HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-31, Page 2•
•041,11ITY-es., eeACCURACY.-,.
D9tiglasStock invigorator
Pail Stock Food 75e
. Cattle Salts, 0 I hs for 25e
()tittle Sulphur, 0 lbs for250
Glen hers Salts, 0 Ms for250
W 8.1?;Holmes
Manufacturing Chemist.
We Keep Only 'Post Office
• The Best. . Drug StOra
I have been appointed agent
for the Mallpsay-liarris Com-
pany In this district and will
keep on hand a complete list
of supplies in my store oppos-
ite the nelsons Bank.
r am also continuing tlfe
flour,"^feed arid seed grain bus-
iness and respectfully solicit. a
a continuance of your patron-
age. •
' J. A Ford.
• ,
J Stevenson,
440:0 ....
• THE ' LEADING com-.•
• • e
0, Our catirses are thorough
0 -and practieal tvhire. tire •
Ze• teaching is done by able 0
• instructors. The embitioue
• young men and women:wile
• * desire tei get the best pose *
* sible cenunercial training .4
• 0 patronize this school while
* Business men are in search <Se
• of our graduates to fill res- 0
'0 FonSible positions. The 'hest 0.
• time to enter our classes
4 is NOW. Beautiful catalog4.
• ue free, •
* EUtptt & McLachlan,
" Principals.
00 000
00 00 00
+ Strong Heads ;and Skilled eee.
+ Hands to •the front !
+ Attend the famous +
And • be properly prepared for bus-
iness positions. We deal only in
High Grade Busin.ese Education -the
kind every ma,n • and Wan=
ahould have. Our school has now the
largest attendance in. its history.
Commence now. Prepare well and sure
cess is certain'. No trouble tor our
gredtrates to get positione. ;Ca,talogeo
4:4' W. J. Elltatt, .Principal. +
Cor. Yonge. and • .
+ Alexander Steeets.
t The flret day of the win-
terterin will he. -, •
J• anuar3;72nd,: 190.
We will them reeipen• with
undonotedly the largest cense
in the _history of Ibis School,
If you want the» education
that prepates for good pima
Monti. write for our catalog. ,
It. costs nothing.
. -THE . . • , •
Berlin Business Xollege • *
* . • • . *
4• W. D. Euler, .PrIncipal
21,40.4* -0144.4444+41,44..#
Real Estate For Sale
Stanley township, containing 175
acres. * mile from school, I mile
from Presbyterian and Methodist
ehtathes and postoeffee, 7 miles i7OM
Masan and 4 miles from • Kippen
station. There are on the premises
three barns, 64x40, 70x28, 50x28,
all in good repair. Comfortable log
'aad frame house. 22 acres in fall
wheat. All fenced, 100 acres *011
• underdrained and the remaining 75
acres drained by township deteh
running through. Never railing well
at the house with a new Brantford
pumping mill, also a never failing
spring back on the farm. le acres
4, good beiarieg orchard. Tett farm
sen a first-class state of cultivatAo
is situated in ono of the best
grain growing sections in the 'pro-
eince. Will be sold cheap and on
terms to k,uit the surchwier. ' -Fee
further infoimatioa• apply on the
premises or address Georee Cole-
man, Hillsgreen P. 0. 47
2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10
acres of bush, the remainder is well
• fenced, underdrained and in a good
state of cultivation. 1 acre of or-
chard and smali fruit. On the pre-
mises is a two story brick house
with slate roof, a first-class farm
house, a barn, size, 44
x 80 with stone stabling, a cement
silo 14r30, good driving house, pig
pen and ben house. Two never -fails
Ing wells. This farm is situated!,
miles from itteicefield, 5 from Clin-
ton and on e• od gravel road. Ap-
ply on He premises or adducts
Albert NotteClieton P. 0. 02
quarter miles from churele post -
office, school, and the village of
Auburn. 'Suitable for -grain or
grass. Lot 27, on thelncon. West
Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres
of lend, 15 acres =lei bush 'and
tbe balance nearly all grass. A
brick house, a,barfk barn 52X60,
driving house 24136 with a cement
ptg house underneath, are on sat
promises. A loo lot 28, Et
Wawanosli, 2nd con., directly oppos-
ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres
of land, 15 acres of which are bush.
On this lot there is a bank barn
40oc60. There ere 4 acres of good
'bearing orchard on thc two farms'.
Both lots are well fenced and un-
derdrained. A never failing epring
runs actoss •both farms. Possession
can be given at once. Terms easy.
The •proprietor is now pest the age
to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich-
olson, Auburn P. 0. PrOmpt reedy.
will be given to all communicate
'PAM 1OIVONT...110.T 15, CON.,13,
40, Meade .;kneWn a. Vte
Kelly 'fatif....-Atiply 1.1 W,• Bry.tiOie, 1
hit •
intott. .
roomed house now occupied, ley Jain -
es Livermere.is offered for • sale.
Good stone cellar, an kinds of sni-
all that, hard and soft water. Will
be sold cheap. Apply to ..Tames
Livermore. , 46.
of lot 7, South Boundary, and.W.est
balf of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, cone
sisting of 102 amts, 8 acres bush
the remainder seeded down except-
ing 30 acres, The place is well fete:
• oed and drained, and watered by
• sprite; creek. Frame barn. Thie
farm is eituated On the Town Line,
two miles west of Kippen station.
Apply on the promisee or, addling
•James C. Parsons, Kippen, Ont. 32
Lot 13, con. ld, Goclerich township;
consisting of 80 •acres, 65 acres
cleared, balance bush. Good barn
and oomfoetable house. Well wet:
ered by two good Waning streams.
* mile from school and 1 mile from
postoffice. Will be sold on call
ternia.-Apply to T. T. loPuriniy,
Clinton. 35"t•
signed. &fees for gale part of lot
40 . Ake DaYfielst elleade...1..,_
south ot Clinton, consisting of 20
acres. Good frame houee 'with,t-
ono cellar, barn ;36x70 with ceeneat
basement. Easy terms.=J. A.
Smith. 40
frame home on Wellington '' street,
Clinton, •lately occupied' by F.C.
Allcock. • 7 rooms and pantry, wood -
shod, good stone cellar, hard and
soft water!..e. areof land. sp-
lendid chance for a person wanting
a good house. Apply to Mts. Chide
ley or to Mre. Alleock. •39
part 81, con. 6, Hullett, eeineisting
of 117 actreb. 15 acretii,geod‘ hard-
wood bush; balance tinder eultiva-
tion. Good firlek house and frame
barns. Well Waterect and fenced.
Bearing , orchard. it miles from
store, postoffice, church and achool,
• Will be sold On eaSy teems as the
Undersigned Intende going West. -
R. J.Miller, Clinton P. Q. 14
lot' on Princesstreet, 11 rooms,
bard and soft water. Good stable.
Will be sold &tap slid on easy
tOrms. Also 4 hives of bees and a
nurribet of bee boxes. -William Dun -
tan. 80
The Evils of Constipation
Specialist Say a Women in Particula
Are Sefferers.
Why Bileans Prove So Beneficial.
A epecialist says, thateight at of
tele cases of headache, dreziness, sal-
0w..Pemplexion and 'Various ailments
Pealdiee , to women for which, be is
consulted, =Ye theie origins censti-
Pathan. Although this ailment is
very COMMOrt , amongst both sexes,
women appear to be theegreatest suf-
ferers., 13i1eansettre cOngtipation by
stimulating. the liver and regulating
the bile flow. Bile is 'the natural
purgative of the body. *Bileans regu-
late its secretion.
lvirs.. p, E. Baldwin of 38 St. Paul.
St., Toronto, says : "1 have taken
Bileans for.eonstipatiou and dizziness
and found most satisfactory results,
Bileans do pot cause any griping, and
not. wily cure constipation but also
efnctagvellt general health."
Monaghan of "teethe recently
proved this vegeteble remedy in a
similar way. He aeye ! For many
yeaxs I Sufferedfrom constipation and
• pike. Northing I. have ever tried le to
be compered to' Bileans. They lave
Made rho a different man, and if any
sufferer would like to ask me any ques-
tion on their operation and their vale
ue I will be glad to give all the in-
forthatieur I
Such is the results •of exhaustive
tests, of Bileans. Tbio great vegetable
remedy is invaluable also for salldw
coniplexions (due to bile the blood)"
pimples, greaiy, • sallow skin, • and
blood •impuritiee •generally: Bileans
cure indigestion., debility, 'rheumatism
and irregularities, "eun doein feeling"
liver, and kidney complaint, headache
sleeplessness, wince spasms', palpita-
tion, etc. All druggists sell at 50
cents a box, Or obtainable post free
from the Mean Co,, Toronte, upon
receipt of the rice. 6 boxes sold for
$2,50. •
Ashfjelcl Township.
Mrs. Hugh .Girvie of 'Nil is spenee-
ing a couple of weeks ;with r siste
Mrs. Richard Webstee or Luc
• Alfred. Andrew has almost recover-
ed frorn,•hisseteent illness. ;
Mrs. Joseph. Hackett mid Miss Jen-
nie Hackett, who have been suffering
from la grippe, are nimbi better. •
Mrs. 'W. T. Gardeer entertained a
familser of her friends on two different
evenings Or leaf week. • • •
Mies. Aggie Kilpatrich was the
guest of her couein, Mise'Bina Kil-
patrick, a few days last week. .•
Ir. mu. Anderson .of Lenore,. Mans,
spent last week with his cousins in
W: Kilpatrick and Fred Treleaven
of Goderich. High School spent the
week end at home. . •• •
Mr. W. J. Teeleaven's valuable dri-
ver had his lei broken last "week and
Ife Was obliged. to ioob him. It will
be a heavy loss to •Mr: Treleaven as
he will •necessarily., have to 'replace
.01). Sunday list the work • on •the
Aehfield circuit was taken by •Rev.
Mr. WilS011 , pf . Teeiwater, •while Rev..
W. A. Smith took the missionary
work on the Teeswater 'aippointmenti.
The day was so stormy • that there
was but ,.small attendance at the
eervicese here. •- •
On ,Thureday eveMeg of last week,
death again .visited, our nerghbothciod
and Mr. Wm.. Stewart was called to
his eternal home. Mr. Stewart who
was in his severity-seventlf year, his
been ill for some time and his death'
though sudden was not altegether uo-
expeeted.• He was- unmarried and or
years macle"his home with Ms sister,
Mes. ,Sleeckelte, and since her death
with her: family. The funeraltook
lace from the .residence of Norman
Sheckelton to Zion cenietery -last
Saturday. afternoon. Services at the
house and grave were conducted ' by
Rev. W. A. Smith. •
State of Ohio, City of -
Toledo, Lucas County. -ss. •
Frank J. Cheney makes .oatlf that
he is seneer partner Of the firm of F.
J. Cheney ik Co. 'doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and state'
aforesaid, audit -that said firm ,will pay
• the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every case of cat-
arrh that cannot' be cured -0 the use
of Iiall's Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my peasenee, this fith day of Dec-
ember:: A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally,' and acts• directly on the blood
and mucotes. surfaces Of the system
Send fee •teetimonials free, '
F. J.,CHENEY .4 Co., 'Toledo. 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take HarlIi ninny. Pills for core
• Sir. Percy • Giroeardec appointmetit
to the High Vommissionership of
Nigeria is Said to have special refer-
ences to the development, of a ratiwav
system in that protectorate. •
Mrs, VVilstoW's Soothing SyetIP has
been used by millions or mothers for
their children while teething If dis-
turbed by nighteand broken or your
rest by a sick child suffering and
crying evithepain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a bottle. of
'Wilslow's Soothing' Syrup" for ehild-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
little Sufferer imniediatewe Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
abott it. It cures Diarrhoea, 'regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Celle, soften e the Gums, reduces
Intlaintriation mid gives tone and en-
ergy to the whole syatem. "Mrs.
Winslow"e Soothing Syrup" for Child -
ten teething is pleasant to tho,tikote
and la the preacription of one ef the
eldest and beet female phyeidarts and
Magee In the United States. Prito
25 cents a bottle. Sold by alt drug -
eats throughout the world. n6 sure
and ask for "Mrs. Villaslowta SoOth-
tug Syrup. °
Clinton News.Recora
Goderich :Happenings
AIMS ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS correspondent. •
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Thos. Sturdy fell while going to din-
ner, near Mr. R. Ration's' residence,
and sustairied a rather smiotte injury.
The Daughters of the Empire met
on Monday- of last week In the court
houee. No business of importance was
Mrs. Alcock and little •children of
Vancouver are the goeitse'of •Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Martin,
Miss Ethel Crab is just recovering
from a genuine attack of plumps.
Mr. Reggie Harrison, late of Strat-
ford, alter spending a few days • at
hie home here left on Friday for
his DOW' place Of bushibss in, Ottawa.
We are to • have a wedding at an
early date. The bride to be, ,resides
on Toronto street.
The Smith Bros. and their friends
held a dance at Oftelfellow's. hall on
Burie's.,Anniversary. •
The wooden steamer, Iron Age, Well
IcnoWn *around the lake has been pur-
chased by Captain Willoughby and
Erigineee Richard •Baxter, Goderich,
from J: Corrigao, Cleveland, and will
be put in thecoal trade between Er -e
ie and Sandwich.Those gentlemen
taught 'property in Windsor' also, and
will presumably settle there.
Mrs. Robert Symonds., mother of
Mr. gli Symonds, • town, arid Mrs.
Tagram, Sanford, left on -Monday for
a 'month's visit to her son, Mr. Sy-
monds at Brantford. ;
Mrs. (Rev.) Fear of Exeter •was
the guest Ot Mrs. W. J. Morrow on
January 18th.
Miss Nellie Donogh left on, Thursday
lest for Nashville, Tenni,' but will sp-
enkl a few days en route with retool-
yes in Detroit. , . •
Mrs. 'Tye of Haysoille, Mather of
Mail CleY:k W. D. Tye, is; we are
sorry to say, suffering from indispos-
ition, We trust that She mey soon
recover. •
re. Kemp ef Londone, mother' •of
• H. Keinp,. jeweler GOtterich, is
at the Clinton hospital' undirgering asi
Miss Mamie Knox retereed to bee
position S,t • Toronto, after Spending
her holidays at her home, Newgate
street. • • • • .
Borns-On Thursday, January 17th,
•to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heale at
• 587 Barrenridge ;street, Brooklyn, New
York, a sem-Congratulations,
Miss Iraglis 'accepted the position of
teacher- uv the Central school as Miss'
.Florence Ball will not ratan until
the holiday time at:midsummer, Miss
Ball wishing ,the position t� -be kept
for •her .until lige return !rem Frank,
• Miss Florence (firaham, left.on; Sat-
urda,y for New York where she will
enter Rookevelt hespitafas a nersee
in -training. 'Miss Graham has been a
very successful* teacher.
The county • council' had a. stormy
time last week. Not, in, the • council
chamber, we opine, for it would be
well heated, but outelde the chaMber.
The Club' Algonquin •spent a. Verye
pleasant evening oneJetuary 23rd, it
*fig the dateof their, second dance
this mentlf he Oddrellow's hall: It
was a nierreeparty.-- . ---
Mrs. Leckie returned on Friday from.
her holiday Visit, wich relatiliest at Cie
- Mts. Charlie Symonds spent ,:a cou-
ple of days in: Clinton Yietting. • Mre,
Taylor and Mrs. Torrance. •
Mr. akid Mrs: J.: H. McIlwaine (nee
Mise Aggie "Bruce.carine down from
Grand Forks, North Dakota,tal spend
their holidays with relating • here.
towne they were the guests
•at Mrs. MeIlWaine's dousige, the
Misses Barrie. Mr. MeIlwaine return-
ed to Grand Forks.last week in the
interest of his .husinese there,. . but
Urge -Mei I waine-es- prolcarging-terevis-
it hi hercousince
Dr. Thomas .King - of Souris, Man.;
and bride (nee Miss Ruth Mille, ,Port
Hope) are the guests 4 the former's
brother, R. King, mine host or the
King Edward' hotel. They were Mar-
ried at Brandon, Mine in Decemater.
Mi. W. He Thomson. ,.was called to
Mitdhell lest week by the death of
his young brother, lecitaine,
who Was a third year student of Tor-
an0.1.1nivesity. He was' in his twen-
tieth year. .
Mr. R. Satiates has sold his photo
studio in Woodstock to E. Twitchell
Clintoa. •. • .„
We are sorry ;to • team that Mr.
Charles Tweedie's sarrhas had to be
tat:en ,to Grace hospital ilr .Detroit.
because' of injuries received in falling -
from a ladder.
• Mee. James Reed and daughter MieS
Lttcy.are spending the • winter' with
MrTdiidMts:'flarry --
1Vers„ W, Ae•Ryna.s and her daughter
Miss. Ethel Mee gene to Frank B. C.
to %den =other daugheer, 'Mrs, Pat-
h -tete •
Captain' and Mrs. Puller of the. Am-
erican Soo, ettee VisitingrelatiVes at,
Sebringville for a forlivight, arrived
here to visit Captain and Mrs. Mc-
Diem:id and Mrs, Tat; The Ca'pe
tain has returned to theeStxi, but
'Mrs. Fuller not being very well, re-
mains here until sufficiently recover-.
ed to return gorne. '
Mr. and airs. Tromanbauser han I
rented the pretty residence of Mrs.
Wf A. Ilynao.
Mrs, James Reid.and daughter, Who
are spending the winter in Beyfield
with 'Mts. Ferguson, • were last week
the guests of Mrs. Charlie: Symonds
of town.
'Mrs. M. IL' Morrie returned 'last
week from lter visit:to Detroit and
Signal staff Was married in New
YOrk City on the 18th ir.st. to' Mrs,
Polly McLean, daughter of Mr.. Janes
Whyard of Dungannon.,.
Mr. John, T. Ellis, for•merly, pro-
prietor 4 .the Hurine hetet in this
town', was in Goderielt lasts week re-
presenting a, Toronto firm.
Mrs. Richard Parsons and her sis-
ter', Nes, Oke •of Seaforth, have re-
turned to their reepective places of
abode after attending the funeral of
their brother, the late Rev. Charles
L. Bowlby, 'formerly of Hamilton hut
of late of. Dundee. Nineteen clergy-
men of the different Methodist, chur-
ches in the vicinity attended the fun-
eral, eigItt of thein acting as pall -
-Mrs, Sam. • Hart returned to her
home in Hannah, North' Dakota, after
a, very pleasant visit to her sister -in
law, Mrs, Charlie Symonehe Mr.
Hart is. proprietor of the Tourists'
hotel in Hannah.. While Mrs. Hart
Was here.Mrs. • Symonds , held a re-
union ip her honor, among these pre-
sent being.: the Treble, Jane, • and
Walters realities ot Benmiller„ the
Misses Cornielt and their brother •• of
Kincardine, end Mr, and Mrs. W. In-
graham and other members .of. the
Symonds family of Saltford. ;
It is with deep regret that we are
Oiled upon to chronicle the death of
William Horace 'Kneeshew, second eon
of bur townsrnan, 'Mr. Albert Keee-
shaw. After the Gaderich Organ Fac-
tory was eo.nsitmed by fere some time
ago, the yo.thig eau, lett . •home Ler
Dundee, but later aceepted, a positiou.
In the Robert. Stewart factory, at
Guelph,_ where he spent. two and' a
half years, After spendinghis vaca-
tion at his home here he retained .to
Guelph, but becoming indisposed. very
soon after, he came hack to his home
hemorrhages setting in, wheel; were
very hard to stop, but gradually .ec-
gaining Ifis strengthihe =dills faintly
felt gene assured:of his. rapid recoi..
ery but it'. eras all ih vain,the hope
given: them.The hemorrhage returued,
and on Thursday, •Jan. 17111, the
faithful ' son 'anti • brother. Was taken
to his eternal reward. For eight and
• hall years he was e rennet:I em-
ployee of the Gederieh Organ Factory.
Diligent in all things pertaining to
church and home; •and.a -genius at hie
work.' The funeral took 'place Irma
the family residence on Saterdeye at
3 p. m., Ree: Meek Turnbull .officiat-
ing -at house assisted by Rev. Mr.:
Davidson, of ,St. Joseph's churoh,
G•ueIph; and. Rev. Mark Turnbull at
Maitland Cemetery, -Rev. Mr. David-
son h'aeing to 'take the ..,:teturn'erallt•
for. London. The pallbearers were his
estemeed dompanions et4hoeffe.:Idessrs.
'Charles Smith, John Wiggins, Ken-
heth McLeod', Jack Nicholson and
Montague Colborne. Aithough !no
flowers' 'knee eprinted :upon the funer-
al Carde, the coopers: of the W.. 0.F:
mill sent a pretty wreath to ,place on
the Casket, also Mr. and Mee. John
-Shave, alerge bunch of; crimson car-
nations; a pretty bunch of ilowers bore
e pare with d 'gospel text upon*, all
from 'lawn. The other tributes were
'from Guelph, .afe follows te . A large
buneli of lilies of the Valley from the
surpliced ehoireor St: George's cherek
Gueiph,•let which the yoUeg Mae was
a 'valued reemher; ecneely 'Wreath from
Robert Stewart, manager of the far-
t**, an ; anchor of White and, pink
*carnations, e and .lovely White lilies
from the employes of :the Bartle, -!
Magnificent Wreath Of liege •crlinsort
:eosese' calla and, easter lilies: with
ciieneen carnationg and neatieen-* hair
fern., tied.With large how's: of crimson
satin ribbon.; tribute of Guelph lefee
sonic order, a large Wreath of lilies,
roses and fern, from the • Sons of
Englaud Royal. Ciey lodge -rind- a. le*
bunch of -ceirneon carnations tram the
IVIisees Swalxn, Gtielple. Mr: Rhyde,
delegate from the Saes of England,
Guelph; Mr. Whitlock, . delegate • from
St. George's choir, Guelph, mid Mr.
Smith, delegate from the Sons • of
England, Guelph, all attended the fit-
herat, but left by the 3p. m. train
tor theix homes inetheee Royal City.'
Miss JoneS,, sitter. of. 'Mrs. Albert
.:1(neesitaiv, arrived from Botwmarieitle
in time for the. funeral,. which wag
very large. eThe. A.O.F. attended, the
Officers 'only • wearing their • ebnitges,
and the officers of Maitland lodge de-
ing the same, an the late ALbeet Knee -
:thaw wished only a quiet funeral, and
no flowers en casket or grave. Be -
Sides Ms parents he i$ Survistgd -by 5
brothers., Messrs. Toni', Alex, Harry,
..Ernest :and, Albett Kneealtaw, and.oile
sister, Miss. Lizzie Kneeshaw, all .es-
teemed, by our citizens. •
hum severe4 strpnv,siwpgytjgr,q
the present 'goVeitiment Who• aro in-
dignant. -Look at the situation. It
was contended by the promoters that
a small or bare majority would: re
suit in the repeal ,of the by-law, etc.
How is it now ? The opponents 1100
broeht on eight • repeal contests,
where in some instaates •.the mete:gee
ties were small, and yet in, only one
did they succeed; and in every ease
the la.w was .sustained by inereased
majobitiee. Toronto Junction., which
was Wolfed upon largely as test case
-after three years trial, sustained
by increasing their majority from 190
to 333, a subst•antial proof that 8-5
is not required, and that the law .is
a benefit. The en:fairness of the 3-5
requirement is manifest more particu-
larly in such cases as Colliugwood,
where the . vote stood: for. 795; as
against, 549.a straiglit majority in
favor of •the by-law 'of 246, yet not
sufficient to carry.
The temperance people protested
strongly against the requirement,
when it was being discussed, "an they
did under somewhat similar eircunee
stances concerning the • referendum
majority and no doubt- will be pre-
pared, with increased assistance, to
demand'a change in, thelaw, or some-
thing else.
• We have no •quarrel with the hotel,
that is a neeeesity; and the bar is not
a legitiMate part of it. The fact is
that in -many of the best hotels, even
in licensed distriots, they are separ-
ating them entirely and making the
ticiTh°oes?tehlionyp'rtcha.ellig;:reefaestavoipdOweetrtohef the theme
'Outlaiw the treating system aect you
traffic. Yeu save not only, many cif
our best citizens, but the et:dug man-
hood of our etotint•ry.
' When, will our keen business men,
and influential *chilled :people realize
thee; tremendous responsibility and
wonderful privilege in voting it -out.
This is the Tigne
• •
This is the time Orthe year whe
business. men as a rule, send o'u
their accottnte. The practice ,of ren
tiering the accounts at least Once:
every year has become Very popular
and nearly every busincia man ,no
follows that =stem.. Seine *person
deern it an Insult if an aceount ia sen
to them, through' no man, bot
should not he loOlted at in this waY
as 14. is the ..proper way . and mut
more satielactoey than having the ae
count laying around loose for som
Menthe. The business Man gets „hi
account 1 ram the wholesale house
,every monthand genera:11Y has te set
tle 'them at short date•egures
-Athrertisint Simplifled.
Advertising , -is • becoming More en
more the business Of eXperts, to th
great relief and benefit or all classes
of advertisers. Many firms and in
diViduals.require to advertise,.• an
are at, a loss just how .to reaoh in!th
hest possible manner the peonle the
desire to reach; and it oftenehappen
that much thee and labor are. lost
and considerable money Spent •liefor
wavertisers learn Where and Meet, to
get the beet possible returns,fer their
efforts. A firm which imdertalees t
arrange for ell classee'ef 'edvertisin
in all classes o! publicatiens, fron
the daily ,paper to. the yearly. vetoer:
is, It:twee:ire, 'filling a' place . in, th
business life of 'Canada which came
.-well be filled •iii any other way; an
this 40 whit the Woocle-Norris, Lim
ited, dein. . :
The . business; whiehe was eefablisbed
several . years age by Mire J. H.
Weds,:scineeof-the most- 'experience'd
newspaper men 'of the Dorninion,. has
g10101:„ SO ' rapidly that it was neces-
saey to add: to* the firm; and Mt. C
C: NOUN, who was one ofthe bes
_known. _and Aust populartadVertisie
•agents in • Canada, joined the firm, as
announced: gam month's •ago. Woods -
Norris, Limited, Mail building, , Bay
street; Toronto, is now ,one of the
best eetabliehed eiruis of advertisers
and can aitang,o business' for all de-
sirous advertising .i.ri any e paper,
magazine, or ' -other publication' ----not
only in °made, but ie any part of
Me world. •The well trebled coed ex-
perienced staff oreill'e firm.. is: prepar-
ed' to •write, out all classep of adver-
tising mattet, arrange •for 'seek Bites-
trations as . may • be desired; and to
deal with every detail .necessary to
make' an advertisement the success it
invariably is whert plaeed. by a capable
and. eXperienced• firm. . 4 member of
the staff will call on any fir -in desir-
ous Of tallcieg' ver • advertising busi-
ness, and whether the advertising de -
Wires to. use space in, one; or in; •' a
theyeand publications the exadf ' coat
cm _always• be aseertained before en-
tering on •the business. "." •
The office. of Woods -Norris, Limit-
ed,. axe canuraellatis, splendidly light-
ed, well ventilated and ' finely equip-
Pekl. They •occupy the entire front
floor of the second flat of the Mail
buildieg overlooking Xing street and
an jest been overhauled and thor-
oughly tenovated to meet 140 require-
ments 'of.. the firm. There is- a floor
space of one thousand. tight( hundred
feet, and the selanat 'departments are
trranged to the best poss.ible
vantage to insure facility in the work
of the agency. In the. east part of
he , looking out en King
street . are located. the spaciotta pri-
'ate oflices of the members of the
firm: Meagre, Woods- A: Norris.. In
the main collet the different depart..
ments are divided by Meets of rail -
nes, allotments being made for tbe
ookkeepers, treasurer, copy writers;
fitt stenographers. Comiderable space
s giVen over to the checking depart.,
tent, which is a very important part
f the business, cd an advertising ag-
tincTinaCgaanzlindelasil, earlier f°tbeeigig aeePkeet,:81:
re filed touter system whiclf
&nit of the. men ite tharge placing
heir hone.; on any palter reqpired at,
few momentePototiee. At the en
ranee to the, (slices there is% an en -
)(noire form by a writing counter,
vhith is utilized as a waiting room.
‘;very •attention is Paid to the min -
teat details of the busineso Dy
rained and practical staff, •and pat -
ons will find their enquiries are al -
age promptly attend to.
• Local Option
Editor 'of. The News-Ftecord. •
• presume I am safe in saying that
never before in the history of Ontario
was the question' of the bar-rooni 'Yoe
and against) been before se many as
a straight issue; as in the recent lo-
cal Option campaign; aed never before
has there been such a. clear and de-
cided' expression given, where.the vote
was easi, against its existenee.
As the latest reports show, the fol-
lowing are the results. The Vote was
taken in 100 municipalities -8 for re-
peal of the law, and in 97 a majority.
was for local optien
The aggregate polled for fs, 10309
The aggregate againstejs . 441
Majority let 9868
In the places where the vote ar-
London. ried., 83 licenses will be cut oiffIt
Mrs,. W. Logan returnee. to her might lave been .one e hundred and
thirty more were it not for the un -
home in Buffalo last weele,
fair sixty ,per cent. required. •
The Jackson Mfg. Company of Clide In view 'of these fac;e; wliat are
ton -Wetted out their braneh here last
some of the lessons we may te,giti-
week, ..
•• mately draw?
All interested in Christian work . One certainly is that the people are
will, no donbt, make an effort to at-
om,g more thoroughly aroused to the
fend the lecture be given la Knox unnatural and destruetive th.aracter
church! ott Monday evening next by of the licensed traffic.- The temper -
Mrs. • Leonides flubliatd, MI A-
Womatt's. Way "-- anee'Vdte and sentiment is growing
Through' tfullal°wu stronger every year. Another less"
Labtatior.'' ris• thee there is a thorough awakening
Mr. Xritle Stewar• t has returned to of the temperance people of both p0'.
Winnipeg. litical parties to the injustice of the r
110. Harold Turner, formerly of the sixty per tent. &MSC,
, •••* eikee. • • •••• MM.* ..wgr 10.4. a. or
January 31st, 1907
morlim• mouliiimay,rsapismomokomis
-,--, ,e, ,—
,,,,,.,--r- ....- . ,r, -veue,...,a.e.),,.e..,,
IS Very • Often acqulred,
though generally
, Bad hygiene, foul air, imPuro
water, are aniong its causes.
It is called "the soil for,
tubercles," and where it, is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or consumption is
pretty sure to take root.
.Removes every trace of
scrofula. Get Hood's.
FOP testimonials of remarkable anent
send for Book on Scrofula, No. 1.
C. 1. Hood Co... Lowell, Mau
46• : in t°111:LlYine oOIN:tleineB:S, TTra-
* dning Instituted in Canada ft
* and that one is bile well- •ea
46* known '
* COLLEGE of Torento.
* Best in Courses of Study. *
* Best in muleteers and exper-
'* catalogue? It explains our ,*
* methods, Get it before_ yea *
* de-CIde whioh school you will *
# attend. WINTER TERM *
• , W. H. HAW, Principal, #
• *
Young dr Gerrard Ses.,.. *
*• Toronto. *
•*-41-444iiiiir.'44744+443TPWW •
AXe you aneciotte to escape thee/old-.
weaener and snow mai spend the win-
ter' in the "Land of Fruit and Flow-
ers ?" • Winter tourist ticieets -are ens
'sale daily, and if you are contemplat-
ing a trip set that youri tickets are.
routed yia, the Grand 'Trank.
:For full -information as to . rates
routes and trite serteiee ean' On ,
F. R. Hodgens Town Agent.
• J. D. McDonald, District Passenger
agent, Toronto,.•
A. 0. Pattison, Depot 'Agent.
On Wednesday or last 'week there
passed away one of our oldest rest -
dente; in the death of 'kis. Raywards •
• after a long illness. •Deceased who.
was .in her eighty-ninth • year, 'hue al-
ways •lived with her only daughter, '
Mrs 14 Cook of the :ninth con., Wee*
eweaeosh,. and tlie funeral took' place •
•frorn M Cook's residence to Duo -
genii= Cemetery on Friday after -
neon: Services at'. houseand grave-._
sidewere donducted by Rev. W. A.
Snnthr •
' The :Montreal Beard -Ler Trade -wile -----
petition for theereinonl Of the • taX
on Olvieese.
John Fyle' and fifteen Heedershott
Were rundown by an express train -
wear• Dufferin •;arid ,killed. _•
• Obstinate Face Sores
Refused -to (Nese for 4 Years:
• .1
Zate-Buk-Healed Them -Inside of e wee
• Have you some ulcer, er s Wee. tr
Wound, on any part or your 'tic -try
which has hitherto, refused to close,
no matter horw treated' -11- so that
is a case for •Zam-Beik, the greet her -
t1 balm. ,The herbal saps and ess-
ewes ih this balm axe so powerful
that they ban heal the \vont capes of
chronic sores, ulcers, blood .poisoa.
and skin diseases. Here are proofs of
these :
• Mrs. W, H. Taylor of. North Bay,
'Ont., says : had a scaly spot as
as a tee cent piece on my face.
I had it for fouryearse and hardly a
night during that time went by but
what- I applied cold cream, or some
ointment or other, but it wouldeal-
wayi be there, 1 gecently • applied
Zam-Buk, and in about a week's time
the spot had disappeared completely.
I cannot Meek you enowehefor your
reinedy, and / tell eVeryone to; be sure
and keep Zarn-Buk in.their house."'
Mrs. S. J. Holden', •of .343 West
Hannah street, Ilarnilton, bays. ',!My
little girl hada 'toning sere on her
leg which defied all treatment 1 ap-
plied Zain-Buk, and in, atbont a week's
time the wound was closed. I •have
found Zam-Buk ,just as good for oth-
er skintroubles.'' '
Mr. J. Hamilton, of .Thornbury,
sags : "The 'first Zarn-Buk 1 obtain-
ed Was for a,ftiend who had 'an: °heti-
nate Sore on her temple, It had been •
treated once -or 'twice by a doctor,
and would heal up for a time, 'but*
would break out, again. Zatre-Duk
healet'e it permanently, and it shows
no sign whatever of returning."
Similar grateful testimony is • to
hand from men and WoVnen. Itt all
parts of Canada. •Zatn-Buk is a sure
cure for all skin eliseases and injuries
such as cuts, burns, brufses, eezomat
Peertasis, ulcers, scalp sores, cola .
sores, citalMed hands, itch, rashes,
totter, frite sores, etC. /t is also an
=et:Keeled embrocation, and rubbed
well on to parts aitpoted tures rheu-
matism, seiatiea, neuralgia, colds on
chest, ole. All druggists sell at '60o
a box, or may be Obtained poet free,
from `Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon ro-
otipt ot priee. •6 boxes to $2 5