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The Clinton News.Reeord
Porter's Hill,
At the anatial meeting ot the Eli;
worth; 1,teagUe at Bethel Cn. Friday
evening last the following were elect:,
ed officers for the ensuing 3, ear :
PreSident, W. fl. Elliott
Fleet Vice, ifls P. Cox
Second Vice, Mj J. Woods
Third Vice, A. F. Johns
Feurth Vice, Miss 11. Hell
Advertising Wes - Transient adver- Rm.-Secretary, O. W. Potter
tieements, 10 cents Per nonpariel • Cor.-Secretaey, Mists F. Lindsay
line for fiest insertion and 4 cents Treasurer, Howard Co' '
Per line to each subsequent insert- 1 Organiots, Misses M. 'Ccex and Flor-
ion. Small advertisements gpt t� once Elliott.
exceed one inch, such 4-5 "Lost," It waS eels(); decided to change the
° "Strayed," oe "Stelen," etc, in-, time,of eueeting front Friday evening
serted once ler ad cents gni each to Wednesday evening': at the same
subsequent "insert:1 a 10 ceate. bon): aiS heretofore that is sev.en
Conernunieations int ed for publicae ithirtY, •
tion must, as a gnarantee tet good The Misses Weston returned to De -
faith, be accompanied by Via name trodt last week atter {spending the
of the writer. ^ holidays under the paren.tal roof.
Aliso Kate Sterling spent a few
W. J. MITOIIELL, days at her mother's last week.
Editor and PrOprietor. Mis5' Maud Maedliugall was b°11.1°
) for A few days but has returned to
' Detroit again,.
StMiss Ethel Glidden of floimesiville
anley Tqwnsliip. is ViStil lig et Mrs, R. Burke's,
Mr. Areh 1WeDougall_ wee ploughing
It is with, sadnees that ye this
on Monday. RaVee, early for plough-
weelc chronicle the untimely death of
one af our cleverest and brightest •"•
Ter, ,
young men, I in the person, of Joitathei. " linT. Morgan i'isitCd, in
Peck, eldest son of Mr. and Mrsour vicinity last week.
•. .
Mo. s. Y. Cox spent, a few dap of
Peek. The deceased \yes only i h s
hitt week at his sister'e, VT's.13rad-
ently in, good health, but was taken twenty-seeen.tlf yearr, and
wa's app. -ley,. near Kincardine. .
ge g ,
suddenly ill on, Dec. 28th. was GeoeVanderburWas down
to London last week on business. ,
taken to London for tieatment, but
Mr. and Mrs. Ben *.k"oleci of Goderich
died in that ..city on Friday. laSt. Frn
Sunda din .
was a zoung.man of fine intellect •o
,aad Mrs,. Te -e. Coe has, wee, e
which caused hs death was very n tee seek
physical strength, but the disease list for a wee% oe two. with, la grippe
--- butt 'is able. to be up again. •
aoute and sure in, its workings. He .
leaves to mourn the loss of a, deg"-, Miss Sarah. CoX retuened Ionia to
brotherStratford last'yetele, after spending a
and sun, Ns -mother and •fath- weave ya6atton. Awe sista:8,1-4es,,
er, three brothers and five „sisters, mewttni. .
Who hope. to meet, him in th•e, Eternal '
will be nh Service at Bethel a
Home. The funeral took edam frthere Om \wok. from ext Sunday, , :on
tery on Monthe.13th
his father's home ' Bayfield ceme-
aecount of ,the opening 'el the new
Monday and was largely at- ,Methedist. clittrelt• at 134field
-"Wife . . '
tended. The services were conducted Neeregeeeeerwir*,==.-Reremeweee
"—r -17-17c.-Sleadinait of Bayfield•
• and the Rev. John McNeil of thea few days rec•ently in Goderich vide-
". . . • •
same place. The pallbearers: were R. ing
J. Rid, J. Richardson, P, McEwenMr. Art,hat Welsh- spent .Sunday at
e, • „ e „
P. Cole, It. Reid and Dunkin. The hs , -'41-'••••01121. •LurdsaY• •
• bereaved family have the sympathy of
the entire communitY• in their sad
hour of serrow. • • • •
Among those who attended- the fun-
eral. et tl:e iat Fonaithan Peck from
'a dietance were Me. and. Mrs. Jades
'.Walker and Miss !SUM of Exeter an
Mrs: Forgie of Wingha,m.
The many frierris of Mr, Aemstrong
,who was a member of last,. year's
council, Would have hem pleased to
have had him remain, in the lield .rot
he was sure of a strong eupport...Ile
may some time in the • future again
,enter municipal life.
Mr. Wm. Taylor has been in Toren-
. to for a few days t•Ilis week ox busi-
Mrs. Henry Dowson has retureed
from Clinton, where she Was for see.-
ele I weeks, waiting sit her •claughter,
1\t -s. R. (t.rahain.
Miss Florente Clark is vhiting with
h r siseer, Mrs. C. H. leetd of Bre:s-
ac-Id.' •
Rev. R. A: Miller and Mrs. Miller
of Corinit•li, whe have been visiting; ar-
ounu here,, left for ',heir home on.
Thuesday last.
. ,
Local Option obtainedabout -seVenty
per ctht of the votes polled', •ten •per
eat', more than was yequirede and will
thus go into effect on the .first day of
May next. .The Ismperance people-.
were well organieed and the by-law'
carried in every division exoept num-
ber five on the Saable Line.
It is with pleaame: that we Make
the announcement of the marriage . Of
one of Stanley toweehip's. young men
in the person of Mr. Alfred Ae„Seot-
chmere, now of Craik., Saske• wire
was united in 11y -ma's bonds cm •Dec.
27lb, to, Miss Ellen Maar tamale also
of Craik, The beet eviehese of the
groom's numerous friends in •the old
township go out to him, and his air
. .
It ts. with deep regret that we re-
cord this wee!t the death of 1VIrs. R.
F. Drysdale, which took •place At her
home, in Hensel), on Friday -1W, Mrs.,
Line, in this township about fifty-six
years ago and was a momb.or
of the Stephenson family,' one of „the
best known in the township. Three of
her brothers, Jobe, Ralph and Rob-
ert, are still residents on the Goshen
while two have made their homes at
Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Drys-
dale resided for Many years at. Drys-,
' dale where Mi. Drysdale combined
the duties of merchant, and pottmas-
ter, and he and his better hell were
held in high esteem throughout the
community. In 1005 Mr• -Drysdale
disposed of their business arid they
moved to Iletneall. Elam then Mrs.
Drysdale, health'. had beeanie) broken,
and notwithstanding every care and
attention she eseedually grew worse
• until the final summons cam. 'rhe
largely atwnd•iel funeral took Place cal•
Monday to Hayfield Cemeteey„ where
the remains weee laid to rest to
await a glorious resurrection. To the
bereaved husband and family. the sirs
cere sympathy of the- Whole commun-
ity is extended.
• Miss Lizzie Weston has returned to'
Mit. Jai', Harrison's: after 'a• couple'
of. week's holidays. ••
• iNrnrina..
The officers. of. C'ourt Varae„.,
such of them'. aS Were present,- were
installed cm Friday night last by the
Pait Chief Tager, -.Mr. E. Harm--
Mr. and 'Mrs. Epps • entertained a
number-ol, the. young .--pepple on Morie:-
day night. . • .
It is eVith eerrow that we state
that Mrs; Beattie Sr. and'Mr. • W.
Keys of the Babylon Linc ale in a
(litical . condition. . at the presbn
Miss Annie --Reid left on Ilickday tO
Pay an eitendee .visit to friends in
the state 'of „Michigan.. . • • •
. Mr. Rufus Keys returned lionie lakt
Saturday' owing to, ihe serious illneit
o•f his mether. .•••
Mr. ThOrnas was i elle vil•
laea an Tuesday t,od' all mutlus
ing to 'the pa sisin•g of Abe Local
tion bylaiv, Ile is. chairman of the
township organization, and one of tire
strongest sueporters of such legisla-
tion. • . . • '
Mtge Mamie lcid f the Front
Roe., Who; •adeompanied by her bre;
tyete 'wept ..tiorth on a visit, to friends
at *BerVie,,, ha, not yet reterieed
Theta was •sleighing when :they went
and they are ,prohably waiting, for
othcr 40Ni/trail of tire,beautiful;
Th c following .are-,theeofficers of L.
O. L.• No, 103, f.er the: eitsufti•g . year:
• W. Master, Geo. • Beatty.
Deputy, .J, W. 'Rea. .
Chaplain, ,t'tank Weetsv.
Ree -Secretary, J. Rathwell;
• Phil -Secretary, S. Johnson.
TrOasurer, ;Chits. Fester. • .
D. of C., Ben. Ratheitell,
Leeturer, Andrew. Stinson.
C.othimittee, J. T. Rad, John John-
son,. Robert• Elliott,. Walter, Ralmoll
and 'William Logan, .
Stanley District L, a. L. met here.
On Tuesday and elected' the icillowing
. -
officers for the. current year :
"ArasT&177--ain Polloek.
Deputy, George Beattie .
Rec.-Secrete ry , D.. C. (aIl)r.i0h ; P.
FineSceretary, .L. 13eat1e
Treaeurt:e, J, W. Re'd
.Chaelath, RCS% W, '
D.• of C., Thos.:„}3.ar1tmr
Lecturer, Geo. le, Green:dads!
Aespecial' Meeting will he held 'in.
Varna at half past seVen next Monday
evening to which all Members of the
Dietriet are cordially, inVitede'
7 -West Tuckaritnitb;
Revival services were started on
e$undey evening • in Turner's church
and will he -continued for a 'few
wool& Mies A. IV. • S'eareatt will are -
slat 'the pastor. '
At the annual electing of the rate-
payers of .schocil seetion number- four
Mr. Feed. Nott Was appointed trus-
tee, Mr, Levi Wiltse retieing. '
Misses :Melia • and Mary • Modeland
have returned kerne to Seeforth atter
it couple of week.S viSit with relatives
here, . •
Monday's election resulted in the re-' • Mr. litho Criith now, 'et/dig a,' broad
turn of two new men, one from each Smile. We a girl, • ,
end of the township. Mr. Glenn head- Niro. Herbert Crich is We are eorey
ed the poll, though , he only made a to state, on the sick is,
partial canvas. As was said by ,thee Airs. Er. • Walters and Prank were
News -Record last week, he .will be an visitors with Ifensall Mead.; on Sun -
acquisition to the conned. Mr. Gib- day laele
son was low man, he hardly expeotecr I.Ylessrs. Cole and Switzer of Goder-
anYthing else, and no doubt only re- leh iownolifir visittd at the'. home. of
maimed in the field to bring out a Mr, Samuel Switzer ett Sunday last.
larger vote on Loottl Option by-law Mr, Al. Pairhurne "and Minis, lleolde
Reeve McDiarmid and CouncillorsDalrymple of Moosilaw, Sask., visit -
Glenn, Douplass, Stinson and Beattie' ed. at the homes of Mrs. 'Roger Pep -
thus eomprise the conned of 10-07. "per and Alm E. Walter feet week.
They look like a. capable aggregatiotb, Miss Villa' AfeCoitri of Clinton Ohl»
ted'at the home of, Mr, Thos. O'Brien
For Counoillors. On New Year's Do.
Mee .Ella Johns, emelt a iew days,
and are expected to do geed work.
' Beattie ./0 91 'la 11 116 Met week with her s1ster,Mr3...Robt,
0011(410.8 32 lie 61 21 (2 223
Glenn 66 45 Re 'al 14 245 LaWsoit, Colinirnee Ott Alteulay Mies
Gibeon 41 re 27 14 VW
Stinson 201 ne 77 el 02 eel Johns returned to,Totonto, to resume
her 's E:Mies at the Normal. „
For teed Option, Rev, Me. Jolliffe, of Clintoe preath
os es 78 35 45 248 ed Missionary &cremes in Turtier'o
dwelt laet Sunda* afternoon,
Mr. Billy Mays` NAM n friends
9 XI •ee •
on Sunday. " • )
Against pest opitee
-A.-very intereeting event 'Wok -01
at Lim home of %Ir. Rebt. Stal
Auburn,Polt Wednesday, Docembler 26
at fiver o'cloeic p. m., when his e
est..daughter, Vida, was: married,
Mr. George Wesley Finch oeafor
Rer. J. L. Small, 13. 4, perform
the ceremony, while the ' weddi
march -was played by Mrs. Jos. S
ker of Lueknow. The bride was
essed • in Secant crepc-de-ehene, w
sequin and chiffon 'Watt -aim and c
lied, a botinet of white roses. T
ring bearer, the bid's' little sis
Jennie, looked pretty in a dress
Vale blue silk. The groora's gift
the ring bearer was' a ruby ri
About fifty invited searetS sat do
to a eumptubus supper. The prose
Were numerous and useful. The ev
ing was spent in mete, games,
pleasant oonversation. The - brid
going away snit Was Of brown 1
ieseeloth and pale blue silk wai
with pale blue velvet hat to mate
Mr, and Mrs. Pinch will 'reside,
Seafortir, The many Auburn trim
Wish them long life and picesperity
Mr. J. Stewart basdisposed of
hardware business to • Mr, Jam
Young, whii is now in possession.
Mr. E. 'Munro has returned to t
city ot Strait -ford after spending t
holidays at his home here.
Miss Carrie Stewart visited ...trim
in Belgrave lest reek.
Mr. Cecil Echlin, accompanied
Mis.s Pennington of Goderich, sec
' N ew eY ea r 's at t peeenta,1 home.
Mrs. Naegle visited friends
Brussels last week, • -
Mrs. IVICCommins of Blyth visit,
Mrs.' Stewart last week.
The school has- opened with hi
Kidd- of Peterhoro in charge. W
wish film success, •
. Mr. W. Raithby ef 1VieMaster Un
varsity, TeThwto-,---tse: spending a fe
6ays here, •
Mr. .George ,Limpman has gone
hs home . at Kinge,ville for a re
weeks, holidays.
home from the West.
The thaw os Sat-m.6er put a 'sto
to the ‘slcating' butitwas riot tO
Id -
at -
411 -
i -
11,&s. George Asquith is very ill at
Present, but we hope to seen hear of
her rectiverye.
Miss Sclater of SeafOrth is vieltine
. . •
friends here. • • •
*.--31r1., and Mrs.. Bob, Jenes ' spent
Ne" Year's Willi elm latter's parents.
• •
Gocieria. Township
The pie eetieti, n ,te•liee ''ebeeee, en
.Nehe-Year'e EVe was a highly ,aue-
Ceseliel , affair. • EveryhOdy: • nate pi•O
aed SandWicht.e galore e after .whiCh
:there , Wae ve•eplelidid pregtaint.7 Those
taking' part were :from a dietanrie Mr
-Geotege. Pearson and. Arise 'Pearl *Wise,
•Who- sang . very_ appropriate .solos ntui
• • -
will 'be; • cordially weleoni:d bade
•again-:, The talented littled danghters
.•of: swftzer &lightedthe' and -
with. their .:•itutooroise recitations
A few °titers, alefig with home.tedent
took part. • • , '• •
Mi Randall rer; ' ' Cole. of Olilha
'spent thee holidays . under - the parental.
lisne S,pringehle Farm.; •• .
•17lie Oki t.Inav. . Tree...entertainment
George'? S. 8, room' was a
Most. successful affair and the visitors
Were in niuch greater:number . than on
any former cicoasion. •
We have , t thank • tle.• Niltar .01 the
-3iittstk wwg for hI oarcimlat . and the
partite. who • so :kindly eent us books
OU Cheistnias :and ,New .
-Sideletni arrired re.
-cently • froni.-..ditby',•,Nerth•'Dalionta, •his
first-vitit to this •town in e• ieiesr ler
• ofa:, eentury. \Vheii it'reeident• :. • of
•Saltroce • he--.,.niarried: Mits Perkily
Shannon, it c f • Slake Doyle,
anti went 1». • Seek 'his fortune . in
Sagunaw,-Miele, Where his wile died.
Otheregeesse of. • Mrs, Lasheen • re-
Centlf 'Were Mrs, . WillieiMcQuarrio.,.
and her two , clever ' boys froth
Hollow, North 'Daketa. .
• We hallo . theeived elip-ping 1 a
CheeihnetttlYaeer With t11.UqWIng.
•,"Ball-Williain it entered lure rest
lYieenther. 190ii` Serviee.,it
• the .crerna t bre on P'ri dar toritooriiat
three thirty,. •
. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. .Ingraliam of
Brantfeill 1: ,y1- OW1,1' 1 .14 r."side in'
town ane., flCe at Present- the. nit ests, of
Mrs. Ingraham's Mother; = Mrs.
'needs • of Sal r ord.' •
Nes, Lasham'S ..,son John of -the
-sr the
tional Zanik has. with. : his wife gene
to San Fre. infer 1, epetal the
ter. L.aSt, ceaSciii be retuen,e1 trent
that•eity the: day befOre the great
earthquake. • •• e
' Abraham of. Nowesta, North
-Dakota, and ---Mrs: -view 9e -
'Winnipeg . wern the petes_te of their
Mother, • Mrs George to at. "„11111 -
crest. It is ' wen " six years ' since
Mr. Cox visited his /tame. •
• Mr, Verzon last- weel, to Visit
lead ITote.e trapn.1, and friends' in.
England as NMI: Mies \Bittbeire Wide
der 'sailed on the genie steamer lot
England. • •
Mr. W. • Meet:eat-1i seye- hie sort has.
not yet. recov re< frent ree one -talon
performed ettehie. -Ife. Teeertio ; for
turner. •
- The son of Mr. William -Johnston
was- to get out for a walk orr
Sittu'rday after, an illness. of several
•weeks, .
'ILO)]* mid Mrs. Pee' ..eent Ibe hok:
,i:!•11.11 AS the guests of Mr -and 11rffs."'
John.Kernighan. The. many friends
of the. Major arc match pleased
In learn that bio has, beenappointed
Postmaster at the .Parlianseet
lurs fr, TOronto, •
IVIiss youttgett d•atigh-
ter of .1, W. Stnith,, left on
nesda,y to attend Ila London Business
Cellege, Mrs.'. Smith; e,ecorripanie-d her
to t•be eity., •4
„ • At • •
A happy event took plaec it the
residence of Itobert .MeArthins pri
Tuesday of last, week when, his dau-
elder Violet It Wag uniitteff inmaTr-r
riagte with Robert P. Dell of . the Zur-
id Road, A Jorge nomber or guests.
were present. Rev. hieL -Smith offi-
ciated, The happycouple le,ft • on the!
evoiling -train going south. --
I'Vrr. William IVIOS011 from the West
in visiting friends and acquaintances
in the neighborhood, •
MeTavish keeps poorly and
speaks of going to the hospital. ;
Mr.:Oeorge Swann has gone to Nia-
gara, Falls to work in the Grand
Trunk freight sheds.
The Sono of ,T•proPerance gave an
eniertainntent on the nigith of Jan.
art, the at of the f opening of the
new ball. It was well attended and
a great success.
Mr. C. Reid shipped two loads
Of splendid lodking cattle to the Tor-
onto markets last week. Mr. Reid
eisculates it lot of hard ,cash in the
ears° of it twelve months,.
1VIr. Robert 1VIurdoeli has been laid
up with lagrippc for a. Ws; days of
MRobert' ilotham received aPost
card last week saying that if he• wish»
ed to see. his cousin, Mr, Robert
Dfiedell," alive to COMO at once, Ile
aWrernivtas sooan'..ao possible but still
Mr. 13. R. Iliggins bile' been suffer -
for some days from an attitele of
.Mis J, Bell will visit her COMM,
Miss Mabel Tiiraer, for a few days of
tlfis week,
There was a -pretty full turnout of
the electors on both sides of" the Conbi
don Road on Monday.
Mrs. james Turner intends to visit
her sena Wilson and- George, in Toe -
onto WS week. ,
We .regret. to. say Oat. ;Mrs.,. 0, H.
Reid ,is not enjoyingvery. good health
at present. .
Mr.e. J. T. Reid is another .of `our
esteemed eitizens on the silt
lit. .
Mr. Geoige 'Munro is suffering from
a badly swollen hand,
Jessie G,rainger is Visiting; her. pare'
arts OirC1: New 'Years:
Welliegtene Wilson, who was a. her -
her' at one time,. is Nrisiting,
.,Whe • ••
Cameron, mho . has, been visit-
-ug hin. father, left for. Dotroil wittre
:he has. been for soine years.
111re,..Ma.sPOy is home on -a visit to'
see' her-Mothere-M-rse-Jaee• A.ikonhead,
who an not been wellfoe some 1,:time.•
Miss' PelliO.Mehliachel 'of' the aueon
Road Visited Miertrable
few • days.
, of the -nerves, as St.. • 'Citus', dance,
• The Late Or. L4pponi
-Death Ilis,lietneVedi A.' Distinguishe
pfiysivian and A Man Rare :
40,44. ••••••
In, the death -of Dr. Lapponi,
kiwi, to the Popeja personage has been,
removed froni Ides scene who .was
scarcely less knOWP. throughout the
• world"than the pontiffs whom be mini-:
loitered unto, Ile Wee a WOnderfal
man as well as, a, distineuiehed physt-
cian.--Ottawa Free Press,
14 may be added, tha.t Dr, Lapponi
was a. man of rare courage. kle had
no fear et that bugbear known as
professional etiquette. When he found
something good- in nrexlicine he did
1144 hesitate to say sof -to the world'.
Ile proved' this when he wrote the
Dr. Williams- Medicine Co. strongly
oadqrsing their celebrotd Pink Pills
for pale PeoPie as a cure for anae-
Ante (bloodlessness) - and certain
nervais disorders. In the inter -esti, of
the thousands Whe suffer' from anae-
mia. nervous disorders and. kindred
troubles it is Werth. while...republish-
ing Dr. Lapp:0M's letter, as follows:'
certify that I have tried Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills in four oases of
the elinple anaemia of de3telopment.
After few weeks of treatment, the
result. calm; • fully up to expeeta-
tions. For that reason I shall not
fail in the future to -extend the use
of this laudable preparation, not, only
in the treatment of other morbid
forms of the categorY of anaemia or
ctdorosis•, but also- in canes of neuras-
thenia and the,
1Sigeede, Dr. • Giuseppe La:pponi,
Via dei Gracchi 332, Ronie.
The' simple. anaernia. of development
referred to by Dr, La.pponi Is of
course that tired languid condition of
young 'girls whose development to
womanhood is tardy,. and w,hoee
health,. at •the period of that develop-
ment is ,oftee so imperilled; Ilia
dpiiiipp of the value of Dr.
Pink Pills itt that 1 -1,, -..is of the
confirms other published ." eas,e6 tn
anaemia and other diseases of the
blood vvell .as nervous diseases
aVe .been e;d by these pills Which'
it need harder be 1:n6th:tiled, :deed
their -.efficacy to their po-,vor. of" mak-
ing paw blood; and this ectieg dir-
Kele, 'On the digestive and aterVoes
system. in al/ eases of anaeinia, de-
cline,. indigestion, :and troubles- due
paralysis and' locornotor 'et axia, they
due to bad bleed, end all affections
3thes Ross, 'Jensen, visit- I fhe greatest confidence because, they
tti Katt- at Xmas. I are commended to the public .-wit•h• All
Maggie Taylor el London is { the greater ceinfiderietr 'because they:
lisitine his sister, Mrs. ae ...Snadet. ta,d the strong enOorsenterit 'of the
_ •
The many friends -Sit Mrs. Charles great physician -SW1)0 ;50 roomtfy
Reid will. • be pleakee to hear that she passed • away.
itt49ile 1,0 br out once more -
Chas. Sawyers -is borne for
idays. • • ,
• Miss Kate: liart goes to near Both-
well to 'commence 'tsr etutiee aes etea- The largest mail ever reentered by
'elver on yedneeday. • , • • • One fitin iri tlue bug pity. et Montreal
- George t WNon...Ttil•rt(q" visited his was • for . the Fantily ' Herald
mathee, -Jas.; Turner ,
Dap. Munro io oe it visit fiem. the " ' - •
11 18 said 1ii sUbsetip-.
eees,t, , • :tiOnq for the .Family Herald: and
Nee cetheeete spent eleedee Hee_ Weeley Star on. that day alone would
• eveced• all: the stibaeriptions ter any
' City
.1,1ee, other paper in Ona
aila -for the . Whole
neon.th- Of December, A day and -a
atter A, visa; of' foot Weeke with 1U night -staff eee at Work all- the .time
rods: • -, • . ,enteeing •reneValn. aed.new subscripe
• . .
• • ,
Enormous Mails
. Hairy Cameron oir Baykia ciiri.i6,e0 lions.: The , increase e el ,the • :Family.
lerticefleld to, meet 'hie sister" Nellie Herald's Subsetipticit business is
from . Chicago, ., WIA).-• can hOme ee; sp_ li.iliFtencletiel. ' . It is eeid ‘. tit ee • picture
..Alei. Cameetw„,,. .- ,...., . , , ... -.. • pew story ''.`Thie7 Deeter", have won
end tamer -weeks -.wit.h.,,hpr ' father,: Mr, rats,- 'year arid, Ralith Connor's
. miss -G. Marks has sold her bitsiness,thent thousande : • a. pew readee4;lant
to. Mr. Clyrnins ot Berlin:: , „ . the Family Heraldiand WeeklY Star
mr. alas. Mustard is holidaYsing At, bailg°41. evalait4e,,ztnh4c.:. o.iates .(!ivalolaor e!. tpcu-ri.ysuctreits.
hia father's,...Mt. Alex, Mustard's.. - '
John Mustard has gone' to II/laver. ton- 'ig Well. deserved
tei'visit his aunts and ether' 'friends, ,
Ed. Colwell' Of Regina ,who has bis
home on business, has .returned, tie
reports good times aut.:there..
Thos. Brown .has.: Started' waking
i"or Geo. Hirt daring the winter rhone
At the last rekular meeting of ,the
C.- Q. F. -the following officers. vitere
elected e
. Chief Ranger, D. Cowart
Vice, V. Sime
ReeeSecretary, J: W. Hell
Fin.-Seeretary,, Reibert 'Slater
'Treasurer; Will. Sines
Chaplain, R. WIghtt,pan
Sr. Woodward, R.Ifarrio0,
Jr. Woodward, J. Cent .
Sr. Beadle, S. Creighton
Jr. Beadle, W. Tiaitn,
Our horse and Dottie fair was held
en Wednesday. .
the''0. P. R.tratklayers reaehied
-Myth- on Sunday-'- and aro'
on 'towards Atibitea. • • •
Mr; John Nevins, who has been
&blendingthe past year away returned
heme to his family last night; He
reports that he 'had to pay eve doll-,
ars al week' for board.. . ' '
Mr; Ara IltcQuarrie al Winnipeg is'
a visitor to the parental roof. Mr.
Thigh geQuarrie, *one of the oldest
inhabitants of t -he
Mr, Will an4Vflas Maud King took'
their 'leave of Ieleth on Monday pr, m.
and took' the train for Detroit and
other pints on the other side of the
, Ow Wednesday 1We'n1 last week a
sleigh load of the "home corners" in
comParty with a few yotinge people of
the village made their whey to Mr.
Thos.. 131elby.,:o of the tith Line, Mor-
ris, and spent, verY .ehjoya le even-
Fritla,y-4vening an At Ho cf was
hol'd by the Masonic 'bodge and aft&
meeting at,their hall they red,rourned
to the dining rootn eef "the Commercial;
hotelwhere a toast of.the good_ thin!.
gs of the si;ason awaited them. It
was eonSidered one of the best Sive.
ants ever served here on, such 'an oc.
easion and reflected .much cretrit 'on
reirve host and hostess of the Comm-
ercial. Atter the:good things provid-
ed had :fifth done ample jilatiCei the
metr.bees and their guests again re -
Pared, to their hatil to enjoy it liter.
ttri 'arid 'musical entertainment.
Mr. John P1111igh isP feletels
itt 11/fichigatt,
John T. Carter has returned
to Midland.
t Me. • Currie 'of . East Woman:teali is
likely to- be the next .Warden .01 . the
,Catinty of Huron.: •
Weeik un- s
For over sixty years doctors
have 'endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral 'for emighs,'
weak lungs', bronchitis, costa
sumption. You, can trust a
'medicine the best doctors ap-
prove. Then trustthiathenext
°time_ you '.have I hard cough._
Ayer* chain Pobtoral sad itosgsoon outs&
t000nitoon it to Mt ftittioodowbontrVer
they loWe ootigia,"-mto5 /4„.
mde by 0. O. Ayokr Oa, Lowell. !OWL
Ryer% Pelle keep the beWels regulair.
& akor.s• jfier• -
-and rlielr
which enables a riling lad$r or it -
yeunggentletwin tt strtt it good
living is the Roper
iaitettenetedeat hisoven desk;
consequently the backward 00.; •
rusty feel quite at home let the:
, .
nes* Collage.
• Excellent text books, rutexerl.
faelli t 4.1 trmehrr ft I Id
t t in& riIt' Oitatfntes.
. Write. foe eetelogoo.
et0110E SPOT704, 13.1111111P.4
$ , Be Wit e-
• A.d. begin the New Year yell by opening a
Savilig$ Account with
:The Sterling Batik of. Canada ;
. A
$ tereet added font. times a year.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and in- 0
The Department is Interested to no delay itt the
wftbdra,vval of part or the whole of the deposit.
A General Bogdan Business Transacted.
$ , .
Accuirfits of Fanners and Cattle Detdero SolkitesI
BAYPIETR BRANCH open Monday, Wednesday and Pridayeach week ,
VA RNABRANCH open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week,
your account iwill be $ap.preciated amt.eolteb4eirr. brya,ncLbayger. .. . w
The Sterling Bank of Canada.. $
....,:,446,1,00..' 4.04..........,.fry...4,....,-va.".......,......,......e.el...ai~vwlexr
,••••1•41 .1.-41.Wklao• Out WM. 4
January loth, 1907
1.44******•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••414•• .
"I Great Clearing Stove
.:•E HAVE made gait(' it few sales of stove as adtertised in
: last week's papers, and Would have sold a great many more
had the weather been more favorable, and for -that reason
we have decided to contiuue the sale "for one eek longer,
thet will be Saturday. Tan. 10th, the lest day. Some people •think
vve are not acting wittely when tt is a•well-known feet that all stove
manufacturers have advanced their prices 41 ncl •tbat all kinds of
stoves will be very much higher next winter. We admit ail this is
. very true, at the some time we want the money and also to make
• room for other goods corning in the spring. So don't forget to call if
i. you are in need of a stove this winter or next. It will Pay--yon-good •
interest on your money, We also wish to announce that all lines in
hardware and metal gods have odvaneed lately and are like' , to
. d cmore before sPring. At the Basle titne we eatey a _heavy
.... 'stock end puepose having a big reduction sale on many lines item, se .
very short tim'W
e. ath M
cthe eal paprsor efdate of sale and list of
I ' • .,
prices, .•e
• 1
• •
te. .4.44 0.44 ..4*......;•41•4411, 41....1114 114;•• 40•414/ 0. I'
, MI ON 1111 1 eel I If 11 0i71 1 1 R a 1 112 mereeeecuestemeneccilla
Irgt: THE oi,p RELIABLE zlir
0 0 0 • 0 0 0 00 0 00
tore Overfiavving
With .WinterFu.rnitp.re
-Pirror -; *Ilan
Furniture in oak and ash, Bedroom Furni-
ture in oak, ash and mahogany ; Dirking-
• . •
Room Furniture oak, ash and elm, Kitch-
en Furniture in anything von want; .
• . •
Couches, Mattresses, Iron and :as Beds; Rockers, \
• Easy Chairs, Desks, Parlor Cabinets,. Rattan Goods
Pictures, Paper Racks, nook (iesee, ottutoi• Poles '\
Looking Glasses, IN FACT WE HAVE. ' \
Bring your pictures here to be framed\
.t.Inciertaking promptly atte4c1e4 :fo • by night or day
' Night and Sunday calls answered at residence
of. either of 'the principals. IF' off
0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0
0 0 0 0oo000a
5. ,
• OVON001011014k
• . .
1 :Many thy 04sOrners for their kind pat., •
Tofiage during the year which ts now dra-
ing to.a 'close and wish them a happy and
prosperous 1907.',
4~0,apa voitiyiaAaNAAAAA"