HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-24, Page 2Diat-T.-. , Cold fightero. Yow will 6,nd' o snoh" 'cord tightens anywhere #07/08.1 WidtePine & Tar the Weide) and (lapsable (applied outsiae wU cure. any cold that's curable. Then it would be a gooil idea to get one of our hamor-A Vests, we have them for both Ladies and .CCientlemen. • Holmes o I ro. tee'. ' Manufacturing Chemist. Xeep Only Post Office The. Beet. Drug Store. -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE- • ale! Hart soclai CHM I have been appointed agent for the lialesery-Harris Coln - patty in this district add will keep on hand a complete list • of supPlies in thy store oppos- ite the Maisons Bank. r am also continuing „the • flout, feed and seed grain bus- iness and respectfully solicit a a coritinuaoce of your patron- age. 'JA. Ford. COAL' LEAVE YOUR ORDERS.NOW -.FOY YOUR SEASON'S SUP PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- DES WHICH WM, BE SOLD . AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE . PRICE • ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT DAVIS 8; 12:0WI,AN1)'S HARD- - WARE STORE OR WITH W. J Stevenson k 0 e CENTRAL OTRATFORD• ONT. • • THE, LEADING COM- .9 4: IVIERCIAL SCI -1001., 'OF 9 • 1VESTERN ONTARIO. 4 urses are 'thorough 9 ." and practieal while tlfe 9 • teaching is aone by able * • instructors. The ambitiOue • young. Mete and women, wlfo 9 desire to get the hest pos- 9 . 0 Sibleo c,orpniercial trang • • Patronize this schwa while • Business, men axe in searolt 9 9 of our graduatea to All res- 9 • Voneible Positions. The es 4, • 9 time to enter our classes 9 is NOW. Beautiful catalog,- 9 • ue free, • '0 ' • Elliott & 9 Principals. 0 0 0 0 * 000 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 00 oetatteettleaeotto.teeatateeteeesetto. tate e. • e. . • • 'Strong Heads and Skillee a,* ete •*Theed,s to the frent ! • Aiiiind the famous tettea Toignito, Oa. . •• And be properly prepared for bus- iness positions, We deal only in gth Grade Business Education -the kind every man and woman -ahould .have. Oue•eclutol has now the lairet attendance in its history. Comuiencenow. Prepare well and.suc- •CeSS iS certain,. •No trouble for our graduates to get position'; Catalogue free. et. , tirj. Eilitt, Jerinciped. • -at Cote Yonge and • • • , Alemender Streets. 44 tt• , *I's+ • •,:# •:# #:# •:# #:,• #:••:44:* 40 4,40,4 4:14 #:* • 4*,......6*************Aik THE FIRST DAY The that day of the win- • - ter terin will be. ' January 2nd, --1'90.11' • We will them re -open .with undoubtedly she largpst class 9 in the history of Ihs sehote t If you want tbe edueation tlaafprepales fin• good posi- tions, *site for our •catalog. It costs nothing% •- • • • • . . THE . . Berlin Business College . • W. D. Euler, 'Principal i Real Estate or Sale FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH CON. t Stanley 'township, containing 175 acres. a mile from school, a mile from Presbyterian and Methodist chuachee and postoffice, 7 .miles hem Hensall and 4 miles from Kippen station. There are on the ptemises three barns, 64.x40, 70x28, 50x28, all in good' repair. Comfortable log and frame house. 22 acres in fall wheat. All fenced, 100 acres well underdrained and the remaining, 75 acres drained .by township ditch running through. Never failiag well at the house with• a new Brantford pumping mill, also a never falling spring back on the farm. le acres good bearing orchard. 'ND tarm, is in a first-class state of culti7ation and is situated in one of the best grain growing sections in the pro,. vince. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the eurchaser. For further ir.formation apply on the premises or address George Cole- man, Hillsgreen P. 0. 47 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. , 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well fenced, underdrained and in a good state ot cultivation. 1 acre of or- chard and smelt fruit. On the pre- mises le a two story brick house with slate reef, a first-class far& house, a barn, size, 40 x 80 with stone stabling, a cement silo 14x30, good driving house, pig pen and ben ,house. Two never -fail- ing wells. 'This farm is situated 3 miles from Itrucefield, 5 from Cline • ton and on od gravel road, Ap- • ply on th• premises or address Albert T,jj7t, Clinton P. 0. • 02 FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND he. quarter miles .from churcla post - office, school, and the village of Auburn: Suitable for grata or grass. Lot 27 on the•end con. 'West Wawatiosh consisting of 1,00 acres of land, 15 acres under bush ane the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 5260, a driving house 24x36 with a cemeut pig house un4erne#1r, are on sat promises. Moo lot 28, East Weevanosh, 2nd con.'directly opposi I The said lot 27, containing 100 acres. of land, 15 acres of whist' ere bush. On this lot there is a bank barn 40010. There are 4 acres of good -h---"---btatr'ing'-trttirard-orr-the-twet-tea-m ' Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never foaling slating rune across both farms. Possettion can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thoetas Nich- olson; Auburn P. 0. •Prompt reply will'he given to ail communicate Ions. .PAIIM TO REN'ILI,OT 15, CON, 18, Hallett, 150 acre*, known as the Xelly fe,rin.-Annly to W. Ilrydone r HOUSE 'FOR SALE•LTHESFWE roomed house now occupied. by Jam- es Livermore is offered or sale: Good stone cellar; all lands _Of sine all fruit, hard and -soft water. Will be sold* cheap. Apply to Jamet Livermore. • • 46 FARM FOR SALE. -WEST of lot 7, South Boundary, and West half of lot 3, con. 4,• Stanley, con- sisting of 102 .acres, 8 acres bush, the remainder seeded down aitteepf- bag 30 acres. The place is well fen- ced and drained, and watered • by spring creek. Frame barn. • Thie - fartn is situated oa tite Town Line, • two milt -west' of Kippen station,, •Apply on the premises or addnees James C. Parsons, Kippen, Ont. 32 • FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Lot 13, con. 16, Gbderich township. consisting of 80 acres, 65 . acres, cleared, balance bush, 'Good barn and ,„comfortable house. Well wat. ered by two good terming streams. a mile from echo). and 1 mile front postoffice, Will be-soId on eany ternoe-Apply to T.. 'r, .1i[tutPhYs Clinton. • 35 if FARM FAR SALE. -THE UNDER - signed. offers for sale pert of Wt. 40 on the Bayfied Read, 1 •mule south of Clinton, consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house :With ate ohe caner, barn •36x70 with cenieut baeernent. Easy , A. Smith, • . . .40 • HOUSE FOR„SALE - LARGE frame house on Wellington. street, Clinton, lately oceupied by F. C. Alleock. 7 rooma and pantry, wood- shed, geed' stone cellar, hard and soft water, a ante of land. A sp- 'Wend chance for a person wanting a good • house, Apply . to Mrs. Chid - ley or to IVirst ,Alteock. 89 FARM FOR, SAL. -LOP 80 AN part $1, 'Con, 5, adieitt# consisting of 117 acres. 15 aeres good hard- wood hash, balance under cultive- ton. C,, 're barns. Weil watered and fenced. Bearing orchard, 1.1, miles ftoin stoic, postofilce, church and school, Will be sold on easy terms as the undersigned. intends going West. -- R. J.• Miller, 'Clinton P. O. - 14 C 1 1 1('0E-SALE-1nAmm HOUSE AND 'lot on 1.h:ince:as street, 11 rooms, hard and soft water. Good Stable, Will be sold' elittip and on cagy tertriS. Meo 4 liivea ofbees and a number of ben tinn- can. 89 LOOK OUT FOR THIS MAN 1 J.laft Offers leenething."betiat" than Ilinalete-COneartatraettereaVe._ additional Profit or inferior •good e the at ten et 'him. Peittatn'a itt the one Sureland painless cu)e, Uee no other- 0.0 R. Motlierviell Of tife,PaS- hatchewan Governmeat enamel:0e th- at they are eonside•riag the pinehase Or lease -of OM areas and the mining of their owe: coal. •, HELP NEAR AT HAND Is What Yoke want rwhen: sickness hait ppm, at ntght. Cart you possible find tele equal of Nerviline ? Nu for to sb- atuds, neequalled in curing pain, it:ster- nal or local, :Earaehe, toothache a.nu' neuralgia disappear in a jiffy. Rub it "on and awertilitteethea-paine---For- ctamPt, vemiting or indigestion, all you need W tens drops in sweetened water,. Sick or well you'll flod- Pel - son's ,Nerviline invaluable in your home. Get a large 250 bottle te-day. The lessee caused by the deeliege of Wm, J. McGee, Secretary Treasueee of the People's Atkitual Building So; cietry, Montreal, are • still unkaorene McGee is assisting the auditors to Io cafe the losses. .2 THAT DRY COUGH IS BRONCI-IITiS, neglected it will weaken the th- roat and finally reach the lungs. No. - thing simpler than inhaling -the heal - in g- Vapor of Catarrhozone. Ito action. is liae magic, so helpful, so easy to apply, Be done with trou- ble for all time Cata,rrhoeone does cure the worse eaecS, will cure you, too. Sold everywhere, 25e and $1,00 under absolute guarantee of sitistac- _ . T,Iist town Of Obanaim Sooilatid, ex- perienced a slight earthquake sbock yesterday afternoon. . • WHAT ABOUT YOUR KIDNEYS ? • Your back aches and fairly groans with the distress of kidney trouble. Your, discouraged. • but you inustn,'t give up. The battle can be quickly won when Dr. Hantilton's Pills : get to work. These kidoey Specialists bit • in new health and vitality to young and old alith. Eoda one box proves their marrelaus power. Continue this great healer, and your woos will become, as straw as vigorous, as able to work' as new. ones, Remember this, 'Dr. Hamiltores Pills -aee purely vegetable, they do cure livor,t bladder and kidney trouble. They will cure you or your •money, back. Price 250 per box -at all dealers ' * • , Kingston harbor-is•iliaki to he sink- ing, arid it is feared the city may be overwhelmed by the veA: • Theusands of peoplein Oli•iti and Kentucky are hoarseless and, in •want orenceofint of the:floods. . • , . WHY REMAIN THIN AND -PALE• ? Pale people lime: pale ,blefoth The stomach • is wrong, assimilation is poor and Mod is`not changed , into blood. The system lecke' vitality and reconstructivet _power which ran . be supplied ,by Ferrozone. It limee"s the appetite, digestion is stimulated, wh- at you, tat is transformed into the kind' of nutrimeet your System requ- ires. Vital liqtgiving blood that mak- es t 'its? cheaks, stf engin that defied weariness, • spirit k and ambition all conic from' FerrOzoge. Nothing in )the annals of medicine ape sere to build up mitt strengthens ,asit'errozone. Try a 50c box.' Sold everywhere. h " IVIES S ENGE STORIES Steriee, illustrations' and anecdotes are perhaps the main feature in the -'Northern Messenger.' lent: the stories are so carefully chosen that they ercise a healthy influence uPon the li- ves of old' and young. Then there are 'special departments developed to Tenmeraece, the Sunday. School, • and the• Home. And a section entitled' 'LittlePollts'" 18 printed in •extra la- rge type.. The pePet is so populaxthe at a vast number Of Sunday. SchOola in Canada and the United Statee -are using it to great, advantage, insuring a more regular attendance, besidee; extending their influence for •g,Ood's in the homes of their scholam.-The thern Meseengerl is preiiablY read e- ery week- by well on to a quarter of a million 'peo,ple, and for that reason the price is extremely low. Samples free en .appliCation. 1244 papa weekly1 40e a yet'. S. .8...Clubs a specialtt. Prices on aPitii*. cation: John Dougall tk Son,' Publish- ers, Montreal. " 'Henniker Heaton says at least 93 yer Cent of the lio•useS in Kingston,' Jatitica,are; dionaged beyond repair. Preasident Rootevelt has said he would likt to 'see Abe size of batilee ships limited, hy an leternational ag- reement. ;• ' State'of Ohio, City of-, • Toledo, Lucas Counlyeass.--• teyearilt. J. Cheney nialteS petit that he' partherrof the firm of It. J, Cheney & Co, doing' business in The City of ToIdoe-Courrty and stata aforesaid, and that Said firm" will pay terttirlai--01411I-41-EIND1uE1) 1101r: LAIIS for each arid eVery ease ot cat- arrh that cannot be eured by the Ilse of ITall's Cataerli Cure.. FRAN:I< 3. CHENEY., Sween to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gill day of Dec- ember, A. D. 1880. A. W, GLEASON (Seal) Notary rublie. Catarrh. Care is taken inter - tally, and acts directly otrthe blood and` mucous surfaces of the. abtein Send for testimonies fro: 11. J. CIIENIIIYA Co., Toledo, O. Sold, by Druggists, .75e, Take flatLs Family .1111s for eon. stipation. . • -I etitirtoa Piewa-Reeord .11#110.414e•sleille01111.1011.400,9•40 Mr. Lindsay Williams lett for Tor- onto on Saturday last. Mies Minnie O'Reilley of Buffalo, has. returned to that city, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilley, and sister, Miss Nora. Y.t is the first Christmas time for years that Misses Minnie and No Malley vent at beene, or foul breath, or constipation ? That We not,iceel a geotleasan, in. the peste land of headache is due to liver and stomach disorder, Nine headaches' in tee arise from these cauees. There are two methods of treatment. One is totake headache_powders. Thisls like trying to esea,pc Pain) by taking chloroform.. The other is to correct -tho---organs--which by- their derange:. ment are causing the trouble. That is the Bilean way 1 ileans cure head- ache by their benelletal operataon an the digestive system, the liver and the blood.. C'orrect these properly and you will fiave no more headache. . Mrs. G. R. Meek, a $5 131evins ace, Toronto, soh : "I suffered, acutt ely from headache, The attacks were most violent and made me so ill I could hardly do anything. The head- ache was accompanied by digestive trouble, heartburn, and constipation, and it seenied• as if 1 were going from bad to worse. Until r tried cans I was unable to get anything whielt gave nie relief. Bileane, how- ever, acted like magic. They not on- ly cured the headache, but alsorelie- ved sne a the indigestipm, heartburn and constipation. I -halve paved that, at few doses of Bileans will remove the most violent •headache, end_ as a cure for canstipation, they are . ab- solutely unequalled, No farnalyshould he witliout a. box of Bileans on the shelf:" , • Bileans are purely herbal in their Composition and are. also free from alcohol. They are a cure for all dig- estive and liver disorders, constipation,' Oleg; debility, anaemia, blood impur- ities, colds and chills, rheumatism wind spa,sies, female ailments and ir- regularities, sale* .complexions (due to bile in -the blood), dissinesi, eto. All druggists sell at 50e a box or About Your Headache ...,„ That headache does .not necessaxity mean there is anything wrong with your head -4 -That being -sof-you-must. look to some other organ tor the trouble. Is tile ache ia the forehead, and does it cease U yeu, press it ? That is neuralgic headache. IS it on One Side of the bead only 1 Teat is • what the doctors call minegrim." "Both these forms arise Ixont lack of sone in the system. Is your headache general and accompanied by sickness office on Friday who wore a beauti- ful fur coat which loolted to us liko • leoPereits skln, the pretty brown Spots over a, tawny ground. We as- ked the gentleman if it was What we surmised it to be, and he said '"No 1Vlies,-it -fa -lynx.. Itir-frOni Mountains,''. The gentleman was Mr. Robert Young of the Ituroo Road. We congratulate the Mims Susan and Bea,trIce 1VicNa1en. on their each being chosen as teabhers, Miss Susan at liracebridge and Miss Beatrice at Toronto. They are estimable young ladies ,and we heartily wish 'therie success. • Mrs. lieeney, of tee C. P. R. enter- tained a few friends on Tuesday ev- ening at her pretty residence on Ltg- hth:ouse street. She had the drawing room decorated with evergreens and the chandelier and Christmas Tree neatitifelly illuminated with colored wax candles. The piano too was draped witharte crepe paper and many wax c dles were placed upon it. There were sixty giftsupon the tree, besides Christmas fruits and br- ight decorations. *Wit and" music ass- isted in making the guests, as well' as the. kindly .of their hoot and hostess, as happy as they could wish 10 he on this New Year of 1907, Mrs. M. H. Morris, who has hem in Detroit for- the •last few weeks, will Ware that city. for home On the 19th inst., and will spend a couple of daya on the way, en, roe* for home. The Deugliters ol the Empire will be very glad to welcome Mrs. Morris -back • We don't recollect of seethe so marry fogs, during the winter season, r.s we have had ehis one, • Mr. Reggie Harrison 'has accep•ted a position in Ottawa which we Well know her can fill. Mr.- Allele a drug- gist of Ottawa, -lies two drug stores in that ,city, ond has given, lir. Har- rison 'the management of one of them; 'Mr. Allen was at one time in Clint - Some' of our 'readers said thetateon- ld be tare, pleased to have' us give "Icitlk!' recipe for asalad. she made •at' dhristrea.s. It of course holds gooi as long' as apples 'ate to he bad, "Vheose • as many big, roay apples as -)Tou may 'need. Polisk,therir well! Cut- off tile • tops fairly melt down though slo' not mit in half, Scooli out the ;interior carefully. Grind up soina' Wolou,ts and pecan nute. 'Yon might rim, 'these through your chopper. Mix the' nut meat with :the apple pulp which you ha,Ve „scooped' tint. Add a little celery (rawy cbopped One,' and a little: bit of leittete-yos.tmight melt this. /Cow • pour two table 'sPeallifult of good mayonnaise ever thie mattuee and fill your liolloW apples.. Put • on their :Ude, place' .each. apple On some crisp lettlice leaviis and serve mayon- naise With teem. If .tem lttt not o't, a geed recipe foi mayonnaise, let me give you. oue. • We will give, the • re- teePe° when We get it, Mr. W. Logan of Buffalo, who casne t0. attend the funeral -of the late Alexander Kir6bude has returned to that City. and Mr, Al. Kirkbride of Cheboygan,. Mich, returned t, to his home on 'Saturday.. • •• • •: Lantain and Mrs: Kenner,h Campbell ,lhavc returned ffoni their wedding trip ".and Will reniwin in.:town For a brief .season before leaving for Toledo, their future home. • •• • aliss Hattie Spence on her way to Edmonton Was •detained for a ,shoxt time by the snow blockade.' Miss Hull of Hamilton ,is quite pl- eased With her. dales in ;Goderich having aecepted the situktion in .Mr.' Peter 1,1't Office left vacant hy Mist Breheny, who has gone to train as a nurse in a Montreal ho,epitel. Miss Kate Sullivan, High school teacher, also ,authoress of. a velum° ef. poems and a novel, has returned to her duties in Chicage,aftert,.eeettile • ing her vacation Withher friend, Miss' DOM Fhelan 0,,b -d relatives. in .Wawa-, nosh. - 'Mr. Charles .Saendere, Toronto, '• sp- end last week in tow, the guest -fit his patents, Mr. old Mrs. Alek, San - riders. RATEPAYERS MAKE A RAID. "0"4""0,011+0,-FteaseantiteMuchetheenia, Upon Guerdians With Bludgeons. 14.44.4. 49.4-14,9,lisant_ratePaYers "rin ungitti,, on tile "Vitest-Wiieitti1- Coast, gatherect in the town recently, mamma to the board room of the CiuttrOtalls, and compelled them by threats or violence to rescind two resolutione by which the jay of twO workhouse officiale was increased: - The poor -rate of the Glenties Union is over eight shillings in the pound. and the district is one of the poorest in, Ireland. The men Who assembled in the town on Saturday repreeented every district of the widely scattered They were armed with dicks and bludgeozeta A posse *of police under a district inspector was preeeht, but • made no impression on the crowd of angry ratepayers, -"the ,Guardians were_ so terrified that; with one exceptiol, 117 -tet• die- • claimed any connection with the reso- lutions, The exception was the chair - elan, who point out that one'reselu- tion granting an inereaese et pay le Canton McFadden, the chaplain of -the union, had been passed Unanimously by a full board pf 42 member, and that*th-e-otiter 'resolution -increasing - the pay of Miehael MeNelts, clerk to the union., had.been *tensed by a majority ef sa votes: "The crowd threettenecirta throw him out of the window, and he had to re- sume his seat, "The ratepayers are already over-, burdened," cried one of the invader. "What do the, Guardians expect us to pay in the future? Out with such Guardians? They know the poor of Gocl in the workhouse, but they do' • not know the ,poor of God outside. We'll 41 of us be in the workhouse The crowd did not leave until the' Guardians had rescinded the objec. tionabW resolutions. The furnitpre of -the board room • was •betny damaged by the ' heavy, nailed boots . of the visitors.' When they finally went away they .told :the Guardians they would throw Them all out of, the, window if they had owes - ion to return. • • 'The rescinding tesolution was pass- ; ed in spite of a letter from the Local Government Boardestating that it had, approved' the increase in pay, .and that, therefore,' a reseinding ' resolu- tion would have no legal effect. , • ma, be obtained post free frotri ;ne., Y Mien Ce, Toronto, on rec slit- of price, 6 hoes for $2,50. , Wintering 7it "Hudson 134/. Some interesting fedi" about the present position Of the Canadian Goverrunent steamer Arctic, now win- tering on the north ,shore of Hudson Bey, are contained In a letter from. pne of the crew, published in The St. John's (blade Herald. The letter was 'sent by the Dundee whaler Eelipsee 'which called at Ponds' Inlet on Sept. .29; at which ,time the Arctic had gene intowinter quarters.- The, harbor was land -locked and surrounded by the highest mountains the crew had seen on their trip. On some of the islands claimed for. Canada .be the Arctic; 'they found evidences of copper, coal and iron. The finding of the Franklin relies was related, and the letter stilted that the Amide would cruise northward and Westward . when re-: leseed next Spi#g,:" and expeeted to return to Quebec in October next. The Writer. awaits of; resetting the.: Frarildin.monument hi Feint BeechY, and painting the 'headboards on the graies.of .the seken sailors buried there. The s-rentaiiis -of Franklin's, house still stand enda couple Of beats were found nearby. The crew, or whom nine were from Nemdounda .lend, looked forwied•oxithout, appre-. • ieentien to the corning • e Alfred Beit's Her. Otte; Belt. Who hds fallen heir .to the greater -portion ef Alfred Beit's fortune, has decided to continue to , reside in his own house on, Belgrave. Squares, so he wants to 'sell • Alfred's $5.000,000 palace onJ2sirk Lane. When t. Belwas. building this house . his 00,,ed la!111o,d. the 1)uhe of Vest:. eiinster, Convened -him have it '`OnlY oPe StoreY, as otherwise it would ieterlere with . thedjw itcrosf; Hyde Pelt from the duke's own residence. The teeter omnibus, . however, has ••t•.'reseed Parir free) a quiet, ,e -e. I :ey1 van fb oroughfare int° one of lac e •,;0,t it rid eilleg. ill r,Orol •ereatly ' depreeiating iy THE CHRISTMAS DINNER. I . Superiority of Enelish. English is. spoken by about 150,000,- 000, and Spanish by °boot 5Q,000,000 people. The difference is net "fine to any inherent superiority of the Eng- lish ,,language, but to the superiority • 9f the-Eriglish stock, says a writer in . Success. -T e English not only: • have the ,greater genius for commer- cial. and: political '•ofeoperatien and . colenization, but they have, as well, • .built up :their institutions on the en- during hatis. of righteousness and re- spect for law. Spanish is incomper- ably more melee' than English, and is practically phonetic, While gnglifith is handicapped by its arbitrary spell- ing.. On the "etherehend English is often briefer, • though net always. Spanish can say '"I,•shall'•go" in one. word -"Ire." The great 'advantage Of . English': is its clouple vocabulary,, one of Teutonic and one of Latin origin, • • which enables it to make nice dis- tinctions. It has • also acquired the power to assimilate words from every language under the sun 'These facts, together with the- greater intellectual activity o., the Fn&,ish. reee in many fields Of 'Mohan endeavor; have swell- ed its Vocabulary to startling ' figures. •The "Standar -Dictionary" •contains over 317,00 sords. I do not believe any SpaniSh - ietionary---eeritains half_ as litany. '_ . • .. English Cars Superior. • The following lettor was addressed . recently to The New ;York Herald: . I was surprised at the luxury of night trairel in •Groat Britain 1 hack atways supposed that American Pullman •cars 'were the "dernier cif' in this respect; but they do -riot equal British sleepers for ,comfort, luxury and eaSe. .. '-• " • I have recently, been from London to Glasgo* and return both ways by night I can scarcely believe it. On the X Y Z Railway I paid seven shillings sixpence 01.87), and' had. an entire eroom to Myself, with toilet, washstand, soap, towels, hot water,; electric "light and steam heat; that I could ,regulate, and no upper berth. • • Etefore starting my •wife told me to be careful about my we4ch, but there was no danger about its being stelen as in America, for there was a door to my room with a lock and holt. ' •• • 1904 .the night' express train from Chicago to the St. Louis Werld'a " Pair was held up by two men. All the passengers were robbed of their money and jewelry. I bought another - watch. After that episode one is eafe in England.. .. e, FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, • ^ IVIrs. Wileloves Soothing Syrup has been used by millionso1mothers for their children while teething If dis- turbed by -night andebtoken_of your test by a sick child suffering and crying . with pain bteutting teeth send et once and get e, bottle •of "Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. /1 will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, -there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, tegu- lates the Stomach and Boatels; cures Wind Colic, softees the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives: toe and en- ergy to the whole syztem. "Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ren teething ie pleakent to the taste and is the‘nreseription of one ef the oldest and hest feenahl physichtne and nurses ha the United States. price 25 cents a bottle. • Sold by all drug- gists throughout 'the world. sure and toe for "Mrs. Winslow's Slooth- ifig Srrtliff.” What'll we have for Christmas? • New, put your wits to use, " Now, -shall we have a pair elf ducks, tarlteir, or goose?: . • . • Maw'll be here ..lso‘r dinner, So we'd better both eut loose; ow, will it be a roast of beef, Ave A itecking pie, or „goose? •• Rich Uncle ,Neit will dine witb n. And I'm his net papoose, Ilele me. out !e pair rd ducks; A turkey, or a goose? • • do these tritYlity elnirfiens Our wear, histin enthrall. There's just nee etieiee ir ell the lett-: We cannot have therm all, . Ana e'en in. bed that ,oneetiore.......,' etefe sleep it thieve. the rletice-e- Will't roast beef. a nair of dileksi. ; luricey, or ft goose? • Ard evee if I fall nsleers, senell the nlefieent juice. • ' Aed try to elmeee 'tweet sueking pig, A toraey, et ft Zoose. . Oe Sendei's teller I go to chitrah, linyen't 0.\-elzsd „ For sineleg: "Lord. n 'rear of ducks,. A terkey, or, a geese?" I feel 'I'm troll= bughouse, - As mod as any moose, Trying to ehoose 'tevixt seeking A turkey or a goose. One thing is aure: on Christmas Day We'll have, when cut looee, A sucking pig; a pair 'of. ducks, .41. turkey, or 0, goose! t„ * , vnii.Miriiiitr#_', -a - ________iirmeammomemimanimmiamiroloiamailm,mogia , • Iliserable An the aline? • I e I .' , . 4 ' 01-N b-1- Dull headaches--bsek ;kites -low spirited -hate (t• ' the sight of foodadon't sleep well -'-all tired out. in the morning -no heart for work? •i . .1‘ yt 1 .1 GIN PILLS witt.malte ‘3,rotz wen 'tour kidneys are affected',-eteither through over. work, exposureor disease. 11 is the Kidneye tha are initking yeti feel eo wretched. in Pills cure s' kidheys---inake you -well and etroug•-gives yo all your old time eftergy and vitality. Cheer titand take Gin Pills, soo, box -e6 .for $2,so. 'ent on reeeipeof price if your dealer doeknot I die them. January 2.:4th, ,1907 'stomach and Dyspepsia Is On indloitioamo weak, est' 'tilsor: orgsns no end of • aches debmtatetL lbanidcaugespains chdt -is most COMMA where* bolt their meals Jan* miry and worry as they do In this country. . HOOMISIWSliparilla cures has coo magicionth iwthiselisinSe* Por toadstool* eot low* Pod for dttokc. 040040:11Vapopalt6towasitasi *******************6 * ONLY ONE BEST * * in the line of Bueinese Tree • ining Institudee• in Canada * * and that one ih the ivell• - nown *. * CENTRAL BUSINESS * * COLLEGE of Toronto- * • _ " • Best•in Coulees of Study,. * „ Best in nvanbers and exper- ienee of Teachers,. Best int * • * securing oositions for Grade * * ue,tee, Have you read our *. * Catalogue? It explains our * * methods, Get it before you .* * decide whicheseheol you, will * • * attend. WINTER TERM * * NOW OPEN. You will be * Welcome. Enter any time. * * . • * * W. H. ME1A'W, Principal, * Young et Gerrard ,St., : • . _Toronto. * ' fir44-444:43.4t4V-4-44-44 GRAND TRUNK RATEta , . DO YO•U WISE TO VISIT .. ' 'CALIFORNIA, MEXICO,, FLORIDA, OR THE "SONNY SOUTH?' • . leo Are you anxious tot -escape, thee cold 'weatner and snotw and spend the win- s, ter in. the "La,nd of Fruit and Flow- •. era ?" • Winter tourist tieleets are on • onto daily, and if you are contemPlat- ing a trill see that your tickets, are routed via the Grand TAiiik. For full information as to ra,tee, routes and train servece colt on, F. R. Hodge:as; 'Town Aeent, • J. D. McDonald, District Passenger . agent, Teronto ' ' 0. Pattison,' Depot Ageet. ' • . , . • Cull:Liana In the United States. • ' The Chicago 'British American boa • this to say of Rev. Walter Henry Nu- • gent, assistant to Bishop Samuel Fat - lutes; of St,. Paul's Reformed Episcoe eel Church, Chicago, who has accepta. ed all from the Flit] Ave u Cone eregational Church, Minneapolisa'and' will lessee immediately: "Dr,' Nugent - was horn Omemee. Canada, in 1817. He was graduated at Arbert Col- Jege,„°„. Bely ille, Ont., and attended: Victoria University. Tofeeito: He isl els( a gr duate of the:: Chicago Col- lbge of Lew and. the Chicago The. bogicai•Seminary, and in 1905. he re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Philos- ophy froth, Midland University : Rea. Dr, Nugent' has made many friends • ir British American circles in, Chi- cago, who view his departure with rst " gret and extend best wishes for hes future welfare and succeses" . . • . • ". Skin Coveted with Sores . DEFIED ALL REIVIEDIES FOR YEARS, AND DOCTORS SAID • • "NO. CURE." YET ZAM-BUK HAS • • ' COMPLETELY CURED. So powerful are the healing essen- ces in • Zartielpk that in some cases which. hpae' been prendunced •beyoud, 'relief they have worked coinplete cure Such an insta,nCe is just reported Itoot Ineermay., Sask. Mrs, J: M. Me- • Cormick, of that place saye "About seven years ago' my face broke out' in rough red'. bletchea, wMeh burned an itehed awd smarted in tiltsalines beyond endurance. -1 conaretheed There are efteen cables across thetry every known remedy .1 cool get • Atlantic. •• • for lace and skin, troubles: So e of RHODES SOHOLARSH f PS. them vete. a, little relief, so P'41.0ne, , Canadian • Wins Highest Diatinctiore Open to Under Grads. At Oxford. A statement in reference to • the operations of the Rhodes scholarship same has been iasusd..From this it appears that there are •now in residence at Oeford under the Rhodes bequest 161 scholars. drawl from the different countries for which scholar- ships are provided. Seventy-one come . from the British colonies, sevetay- tine . from the United States .and eleven frora Germany. Candidates are subject,ed toetecaminalion. tests which ensute their aceeptarice at Oxford, 'hut the final selection of scholars is in all cases left to •loud emornitte of selection, guided in their choic y the, suggestions made in the w Mt. Rhodes. The scholars at dis- tributed among twenty of th Oxford colleges. Only it few men, it 'a ears, ° have as yet reached. the fi • stage of' their work at Oxford, ut among the distinetiona won du g the past year by Rhodes scholar are the following: H. Jealtose ( iebec),--The Ireland scholarship, pr ably the highest dise tinetion •ope to undergraduates at' the triliver ity--,e30 a year for four years; a Craven seholarship--t40 a year fo two mine; first-elase honor mode lions; made an honorary sch ar of 13alliol. lester B; Martin (New Brunswick) The GIadetone memorial prize. . ,T. C4„ Archibald Atiebec)---Viret. class in final hodor school of lit. hua. Of the eolo al scholare, Canada is represented I y tsventy-four, Australia eb4yohelglitee, South Afrieft by seven- teen, New. • &tailed, Berinucle; /a - mat owe oo. mom CG mm. to melee an Neweoundland by three a 1 • • but.no matteeeme 'mode 1 sed ititj„. as Soon as 1 wentrout ,the' trouble ..- •started all over agai I con -mite& doctors, and ,they 101 me there was . absolutely. no 'cure •r me, but 'that I- , should have to w it until I outgrew the disease,- ' "Filially my pply of ,Za uk, We applied a, small sample' to a small .patch of the dis- ease. T our delight the portion tree a.ted th Zairi-RA very quiekly.theal- I ed''e the obtained a proper 'supply.' a began the Zam-Iluk treatment. 1- m now delighted to state that after. haying used a few boxes, I on free from tbe old trouble and completely • cured, will *never be without 'Lam- Buk in the house an long as and to all that are trOubled with skin diseases in any form I would say waste no time in obtaining: a supply • • �f Zatn-Buk, Since proving it in my. own case,' I have obtain a ,supply for an old lady who hail ttt ulcer on her leg for 80 years. -Three boxes were euffielent to close the wound.” Zane:Birk turescuts, burns, 'bruises, • scalds, •ant! 11„skin Wades., its.. well ttS Ridn disetiees. Applied, to,eczerna, scalp sores', pimples •poisoned wound, children's rashes, .uleers, boils, absces- ses, tele sore back, festeeing and ilk - charging. wounds, „ole., it WO like a.' cherni. Its antiseptic ingredients hill all germs And prevent inflammation d festering. Tlfea its healing pow- • ers, come into•opetation and build up new,eelalmeleariltulliey airu 5s0ee4druggistsA.perilbox,ooi) tat:liable from the •°Zatn-liule Co., 'Tor- ” onto, for price. 0 bOxee; for 'cabana sent for a sit - 4