
china* of the last few days gave way
at noon Wednesday to a fierce storm,
which has since been raging continu-
ously, covering the ranges with sev-
eral inches of snow. The condition of
thee-ha:Me is, a course, worse than
ever. .The :big corapany at Raymond,
it is said,'anticipates the loss of $100,-
00'0. It ha thought thee about 25 per
cent. of the cattle in. the country will
perish. -
Horse breeders report no losses and
anticipate pone, as the horses can paw
their way to the food.
Seven Jurors In Thaw Case.
New York, Jen. 24.-Fifty-ona tales-
enen were examined in fast time yes-
terday in an effort to complete the
jury which is to try Harry X. Thaw
for the killing of Stanford White, and
at the end of the day's session two
names had been added to the jury
making seven in all. One hundred
and one talesmen have thus far been
exarained, and five jurors remain to
be chosen.
true interests."
• .
I MOP. WHO use it are being quickly.
. and permanently cured of all forms ol
throat,: chest, lung and stomach,
troublesa it is a ecientific prepargge
tion, destroying all disease germs in the
blood' and system. It is a wonderful
tonic and system building remedy, and
is a certain cure for . •
' COUGHS, Bronchial Coughs, •
LA GRIPPE, Chills and Fever,
Colds,. fllfficnft*bathing,
Pneumonia, General -Weakness
B onchitis Female Troubles,
Catarrh,. Fickle Appetite,
Weak Voice, Hemorrhages,
Sleeplessness, Night sweats.
Nervousness, Consumption, .
Malaria, „, Catarrh of the
Anaemia, Stomach.
• .
Young Stepmother Brands'Two Girls,
Who Made Too Much Noise• .
New York,' Jan: 28..--;•Teto little
'children, • Nellie, aged .7 years, and
• Jennie, two years, younger,, told Magii-
'trate House in the Hallett Police
Court Saturday how their Mother, Mrs.
Xate Graviuse hhri branded them on
the hands with a red-hot' stove lifter
because, in playing, they 'Tiede too
much noise.
Twice during the recital,the pria..
Meer, a woman of intelligent and
pleasant appearanc,ea net' more than
20 years of age, fainted. When re..
stored, she admitted that she had
battled the children; but said'that at
the time She Was poedettitied by an
unaccountable mania. •
The two girls; she said, had been
playing vin their dolls until the noise
and confusion' robbed her of 'her retie
son. Seining -the strive lid lifter, she
pressed the glenyittg red. on the' back
of the right heia of each child, caus-
ing ears that the little ones will car-
ry to their graves.'
A peculiar feature of the ease woe
• the apparent offeetion for the chile
&en felt by the prisoner. That the
attachment was teciprocated Was re-
peo.tedly dentonetrated itt eourt. Wben
Ciravins lost consciousness, the
children wallet, in. 'is 4 WO, •
Killed At Level Crossing. ;
Arnprior, Jan, 26. -Last eienirig
Thos. Dooran, who lives a few mtles
trona town, and father of A. Doolan,
• driving a team f holies
grocer, waso
attached to a cutter, and, in crossing
the G.T.R,-- tracks, was struck by the
express from Ottawa and killed, as
were also both. horses. He had been
itt town attending the ice. races. He .
was aomewhat hard of hearing. ,
Carsida*Liket British Rule.
"The Politicol Cleavage of North
AnIfiriea." This was the subject of
an address by Hon. Geo. W. Ross,
lender of the Opposition, before. the
Catholic Union at a meeting held in
the St, Charles Cafe, Toronto, the
pther eight. Canada's past relations
with the 'United States were reviewed
by • Mr. Ross, who made reference to
the Drifted Empire Loyalist emigration
from the States to Canada, the war
dt�L1yottie Dratgsiittit netts'
have,„ got to novo it
• swab7 all riniggiste, or front
Niagara Pal* Cleste /01
For Sale by W. A. PdeConnell.
• .
ot ing, the- invagrodh of 1837 attd
18664 the Ashburton and other trea-
ties which'saerifIced Canadian to Am-
erican interests, arid the refusal of the •
Washington. Goverment to negotiate. '
reeiprocal trade relations with Can-,
Far from driving Canada into a
commercial and politieal union with
Ike republic, these influences only
served td bring Canada in closer re. •
lation with the motherland. Canada
had been impelled to build UP a na-
tionality ()Hier own. Denied the nutr.
has of the IInited Stater. she sought
those in Great Britain.. She preferred
the Britisk form of aovernment, and
lo -day the Imperial Boni-1111mA Was , 11.
Iseronger in ()tined& than it had ever
boon in /id Mains,
• All these diseaties are serious in them-
selveseand if not promptly cured in the •
early stages are the certain forerunners of
• Consmnptionisi.ninttitschmeoaseti:trei:ledletirifoterenteer.to
risoync,bbiunet icot,. meters .and. cures Consumer -
prevent its developusent by using Peg -
chine. Here Is a sample of thousands ofh
voluntary end uneolicieed statereentafrom
alt ovdr msCleoagn.u_am(1i
i 114:
' mdutt'io advise you
of the retnerksible cute *fleeted br your Psychical
and Otrointilsinn, which have come under mob
personal observation. Three weII knowato
me, Albert Townstend, Hazel Hi n and Sohn
Melfay, all • of Shelburne Co . Were pre. '
minced by the beet Moffett). Men. to hove
eensuaiptien, and to be ineursibte*nd heyona tato
reached inedieal aid. They used rayeldne end
OxOnntlsion and they are now in goad health.
I feel 41 a ditty I ewe to suffering humanity
state these facts for the benefit of other suaerena
from this teyrriobintleldelsearier.ANtnip,z.a..12i,a• out 4p..
• Green Harbor. ILA
Psychilie; pronounced 1$ for
sale at all up-to-date dealers. If your
druggist or general store -cannot supply
you, write Dr: T. A. Slocum, Limited, 1.7%
King StreVest, Toronto.
J. S. tiendel/
seriously ill. •
-Thirty kaths ,from pneuntonia 00-
cUrred at Winnipeg, last ihonti.
• Miserable All The \Matt „.
Dultheaditches-back tiches-lowspirited-ehate
the sight of food -don't sleep tired out in
the morning -no heart fof work?
will visite you. well
Your kidneys are affected -either through over-
work, exposure or disease. It is the Xidoeys that
are making you feel so watelied. Gin Pills mire sick
kidneys. -make you well and strong -give you Alf
your old time energy and vitality. Cheer sup -end
tette Gitt PMe, soe, ft boa -6 for $e.eo• tientnit
tee -:pt of price if your dealer doea slot handle theta.
-• 0101.0 DRUG CO. VINNIOta, MAN. ON