HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-24, Page 1•••
27th Yfbar.
A: Good Resolution Pay -your subscription to The News -Record in Adirallee
. OUr egrasiiion of 2inso 4 imolai* Me
most imporeamt ono be our estabeishmant
This.means a complete assortment, in so far as
sizes, designs, combinations and gems are concerned.
'rt means satisfaction to our purchasers. Ask to see our .
Oclitaire 91amond gings
Yront1O tq'
Jeweller :and tptWan Winton
4 Fourth Week of.
TheiBig ClothingliSle.
4 , 0
3 SATURDAY we swing int -O the 4th week of this the les
.3 biggest Clothing Sale the town of Clinton has ever --
known. We promised to reduce the stock by sever-
al thousand dollars before turning it over to Messrs.
Morrish &crooks. and simplymust 'do it. TheTrices .
3 tell the story of how hard we are trying to carry ouc
our part of the bargain. Each and every price on..
the big bill we sent out announcing" the sale still
holds good. Here are some specials for this week:
. o
Driving Coats, RubberwlIned.SmoOks
Just the thing for Rough weather. The rubber *makes them
waterproof and keeps the wind out. Snow and dirt will not stick
to tbe outside. •
At $1.25.
Men's Rubber lined Smocks, made from good quality
black drill, lined with heavy plaid material, rubber
interlining, all sizes. • Regular 61.75, tor sale each.....
Heavy weight Driving Smocks, made from kood qual-
• ity duck with heavy lining and .rubber in between... I
Regular $2.50, for sale your choice.
Leather Coats 44.75:
5 only -Men's Leather Coats, these are, Made from ex-:
tra quality leather will not crack or hardenthe re.; •
verse side ;s good qualify grey corduroy and the coat
can be worn either side out They are a'capital thing A
afor working.in out of doors. Regular $6.50, for sale...,
•• •
• s.•
6 only -Men's Reefers, made from all wool heavyfrieze lam
wool finish lining. Regu1az$5.00 and $5.50, ftor sale Q
your choiceeach • . •.......•..u.uu
Bogs' Reefers. -
Bargains in Reefers fnr the boy as well. We want to sell, them
all if possible end while the sale is on you can buy. -
Boys' $2.75 Reefers for 2;00 . Boy's $3,50 Reefers for 2.59
The Overcoats.
Even if you had decided not to buy an overcoat this winter you
will be money in pocket to buy one now instead of waiting until
next season. We have a good stock but would like to clear out
every garment before turning the business over. That is the reason .
.prices have been cut so low.
Men's:Tweed Overcoats:$5.
NM 2 only -Men's Tweed Overcoats, velvet collar. good, 5 00
linings used throughout. Regular $10, special for sale.. a
Tweed Overcoats $8.50.
2 only --Mens Tined Overcoats dressy vtitrnents,well aim
manmade and best of linings used throughout. Reghlar Q Cft
$18.50, for sale each • U.
ThreeiTweed/Coats atl$7.50
Regular Wand $12.50, choiee of the ibree, for each,.....
coatslatt$14.50.1 * *‘"
1,7,are„„ Men's extra fine quality black beaver and roelMn Over
coats. The last of our teal 'good overcoats. ,These
coats were $20 and realgood values. The 14/alive and5'
workmanship are the beet it was possible to put into a
coat unless silk was used throeghout. The famous IA cn
20th Century Brapd, regular $20, for... °NU U
HIghiClass Coats!
Mr. Charles Hellyar ,waa one of the
interested spectators in the bookeY•
nuitch of last Friday evening, and has
rather m.ore cause, to .• xemembee it
has any one else,having been
hit on the chin by tho puck which
caused suck a, ge0 that the services.
of the surgeon hadlo be availed of to
sew up the wound,
A big audience is assured for the
town hall to -night when the 'drama,
Damon and Pythias, Will be present-
ed by a local company, The reserve
seat plan was probably never so well
filled up .in advance )3efore. That;
such is the case is complhneetary to
all caneereed.
M. Edward' Briggs, who represents
the district of Deloraine the Mans'
itoba Legislature, has been again
nominated by the Conservatives as
their standard ..bearer in the coming
contest, M. Briggs lives, near the
town of Hartney,-1 where he owns a
fine proPerty, From the unaMmity:
of the convention we cannot hut' con-:
*dude Wet' Me. Briggs is a very. pep,
War man in the, constituency,' He
formerly lived in Brumfield and in
Varna,. He it ashrother-insla,W of Mr.
Alex. Roibinson of puntony• • .
The first meeting' ok the Public
;School Board' Tor present, year
was held on Thursday evening ' last
The Board. now comprises: W.
`Arlome, T. Cottle, F. B. Hall, • Fred.
Hill, A. . g, Turner, E. Doherty,
C. 8, Hale and J.:W. lswie. •
• Mr. Hall was elected cha,iresan., He
has been a members ef the Board foi`
years and :beieg well' up in school la*
and in matters pertainang to 'our own
'school in particular,: he will, no doimil
make, an acceptable- Chairman, •
John Ourininthame, was again
appointed 'secretary for whist he re-.
'ceives a salary. or fifty dollars per.
annum. He has filled this position
fax sevetel years and is most stains -
t Hi d t
8 only -Men's Tweed Overcoat% lots of style to them
• 4.•
Men's extra fine quality,beaver and melton Overcoats,a
blacks only, high class garments that have style, good ./"'r 'mut •
linings used throughout. Regular $14.00 and $1.5.00,I 0 00
for sale, choice ... . ...
Save Money on a Fur Coati
Save sonie money buying a fur Coat while this sale ie on.
Another such a chance is not likely to come your way again
for many a day. 20 to 80 coats to sell. Each and every one a
good garment. Each and every ones bargain. • We must sell •
them all if passible before the 15th day of February. If you
have any notion at all of buying a Fur Cleat this winter, if you
corns and talk the nutter over. with us we vvillguarantee to
save you montry..
• •
taking an eour eous. s uy s
always well performed.
• Mr. William Copper was again ap-
pointed caretalter fax vi.thich rie re-
ceives a salary Of 4290. •
Standing • conunittees were appoint-
ed as follows . .: •
• Property -Messrs. Cottle Hall and
Moore. . • '
Finances -Messrs. Hale. Doherty and
Turner. .
Messrs: W. 'H. • Manning andsF. R.
liedgeee were, apPainted representa-
tives ion the Public Library Board. -•
Mr. James Fair was issisaied to
• the Collegiate Board where he has
nattered good service the Past year,
.and a trying twelve, .months . it has
hen with the governing 'body of that
institution. • -
Mr. , W: R. Lough was again 'ap-
pointed, to . the Board. Of Public
School Entrance Ekainiiners.
• The night Of Meeting will be :the
first ,Thursday of each, month, and:. as
Chairman Hell will be ie his plebe at
8.20 sharp pvery, member is ee.pected.
to be on hand -promptly. • •
The following amounts. were Orders
vd toDhreaptraid,,teco.,,
Harland Brothers,
Hoover ORveirilbSs.
The report presented by
Lough was as follows: "The, year,
1906, .was marked ! by a numher of
untowerd circumstanees. • There was
the interruption of the worlx by the
of a member of the staff snd
the fieepient change ef teachers •oceas-
kissed thereby. This Was followed by
a scare caused by a cutaneous dis-
ease. At midaiimmer two of thd tea-
chers resigned and this Caused; a diff-
iculty in getting. others, owing to the.
Yet remitting his subscription, to The
Newn.Record,for * goodly time in ad-
vance, Mr. WO= Weir Of Saltcoats,
Sask. writes : "We axe havieg an
Up-to:date winter. Two feet of snow
on the level. The weather is mostly
clear and the thermometer runs JAW,
on Monday registering 54 degrees b's-
low zero, but it's net so cold
A meeting of the directors of the
Huron County Spring:Stock Show
vvill be held in Clinton OD Friday,
February. 1st, to arrange the prize.
list in detail. Every effort will be
made to rnake tbi$ the banner Show
of 1)/eatern Ontario and thef'directors
ask every farmer and stack min to
assist by preparing their stock early
and, if they sell :before the Show Day
to make the, provaision that the ani-
mal must 'be exhibited at Clinton on
April 4th, $500 will be •given! in pri-
zes. The prize lists will be printed
ie the. county papers, so watch for
them after February 1st, Suggest;
ions will be •glacIly received: by the
secretary, Dr, Shaw. •
Two young: men, wire accompanied
the Gotlerich hockey. team on Friday
evening 'Lott, got on a rampage after
the match wag," over -but they *ill
not. repeat it, at leaSts not in".the jar-,
isdicticre of s Chief Wheatley.'. John
McLeod ,whether or: no, indulge!
in a scrap in whit% he got a. trimming
ind George Beacom made tha. air Sul-
phurous with his prota.ne le,nguage.
The Chief ' promisble gathered there
Police. Magistrate Andrews 'was
notified and, in order that the visi-
„tors might cath the -10.47 'train, fed:
.herne, the charges against them were
given immediate hearings • They -plead-
ed guilty and each was fined two dol-
lars arid cots. •
Vt.*. 4,4144.1.........1141,414+,41.
, 3.60
A nUmber of books are • missing
from the library of the Collegia.te• Inr
sititute. Any one having any of the
same in his possession will Idattly no-
tify the Principal. ••
What has probably no•t beea seen in
Clinton before took place on Monday
afterneon when two furterals*passed
ule Albert street at the same time,
the two joining at the cornero!Hur-
on and ' Albert streets. They were
those a Wks. John' piel,!ard of Goder-
ieh township and Mr, Allen of town,
and as both Nero largely attended
the cortege was a lome one.
Mi..A. J._ Grigg, -who, is a noted
fowl fancier, made seventeen, entries
at the Huron Poultry Shove, held in
Seaforth last week, and Met with his
usual Success, winning twelve first
prizes, four. Meonds and one third.
Mr. James Howson also exhibited
and in strong Competition won first
money en his white ,Leghorie coekeret.
His brown. Leghdrns also won throu-.
ghout. Mr. ;Howson has been exhibi-
ting for' several -years and.. has . al-
ways done Well: ': • :
Mr. Milian'. Carter of 'Constance
was 'the largest prize wiener of them
alA making almost a clean srwpep • in
those classes inwhich he cornneted.
Mi. Carter now rank's • with Billy
O'Neil and Dick Oke London; Who
for years have been Winningthe big
prizes in: the leading Shows of this --
Country and the United Stites'. Ale
:exhibited lag a dozen kinds of Ham-
isurgss, his "faveriti' fowl, and also
,Leghorns. • •
A Poultry Show in Hiirots without
Messrs.. C.arter; Grigg and HOwsbn,
as exhibitors would be a .Very tame
- '
On Friday last Messrs. Cantelon. &
Wallis made a shipment of 130 live
hogs from Clinton etation. The price
was, 46-60 -per cwt, which. Mr, Can-
telon states is the highestehe-'ever
paid in the month of January before.
The largett purehattes were as follow:
Dassid La.nsitig,
poi:mid:made interest had been ar-
oused in the Gederieh vs .• Olinitsru
hockey match of Friday evening last,
and the attendance was lireited only
by the size:of the rink. s While yetSa
manlier sought admittance ticket sell-
ing had to, be stopped'owing to the
jam: It Was a good -nature& crowd
which followed the game Closely and
showed its sympathy as the tide
of 'battle flowed. Brillaant plays were
cheered_ vociferously.
The referee was Mr. Bkown Jacks
son of Seaforth, Who dealt out judg-
ment. hapartially. He had to inflict
a few penalties, but not more :than
might be expected on account of the
in:crease of salaries, followmg the re, heavy elfecking.
recent legislation, fixing the, minis . In speed the Clinton team Cars out -
mum . salaries • in the ruralsphools.
However, there was a bright side as
well.. The hearty co-operation ef the
staff and the excellent, work done by
my assistantswas e souree of en-
couragement. The success attending
the persistent efforts of the Board
to secure the attendance of truants
.and others are alio worthy. of notice.
Twenty seven eandidates 'wrote at the
Entrance and forty five Model stu-
dents at the final examination, mak,
leg seventy two in all. Thirty six of'
these secured.,lionors and the rest
, pass standing. Promotion. examina-
tions will be held in the month of
IVIare).' Surely parents who do Itert
sen. (their children to schools cannot
expecit them., to bp promoted. Unless
there is hard' work and regularity of
attendance in the Principal's room,
there will be a very Small class wri-
ting for Entrance..M. June."
The. following is a statement of the
receipts and expenditures for the year
that is just past
• Reeeipts.
Balance from 1005
Government Grant...-. .., 248.00
Munieipal Grant - .„.. 8500.00
Government Grant to Model _450.00
Comity Grant to 1\4041 .4. -150.00
Vodel Fees- „„.„ ... _226.00
Nonellesident Fees „, -30.00
Interest „ ..... , 1.90
point their opponents, but in Combin-
ation work the visitors excelled and
tlfeir much greater weight gave them
a deckled advantage in checking,
Harris, the Godericif- coverpoint, is,
no doubt, the best all around experts
.ent of hockey in the distriot. He nos-,
sesses both weight And speed and in.
his rushes ann, checking is. half a team°
_ .
teani in himSelL
• For the local team Clarente Copp
dul good t work at point, With apother
season's experienee he will rank with
the very best of them. "Dutch),"
Moore is not a heavy weiglit, but ev-
ery ounce &Ants and he is as hard as
riails, as these who undertook
-to liec1 him can testify. He
was a favorite with the sp'eotators.
Sheppard, jest as usual, was .switt
and. sure. A team of "Shelia" Would
win the district without any trauble..
Mackenzie maintained his -reputittiotr
as a safe,player. It was Bihly John-
son's first matoh and he Was ra,thef
young and ligh1. for the company, but
he pti,ttip a good game,
The genie throughout was clean and
speedy,' the first half the visitors
had scored two and this they repeat-
ed in the second half.
The line Up Was as follows 7
Goal, W. Johnson
.Poirif, C. Copp
Coverpoint, J. Doherty
• 44406.56 Rover, D. J0110$011
Expenditures Centre; C. Sheppard
Salaries ,” ...,-$3253,63 Right Wing, .1.,1V1ipkenzie
Salary for .Model Term ......140.00 Left Wing, C; Moore
Caretalier and Secretary ,.. -300,00 • GoDMICII.
... 264.50 Goal„ Mayor
Point, Campbell
Coverpoint, Harris
Rover, Belcher
Centre, MeLean
Right Wing, McKinnon
$4400.55 Left Wing, Mactionalcil
16 hogs, $243.50
George Halland, 17 hogs, 211.20
JO. -Elliott, 10 hogs, 125.40
Gorge Hudie, 8 hogs,
Ed, RadaWay, 9 hogs!
On Sa,tfirday last Mr. John ellen
Passed, to the ether: world.: 'He had
been in declining health . for some
months and the end Was not ones:
pected. He was almost four score
years 'of age, and for nearly 'the past
decade had been a resident Of Olt
town., corning here froint Higlett.
when he farmed for many, Yeire: lie
was 'twice. -married, his second Wife
now eurviving i, him. The late Mrs.
Thomas Witgington was :his only
child and iter death asfeiv• months ago
was a blow from which, he 'never re-
covered, Ise was a quiet, • isioffentiVe
„ina:n, Much respected by those who
knew..bim.' The fenebal took place on
Monday afternoon, the .services being
conducted, by the Rev. Dr.' Stewart;
Mr. Allen having been a 'Member of
Willis. church. • :
. A min was fined fiVe dollars and.
Posts in the Temple, police court the
other. trey far using- profane language
on the street. A . policeman oVer-
heakci hies...and placectshim Under ar-
rest- If.doeS not •appear to be known
to the people:at large . that the use, of
profanity. is forbidden .bylaw, and
that one citizen may cause .the arrest
.of anothes...for, 'this offence, and that
any .policeeian is as liable to diamis-.:
sal for. failing in his duty in this as
in any other respect 'The law is • a
good one,- and there .is need. for • its
more. stri, t eidorcernent. Weirs
younme and
e j
4. tWseth
ear and u; e ' most
-reptilste language inpublic places,
deriving from, the gutter some eetion
that their abandoued toesisrsatiori
makes met ef them, • whereas,those
forced to listen tc!. seein esperiSete
ne--serisation but :me ef utter gistu. •
.There • should he ;nore arrNis and
fines. -there should, ' , be a. erusade
against. -this sensslets evil,,4-Setraday
Night. '
• -•
The assault ease of Cole Vs. McIver
has been again adjourned lat another
week, that is to Monday next. The
aast two adjournments are due to the
absence froin Goderich of the lawyer
for the defendant.
The invitations are out for the
ding of Miss Emma quigley of Pul-
let to M. George ,Kraushopf et Dub-
lin, the happy event to tahe place in.
St. Joseph's church on the sixth of
February, .
M. W. C, Brown has bought. from
Mr, John' Ransford two well -situated
lots on Inman street,' just west of
Mr, S. 13ares. On to them- Ife will
move the 'home in Which he has lived
for years; having bought *1-1Mroin Mr.
William .Wheatley who purchesad it
from the' -Grand -Trunk ReilWay, The
frame is a good one, end 'afteihaving
' made some additions, Mr, Br wn will
offer the property for sale ok rental.
Repairs I
Sundries „.114.89
palance 0» Hand
a\ .
There have in th1C, past year been a
number of business changes in Clinton.,
the latest' announcement in that re -
!respect to mahe is that the old- es-:
tablished she firm of W. Taylor• &
Son has passtel out of existence, the
stock' having been bought by Mr. Fred:
T. Jacissen, who took possession yes-
terday. - -• . • •
The purchaser is .tt son of Mr. John:
Xtoolzon, ' who , 'started in tlie shoe
busindsa fisstitistown ji 1854 and car,
ried it on without interruption -until
1,95, a,' matter of 41 years; when he
retired, Vat he is Spit bale and hearty
and takes an act0.7e interest in *all
that pertains to the welfare of the
town. ' • •
Mr. Fred. T. Jackson was born in
1801 and with the exception of a, few
years spent in Toronto and Omaha'
,has otintinited alwaye to be a resident
of his birthplace. He is a practical
shoe man, having served bis time on
the bend, alurhis thorOugh knowledge
of the trade, together with Ms genial
tuminer ante alfkiity has enabled him,
to build up a. profitable business.
Per a while he will keep both stores
open, but as sow as possiOle will co
solidake his steclA and conifint his en-
ergy to the big Tayldr store.
has secured' the serviees of Mr.
John Derry, WhO Was with the Tay-
lor firm for eighteen years, and is
well. aml,favorahly Irmown to thie shoe
purchasing public,
Mks. I. R: (Ike). Read died at her
residence in Ottawa on Saturday last
after' a lengthy. illness, She Wasa
ea:lighter of Mr. Robertson, a well-
known manufacturer of Montreal, and
was. Only in kr twenty sixth year.
She lied never visited this town,
but her husband is a native. of Clin-
ton and as Ike Read is held' in tea -
der •recollection by2'a: "host of. friends
who estend to himtheir shiceressym-
paithV in his affliction
The Hotel Normandie changed hands
yesterday when Mr: Coop.er transferrs
ed it to.. Mr. IS. W. ,Brown f Toron-
to, who, we ' understand', has been
manager, of the home of one the
yacht clubs in, • Wet 'city. He.conies
well recommended and. it is believed
the hotel has, paskeil into good hands.
Mr. Cooper will again confine Ssit
energies to the buildieg .1rad, and
has already sechred a couple of con-
tracts for heist, season's oserations:
.' Mrs. Gilchrist, Who was, eritipally
ill, for $everal: weeks, is now improv-
ig,•atienaany s. be pleas.ei.
ThtVrtSDaelsisOsCuewhaebeterisao :aSOUrciofjytail
Mr. Jacob Miller is not making that
progress towards recovery that the
Many friends would wish to See, but we
hope to soon be able to' report marks
ed Improvement, in his. Condition. •
kr. O. S. Doan is holding his own,
bet the old genkleiriass's advanced age,
he wasi eighty :five last Jail, renders
his reco.very doubtful.
. .
. '
Mr's. Carntichael,-, wife ot his Lord-
ship 'Bi'shop Carmichael, passed away
t her residence in Mor.trealson: Wed-
nesday of last •weels, 'after w king
'Bishop Carmichael was at the
'gine in Torento attending .1 meeting
of the: I1otse» ot Bieluipe..••I‘Irs Cars
•michael; , who he been ill for a long
period, is held in sweet' affection by
the older portion of our citizens Who
remember her during the years of her
husband's ministration as rector of.
St. Paul's church in this Itown. They
lived .in the house now' Occupied: by
Mr, Will. Harland, 'which their stood
on • Rattenbury street, and subse-
quently itt. the house on the gore op-
posite St. -Joseph's church. Mr. and
Mrs. Carmichael left Clinton in 186.
. Whdle Nuinber 14157
New Acivrtisements,
Last Saturday- Hodgens Bros .V
Thanks ... ...W. Taylor So.
Stock -taking,... Bros,„.4.
our we,tiehre- V. R. Counters.
Wanted... D. 'L. Macplierson,...
Poste for Sale- Aden), Stewart ...'..5r
January Sale... Hodgens Bro...
Business College ..Tite Central -2.
The Venerable Arelideitcon. Young,.
who is 'Diocesan pommissioner of the
Diceese of Huron, ia now visiting ilia
parish of Beemesville, IVIiddleten. anti:
Summerhill in the interest Of the:
• .
Mission work of the Diocese. The.
Archdeacon is accoMpanied on ids,
rounds by the 110., Mr. s.erney, the.
rector the parish, s
DEA'I'lls6r MRS., T. E. HANLON..
Qn Oetobei 24th last ,Mr. Thos.
Hanlon.'brother of Rev, Father Ilan,-
Vim of Clinton, died in London after:
a brief illness. -Ile was one of the•
best Istvan railway inees_int that dis,
triet and a. great faxtorite with all.
who knew -him. I.,ast week, not quite -
three months after her husband's de-
cease, Mrs. Hanlon, too, passed away.,
The funeral Wok • place on Friday..
Rev. Father I-lanlon, attended.
.11lif,ses Annie' and Lydc everve
gelists,i of Guelph will • hold specia,I.
services in the On,tarib Street °pro's,
,next Sunday. They will preach .at
a. m. and 7 p ni. The two ladies'
are well arah favorably • known,
throughout Western Ontario. -Servi-
,ces will be held, each evening during:,
the week, coimmeneing it 8. &Clock..
A cordial invitationis extended. tes
the public to attend these serv.ices.'
In 'Mr. James Campbell, the town-
sli4 t-Ilulle`tt has ansable Clerk. and,
for the past two or three years t has
had an equally efficient -Assessor in•
the person of. Mr...William Carter.'!
• - *Mr. •Carterrs: services have been
perfeetly)'. satisfaetoryLsespeals, have
been •few and far be.tween. Last year
though he raised the • assessment of
the township $90;000 thereswese only
two -appeals -his judgment was good
.and he treated all alike, •
. Bet Mr. Carter is a 'Coneervative;
SO the Reeve used his inflhence to Pres
vent idsre-engagement.
And yet this same • 1VicMillen, who
was the main cause of 7a, Conservative
being turned dowii ,beeause.. of his poi-
itice„ is la •The Pay -of the -Whitney'
G overn rnent.
RatlferSnice .state of Affairs, s
Now, isn't -it? •
At two o'clock Yesterday afternoon
the Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, pastor of
Wesley. church performed tile weeding
, ceremony at the residence of Mr, and
Mrs, Jacoiss, Miller when their third
daughter; -Miss Nona Miller, became
the, bride of Mr. George 1.1.' Watson.
Owing, to the illness of Mr. Miller
the event was a very quiet one, or:ry
the iminediate family being present
There were many presents., fax the
bride's sweet ,dispoSition and °harm-
mamier MS made her one of the
most, popular young ladies iii
After the 'wedding 1.14Wheori, had
been Pataken of the happy Couple
left by the 5.20 train for Toronto,
'where, at the home of the groom $
Parents, a, brier period of the honey-
moon. will be enjoyed.
ID a. •few days Mt. Watson leaves
tor Lasliburn, Sask., where he carries
prosperous merchant -Ile busineet.
n g to the illness of her father;
Mrs. Watson Will reiern tothe paren-
tal home to remain for some weeks,
The News -Record cordially joins the
numerous friends of Mr. end IVes.
WM:so% in Wishing their a happy and
prosperous future.
• The new Blethoditt .charelf was for -
formally opened fot diVine service Ms
Sunday , lett; when, niotWithstands
ing the inelemency ef the weatiss
er large congregations attendect at
boby the serviceS. The preacher was.
the Rev,.. . N. Hazen: ef Goderich,-.
Who preaehed two powerful Sermons,
The choir rendered Splendid Service ,
with Miss Cole of. Goderteh as organs- •
ist. :Miss Rieha.rdsbn: of Stanley gave .
a solo With •fineeffect,' and.MiSs Wise"
of BrtiCefield sang most acceptably
Ttairx: supper and co.
oert on Monday eveitinvoyas dtten
by a crowd whipk tamed Atre-. apacitr
of the ehufeh and hall, but the ladies.*
of the congregation ate: geherous en-
tertainer§ an had • made . large pro-
vision, and thdugh the keea air , lrfaM
Made keenet appetites,: then was yet'
enough and to .Itpare, The exoelIence' •
esupper wen much e
con •
After the 'wants., ol tilie irk* man:
had been supplied, :adjournment was.
macre_ to the toissi hall for the
c'al and intellectinal. treat, The chair.
*as OCeepled by the gee'. Mr. 'Stead-- ,,,
mwaiths awshOotofillilneed;iiitii• wTehet csprogNerw,;t
-Record itetwai heartily, eajoyed's . .
' A...suartetta. cornpo44 of the' Rev. •
Steadman., Pr. Smith, A. E. Erwin..
and: James Stevens. contributed see-. ?.
era selections . at the opepinig exer-•
CFOs. To hear them once is 10 wants
to hear them • again,
The collections' on Sunday and the'
receipts on Monday eeening amounted
to the handsorhe sum of $207, which:
Will be ' further 'supplemented next: _
Sunday when the dedicntion• serviee%i '
Will be held, to, be conducted by the -
I Rev. A. IC. Birks, of :Scalar -6h.
The hew church is of 'brick and pre-
sents a handsome appearance, hog*. in-
didand oat, It is an ornament to -
the Village end a great -credit te the
Congregation to whose liberality and;
energy its coestrection is' due:
• The construction, opening and dedi--
cation of this new place of
ship will form an epech in the;bistoryt.
of Methodism in Bayfield and Alta-
, •
"Out on the World"' is a three aet
drama which wit be pretented:.-
in , the. town hall in theviltage'
of 'Bayfield on 'the evening of Fris,
day, February ltt, under. the auspices,
of the choir of Trinity olfurcli. It i.
a thrilling picture of Jove; fidelity ,
and devotion, • interspersed, with. Wit
and hultor, the presentation of whiphe
will last for two. houre. The easte
of eharecters is as follows', :
Cap. :Alden Mr.. G Greenslade
. Edward Harold .. • "Mr., J. Spencer'
Larry Linegan Mr, T, 11, Brownie.d'
Zeko Crowell , Mr. Bailey"
Harry Mansfield Master Ford King: .
Nellie Alden Miss Ervely'n: Pao*.
Mrs. Alden Miss M.. Oastteri
Miss P. 'Poltack:
11,131irtrsd.YProi-rell '1d1saP.. P.olfock.
Mr. Manstieltt Mr. Jack Parket'
10 years later.
'Miss Alden Miss .`Aliee Tippett.
:r te
Act 1-'"I'he Aliduntion't - New
•Ylork. Capt. Alden's residence .
on Madigan Avenue.
At -2 -"In Captivity '''.-Zeke
ell's. house four hunci•red miles
• down the coast.;
Act '3-'3ren Years Later.!'
tenement. The Re --
union. The, villains brought to .
Musie, Vocal and iestrunaental,:*.ad-
ings and recitation's will be introd-de-,'
ed between; acts.
▪ . A movement' is ,ort loot amongst
local poultry fanciers. to have a Mar.
organized with o, viow to•,, holding, a.
poultry .show here in the' spring.