HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-17, Page 2- - , 11 I —­TVMt3""Wqw1WFFqW�- 6 V Frr"1R41JVr1WTr-,— I ! 1111011"_ .. — - — __ I—— — — ­_,Ilr�_ -.1r1q,W � WP7,P , . �� 113IF-1 1 � *,., � - 11P11PqPW1.qq"__ _" 11 - ­ ­ _. ­ , , T 7__T".­_7,r_-_-__ ", ­_�� ,W­s_,.rJ I # I - W ,9"fr - qV F% VVVW � - � F, ,qp�� --r -., W��_,T­ .q,T7"N"1AqPr-, I I I I . I . I � * � . � i 11 ." I " 1. ,� I . � � , - ,� I . I I � '. I I ; I I . I I . , � . � I . - I ":2" � � I I . . 9 � I r � � : I I . . ., . I . � I I . ­ . . � I . CUU01% 11fe,wo-Rowro I I . �' I I A W* I — 7= ��__�T�=_ __­ I ..----.- __..___.-1.._1L_-_-__ __�___ __ ­ I . January, 17th, 1907 : t" . ___.�____ _.__I�,� ��.­.,;;;;;�;Z" '­...­­­ , ---,-- . - ---r--_____-.,._ ­­ -1 I I �11 ­ - __ _. - ____ _ � . I ,_. _ . ... � _ I I— . r r "��� r-',__,,_ ___ ___ ... r I ____ , ­ .1 � r —_ � I � ­*VVaTy- **#"#1 Sv^144 by Ooiliagj �,e%ev,, __� ­­ 1, r � ­_ .— I I ! A ,Ftt .�,",%~.. �,��, ,^.,�� I , � I . 11 I � . .. - � . I I # BLANK * I � h _11�_ . 1 I If � , . . � , . . I , � I Goderich, . I r ' I , .­ HAND FOR ' . . S : 10 : - . 61g 6. � I 'Argyle Lodge" resigeuceof, Capt. � old 1"' Hers . #1 . I * COULDN'T USE, . ., i __ ___1 ­ ___ � � - .4 0 , ,-vl O Wr I 1. . , . ­ ­ ''...­­ . . ___ . r I . " * _AVPLM3ATTQN P091A - #, - . 11. A , , Goderich � avioew and Mrs, Dan. MacKay W", illumjn� Ir .1 .. . " , - I , .1 , I .1 - H, Dys -11 ­ � . h9s, ­­­­ I I � � ip . " . # r - - -Atod in ImIor rriage of his a � . . . Yoki will 'find no suoll = Of *tb!d'1114 . . . I ZAAT-1311K TURN' APPLIED AND , M*SlRLQIS1i A, SK141AUNCIS Corte pondent.' . K. � . . . %tI� ­ ,,P,,,, 10 ,,, r r ' � . * for membership In the Fin- * GAVE, INSTANT :RELIEF, P . da,ughter , to � 'a � 1. � . I ­ , ,. ,cold figbtersauywbere : # est %n,i bmt .ausinoss Wai. # � �­ ��`-'**,-*0_4,oellq^-�001� �.. ��-%�. � - . I r . I . �. �� � . , . r _.�� 00=0011, S00000' sOft, Of the 40muh Old odw , r ­ ' ' , . 1, . . .4#01M � #, Plug �Schc*l jR'Canada-.#, An �coldaut in: a Torouto lVome tile, MrR,. Lewis B1110IL-reovilved onJan.. his coutinued goodsight had pro 100'Mr- Campbell 4;id Mrs, ,t4t,j. � . W01144 14W Stb, t4le annivers J)le VW a Tho ceremony was performed At, 7.8o I I I.r am,_% I . . � � . r r Rev. J # I es � r Wh ite Pin e, d T -a r .* The -, C'entral, Bmiaess Col -r' #-,, .other day w4glit bave7had.very ier. . ary 61 her birthday, great 95`1119 to him, for IV wrote . . # loge of Torosto:--Erola JA4.. * four, ., , � A large box ot,roses wid; curn%tiong niagy letters to Ills fatally allics A - .A�adersoa, I . r CM0 I_% : (for the 1,141de) ,�Iqd # 2nd next, tor _ * Z consequence4 6d it not beeii for, from her granddaughter, Xrs;. Arch 04:4og his aps4lmsiX�Y. tile Rev. Dr. McLean ,Anil GD4 0 -- . , 't'ther, wIth.do, , - r - am-BuICNIss Martba.Green, of 0 or long. Illiess and re,gd daily his Blb,le U . f &d* OW POW CM : . . . " # tallod informad ­ of the *, ' (goe miss Nellie .Chryatal) of I A Rev. J00. , lli.,,t. r The,q bride enterea fo - mmb wnimft VAM . ' , oil Claremout, SC, In taking apanot Up- I Col- alI4 prayer book, as well " tbo -city r _k�� � .� . W great advanta . I*WOO,�)'z lovel)r bir . � A� OrAwin�g rQom 04 the I ?0 a thday gift. , , 4rm of her - , psoline - I .,% 1, 908 tO be en- # illng fat trom the oven spilt it over and county p4liers., � Nvr'1%0 bor4 in father, who gav,e her a,wayj A'a * 40 . � ,A # joyed-, will be. se4+,, free by * bet, right b d, "Tho -boiling fat -ran Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Martyll, return! C&toa, near LaUaa-ter ia Engla r A WAS I P"I . boko th* Me* 0" - - " .ad, charmingly * return mail an request .of # into the ,,an' ed to their home -at Ripley alltt, 41 . . COS . (applied out Im O( my burld-,` slie,says, wid, cattit out to 'his sistpxs, I , tumed in whitp RU "I "o Wqn7 ss VW . iide) will atire # friend .,or letter.: Write to- # ,Pleasant Asit . at the latter's -old Xesquin" with 0170rdrOm of P0!'aV-L,d`esprii , -, Win � V . 14440 0 . I ',and over all my fingers, You, may hme ; ,04 Batt%worth of Toronto, and Lani- Skirt ()f Whjcb� Was trimmed, With I #_ ilay to , r , 'Earnsoliffe.11 tht; 40 % Q" vbdlow! I any cold'that'il,parabje. * well Im4(glue the agony I suffered in bert of Jarvis, who 0%eboth 0 SS41M � � , ,-" I t ' I ihsAn ft r . � 6 . . ,� * consequence, I was almost wild with Miss. Jessie Miller 01, WQOdSt401( Later h , ce4ftd,. several ruches of t,he SaMe -at the "001C 10, \ I r. . . o went to Detroit And mar- bottom, with rows of white Satin jx�. 4"S6 ,.. ' W. H. SUAW;'Frinclpal, spent her yaca,tion . - . . 7hen it Would bo a good *- . #- the pain. Thp .iiau4 bevaWQ SWO110a, tap. at R4=rai Cot- 404 Miss Cliarlotte, Loin�s, one. ot, the .. . 4r . I . .. , . I , i 4 a?., . . - ' r * , '�, . ! arg formed all 'r � . � . I Olght da,ughtera of Elias anA Mrs, be Xiblion betweVn, the waist full with* Wal" I I I I .... . . , , a - - #AA6NL 6 , Arazma,ft-" . , . . ,to got goo Of roUr . # -Young ,&: 0-crifard S-ts;, 0"' - -ek a sister of tive lato b9ndsomely trimmed' YOIA), anO elbow rawft _ � I I #- � the �alm and allong the fingers. For "14 Wft . * r, I 11 . .1 � r I . . . - , We Ore 9111(f tAbO ale to GW4 that Lomag (the la,tt , 0C . #1 - Toronto. Miss Etta DavIdsou. was -able to �ake Sberin Giblibas), 'piolieerii of Huron sloeves to r4a h, A baAdsom ' 0=40, 8rests,?' ' bave - L# . L ­� I * - �Ver vo mOuth I Was UnaMe, to use the r to e ,white Fir ot L. .r , wo a wAlk out, of licors the other day., * sartill. glrAe Was prot, 'tened ja S$j$ %W'Sook 0aft' . . I I . * hand, at all. I tried several kinds of: ThIs. was the �irst time She hqAd, verl,, 'county, and wIldso farm, to Dow known' ,front, '41Y fah r . L f4m, A. , , . I I I a nd , I . � � 'VW- - - 1. . . salves And linimeAts, but the,wound tlifed to do 00 as the Bvattle"FArm, CA the ,.Huroa The bridal Veil- Was of band. , C. L .. 11 . . now . . 11holn for both L diesa., . *#*#" I - .. I . . . r .,. � After = Illness r .. -age, sollnely silk embrolder.d elliffon,, gea;_ . . . I L I - . � .r r . 1. ,seemed Apparontly no better. It was . Road. ShoxtlyK after their m%rrJ, . c ' w j, " I . 6 *�— q I . . I Alt*otjjo� too L Severe 00fully fas*od at efther.alde with -. ,. - I . (�ftptlenien. P. , . � . I .tor the,;e pro� several weeks, , - and -Mrs. . irkbrille'came, to re- , r , . . . . . .. ­ . .. . r Mr 0 . � . � I- " . I . I **0- "*+44�-.��� Pfiratf011s to beal. About -this tinic I "Scoto wha, h4e wil Wallace bled,,' srido 'I, Gqd�rjcb, where Mr. . Kirk- . r0ft, �aind -carried, veil 1kr Arm, I . .. I � � I * . . how Are ye going ta-'celebiate, the 25 a Very .large boque ., t of beautiful Wh, . * - was advis( &m4i-ik. I slop- bride took 0ures in tire old Goder1oh ltv r*s I .1 , , , I , . r . 4 + 0 , 4! . I . . 4 - bf ,4anvary ? Last year the ' and tcrus,-. -T . L % 4.4-0--ex.."...'m .. ... . 0 o-q.,-.,�-,*P-x-;+.-0.-.,-. - L.: . . . W. 8. fl. Holme's ? .. .ped uoing all athlor preparations. And WODIOTIAS, f011114tY, Some' Years later he opened Miss - , McKay, . he bridesmaid . , * . . � I ,1,,, r If. . I. . �� % - applied zam-Buk lasteail. .ry -Both Sister .01 I , Institute di4 the honors a*d,at *e out a large blacksmith shop, the -.4. strong Heads, 'And skilled, .,. . I He Set- bride, looked loYely in, bbr pink . silk o , L . � I'll, -Arr.,t app1lication soothed lily IiAts I And I . MePtigg,pf the Institute we re- vedl AS -* -Pliblic school'trustee for I .,,, Han,ds, - to the front , .. I - I .1 40 a I . I., . : ManufaCturing Obemist. , .. � seemed to draw.out the ,;,s� - and .. in- r ' - ootume, wilth overdress o , 4.� - - . . � . all ided 'the '1110mbeXs-Of ' ilh�t same some aA took, Pface 0 q, . . I . r time. The funer I f PAID, pink - *0#. Abtm4 the famous r - I . I 'STRATF.PR.O. ONT.- , f1mailliation- &te QI1l - -Which -to. hold tJwlr - oyster unde � - auspices ' ' ' DIOUsSellao'do Solo, with Yoke Of, all_ . r . . � ., 41 . . 14�o Keep 4 Only ;; . . . _ using t1le. of' tile. Masonic . I . , . Post. Offlee ' ' ., and as I kel:'� On r I" . I . I * Zarn-Buk the blisters Armiu.0hy 4 .,r supp,er this yeai­,rbllt- a moonliglit Order on Jaauar� 8th, -At the hause , over flate with flowek Tmign . 11 I . . I Toe 'Best. , . Drug r$toro. * Ond and, Iront, . ISLUOTT ,r . * THE LEADING COM-' * up And disappeared. Im.a. very'shkirt night was wanted Arid on looking"up of Corsage tucked across with pale 0 , , A � I r r . .-RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE- J 'L : . . the calendarrit Was found tjl&t,f&e 13AV - G. N-.-, Huzenr olliciateo Assisted, pink, satin b6bo eibbo rmaifig,r* el- .. . . . . .. .1. . ­ ­ - . . . I .. * .1 114ZRCTAL SCHOOL OF * time the soaldrWaS heated comple.te- a=-ivers4-ry - of Burns, d-ld not"proinise by Rev, W. H. Graham, The Masorlic bo,w sleev . es, 'n, tri ' I 0 "I I . .- ..,. I r r<g� ly'll r ! � I � to Match, a arried a . . . . -...­­__.­. __1. -_4;_,­­WE'TERN ONTARIO, � service following, t--Iw Chapdain otitai4 : . ,-, _ __ . . . ..... .-.---'- ­ ­ ­ * ' ... . _ ,. 1. . . . r . t, - -, , nd c ' I _,-.�, , I � _, r, ' argei Oquet, of pink rose.s and. ferns.. � I .0. I ; , i . ' one. I . r . . Order, D Gallow; officiated. The. 11 , '6 . . TORONT ONT. I . � � I . . � . r I . . . � I , . , . * , , rour __ .. � * -'�Ilis.. "stit, one instance ,J tho ulks -Miss Bella, Ilowrie left last week to p The groo-ItIsman, was. davUlrl Robert And be properl 'prepa" . r . . r I - . urges are thorough * to which Zaaa-�Buk clilt be so adv4 . nt�,. ' all -bearers. were'btiAher .X.Asons,, E, - y red for Wams. .. . . , , co visit at tife - reslftib MacKay- Mlss�_-P,ekrl Trctivcway pre- iness, positAc.ni'. Wer' deal ,Only in . . I � - 'O'I" M .. .' . * an� r4a.lctidal while the * a960uS1y---APPiift It is eqyally-effoct- of� StO4., 0 of. Miss 130314 Downing, I. F..Law-rellee -A. Qhry� 01&d. .at , r ", . , r , . . r � . p . JQng ., . ' r . FAIRTI, lallo� - C161 I he PiOio,, playing M Ugh Grade-Busluess E4u0ajtiQn_ 0 , . . * teaching is done liy,� able ** iN�a- for burns, cutgj bruises,.abrasiong, ' * : r lain, R,� Ri r endelss- I- th . r . , is$ B _ "r . . . ,And . I .\ oth ,MAVkay ]I ' .Mg a:n4 W.. Qhh's WID(lditig Maich-whi . r r . ­_ -0 �p Y , Asoh - - . � <9� jnstritcfoi�, The ambitious <8� .sprains and .istiffnesS. P,, ,-�I­qb CLIes as. returned, td D. , Tye. 'A I V I M le the_brldal ki6d . � . I I I . z - � , . . * . fr, ,emblem party enfered Rte drawinj every - maa woman- .. . I'm , , , , , " * young 'meh,'4nd. women wita * ec erA, ulcers, sores, bloo-l-��-�;,,&,�n, Defioit WAS-14id uPO1111 Vie casket by Vila Or& . I 0A � affil, abould gave, b6r s6hool has. D�* the - , 9 I ' : I . . hol. I . . . . . . The death, of Cathar-Ina . Came ' after tii,e cel,01110-11 I �; while, r. m'Anyq lax-gest Attendance In, its igstorry, - Fest pos- * ringworm, so p sores, 0:ry a beautiful ftOiq,I llaw was ' ' r the . I , � 4 desire W gn the 69.. al, nic wr)(Itk-! , ,ron., er, Ri . At friends O!f . th, � r . . . I .1.: 0 1. * sible�' commercial', .traini .*� - ds, aone, . blackboads, . p! np'e3 C1113 . reliet. Of the la,te r Eft,ard Campaigne, tile head,-tribqte of tholamily, And a � ­ 06,114 groom were COMITICTICO'now. - Prepard well arid, sua- . . I * - ittronize this'school w r bile *.r: Core n.*. 'all, . 'ri-ill their Otfest dongratfulations, COSS . IS. Cort ,r, aia.� !No trouble , . P s, chapped hands, .,4- . , On Motidlay'bf kast week sent. lx� throb bamlilsoane sheaf of wlieattrl'�uta .'Of urilig boa. " . r , ' , for OUT , . � I of,L -, t gr.adiia,toS 'to r - . , of S , �0 �Ozl, There, w"cre. 175' gues, S - pifa- I .9 ' . * Business � men a.re Ail search, <�> di$C-Agea and injuries. . Zubb,d'-,�olf OIL 104ON to many a heart in tor'wn. Mr, R. King.' the laem,6ersi -4>t, the . . got pos,tion . -Catalogue . - . " - bore With - Chrisitilin, resignation, ,family ,�Lt arch, beitween " th;L� two djaw- 7 `.. . .. A- .1 p I . .1 .*�'of our graduatas to fill res- * - A0 the, Chest, in,'Cases of cald It re- ,She , ft. funeral, -were Mrs. W. Ont. The I I frm . . I . � . . . , ' 'the death,of i beloved husband - I 1119 rGonis was dec6rat6 . . I . I . , I : * polisible positions. The best, - <�� 110es Vie fchirg all'14 tlglftiie�s, and and Logan-. -of BvffaI6 and' Mr. " I r . d with holly lt.# .' ; - . I ... N I - - __.. . * ' ' � !Logan., and 040rgr0Cn, * -as *'; . .. . . I havo been ap�poioed a r I *� time to. enter our classes *. 8.10ied as ... r einbrocation� 'it Cures three manly son$,' but.the death Of, Mrs. W. Raytiolds, Leeds, North Di�- r .WeTe also Ahe Wja�r . #. We: J� Ellbift., 'PrincipAl . . . gent - 0# is NOW. Beautiful catalog- q� rhou.matigni, �Scl . . her YOungest -0111, GQO-WiO, broke her k0ta); and M.- Al. -Kir ride of tijic_ dow, The,dill-ing room was,' , . .#,.. . Jor the M*sey-Harris - Coin" - . I latica, neuralgia, etc. r r . k -b b0autifully **.# Cer',. To -60 and �- . . .1 . , - 40 , . - r � . . . I All druggi&t ,3uk to r.%i(. a heeit-She .could .be -no. more -4 boyg * debm,a,ted With Plnk-� And white stre-a- -.#- - ' ' - ,pany in this distri 0* .lie free. I " ­ I * s sell Zam . � r ar - an .94t, Mlolf, The other relatives ' Alexander Stteets. .*.# . I ,keep on hand a c c� and'will .1 110* . ._ . . . . I box, or it may be obtai.1wI,fr4JL_th,e Phough. medleal aid allid good nursing from, ,a distance ,were ,Mr, .John , aoi iners which WeVe fastepod'to the IAI!- ".0.+. I . .� . . . . I . omplete list . r . 1* I I were gi ' - L` - go . handso , lamp, sus 4. , 4, *.., Elliott A. McLachlan, Zaai�Buk.'(Io, velftr her she Ionged- to be At zbert Jarvis ;_Miss me peaded from; � .*...*.t..P�e...*,..�.-io.--,-,...-.e.........!...t...-....# #-...-...-. . . I .,. �; '., r. �, on. . � Gooft1ii, C,11a"', . obl't're, Of Ithe Coiling, rand to in ng . . .-.*. . Df.supl;011es in my store oppos- " ...�$- , ,,.,Tor ,o, � upoll, ree6ipt . rest -with.. thosLv , golit beto , re. T � r 1 'r r - ;.�, � 1. . the, 11 . 1, . . I - r Principals-. * of price. 6r. , j;2"jJ)r . -lit a grandniece ol Mrs. Kirkb,' e - Mrs.* a Very Pretty canopy, . I . s Ba . I ,boxes for ito the Molson Ilk.- - . . , * r, , , 1. . . � I - . - casket, was, bove eG� witl . rid , . . I . �* � � . . 1. I . . r I flotral ' em- Dark'of. Cli 11 The wealtit of. " � - - - ' ' * I * ., . I I . . nton Also atunded t& - . r I . :111, . , I'' , , I ­_ r %, I Wreatbg,- - Rev. James Ark r rOsCS and�'Carnafioas, upo� the tables . . I I I I .. I r am al.w , continuing, . tile �, ---- � ._ . . .bloins�, and --.,fWerA1. ,The WAo -Mr.. Kirkbride was. . . . . I - . r I B(I.-M , 11 ... � !!!! , . ; � U., 400. 4*410- <�0<""**"* .0 I . . . . _ _._________­fi10U "1_0 . - - ...... � . .11 I . I . I :derson. officiated At the residande and a 'r.Memer 0 .1 r ill large 'Vases, delighted-jile eyes of. � . . lam. and respectfully ,solicit 4 1 . I , . . . . . . f. the 1. 0� O. F,` Lodge -th1d.-guest,s, Tile bridal part ' r r - LO . I . .. ; . . ___ glYen a at MAitland cemetery., The *pglbear- for sixty4hrco yeam' I * , ' , I y. and Jii-, - r, , .1 �. Litillitary Itineral — :1 I 1. . , laving: join � A continualic , e of your patron-�, . . ..� .1'. I., . .� . . at. BrarlItford. .. . 1111:3 -Were :F, F. L�l!�i!!�l�Iiii�ii,ii�:11��:!Illlll! . I . , . . cir families .89t. at the bridefs. ta,blb.� r . . I . . . I � I . . , - _F . ' . I - . ,age, ) . .. . .. .. .. I I 107 -.J-.Prld- * �, 1, � DO YOU WISH * TO VISIT : - - .:1 . I . 1 -4 *"**#*_#*#""#*"-V_ & I I. � a .. . ., -first birt b C -*ha--4n'iA'&!S�k-_, r .� ,�_MD '6"", r ­ .. I I . ----I-- ___ - .. haall, W - IN - Paulls, .P, - Walboid, 11" a .; ein , the I(IJ&sii ineiaw was-placm-iii-t'lle. __QXT-� , XIC � . . . . . . I , - centrel. ThQ_ m6nu 'that was *Sero 'I. . . I . I -1 I . , * . ,:' 'rDowniftg and James -YA1es. . The la,te', her on the, continent, - zRid. for, forty- . 11, FLORI ' . r WIly , I it tht W�dding banquet w . . DF.:::����_ 11 . . . _11 .1. . . I ' I *� .. � - I. - I)O,YO,U FAINT ? . .., - _ Mrs'. 10ampaAgne .came : here frooi. E .I- five ye,%rs lie wa;s i raernb6r of - as porfection � "SUNNY SOUTH-T� , , r - � -7 0__ .. OR A �J * '' jk, 'F r- � . DA, �-ILO�R4T I I - .. q- . . � THE FIRST. DAY' ' ' tIf0 i4d -'sev . ) . '. . I . 11 . . . - - t, ibut oxa, a, young girl; to . I � _­ . . I . . i . 5qiiletidle�froin shock or itigh. vislt� her aunti Musollic Order." HIS* 61dest sort, Wil� Oal toasts wero given tile .. . .- - . . . . . .i ' � . ,:� . . I . . ' . . . � .— . . ;� . . . I .. I .. .. . ; , I r. � .. 9, u-qually. becapie tli� System is we k- th,01 la te Mrs.-- Tlobertson 'whose bus,- Ili, at, , 1 . . ha47 bride and " -; The 'eVoilijig I . Are' .. 'anXiOt...3 f6 _­ ' , . ., . I I . I . . . . ened and ' do�rossed,�4t, .. .. )aI s .. ell * I YO%l mcape thotold-- * '.- ' ­ � � . . . a , .; . - " t groom ; . . I ,.,. � r ... I , 11 , 0 , , � , , , , 1� lackg V,� . . V rs, . governo , r of M'R. who we .Out wit"I 'his lam- WAS SP with the hilg pi - I . r I I . . � .. .. ,� . 1. � - . wer I id Was rtbe r I t . the -ily to., �anidouvet a f ' eNv years' ago,' violins,, I Pts, . - and Nveattler awl sfto�i and's-pond the win- ... ., ' 00A L � . . I 4 . � I lol- react. ir'oni,s0deft strain., , The co,�-. Goderich gao'l. f.dre she met t1jelItp : ate' I ­ . . I . . - . . , co,uld hot- re'apht. t.pu ODIP=Ying - the emneers, � , - . . . . L or in the '�L d 'd Fi ' " ` ", ­ , ­ .. . . .- . . . .. .. 11-dition. de:maniz.," . rebuilding', .,derhands rudwaril -. Campaq he, . who after his funeral. . . ­ . I . . I W ride's, biother wote a handsom.. Ali of -Fruit an- .0W_ . . I - ­ --.-. - I .1 � - 1* . . n�Quris I linie'lit, IV-111ol I1q be,it I . . . 1. . I. ' .,golvm of, C ors ?", Will'tor tourist-JOZts are o' - '. �'.'.. ­­.______�� TD.tz ,kyntti, . 'n.d 91 1 0 6*J'* 1 . I .1 -supplied ma.rriage tb - lie .. received. a'. -'.4overn­' Mv.. �rich' black si I IL . . . I aq- �- . and MrS� Robert, J. $,I,, � ilk, the W �St ,, . - . FOY , I's �_;Iup___ ­ � � ­ , , 0 - ith huve i a,`YcQ,-,z trimin'ad With - al .9a1c, dilly, and. ,if. you are coatempqa�-. I . .YOUR �;AA_�� . , __ _._---, � ..- _ _. - .111 'd-- ff(511i' their 'honeyi � Tio I on trip,� I avInf. White . 1 . � I -1 I F . h I . . s I . - -)Y-- nezTozqat,� - __c,;* -y form -a de-� 'Mellt. posItion, so tlia$ 7thk-Ar family rL,tuT I .. J ;' sea that your'fickots� " " * .. . � . ... . bilit , . I ne , ii cria embroider, .. -are I. � I.. I PLY OF - COAL. WE CAR.kY. - . ''We Will thep re;npenwith . y.-FarrozVile is a sr,ecille, it fort- . of.ilpins And daugh,­.r, Alls�s Kiie C&m_ to* Toronto *N -I Zifton, P486"Me t I i ed *I (,h ng a trip 1 . . . ­ . ,W.Is, . . . .. I I I I I tind6ubtedly the, largest Class . I ) agmra r Buffal.O. black, and..chiffon ruche; ' d via -he .Grand Ti!,'in.k, ­ I � � I - OWLY THE VEItY B.f,ST G . � i fit's I I t1le `,digestiVe. a.T�d, assi-Tatilative Palgjiq, were all boifi-,fil doderich. aild Shortsvilke N, Y . . at neck, faqt� . I . . : � . . I � � .. .... . . .. I I .. � � . I � ' , . '). � ill the bistory,:,or.,this school. . . . � . I . 6;*d �Vlt.b a. ,I)bAut,iful bko . . I I , 7— � , .1 �. ... , . . . , . ,. 1. , ,DES� WHI­:'�� ,�"vir.1"'Ilkso , .... PaNver (if the body, prorrRotes the eli- MISS. ('Amcr6n, ,3!1) lonk and ravoia,bly ' Mr.:, - 4n,d 31i * "it -M '61 I ' I Kpb. . The .. '. '. . .. . . I . . , � It'Yon Want the edii�ntjon- , , I . . 1. . � s, , e rae ieD. Spent g1,010 . I . . , ,For ifull., infqrmation .1 . - . I - niinati6n of W - lyuijds knowfi,. hag i � . . . as to ratts . . . ' . � AT, THE T1.,)WF".S;,r ?0,481111�R : . . tliatzrer -eres.'for -good posi- , 11 . E1140. iliateflAIR, � eeif - a, par tiler .w.. itil - lief thei-r Christmas lioliduys* Vi . xe- M'S' ill6ther wore - a'very hand- � . .. . pa �b � . . . . * . 'In sonic Pearl, colored: - routes -arid Usin- scxv4dt c,air on I � - , . S,itin ' . * I Tvei,at Brussels,,' 'I . �brdcailed sill6nade � � . ,on w it I . lip th4sur.; glives ell, ,r in, .11 � Ith. � � . . 'PiplicE _ ' ", �` , , i ,.t for ,our catal()g-1 �-rgy-axd. resistance. ,stste -A he aji,ii W1 la,t .. a ale : F. 1R. Hod,gensj Town..Agdnt,' - - , . . . . . . 11, 11 " . - I - t * I Bluevale 131y� wi,*t,ll a; V Shaped r , . I . . ai-gre bave the s . . . � I . . aRDERS Ml.�Y BE: T, FT AT ' .. . I . od, �enduriivp lie):- ) � ympathy th. , - . , . � _. I . I . . ' . abe -in - frb",rtt, for" : J. D. 'strict: Pa' - I . I . . I., . I I , ' ' �ja - � . ., . . : � . . . �_� iiie'd Of roIds, And I a,c 11 ' '­ , NT.tDonald,. Di . sseag.er : - .. -' - , T-AVI 7 � 4�. JV ci . )Sts noth , I.. -ves� a sfro-nig 6011-,Stitutio-�l ana -iss. in ,91 all wbo base'lia. 'the - Wb were very 'sorry to learn last i with a, 6, .. . , Toronto ., - �� . I 411,;'. -.,- .. - .-. . .o., ial'e' rich, red blo :M . . , . - s S & Pflll'!_0 I �RD-'- - I .. - . ,tHE % , '.. I . last,-. and. e , eem . 1, co at lastened � . . . .. I . . ,. I . , , Ing - roachl:sett'wit4i ffla� Agent, I . . � . I I /I * " . . . I . . .. . ­ . � �. � 900d health 'US6'�ierro7,olie. ,Sold Ple'asL'rc I . . Of' Ri .00 ti 'Mrs. ­We0k­Of Ille`__ 'death. ot_'Catha. - ' . . � I moni& a'nd- A.:D"P'attI �t. . . � - . - I . o- �;..� . . WAR F. STORE OR ITFT,, � I . I I (Illow.11'.g. - - - , I�em ___ Xine� emer, . . erl"W-1. ., , -sii 'I -�r (Kate) A., Deticn,l . " *.�-bdde?s t gr . .. I , . I � . ,7 - .1 * . . c� 1(11`0 in ,1)0c bbves 'or SIX" for -Davidsont, of. Elora; a s -t of: de � aids. . - . Son,. Depot'Agen . . . - ­.­ � �, I . I . . -:Berfin, Busihess C01160'e, '. : " � . . . P i�li et, Of . t T40 aadnidth�r , . . . . ,. . .. . cc "� I . . . .. .. 1. . .. I I .. I ... . � . . - . WOT-0 :Ma'l -18flk- �with.liltic. , 11. - . . ... . . .. I . . b . '2'5 . - �. ., � lie.. late . ' . 11 . -V . . t . 56. . . I '!,.,!, :A�nil­h�r ' - .r re�m ned .Rev.' Mi " .01iris foplier so ' . I � . - :_�19! - .. I --.,.. . .1 . . . .774- . . . I . . .. . . . W - , . ._ , - - I I , . . . . ceaS ' , daug�lt . 1. . . . ­ I . n, - and: Young- slWuldek I le �jilk .. I , : : , ,� ... .. . I � , .. I W'- D. euler, Principal'. 0, . . ­­:_ � . I with- her sloter sN%V0 and *whito cap poet;tlly . - .. . ., , .. . � . '... ". � .1 I . . , -­"���- - -,Pr, ..during the laost: ive esirilauglitcr bf Vie Iat6*e.x-7qayor,Det- I yie. ".M*ys. McLean ,was,, I The Xillerica - Trust 'as'... - - '. ' __ V q/ : � , * z , . ... I I . p . . " . , .,...; . I . � . 1� - � � .1 1. . ,weeks of ' life. �Mi:, Jazl�s wa.,7 er Jon ' 'whlo:w4k O'ne'of oar'ext6nslva . made. in, o rl,Tdbacdo C; �. . . I . I Id st* - . . . . - - �. . d' gllilty-.6f foinil�g � . .. . . . - 1'11'� 11eW' IOIlGe4,0f -iefuge t' - - � 1� , .m , " -".# #0 "p, , * . 011,,, 0, Cousin, - rohao , 'a.' g96d flealth: and ig,41n=�t, nitlety : ali:iftegil - - - .1 . . . Oft I . , .. ' I , t. � . . . - , h :�( #*#*_qP4r"# , ' � - me . . . I W'. J. 6 . , . I I alk�r been, i�.6 I . - V 0 ,t atid-Miss, 1A.1 fr. - Mrs. ChristoPh,er�on wa's ' , ... .� , . . .4 . - .a .0obourg . � . years of -a;g&:`,,c;II0 � I nation al , I " . � . I .. I . . atild, the . lie,;V .1 , ­ - .:I I lic�l Of Clirfon* a friend.of-the'tairl- born 'NaPaPoe; 1 and . cam6 to. ., a, xious combi I . I . � � � .. I . .. .. � . . ja' wr,re' ­oPkiled. �. as I 11 near wa,s very, - 11 " ' I . �d' .of" crp�,i Iva Mon- - -, .' . � - , � . - -L . — . - . ... ., �. ­ ' A , .. � . - . _ I . � t ' C'O'c"; .about.-thei-Welfare of.�Il.- ` OPOI ;� . . I . ,. . I I " , � . . . I . . , � I weeh. . � . . fly', 'attended, the . tweral . ' ,ich, took erich ,.;.varly in life, with h,e� iather . Th, � relaiti- - ly, , . . � � . � . 1. . . � I . . . * ' .. . .. . . .. wl . L V * . . I I . . . . I . I . . , . 1 .. I - . - -.;L-, I I � , . . . PlotAII Ma4fland who;. dita! her to -Bs f-]!om a-Ais-tance Of4be. bridal 'par., ... . . i- I i 'E. , , � , .�� . '_ -, - " - � �_--- . .- - I . .1 .. I . - . * " . M�Cl<ay, . I 7 0 .. . , . . . . . e. krs " -iNlrit phekson t . . 0 no . . . .1 . 1. I _. � . . . . . ­ I . . �. . ., .1 . . I . I 'Real'E. Sta , , , , , , , , . . . : . .— I . cemete, . � . resided here, for m . � Sis . ­ . . � F . . I . PIACP tq'Q6 ia,mily . . to For SA e. 1. ' . , . ­. ,. . �, . ry. . . - . I y Wro. Miss Beth. ster .: ­ . I . . ­ . . . 11 . . . I . � ,; �'. , .. I . .1, . . I . any years but cOn- I . . I , . , . I " . ...:. . .. I 1. .1 I IJEI: . Sp . IR ' �. 1. . ... I I ' I 0 . - h6r I I Ly. 0 - '. I . .. ... . .. . ... .. . . . � .,. I . � I" . I , . . T . . � ' give u -eeping, .' and ' 9 ide, -Detr6it,- and Donald 9 li-f , ' I . . . I . . . I .11 �J) I . . IT -OF. WINTER .Mt. aw!-. Mrs. 'Jini,es N - - 1-16itlftsoil, cluded to P hollseli , I the'br . tate of . Ohic, C i .. . . . . . . - . . ' . . - - 1. . I . . . .. I � ... ' brOtILICr from, Toxonto -: Mr .1). Toledo, Luc` Ccy� il -.� * I . .... TTH - C .. I . . I 'Spirit. .6f winter I 1114'vel - Peturnod 10 LpatiAlIgto�' afthrl' al left: Som t, ce . IVIcCoil I as u, ty -ss 6 . - . Ila --:--. ..; .. I I I 4FARM FOR SALE ON , 1i , X ..'�O�� SALE-TH . The` , s - with us, week's .visit wit .. .. .M. e anic ago .with bier ki6i' and . Mls� , i,i .. - - `-, !. � I ... .. '. .E SEIVEN k,- ; its . h � Mr.' 1-letidergon's- ISS Detlen -for' North Bay... She - ' zzlVI, cousins,' froo,m kit- -Frank-4- Chieney. nia,1068 atlf ,' t t. .. I - I .. - ilia Ing . . . . * ' )oataini 1g: IM I r 0 ed house now 00 uple �y JAM'.� . lly'. ! W49 tore,- J W M c'kay Of: t .. ., . P � . C - d I � ­ � mother, Mrs. Jaffi�s'-Str ' -r. a true 0 rih.tiari,, and a. most, chaita- -I t- 1, - - a 40 Scii%nt6a. a ts sentor..parttler of 1he firm. -of F� *. - . . .. I . ,ofigh. .M ,b - I 0 'S'� chooll -y" mile *iv different. ways-'sometimps' by,,.pliecry -a- n4 ­ � . ­ - & , , b '. �: ,. '­ - ' I I . , . . . . . . , lid. ' I --i - . IfFq. 91ndws, . * 6 u` ,-a cou�lIlpus . lho'Cit� or TOIC4,0, 06un�ty - , � .. A'� ' � I - i e erson ,presented IS, mother *1 - Illab ' took ,* place I ford, -.4 � J. Clibney . - 1�"" presence-knoWnAti. ma It " ' � - - * . .1 I . � � res. A Zi le I * om s � es. L ,eiinote,is offered f m, !;ale .sunshine, - and gli.sqeril ' ­�'*' .. h' * ' . th , 419'W0 - . TheAdtieral. n errritiollc�l Coli�gel:, stra,t Co.', -doing- usiness in: ' I . . I I ,... lour, %to .. lid , 'Mrs.., . -. ath . . , . :4 Preqbyter alli a�(!. -1,kW-%t ,�',,c '.,CxOQd Stone oellAt "'all - l4rids o! -.111i * aii'd a,. beautifully -,. decorated on January.. 8th from - North ;Stcjjet q'! slas ' ad * * .. Mr- -a I I and 9t i \ - - �, . I I . I , , .11 urthes, and pos- fhe . I � 1, soliletilldes by driving wl , . . , v I - ­ ., . , - , q . �..., .11 � I ... . . . - , ' . I , . : . . I . I I 3� e, 1 'm I Ivolft I All fruit; hard and.,g6ftw.,, atr,.c. Will. ing 1, "s- and lblin& Ohristin � M, Ailr8. 11. . 43fkAinger., * Clinton ; Mr." and- Ml;,,,, , W, ­ I I . * w . .as. cake which echlis "* auly7 ethodist Church-, tile , , . I I ... anC- tbat­swid firm,will pay. . .: t - . . I . t6aj )CI 0 I . - .. , . .. . ' I 1. ' , J,and 4 allies f ­�p - b6- -,so!6: ocj . . To m -any ncople . I t.'se(Ims thing we have ever seen; ... ... I itknigd, thither froni'140,1 . '11.1 ftitlti .Atwood.; Mr. D�., Melvo), - And , I R 1) , DOL.! I . - ' . 11 I igensall r ell . heap. Apply' to ja es, . st6rms. I , '' , , , ` . - Cc6l . �` sa`% , � . I � 1� . In to. toke. A� . delight iii i�akjljg . . . a I .. I � . ., .. lh,-�6su. f I ONE .A.U.M.), n. . '' _ ' Wi � Bay - � . . . � . . . .. 'I-,' . � .1 .. I I , , . , �bad:th-. ..Mr.' and **i:-: 0-1�jcnee Elig*ene Al- 3r. lit"i tivo, : J ,sister,' �Spublkq,mptoji ,, 3vir ..dIa;r&j,c­& , 8 * f0i I o�bll had every, c-as6 of'b'j� - * - , t. 4tati6ii. ther'o' ire,on I IS". -:'Liverniore.. I I _ , , . . .� b Olin gelle; � ­ I .. I LAR , I . ,� �, . . 1111TS1 if . ... . , I/ three hb,rits, '64XI ,. 7Ok28,, .)I) � 17 . . .. � , . ..; : . 1. - I .wOrW-', f6r *rl,,,u iPqtI4Ta, � twists, I ' br4thers, ,?Q� s rg. � t , I ' a . '. .. -..,...' *. -. I . .0 . � , . � . . �� .1 ,ell 'liavoi retuxned. too a.t Detfbu - of t . Ali , , '4 \.Ilell of Di arrh that. 6a,n,�,'�t�.b�.:cijt6d..,by..tll6,us�,,, � - . 1. .. � . I . , . . ku : ea. ano.., Mrs.. j C" I , . I -a good.repar. Cdmfortabl og ' ' . 7. ' —' I . I , I harfler,, iw'lllges" sharper 'catarrh, " be., . . . . . ..theit"ho'llie . � . . Wit t0*6 And Tont. of tlr&�t ter ''a sis ' ... ., ,�­ , ... 1. .411 I . . 0 'in Of � Haill's .61 I ­ . - �. �.. - . I ' ._ . .. - � , .. � . . Y I Detroit. after -attldnding.. .. tlic: weddilij Poft Arthur.% The- Pallbearers, . atId �the lAt ter of, the gr mm . .. . atafth.-Cure; . � J4. ­ .. . . . , and frame house, 22 'fall , , I . I . . . comes .-many of 'the . � C ,,, , !!we J, were r.' Al.len's �brothcr'Walter,of jile-. . �' ,..�.-., ' FR I ANIK - J. 4HENE . , . � ' - _.. I . , / I I acres Ili 'FARM -FOR more'anIVOYing, And the latter's, bro-bhori,- aptkin, Kcq,� ssrs.. ose0h, Wh1teIy;.,E,' Nm�uiflg, I I . . . . Y . '- ' . �wheat. AllAeneW, IGO acres well . . I SALE. -WEST. HALF .8YmP1tdms of scrolula .�fe' 0�velo,qe4. aptli. Carr , "I. W. . . sl�me - city, and the, 00 �'ZwOrhr to 4f ' 'bed , - '.. I . . of lot 7,.S&Iti 9. . -d '1* ard'aggraVated.' . .pbell of 'Poledo, r1hio . I I I R,. * R6!Ieftson', .Jacob Stokes .Wil- , � gr in's %�ncic I Ore rile and,�ubscft , ' ' , . , I , Mr. ,Murdoelf . Campbell Of SL,afol!bb ' in' my pr n . h ' ' , 'D - I . . / �underdraincd.,and .the'romaiding 75 otin.ary, and West ; Tfi6r� is wt: much .' OApta4a *awd Mrs,, J a Thorbuni -liaoin Holland al��d. L-. k Di .� . I epe 60, -t, i r" ce � -- , . .�acres dTAined by* township ditch Wf- of- lot ' 3, 004, 4 'Stanley;', - con- Poetry in this, but t,hqe.j' . .. Ph L . ncoy. Rev. abd Miss S' ember, A. D. 1-88f,- Is ,,hf day of . . I s "'truth,," Arrived from' Wiiinip*eg last 'wftk. and G. - N. Harz'ea�4ssisted; by�. Revils ­ . 0010.0f Seafoxth als ' .. .- , A. W. 'GLEASON. - . I , I , - . .- . . bride and- groom --left on . -) '' '. - .No.i4ry Public - , . a , well res -bush worid6r - thrat IiI0_"6'I!E,0 a:rb t,M� gliests 'of Mr. Gianit.of 11. M.- faumili, Natt:, Afid' Benjamin, C . Al be. 3 p.. .in,. (Seal .. � , �iunniqg through. 'Never I Mar ­ slating -of 'Io2.ac!�48 At " and itt'ja-%a .' , ple , . 116n- * 0. Ylic . . . lenient - . ?' - ' . ­ , the renial doiot' ket , rw h 'x�, ailn Va ta Thorbu ' ken.. iatelr.�. . � .�4t, tw house wlt& a_ new Bratir6ril Ader 'seeded 'doWn. exceot- Of t i0s ivnts,. .' Th- Customs. � hursday 1 -1 -all's Catarrh � I ,,!pumping mill', alsoa never . ilig 80 ac , edlicin' e , . 0 . to, rii'lived.- iij� 0411ciate4at Maltakild Coin "Idr, , , trila on, , T , an,"'t 1will spend:- , , Cure I,,. � falibIg res.' The* Place* I' Well fell-, in e.1thalt" oil . . I . .1 e ' a � * reS. them.- Hood's doderich a half. cent d�� notes When" in'town. last week MY' * , '. ten flays . vis-Iting 'Toronto, - Niagara ii'ally, and acts directly- On: the- blood - ' - . ' . . r . I .S . T, . I 1 J4 *r a Cad ind. 4 * d, ang, wXte I apa0lia-is . eagily -obtained ,and. ' ­Olih '. . FalI9 and'. Buffalo; returning - -faces , . Of the, . System . � I . spring back on the farm. 1 e �� .. .. K*,nq _. . red . by' SArs' .. many &Oxt &harl�es,' His fathe,r was -Da.rk- of , to Gad- .ind muc4. SiI1 creek. I tli6re,is, a,bundapt p' I � WaS the p'es b of'hee I I . . . ." , -n . : This . . 41i,it,its cures . . . . , Don, t, monUlg f . good bbari -g orchard. - -r Frame.. barn, I rGof: .- . one of, -the : fi n . I . . I crich. Mn 06 MacKay 'acco�lp,�il, Send'for estii 111 a fi6t-c ass sta:be of ,oulti,ration sp,rIng, .. ,boat builders' Ifere. 4unt" . . � . I r,00, � , - . I T%V fam. � Is fa M li�'Sltuated, on the, Town Liqe, Are! radical and..permazenit. - � r'st Mrs. Coxi . . . - fed 'the liappy. . .. I I � ' . .1 . .. . . . . At Norway -House an liudson, Bay I illei 'We aro� sorry - to learn ok . pair as fat as. Toroll:..' P. J. CHENEY' & N., Toledd, -0. tw . � .. . . . . I . � . . I . I I . And is situated in one of ,Ile, best,. .. 9 - miles ,west � of h i open station. I -.1 . . .. � .- . .tile 4udi�_ 'to.' . ; -.7 - .. � . I I �.. . � Sold by Pruggists, , 75C., - - ., ., . , 'I , - . � : '-fCaptain saw. the sun diAl ereetid. liy P06ition: 61 Mr.q. . J Ratt�nb-xry of� . . . I I .. I . . �gialn growing sections in, i Apply -on'-the pr&mi ' . _____� ... .. . - � . � � , ­ he , pro. ses or additss " " '� . . I : ­. ,-. Franklin and:which Is kept in ot. Clinton. ., , ­ - ... . I � . -­ . - -Take HAIlrq Familv pil -'Vince. Will be sold cheap mail oil James C. -Paigolis� Kippen,. ont. 3 '4 ' ' �R . perfe * * I . :. I .. . . :. � I . - . " . � . ., 4s f6r. con- -, � . I - . ., I 1 2 (,ell, . F, Patters&,*.i� Affiorloan order.b' .t�le Hudson" .. Milis, Goo . ,. 1, .. , I . . 1. I I . . ' I . � . ­ . . I � Y s Bay Company dWill ,Of Clinton, *bile in - . . .. . I . . I I .. .tipatloil, . . . �... � . . . I I -terms to Suit the purcha%er. F or - . � .. � ,� � .. chil war'.�k.lzr�n, died at St, Cath. Calftin Thorburn I sails pu, Lake. Win'- Goderi6b last- week . ., . . .., , I . . � __ t: � . . I ,. � . .. . I a_��_. , . I . . . . , Wag tho-guest of. ­ . .1 � . - . '. . . . , . I . ,-1urthee irformation appl3r on, ',The . I I . I .. Arines, I I . � . . I Disease' Made ' . — , , ­ . � . . . . � . nipeg- - , � her allnt, Mrs, Alek. KirkUKi.de. ' , 1. .1 I . I 14- � .. . . . . I 6B es,siio; -- "171VII . . ._ . . * - .. , . �. Among - � the effects of Raigu I t�jkjj . � . Geor-6 Colew FARM FOR SALE ' . I . . . .. � . . n . promises or address . - .. . . . . .. . I '0 I . I , man, -) I OR, TO� RENT. � I , . I MIrs'.S.-Hirt of Hanfiah., 'North Mr. J11101r, Cattle has returned 'to . . .Like ass IE ' . Hillsgreen P. 0. . n . ,. � .. -- I . . I � . . . .. � al 8W at"Zi,riat was a letter' ffm. the, Stll�, - - I . GoderIch * towoship, � . I Dakota arrived 'on Saturday from ll,!S,Plumbdng - establishment. in. 8! __ . , . . � , . - . . . I . . . .. . . . 'Te er pok Fra.4k ... L. I I lim. *. ' .. . - .-Considting. , 65 acres BLOOry, 1,1 R I',', R'I('Fl New Yok where sho. ,spent se� � 'ed it lu'.,s . - .. - of 80 .acres' R . . Wellingtoij Ila tati-nexftessing full confidence in, I - . I - I I , , ED, . . I ,eral ane. J .gages a number D1. men and- 1, . S; di a . f . I - . �, [Oale in, Trinity * Averitte, New York, . I I . . ... I.. I — - I % . .. I ) ,FAR -M FOR SALE. LOT 24, -CON ' ' 6104red, balance bugh. Good . barn ' '. Rcsy 91OW ' I'll the F�ce, .I.parhliri Necks,' At . Presint, she is, the guest. takeEf, $3000 contracts. We, congl�atul� -t,16 I �i' * . . . . -1 I 11 � I." � I . I ' Mrs.", 64:rlio ate Al I I I I � ", ' . 2, Slanley, containing 100 acres,16 And, comfortable house. 'Well wat- eyes, vivaclop.g spirits are al!l t - h� . i. Of her 'SlSt'er­In­IWw, , r. Cattle on ilia present'sweess, ctila Of a disease Nvh,ieli j)aliged . FOR OVER SIXVY YEARS," � . 4 the remainder4sVell ., -unning. streams: CUIlle 01 good bLl()Clr:' - . S -11 . -Acres of bush, . .'6red by t:wo good I,. ` Aut� ,11yin6rids,"but she 'will also vis -it her Mrs,. John kernighanti. we ,are sorry ' b1s,'bones to shap like gi,as -, One day ,. Mri� Wilslow,s.Soothing-Syrup big I . ,� - While � holding, &'.stmp in -a str I ., a 'i -rer I . , 4enced, underdrained and In a.good J mile 'from scho6l And I mile'from' eiiSts 6f,plirify,ing 21iti cI,1i(+.,.,r. �'L" Y husband's relativk fit Benffilller '- to, learri,, h Ile . . . as. been extremely All -with h. - . eet, car beea*4s.ed by Millions of mothers for , ' I .. 1. ' tack of ,�Ppe wb,!,ch . xots, I is ,arM A their children W I . atate ot cultiv4ti6n. -1.'acre of or- -1)0061060- Will be sold oil casy 'blood � than to' take .Dr. ' , 11amiltda's * . ThO'Mi5ges' - D611io and Mary Cdrzv� a severe At lagri � apped oil. , . Short. time. , hile'-teething , It . dis.. . -' ' - . ' . -ebard and smalf , fruit. On thopre terrAG.-APPIY - �to T� *T ' - ' , -Sr'.1,5-lier, Thomas;, are ver intieft, like a &.ier i�,Jjborio tnapPedi. Atcording turbed I by.alght and,broken t . )I '' ". - . . , Murphy, ' pill% By I and brother" ' ,y to . ' � � Iftdort. . `�, � '. , r b their genfle acttfo� ory the s fever UpOli her, big A�Siddh 19 te . . -'Your -4. � I . . OWNS' is a two story brick' house' ' C . 35 ft owelg, kidneys, e S 61 thbir relaitye, Mrs Mrs. (Major) - Book will � remaja, -with th conditloit r . �� I ­ I � .� . I ' And1ir-ei they filter t -he gu st ' . . . . est by:a�. ..sick child, suffering' d?, -.1 . � vith -slate roof, a ftrst�cliss far Charlie Symot-�ds.­ - � , ,,, - , Mrs -Kernigh,an during her Illness. ' .==Abot1,t by tak! . . an . , � 1� ' " In ------- — --.-.--:- �, every knPlItrity.frota tile system, leav- - � , , , - . ng Itiod'ejile OtYing with pain of cutting teeth send � �( 1. : ' . . &Ouse, a size,,- 44 I I .1 . Ing it whol --Alips Don.aldg6n , ot Detroit is 'the' Major Book is b,einig con ,tied a certain, inifteral at Onc6, an i -_ i X 90 witil Stone Stablin FARM POR- SALE. -THE UNDER- . esonle and Able to do, the. . tI. � .. gratulated poison. .� .. . I If get.- a bottle, of ,,Mrs, . ., � 9, -a cement �. I 'for -gal6 'part of work necessary lot the laiii.lite � gvest of irvr. Cousins , , ie `Mlsses Upon his Pro,rilation to flie' Position of Agaill and a . ­. Wilslow's Sootilittg: Ynpll-�Tbf-ehli . � . I '� . I . �4ilo - 14 z3O:. 'godd driving � .bongo,. pig signed-. bffers 10t of- health, . �aano,e Rutsou. . . .. . Postmaster in the House. of I _gain 4ias,ft been deffloh;- S & -- ­- - .-, I . � . � I - Migi Mary- BmCom . h I ' ;6n teething. It will relieve the,pooi, I 4Req add -hen house. "TwoAkevei-fill- 40 on Abho Ba . . . . AssemWy' stiAted, thif . , all ' , I yfield-Road, I - mile -To be well, look We'll -as quite rogov- in, Torohita.' The-betro fteril *�medicines, ate . . dug wells. This Urra is 'situated$ 06"th ol Clintoni consisting, of � g , ) and. leel Al. it Papers made harmful.. It 1 little sufferer ihlmodiateiy� Depend . .... . r I -fi .0 - Ways at'. Your' besti us 'e" I)r - ered from boi.,lito ' very =i0%s a note Of the same, �­' . . s because Bilen,11,s, While upon it, I mothers,: ' . . � . I * . . . . Mr. Willie Kneesha,�V, Who a, sOj,eJVb0tIrve for -ill Aiver - and' ttige � i I ,4*iles froin Brucefield, 5 from clla� acrei., Qo�d,frame .Ouse blil's MRS Of . . Hamilt, attack of typ!xA,d fever. � 1, I., , stiVe a;bollt it. therd1s ndt�istike. , .1 I � with. st-. . Mandrake - 'and Butter- I short it cures Diarrhoea, regu_ . . '. . : disorde gi. yet contain ' I . I . � 1�6, trace', -Of ink,. lates the Stomic ' , r . Dr, Clark bar * As,6 iecov,efed med fo be ptr -ton and on Lr. od gravel road..' Ap. one Cella , barn 39x70 With Cement nut, a truly wonderful Medici' " ,, �Mb ago was supp( I ,ply -on tW pr6mises or Address � basement. Easy terms, ­�- J. ',Ao ' "I Jor his late Sever� illness. - .. friyni $Ing .. I . .MlaerAl, but Rre,t ollithedontrary, I It and Bowels, c.ur6g' - I . � youtig - and,'old, ipri - ' r . rn,b ' gt favoriblY, bu,t lately 110 rely herW, that t . ,P6- WindVolic, s6fte4g the ounts . - . � I I .A$bert No-tt, Cliaton'P. t). .0:), * Smith,. . . 11� , . Ce P-50 -at all . � . , redudes � . . hey have worl. . . . I . I I � .. 40- dealer,,*. . . 11 Mr. W. IL BqTrows is -.till very ill,. hope is. being held, Out f�r 11-19. recov= praise 01 ' thd indamthatiotI. and gives tone ' . . . . I . I . I . � . I . .. I I but his'dap hter -tonlinues t�4 Im- cry . ., . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . � medical mqk-,-.' �rained ,nurses ergy.to the whol . . and ell- . I 1� -I � I � . � . . . I . . . .. . . � 9 . . , . .. - I a SY-3thM­--._. "Mrs I ,, . 'F*RMS FOR S4LE-ONE AND A . , - . : I I . I . . .7�__ I prove. . . , , Mi�. W. IR, -wi&sclentists. all t -he worlti,over. 1311-t VVInglow)a Soothing Syrup" for child. , � . I . I . . . I � . . I . � . cynolds of Leeds, NLorth eans differ from pretty nearly every ten teething is P quarter miles from chtirtit, POdt- HOtTSE,'FJQP_-§_h,LR .A.- -LARGE It is repoirtiod Jila,t jile-C...p, R., 1. Mr., and Mrs. Reggie. Black of'.town .. . ., t. leasaht i6 theta,ste - and. the* vil ' ' of frath ' -tat recelvefl. the mes'vLP S'lat'ag other liver medicine in coAtainj no and is the-prescripti@n of pile of. tho �, , . ,QMce. imli", lage )Jhnqbkb I . I a house.' on ',Wellington street, ain crows will ,be moved'from Carle are enJOYIng . the perfume of the or- t serious nAtute of her, father's - - A911 Auburn. . Suitable lor grain or ., Cliliton" lat6ly ocdupi(xr by, P. 0. . I t- ill tiler ty, . OIL II'la:ce to Slilitli's Palls. aftge blossomy it pasadeng., Calif.. Does at 11 a. In. On Frida�.,Januaix ou al"e' from Pr6tty n6aTlY CWXY., 'oldest and -beat female physicians and . � . I . grass. Lot 27, an the -gad con. Weft ,. Allcock. 1 rooms atid pantry, wood. I I . Born.' -011 New YeArf 4th-, akd wal rea,dy r6i 'her long, fr! Y other Stomach tilediefite In'being `fre� aurhes In. th ­ .. . t Price I I home at 4 p, In. Between Leeds and . bottle." Sold by a -w - consisting . . ..... __ - C Unite . Wawanosh - s Day to Mr. P from biSmu h. They are� Alma, free ,25 cents a , ,d 8 tates . � of '100' acres, ' 6'118d, '9004 Stone collar, hard And. . I . I and Mrs, N, J, Mortissey, late of the. GranorPwrh-s 06 st,e*, from the fivest, known medical'b&ba . 11 drug . - � . - of laAd, 15 acres under .bush ZVA ' Soft �;ator, + =e of land. A sp� IVO . I-Turon hoteL a daughter. . . was so, 'deep . gigto throughout the world. Be gilre � thO balance- nez,!74Y­ all- grasd. ­ A leadid -chafter for­a--Per$oft�­W ,LINAMENT CAN CURE IT 'Tle funeral of Fireman . ., that it to..k"21 hours to, make i0o. and roots, and Are thus the.beoi far& And ask.for -iaMrg,� Wiggi W, j So th., I ­ Th t - ­fj-tW­ ­ fly Medloine that can be obtained. 11 . li�btlh - a , een vi , e, - - - Eugene miles, and yet she,* reached - the -1.1. . O a O . brick house, a bank barn 52t60; a liouse. - 'Apply to Mrs , � hid! Ile a, i pain e yes. isn"t bean, who died, as the redul� of 1111, I -old. . Ing . . - t a good . Th - . Syrup ,.,.,, ­­ "I ­,". .. .. 11.1111. 11.1 ­.".. I. .­­... . .!­­ L, ­ . _�. . . � I � . I � . .. her - Alecting on er Opera' - ' 14. . . driving house 24x86 with a . eetaen Ally thInk so, but home at 7 p. .m. 611 M006Y f0 k0fttly' oti�'tfie bowels, . . I , ley or to MrV..Allopok. ' . 89 111"Algia'. 10,4-, .. 1 t 'Is' Accident. on the Grand Trunk ratlwa,y, ring, collsitiplation and Piles. They, ' -1 . . I pig house underneaAh, af6, 6 sil, . , , � � . I I Catarrh, Plaill ordinary catarrh tita't took place on NOIIA&Y of last week brother Mr., Al. Xirk-bri,ile. , - t co-rr( E Y . proudiam. t . ;281 , Post. � I I � . I ! needs, -Attention, right now. Toui from. fll� residence of his parents to 87tritford,'he told her of ,110t acid,lty.oif tfid stomaell, stim- W11 N.'i ObR BACK HURTS I ­Wuwanosh, 2ndcon., direcutly opoa- I I I . . - - . Proper leAd is. to uge, gla&tarrholofie1v ,,� b, p , of their father the , dea u1ste the Oligle'Sti0h, ',`;r' 110 the liver Of Course. It'&, hard to or S ,O � . . . , Ito said lot a7i containing j00 acres . 7 .L .. Dootiiws recognizes it AS a cur6 that eter-Ig cb-dreh, the Rev, Father on 8aturday atternoo*4 aIld_ Ing. over liur W k, ,t op , � � . . . FARM VORL' McRae 0016bra,ting. the tiquiew ill h Wrs. IV. Reynolds Says that ,Vr, , correct the secrOtiou Of bile, Th. t9, lifting to tedious, And I .. .. . of land, IS lt�tes of which a,ro'busir. - �, SAL16.�-LOT 31D 'A' ,41) . surpasscW all others, Sure, beciuse it MASS. The eWdr were all In- At 9' Reynolds hud 3G00,b,4Sh0,,,, 'of wheat 'eir &neral 9011011� Lq . at iffie Same what to (to.' . . -On - thb lot there is - 9, bank . JZt.n 411tie ? N I , part 91,'eon, 5, .Hulletto Cons A _ does reach the tr tend. . time corrective .anWq,6nIc_o()rI- 0 �g . , t0il,ing ill) Wv ame lyack. � ' IT 'Is I or I' thin 114 it fov�-waak, barn ouble; safe because ance, , During I , Season. . ­ .,Vet1D,g Nin I ru athe its gglily ii Jerusalem my ,ha,ppy home," 4 � faulty 9�cretlorl, - lak and It Pollietrates to tile 1. . . hard! 0 to . take ' you brg. As' ra't"D 1 t 40006 There ate 4 Acres of good Of 1,17 i0tft 15 aem good no d mass Mr; Tom Gillfin on b Wood,bugh. bAlange ua4er oultiva..heithig Vapor dlri.�fl to 'tho'coise of . and�a% . . I- core Of the. Pain, r hearing orchard on. th6 -%wo, farras. S ill . debilitated Organs. They thus ce"i-e art. . eases from the ilr.qt - - , , I teed .*Oil h t4 ' RO' ' ' TMRICIME `D1SftP',8S1NG I'lenItis, gre6ft 'RickheSs, female ailments APNICation, brilngg cure that degM: A , � '-Both*lots are well fehee'd And uh- tion. G the traublo� and'. cure, is e CnAkt-tv was being, bor , ,, * . gu.%r,%n t t e. Alloir SILng: , Nearer G 11 a " lid and Irregularities, ,.1mliuritles, - relapse.- NO 1111,4130St ig. so, clean,, so � , barus. - Well WAtered and fORCed, TWO sf�',es', 250, ai�l il 00, .Sold 6v�. io Tbee,ws, The I)aIlbc-arers were ral rheupia,tism, etc, For IIA,uselq, ]lead- POthinZ so COrtaiih, to,',curor . deraralned. A never fall I My Oe-*� ' NOthillig Call, cause more Pa.! a I;li;od . . Ing spring Bearing Orchard. `fj miles. from erywhere, ' , -'4 , - ' I- more distress' than pileg., . , runs aerobs both (aims, Possession . I . . I I I I I I muscular, \ I C1 .- (*6 be given it Moo. Terms easy. gtot% PORtOffice, chilreh and school. . . 11 I& � *iY Int'.11 and Members of t,fie (1, M. l No wondet.m.any pile sunorom' .Say 11,0316, 9AA. Pain In t1k obe.qf hn(I be- rheunlatiC ar Sciatica ptd!ng, .your . 11 . . . , ­�- .. . '' .13, A,, . .. � * The proptioLor'is now past, the, age '. Will a gold on easy terms as the I ,_­___ 1. ., . .the C_M. B. A. vecorting the their livea Arb burdens, to Ulm." tween, tly, ,shoulders they are, al,O dealer sells; ji�lsoa,s xorvilftI6 Ili. � -, . - to tarm.-Apply to Tbomas- Mich- . undorsigneA, Intends going. WOSC- Showfiake, Man., 1.4 without f rt'ma,1nr,A)f t:1106ir late brothar to -the 01.01m,ents and local treatmerti; may very effe,fIve. Their op�ratjon Is Qf� large 250 bottles, Why,nat try it? I . - Olson, Aniburn P. 0 Prbmpt .replk R�- J., Miller... Clint -on p, 0:. � 14 ,and there I,, a shorta. lie" 11' (I- cemet"y Ill '61110,rile,- The Telieve, but, not Pure, Yet effective.; In curfrig constillati()n ' . ­..��_ . � . r,C1, 'or oith4r nec- late� fr, igelle I .. . . A be givett ,to all eommuu-16 to ., . 1. . I)vlill WIM born fr, thfiq Plan I . 1P - will I , �,� e$Satles Owing to Itillolf of tranoportat. t(3w' , Dr. Lcoobtrdt'g Hem-Roid Is, quar� tbeY (10, hot calse after-coz stip&tioft, . . , .41, 7._____� - 11 and WA;s *a steady, 1upriglit, anteed to cure any cage ,of , 110-r (to theylever I, I Godieriah-- L. . � . . .. I , %Aons. .. 1, I I I I loti. � '. . . I . yollbg "Ian. TIN Witt Was Miss, vlor" It Ittm-RO111 , Piles. auso griping. Moth. . . I . . . I � I I I : POE-SALE-PIfAME q0tj8*M AND � — ___ .1. . mlep Slaffory, Who wif,b. three child* doesn't cure, you, you ors .will find them betIC.flefal to. the The � . I." . .." ' lot Oti Prineogg 'street, ,11 � I � get Your Morey ,back. A mally little gilliji,11,5; to wilrell obild- Club1fatmony held 4n Assemb- . i I. - rei , ly af, Odiffellowls, ball 0 , . I . I � io6ms, 110y Mori) Wld,get Beat. i. qurviv e!,, '4- Tlern-Roid Is a tablot. takp�. iliter- roll are subjeel. All druggis ' n Thur"Saky I � I I .I . I . � hAid and soft wAter, G6od stabloo. . .. . After an illness" of About six-afid a 11 t's sell B11- ek4ebing, IIIUks,tone.orcI1estr.,% In, -,tttoll. ' . .1 . PA,RM TO RIIANT-LOT I&I COX. 13, Will be �-014 Cheap atl,d an A oftlap fla;h burninproorn remedy is , half yelir,q, tile late Alex, Xfrkbride thus removing f -be cams&,`,,, , I eatis at'fifty vents, to box, or they May (lanoa� . I 1, I , . AII�600.00 gua.rantee gNp .Wit,h e",ry be obfitinpd pot4t free Irom till,, 11fleall were I I 1,; anem, � - 10011 - t, 14110 guests fron (I , t� . � 1411110tt., 150 A41ftf known as the , JerMS'L Aho 4 hives of beds And A 11-vcr SatlWAttoiy, Tht, j)est, 1.9 Put- sank to rest. The end was.suddoo, in bottic. I I � Mr. Andro%v nrecketiritige (q ( X#Ily farm. -A -00Y to W, 'nr7dolle, ,'numbier of bee box, Viall"o 'Pables" Com. TiNtriletur, co,ita a !. Vo., Torqn1n,-on re�cvipt of price. 14,,Or 'O I li� 11111,i! ,. � . . . . c.q.-William Dun- ffillmier nItIlol for soillt% Weekg, lie A moyif,fils-freat�ment f.jo ,#,I firt, ,If 2., ria h t. ) Car � ;S S()<)I(, i 8vatortly, �tf(l ' , 0 flffntnn, . . . 43 can, I go but XQUArtef,,Awid is (P.-­rq;nt(,,Pd to ,'.stN,.k.mcd' W(akor tha,11 usual. and hIR all drUggiRts, �t UY(i $ kktrC4 of six I*xts, will '. be Mr. 'and 'ifrs, lippt I 1)yWer of ,IV- . , . . alll_,�),. , � I , WII.J,),,_.v11je (If ,, malleit, This Is tile Most, t . . ture thorour . I .0olloinfeal On, It I . . . � . , ,bly., trs6 nnly llutluvls, . sight .t,;.,1CI1I0A1 b? `,rOW T�' ,ker 0,180, for Limited, a 14"all.q, 11%!.' V- forill for' hirAlly use. . I 0fr('8bhlel1-1R Were �serwd -at 1111114 . I . I I . �, . � . Ni avg,.,lr . . � 4 I . .1 ­ night. -_1 __ . I-, -- ! " -.---'.- --- .� - I I . I I I w � " I . . . . � . � . I I . � I � I � I 1; - ­ - I . . . . . . (I. . . I . �� I . I 11 I 1. .. . I I . . . � I . 1 . I I . . I I -1 11 I I . � . . .1 I I I ­ I . . . � I ­ . IN . . . � I . , . I . I I I . .. I . - . ­ — . - t . ., . I , I I , N'. t I . �w I . I . I . I , . � �� . . I . I I I I I . . . . I I � '. . I . tk"0_"W_*ftA" _%"N�V. �����, ON �� IR I "'�=10 flad-Im HIM I -C .1 IVt 4 on - * , , i , , , * I - _P k_141? .�=w,� 6 �R_i� : I 'I) I ;181. � 'I 0 I , .t'�� 'P, 1� � 0S.1 � IS, 1�0 18 - ;l ( "I - I I 1, . � I I 1. � I I I . . .1 I I I I � " . I I . . I L I I i - . , I I I I . . 1 4 , . I . I I � . � I I � . I . � � � . . I . .1 � , � . . � I . I . � .� I I %, 1. I ! I I . . . . . . . . . t . I . �. .� . I , 0 . � - . . . � . I I . . . � I I I I I . . . I * % . I � I I , . . . � I . � � � . , . . . V .1 . � . . I I I � . . ,�, I " . � � � . I . . � I . . I I I . . . � .�* . . . . . 1, I . . I . . . � I . I . . . . __ . I . I . . � I . . 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