HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-03, Page 8a: 1 O 0064, Commences Saturday. .. January 3th. The January Sale is an annual event here. On the 314. of the month we take stock and balance our books for the year. Stocks all over the store must ..be crowded down to the lowest notch before that date. We have plans for the coming year that make the material reduction of present stocks imperative, and in order to get them drawn where we want there, we purpose making onr January Sale for 1907 the most at, tractive we have.over _held. Here is the fiat .we start it off with on Saturday the 5th day of January 1007.. Watch the papers every week for further money -saving news of the great sale. It will pay you. Januarij Mantle Prices. Decidedly money -saving prices on .the balance of Mantle. stocks for January. `1Tever as big a mantle business as we,have had this. season, Now the (Ind is near and we want to wind it up with racks that are absolutely bare of mantles.. We will too if prices will d') it and we are surethey will. Not a great many left but still enough to give you a good 'mango for ,y little rnoney Don't delay your .coming. Here is what we will sell. ast Season's Coats $ll.50" A few, a yell few oartred over from;_lagt aeon, 6'.' . . or 8 in All. They n Ell snake' cappttkl coats for rough wear: wear`'uul are not very mticb out. cal •style..You can take your choles of thQ•l9G for 44$ tJJ.t! I.50. Coati 50cz Ralf a dozen •short jacltete, odd lines, clearing for January At your:chQice,.,. , .no Children's .Reefers $100 Mantles at $4.9 25 Ladies'' Tweed and Black Beaver Jackets, every` garment new this Beason, many 'different -styles, all new and up-to-date. These are the last that are left of our mantles that sold at $7.50, $850 and $L0 (ill: Not one that we had in. stock .at' these_ .p..rices=reserved... Your choice of thein all commencing ,next Saturday 4.90 7 Capes at $2:50. 7 only; Ladies' Cloth Capes, plaids and black cloths:. Just the thing for driving in rough weather. Regular prices were $5.00 to $8.00. For . January Sale your choice ,. • 2.150 r 14 only..Children's Reefers, plain, navy and . fancy. tweeds,tnostly small ,sizes, regular $2.00 to $2.50. Clearing for•anuaty Sale at each 1.00 -.,. ...�,. ...-. .�.-.dme.w• a..... .r.-aa._-.��a ��au�P� _�/ .•.sm+Wra".,n� w+Fz quarter A straight '" off" the price of..ever.,y Pur.iii stock in- •'the Fut Depart- ment is the attraction for the .January;Sale. ''"` We hive good Furs in stock, none other find a place here. Every'articlo must be'sold this. month, For 'reasons that it is not necessary to state here we want them all out of the way before we . enter. • stock. That is the reason you can luy one dollar's worth ,of Furs fore 75c here during January. We have some very handso'me'pieces in stock, in Sable, Mink, Grey Squirrel; Stone.Marten, Isabella Fox, Ohio Sable and the cheaper Furs. No matter what theywere you can buy_any sir_all ofthem_..at 75c'on.the_dollar .during'.. January: 20 Per' Cent Off Fur :Jacket --Prices. s1,:- n to�dafi 20 per cent of all Fur and Fur Lined Jackets.. 12 orT ttarments still to sell. Ali- reatyli p� and qualities that can he relied on. Our guarantee'goes with all when they have the store. When Janu- ary is over we want them all out and whilethe sale mon you can buy any or 'all, of them for one-fifth • less than the regular prices, No better chance to get•ia good fur coat at a saving is likely to come tbis way this. reason, . We have Plain Electric Seat Coats.Plain•'c/Jstrachan Coats. .French Seal . Coats lbith Ohio and efllaska' Sable Gators. Astrachan . Coats with Ohio Sable -Collars. ,Fur lined Goats in black, fa7bn gown or navy. • Linen for 'January Sale. Some rattling good Linen Bargains for. Januarv. Here are two or three of them, They are well worth • the coning after. • 65C Damask .4.5c. . ' Half bleached Table. Damask. all• pure' linen, imported by ourselves direct, extra. heav • weight and fine quality, will hleach and wear we : , tetra- . lar 65c line and good value at that. special for .4S for January sale 60c Damask 39e- Heavy unbleached Table Damask, good•width, • fine quality, one that will bleach quickly: and . , stand any amount of hard wear, pure linen. regu- lar 60c, special for, January per yard Napkins 5c.. 100 or'rnore odd Table Napkins, good,size -and weight, fine quality,special for January sale each .00 50c Bath Towels 350, Dark Brown Linen Crash Bath Towels, est tris a. kind for a morninyr-ru-b;-,lit-50e; for-d-a-rrrtarxr35 sale each , • A Big Towel Special. 25 dozen Linen Crash and Huokalinek Towels, heavy weight. hemmed or fringed ends, an extra special bargain for Jannary sale, your choice for 2 for 25: Towelling 5c. Linen Crash,Towelling, good weightand: width '•' _ will wear well; speclal for January sale, per yd. .05 • 22 -inch Crash TewellIng'lOc: 22 -inch fine quality. Linen • Crash .Towelling plain eentre red border,' for J;inuary sale per yd.' 10 Art •$ateens` 13c. 50 to 75 yards fancy' Art. Sateens,suitable • for . ,. draperies, curtains, etc., regular 20c, and 25c, for January sale per yard , .115 Curtain• Damask 50c. 20 to 35 yards Curtain and Upholstery, Damn. asks_ . regular $130 to $2, clearing for January at per yard ro 50 Spot.Cur.:tain Muslin 1_7c. 5 yards C-nin,Spot' Curtain Muslin,. . fine .qual.. ity,,regular.25c'for Januarysale, choice per yd. .17 • Woo. News- lecor4 <,a -January Ord, 1907 ew Store oseelee eeeeeee • $18 and $20 Suits for $15 • At this season we are willing ,to lose. or pro-, ftts on tailoring to keep our coat, pant and vest , makers busy, We use the. same trio mings .and put the same amount of workmanship on all gar- . menr, ar...ments?, we employmen coat makers only,. and turn out our cheap suits just as well . as our expensive • ones, and guarantee good fits. This is a rare chance to get a well -made and stylish• suit at cost. • 25 Suit Ends (no two `alike) of imported Scotch Tweed and Canadian Tweed, allgood patterns and will give splendid wear. 111ade' up with our best trimmings in the newest style, in single or double' breasted, regular $1$"and $20 your°choice .. $15 • 26 Suit Ends of black and blue pure botany worsteds, double twisted yarns and fast colors,. made with our best trimmings in double or single breasted style, regular $18 and $20, while they last $15. Prosperity is for Those who Save•0 eloit 3. Good Specials for Saturday 'heavy Women's: natural colored Vests, good heavy weight and nicely trimmed, sizes 2, 3 and 4, bought before theadvance in yarns, and worth to -day 50c, while they last 290, --. • 05c Women'S „Wool Vests for 69c Ten dozen Women's extra heavy Wool Un- shrinkable Vests, nicely made and trimmed, sizes 2, ' 3, 4 and . and: outside size, regular. 85c, Satur- day 69c. . $5.00 Wool Blankets for $4.00 Ten pairs only, all pure wool Illankets, assort. ed sizes, pink and blue borders, good full weight This isa•snap for Saturday only regular . 5.00 • . blankets for 4:0:0. 5.00 Eiderdown Comforters Or 4.00 Six only, pure Eiderdown Comforters, fancy • sateen top and bottom, good large size, regular $5 Saturday $4. $i0 Pure Satin Comforters .$7.10 r-oiily,•pure satin, fancy scroll top -,sad u,p' tp i atrii' l rrt'to ryl; bone f -the- Christmas trade, regular $�0, rather- than .carry. them over we are putting _them on our: counter Saturday at $7.1.0. each. '• �.30 only Wool Fleeced Lined Shirts (no draw-. .ers, odd' lines. •to clear in natural and plain blues,;* colors, extra heavy shirts, all .sizes, Saturday ',one price, 50c. $1.50 Heavy, _Tweed . Pants I • One hundred: ,Men's .heavy,untearable `Tweedand full cloth Pants,. ;well made .and trimmed, will staid lots -of good hard wear all sizes, -regular _ $1:50, izes regular --- $1:50, Frida • and Saturday, $i40!). •200 and 25c `Ladies : Linen• • Ten dozen Ladies': Christmas ` ITandkerchiers. fancy scolloped :edges of ,fine Ince with :pure linen .i centres,. eg ilar7.20c and:25zc' value, u;_d price 15c. • .0, • Wrapper -s 73c. "' Clearing out the Wrappers., The last of them to be: sold before we enter stock.• Regillar •$L25' and $1.50. ` Clearing for January sale,your choice -73 364inc h Wrapperette.100. 16 --inch Wrapperette in nice neat patterns suit- able for waiats, wrappers, dressing sacques, reg- ular 15c and 180, clearing for January sale pens yd. JO _Remnants _For:January._ ._ January Remnant prices • will be just' aboutlialf regular. Every remnant in the store will be measured up and put on,':tble•reunnant table next Saturday, and marked at about just half the original price., Do not miss the remnant table, on it you will find many a bargain. There Will be Remnants of Table ' Lin • en, 46.. Flannelette, Remnants of Dress Goods, Silk, , Wrapperette, Embroideries. fi 66' 66 66 id « .Laces,. • q'• • Em brolderles for Januar". January Embroidery prices are money -saving. e - mast cletin up our Embroidery stock before new ones billed to arrive 1st February get here. These will be just as good puality at if youpaid full price Tor theta, Entbraldertl • at 70 200 yards Camhrie Muslin Embroideries and In- sertions, last ends of lines that sold at 10e to 15e,w clearing for January tale at per yard • • • • . Embroideru at 10c. •-150"yards Cambrie and fine Muslin Embroider- ies and Insertions, regular 15e nttd 20c qualities, for January sale your choice per yard . .10 D . . Belts. at 25c. . r 2 to ll dozeh:belt',a, blacke•and colors. last ones . of lines that sold at80c .0 50c, clearing them all -oat daring Jartuary at yourchoice each .., ... 00;• .., %Ms• • 4 Here's a decided bargain foe -the men, and is worth coming miles to secure. Every. _ _rMans' Eur Coat .to_be,:sold Tat .'our Clothing. Store for less than wholesale prices. Nothing reserved-Fo'r Friday and Saturday this week you can buy. c One only, N�. 1 Muskrat lined English . Beaver Coat,. large Persian. lamb collar, our best .$75 coat, Friday and Saturday $58.90. Two only, Dark Red Calf Coats, our best $25 and $3.O coats, Friday and -Saturday $1$, Wambat Coate One only,.dyed Coat, .extra deep fur, lage',collar, heavy farm- er satin lined, the.best $30 coat. for.$22.50 One only, Black -Dog Coat, large collar, • . heavy farmer satin lining, the best $3,o•Dog Coat to be had anywhere, • Friday and .. Saturday. $19.50. g Sale of Remnants at our Dry Goods Store Friday and Saturday Hundreds of Remnants of Dress Goods, W'rapperettes,•Pxnts, 'Flannelettes,. Cottons Musiins Ribbons, Gingham, etc., all on sale at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. ��rww'N+/► Opposite' The Tow in Hall. 4 9 • a , . a 1. J�• Cir 40 '