HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-29, Page 6 , . '.....---.." ... ..... .........-.-.,----...--... , , _.„.^ _ ------____ , . . ... • - * . •, . , , . •• •.'`.. ,. 1 . ' , A ,./.:,. '' ' '' . . , . , .VI 6 . .., k4$,_ . Cast.* 14“444•4014 , . Deoinnbor Nos 1910 . , . THE LAT CHANNEL USES FON THE SUNFLOWER ............_ IICOUT1A0.0,1IN AIR 10....101 . WHEN MTH WAS DEIFIED. Cunelf I pRISCILLA PREACHES. . , , , .1......000,0.11 It Wilde Vainetie 011; redder see Army Illitithe Use a ngenleue. Beteere , THE NEXT . illfS flow Pt flolwOong•no .......nr.1* , _ ,. I) 1 " a icuring** Spot he the 0 Sestrtifel Pasierlee ed Kits*tø Lift Them alp, The threrld Reverted Intl •a Period el '0 0 the Nemo Art of pleri a milinif The' ene eCI Will Cover a • _ '• Theusand Islanele Wei aleneett Mentill Moth. , Orseeefully. Wnle triedel. :<- 1{ 1DNEY ":"' cenedieele do not mod the sun. Th. souls' of France, England, • Few of tho yea= to the Thous. dower,which ie said to be one of our Elamite end nide' have been expert. When Egypt,•Greece and Rome were Were'girl trifilie.Iihe WO ettgrOggig• ' The next omega of Canada will bo ,,, and muds no" bow migni bit. own nnt4,0 pl.nnte, ns bong ee much menthe;with kite*as a Means Of Mak- ' at Pc height of their ancient Powel OOP* girla wah, a 10 terrenar ova their it ens made bathing a eocia: taken under date of June I. 1911. and ....- v iz ----. torieee aseeeieteene this regiee pee. practical service, but in BMW* it is iwatemih laitabraskyeebtsesrivmaititiornet.oktibtlet Tel:" function, a municipal duty and a re will •erabre00. the sebieeta of populte Inettbtereobrialel lion, mortality, egrthulture. maw ' st la P1 I. 1 S __- ',.c, utilized in many way p,It has alwara been the bona T • a" balloon ee a nded and en „Nell , ligious observence. The public- baths tabreoeunditettuabellheodpoy seresuirleitth dairy product!. . -- p dart line between nations, and every here the see& ore eaten in inn • architecturally and important as cene latamditeda tnipir-mclvtikeeg--e8WQ°13314 WthWeehintlatVt:anni blind air mitlee on Mick foundatiorul factures', Minerals. feheriee end ilk mouse quantitiec raw or roasted. es thee observer IV Wed to a great height, of these tuitions were magnificent e . . great war in the history of Americ* peanuts are in this odantry, end the The kite has this advantage over ' . • Cli'"eil- jd \\•\\'\''''''v I halt seen wane large or small tragedy • oil obtained by preseing the seeds ill the bailoort or aeroplane. that it earl tree of hygienic and municipal sente Population will be reeorded under • Pia's' -.!eit K.I_D_N. E,. •••• -rd.5 f'Cri 4 enacted near ita waters. an important article of'hard. 'The free go UP. the•heade of reeidence and Personel . the Ingher the wind the easier it iil to , in the greatest storm; in fact, , Meat. With the decadence of theee • chorang fracks and frills, . . - a a Pikvi•iA-ricip, tcP• - quent religious feast days in. Russia countries, the world eeenied to have More arts• than you can count on • d"criP.t.hnh citizenah.iP, nationality • ' .. , Ila.; I a,le-ree pee •ee e. . 4 In the year 1760 two armed Yes- ascend by means 1 the kite Further. reverted to a period of mental elott your two bands go to make up thee- arid religion; profession, occupation ••n I'll; b j - fi' ,Ifil.:v ," ' eels t faersgtreicteituzieofurnoeaf t:4de tlatele till. 9 e . • and trade or meatus of living. wage- ,a . .. 1, •,.-• . a°ETES ,t',1111„1. . he Onondaga and the 1Vfohawk, more, the stronger the wiled the small. and pnysieal uncleanlinees. compoeite gift, personal charm. eine . • . a' ., . .e•,;•a: 0 ' : : -- a:at dilli•' , with 1,000 men on board, under the and the manufacture of sunflower oil er is the Biting surface required. As an antherity on the mattcr puts of them is ap ropriate to the season,- earnings and . insurance; eaucarton . . • command of Gen, Jeffrey (Lord Ara. end language spokee, and intimates. , - hers% set out from Oswego, liaa Consequently grown to considerable The oPerator employ's from eight to it: "For a thousand years there was N.Y.. dimensions in that count • Th bast ten kites and a heavy anchored winch the art of Prig thaake gracefulle. . not a man or woman in Europe that , -,.. •. . intent on capturing Montreal. ry. .e . . Every person living on 1st June • , ... - it? It not, .will be ,entered on the schedule of • seeds yield an oil that eneaPares fav. with. two barrels each bearing about , ever took a bath, if the historian ol • Just as the expedition. was enter. ora,bly with olive oil for table pule IMO H. ea° you.ever practiced Thanksgiving is the appointed time to ,population by name, as member of a . yards of line. A pilot kite is , these times, adichelet, is to be believ. • ' N. ._..., .... ,•... . . . . .• , . ing, the st, z •,.. inakis men adore you. old family, institution or housebold. to- awrenee •a lookout on poses. . sent up first at the end of tbe principal, ed. The ancient love et the 'batb begin, It . Alter losing her s le in a sestlot• the Onondaga saw a bateau filled Even the u • r classee in Russia it . line. At intervals of about 50 yards, , fteeMed to have disappeard trona eft People speak beautiful. words of you gether with place of habitation, sex. . A .ai Pe - . • with Soldiers putting out from an On , two, three, our or vekites are en envy IOU.the aeletoner Otis Miller was, driven is said, eat the seeds, the larger and e t th f a the land. There was Po Greece or and young womy relationship to head of family or island and heading down the river. Oner ones beteg quies equal to most . attached tandem wise th the line, tbe Bowe to hold up the ensign Of clean. Perhaps you are going to Tbanksgiv, botisehold, and whether Single, mar- aiteee pear Port Greville, N,S. ft Judging at once that they were nuts in respect to palatability and numthe linese to the nations of Europe. Small•number varying according - to Ing service If you are the kind of girl .tied, widowed, divorced or legally le eXPeeted that She Will be saved. French seouth, the two invading wholesomeness, The stalks and dried strengt,11 of the wind. This first bat- wonder that the peoples of the cem. who lives up to the good old New Eng- . , ships gave chase, hoping to capture leaves are highle prized for fuel,being tery is the sustaining power and it is talent beanie custom. Perhaps you belong to e physical decedents, ae aeparated. 'The month of birth, year also be recorded, of birth and age at last birthday will - land ' The lawlessuess iv southern •Petein : the bateau. the new idea class with wlioto Netball . in emit parte of the EnePire almost . sent up to a height of about 1.500 feet. indeed they were, in spite of-tradition . ,• has reached a climaX in 'au eugage- After going several miles the the only'available substitute for wood. A second battery, attached to the secto the contrary. "It is not strange that there came has risen superior even to the turkey Entries will be made for each per- . • went between a British ;meal •force bateau suddenly veered, at a point An acre ot sunflowers will yield many ondary line and threaded by rings ala - . off one. . t middliee Perhaps Yon are son to show the country or place of . • . and tribeemea. where three tills extend into the cords. of gond fuel. birth, year of immigratieneto Canada. , on the principal line, is then sent up. the awful epidennes that cut dinner a fourth of the population, Of Europe- going for a long day'e outing in the if horn elsewhere, year of saturalisa- . river, and ran down a narrow'chem. The oil appears to have more of the It supports a framework rolling upoa , nel between a large island and sever- general properties. of olive oil than the principal line, and from thia the spotted plague, the black death, frosty country. No matter wbere, It is tion if formerly an alien, and also , al smaller ones. It then passed out has any other knowa vegetable oil. framework is hung the basket ifi the sweating Sickness, and the ter- pretty sure that he is going, too,au a it racial or tribal. origin, aationality ffirnoems e tubs:ogfri The peculia.r • b - ' . . properties of Client er into 4 large.bay- beaotid which'could It takes about a bushel of seeds to which the aeronaut sits. aible mental epidemics that,followed ought to be Written"Hen Armed with. and religion. EverY pertain of alien ;• be seen another and a larger channel make a gallon of oil.and 50 bushels of. The first battery bolds the principal in their train-the dancing amnia,.the lain e o gh Remedy irave been extending among the islands. Know- seeds can be grown on one acre of cable tight and the second battery mewing mania end the bitiug mania, • a chrysanthemum and a purely'reascu. , birth who bas become a naturalized • thoroughly tested during epidenifes of ing that the channels between these land. As the oil sells; at about $1-a drags the aeronaut in bis basket up Not only the houses but the persons and every British subject with rest- . , influenza, and when it was tetaen• M., ielands are usually very deep the gallon the profit is large. this aerial railway. •of all classes reeked with filth and shop, he will call for you early with a dence in Canada as well as every granditingtuctrfeosr Idaoyflicaewiz citizen ie. a Canadian by• nationality; e lame we heve net heard. of a single Onondaga continued tbe pursuit. At OW tune. putridecl sunflower oil By this means a man.may rise with ee.rmin, The 'bath was banished and d ' Indeed, I blithe ''W 11 Isn't thi d t b "WeB, 0 a ay o e na lee o .Canada who has acquired a f '• l'• ease of pneumonia. Sold by all deal- When in the middle of the channel was used quite extensively to adulter- _ . •safety several hundred yards above the filth was almost eined. icitizenship by birth or naturalization. • •--4' ers. ... . h h' then thought that th aft thankful for?" attacked ate pure- olive oil. It is of a ale earth and communicate with is was en _a sane 1 ca. tbe vessel was suddenly. . e P only accomplish- is also e Canadian by nationality. . from all sides be the Indians and Yellewish ccler and decided-1Y Palate friends below by telephone (using the teen of the body was And what reply will you,have ready But there is no Canadian by. racial or ' f;, • that body was indescribably for hirn? ., French hidden on the surrounding .able. In a crude state it is used. by Primary cords) or by messages, sent , ed whe" tribal origin, unless the Indians are . • . . .. . islands. The deck were swept with painters to some extent, but it is in- . ina as'boys send messages up a kitedirty." If mother could not afford to give so counted. , . ., , ferior to liaseed oil for use in paint. string or down by means of a small . ,. , The Electrierel Trust Company, "the musketry and arrows, The buns were _ _ . . . you 4 new frock for the day or if Every person having an °coup-Mien f - • ht • How to. Make Starch. trained on the islands, and the at. In Addition to the oil from the seeds weight. . your slender salary forbade quite as or trade will, he entered for it, but if greatest trust in the World," will be- •tacking party was soon iorced to the stalks when green and the oil eake Cellular box kites with automatic To make starch allow one:half pint stunning a. costume as your •mintes. 'employed in the census year at some • indicted by the :United States Cloia• 'eseape in canoes. Coxswain Terry make excellent, fodder. The fiber of rudders,made of a bamboo frame coy- , of cold.water and one quart of boiling eye pictured,will you say in cold,care- other occupation for part or whole • . , ernment for alleged conspiracy to re- lied his crew were ordered to lower the stalks, which is fine, silky and erect with fine oiled silk, is.one form water to•every two.tablespoonsfal of less fashionee'Well, I don't know that time he will be so recorded also. If strain trade. ei h very little are a boat and to bear a message to the strong, also has value. In China tt is in use. They w g , starch. Put the starch in a large 1 • the person: is working on own a,c- - have much to be thankful for," or . collapsible into small s ace and can captain of the -Mohawk. telling him woven into beautiful fabrics, and it P .. saucepan and pour on the cold water, count, the entry will be se made. An - ' "Please do t spring that h t no c estnu on •. - to turn back into the main chant:lel. is believed that be the,use of proper be unpacked, and sent up so easily stirring all the while with a'spoon to - entry is also required to be made muehinery it might be used most pro- that the aeronaut,may be up in the the; you know Thanksgiving day is a , Another boat was then lowered to remove all lumps. When the mixture showing where the person is employ- • . - • • seek out a passageway and, a deer, hin the • fitably in this country. : air within 20 minutes of retie .. g ' ere form in this moneymaking age " • is smooth*place the pan on the hot ro . ged,as farm,in woolen no,at foundry . N . 4r ,1 /**/// &tonne] being found, the Onondaga . . . dropped down stream below the a Like Master, Like Man, • . is claimed for this system scene. Itstove and pour boiling hot water over Girls do say such absurd thing•s--- that it is safer and more convenient shop, in drug store, eth. - the starch continuing the stirring. If when something goes wrong with their Wage earners aIte entered te show ; on Air 4 rA, i than ascensions by balloons or item- ' /. thickest group of islands and awaited • .art.1814 Baron Stjeglitz in St. Peters, • made properly the starch will thicken' clothes! . . the number of weeks employed in • `aa . •F ri ' .r the retur f T d 1 • 'A b t t to h P'''''' • • n o Terry an his crew. s burg, wen to great expense ave Immediately. It•often happens that Can't you see how you will quench 1910 at chief occupation or trade; at , . • they did not eeturn Ensign Barry was the news.of the treaty of peace eon- - - the Water is not at boiling point when that youtig Man's enthusiasm and his other than chief occupation if any; . . LONDON, ONTARIO ' ordered to lower •the cutter .and veyed to him by a private courier a Greeting the New Moon In Fiji. being peered on the starch, and in . the hours cf working time per week B ' llsmess & Shorthand search for therm . He returned after few hours before it came to the knowl. In Colo, the mountainous interior this case it will not thicken and must -7e-e, . occupation,,.. some hours, haying found. no trace eclge-ed the Government, He therefore of Viti Levu, the largest island of the , therefore.be emptied into a clean ves. .;a • of the boat. He had been bewilder- gain a few- hundred thousand rubles. Fiji group, the natives have a very sel and Pieced •on the fire to boil. , ' • 4. at chief . .or at other oc- e•aaite • eupation, if.any; the total -earnings in 1910 at chief occupation; the total SUBJECTS ed by the intricate channels and But his porter, th whom he communi. curious method of greeting the new When smooth remove from the stove . Oa earnings at other than chief -occupy,- . , • numerous Wands and had not been eated thetiews, tried his hand at a, moon.• On. wing .the thin, crestent and strain. Set aside to cool, taking . • , - es tion;and the rate per hour when era- . Resident and Mail Courses able to find the channel through little speculation of•his own. In an rising above the hills they salute it care that it is covered so•that a.skin - • .. ' . I %.0.* .ploeed by the hour. , In Catalogues Free o er t e to To lye a which the Onondana passed,. It was hour or two he bought,up all the with a prolonged "Ah!"•at the same will not farm v h P. g . - • C '. Entries are required to be made for . , en skiny and smooth appearance .to the thought probable that Terry•and hie• lamps he could find in St. Petersburg, .time•quicaly•rapping on their op • 1 each person showing the amount of 3.W.Westervelt. J.W Weatervelt.Jr.,C.A., . • t . Principal. Vice-Principal. crew had boarded the Mohawk, .but so that in the evening,when the whole mouths with their left .hands, thusstir a o wax - linen when ironedpiece' f• • • I i insurance held at;date of the census . the officers-Of that vessel reported city Was making ready for the-ilium- producing a rapid, vibratory sound. four times in e th f t' • tat candle ree or o • --a. - upon life, as well as against aeon amen. h. This will also prevent the tare . . p . that the message had been delivered ination, not a single lamp was to be An eld ehief, when asked•regarding a ._ _re dent or sickness, together with the . -• '1 cost of such insurance in the census • , -and that the boat had'started to re- ; found in any of the shops. The crafty the meaning and oriain of this..curi- iron from sticking. . . turn to the Onondaga, •. The coics• Porter now sold out his stock at a. ous.custom, said: "We always look • • [ Year, -•" ... • • • •wain and his. crew were never heard Price,which left him a,nice little profit and hunt for the moon in the sky, How to Make Good Coffee. IV , Under the beading of education and . . Gir 3 .. . Bobs • from, and were.undotibtedly captured of 25,000 rubles. . . . and:when it comes we do as.you see Here is a recipe for coffee that never e 7 language, records will be „taken for . . or killed., Ensign.Barry named the . .to.show our pleasure at finding, .it fails: Use a tanlespooteful of coffee • • • - .. . every'person.of five years bf age awl . scene of .the fight the Lost Chennee. .,. The Volcano•Cirele.. '• again. We don't know.the meaning for each cupful desired and one spoon. .; . . • • • oyer.showing the number of months., ' • • • which name;it has.since borne. ' . Volcanoes Would seem tofba arning- of what we do. Our fathers always. .ful. for the pot. Mix with a small . • at school In 1910e and if the person" • ' • • ; k . van read and write, tend the language WINTER :. , •.. . . . •._. :,. . .ebltvisitdlir:lniourge, fife leasiseasymmetryoee oceans. 12 did. eo..,: . .. . quantity of cold water and bring to a . . . • .boil. A little white of an egg mixed . . • IVI,_ ie.,. commonly spoken. by wit person. • . . - ring of fire surrounds• the Tactile,' . ..: ' Comes Then.Way; ' . with the coffee and cold water or well The cost of education in 1910 for per- , `a• . " . . •• • .Starting at the• South. Shetlahd• Is- . A young minister who was naturally washed eggshells added will help to . e. nee eci.BPS MUMPS:IL Port, . sops over 19 years of.age at college, . . . .• .. . .THAT•BALD SPOT. : . lands,,several hundred miles south of•a shy dispoSitien .was rather ern- make the coffee clear, but egg is not convent or university is also called ' . . • faith in our good tem r at the same for. . • . • of.0ape Horn, a belt of volcanoes ex- barrassed at his first marriage cere- ' essential, to good coffee, After the 9 g . Pe . • . • . • . moment') a ; • . The last question on the schedule • tends up the west coast Of-South Am- . mony and unwittingly reversed the. coffee has boiled for le.few•minutes. . . . STEADY WORK, Don't let that bald genet.growl ' ' erica Central America and North.Am- usual eider of the service, thus mak- add•the quantity of...belling water de One night at a dinner swan-clever of'population relates to infirmities. . . ' Go t ' . *your druggist at once and.get erica'; from Alaska it, crosses the in• g the •bridegroera promise to live sired. Let it nit for one minute, poet men were'asked why they had not. •It'calls for .a record of each persen • . , ; - GOOD WAGES. a.bottleOf Pa.resean Sage.and.if - thet Pacific Edon th V. a • ' 1 d to ; g e ea Ian is an s and obeylus • blushing bride, •The er. a. little cold water into the.,pet,.and Married their first love. ,One manaaid having an infirmity. . If blind, deaf •. • don't cheek the falling hair, and ause Kamchatka; thence it fellows the east eel- passed n.nnothied at the time, but the coffee is ready to serve.Mix cream because she had not spOken to him all. . • and.dumb,crazy-or lunatic,idiotic or . • - new hair be grow, •nothizia will. edge of the Pact 'fie through the Eu- shortly afterward it dawned upon the and sugar in a cup and pour the cot- . • silly;a record thereof will be made in ' • . • the way; to the.theater. He had been . Dandruff Is ' the•cauSe Of baldness.; 'le Islands, -Japan, Formosa, the *father*ef the bride that a mistake had fee.into it.• Always serve coffee•and n t. I t 1 t - ' d ' en tu DU es. a e an the curtain bad. the proper•column, and the aee at ' . Clinton•Knitting Co.. ,d . dandruff ' ff germs cause dandruff; Pati- Philippines;the •Moluccas, the Solo- 'occurred. and he said to the minister; tea.very hot.. . ' •' . ... - - . . ' risee.. Be thoughe.hoW awful it nhuld ' .which the infirmity appeared is re- quir -ed to.1ele specified. .. • : n Islands,the North Hebrides New • aI.believe,-.1Ir. -A-- you have made • ' , . - - $ sian Sage•kills the germs;• eradicates mi artily.en s in oun Zealand and fi d • lee ts - * ' • love' al obey John promise to art y my . Venetian Hospitality.. ' be to live twenty years or less with A . .. . . ' dandruff, stops failing hair and itching -Terror and Erebus; on the Antarctic da Ah well," h added after - • Whatee•er might have 'been said daughter. , e woman who turned sileet'and incirose • • '' Fluky. Scream. ; GRANO TRUNK Ree I LVV Ay scalp. We will refund Our money, if. contineat. SYST E M it fails to do this in two weeks. Pari- .• . •11; pan se and with a sly look at his against.the Verietians, they' were. .. . • • ' er every tritle.• .' Screws w 'hich 'have•rusted in their ".• ' better half "1 Suppose it won't mat-•• hospitable people-this, too, in small • To be. thankful in a graceful way bed of wood may be easily loosened • . . • • . . , tian Sage.will cattse the hair to grow., . . "THE THIRD-PARTY." 'ter.much. It generally comes•to that ati well as in.great matters. When,. learn.to look down instead of up wben by peering a small-quantity of paraf- ex- if the hair root be not dead. It causes • anyway."--Pearson'se e• . • . for example, in 1476, an. ambassador figuring on•your blessings. ..Do.dot fin around the top of the screw. When • • -........• • from the Khali of Tartary visited the look at Alice May's golden hair and sufficient time has been allowed for - WINTER TOURS TO the hair to, grow thicker, . , in ore.Juicer- . Hon Peter Mitchell Wa B hemian . . • •ItiV a• city and it was known that the khan the grease to sink In the screw may The*Spectroscope. • :then worry about your pale brown CALIFORNIA iant, and puts new life into it. • ,of .a Long Disappeere School.. • ' d his suit*carried but one shirt an. . be.pulled out. ' . • . . tresses. Look at Mary'Ann's freckles • MEXICO • • • The girl with the Auburn hair is on ' The;last of the series of disastrous Originally the spectroscope was tip. h • .b the senate f I. piece in t eir bags e sena orme, • . . •only to chemistry.and in that P' and be thankful for yeur own olive . i voted 20 ducats that they might be 14 t Wash ChinaSik• • How o i Ribbons. ._ .. AND FLORIDA - every paokage'of Parisian Sage. It is fires which have pursued the career plied. imited field proved itself an invent- ' Y- •d d 'th addle al hirt h•ch Alta Real firatlitide consists of mak- . At Low Rat.es Id fon.500. by all druggists or sent so . of•The.Montreal Herald is•responsible p.ble aid in accurate analysis. Be peon e wi 1 ion s $ leg lightly with clean cold veat- . . . . ' lle' w Its Ing the best et.tbiligs, and it is not . • postpaid by the Giroux M• fg. Co.,Fort for some interesting reminiscences holding in a,bunsen flame.a platinum were deco:ening' d Yiaelient:d,"e 44.taeran- set forth i . er•;La eiron 'carefully on. the 'wrong ••• ' In may church ritual.-Wash. side, having.some paper between the P...... . . eicula Full pare rs and tickets from-. , Ont.,on. men Erie 0 • t f • Sold p o . price. - . y Mr. Lunen, the veteran Quebec journalist- who for • t • in n . • • .. . year has COB rt- lire caste ed-by contact•with'the • cna P . . . imagine how the good councillors.and ingten Star.• iron and the silk. . • • JOHN RANSFORD,Town Agt and guaranteed by Vie S. R.Holmes. .b ted • ix a weekly,page of co skin the presence of a-few grains of . . itiz ns would.enjoy this•little•jest. • • • • .•-. .....- •• •• . • a . • , . niment it' sat•swallowed. a few minutes ,.pre- . c e .. , ; . • - ; . • . . . • - A. 0. PATTISON;Depot Agt • ' ' ., ' that model among weekly newspapers. ei i ... . b detected ali the ' ' ' 1................. ous e cen, e •in , . • . , ...............m.m. . . Troueseau. Queer.Way to Display a . , . . - . . . The.News and Eastern Townships Ad- spectroscope. Indeed, so wonderfully . - .• . • te• • voca of. St..Johns, Quebec. Parti- , Arabian' bride. ' arrayed 'n all • • - An is i . . . . ... . a . • .• . , It le rumored that the United State refined'is •the ivork Of. the steam- • • • • e///111/11flibe . . cularle- interesting are Mr; Luttein's • h• • t that li -can discover in . scope c emse , her eiressee;one over the other. She . . . • es fleet Will visit German watt:ro 'in references to Hon. Peter Mitchell f ' three- • a substance the presence o one ree- is•perched on a•high stool; so that . . • • M.P.-•one of The Herald's famous- ed'•' millionth of el grata of metal. , • they all hang down over. it, and one . • ;\ , THE NEws...fiEcilpa s . response. to an invitation-. florn. the tgei•divralsed toboLie"The (iir one they.are taken o of 1 w ie n t liftioen ah . . • . . . At your meals, and at bedtime, drink this spdrkling Kaiser. . . . Mitchell the writer • •Cause of His Sorrow. . . . says: •' , ' the guests. The last is,of course,.the , agreeable brew.' .Year.digestion will improve. Your ' . . 'Upon.the scene,.then, entered the s r will better refresh you Ever drop gratifies. "Why da ye look so sorryful, Den- most beautiful. The bridegroom.: is . - hunbe . . . y RuBBINs LIST . . .1... , : . . ... . .. . late `Sir' •Peter. Mitchell, on Beaver nis?".asked one man of another. hidden in some corner where he can . e • . Ask For . - . . . , The greatest danger from aahienze Hall Hill, where The Herald, phoenix- ' e -wife's dowry, which , • "I just hear-r-rd wan man-call an- see his •future y, , • .• L.- of,its ease/tug in pneumonia. This .' like rose from its ashes. - other a liar. And the man that was however, he may not teach. • . I 1 called a liar said the other .man allow, if ever the true Bohemian . • • ' • [pH is 011 can be Obviated ' by using Charriber- • T 0 . S U. T walked this planet, he did so in the would have to apologise or there Unexpected. • • , . . -. . . . laines Coiigh Remedy, as it not -only person of the 'Hon. Peter.'- ' would be a fight." . • • . ' •"Did you ever peopoee to a girl.in ' Better for invalids than ordinary. • • 17 . . • . Much good reading cures influenza, but.counteracts . any "When one thinks of the spacious- "And why. should•that make you a canoe " ' '• ' „ . . • tonics or patent medicines; It • . . . .. • e • • for little money. tendency of the distas.e towards pneu- ness of the man; his .charming senile look sad? . . • PI "Once." . • . . is wholesome as well as pure . monis. Sold. by, all dealers.. . of irresponsibility; his happY•indiffer., "The•other man apologlzed. "What did she say?" • • • , . Made of selected JOHN LABATT Order. from any• - . • barley.malt, chola. . . .* • once to, overdue notes; his ehild-like. "Nothing. She just coughed and • . dealer In beverages • . , . .eat blended homand ' '• of or direct from the . • • ' insistence Upon.joy as his.inheritance; • • How to Boil Ham In Cider. spluttered."• . . tested spring water. LONDON, CANADA brewery In London. • , Vienuaeins - • . his.profouncl and careless ignorance Wash. well a fine ham. 'Soak over- "Ehr ' • • • News-Record and Mail and How to tleah VeialiSlied Wall Paper, of the duties of management le his in-• night in water and in the morning set "When*I'reached oaer•to take her . • . Empire Varnished wall paper should never . .. . . . . ' genuous delight in the notion that he' it to boil hi a kettle or hot eider, to hand the blamed canoe cepsized and . . , , News-Record and Globe 1.00 be cleaned by rubbing with a flannel was moulcling.public opinion.while he cover. .:The kettle must be porcelain she swallowed about nine gallons .of . , • ' ' . . . News-Record and Family - pr.cloth.•'Procure a geed soft white- . was, .in reality, playing the .dashing on account of the acid. Boil slowly water." • . . - . ' • - • , . • Herald and Star with. - .wash brush which tan. be bought at ' , . role of boulevardier; his slap-dash. •five ta.eight hours,or until thoroughly. , . - . • • , . , Premium 1.75 •any ail store; then have a bucket of ; editorials which warned the .wicked cooked, and set th cool in the liquid, - - Her Advantage. . . : . . . . . . • • News-Record and Witness 1.75 .e clean soft warm water in which yea- 'Conservatives at Ottawa that 'we had A srriall. bag of spice -cl...)ves.,, mace, "Oh, dear!" said little Harold's \\a e \\ \\ e e \eve\ • • " ' ' News-Record and Sun 1.75 low soap has been lathered. Dip your our eye. on them,'•'after the Manner .cinnamonthrown in the;boiling et- 'motherewho was samewhau rheumatic. , e, •en • • ). -ea_ e-e, . a \• .,‘ . . . '.- News-Record and Free . brush into the water, slightle squeeze of the.'Skiliereen Eagle,' ,whioh warn.. der gives'flavor. • • "I seem:to•ache.all.over." , a• -'\, '. ''. 1' Z""''' . \N"\••• .‘1...4`•:: N'N \--; P Presy ed the Emperor Of Russia 'that it was . ' ' "Well," said her.sweet ehild. •,"I'm • e \ \ , - \ . .. . • 1.75 • it and commence rubbing gently from. , . . \ ' News-Record and Adver- the bottom of the paper, working hp- •wetching his conduct,' or fulsomely Not In the a einbow,.However. • . sorry, but not as sorty al I'd be for tiser bespattered what the "Hon. Peter" • 1.75 ward. You ivill thus have your paper a \ atargaret and her little playmate father if he felt that way."' . ..,;''.'• k \n,,c. , ,$* ,, k e e . . News-Record and Torontocalled the 'McShane-Meicier.admin. . free from smears and the.varnish ute were'exchanging confidences. ' "Why would you feel More sorry.for ,r \ • • e Saturday Night 2.30 injured. • istration,' then- reigning at Quebec "What's your favorite color?" ask- your father, love?" a • \ \\ \ Ait .... News-Record and Farmer's . , (save the mark!)-when one thinks ol ed Elizabeth. . • • • . , • " Cause they'd be such a lot more . Advocate • 2.25 • Miseias Hoard Dug Up. . ' these aspects•and attitudes,.he:eau • Margaret Idoked thoughtfully,for a- of hini te ache." • . News-Record and Farm • only regret the passing of so gay, 80 • ka moment and then said brightly, . .•+, ' •HonestY, Ability, Energy and Thrift are four of and Dairy ; A hoard of sovereigns was discover. 1.75 • delightful'a figure„•for which a more ' . The Whole 'flung. , . . • ' Neves-Record. and Cana- ed one day lately by workmen engagi strenuous generation is not beclined "Plaid I" . . "Bixby seems b thiiik he's the e teem the most Important Success Qualities.• Cultivate• •• . dian Farm ' ' the Great Wes ed m clearing tern Ca- 1.75 - to firid a place. • • an industriously. Start developing Thrift -THIS ' .The Lucky Party. thin as an expert authority.whole g . y • - nal betvreen Crickhowell and.13recon. . . week. Get the habit 'of placing a part of your weekly • . DAILIES A pick struck a hard substance,Whichsallying foith "To .see "Sir Teter'. . ' A eentlemaxi was complimenting a e On sporting matters. a De t wher • . was found to be a bag fall of sove- say, in the winter,. enveloped from rett votine• lad 'in the presence of "Yes; he appears to tepid.himself worknight. and day eeaurrnitaviintigter p .. e it will News-Record and Mail and reigns bearing•the image of George head to foot in his seal coat; to note rigs ,,,,,Y7ife. OS. pretty nearly big enough to weary g est for you, Then, • Empire 4.2a nr. They had been placed in a jug him the cynosure of the general te. his luck I did not y 1 . meetMiSs m.8 golf links to fasten his shirt cuffs." a ' - It o n when IOU pportu ity arrives- youll• have News.Record and Globe4.25 which in turn had been placed' • ' gard at the•St. Lawrence'Hall, where - n iri a 4. . • Hopkins before- I married you my • money neeesaary to take advantage of it. 27 . N . . ; News-Record and News 2.30 bag. a... the local pi:unmans used to congret , ,. ' . Economy. • Assets over e12,600,000; Paid-up Capital, 11,900,000; , News-Record and Star . 2,30 • - weir. gate; to observe the entire delight oi ese 11 , e, • "John, dear, I wish you, would get . . Reserve 11,800,000. • Navel-Recent and World• 3.25 . - • the large creature in life, in the pass. t ' e ,, 3e,, 1 18 extremely-for . . . . , News-Becord and Morning ' her," was the rejoinder. ing moment, in clinking his glass, . . . me an auto." "My darlitig Amy! Didn't I tell • . Free Tres's..e.,........ 3.25 State of Ohio, Cly. i Toledo 1 o . , Smoking his Cigar? throwing off col., ., you we must economize?" . • e Verge.On th i News-Record and Evening • ruseations of wit m the careless me, "Yes; that's why I want the auto. • N . \ \ . • ' 1 Free Tress] Lucas County. 2.75 ' ment while the paper came out et A woman and her daughter,were at Think of the•car fares I'd save.". e' \ k ID ' ' k ilk ' 11., • that sea duririg rough weather. After a' Z • • ,• , prank J. Cheney • makes oath t ' . did not come oute-was to observe.ae , -- % , S \ • ' News-Reeord and Adver. he is senior !mallet of the firm of silence of some time the mother ask- e N ,: s , charming and ineonsequent a cream Hourglasses. ' / riser 3.00 la. j. Cheney & Co., doing business Jere as ever inade for the gezieral ed. "Are you seasick, -clear?" __.0 . \ e \ • a, \ s • . . 4 t - H ur las es are made smallest in No, I think net," replied the g $ •• e Movrtax in the City ot Toledo, County and optimisne and gayety." the middle. Probably the idea, is to ek•,a •\ , ia 44 ; \.\ . • . daughter,"but,I'd hate to yawn.". . . State aforesaid, and that said fire% . . ' shbw the waist of time. . \ , sews-Record and Tipple- will Pay the sum of ONE •HUNDRED . . e ce e • , cott's Magiaine 3.25 . e`a. a;eoe,e e ' • DOLLARS for each end every ease of " " ..\.,‘ ,. 1,!•;,.,:\ ,,,,,! .s•• •;, ; . :,.':. ‘..\\.,\.\,,, • • . . . • Milliiii.11111 Catarrh that cannot be eurefd by the • ' • • J • .• , .• A sprained ankle wilt usually dieab- ' . • • esti of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank A pleasant hair dressing-ladies like Many persons find themselvaa affeet- . If what you want is not iii le the injured person for three of four . . ., .. . . _ , . . . this list let ue. know about it. OheneY• ed with a persistent cough. after an , . weeks. ThisNis due to lack of proper it, and your druggist, W. S. R. t . e . . -Wto es,n supply you,el less:than - Svotti to 13efore me and subscribed , • • • atta.ck o-mnuenza. An this cough HURON COUNTY treatment When Chairiberlaires ',mi- lt wouldeostyou to fiend direct. - in my pretence, this 6th day of Dee- • Mimes that an he prom My cured b the use- of guarantees every bottle at e P y ' • , einber A. D. 6 ' 188 . ineht ie applied a Cure may be effect- • Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it . • ...se' In remitting Please do fai by , ' ' d la three or four days.*This linia 50e. and steeds ready to he sells at * should not k allowed to - I run on mit' . , Post-office Order, Postal Note, A. W.A W GLEASON, Notary Public. ' e moot is one of the hest and most re- , ' EXpresa Order or Registered Hallas Catarrh Cure is-taken inter- tliAt b), it beeomes troubleaoute. Sold by all Letter atel addreae. ' helix, and tots directly on the blood --ka e preparation itt use. refund your money lf it fails to do its . s aealers, ,.. . , Sold by all dealers. and mucous surfaces of the system. work. By mail postpaid from Gir- . • , ta At wiitchep . Send for testimonials free. sm. J. WA .1/4., • , P. J. CHENEY & oledo,O. . hi tun gCo,, Port Erie, OUX Maim c 'it• CO • ' NO , ' . CO.,., iesellecard • CLINTON • Sold by all druggists, 7.56. The heave rainfall in NeW lenglund The public funeral of the late the are always noted In • Ont. See that the Gitl,with the Mai,- •chief, janieS Horan of Ohletut,o, took • . Take Hall's Family Pilkt ter Om. has brought relief from the log- urn I -lair is on each package. Sold plate yesterday and was of imponing ,.. ., .... r,t, • T H E • • . N X W - R 0 , atqation. continued drought and guaranteed by "tlit.S. H. Holmes. dimensions. C 0 R D , . • • • / • ,, • . . . • ,• , , 4 . • . • . „ .. .... . .., . . .„...... .... .._....,,,__,...,..,....__,...................._..........___ _. __ .