HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-17, Page 40
The CIiatc4 News'ARecord.
January 1.111i, 1907
. S
Leather Its
:ti Tout 300 varieties of 'ember ,
post cards regularly sold Ser .l0e.
sow on .saie with•us at each.OQ ..
Our Local View
are •exceptionally good. A col-
•tired line perfect in detail, 6 kind
;in a set, per set „15
.Black and white cards show. ,
Sing the prominent buildings,
churches and streets, 2 for .05
:Pocket ;Diaries
for 1907.
'Each .... ....•... .i5 to1.0O
All the popular winter evening
_pauses are cold by Os. We shell
he -pleased to show gyou the. as-
eiartment. - •
Book Store•
-Goderich Townailip •
The .late Robert Miller was born on
the 7th coat. 'cif Goderi.clt township on
August 2011, 1837, and was married
to • Elizabeth Macdougall on January
29th, 1806. To this union eleven
children • were born, seven daughters
and four sone" The two eldest trough-
tors died in infancy. Two daughters
are anarxied,one living near Abilene;
Kansas, and the other in, Mulvano in
the same state. The family move
ed from this township to a farm near
Abilene in 1880 and lived there for
fourteen yearn when they moved to
Southern ICansas where •Mr. Miller
continued to reside for the remainder
of his life. The deceased united with
the Christiian. Church of which he cone
tinned to be aconsistent member for
thirty-three years,6 Ile passed away
'on the • 23rd of December}last in his
70Th year, after an illness of five
weeks. His bra,ther of Abilene,.:and
all his family,;, except; two sons were
present at his deathbed. The funeral
services: were held at their home, 'five
miles front ,Ashler:, 'and were conduct-
ed by the Rev, L. G. Wood on Christ.;'
Mas .Daly. There was a large gather-
ing of sympathising friends and neigh-
bors in the last sad . rites. The de-
•ceascd'151r, •Miller was -w-cousin of
Mrs. George Green • and• Mr:* J, Gard-
iner of this township.
The annual meeting of the Goderlcb
District Loyal Orange Lodge was
• held in the hall of No. 145 on Tres-,
day' of last week:,.,Dsiutity Master
George B. Hanley presided; but as he
had to leave before . the, proceedings
were concluded,Past County Master
Colwell then took • the chair.. The dif,
Yerent reports_ were very gratifying;
• the finances are all tight and so is
the membership.. The following revo-
lution , of :condolence to Mr, William
Crooks. *as 'unaniniously •adopted `and
a. copy of ,it directed •t ebe sent to
that gentleman:. "To BrotherWm•.
Crooks : Dear Sir and Brother, -We,
the regimes and members of Geduld,
District Loyall =grango'Lod+ge offer our
sincere and heartfelt .sympathy in!
rent' :ltour- , •of-sorroev by- - the --loss of
your esteemed - wife. We devoutly
trust. that God in His own good, tithe
.•milt • a ' la e, 'e su ertng
which' the demise, of ,your partner in
life has caused, you and your family,
and we. pray that health •and strength
and the'guddance of -Him who Lias
said,: "I am with you . always even
unto the end,;' and further he says,:
"I.y rod . and ,my :'staff : will comfort
yot..f" We.also: pray ,that the Keeper
of Israel will' be -your strong' tower
le this : yei.+r hour .ef' ,sad bereave-
The i fficers of the Lodge ` were elec-
e . cuxreii sax s o� o.ws
Stanley Township.--
Miss M. J. Royce is visiting. with Mr. and Mrs. 1're4.• Metall "Cr fait-
Mrs. Ralph Stephenson for a fear sly of Clinton visited Auburn fFiettds
Ion Sunday last.
and William Reid have our ' The man' riends of Mrs. Thos.
chased the farm of Mr. Mathew Bates Simpson will be tarry to hear that
for -the -sum of $9500. This tart. cone she hasw been on the sick list for the
sists of 100. acres and is well worth past week torg more. They will be
made glad to bear of her size, ' .re-
Clinton News -Record,
- ONT.
warms of subscription --$1 'per •year in
oattvance $1.50 may be charged if
-not so paid. No paper discontinued
• until .all arrears are.paid, unless at
tthe *opinion of the publisher. The
'hate .to which°every subscription is
!raid is denoted on the label.
advertising rates - Transient adver-
tisements, 10 cents per nonpariel
Mee for first insertion and, 3 :cents
xper Lane for each subsequent insert -
glen. Small advertisements not to
0exceed---one-inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed,". or "Stolen," :etc, . in -
....sorted once for 35 cents and. each
-subsequent insertion 10 cents.
%onsniunications intended. for publica-
,tion must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by the nafne
id the writer.
--Editor and Proprietor,
, Goderich Township
John Hattie: entextadr.-
of their friends on Fri=
ast. It was a merry.
r. and Mrs. Hudie are
Mr. arid Mr
ed. a number
day evening
gathering for
most hospitable entertainers.
Mrs. Arthur Currie of the. Tele-
epbone- Road, near Clinton, .was the
to guest of. Mrs. Emmerson, her
.mother for a few days recently.' , .
Mr. Henry Lane of Fairgrave,Mich.,
laid a visit' to his niece, Mrs: James
Mose, a few days ago. -
. The Rothsay correspondence bf the
,Guelph Herald had the following•
"The English church, and the village
.Siad the section •genn&allyr
plorethe removal of Rev. L. J. R.
Naftel from their midst, as he was,
'with lois es.tiniable wife, very highly
.,esteeine , not only for his high
talents in the pulpit, as an ambassa
' for of. the Great Master„ but for the
truly manly qualities and genial relay
t.onehips that have endeared him with
everyone with whom he was acquaint -
.ed, However, it is Rothsay, Drayton
.anal Moorefield's loss, but Elora will
;gain two estimable citizens. His
(charge also ine'ludes Alma.".
'Mr. Naftel' is a native of this town
• •a son of one of our most esteem-
ed resin its,' Mr.. A. Naftel of the
Lake Shore Road. •
Th'e service ip Sharon cht.rch was
'rola last Sun. */ night and will take
'piaQ at the same hour every third
Sunday. The change- •will be - appreci-'
anted by th'. congregation. •
We. regret to say that Mr.. Joseph
+Currie' is in, such poot health that it
was deemed necessary that she, enter
Clinton hospital foe treatment which
she, did last • week. The many friends
will be pleased to hear of her speedy
,.and coniirletw . recovery..... ..
A few evenings. age Mr. and 11'r
.John Alexander gave ,-party in honor:
.mt their neice, Miss Mabel Alexander,
a charming youhrg lady whose home
is in Vancouver, but who hos Beets
Frith friends in 'this townst :V.' and in
.Clinton • for several incariths hast:
Quite a, number of friends were Pres-
,a"dnb and the . evening was ' joyously
. opera heti music, games and social'' chat.
itiser Alexander expects to leave t�br
'Vancouver -shortly,, much to the- re -
ret of the many warns friends she
ibas, made here.
;1i'rom a Graventhurst paper we. take
like following reference to Mr. Charles!
licillatid of this township who taught
;in »Matt section lett,. fall : The Pupils
ail West fleaven•ltnrst rave, a fine •enw
iertainment• whish sh awed that there
is tnudh talent &moegs't R&M: The
teadlrers, Mr. rlolfand and Mrs.
r• •liras desert 4 ii: eh credit to their
tffotrts in getting tilt the progreiir:
t its tenncina9nn, the .puiirls presented
Yet ltellandi' with `au address acecittt-
,mi:<•'.•, by a hariai:.oin' brush ,and
elate). -
money, cortrery;
Mr,T. Pritchard is at present help- ` Mr. B. R. Higgins, has had an att-
ing Mr. G. Johnson to cut wood. act of the prevailing influenza, but is
Mr. Robert Penbale of the Brown -almost well again.
son line intends to open a butcher Mr, 'Robert Murdoch . is also able to
shop in Bayfield on the first of Feb- be around once more.
teary. • , Mrs'. B. R. Higgins. and little ones
Mr. Win. Downs st .Grand, Bend and ate.. pat enjoying very good health it'
Mr. Wesley' Sherritt"of Wawatar, Sasej present.
'formerly of Stephen, have been visit- Mrs. Jernes. Turner, who went to
ing with their friends' in Stanley the Toronto to, visit hdr sons, George and
past week, Wilson, 'will • while in the city also
1lfiss Ida. Reid has been visiting meeeett hter sister and eprot er iiu-law
with hero sister, Mrs. Wellington El- Guy, the three . year-old n of Mr.
Nott, for a few days. L McConnell got his hand badly
We are sorry that, Mrs, Win, Kays,
scalded the other` day..
sr,, of Babylon line, who hart' been! ill Mr.• Alex, Gantmel . is home from
for the past month, 'is ubt,improvin�g Moosejaw, Sask., and is staying with
and at time of writing is very low. lni's, father, Mr, Thos.Gemmel. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Keys of near Mr. Dan. Ross has 'been poorly ear
Yale, 1l4fcln,, are guests of their son; some days with lagrtppe. °
Mr, W, . L. Keys of 'Babylon line and Mr. George Swann , has . returned
other relatives in this vicinity. . .home• ai}d • is laid' •up with typhoid
We arc` sorry that Mrs. Nelson Keys fever.
of Babylon line is. ill in .Dr. aunties
hospital, Clinton: Her' many friends Miss Ethel. Walker of Exeter, who
liar been Visiting -friends in and ar-
,hope that she may. soon 'iso restored ,ound• Brucefield, leaves for hen, hornet
to her usual stealth. ' ' on Saturday.
Mr. Joihn'.McKinley of Gos�lfen. line Mr: Wilson Armstrotug' esti Miss E.
-and his sister, Mrs. Gets. .Dawson, Walker visited the home of the -•form
went to:Seaforth to visit their par- •er's sister, Mrd. .W. Wheatley of, °lin
encs, . Mr. and hire. John McKinley, ton, ori Sunday last,
who are both seriously ill with la. ed ome after , spending a few days
g`a'pe with her Metier, Mrs'. Jahn Armstrong
Miss Mary Clark of Chicago •came of Tuckersmith,
last week to. visit her sister, Mrs,. W,.
Keys, sr:; of -Babylon line.
ikrs.Saintiel l rratt+ of Babylon line
Daily Fading i+rAway
The Story of a Woman Made Well by
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills:
Bali blood means bad health. That
is why Dr. Williams,' Pink Pills mean
good health. They actually make
new, rich blood which strengthens
every.,. nerve yard,., ,organ„ in that
body. 7h`�t is why peoiile•wlta luso.,.
Dr..Williams' Pink ?Ws feel. bright,
aotdve and strong. Mrs. Arthur
Hannigan, Marshviile, Ont., .is a wit-
ness to the truth of these statements
Mrs. Hannigan says : "For nearly
.three---years•-I suffered from anaemia
(bloodlessness) and during that time
consulted and took Medicine holm sev-
eral doctors, without beneficial re -
suits.. My complexion, was of a waxy
appearance, my lips and gums seemed
bloodless. I suffered from headaebes,.
dizziness and palpitation of the heart
My appetite was so poor that I did
rot caro whetbe ....ad , or net and I
grew so weal,. and was so. muclieredu
cel its, flesh that my friends thought
I was in consumption. As I have
said 1 doctored without benefit, until
thu last doctor whom I. consulted ad-
vised me to try iDr, Williams' Phnlq
Pills. I followed his advice and less
than a- dozon - bottles ,Have made - me
thief welrwoman, I ai<n to -day: .AII thel
symptoms of .my trouble have vanish-
ed and I enjoy . the very :best of
health. 1 'know . there are hundreds
Of . women who are drifting into the
samie conditian;I was ,and'to all such.
I. would strongly urge the inintcdiate
use of Dr • Williams'. Pink Pills."
Dr: Winliams'`Pink Pills do not' act_
upon the bowels ; they do not tinker
with mere. symptoms ; !»they go right
to the % root of the troubles • in the.
blood. That in why they `cure' carn-
like rheumatism, n
Hensall , .tion ailments -e , eur-
spent the past week with her',(eaxents • algia, kidney trouhle, headaches • aid
'(Too. late for last week.)
Me. and Mrs, Eci, Robinson of Goshen bachaohes, . St: Vitus dance, and, •the.
line. • It is our painful duty to record the special'- ailments that - afflict so many
• Mr. and Mrs. , Win. Rathwell : and
Mr, and Mrs..,V4'aat. Taylor were . on
Wednesday,. last week, guests at • the
-wedding of 'Sties' Addie Rathwell to
Mrs rant. Willrsof--Seafortli. •-�-.
ted for th current Year a f li
County Mast, 'George. Cant:eon
Deputy,' Ilenry Me*;
•Chaplain, John Sturdy
'Rec.-Seerebary, George Leithwaite
Fin: --Secretary, Geo, Vanderburg
"Treasurer, R. It.: Elliott
D: of C.,..- Maodona1l
• Lecturer, .G:' A,'' Cooper..
�l'lejiute,. Robert .Conwell - -
On -' Saturday morning last Miss
Lotdse' Tebbutt, daughter of .Mr. F.
•"'1'ebbutt, of the. 1;-ith, con.,•;beceme ser-
iously •ill and. - was in ` an . uneariscious:_
condition, until ;Sunday forelioon when
she' revived: Members ce . the 'family
at a distance. were suremened, as she
was not expectdcT't:o recon er.. Her 'ex:-.
perience is' certainly, remarkable, ..and
is . supposed . to hate been , caused • 1iy
derangement -of the stomach.' • Her
many friends -wipe:. he . „glad :to hear
that. she "is 'new oh a' fait way to re=
covert': �.
,Varna. '; `
It falls to our sad- lot this.week. to
record: the death `of one of our most
:esteemed residents; in the' person of
Mrs..Jane• Beattie, relicts of the •fate
Gcorge'Beattde, which their place • on
Minder, after,•a inonth's illness,. 'Her.
husband'. predeceased her bye twelve
years. --Mrs, J3eatt•ie Was among ' the
early : settlers;. Her"life was long .and
usefel rind filled, with many kind and
charitable deeds: She was a member
of the Aiag-lican--'Church- and the fun-
eral 'sermon, .was preached in St.
John's church here" yesterday after-
noon. by the Rev. Mr., Hinde, the in-
interinent took place in the cemetery
at Bayfield. The l:'ailbearers were hit,
five sons,' George, John.; Robert; Lae=
ty and William,.-" and• -her son'in-law,
Mr. W, Woods of Listowell. The her-
eeved family hive -the sincere syntpa-
"thy "of the whole commt.nity. •
-Mr. John Gibson, late member of
our township ; council, idiedo - on Satur-
day last- and - on Monday was interred
in Baird cemetery, the• services being
conducted by the ReVs. Brown • and
Hartt.. Tile pallbearers were : Reeve
McMartiaid; W. Murdoch, fl. ,McDiar
mid, W. getet i J, Aikenhead. and Ws
Berry.' ,IVIr, • Gibson was an honest
Map and a good citizen.
West Tiekersmith
Much interest has been shown by the
large attendance ,at the meetings in
Turner's,°church 'the past weel%. Miss
Seaman, a clover young lady. evangel-
ist, is assisting• Pastor Kerr. The
meetings will• bo--•contifitied..for .a- few
' Mr: aii i..1V2rs. - Buchtnien el Hensall
called at then home of Mr. Roger Pep-
per on, Thursday last. .
Mrs,. Robert White, who 'has'. been on
the sick list, is, .' We are pleased to
say, improving,.
M. Wilbert Crich of Saforth spent
Sunday with his •sister Maty
Miss tinily Turner spent Sunday
with her brother, Mr. Geo. Turner:.
Mr, A, L. Allen, who spent last.
v»eek at the home of Mrs. E. Johns,
left on .Friday for. Goderic1 to ,.visit
with heli sisters before - leaving foe
Mhss Pattie Johns spent Standar at
the.:. •hotne 'of the Misses Anon of God-
erich. •'
The 'Cudmore - hay' `.press is now
pressing hay Oftiri • M. Wesley
Ndit, who expects to' have about fifty
tons which .will net; him,. a line stili•.
rr'•Mr; Ittiger" epl;er has been confined
t4 the house by an attack of lagrippe.
ivira, George •'Turner " and Master
John have been ion the sick. list the
pest week.
• • - Summerhill •
Mrs. Chris. ,Beacom returned .last
week from Goderich where she! visited
for a *reel: at the horiie of her sister,
Mrs. Charles Benzo,
Mrs.' Noble Lovett •. and hey three
children are here visaing .among • her
many' `relatives and :friends and she
certainrly•}a.oks well after' her half
decade Of residence in the West.. .
• There will. be. sacrament service in.
St.-. Peter's chtirch next ' Suiulay even
Mr. •W Sinclair and daug�,hter N•ettia1
visited at Brtscefield .on Friday and
Saturday: last.
• Holmesville
On Friday thdannu'al meeting of:the
Holniest•ilre: CheeseetButter Company
was held in the • village .halt.. Mr;
James Connolly;. the president, occu-
pied the'chair and opened the Meeting
by explaining the.workieg' of ,.the fac-.
tory' 'for • the- season; all of which was
fat•orahly- received by the. patrons and
.stockholders -present. - .'sir. Connolly
also stated, that Mr. Ross, the butter:
Maker, had.decided to; give up .his -pos-
ition ' as he intenreel going , to the
West in the' spring. !Ills information
was receival with regret by the; peon
ple as, Mr: (Ross, is'--..no't only a. ff irsi-
class _'butter• maker;;: but a good citiz-
en and ;a general favorite with"every.=
body.. ...
The chairman, ib^ 1' eiited on Mr.
Courtice, the sec treasurer for `his
report, which he gave in' a very clear
Manner; showseg the aniouinb of money_
in. the Bank' sufficient to pay• all'
.debts •on :the factory and the mach-
. The, auditor, Mr. Nelsen Trewartha,
gave his''report and stated finding the
.books of the . sec. -treasurer tri! first-
class sl,tape, there being only a. few•
cants fnistake in ; the whole season's
Work.: • •
After the business wasall comple-
ted, Mr. Connolly Vacated the chair,
which, on motion, . was -r ken by Mr.
Samuel ; Sturdy and the election of
officers took place with the' following
result : James Connolly, •John Jenk-
ins, George .1lo7laiid, • C. W. 'Williams
and, J. W. Yeo were elected. as the
directors -for the presenteyeer. Then,
by a vote of the stoc'..holders; Mr.
Connolly was elected as..president .aud
salesman:. Messrs.' R, °Jenkins ' and
Trewartha - were appointed auditors.
Mr. • Ross addressed• the meeting and
expressed his regret at leaving ' the'
village as he had found the .people__ his _
Ilelmesville and dastriot. so kind to ery vote cast'oxcept- three. This• is
bimeeff4,an.0 famfl'y. certainly ; . complimentary to Mr.
The president • then sold the butte •Churchill. By thv way he is not new
milk, by auction, the highest, bidder to •municipal .work, havntg for tear
being .Mr Wes Marquis. Mr. Harry years and • up to twelve years ago,
active an energetic member
Sweet took -the coptract:of filling the been an aw
ice house. 0 of this council. »
Mr. Ed. Williams is engaged as but-_
ter -maker for next season.. He is at Csc�der , Township..
present attending , the Dairy School, •
which, along` with his ,years of exper-Miss McLeod, wbo went to St. Jos -
fence in some ; of the best' faetgries, ' eph's hospital, London, .,four weeks
in the province should make him.. a - ago to. undergo - an operation at the
first-class" man. - • - • hands of Dr. Wishart of that city and
Mich., also Dr. Thompson of "Clinton, returned
Mr, Road, af_ Marlette;
-,Wit,,toodSteck'r:•were: eall_� Iiome--od_-::. Monciay • ,Miss -McLeod,
era at Mrs? Holmes' last week, though weak, is feeling 'snook batter
Mr, Hails of Chicago has been the and hopes to he 'soon restored to leer
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Muhhoilland. used health.
death of the late Alp. Drysdale women and growing girls. Sold. by
Only :a short' time e,go we welcomed' all medicine dealers or by ,nail at 50'
Mr, amu'4 Mrs. Drysdale to our 'vllage. cents a box or six bogies for $2..50
WC had hoped that a kind providence front the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,
would have _Oared them many years. 'Brockville, ,Ont.
a mi t--:�..
aimongst us •
' � , but alas ! ' , in many
'. '""ds
of ,life.; we are in death. . Mrs. Dr • s-
era e•; a' 'een t for the past year,
but she hid -borne het' pain with great.
fortitude and silence. She was of a
quiet, amiable, and kind disposition,
and .was highly - esteemed by all who
made her acquaintance, Her . Maiden
name was Susanah Stephenson, the
third 'daughter of the -late Ralph
Stop'heesoiti, who lobated:oain• the Go=
shen Line, Stanley, iii the.early .thir
ties, ,when .Stanley was .a comparativ-
ely dense"forest." She -leaves a husb-
and and eight children to mptirn the
loss of a - loving wife and' kind.. moth
er.- The .:family. were all •present ex
sept Ralph, ,to . •wit'ness the closing
scene of a .well spent life:Thy faanily•,
HOW the EduCational Act
Applies lo .West: Iffuron,
In the inspecterate of West Huron
there are 06 rural Public schoot see -
time. There:•are 10 assietarit teach-
ers eniplOyed in these scheols; making
106 teachers in the rep,' schools, of
this inspecterate for e907. • Under' the
tiOns inus't pap the principal $500,
38 seations must pay. $450, 27 sec-
-tions niust pay $400 'and 4 dectionG
-must pay $500 each—„Theeessistants.
Must' receive et least. $300 eiCh.
Four principals and three assistants
receive Mote than the mininiilm sal-
ary. in Usborne toweship all tile
teechers receive $500, and in East
'Wawaneish Pot oao receives $'500.'
There are' nine "tesehers:, _ pech of
$-Be W 17e .
$ _,As.,..
The he S earlin Bank 91 Canada
Deposits of $1,00 and aptitude received and in- •
terest added four Hones a year, •
The Department is interested to no dele,y In the
whole oft ed of
h r tr or s
ori ora of partke
A Oenertil Banking Business Transacted.
Accounts of Farmers and, Cattle. Dealers Solicited
And. begin tbe New Year well by opening a
Savings A.ccount with
• YARNABRANCii open Tuesday, Thursday'and Saturday each -week $
BAYPIETD BRANCti open Monday, Wedneaclay and Friday each Week
• A .marriage, which his been. looleed
forward 'to with. . interest •fOr some
,of .1aSt;,., week when Miss .Pe'lleaboth.
time, took place on 'Monday evening
Walker,: eldest daughter of Mr.:James
Walker, Was unieed en -hymen's bonde
the . presence of only -a few intirnate
friends of the Contracting
The. neWlyetiarried couple, •who are
both Well and • fevorably known.,. Will
will with - the' bride'S parents.
The NeWs-Record joins their , Many
frientIS in Wishing thetn a happy and
,Mr; John- W. sol, who' has been
dian Foresters for seyeral, years, was
on the eve cif bia Marriage presented
was made by Mi., W. Sires, 'who
neatly conveyed theie good wishes to
Mr: and Mrs. Bell, and further, ex-
pressee the hope that they, will cone
them to be residents of the village.
•••The defeat! of. gr.. James Snell for
the reeveship• is: regretted •by his
many friends•,. but whee the nature Of
the fight is "taken into account, he
-The new member of • our• township:
council is Me Ben. Chutchill, who
polled a big vete in- the seuthero
part of the township and particularly
The' totel amount of the salaries. of
the aot rural •public, school 'teachers in
West Huron foe•1907 will be 146,025
which is' $225 more then 'Ate Sum of
the minimum Salaries: 1900 ;Ate
num paid the 106 rural teachers • was
The geeeral townehip, grants levied
for thene 196 teachers :amount to' $.30,
800: Tte further , sum .ef $15,225 or
than the salaries paidein 1p06.
.• There are sixty sehools. or dePA;fte.
nients Ofl•thei106 list -which have
chenged teechers since January, 1906-;
end ten have chauged twice since that;
Strength and Youth ,
.—A Safe. CoinbinMio
In 40 years the Assets .of The Sovereign B
Canada have increased to over 25 millions, a
the liabilities to the public by over 5 milli°
have increased to over'l 5 millions.
Your account—large or, small—is i 'tect
$1.00 opens, an account in/our Savings!DePi.
e Soverel auk, of Callad&
Branches Clinton anftruceltield
Your accouet will be appreciated at eitheor branch hy,
In ger.
i e areStock-taking i
i i
iAs soon as finished we w:ill hold- a . t
P9 you, pht yourtat to your
Haven't enbugh hair? It must
be you do not knovr Ayees
Hair Vigor! Here's an intro-
duction! .May. 'die acquaint-,
ance result In .a heavy grbwth
ofrich,thck,glossykair! And
we knovi you'll never be gray.
4' I think that Aterie flair Maur /1.1 th• iladd
*wonderful balscrewer that was over made. I
have need It for sores time and I eau truth-
Der Yeal -
Iss Snell, formerly of Blue- •
le, is receiving $45 pee month
from the Calgary Milling Coe
Calgary. This estimable young
lady had only A common school
education, and in a few months
with us pre_perecl for the ahove
hitUAti011. With diem years' es,
perienee Miss Snell will receive
at least $75 pet month.
Stenography is better than
Schee! Teaching,
• ,What we have done for other
we ean do for you, Enter a
time. Individual instructio
Write for catalogue, ,
, Amnia. with witighai4
nets C5diege.
som.e lines pf Hardware.
a_Possi.bly about tb.e second week
in February.
Watch tills space for Exact
Date and List of Piices
8 0
We take eteck on the 1st day•of Febniary, and ere now ar- .
railging for a geonine clearing sale. We have had an excep-
tionally good year"s litisin6s, and aerie •willingfor the balance of
this month, to treat 411entr eustopeneand friends to a genuine.
'We find it 'impossible to give -a list of prices this week, but
,cotne along, yen will not hd disrppointed. are out for
business, and the indecementiwe offer ate .a saving on every
our windows And Bargain Counters
Store Overflowing
With Winter: Furniture
Parlor Furniture in setsund" odd pieces ; Hall
.Furnittire• in oak and ash ; 13edrooth Furni-
ture in. oak, ash sa.nd.mahoginy,; Dining
Couches, Mattress*, Iron itpd 'Brass Beds, Reekers,-----
Easy, Chairs, Desks, Parlor Cabinets, Rattan Goods
Pieteree, Paper Racks /•Book ; Owes; Chirtitin Poles
Looking Giese,/ . IN FACT WE HAVE
pring your ietures here to be framed
Undert: mg promptly attended to by night or day
of either of the principals. IT •
I tha,n,k my cuStomers for their kind pat.
ronage during the year which is now dravir-
ing to close and wish them a happy and
prosperotis 1.0907.