HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-03, Page 2.t-41
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Real Estate For Sale COAL I i The Agricultural College . 0 , 1, , , -
: ( i IJEJ) OF SKIN 1)1'-',I-: %.'-;I-: By Thvie ale lialt-6 wilcil fine CIO`thlL"0 I I "
I I., '' S ` L
-_ ____ J.re at, A disc-Liunt. Will -11 Sir Richard I Ho I , �l ,
I I .. -,hit4�..yegi.s�tI.ta��L)ILLUXiU�-I ---J�,� . . . . . . . . . . .11 :�,
FARM ItUlt SALE WN ,Tu CON I HOUSE FOR SALE -111E .11I.NEN - I.EAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW � Cartwright, 'wa-,,'6.-fit�tiid*in Le-u-kox, I Agricultural College -has providoll cou- , I - I � 11 I I 1, 111�_ � I . .1 - ..
Stailley luWliship, kv1I`i,41IIikl6 litt � Loomed hullbe now occupied by Jaill- I FOX YOUR '-I-.A,,-UN .S SUP I thitt, 111011. Zanvilul,' the Kle,tl il,el - Ili lh78, Cenlr,- Iluron. was opened. 111C I ises of ,,,Ludy and practical fie ori! 11 .
AC I (IS J little 110111 stimul, 4 little t -S LIVOLMOle IS ofICLOd W�- :,,tie . 111,Y OF COAL. IAE k:ARRY biji t).illll, haN be,it 1) I roived NastlY hu-, 111111 by III(-. it'sigilation, of live sittillA for farnier's sonts, and thijusands of - I I I .. ."I .. 11 I I �
I I ujil I'lebby tellan .L11(t .NIL`1j:0dIbt Uuud stone ciellat, All Viijd�, U, SHA I 1.11o, I, oldinaly lo,wedicb, and has I young invil, havv taken advaii,'Lage of 08 . -1
4-11ILLAILVC. and NbL011CU, I` !hilk% I'JoIll all huit, lilitid Ajid suit WAIL'r Will DES Willi, 11 \% il.l. Ili,. .I;k)l,D curt'd 'AhvIV uthel. pleparatiolls had 1111'"t, t11110 Vditing The lilt1w.vis Post, it. At firs -1, the course was two ye- meachm &he JIM qvqw , - ,
11m4s.ai and A wiles from K I d Pell be sololt Cheap Apply ill J allies AT 'I'llb, I,(A\E_ST POSSIBLE I ,,Igll,Lily falk-d ThIeV c1lildren Ili one it' tlw culls t'Lt liell, r, and was brCia,kill-91 ,us. This was i'ound to be. 1,00 short lalowA. UP is an do-rowO , I
I into Political Inanagellicilt although,
b tat I o n Th.cle ale oil the pteuilse., , I'lVellnule 16 , PRICE I family have beiii heated by it. This and in 18.88 a third year was nd-ded. pVdUCI - ift -4ft-W - -
thice b,Lin.s. 64x4U, ',Ux2b :"11Z8, , ORDERS MAY Ili.. 1,1�1-'T AT . only shows ill(, Plower of Zaill- -still III his twonlic . Mr. Cartwright SIjll lat�:r it was found impossibleto medidne, _ _ _W . . .
all ILI r,(jod L,L-PAII ('01111w,1.0ble lug I --------- - - I RONNI.AM, Is IIARD- Bu.1,, but got -s Io plovu how bent-lic- . do justice to the work in. three stes- - quam Q :_2 iL2.M_
DAVIS & sevilc with a Alk hat, a .3., oul'se vftaHzWS and -
and Itallic house. 2-3 aclCh Ai fail 1 FARM FOR SALL.-WES'I" IIALF � WARE STORE Olt WITH . jai it:, pull- livibal Ingle-olenth are ILI I L'i oil tile , ivs, and 'the regular College CMgt
. Prince Albert coal, ain-d with Illoust- ,
whe.1t Ail fenced, I(A �Lcie.s well I III(, olkqiCate skirt of k-hilill-va. leading to the degra,�I)f B. S. A.1pow t&e blood on wbkh
taboicidt,on-i ,o,d Ili. iouaniln, . 4, � ) of lot 7, Soutb Bountlji%, jtuldWost! - ___ 1 .Mls. J. C. Bit Cs, of Ilulk S Falls, tile earli,,Ist I covers a ilcrjoll of four years. beaMdald ofevay,
'ditch half of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, ouli-, lvpolj:� Ill" CaNV Ieft'll.td tt�- S11V say" I)a-jl got .hill) ill"Witt kit But th-cre are inany fariiierF and. " " - i
the relliainder seeded down except- ! mg Zair-lin.4 as it Curt, for . I
Wltlj a new filailLIOLd � sliia dis-' I,A,(,,d ,;uit and a soft hat w0uH 'lot tittle t�) take lilt! tolig College Co,urse, Ac - , =ft
I �s, 8 acres bush, ill pt&ttlil oil' ft!'. =` .. "
of iO3 acite .0
At the 110USe � W.i.tevens Md.. -0 ,,-L;,'.. . I
lug 30 acres. The place is well fell- I ('as(.. My ti;r,C.L'hiIdivi well- all bro-' 6L. t,o I i k and ot-licts ,wiio inight find the time, .
pultipill-P, lioll. al,k- . llv�tol Ijilla.. I cad and drained, and watered by I &I Ili's Icligth. A local tailo, W ai, tau" for "16011111110111 11il"*.
spiiag back oil tile t -tial 14 ait-rc-i . I kru out, with sort -i o,i laCC, Itaniols, at but have not the means or education 91 1.
I ?Lj,gIj I tiled vaiiou* oillt-� morphosed h niell we have supplemen- ' J6 . -
good IJV�illnK UlCiiirtlof ! 14L- 1,1r.11 15 Spring ere Ii. Frame barn. This 0 i and ft -4 'N I sollicient, foi- inatriettilatioll. Fox the _ _,
.,Iatc ,it ctiltv,ation . and ititll( .,,oll (,a,.twiigtl,. was ineta AM ONX It= -
Ili a first-class , I two miles west of 1%ipifen stalition. lot "voill I into a bluff, hLICOlIC-10011tilki; person. tied out' regular work by addinig, Short
cCtions I ti — flirri I to' bv able ,i, gcl -it Ill,' "O, I I-olitival cloach there was Still ()III' .
Vince. Will be sold cheap awl ull i Jalues C. Parsons, Kippon, Ont. 32, 1 c%-il, and the sort -s couitint%,li to �- p- (!�. Cocking his Irtad froni side mclit's. .1. *#_#****A*#Ak*0_+A***" �` .
toluis to still the pulcha"er. For I a j iL-ad. ()ill, Jay' I saw it rePOrt in a � (I raw ba A JLI*1�111.g avi loll, with a fif ty #. A BLANK . 6 ...,:.
. J, Sidt'. Clitically, Dan thus, adino-a-i-Al- foot rileff" - r with seats all around * * . . . . .
prerni-ses or atfdlA1!;s (',L,or,e Cole- FARM FOR SALE Olt TO RENT.- ikin tile, Candidate 1 ,,%'j,.u'd giot iwaror ii -
["ail, 11111sKit-t-11 P (), ctc. I go, a st,.*)I)IY of 1, le. )a ill anti persoji.,;, litas been built especially for # APPLI ATIO, FORK * : ' . 11
consisting of 80 acres,— AID 11 C 0 0 ,,-I: yoll, if VOLI'd just lull a collib
cleared, balance bush. Good barn . -diately thoy got relief, and thrOugil Your "'Ouslachte, atift let, 11-1 Short Coukrse in Live Stmk, IntO # for membership in the Fin- & :
FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. � ,,lost innix draggle around Y Our f ac - 11101T . -1this ring all Classes of horses, beef
and comfortable houste. Well wat- I have been appointed agent I ,,ho l;ore, began Ito h -cal. Although , 1',Lgonto Saturday Night. ,+ est and best Business 9kai- * ,. .
2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10 ered by two good iunning '5,1x1eam8,, I for the MAsisiey-11arris Colin- , th,, ,kin dist-litsv had defili'd all "lie 1 cvLttlt,, shrep and :;vine are brought 0 ning School' in, Canada,.- # "'.
acres of bush, the remainder is well i, mile from school atiod I I , f'o� any in this ili-strict, pLnd will lsalvc, I had previously triel, in line for criticism. u # The Clentral Buiiiiiess Col- * �`
fenced, onderdrained and in a good postoffice. Will Ile sold on "sy l lk,eep on hand a complete list I Av�,k Zani-B,ok ovol-ot,iniv the traulble, An Art Callery I ged by the wenibers of the claiss th- #1 lop of Toronto-irom Jan. * I -
state vi cultivation. I acre of or- I terms.-Allply I o T. T. I%Airpby, of supplies in my Store oppos- : and io-day Oil, childl'011 lla%v 110it a -The. Expansion of Canada," by Mr. eniselvus, and finally Judg-od by wnile # 2nd next, 4ogetiler with de- * �
chaid aud small fruit, On thePr0- 35 Ill l pot of- mart. of dis,..aso oil recognized authority, so that students # tailed information * of the *
mises is a two story brick house f am also coll-tint1iiRg tife � Ili-eir sLin. For this gran -d result, I Doirliuioll, i;; thV fitting in,augural art- may hayet a gilmd opportunity uxemn- # great advantages to be ex- .+ -�*
with slate roof, a first-class farm . I - i ha%e Zain-Bul, to thank. It, is a hP- iole 0 the Christmas Farnivy's Advo- pare their jut1gement; with that of It # joyed, will be seit free by ,* ,
hbule, Ili barn, size, 44 --, - - -- --- I flour, fit,"I and seed gia-in. bus oithlirs. No money will he spared in
inciss and respectfully solicit a ; lz-jj,di�d healei'. - Cate and Ilom-0 Magazine, a copy Of I # return mail on request of * . -
X 80 With gione Stabling, a Lelllellt FARMYOR SALE. -THE 1:NDER-1 a COutinuilace of your pat'roli- I Zani-Buk is thus shown to be alto- wifich ha% reached us. 'rile illustrat- . I # frimd 7letter. Wrl tie to- *
vilo l4x3O, good driving house, Pig sjKtjk-A1r offers for sale part of lot age. I gother ditlert-n- ,xjid ,,�.-.wrior to ordin- cut-atives of all these cla.ssle�; f rom * day toio� .' 6 ",
pen and ben liouse. Two never -fail- Aie%. 11 is 'a -healing balill ions are par,icularly stelking. A rich, lilt, stables of our leading Ontartio * '. .
40 otl the Bayfield Road,' I mile ! ; at v relin. oin ,,,,Ap� a'.,t -s Me'.'s of (, ffect is produced by the eight c0101-- brveo�_-rs.- The wurk will be conducted ..
lug wells. This farm is situated 3 -t' ol pages executied in tile tricolor pro- ' I : /N,vll. SWRAW, Principal, #, l.-
7 by G. E. Day, Prof. of Animal Ilus- # -
ill, Iiiijotefield, 5 from ClIm- south ol Clinton, consisting of 20 ! ( ymptoundoll ,'I t _ *
miles N6 -_- .to gravel road. Ap- Good frame hou-)e with st- 1 . i ,Ile tiII,.,,,t I,nown riwolicirial hvrbs- ..It cess. TILL, best artists of Canadabilve � handry ; 11. S. Arkell, Lecturer in # oung & Garrard Sts., . * . '�
ton and (lit acres . I ha�� higil al1tjs.l,1)t,i(- power, kilhng Ili-;- -it choice:;t work% ,,o
premises or &ddraw ono cellar, ba — I which sl.t-,Iv on sures and - .
013 lit rn 36x7O with clsmeiilt I contributeil (if the I Aril -mal Husbandry, and Dri J. H. * Toronto. *
0 2 hasterneint. Easy terms. - J. A ' — . (..a si, . germs its pag,s. Alr. G. A. Reid, 1). It. C. . Reed, Prof'. of Veti�rinary Science, .
Albrrt Noll, Clinton 1). 0, � � 4* 1 M A k I eruptl0n..;1 etv_ and wlyieh sit', Ill) ft's- .k., gives a lift- shi.-tell in Ne Ilonic i With the assistance of other cionipvi- . -1 t - ,
't SALE�-ONE AND A , . Civil It, : " al),"CUSS,:,, ulet-r,t, aell-t, f Canadian a, . In addit4on IIII�,Ivartti I aul-hori ties 'oil the rno:A, vafua,�Ie byZI
quarter miles from churclf, post- I IJOUSE FOR SALE - A LARGE I (latte J)ornlinliari Department, .3ublic ; hi'llps, bl ods of farm an-irrialsf ,�^4^�JI--A ^
office, school, and the village of 1 franie housf Wellington sire, I liC. [I lileals; ("&�.kjql'ji, viiappVC1 g L JK W
Auburn. Suitable fl. Clinton, lately ocdul0i(xf bv Consultiag Engincer for Mai,- ; han.ds, co)d so'T ,' ('14'. - page pic ur-s. On almost e -,'C, -V pag,,l 1, ion am� t�, WINTER TERM,S OPENS # .
grass. Lot 27, oil the �111(1 �on. West ! Alleoch. 7 iooilis ana pantr, , wood- ; I t, -ly us, -J, anti v" YN'li: 11, , in,tbo,is of Cleaning sce-d,-a,no� ill tlfO� +
Wawanush consisting of 100 acr ' d stoile cellar hard anti t . I itidging of oals, barley, N%lWat, peas, I
cis, SlILVI, goo I I ! glves spk%41v rolitf ill vii,v- (,i liluscu- I 11(itigh ,]'Lilt il.� lilt (10'ilIC1, re 'ads like - I ! + ' I W--. .
of land, 15 acres untler bush an6' soft water, I acre of land. A Sp- ect-ric Railroads, Sewc.rage and ! lar I'll'.111natisin, sciuil'iva (lic. 1111bbed , . Itill"'ll prO.11TS, 1111 ,tiitl Corn, an([ ,L)f 5�3, clovers, ; , , . V,!, , FT
the balance nva!4v ,ill grass. Al , londid chance" for a person wanting � Watiorworlis Syst-�,nis, WILarves, -he,10 .m ,-a,,t-- of I ct0d it ".-I 2 iomaiwv Ili agrivu (in the �7 Collie I awl various fodder vr(')ps/and in the i I ".� RAL
*. '6 0, ,at ( 'hill Bridges awl Re-onforcod ((,I-- i (lit thv ( , I Ccif.ada. The art-icles ; identification of tile w�'�d seeds iliost� . - , ,
brick house, a ban'- barn 52k a, good house. Apply to Mrs. - , , I io% v, the lil"lit . +.s � I.d zwktili-- All Milling lilidusirv, 1IL". Ilar- .11 / I � ,, ..
; i I link Co., Twillilo, III)III: vv , Al:Z I Ill] !lit- 'Ma.1-fitInIL' - A
Wawanosh, �,Iijl c()11., dirtcqly oppos- k b(ixk., fit;- t*2.5(f. �, � it , �- w. v , xI,I.i( ... lt-� halldry ; J. Buchanan, Lotelturvr in 1 -',-.-, This school is rccognize& + I
ite sj6d lot 27, Containing 100 acres FARM FOR SALE1.-Lo,r tili_k N 1) -- -- - pric .. 1; . Provin.-ks. and Ill,' 0111aril� - , - I FiAd Ilus-�jaruli'v, ail(] J, E. llowlit, .
of 117 acres. 15 acres 'good hard- - . . .1 -1 c" .. I. i aillin". 'I'll , Oill ario * \vt.l-. , Ill 1110. P0111ti-V COL11-SC Which la"tS I + Commercial Schoolvin Am- #
oil thi� lot there is a batik barn I - '-- -_ - I ,", "I Ill -. %.(I , . I W crica. Our graduates are in 4' . I
' 40x(,'O. 'I'little - .1 acres of good wood bush, baiance under cultiva- , f) , I (.1111111 -al Colllxe al-ticiv is . ivilst�,'a . for ol:�� Irollt.i, illstructialls will bol ", I
a I'L i 114VV. C. 11. Fits;;,,-, MuLbodist I'as"k.. I-V .111 illiposilig pallorallik v \V, ill . I ; ,+ demand as Business College +
I)Caring orchard oil lilt-, two farlll�, tion. Gocid brick house and frame � Liold Fighters , "I, Vil 111' the fUII0W'iUg bl'all''llt"i Of lilt' - - hers. T* most 1-e t +
barns. Well watered and fenced. I . . I . Itry bw;in�,.;., : Pi',paralion A f Ill- ! M - 1
Both lots a.re well fenced and M'- Bearing orchard. ii miles from I , I ;,11ji.s so d,S I'Vtldh I i Lh in Ili',' t � tot, ill ; ]:,,I, - "'ifications and estinialvs of + applicalion we received for �'41' �
durdraini,d. A never failing sprilit; store, postoffice, church and school. 1 Ymi \Vill filld no SUL-11 . -----. 1 .if farillers all". f"111,11301", ;Alil:.. ,tea I- all,,,, !,I)( I A, a teacher offered V1400.00 + I
runs across both farnis. Po.-.s,.,ssson Will be sold on easy terms as the ; cold fi,liters atiyNvliere : 1 READY 0,N 'I'll1r: "HELF- ki., youl Christilla., xv;!l [I )t bt, com- . .vt.litilati( I , ""c' , i '+ per alinlum. We blelieve we 'W,
call he given At onco. Tern -.4 easy. Z11 . I I . . . localion, C0lv;trucAon, -if and t + are running one of the, mositt W
undersigned intends going West.- ! TILa,,-':, wilt -Fe Youll fill(I "-- I !;](.I(, 11111c..'s Voll :;t,'.1 it kloij�* ul I': I Is , I
The proprietor it; 'low Past tile 11,41� I t'j."111 J!""i(I � f.p)-nishin-s' ; hileeds- and varitie, - of. ,-V Progressive and ul:;L-to-date, )k .-
olsoll, Aubili'll '11. 0 Prompt re -ply __ , : ild,in Nvill ery fol. I". 1") v'�rtaitl It, __ ____ — p"wAp vs of brLCdIT19 'llid lfiatill'�'� : ill- I + the province. The dernaUd '+, . .
will lie givrn to all conlinu."icat- i Jor the itiside) and I ' dging ; natural and artificial incubat-, +, upon us for Office help is W, I I
N 1) I . ; (lull, voughs, ,witil 11 , H, alid lig',It Schoo!s of Ea%t Huron : j,',j, and rearing , fee,ding, care and, , .
lot on Princess ,strort.. 11 loolls, , (.1, ap s o / in e used (.Vvr\ d ay llo'son'�. -werviline I I ILI" N3 Ifliral 1) I Boal I 1111(ti. ; (nionsl rat ions aril pract- I . . , 01,
P�ARM TO RENT -LOT 1;), CON. 13, Will be soW Cheap Rlid Oil easy . - + Elliott & McLachlan, +1
irunett, 150'acres, known as the ternis. Also 4 11irc.s ol� lives and 2 1 . . t, ing chichelis f0q. honic and foreign .
i I . Nvill savi. woltv aird k( -p down 1 I.!, Parlianxiii foi ,lit. pjill,ipals (if ,h.s I Principals. +
'I'lien it would be a good it .jlljk,,'� ill �45(1-. l(; it salary -11 an 1 . voting incii thoroughiy equipped in . -
I I ()�,%,\Vj; I)v ,.it, 'decloa \\,Ir,,. Is. Th., ;,1111inillill 'al'ily fill- wl al-, Strong Heads and Skilled. e.- �
I I Victorious Thro' Merit I . I s - Ili,, -1-� ill dallyl . fig. I*rf,,- ivrin i, threc moil- I - e.* Hand,q to the fitont I ee �
I , xpi'lienuf. of lilt' giv.ik"I �vi"1111.,t.,t lilt, A\P I-:\I.:It(;%.I A Toronto -Man Tries [..-Ifl. hv,�ifli.s .uplfl�illg SpEICIIIIi-lis for TORONT6,ONT. , I
11111111111amp— OV. U. lam ilgi-. ,kl.il,,).(It'i.-%#'f.,illtlltl�illllv W. S. R, H o // n. e s i- I . �:,
T"6911��� * . (1,1,14141111 worli.. A 1.0cord is If, -pt of 1.
I', �*-1 \,.- ,.t lit, I, N. I , illess positions. We deal only in -
'h% . I We Keep Only Post Office il !1w . 'I'll''N", CoUr " . oftvred its 'WaS I .
I -,. I- (im I lit Ilia [)O,NOR� I The Best, Drug St.o,r.,. ',If M N llaio.-, I bvion" If 1. lhos, farmers and a I v.,; " its history.
.`tLd%#-Il*-r I (it I 111) I : Illoiliv 111,11 lilt, ("I'ti.111111 Ill has It,, cardille 11.1tile happy oil Nloillay of .
Almi�w ,Nhigizow 2 2,:) ,Nit,, ,ikilslow's .'-;oolhirig Syl-up 11A." . I 1.,i, rot ,tililfl .it ,I f,ilw (.1 lit, (-�,lt DO Y01' WIS
: invii children while teethinfl; If dis- 1 , AgIl 11 1_,X� I I ad. I 11,1�r III, it* all- s v lunchl-oll. lilt- ha.T)n\ ('01111114-11ifl ('11 I FLORPDA, OR TlIE N
'.It . . 2 :Of Ilittwil bY night ail(] broli'vil of your : " !I . I lllf 1/1 (I fol ill !]. I - !o 21 vvills 1111. the aft'in"oll ilaill for Tll!"illto. . \ , 1,.S1*NNN' SOT-Tll "' . ..
I \ itiv x%ilh llain (,I ( ill ling ir-vIII ,,(-till CY,I Ill (,\I'll, 11, lit ;, ,!I'll lh� ,11 I-' i-41 11% IlIr lil!dv On 1-rillin from Art, yolU anxiot.�i to (,,,-captl tile cold .�
. I,\iTid Colic, softens the Giin,N, iofluccli '-tioll"I'll .11111 lym�l+, I, �.l ,ill 'I, . III i Far full information as to rates.
K4.r V,_._W.,_�
I I �re
Inidesi andhest female phv.qlrIanq and It -it, Pill,, Thvll fit' it \% lift, Iolo 11(111�10\El) 1111 A lt\Z()I? . .
4i,i,, thrwighout The world ItP q1ITP I Vifl;llfv hevill" J. ly..I, III" ,It(. 1)(0 Ill'i 'Lill", Coill Ill pill Ill,; Ili,, little] is revilvirinir (it $3,040,000 to tho-Crilvi,rsity of
°� '
r '
. ,
I ^ , -
� ` I� �