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The Clinton News-Record, 1907-01-03, Page 1
-The Clinton News -Record. 27th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY .3rd, 1907 Whole Number 1454 The opening chapters of "A Master Workman's Oath, commence with this issue. Don't miss them. Watch tw1itq le nn r,,ential with it, 1).i.erythitig In the ta,l,struct'tn of nut l'Itur Pieces I. t,haf.rtl with this end i1 view. I'hry ,ter made 10 krrl, g111td tunr rulti wove general satisfy teioti .J'or .r resext crime. 7,r J&i(ure iiime. lir -T('// Uiims (ha. Iiuc of 1' locks 111 i til plrlr anti tilt to (late, Sit one of a.Afe/yar't .70ar-m Clock, th-y are the host at the mull low price. Call and tnnpect our general ntoc6- W. X. Aelgar, c � ,jeweller and `Optician - `Clinton SiolerretirettireeiritViegimereerturetureisit teS99 Stands for Safety and Stability as well as for Sovereign. The Safety and Stability of The Sovereign Bank are amply proven by these figures :—Over 25 millions of assets accumulated in 4; years. Assets exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. $1.00 opens an account. Branches at Clinton and Rrucefield Great Clearing Sale of Stoves x\\\ \\\\ For one week prior to stock -taking The more stoves we sell next week the less work we'll have taking stock If 1'011 it"t' Ilk1'1\' 11) 111.1'11 1)111' 111 ii' \V1 ittt.1' (It' ;1((\t ii t\Vyourtimetil 1111\• 11) at1\'1ti111t,!t'. \t'.• ll;11'11 not raNitl`our 1'tLtllitl' 1)1'11'1', Siltlittll;'11 1triO' (111 have !.'')lit' tip fully till per rent.. lili,l 111';l't'. ';(').: \1111 ter will. 1, llitit'll il1t'10r '.,'I';,'t'•'I,- leLul;tl' I,Ii(4 .A list of the Stoves we will put 011 gale fur Lash I \ 11 1:11111„1:t, 11,..; 1.•11 ("11 I \„ \I,,,, IIt 1 1,1,1•-, 1,�i :, I'• nn I',,Ihel 11,,11 ••-••t\.,,t. (. t ;11 .In 1,1,1 `Ir1•I Ring,•, 1t'.. ,\ 1; VII , I ! \„ 111' ,,,n.t 11,111 r..eltlt :'. \... Ill II.t1,i•v'I 11. ,1011, .'Int"• \1 114 ltn!,1,y' 1 lt„u1;llt, t\ I, h r,••,•r \•.,4 I \„ 111 IIn1+1•% -I h''.I! Int. 11! h ,111•!1 ,\ I .t .1, 1 1 1111 1111111.1'.. P 1 t h „\ 1.1 1 1 ',tle.11-. \t 1111 1,1,•11 11,1'11,•I.: Ira11,1. 111111 ,• i 011 .,1111 Il., 11 it 10:1,1 ei,•I, ,111' .1-. \t tt11, .111 „11.01. I.,i i I. k , I'I1ir NIIh..tt 11,•,, ,l 1'•'111 t 111'11 11.111.11 lk. , ..11 ,.4 1t.,1.11 1.11 1)ik. 1 '11..1 \\.....1 .I I:, 11.11. 1 .1 ••1 t\.....1 .' 1 1 '11 1,1.1 I / 11% .. 11 ..1 .t ..„. 1 \' 11.,-.1,'t\id; . .'al 1111' \, Ile' 1, 1%. II .. 11 111\ • N, . 1,11 talc Commence'lundav, Jan. 7th l hejlat.t (la\, Saturlla\, Jan. 12th. ( 1111. 111;1\ \1 e\11:11111 I I:,' , 1 t1• `II I!i1'' •!,''4' 1 1111- 111'('. :11111. 1,11,\ II, ,-.1' 111. • ,I, 1 •i111, IN ,:I.. ., 1,1 11'1 1, 1111!1.' 111,' l Second -!lands for Sale. SII (iuud \ aluc`. 11 I. 6 1'. , 1..11. 11 I', 011' . k 11 , t 1 \ I 11,,.11•, . I. 4 1, 11 i.1,11,' 1'„u 1. '.Lo 1 • 0, ,t, I-. 14-v 1,..,111• , ' ,, 11,11 C Ui, I, ' ,1'I, . I-1,1 I! 11.1'• II,•,t, I t ,• 1 I le ,11'11 II -11.,- I I it I '111.1.1 I t 11' 1 •1 1' . 1 I;I \II \lLl I; I i ,• I. 11 Lin I, Harland Bros. s and - llurdw are I 111 1 . 11 \' , 1 1(1 t'I 1', 1\i1 I) \ 1 S \II 1, t „pp tt .1l al rd :t. 111, 1 I' t;ulullly \till 1,..itt 41, 4,ledhli. 1' 1,1, t':I' 1':111, 1111 hl.Y tl 11•: 1,11 na, ,d, '11r11at l,r Y"I 'Let in, 111,11 . 1111; 1 e4 Ia,n a,nl 4!1.0, 111161•:.-- say. I,tuuaty the tenth and altrl ,utn1 •La tt'11 pi..i--t-+I i, ,t, tit 11111111 "aid- oil IILy 111 ,t .uld t1utit TIt),•-. 111 t „1,1, \ 1, 11 1! p, t 1. 1 au. 1 hot aa, , of '1,e t it 11. '10110, I.. ..,, Il.; ur. '•awl \111. I. 111)1('I)l 1 I•lth.\('IL tit/1)1I- .., li \\ 1 III--• iI 11 1 111 t;t•,i; --u .._ '1111, lot 1 1% 11,t , ,,11tµ1, .t, the Itc.i 1 .111.1 n' u, 1 ut.,•,'t .1111!1: I-• ,t 1h'1,tl nrltl'trd ,tl ' 111 .t 11.a11. 1'110 I-, lip, 1 ante pro 111.' '.I ',tate top!',111p ate l alllpa]gitlilt', Sol Lo. a! 1)1,'101. 41,.1 tl:. only puhli hall u. :Lai 11,14 ; t1 iiti nr• tit 1/1111111 lalul6t „tet !hu hn'cl 1tell \It tit 11.111 11lr• u,, of ti 11t4 . Day ,t 111, tithe 141 \\ Lad, the hart p,tl1 Sl)I.I1 11 1III.; l'(11 \-I'1 ,I Ihr 1:01,•1 hn-till 1111- a.•ututu 1.6 11111,„111 ,11111 1:,111Altall l d: h,• iIi411atit 'IL N ILKII Personal MI , and. 1ti,.. I I\n,d . 1 lily 11. :\It I b N,,,il4t.t. I.t, 11., I. \LI alit'• lit, .1 11 11 a,. 11)4111, 411,1 Sl1:a 1:tlu.t t1- 0,,1 11 Itl,u.cl 4,\•-1 S iii! lay M1 John I)a\ 1 lot if, Hay soil VII l-'ri:L. Matt, tat Slit an ltivi-i, halt air flaaa.ttul! 1111 lr.utvtt4l 1 h.1:' Mitt; cl, na>. be1L1 't,alld by LILY vRie, V11 arid Vii- 1 1/.t, 1'11 ,.1 I•'t .1114 1', it 1lldu.•i,tl "",k un 11,1,4 t, 1,1 the Kvnlatt 1'a1tILultt.' , ht:! 1)t' 4.1141 \I1, nh.1111',tnl had as t11t•tt ' 1, III 1111 t,ttl11l1 V i<I 1111/4 lt, theta WIC:" t`• 1,11 \t' 11..41, 1114' 111110N1l1g .1'11rc not 141 pWt'IL41t' gtw,at, of •lit 41111 \11, .1 Ch.nup•on, \It b'IYttY'1, It,.u,utai'ttne un:tl '.atl,lactory l't•l, .u)(1 \II, Iii 11.1 o1 Iig4'1 .oil 1,•t:tt•„. ha, Krell !natty Ilii', action Nit,• the ilia• ''Ti \'•tt \eat, 1)a0 tt4, detldtvl up1n, .tt aLul;ely at (Aid ,1 'hcu 'Lt.,' i,I.1, \It- \ 1' (int. ill IIwY•llih lull tit Sealtt'IL tit, lolly 111...11 1111 I \\l 111)\I• IiltOItI- \ 1110 1'ltl:Loi 11.n•kt'v ''.tut dr10atr•d tii.tlt,t 1 h on 1110 I,n•.ti !ink on (Lit' (•\ 1.111:11..1, 111 ,t ^.tt t' tit 111'' goals to tout utd o11 'file day ,•\ tiling 111,19, I 111 t;,wtet trh 1 t halt Lune, 111t•c had !t:rt, oppt,nt•ttl>• play't•ti 011 Ih\;1 I.v•t lush 'ilii Ihr liudt'tlrit 1 11•a111 II ill 11,11 1,. -.111 \I.:2;1110, 1.1.t'i I(',, III ,eiuth 11 ('ole on,.. ,.1 Ihr ('Ill,tuit phi \rl•. had It, .t,\ built' btt)l.rn til' 1\11 Mari” 11 1. ,dile{,II ilial It 11,11 ulal'I Itr..l1 done and (lie elt\1n (•\pi 1,'.1 to -et ,ti int. ' I1'.ttlo.tt fact 1 I'l.• „U;rel, ,11 t'1411 \1,1111, 1.t.i1 :Lr , ill l• II' int ill :I1,' ,t:. 1,011011, ' ( 1111 t 1{411:,,•1 It .1 \1111, t \ u,•. .1 1 I 1','t t t bll, ti.rtrt,t.i t 11 .1 .at. tat \ .1 1' til; 1,11,11.1 W. t 11 Ili. ('!1,1pi tin I Ilo,l1; -1 .oil ,0,l. 1. 1•'1:1.1: .It .II \\„tdtt,,1d. .1 \1 I. 11.•,11.•:1• t; -,1:.' li',till,' \i 1;: I, 11 \11.!.11: 11 '1” II.ttt fill' 111'- .I 11,-•! \ .1 1'111):1 \ I. 1111 • A New Year's Resolution: 111 1 1 t ' "I1 .11 :1,1 1 1,1 \, (1 I 1 ............... m ® -4t.' . - !m . 7 \1)S 111:{•Il'I'.ItS Cants;. tl (' t. i J: . .1o),! It 11,, J'•t 11 S ('I ,11. !'•',,-1,1'; II I1 11 I'. la', It •li \I,,t 11,111 \1 .1 \1.11. \1,,: 1) \I,t• •I : ,11.1 I) 11,111 .I \l 11•!1 ).,',;••)• 1; .1 11',., I I 1 11;1:11 II 1• 1 wu 11 \1:1.1 I !I 1),11 \I \\ I 11 ,1 \I.. \I. . .I a 1.•)1, , 1. all' If, oil the hit: ton ti 1Iulirtt ,tete ',tlld by public 4ucl,ull on Sa1111tlaty aatt.i't11,0.0I last by olth•t 101 ih,• yuuniy ctt,ut•tl The. .,iacc on ,I .1„ ill lili atilt:, hill tial 1+e1.11 tie Oil. tell aid tt,t• huildutg, and tett r, hat\r become t',tu dottu. t'unseiuently Ihr lnddifig, Slow .l(f tinIl 11 fell to \II -- ('attµ'ttglil tot $i '1'ht' county ha, at Inuttga4t, of 1;1 hit) which \\W) e\prisit•N will uuuuti '.p to i''S'.:I111, S„ 11 Nall Le 1111 tit pill 1%1•1 III 1ILl• 11 all,dl'tJott U\'i'.\ItiO s'CRI•;I•:'I' 1'111 Rl'li 'rho I :pwo1 it, Lollar,' t•itiit t ted .t. 1• t y' o,' ILll;;htiul .octal yattiriall; 111 the 1,•tl- tii. loom tin \'tv l 0.11 '\t• .\ \I't \ plta,1n;, 11tot;tam wat pt"etttrtt 111111 11111 t1Yon 11,11r11\mu. .\ nintir't r,-' f„if . mauled 1t ,r:• Ute old \eau 0111 41,1 thn new year is \t'\1 Sunday It'\ 1111 Sutll land, 1 \lt,tiitnaiy ,ecietattt ,.1 the \1.thudt-t l'hl!Ic1: 111 l'attaa.e. 11.11 inia each atttttt\ 11•at \ ,. !Ili ii-. u, :hl lilt''' .eh. lit. SII' hl'1land i,aas beet: 11WV ill !lir jot '- Rio- 1. Hier! u, \1'!111.11 111 lot ;nail\ 1 ;111 it!,,t,l 11! Il,;,-• !on,lly ••le1 !, 111111 11 1110, Int• 1- hot. '11 „ut;111\ at gi,itl,t:al \ lull 11.,11 i a1' I,o:11 1 l • 11 111 nitnh•-11•.. t4tit\ 1111' :I1-I;nt'il,Led ti -It, 1 ,111.11,' • Tlu• 11 111.:11.;, 11 '111 d,,t 11111 ht' 11,1 \It (111 \Itn'1,11 ,,•t:i..; ,, 1111,-1ot.a:y 1. 11,117ill,rnt 111111 1., 1:,;11 tt. 11.+' .. 11:11: .111 r\t 11,1,1 }utc:,un ‘f 111 h•• .1. 11,0„ 1,1.11 1111• ,pat 1,11 1, •t1I1! 1.1 11 1,011 11111 lit' ,i:. add! ,„ 111 11,1 (1 \ I1,tiel, , \(t tl S' 1 :01'1,, 1;,.1rt 1, 1. 11,./ •• 11111 h „1 •ttI t t, 11•:; i,•t- 1)111, 1 tit y \It- VI 4111, ('.t ' .11,11 \I1- . .11-, u• Ca. e. S11,111 11 V.. el VII, •1, ail \1i artal \It .1.1111. 1. 1 1.•.1t rt el, \ et1 1 r.t1, 1):tc "I'tunip,on and \II• \I i ys, 11 \ ” 0 11 1tr.41Ia,11 \Id St ; ! ..tat, 11.1.11111t1/t.. \It .alit \It, ,1 I: .\lul1.ty stall 1.111,tVy at.ti \1t liranit.n, (leo \ 1 t't.;u11 NL, Rano, I,akt•. .\ 1111,`,)1;; \r, Itt. JoI1J1, \1 hr 111! i1 t 111110 ut1 \II‘tti,ty tt 111 1'• Ylnr'tu 11111- 1 ,day and \\111 .neap\ hl, pulpit tit, Sunday !WI( • Ilttlt ntotntng and. r\'c- 1i1f.1 Tit. Cotenant I tit r• t\til h,' held. .lt the i-to,e 111 tilt•-vinlltg .e1- \1, 4' ('I.tt,1 1'''411 ill 't tl111ttit t, 14'111•.t of \It S (1 l'lUlnluet 111 \ S (110.1,111 ,p, tai \t'N tlt- 1 tit 111111 Ih 1,,11111 \. it 11.Intau'aun• .\Iter• Fwcl,ua,l tf \uhut1. tt.,, 1110 ilea. '1 \11It, . Hall 1,,'1 111',•1 \II,s \l,,11 ' \It -(;,it 1:, ' LILc :;ilea' iht, 111.' lir^ A. Rohinctn. \1,t, t Hill L e I•:ilio' • been \ 1,1:11, 1,i-, ill.' !.- \1 .1. -h l'utl., 11.11• p.t -1 111 \It , \ \ \I'I.I•a;. 111.•1 - hr gut•,t , 1 „e. ,110, \lt 111- 4t 1.0.11,• and \lt-, t) I,tat;. I \111111..,1 ti, :1 cu, -I ,t tit 11 11 l'tullt dui 111P, ' i. \II .int! \1t, 1(11:1 :' Vi he: ,11:1 chilli tl 1Ht'il,i till, 11.,•1 _.1 1 '114 rte 1, 111 \It. 11 .1 S•et.l..,,, 1••1,1'•1 t 111 41,11 111, 11,•\ ('„t}tt ( ,t -.1 t iul,t 1;0111.1 1.. \II .° it,t1..a!; .,t 11111. 1- „r alai \I; - 1 \, ! !:e \l; ;0111 tt h \I: al.1 \It. 1,.1.:. Isle I. 1 . i'.•i u� \illi he .\,.I '.n:, .. tit• \,n- llin ol, 1.,1),1• !•I• .. \,,t'.II, t.: I :;nil: '1, I.•,t_u t1 1 \1,11 .1 n.'I .< p.tt, t,' \I: ! \I I 111111.,,:, 1, :1,,9.' t•tllil- ue1t,11,•11 1 „1 11.-', ,Unit, 1' \I Personal I'.. 1\,; 11 \ t' 1'.1; , 1 \ s \. ;.I'tt \.-t 1 \1,•\41,1,: 1111 \I, .1 \\ 11 11 of 1111 1, 1 111,'. ,.i, t.1- 4.t\ (;1,11;11!. 111•,, .. .01 het .t\.. :11, 11 t.t11 \I-•1111,1_ n !. . 111111.• t,. .'111,,t 1'„ „ , I ,,..1 _ •I1 ,, \t t \1: ti.., II. 1 1:1 1' \I \ .1 1,. 1 ,: ' I..,: .. I•. \I. I:. 11 11' IL,; II , . \I' I I;.:, 11 1 \I 1' I 1 1' \1. \ ' 1 \I \I. 111.. 11 11 1' • a• 11.!1 111,1 iiia . \I- \I • \ I;• 1 \I I; 11 II, ll 11 I '1 I \I 1)'• • 11 I; .1. .1\ ! I. 11, \I '4\ \1 1 Ii. ' I \I ' '1111 \10\11\ 1111,\"; I ilea! ,, 1'1,009 t.utubt-I tit ctut, u, a (lend, d 'hi t.untutallt,u!, „❑ ..\lutttlay 1111{Itt sial t, tuatt,rd 1111t,u(tltxul thn 1.111 ,t , 11.11141 11�, tit II i \tr tall• ll, uldlt ate 't,at u,trt.•-t t, being, ,!taken. tt 141 niuRn 11,41 lila 14.1,, Thr I In' \t \,,, 1tccid 11 ht. t., ,, will by thy „•lit !ltd. 11 '!w but"( 111,'11 atatttablt' \111,1, Ihr Irian Lout 1„1 ttrrltt111 t.,,n,u,ations hats et1,ut•ti ('1,-,k 1/111'twu trail the loin tilt „1 Iraturt. stili IIIc du' y i, e, 1/1.11t.1 nail Thr New Advertisements. ttatcl, ljualtly--11 II 1It•llyat l •10411118 Sale - 1lilt land finis L Cold Fllhtyls--11 It IInInterr \lull 1110--(;ltdhlll lit u, 2 T111 1Itt• 1•art'tt,t s-1\ S it 11uluitrc 1 1.0tt1 \ ulr-U11.11 tett 1 'I t'1(Jpet 1 ()wnct.t—lluti'in, lilt,, Sale of Fut nt(utt--\II,. \lc\augftton 5 lie ttint,—S1ctllul; Haul. ') 1'., 1111• hact•1,411),—S \lel'uul 5 4.t Than \Itt, file,•- \r\\cwube', B $2 Suit: tot $1.1-1'0n•t brown 1 w1,1: of 11.1 tilt -.nil a, to µho t,hti'• ;\uuual Jal\ S.U.—lI tl•,ct1, BIOS ti ld 111.5,1(1,• 1110,' Ole all, tune 1t11gi, 11 a, gide 611 appal rill . till almost 4 it.tlt i1,)ti,-I, at tit nuu11ed ill, it tu,u,u:tet Ih Si,att in Sham.... .011111>s 111 i,p iitg 111, tarl'1111 L; 1,411 Sol ill nu hitt I 1 1x111 ur,.i (/III 1'11111,111 I:a, ;tot 11,1'11 pitil',i 11 . s.t Rt., he -aid. anti 1'41111' not a t;u af;eaa y,;u IA; ,h11uld have butt, a 11 n.1 ,,11,1 111' I1\I• ill, 11 41,,1 a 11. u, bu,4td mail' . Olt !1 pi 1111at,1'11t 1111111 tueuls It a11d .01,11',ot.,1 Itl,i11,1.,t• Mould 1o1- 111%\ Tli ,t1/ 1\1,.1, 1.ot u,ni•t.. 11',1 11,,' 1 t tit ruucll, h;,' only: loll! 1 k UI,' 111at1'uI Ill '1'111, ii.at 114 way( nut, In- ttica!:• ,-ounc 1 t'1 111(1 will he a WO: 1%;1111 1111i „ ,,Ii.tit:, in•' ihn,e S1 1„), lei til ti, s'.'• 11,.• la'11.'1wg, Meet,. J 41 1ltru\tt—".1t 1 11 tt•pt,l.I tl 1,111 • It'ltaUon tf liit:d, and ill It\ti ti 1, Rat 1oti, 1 ani .a cantllda!t' for tin nt.tyotal'y 10,, out steel, Irquite 1141111 o\'tu'tt s, Lai ',here ha-' taut 110"i1 1 -cowl: It11'u. y The .Ippll,pt liftloit rant S I on, Alii e -t let •i • tin• totitnl:i!'1' knew 111„ 1' 111,,'1 !vele it \lo,! of ;t had tli.,In.t;41•. a. ret \ :'\pen"a\t kind of ti oth bu: ,,1:14.;: l„rl !.I h'I (hi,* Ht:t 11:' tlttdn'•t'a of lilt 'I.\en 1 air 111. `111.•111:(1 t.t1,111ti'11 ,u.a 111 1!41'; A '1' (.'utpt'l--11 y '1' \Ltua;,tuan .1 .1 \It•\lath .Sohn. alai hind--- 1 I•: '!'ill ret and 11. 11111 \1ilt5t�liy (' 1,4\15 .1 (ilbblig,—tit .1 11 titutw and .1. .1 Find .1 Iklwtts— II .1 t; tbhttte, \ h'ol'd 11 11 F. 'Turn, Jacob '1'atyInt —liy .1 \\ 101,111 aaat S 11a111 '1'R 1 S"f 1.1 .S \nth,•!\' , 11ard-11 •I'll,l•tdy by •1. \t- 11 win arta '1 ( uttuii'glrattu•. 1. .1 Holloway h) (1, .it-I;ntor•. and T. \Iasutt.. ,i 1'aylur by 1). l ;wlrltu send 11 .1. (ribbing. Fred 11111 ht' I 1 1•:. I'oi k' and .1 Alni,,tt n .l.un's'—h' 11 1 119 R ,J. ('lull and .I \1l1',ttdey. St )thn',-1C 1 Pieter h\ .1. .J. (iril;g and Janie . Fait. '1, :11.c'• Slant by .1 T. 1'onper .furl A. t'at.ta'lon 'I• ('o',11,. by 1'. .1. \illus and ('. I lellyat . til, ct1• 111.111 ii 110111 tit,:l e del,! \\,Il S! (i'ttrgi•' .—(' LI 11ate Ity .1. .I•:. '1'irlu't ,ttwt .1 \\ bilin 1 i1, ,11 by .1 1 Fold and W. (''11)'er an'I J 11,1111, anti and .I. awl natl.,. It, el: atll.t 1 01.'11,•1\ 1\1111111 tat. (1111 ' it; 111,2 : h 111: thio, 1111a. of .111\ 1!!1'1 :IL *.'t1•111,6111)- Iti !III' 1•ttl111V 1\.• -„i1111,1 ,0 141 !el t.•I it itt 111 :11i- 1 e:t.et.l, ,1 L'll It,' ., u.,lu•.t I I. >. \ I” lee, in I-- "ILr I1t,, inti' 1 4111• .1:,•. 1.1• ,11,111 ,t 11 114, ,t! , !1„+'117 1 1 ',t. i.' ,. 1 N;t• 111.111 1,1 . 1 1111,10. 1 1111:k 1 t tuld face ' i:,• . 1.'tt,!. Hutt \1,1111„ „ aid -114,1 t t,,,,iur 1101' t'1 t abb,ltl „',611, and all ad .11 t' Itru.t:i. t: 11.,, ;ennui --d \ 1,i1; 141 1,1,1' 1 ha\ anti 1 \, h.' a• '1 110, .i1cr 111 teal, I , !'!14,1 ;•t11..11 1,.• • tl: 1 i1at11• tit ,,:t It'll• ler tr• r1 tent' .101 :11 - . ' 1• \1 . 1,. tl 11'1 :11.11.111,' 'II11,11'\1-II.el11• \\1' 1%al11 11+'1- BTyfield. \it„, ‘tat} II,1u,utl t; Orysdalr i the gilt.: tf Alt. , .luLil I'ulllxl. this 1110, - 1Ltbel I'Iiuct,t\ and Il.tiel Kerr et ('lu:ton ' 1.111.11 fri. ends In t1tt \ illage past wt en. \it,, Kate \Cilli: of Ilaanan, [)atkntlat, t, ';tine tic a 11.11. 1111 \'-il 4',11le1-t,n t) Detroit retur- 10d 1,,11!:' 11, inlay lot a Viii poi, lit,. 11:. and It e 1, \Ir ('tt,trlt 11ui1' 1, ' : '- l_:aa,\, who : - :1. ud 11 ,' , al. -',11.11 111.1 • ,11'11 i1,' pa( -,t. 1111 111» i S \\jilt 1.I, 1 \11'.1n1i1II'p. lh ;:, 111• a1! parent-, t1 •tu11'11 ':I:1• t : 15eei;, a,- I'Ite (.f tin ,tut. ctnl11etul .. he !:I . ,.•1 n, \II,; luta ( II \t,, - hail! 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