HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-10, Page 5O 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O C O 0 O 0 0 O O January leth 1907 Ct ChM* News-Reeuru einommiuloommommoulmam 1IE: MTI-IE.M:OLSONS BANK. incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. Gapita1 Paid. tip.8,000,000• Reserve"land S8,000,000 Farpaers' Saiz? Not Oasbe4 or l7ollected. Ditattson's11 po- hats in the Dominion, Great Britain,- United States and all Foreign Countries; bought and sold at beat 'rates. Advance' to lowest rateand on at s m , most to oras a Dealers and Business Men ° SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. -Deposits of 81 and up• • wards received. Interest altowed at higeat Current rates from date of deposit, compounded half -yearly -and added to principal Juan 30th and December 31st, 0. E. DQWD/NG, •Manager, CIJNTQN WANTED -A SMART YOUNG MAN •N••N!•**•N•**•*NN•••• to learn. the barbering. -G. D. RobR +ea'te'n. - School AUCTION .SALE -LOT 13, CON. 16, Guderich Tp., w111 be offered•for sale at she implements womb of the un- dersigned ndersigned at two o'clock p. in. on Saturday, Jan. 5; 1907. Cattle, horses, robes, cutters, etc., will al- :so .be disposed of at+e same time, -T. T. Murpify, proprietor, . T, Brown, Auctioneer. BUTTER FACTORY -THE ANN-. ual-mfaeting 'of the chareholders and patrons of. the Holmess441'e Cheese and Butter. Manfg' Co., Ltd,-: will be Yield in the hall. at HolmesvilIo eau Fri'ciay, January 4th, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. `m., •for the purpose ' of •closin'g up the business for the past year, election of officers for - rent year and the. transaction of. any general business. The contract for ice supply and the sale of the• buttermilk' for--_thdl--_.comi'ng season _w44 awe. xat . try, a ti ..L the same time.. All interested are resp-: ectfatlly requested to attend,-- • Jas. Corimolly, President; A J. -•Courti.ee, Secretary. BOARS FOR SERVICE. -THE TTN dersigned has for service at Lot' 40, Con. 9, Gouerich township, a. pure bred Berkshire boar, also the well known Yorkshire boar, Terms • •• Watches • There are .few `snore jj pleasing events in the' life of the average boy or girl than the arrival of their first watc,h.• • We can 'give you .Boys' Watches at $ll, •$1:.25•and $5. • T . Girls' Watches, "of' _ gun gun metal, $4, -Go lir d $-ro • • i t t Jeweler and 'Optician h HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY --TILE annual meeting of :th'e Clinton Hort- icultural Society will be. held in the council .chamber on Wednesday,. Jan if ' wary d'th at : soven,thirty p Sl, with privelege of returning D. McTaggart; ' Secretary: :53.2 neces'eary.-G. A. Cooper,Clinton; P. 0., January Sale of China Just to mai:e things move in the quirt month of . January we • will. make. a cut in our Dinner Sets and China. Twelve and fifteen dollar Diluter , Sets on Saturday for Ten. dollar's. Six and Seven dollar Tea -sets on Saturday for Five 'Dollars. All prices on China cut one-third: • CALL AND 'SEE US. A:.D. BEATO The People's Grocer. :,ANNUAL. •MEETrNR-THE ANN - nal 'Meeting of the McKillop i atual Fire' Insurance Company will be held in -tha town hall, •Scafo•rth, on Friday; January 18t1tat•one o'clock. p: tr. Business to :receive the an - anal statement, ifirectore• and audi- torss report's, the electing of ` three .directors • and :other business forthe goon and welfare of tire company, The retiring directors are' John G. Grieve, . Winthrol: • P. 0., . Jas. Ey- one, , Beechwood, "and John :Benne-• weir,Brodhagen, vi Ito .are open ; to reelection;, -Tits. E. Hays,' ,'Scene-' tory =J. B: McLean, .President. -•••••••N••••••••.•••••••• • t _9a i C. CHAP AN -1 ++ UPHOLSTE6iER Fnrwerl witli John Kay i; Sons 4 • .h3 -s ANNUAL ' MEETIN'G.-1'H'E : •ANi- t v a 1 ng s f Leadaury.. • ° 1%1;r. John; Watt • hada sueessful bco drawing. !brick from •M,oncton, for the erection of a new house at Walton. Mr, C. J. and Miss A+vive Scott of Lo44 n township and Mr. Albert McLaughlin of Smounerhill visited at Mrs'. John .Searlett's recently. 'Mr. Samuel Fulton of Imlay City, Mich., spent his.-. holidays w,tth. his Parents, Mr. and' Mrs. James Fulton Sr. - The Care of a Babb' A baby that dices not eat 'well and sleep well, thair is not cheerful and playful noed!s• attention, or the re- sult may be . serious. Stomach and bowel troubles snake children cross and ,sleepless, but a dose of ' Baby's. Own ye:b'icta soon cures the tremble, the child .sleeiis .soundly and naturally and wake's" u1r bright and smiling. Mrs. J. : E, Ilarley; Worthington, Ont., saiys : '''My little. one has had no medicine but Baby's Own Tablets: since! Phe waw two months: old and they have kept her the picture of good health." You ,,,,Cans g-et.Baby's Own Tablets from an'y -druggist or by mail from the 'Dr. Williams- 1V1:•cdicine Co,, Brookville, Ont. +, Marriages. • . JACKSON-McNAUGHTON- In, the Church of the Redeciat, Calgary; Alberta, on Jar,. 3rd, by Rao Dean Haget, Maud McNaughton to _Sydney Jackson of Lethbridge, ' Iboth formerly of Clinton: ' SCGTCH'MERE-MAARTMAN - At • the ' manse in Craik,. Sask., by Rei'. E. P. Nott, on -Dec.' 27!h•, 1906 ' Alfred A. Scotchmc'rc, for- merly of Stanley, On1t,, to; Ellen; eldest daughter of.•• r. K. M.aart- man, formerly •oil , Fargo, " 'North( Dakota, ,both of Craik.. I OLMES,,-LANFGORD--in Brussels, oir .January lst, by 'Rev. A. C. ---t - cish'a rr-Behi=•r• t; ---J: igtrl(rtes._.- 'Rosy Langford'; both 'of McKillop. McCARTN1;aY-1VIILLER-In • Wroicet .er, on December 26th, at" the, rash- dance of the bridals sister, .Mrs. John Patterson, by the Rev, L. Perrin;:- ?Thos.' W.;McCar'tney to Mary Ann Miller,,.both of Coder- .'• ich township: • MacDONALD-W1Iz•SONAt: theresi dense of • the bride's,' mother,: on January •1st, by Rov. A. C. •Wis- .hart; Duncan MacDonald of Ja,mne- ytown to Kate_ Wilson, .daughter . of •Mrs. Janie:' .Wilson•„'Brussels: CIIRISTIB=BAGSIIAW At the hone of the bride s; parents, ori' December .,2rrth, by ” Bev. Fear,•-` David J. Chei,sitie of .•Lath, uta, Quebec, 'and Victoria, 'aught- er oL Wm. Bagshaw,, of Exeter. rI)ii,1 r Y6UN•CY-GI:.,.N-At the 1tdYmc of • . the bride's' mother, Goderich, on l tecntbcr • 3istG. :Si. Hazen, Tena Gundry to : • W,Iliarn J. Young of • Chatham. SMI'i`II MacDON<'1U,I1--On New Yea- ar's Day,: in .•lino.".;slturch by. Rev. Jas. A: Andersoid,• ,Behert': John • (Bert):, ::t son , f , . W'. and • '1Irs•:'.SmiIli to Mary Edith,: daught'.r of A. G, and Mrs; Mae- Donald,„ aeDe iald,; all of (Udlcrieli; I.AMPBb.L•L-MacKAY-At the, . resi- • • deuce of • the brie's...borealis, • on • January 2n•d, b- Mrd, . 5 An- deism, ndeison, assisted by .Bev. Dr. Mcg Lean, Kenneth ;Campbell . to Katie, second 'daughter of Cap'tain'. Daniel . and Mts.MacKay, a11 •Go d rich •WILLIS It;11 H;WELL -7;n Sea- forth, :_: on ` January 9th; by the Rev: A. K. B'h ,s; Addle, .:dough ll.•of ' ' J ihR athwo ter o'f the lateal Stanley township, to Frank L. • Willis of Seaforth,." , d - NATIONAL ..- OURO U-NA,a% AFAMILYNEED. ... O ), 9 % \Vie: N‘11 IUI , 1/4• tial 'Meet ing OfttheStanley .Branch. • Agrioual dra11 Society will: -be held.in, •the -town` hall 13ii flild, on Wednes- day, J nt wry 9th, at the hour at one o'c ocic p m, .for the purpose. reeeivi r thet thea auditor's and 'ti'oas transaction titer s apart, ,araetion of busdnes :'and the election of officers , for.'.the: ensuing year... =.A full ,attend- once- o the. members, is'•requeste R. Snowden; President ; • Goo.- : E. Greenslade, Secrc•tarp.. 53-2 TO RENT-THERENT-THESTORE LY' AT);.L occupied ar.by Mr, Harry Rattiiff.-- W. W. e • 44 Farran. Y ' of T„t:onto. ♦ HRICK STOREI+'OR.SAL}•. - ONE s- c rd of- -7. f - doom. south of The New iZ co • (. five: Apply of ,Jahn Mc(3aroa, or 11: - 1. T. O Moil ; . 48 A good lint of covers * ' 2 carried:' STORE TO RENT --THE ONE •1±Oi, Best work at ]'Qwest, • merly occupied by myself. It • has '' rates. •i -• Agent.f,•r • • 1 SINGER SEWING • ,/ MACHINES • Needles, Oil and parts: ar s: • Io the, old is Urul; Store: I Crockery • been thoroughly •. overhauled .and now one of the, handsomest st ;o.r .9e s ,, -Cliiton.mhos.'Jackson Kippen Ilol'd aY visitors•-Aniottg the many visitor% who have been; spending at least, part of the., holiday season here, we noticed the following ; From Lon - d came, Mr. Kettle, Miss Moore,. ns. Grieves',,aad"children, Miss Mc- lymont, Miss Grant and Mr, Ed. Clegg ; from Detroit, Mr. and ,Mrs.. M. McConnell ; tram Chit*o,.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Whiteman amct childre i ; from Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dayman ; and from Toronto, Mr. H. F. Johnston. Mr. John Jones is visiting Ids son in Loneon• On Christmas; 'eve the Methodists; held a most successful 'Chris trita;s% Woe' eauter-taibment. Good addresses were given -by Revs. Toll and Hart, splen- did ,music was furnished by the choir and Miss Gertrude Hart; elocutionist of Glencoe, gave several readings) in her best style.. Mr.. Jas, •MeClymont made. a.gaod..Santa Clans. On . Fr da,y night, the 28t1v inst., the Presbyterians held their Christmas Theo .e'n'tertainment when ev' •rythint. Went off splendidly, The recitations, dialogues, music; etc., were all that. could_ he desired. Mr. Robert Cooper as , ansa Claus delighted everybody. On Now Ycarry,s 'Eve the home, of Mr. W. H, Johnston was -tate scene of much 'pleasurable enjoyment when, the members of his Bible class and other friends, met and presented him with a very warm address; acoom'paniecl by a beautiful gaortered-oak rocker anti a; handsome gold and pearl mannite& fountain pen. Mr. Johnston made, a suitable reply and Was ,'followed by' a number of addresses"rrr'm others pros eat, the Rev. Mr. Hort presiding.: This was rolldwed by music and oth- er• entertai'nmen't, and mabountiful re- past 'furnished by the ladies. • School Report of S. S No. 14, St- anley. • Names are in order of merit : 5filt-Hata Jarrott, E. Gemmell, N. H. Jones. 4th St, -M. M. Fisher, Ag:gic.Gem- mel'1, J. Jarrott. ltih Jr. -J, Crommcll;=611s-McBeatli; -J,•-X14.:-, o aid 'Sr Sarah Rothwell,Hannah Dinsdale: 3rd Jr: -Lola, Rothwell, .• Arthur, Jones. 2nd Sr. -F. Gemmell, 1'isher'i. W. M. McBeath. 2nd Jr Ida Rat hi lel- Aruna M. Hood. ' 2!nd• Pt'. -Walla McBeath, A11te Mc- Murtrie.' ' • ls+b'Pt.-G.:P: 1rleKay; J. N. ;Hood, • Anna L. Fisher. A :;• The bent •'spellers; in the monthly spelling matches were; • Sr., 4th and. 5th'=•11IurrayFisher, { 4th jr.,-•:Oda Mel/cath 3rd Sr, -Sarah Rathlvell: ' 3rd Jr -LQia Iathwell 2nd: •Sr Wafter McBeath, 2nd' 7'r -fila Rahhwell -W, II. Johnston,, Teacher. T. FDLt`DIA y G-1 HAVE, 0 - V N HAND .A 11 quantity of Oat Seeds, also the Best • American Corn; Shorts anal `all ' kinds ''offeeding. Far cash or exohange `of grain,W. G. Smith. 52-7' FOR SALE. -TWO SHORTHORN Hulls'•.. of first-class -breeding and good colors. -Apply for particulars to W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, Ont. When ,lou need Crock- • ery it w'll pay you to t buy from our stock. Speoial.Gil assware • Your stock of Mass. has continually to be, replenished. See what• we 'have before buying elsewhere. 'Groceries In buying froth •us you. are sure of getting fresh goods at prices that will please you, Your Patronage Respect. fully Solicited. 4, Ho/loway 0P! Now is the time to have your --.``190'7" - Photo taken, a Call Early an,d get our special 'offer; fasting until the 1st day of San. 1907,: 1. Roberts Phe. t6 Artier, Onion ;drills. f nth a • D tom ler 28th; .Sia o e b I LI. , n Peter. ' to • Mr. and Mrs..1 c ,.rD'1, a • f son. ' PURCELL-Ln'McKillop on•Decorriber 31st; to. Mr. and Pu,Mrs., • Thomas •t• CII San:.. c a BLAKE -In 'C'olboine on December. ,-25th, t•o ;Vin. and Mrs. Richard Blake,, a, datighr.;, ' GIBBI1vGS In Hulle: t, on Jan; 3rd, • to Mr. and 114.!..s.: Jelin Gibbings-, :a daughter. • . • D>rati's RUMBALL-In Clinton, an. Jan. 0th, Dalin' B, Ituniball, .agett '37;•jea:rs.• • anal• five 'Months. • • • ' • P•I+,cK,-rii • Load:n on . January 4th, Jonathan Peek, son of Mr. Henry It sk of Stanley, a,e« 27years:.. 1FU T -'-Its McKillop, on te:embee nt•h, Edward A Runt, aged 83Y e rs and 11 inoath•s. • ITOLht1 S -In McKillop, on D?cenlbei 2fith, •Jctni'nia, relict of the, la% Wm. Ilolnies, in her u4tii year .: SLAVIN-In :Exeter,` err m December 31st, Eliza Slavin.; relict of the late Wm. Slavin, ;,aged 70 years: MASSON-A'• • his •• h tine, Billings • Bridge, ':Ottawa, after two days. dtillne:; , on December 27th, Hugh Tolmie ..Marven, father of Mrs (Rev.) Jas.• A. Anders n,`Goder- Coinstance 1VIr. R VV.- Jewitt, .'iVfr'tn Maodon= old •and. Mr. W. Ilotham attenuivi the opening of, the new school: -at CroM- arty. on Friday. Mist; Jennie • Lore, ';. ►vlicr had been spendiing a couple of weeks with .her parents at Leadbury, has. ;, turned to .. the village agdfn. •• • Mr. T. Pollard had a party for the young. folks . one evening last•week. , 14ir.. R. N. Jewitt .and daughter vis,. ited. frienc's in.`'Morris on•Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • Sutherland and family •,, s tf aUtctide cl, the funeral 'of tl e' o rn ris u f Orth `l d f c o m to r Mrs S that a o S a of e n on Thursday:' Mr,` •anu. Mrs:: W. 1"i ttitosh• spent g Sunday, the "guest of their• -daughter; Mrs• John;:lVlills at' havelock. .. Mr: L, ` Proctor of • London • spent • a few days this" . seelc toe. guest of. his mo!thier, .Mrs.., :J., Proctor. and • d Mrs•. D. Tudor spent NOW • Mrs. D. Stanley, - ••' Years •Day the- guest ofher mother, Huron County Model Sch.ols . The Board • of Examiners for . the • County of Huron Met in the , Public School, Saaforilr; ori Friday' week to 'finish the work of• the Model • School As the session, just examiiiatroau.. . on l closed was expected to be the lats't,'• 'there . wa .. a 'large -member :of students" in attendance: At Clituton: there were forty five during t'h'e term, In addit- ion to 'these there were twenty wrote r , w s • t :Cli on olt, the 1'intiil for•R'cnc a1 , a eleven' and at Goderich nine, • making r lin1u andthe Tto in all:. one u d ed t 6 .. 1, paper§ were considered fair:4•'ro pass, eandidate had to make sixtyper caret. at the total, and: seventy-five fon honors. The pass mark was '750 arid' Cl Thee Medd*1 as. the •lienar mark 37 ser this year have: maintained the, reputation of the County Mo rol Sch- ools for good work ,..during the term, . a large r.temb'er. ' receiving' honors. ilonore.-••Bess Brimicombe, Bode M. Mal , Annie - Cowan,t-, Mary R. Culbc- "Over ha • ..:: l .h_t n of Canada stiffer' from of ,00 xr irai o some form : of -catarrh:.: d ri ag the course of: the Year.. - m s r :great • need of Peruna in ever This ate ® t a@e the ` v 1.x.1.. .:. , home ;_; ! .. ` _ , - • _..,._... ..:_... ..- .. , ,:.-- ..; : emYl a aint all catarrhal home:' • to prated' . , ' if =S I. ` M. D. • diseases,". HA TM A N . ., arch; James Love, John McCrostie, • Donald McLean; Gordon;.0'• Siddal, . •D1STRIC1, CJLRTI•FIOATLS, •• • Honore -Nora Blalre, Mollie Chili, i Lama; Saw'cr5, Kate'Scales. • Susan ;VI;; assillcitarider Glen S ,P ,. McNair,, Edmund Robinson,,. Cora Sh- erriff, Jutta Q. Button,. John.' J. ,,. •; F, nk'n Ernest Reynolds; . I't+a li Pui`oell L d,s Y , , Yeo.. RENEWALS ' • lVI rk 390 Honors nors 487•' Pass- a , Lo , I-ionar: ]Jdrua: Cu ler (,lata, .Ii.ustt-• Y + Hust- on, Edna Manning, • Catherine ,McCou ,k: '. b .rts+t5ti Potter,'J nL Rbr r`t, M•aud nh , 'Isabel E. Thompson; Alice Worthint: n.. to Pass Mabel Bailie, Celina Durand, Fid'vain McGavi'n; Tina lVlcl•.wan; L:iz-. ztfe McKay; Margaret. McDonald', "Bet- th'a Million, . Alex, . F. McDonald, ail liars= Robinson;. Ella Sanderson, Fau putt E. ` Sturdy, Thera Switzer. The , following are . under age and will . not receive their certificates, till they' are eighteen._ • Willuvm H Birks, ria y R, . Ct'lbert,; IJ14a I; Goldthorpe, Freda C. 'Hess, Irenle'Mallough, Lilian McManus, Vio- let Petrie, William D, S Vv'an9,, Pearl Toll, Eva . Cameron; Ethel• Capling, ao n'.; it, Helen Drysdale, Olive E: Foster, ich, -in hie8th year.I Mayne L. Girvin, Ella Y.1!Io1dtliospe, Rae Govenlock, Isabella Henderson, Marg.RJackson, F./mina Johnston, Martha, Johnstone. jean Murdock„"Li- lian.. McManus, Vittoria Miners, Bells MacDougall, Annie Petrie, Ella Robb, Jennie Rands, Mabel Ross, • Annabel Swann, 81abel S!tarkt,, Charlotte Slid ling, Betsy. Smyth, Pearl Toll, 'Tat- tle Trk,k, Mona M. Walters, 'Wm. • II. Bias, henry J. Pamir, Arthur J. Boyce, Frank J3 el¢h'ardt, Wm. Ping - land, Foster Fowler, 'Sydney Garai er, D Stewart Gordon, Doli. 0. Gra-, snick, Alex. J. bIcLennarc, Angus IVte- Loot:, Thornton Mustard, Frank Sc- ott. • • v Pass -Laura .Ansley, Mary Barkley, I•,i,tie Burns, Ethel M. Oipling, Eva ('athel'an, . { erirtxle Campbell, Ethel Davidson, Freda 0. Mess, Evelyn A. Eaton, Annie Law, . Irene Mallough, Kate Marshall, . Carrie McCracken, Maude. E. McGregor, Elia Mcl{innow, Beatrice McNair, Violet Petrie, Lot- tie Robinson; Jennie Scrinigcour, Ir-, cite Slrirrtiff,. Winnifred. Stewart, Nel- lie ;4ullivan, Bella 'Taylor, Maude M. Troy, Atex. C. ' Anjersorit, Nornnan R. 'Boyce, Alvin lirintnell, t+`iirlay (1. th'as i ; Ito' art- Forrest, CIinton hog-' MEETING *OF, TIIE, HURON County Council. -The eout'ci1 of the County of lluro't will inert in the cot.ncil ch:t.mber in ,the town 'of Goderich on l'u,44ay, ti:e twenty second day of ibis month at three: o'clock in the afternoon. Accounts to be r:ealt with by the council mist l•e placed wi:h he Clerk be- fore the hove date. -W. Lane, (ler'. Dated .Jan, 22nd,. 1907; • . Wanted. 1•IIl)ES ANn SK- INS ' FOR MITCH 'I WILL PAY TIlti* I-IIG1-I1:ST • 1Vi:AR- KILT PRIOM nr,mrart o AT MY •1IIDE HOUSE 1'N CLINTON. -•i . 'S. DOAN. I'fIVAPI•J SALE OP I1OtIst'IIOL1) effects. Can be 'seen at out •resi- tlente on Townt'end street, Miss 'MeNat'gh ton. ,o Isabella •Hgndersoli, Annie Law, Jean's04, Murdock; Ella McKinnon, Prank 1V? Scott, ,Gordon .C. Sidda)ll. • • • : Goderich: Miss Soole Seaforth' was the ga- est. of Mrs. Brophcy :on a resent vis- it to this town. • • Mr. Join Martin s the: champion "Sailor's hornpipe" dancer o'f' the county. . Mr.• Walter Goode . is now at Prince Albert, Alta ay that winch was unpro ltaole acid trnpleasant 'tiring .190(1 disappear with ' the old• year, • ii,t emayndgood for- tune, tuiw, good health, and substantial profit attend you duri'ig 1907. Specially. -lues U 10 1nr7,ci,I rcd.ies' Worv1441 Ribbed' Hosts, ptr,hair 20e.• ` •' 8.ilorttt Laurie:'.tii-m,vy •Rihhed VVool:•Hose,per pail 25c dozen Ladies' PI•+;ia SVo +.1 Hose, per pair 23' • • - 4dozen Ladies' P1:1.171 Block Ua-htll•e,e• {'lo't', per prt,it:20e Lstdles' Puritan, :a 20c, 2oc,.Th, 40e. 45c,.50c;75c, $1,' s' 1 c• 75c . - :"d• 41c 50 .L;rdee•s Puritan Knickers Hamm you seen out. Stanfield's Unsllrinkahle • IJnderwear for l;ulie'~..in heavy ltndligh't-weights,•at 81.00 1.15`and 1 `25:each.;: 1' c' 12t•c:Oxford Shirtingfor 4 , ht Colors,.:nd.. pieces Oxford Shir•tiu ••iu. tncdttiril;,tnl Ug.. '•l tic to f Ox, i R, dull width,•wiirth lZir; n ow -•10e • i t•e tial ,. rte r es t white t 3 pit•ci•, Grt;llwtea. Stiu•tiitg, tlud. 1V+ 1 1 , F. 12bc now 10u. Warr,► Shoes. for`Winter•. Ladies.'' Felt Shoes at $1.00, 1,25, 1 75, 2 00 - L€did'-' Celt Low Shu*R at 8100,•1125, 1:35•. .. "Jleit'r.Felt 'Shoes at41.25,1.u0' " ,µJctlrlino Men's Lumber Sox, worth 75e, butt's they come Inbred i- our price, t. 50e , t a r r but they ;ow t o b• Sux w o ,U t h u u ri tr Job Boys' L t . J J Y r ice thein 3 rnixP .' Wr - d p a ubbers Rvtbbers He vy R • • a 1 Co,'s f%eaVv Rubbers in lilN„ iieriin, and (.,utd+'lata Rubl er Oe., ." noir at. 1:85 1 0 , 2 fl- writ '3:00, Don't tanyg it too lottg o htiyas sharp scicnn.t{et broken into; .8 Gardiner. Pop1stone,• The BigClothiers,:, BLYTH . rr,• - 'tiv 1• w; .. . %int: tvir .1 • ►.• r••. s„ •s.. •'+►•^ 1► ; rs•* ,t, 000000. 0.0000000000000 O 0 O 0 0 0 • 0 0 O 0 • O 0000 00.00 Y, • 00 0000000.0 .. - y. .. . yr nth 1ST . xi O h Mnst ' 2YWSfi1/YM+ li::pd ::.,•, p.AG•..• AA•r A3,'.4Al4.YY.C,. ...i 1b6v,6. Y,i,W /.f#:G t, . Owing to a c.} range :of premises, our stock of Fire- Ci aeries .and'Boots acid Shoes must be cleared out inthe month of January: •Ila order to hasten sale the :v;e quote prices which will appeal..1.t all purchasers who want`to save moni'Vc ' ' ,Men Buckle and 'Lace. Rubbers from: $1..25 to•`$2.15 Were 1x30 to 2.59. Me n's Box Calf Shoes'at $2.90, were $3.75 Women's Queen Quality and Pornthy Dodd Shoes $3 Were 3.75. 1Vleit'a pbtin ruhlterN, regubu' price l goy,( 70e, • Youths' „ . •.. .' +. 57e,, .r .1. 50c VVotilen'!+” .. ,. •. t3(ic•, .. • c, . 50e GLEUHILL BROS. Baillard's Old Stand r ` u ,a . t n et, :0.: is r, l(0 fief e (,\ *lt•' iOXIX4Nj(i,r.: • 4 i i) 1)CO `(Yiiki`Y'ii l(i 1:•7 ;i` Wr . FAIL' (CO 1 . Goderieh iiirs. W. Logan of Buffalo, was ,:ala Often bheapest —Alt ays Beet :.• led home by the serious illness• of her 11 i father, 1%tr•. Alex: Kirkbride, ourtro ;doa, to+. ., , N On Wednesday evening; Jant+.ary and flews -R cord Adiiertise. melts bring good results.