HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-24, Page 5' r January 24th, 1907 {, %f7 The Clinton Newa.Reeord • - O SO S • BANK �Y�. '�1'.fi�, iLG�•"O�'rc�A�%'Qf.,n�Wn1T�!'.iM7!+WY'.�w��Mat•rorr:rarrrrn+'c ., •Y.trn aa. IOM. i r y tlil 4 a ioopo.—Re II I Ir :I Farmers' Sale;, Notes iraihed or 'Collected.- DAatts op all po- tttuh' ln, the I?ominiop, 41'zuat Britain, United States and all Foreign Countries bought and 'gid at.'beat rates. Advancea made to: Farnrers., Stock Veale and Business Men at lowest l ateeR. and on WO t laavorable terms, . ' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.,-/N.Volit,n a St and up- ward; received..- Interest) altowed "at .current Wee from.•date of deposit, compount" s.t{- and added to principal June 30th aad'DeOOMbc•. . • 4 • - " • C. E. DOWDING, Manapc-' • CLINTON • ••••••••9c•••••••••••••1 •• 1 t School Watches • There are few more pleasing events- in the life of the average boy • or girl than the arrival of their first watch. We canlore you g Boys' Watches at $1, $1.25 and $5. ""- Girls' Watches, of . gun gun metal, $4,- 10 Gold Filled led $8 & ], --- I. A.. J. GRIGG • ` s Jeweler and Optician. ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• January Salk of China Just toMake .things move in the qyJanuar we will quiet month of make a gut in our Dinner Sets and China:. Twelve and fifteen dollar DinneeF�, Sets on Saturday for Ten., do11aft. Six and Seven dallar Tea sets< on Saturday for Five Dollars., Af11 prices, on _China cut one-third. CALL AND . SEE 'US. A. D. BEATON The People's Grocer. • ••••4••••••••••• N•••••• Wielded. HIDES AND SHEEP SIC INS FOR WHICH .I WILT, PAY TH HIGHEST MAR- KET PRICE DELIVERED AT MY HIDE HOUSE • IN CLINTON': --o: S,_ JOAN. THERE CAME TO THE ,PREMIS- ee of the undersigned at Lot -•.1.0, 'Bayfield Line; Goderich Township,. about the first of November last, one white lamb. The owner ie re-' quested toprove P ro crt�, pay ex- pellees and take the lamb away.- Edward Marshall, Clinton P. 0. 56 E. C C AN H AP .�IER� . • UPHOLSTERER Formerly withJohn Kay & Sons of Toronto. • it 1 iA good line of covers carried. led. 1 IBest work at lowest„ rates. Z .• `e Agent for • CORD FOR SALE.-LARGEE AM - aunt of. best American yellow corn. Cash or. time as arranged, also. in exchange .for any kind of grain. Now is, the time to buy corn' while it is' cheap. Sure , to be -10 cents a, bush- el, higher later on. _D_rlve right to the warehouse. -•W, G: Perrin. 56-4 CARD ,OF' THANKS.e- I i1FSIRE i. r ns 1 is the, heat tha h to express my y electors for the ' splend ei support given me in the contest just,clased. - Upon me .now rests the obligation to prove niyseli worthy of that sup - patt. It will be my honest' endeev- or to so fill the position to which , n you have raised me that�„ a one may. regret having 'given me their Confid- ence., Wishing all a Happy and ,pion. perous New , Year, I •ant, Faithfully y,purs, TI. Wiltse, 11I'EETING OF THE . HtiRON County Council. -The cou'r. lilen the County of I-Itteon will. . Meet in 'the council chamber in , the town of GodericI. on . Tuesday, the, twenty second day of this ma�tti ' at three ° o'clock in the afternoon e Accounts to be dealt with by the council must he placed with the Clerk lie - fore the above .. date: -W. Lane, Glerl:.. Dated .Jan. 22nd, 1907;• ANNUAL: MEETTNR-THE ANN - eel NN -e l' meeting of the McKilloii Monte' Fico Insurance.. Company : wilt `' be. S rtte held in the town hall,. ., sofa on , Friday, January 18t11 at One'a'cloclt p. ':m. Business. :' :to receive the ati nual statement, ctirectoi5 and : audi- tors reports, the electing of three directors and other business for the good acid welfare . of tlit ' company. _ J G. tors re ohn retiring duaca Tho ret g , Eve r -0.. Jas. Winbh o P Grieve, ,1 , , �J len. -• nd, o anus; � ,Bccohwoad, a �, Benne-- wale, Brodha;gen, who • are' open- ;to re-e+lectign..-Thos. E. Hays, Socre- tary ; J. B. McLean, President. •53-3 Marriages. WATSON - MILLI':R.•--At the resi- dence of the bride's parents in Clinton on January 23r4, by the veffeennWvetie Jeiliffe;-•.Nor --dine ear (Nona), 'daughter of Mr. and ° H. Watson of Lashburn, Sask. 'McQABE-.JOHNSTON'-In Goderich, on January 16th, by Rey. W. H. Graham, , Rabt.• McCabe of Goder- ich to Mettle; daughter of &fr. end) .Mrs. Samuel Johnstoaty4 Goderich township. ARMSTRONG—FAIRSERVICE" .-At the residence of the bride', uncle, Mr. John Watt, Hullett, on Jana wary 16th, by Rev. Neil M. Leek ie, Richard. Armstrong of Grey to Margaret Fellirservice of Hullett. CADWELL--ISBISTER-At Burnside Farm, Morris, ow January 90, by Ren. D. Perris, John Ws Cadwell of Saskatoon, Sask., to Nin Jear netts, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister of Morris. CHRISTIE-CRI.CII.-At 'the residen- ce esiderco of the bride's father, on Janu- ary anuary 16th, by Rev. A. IC, Birks, James A, Christie of Stirling, to Martha A., eldestdaughter of Mr,• Abram Crich of Sea,fort1t. Births. SWANSON-In Wingham,l an January 11t1i; to Mr. and Mrs; Chas. W. Swanson, a son. January 'In J Wingham, on an ..y • lith, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Is- . sad, a son. •. LANE -In: Seofoxtl, on January 17th, , ' to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Lane,. a TAYLOR -In Morris, on January 14th, 'to. Mr. and Mrs, Chas: K. Taylor, a' son ny , --. - --- _-Deaths:w Port Albert., Mrs. A, 0. Hawitfne visited friends itl Goderich during thepast week, H.1 .den is again able to attend ibis when aftwc hunillneas-with.ntumpie Mr. Kuntz of Arcola, mask., visited Yiia bro'th"ex•Jeliii:at`tha Gaal anter here during the pact week. Mee. F. Cunningham is improving again after her illness. Thal. 0. F. hold their oyster stepper and ball on the 20th of this momGb. Jake McGee le again on the road with his butcher cart. The heavy rain has again made the ice scarce on the mill pond. ALLEN. -In Clinton an January 19, John Allen, aged, 19 yearn. PICKARD;-fn Goderioh township on January 18, Mrs. •. John Pickard, 73 years and 1 days. ,ag+ed 1 y KEYS.- In Stanley township on January 2T; Mrs. William Keys; l Fine d 0 . Sr.,of the Bab on L a 7 y r � ts.... :pears and 4 n}oivtl • McGUIRE-In Wingllam, on Janauary' •16th, James McGuire, in his 62nd • year. . WALLACE-In West 'Wawanesk, ' on January 12th; Susan, relict ori .the late 'Thomas Wallace,. aged .73 ye- ars -and -4 months. 'BROOKS -In •Blyth, -on January 6th CYiliam Brooks, aged 62 -years. BURROWS -In Goderich, on January 10th, Annie, daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Burrows. KNEESHAW=-In •Goderich, , on.Janu- ary 17 th, ;ilaliam Horace, second son of Mr. Albert 'Kneeshaw,.. • in ,his '29th, year. . GROSS -Ii Brussels on January :14, •. ' John Cross, ,aged 3.5 years. FTRETT.OIv-'.n Brussels on January' 15th, Jane McCracken, wife of Ja- mes Stre4ton,' Sr., ' aged 71 years • and 4 niantlhe., BRICK STORE FOR SALE - ONE door south of The. News -Record '.of `�orW. cGar �, o - J'n.M floe. Apply of ah T. O'Neil. 48 STORE TO RENT -=THE. ONE FOR - needy It • has met>` occupied by,myself. el y y. is overhauled and u h1 over e been thOIO now- One of•the .1Angsoniest stores SINGER SEWING _ in Clinton.. --Thos. Jackson Sr 48 MACHINES , s it and arts. FEEDING -•I. HAVL'.ON, :HAND A Needle., O p. quantity of . Oat . Seeds, also the Best American 'Corn Shorts 'fid. In the old Watts Drug Store. • all kinds 'of feeding; For cash or 4 exchange of grain: --W . ' G., Smith.. 52-74 2. 5 7 .........4............... Crockery When you needCroeki1 ery it will pay you to .buy from our stock. Glassware Your stock of Glass - 'ware has continually to be replenished. See what we have before =buying elsewhere. - Groceries A QLAivTITY OF CEDAR • POSTS. for 'ale. -Adam. Stewart, Con. 4, Stanley, '.Clinton P, O. ej,PPL CATIONS . FOR OFFICE:- Applies, one addresaed'•to the'under signed 'a marked Applications for Office . twillto received up to 6 o'clock on February •lst for the fol- • lowing positions' Clei>�, Treasurer;, Chief Constable,. etc.; Night Watchmau ,-Cemetery. Sup- erintendent, Assessor.; En'neer Pile Department, Assistant, a nd Stoker. D. L. MACPI-HERSON, • Clex . Leadbury. (fe The new townshipcouncil met on Jan. 14th, at Leadbury, for the first time. in 1007. 'While out shooting on Saturday last Arthur goy, son of Mr. Wm. Hoy of. Walton, by some means slipped and. fell, and the gun discharged, the shot entering his thigh. ' He now lies in' a very critical condition; but is under the care of Dr, Menzies. and bin many ft lends wish him a speedy recovery, • Mr, J. Balfour had a wood bee on Friday last. Mr. 0. Milan entertained a large number of his friends to a party on Friday evening, all pronouncing that Mr: and MrsHaien were genial en- tertainers. tertainers. - WearePasele ?i d to sa that Mr. A. .Iolmesis'improving, after his severe attack of pneumonia; Mr. Wm. Hudie visited with friends. in Goderich township: last week. Fm. to red Scarlett was at hoe tlMr.- his -friends on Friday, Jan._• 11th.i; i hro intend "'� avan'chuecli'�W nt p, s} Mine a box social on "Friday of next week. A good tine is anticipated. • • Childhood Ailments As aremedy for all the ills of child- hood arising from derangements of t o stomach or bowels Baby's Own Tablets, -have no -equal --You-do; not have.tn coal or threate n the little ones to take -them-children like them. The ease with which they can be given as com- pared with liquid medicines will ap- peal,to every mother.: None is spilled or wasted-youknow.just how big •a:, dose has reached the little stomach. And above all mothers have . an abso- lute guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. e cannotpos- sibly They always do. cod, they do harm. Mrs. Edward Donovan, St. Agatha, Que., says "1 ant. delight" ed with Baby's, Own Tablets. • 1 know of no medicine that can equal them in curingthe ills of young children." You - can get the Tablets from any druggist, or by' mail at 25 cents a box by writing Tbe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - elite, Ont. rock-yille,Ont. ' ,,:_, TENDERS WANTED•. ,--TENDERS • uncil Of • ribs Co i e h will be received Y --the-Township .pf Hullett: up to Feb 16th • at 2 p.:m.. Elm Pl bere the supply. at Rock' to be X1000 feet: ofRo an1, . delivered 1;000 feet at the residence of each of the respective Counctll ors. '•Said plankto be. 16 feet long and 24 inches thick.- James Camp- bell, Clerk, • 3t FOR. SALE. -.-TWO •Si'EORTHORN " Bulls of first-class breeding and good colors. -Apply for . particulars to W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, Ont. - In buyilig from us'you are sure of getting!nhwt; fresh goods at prices that will'pl'ease you. 'Your Patrona4go Respect-. fully Solicited. • A. J. Hoiouxy Speoiai Offe • Now is the time to have your —"IOW" - Photo -`190'7" --Photo taken, C,11. Early. aria"' get; bur special offer, Is ti ig until the let day of Jane 19017, J. ,Roberts Photo Artist, ' Clinton It Was Not David . Lindsay of Clinton. The following article ,fran i the .Ed - u monton BulIetan was it first thought ght referred • to a span of Mr. JoJohnLind- say off town.who is of the sante name and is . in the same district, ay , was the: Unfortdttate 'man. ' . Constance ?ire. David. Sutherland •and• Mrs..T. Pollard spent a'few days with friends at Ethel last week. idr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson.enter- tained the young people . to a social ev- in on Thurs da 'ni ht en P g g Master (George Low has been laid up -, . tack of the mumps, s but we h an wit p + are glad to say he is on the mend 1 v tk••Mts' s g ie Macdonald entertained a tow frtends•4`Eom the north on Friday evening. MRS. ADDIE' HARDING.. IMOROBABLY every case of consump- tion begins with a cold, Consumption is • eneralt . d p g y .classed al a hereditary disease, but consumption is not hereditary. ' nes is inherits tional weak e ;A. censtitn d which renders one liable to consump-, tion. . P Even people whp have strong lungs may acquireconsumption from a cold. 12 ri Mrs. Addle 13ardi.n g, 1 W, Bhton g .Ave., f3yracuse, N: Y. writes: ll "`haavea been nserof Pernna for the. lest. twelve years and can truthfully say that there is'no better •'medicine on earth. - • • {{With me •itis a sure preventative for colds and many• other ills. In my home -can always be Mina. a -nettle of Peruna. Two or three times a year -I •am troubled with. my throat. "I. always had to have the . services, of • my physictaan two or three times in each case; {{ Althong'h a user of Perna, F never thought of taking it for my throat until about two y■ears.age. ' '•{{ I tried Peruna tocheck it, and to my great delight I wan not troubled With the smothered and 'choked feeling and never have Since. •"I can check it every time with Perna., . • ' "I. certainly noted • not be Without • Pernna one minute:' ' ' r `A S URE REQ EVENTA C- 4fF=_ PR , [ , - MRS, MARY MEYER. Mrs, Mary Meyer, Thomson avenue, near Shell hoadr•Winfleld, L. L, N. Y., writes: • ' "I havq bean• annoyed with a cough for years. ' { Often itwas so bad that could .n t t I on.d o sleep half the night, • Many peo- ple e thought F had consumption. - j - < A woman, recommended. Porn$ •to me two years age. I began to take 1?eruna-and now X amperfectly free from'a•eough. "I am glad to say that Peruna cured me entirely, ' I take Peruna oeoasion- ally when I do not feel well and I also give it to my children. • { Peeia is the best medicine for coughs and colds.'I have toldd many -people how • much-Pernna -has-helped vine." , A neglected cold is a well=worn path. 'to consumption. Many a pe"r son•catches cold and pays no attention to it. He scarcely recovers from the first ar Y cold when he takes the second. Still he gives it no heed, and possibly takes another cold, -and so on. - He doses `himself.with' .bromides, quinine and various expectorants. His case is catarrh, at this stage, and 'his. - case should be treated as catarrh. .A. common cOld is acute catarrh. Finally, if the cold is allowed to con- tinue, it becomes chronic catarrh: • CONSUMPTION WAS F=EARED. • • MRS. FRANCES WILSON..', Mrs. Frances. Wilson, 32.Nelson•ettr6e Clinton, Mase., writes::, 4 • {{ Find en seen me at , the a ti me of My illness and now, yon would not wonder that I take delight in sounding the raises of Peruna. - "My ailment was a severe cold which, • attacked the bronchial tubes and lenge; I followed your special directions and after using, sia: bottles of Peruna I was on m$ g feet again. "I think Peruna a wonderful medic cine: • -ra All colds, conghe, bronchitis, larynges tis and tonsilitis ehouk be treated as catarrh, 4 in reality -catarrh. ax , as they ar The success of Peruna in relieving` these cases' entirely depends upon the factat. h Peruna is a catarrh remedy„ It relieves catarrh wherever locat ed" in thesystemm W.he.herinthe•throat, bronchial tubes br lungs. li has saved' a tivaltitude of 'picafromcotsnmp- io� . , i t a by Brad oat- '. ing catarrh before it readhe s the The tendency of catarrh of the threat `4 or head is to spread dotenward to the lungs. If takenin time, Perrine will prevent ;E these cases. ' ' We have in our files many testimon isle from people. who thoughtthey` were victims of consumption, but have; been permanently relieved ' bythe faithful use. of. Perna, thus showing that catarrh was really the, canoe of their ailments, CONSUMPTION PREVENTED. Forged Love's Letters Brantford,..Tan. 20. -Pretty Elvira Gottschalk, alias Bell, the 19 -year old daughter of'reepeetable.parents, living near Seaforthl, has been brought to this cityon a'warrant for complicity in a P y, "forgery case in which was secured. by Fred Babcock $200 from the Imperial p .a al Bank : In court Saturday: morning the girl. told the Whole story to the magistrate. She admitted writing the check in Sea - forth and endorsing it as good with the teller the: 'Dominion name , of the to of„ . this: in it to Bank, 9 and brie Ba , 'forth ebringing city, -Where she met'Babcock, Secur- ing'the money, the couple � sloped to Buffalo, Babcok havingProtan iced to marry the -girl.. This he subsequently' refused to do, and Miss Gottschalkre- turned to Seaforth distressed and heartbroken.' cl aimed Ba shmidated bcook' .inti e' her with threats: At first 'she ,liked to dislike w bt the our Jello u young grew y him; as he squandered the money she gave him. Babcock is now. under arrest for forgery and the.npuple will appear on Monday again, ' ThO. 'girl was accom. ps,nied by her father”' arid Rev. Mr; Birks of Seaforth, who pleaded for leniency.. She came --to Brantford last Octoberand fell inwith bad company. reh Gode ic. Master Charles '• Tu rnbull late of the Win am has rc at h Bank of. Ban o e. E been promoted to Brantford. He spent his vacation at St.' George's rectory with his parepte, Rev. Mark :and Petri. Turnbull. • . • ' ' . Froin the"Foreign' MissionaryTid• ings" publishek in Toronto, we copy the followi ng interestin g sore, which appeared in the Jaouarynumber of this year "We referred last month to the re- establishment Of :a hospital on the Lizard Point Reserve by the -Govern - anent, Miss Johnston of Goderich, a trained nurse and Presbyterian, has been appointed nurse in charge. This is the first hospital to be established by the Government in connection with Indians -among whom we labor, but is by no means the first yin connection with Indcai,work. The Lizard Point Reserve is near Birtle, Min." • Mies 14 Ones of Louisville: Kentucky, after paying' a pleasant visit to .her friends in Buffalo, arrived on Satur- dayafternoon at the residence of her cousin, Mrs. J.Grant'Maceiregor, Mr. A. T. Cooper drove „up from' Clinton 'on Sunday last to take part in the gospel temperance meeting. He spoke at some length on the great suc- cess with which the cause of temper- ance is: meeting, especielle by the Gov- ernment taking a more active, part in enforcing: the laws relating to the sale of liquor. A quartette composed of the Misses Allan, Wightman and Parke wab 'much appreciated. The chair was occupied,by Mr. J. E. Tom. Mrs. Stahleker is gaining the use of her liteb which was broken some weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Bonthorn of Hensall 'Were guests the- past week of Mr. and Mrs. .'. B. During JPSaturday night's severe wind storm one of the big chimneys on the North street Methodist church went Ov\er with a crash 'smashing through the'roof and"ceiling of the choir loft and almost wrecking the organ. A number ofthe pipes Were. broken and bricks,_ mortar and dust went down many of the otherai. It is hark .to tell as yet what the damago will he until it careful eicaminetionis made. The dust and mortar will have a most injurious effect on the delicate mechanism of the instrument. The services of the chd ch were held ,in the basement to -day. Repairs will be commenced to -morrow Meriting to the roof and organ. The Wind storm Was one of the most severe of the sensori, llmbid"kig blown from trees and general damage done. .Stettler, Jan. 4th. -David • Lindsay, a homesteader; whose • place is about forty-three miles east, was found' dead. on:. the ranches of Mr. Sterret, according to the Indepenadeiivt. From the Meagre particulars that are ' to halite, it appears that •MessrseeSterret and Lindsay were either in paltrier-, ship or, were combining, forces foe the• winter. `-Lindsay was living "with Sterret and on • the 22nd ult., Sterret,. after . ending :the • work on the farm, re- turned to the shack about nine a. m. to find Lindsay gone. • There was teething unusual about the occurrence 'and Sterret concluded that. his partner •, had •gone to secure baits to set the • trans, but as the day, wore on lie thought that Lindsay had mane up his mind to go to-Stettler, but as no tidings could he obtained of. him after three days absence; he be- came ;anxious and a 'search was insti- tuted with the result that Lindsay was found dead, lying on bis, face in' a small enclosure, about. three head - tee yards from tile shack. At present, the affair has an air of mystery .which may be easily Cleared' up when aninvestigation is 'made by the N. W. Me Police, . • ;; The • weather beim twarm about that time Lindsay could ,not bane been fro- zen to death. Ile ,Certainly could not have •been lost as )tis body was found within an enclosure ,of 40 acres fenced fwitl'i wire and about one buntterd feet distant front a well from which be ihacl drawn water hundreds of '•,tines, A on was found beside the. b•idy, therefore it is possible he accidently. shot himself while. getit frig through the Cense and . could only manage to .. go r taltnrt• distance afterwards. Mr., James Milli died at Millbrool: . =DR. J.W. in his ' 101st year.: ' ,-OFFICE- Canadian Pacific earnings for. the • second week' in " Janntary showed a RA.T'1 EN Ii ST ry+ decrease of 123,000. CLaINTO $. Yiot�ria. 'bort Shoes . m: Goderich, rs Miss Jennie E.ergusolt, trained tui , e . on of Sagdrnaw; is spending the seas with her mother; Mrs, Frani•: Fergu- son of the Bwyfield Road. - • The Cliildren's 'Aid Society met i'n.the court house an Ttrasday of last week. Mr. Kelso, the provincial sup- erintendent, urges ' the formation of branches throughout the county for the easier dealing with cases arising in• the Various centres. Mr. A Bisset Thom is the secretary'.teasurer and t=o_ltim . cotumuni_C.a.tiouis. Aiay.. be add- ressed to, the president. • The regular meeting af. the W. C.: T. In was held on Monday and was well attended. ittrs, Davidson: conducted the devotional esetoises, after which the president; • Mrs. Paulin, took charge of the business. The treasur- er's report was quite satisfactory. • 8 Every ,young lady who is desirous of fitting herself, so that she may be- -Mime independent so far as gaining a livelihood is concerned, and is judici- ous •enhiigh to prepare agaiiist~ a day of possible adversity; should road: tbo new advertisement of the Winghont . Business College. Thal dainty, butterfly lady, who has the assurance of helm; -spoon tett' through life; need .net read IV -Write them and.. they will tell, you the scoot of their success, which makes attend- ance of this year ,;doubl'e that of last, 'AT{r, 4? 11'. I, n11u3 TABLETS FM, STOMACH, .1 LIVER, KXDNEVS AND FOR CL- EANING THE 'BLOOD. FOR SALT: BY W. A. McCONNELL CLINTON. WHOLESALE PROM' '1'IIE RIVAL HERB AGENCY, KINCARDINE. The Victoria Shoe for Women-'tt ` $2:50, $3 . 00 50 :answ r thequestionof wearing .talk • s' o� fine. 'Thte, quern tion is the first one we are elways asked'byf customers. _ We can an swre es' . y , They . 'Stand. the Wear, - The Alhert'Shoe for Mee has proven itself: the sh•s Enloe it is old' for- The stock in them is A=1 and gives:better satisfaction than' numer- ous other shoes at more .none per pain... .... 4.00 money, .P $ . • :They allhave Style -about them.. Seven different makes o - �-._. _ f • core s 50c, Pc0, „$1D;W. &, $A,.,2. C1m.5p0to$n1,s75 Wanrd$2.,010 & 0._,B. 866" •E' 4,.E. at Specially Good: Values in'Pr. ins Oanadian end' English Makes cif the Banner Maurice, Pot ter,: Swan. $. ' by, •Crum,ni and Grafton, at lee Sc. lee 12sci Harris Yarns.. in factorymakcs of twdand three ply. ' • These yarns' are thoroughly,, scoured and washed and positively all -Wool: • . • . Poplestone & Gardiner The Big Clothiers, BLYTII a,�l.+�•wr�i► ��:•r.�1.�.1►.�•�••w.r4�M►�1►4��•��1-�r�'!►•• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 ,BEFORE �REMUVA, • 1500 Worth of 6roceries:Boots and Shoes and Rubber Gloods, to Dispose of • ..,X441 Everything goes at,cost as we' must dispose .of the goods.: Caine and get the.Bargailns.. Also one coal and woodEeater, and one Platform Scales kr sale. ' CLEE'H:ILL BROS., Ballard's old Stand SOS