HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-22, Page 7 .•_ ,.. ., .,....._.— . .. . .. . .. ... . . . , . . .. . . _ . . . . , . . . . . ...... .. ,... .. . . . , , ., • , •• . , ' . • ; . .. .; , •••• * ' . . ,. , Deember 22nd, 1010, • . Clinton News-Record 7 1 : O. P. AUTAGGART saalfee*saps 41e44,411.41/41441.1140 HMO/ _ litchi I-eid.not titineferred to any ntifire -- .....ee. ..e., , 0.01,0M1,001,1".... ...P.M.P.P. tratiO• • rher:Inia me'Patih:of the elitrfitty feet 1 .Ana now,- film nerroer, •tuteareie . \led have:left your an to tolieW below, eAy, Utiere'S a yonus 4i.9s.,r, vat* * liner Mise thou his forebeare," see ° ., , I/ 4t if, D, MOTAWART a , swei'ed Maealister. ."Ifere he is." Ile : -by a later trgin but tor th. contract," 1,001i,ing down,. as itey venelied the itjagnin Isti:11%tritill.nLtiiii:ediLto9tw,4°Iiit ht TH ; . E .S • pursued the:guard,a link reeentanly, atotapnotfetiatet elleeeetluhselytthcoaatitoftera a4uguilt. loiDot%lictg. IttilowaysoltZatthes0417.ffAofehllarci buingTeinkmedbearir bilQojefirne4na(edulietiti ofnurt*** 1 CLINTON' -, . reo "The Joh of ehuntine it leek abeut tell' , .....11.11. 1 melancholy eyes and, Hendee eerie.. , BUSINESS t '.41P e shore. It vanished, and lie, .concluded ,.,.., ,... . ..4.%woe . •minutes. I never did Boa such a mud. on the sea, about twenty feet front been at the rear of the cotiliebeerere. , , DerrIck fondled the dog. ; '1 - it die." stepped forward. • THE i •.; . - "It Wee 4:leteched from the train for: that be had imagined it,Or that it was -eitee be said, 4, e i ei, .' "Soi hie bame'S Rory,tooic:::.ihettepean4aift • 411. the off il. as pita s; NieTaggfirt Bro.& :. . .,, . .... . • COL • . - about ten minutes. you say?" said .Phoelthoreticeat. Preeently Macalister -ea:'off our Shoulders," LEG• E, 1 OF TH A,fine brute,te be.tare. I have need ' e Derrick. He wita gr-tw!dir interested. with the toreh began to go :down the Deirrh.deck dleot himttQfreyrith.c‘;aa "It wee pushed!' What do you °I,I.Iin't• Put him on a hash. We:tee*" ' •• Is a link in Cauatla's greatest Countess ' wren minutes," said the guard. "it staircase, and the coffin, swaying on mean?" Derrick questioned him. . : • • -e-B.A.NKERSeeee - - chain of High-01%de •Colleges • :: - was shunted off down a switeeeeeia its bearers' eboultlere. .eornmeuced ' "Who could haVe pushed it?" 'I founded during the past twenty- 1 . • "bhall I come wi' ye, eiri!" lifteatta- ,and I thought they were never going cautiously to follow. • "It was pushed," the Highlander re- .. six years,' This eliain is the . : • - . to bring it back.' It Was a difficult iranoeurre to steer the large and heavy coffin round I he ter was dubious. largest trainers of young people • Derrick made Up hitt mind, hwciatittedsootloorgegsesdeltf.e,vatifteemeentilit trembling • „No; I prefer to go 470ach h ' • in Cauada and it is freely admit. : "I should like to go along and in. narrow, Jutting corner at the top oR °Who pushed it?" • The sun had risen as Derrick crow ! , ' ted that its graduates get the : By WARD 'MUIR spect the intertor of the van. It's at the Steps. The Six men advanced eau- • "It Was a,ghost pushed it." ed the castle courtyard, passed the , best positions. There is a masoni , ...-,-.....„....„______________, the very back of the train, isn't it? tlovely, choosing their foothold by the• "'Nonsenael" Derrick was angry. it.,e ahheau ecibiaffp•setla,flinwdaye.4331`.1%oelataai4tthreettcologf itae : A GENERAL IBANKING DIJSI" write for it. A diploma from ' a ,,,,,,,t einea pawn. I suppose I can get through to it? wavering light of the torch,and lean- "it was A ghost pushed on the horizon • • - whieh concealed the dila „„..e, • the Commercial Educators, As. You'll be rattier This shunting May have displaced the lug slightly on the li'm rail,. high reiterated, •"rhe ghost•came up be. w.as. st4I III,Ee lifik: ' istEsS TRANSACTED. $‘41:•ci ' etiolation of Canada is a;paesport - C I mistake uot. aom mber, though, . above witieh moved-their grim burden. latud us at the tilde,and leant aver the b•uag a 'laze' , v,reaths which are on the coffin." . , • .. to success. ..pawn Can become rayal if It succeeds • The guard accepted a tip, and led Mid suddenly,as they made this first,- turn of the rock When I felt it give taut islands of the Hebrides. - litise:gied in running tLe gauntlet of . DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED. : the way along threligh the corridora delicate manoeuvre, iheee wee A IAA- that Push I turned and tried to erase "Now, 11-oree old bey," said. Derriek, You tnay study par ti at home : - • r vs . to the rear of the express: Coach at- a rude and impulsive jar. The coffin . it.--but it was gone! It was a ghost, "let's see whether you have any tat- INTELEST LOWED and tinieh at the College. . . • ----........ eat. Scent that, Beryl" And. Der. • ALON Orr. CHAPTER VIII. e!, Its bearers sin " .with its direly glimpsed interiors, con. Staggered, and each, instiectively, 'Well, went" Derrick could not rick /aid On a ledge Of rock the ban- ter coach they Passed through, each swayed and swung wid , : POSITS. SALE NOTES PU1101.1-, .: Enter Any Day. The Silent Peesenger on the Highland Mining somnolent travellers, and at clutched to save himself, shake the man's convinced opinion. gle which he had found in the "lane . test they reached the hindmost van, • With one frightful lurch the coffin "We'll see if we cannot find traces in Van* • Express e : Fall Term opened' Anguist 29th. 1 The guard unlocked it door, and, al. escaped from their grasp,pitched aver the morning of something more sub The inner circumference of the ell. .1 -. -. - es ee ee sa ee ee ee , _ It was a am,, and the night mail lowing Derrick to pass, discreetly re- the preeiptee. and-ateir a dreadful • Staetial than a ghost." ver snake was lined with velvet rib- • 1 , . . 1 r .rom Huston to the North, having lett trained from-following him. .ntereal-was heard to crash tliunder- But Derrick was not going te trouble hen, to Protect the wearer's arm, so I , 111.1111101111111 It was a curious scene within that hoelY on the Jagged rocket below, with to look for footmarks to prove that Rory sniffed and nosed the bangle; a scent was by no means hopelees. I : , • Carlisle and roared across the BolwaY . • •hate, traversed the little bridge which glowing in the ceiling someone material had dislodged the •funeral van. One small electric bulb he sound of splintering•wood. thee Derrick put it in hie pocket agtato , 3 e. --.H. T. RANCE. ee se;-44 , CLINTON revealed the The catastrephe was a staggering coffin He bad evidence more valu- , ; • Delia, must have etcod last night, and . : • narks be Border,and droned through crude interior, and, In the centre the Me, but the coffiii bad barely shat- able than that In his band he:h Iii ted the hound to the exact spot wiate . NOTARY PUBLIC!, CONVEY., 44 Sissiness-College . - . eretna and Lockerbie. was now mount- trestles on Which was mounted.' Sir . ered itself on the tacks when the 'the camera, an.d when its plate was , ANCER, FINANCIAL. REAL 1 ing the long Incline which inertia the Feltx Dairaven's coffin. Sure enough, 'arty of horrified bearers were ate : developed he knew that it would re' • bade Rory "Seek!" ' ' . ' ESTATE AND FIRE INSURe ' ' • GEO.SPOT.TON,PION. • .aoilat toothlike some of the piled wreaths had been el:aided at yet another phenomenon. 'veal whether or hot there had been: Instantly, the creature, without W- ing tongue, strained at the leash, and displaced by the jarring of the shunt- Almost , • ee. . . . eivee. ' It was a long train, and at the end . • , . . aynehronizing with the an uninvited addition to the funeral' , ANCE AGENT. ItEPRSSEN. • was a windowless van which was in. lug operations, and now lay tumbled rash, there flared forth, front some party at the top of the clifOstaircase, was off. it had taken up the scent• . TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE , . ... . . •... --• . . --- tended for the transporation of some- ' on the floor. The air was heavy with ioint a few yards out to Sea, a (Jaz- The Pressmen's intrusion might without hesitation,. . . .: thing quite other than normal luggage, the langorous acent of lilies, Some of .aing, a palpitating, burst of light, prove less unfortunate .than it bad Derrick, dragged by the taut leash. . . COMPANIES. -D. N. .WATSON ale last van, which was situated at• which had been bruised by their fall. t was like a sharp but soundlege de. heenited.- ' , followed the hotind as rapidly as be . DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON, - - ONT. . he rear of the express,and which was Leaning,over the coffin, he pushed ionation,silent yet explealve. Se lurid • ------ could. Its course Was an erratie one.. . .. - Ocked,contained paseenger-a dead back the sliding panel, and looked' was the momentary glare that its sen. CHAPTER X. . . ' Delia, in the pitchy darkness, had evie - CLINTON. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,eassenger-Sir Pelix Dairaven. His. through the window on to the visage satin upon the eyes was almost pain. . dently wandered and stumbled across- ; What the Bloodhound Tracked. the moor, Whetber she had ay den- for the County .of Huron. Correre Jody, in its coffin, was being taken,.to of the Oros , ; tui; and when, heroic tio ineire than•a - , 111.F.P.....1 ergyllshire for the interment. idts uncle's face, now very waxen- second had clamed, the light died Sir Felix Dairaven in his younger nits goal, or not it was impel:able to . s . pondence promptly answered. Charg- - the Weep- looking and pallid, gazed up at his down,it lett an aching leank of doubly • days had dabbled in science, and at guess, though Derrick felt that it wee- • W. BRYBONE, . _ea Moderate end satiefaction guarath- .' Derrick, inhiscabin in ni_n,_ bath once more-placid, remote, indiffereet impeeetraile darke . • ' " .the° castle there • a very-f h.1 w• Safe to suppose that she was making . teed. Immediate arrangements far ellegPrrryweratliinig110,11 night tohltslie mind to this Journey which it was being 'I he party on the rock-staircase we i:e steckd laboratory.s Rhad abeleYn Wenn; • for.the railway line, ills heart'went • • BARRISTER, SOLICITGa sale dates may be made by calling 3t that silent passenger in the hind- 'forced.to take before it could find rest. petrified with amazement; the super's. disused, but, fortunately, the chief 'out in pity to her as her wanderings. , . at The News-Record Office, or en most van . There had ben semething Deng* peered down at it for a min- suttees Highlanders, with a relic of . Photographic developers.remained in were thus mapped out for hitn :at Frank Watson at' MeEwaa's groce furtive and almost-has.y in the way ute or two then slid back the panel and ela days, muttered some ancient for- good preservation, aad Derrick had' lightofday. What a flielit hem had ; • NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. • .. - . 17 .die coffin had been placed in the van hid the vision. • nula for the repulsing of evil spirits, found no serious obstacle in the way been. , 1 . 4 cry. . ig hadbeen . et the terminus. The loadh '• : " Derrick now began to re-arrange the elacalistere torch Waved om• inously, of treating the precious plate which On and en site meet have etruggied, • .. • OFFICE-Sloane Illecite-C1IIIT0N4 • - . . . • - . e .' . Ione at a remote siding at the tenni-. wreaths, pacing each in position.on and in its rays Derrick could sea.that enshrined Hannen's flashlight expo- . through the heather and across the .. ms, and the van afterwards attached the -coffin-lid, 'As he picked up the •Ibner, who had recoiled with his hack ,sure. rocks, sometimes traversing morasses • • • • --------'7"-`'''"• 110MAS-BROWN, LICENSED AUG- to the train. Altogether the depar, :last wreath which bed beee lying on ,to the clIffeace, was as white as mar. Derrick stood now at the bench in of peat-mess, where the white peu- • t ' tioneer for the counties' of Huron „tire from Euston had been a worry- the floor, something tinhied on to the tile, Derrick, regaining his wite,. the laboratory holding between gin- nons of the wild cotton-grass fluttered • CHARLES B. HALE beau ds-sennes•malt object"wbich had, sprang forward ired seined tile torch gerly fingers the,dripping, newly fixed their warning signals-esignals.invis- . •• • "*. and 'Perth. Correspondence proMpt. - ng business;and Abaer, who was ac. , d, had become momentarily entangled in the eom alacaester s fingers; then, re. negative. It was an astounding ex- line in the night. it was wonderful . REAL ESTATE jy alleviate.. immediate ereeeger et:;,h,nzpanyliege Derrick to Scotland,onlyelivaYs of flowers. ran with I ample of t ower ri• that she had been abie-to go so far. eardless Of•caution, . , t clown. he p . . s of modern phot . • ' been of little help, for.be I.. •Ments•can be made•for sale dateS at , appeared at the last moment, Just be- Derrick looked d ° own, then gale an lie steps toilie.sfainvel, ., .. • - graph.y. Here was the•s-!ene on the On and on ran the haute!, mile after . and , The News-Record, Clinton, or , by tore the departure of•the. train. As' ejaculation of amen'eiment, He bent On the roelee at the foot of the stair..•cliff, the whole weird drama petrified mile across the nicoie'In a wavering; • • , INSURANCE • calling phone 97, Scaforth. Charges semi as they had. started, Abner had and picked up the Cii-,tt whiCh had 'ay the remains of the coffin-smash.' into. itnmobility on the gelatitte Man: line, but a nee whieli tended, by doe - moderate- and satiefactioa guarane ,vithdrawn to his sieepipg cabin, which .fallen. It was a silver bangle, shaped ..a and wreetz d, It gaped wideeeedue .4 fantastic ininiature tableau in which grecs. nearer and iiCarer the railwaY. . . 9FFICE - -- - HURON ST-. teed. , adjoined. Derrick's, on the.plea that like a snake with an cPal eye. elle glance showed that it was empty. each fiet or was fixed,. like a..Marion. They,were still spine eiglit'or,nIae • ' • , e . ,• ae was Geed and wanted to go-to bee• • Unmistakably it was Delia's bangle!' 'Derrick surveyed: its ihterioe, his elte,ein a wooden rigidity of peeture. miles from the station,• station, ,whon the : • , • 't - e......— e---t-------ee • ; • ; . eumediately. , ------ , heart beating, his nerves.t:nse•strurg. There Was•.tall Aincalister with .his •houtiet suddenly swerved through It, . • • -, Lying awake in his berth, Derrick • .: CHAPTER IX, '. This, then, was why the Countess bad torch; tliere were his kilted sous; gap in the heathere -bientheeles, des-- ' - .-...".e....• , • DR. W. GUNN • ,. DR. OVENS, M., D., I. H. .. C. P., had mentally reviewed the events of The Coffin's ocr,tt •, • evauted the coffin opened!. -One had. -there was Abner, squeezing -,babk, cended•to the high-road', ran a few frau- ,.,. .'.":• '• •• ' ~, • • Ete„ Specialist in Diseases or: the the last few days, and again and again • • suseedied that it-col:mined,e,et 'body,, against ehbeeliff wfill;-there Was liar, died herds elong it,-and thee Plenged ', r, • : t; •• -11 L. R. C. P., L. R. C'S, • Eye, Ear, Nose:. and Throat, ' •iis thoughts had returned to Countess It was late the fellotihrtg.afternoop thee tiodY had somehow bola thaitraca lack hi self on'the:outer s:de againet up-a sh6rt cart-tradk„ which led to'a. '. • • • will be at Holmes' Drug Store, •elein, that Mysterious woman iviicoi before:the funeral, .doieege rea,ehhce -ed.vealettnttlie now atrioacgadent,haat.re,, the lion retainer. The one detail wlecie, desertetil cottage-aeottageibvieiteNtii,ithiall,,. ... • _ .. . • - • Edinburg . . . Clinton,.on Tuesday, March 1st, tieetvnii,Vs TimiTaoZllsoarlmuch, NNNVO:s94e'aer 40 .1.)alraV44:drift;•The gas're-was tbirto accident? '.1-14d r'en2t someyOneNlaSekbearn.' ' lausa.••anielnlieetiitridettiNil-satatahee-iyftelilen.prtroldode -oncehadlonegollsignce faftlen iishepherdtodisreupair. . . • ' •:-' Office-Ontario street, Clinton.Nitilit -29th, April 28th, -May.24th, June eentaliiingly hinconneunicahee He miles from a railwae•sta ion, through edgy east down the'coffin 'from' the obviously represented the,ceifin. •Its • •The. •cottage door aWeng en idle-'', •' •• ''" Hat. If you require Glasses .don't lad twice been to.see her at her home barreth moorland (t.,:oulgeeh ttiletving. to shoutdere of,its, beavere? Tlifit neise. momentum giid•,ineveasea afe•it feta :hingee. Rory; the 'it, led . • . calls at front door of office of at • 4, •fael to seejhre Daces. .• -.. .. . s a Perk Lane, and had been more.anel, a:rocithoued coati ,id Angts 'Sine.• be investigated. Meenwhile, here•lay until,-just on-the point of seriking the.:Derrick straight de it, and nosed it •• • residence on Re.ttenhury street. .• ' s... ' •td . ..•• • nere impressed with.her cieltmaudtng slater, the.etrief henehmae of the the coffin's.ineaningless•rehmins, core Io ' selt had been travelling.faster oPen excitedly. Derrlek entered. ••••• , • , , e ' , , • .4..---a-,---4.-- ecesonality-a• • personality• . wilfully Crate, wah hie four sons, met, Der.. fessing ter their strange secret. Por than fhe aeration of the flashlight,a-nd • Before him'stood Delia-a Delia be ..---.... rick and •Abner ete the station, and• it.'mart now evident thatebehinti the we sconseetlently veneered as a mite Would hardly have..recognized. . Her . , . ." . . ' . • >elled behind a fliapanehhask. It.wa, . ••• 4s-aDR. J. W.'SZIAWeees .Te11101(1110p mutual-Fire milieus to •recolhect-hoei earnestly', : : though, she-had advised him-with re- dreee •them, withethe cotfine Omen. 'panel n'indow:theft, had been .a wiLk obeeng'streak. ' ••• • • , face was distracted with grief •and " • those lonely miles of upland road. It .mask,.not ri face•of!Meth • ." :- But itewas not the eir,lup of bearees ,horror, her eyes stared WildlY,as they .• . . . , • • • had beena peculiarity.of tin-Pelix.that yeseehe •exainined the dehtis-here 'that-inteneeted Derricir not. the tide. met his.• • . • • . ference 'to' this 'Jouruey, and the at- had • • . • • • • ' • . • would•Only..have.rat nsettants'at the %yea the mask; a skillfully eorietructed• '•bling coffin,, Hie at:it:Vitt:In d as.coke:. "You!" she gasped. . : - •. ;• .: • • " , 4-OTTICEee .- .00 . . .,. Insurance want . . • . rangements.for Sir Peaxes aoffin At; • . . ' eaa .Craig,so nowadays hiaca iter and b., replica 'at eifs uncle's' facie.• , It was •Icenteated on that art°of the negative • There was a note of refound-relief'' ••'• - ' her advice he had-caused-.'ithe co • •• • - _ • -Farm and tsulated'hewn Property-. -; - - - : :It 'soleinhabitants. ' • .bg k ' . ' ' I ' ' ' ' - P •• ' - " ell'•• '-' ' •• -... ' .... sons were s . ei en, now, by the dal, and nad be- ;which would'.show whether or. pot in her tone... , , RATTENBURY ST. EAST, . ....Only latsured-• . '•• • • • • • ' M be constructed with a sliding panel, • Dairayet Craig, • grin). .and grey,' cdme detached from the, rod- which' •iiteivas, as Duncan-had.insisted, a "Leio.k!" she .ailded, .clutelling.his. • '••• 1 ' . • above. a. glass window, so that the .. - • • • * aa0147.1*-ERS-..• .-. • body's face eohld be hiewedif desired;• stood' the sununit'of A cliff which had.' supported'• it in eesitiee, . .131n thgeolith who had disiodeed the coffin arm n and•pointing to the corner of the •, ••• ..o. :"•••' • . -CLINTON.- a e'R. McLean.,'President, Seaforth P. at',her advice lie bad in Stsd ou lie; looked forth over the Atlantic towards• there wite•no inintairingeits perks:). '' ...frond the 'party's shotiltlele. • • ' nottage'se eue•room, - : ' " _,''' • ' ' • ' '• . ---- , O. ; 11. ficEaren, -Vice-President funeral. van heing attacired.to an.ex- the..duaintly:named Hebrides -isiands Derrick stood erect apain,'to find : 'A' d'the negative.had,-registered the • -Iderrialt'looked:and'beheld"the dead"...,..... • . .• • . . • ., Brireeheld P. O. • T. Ea Hays, : .Ste.e.press, and not sent by a slow train., at'Ceti, Tire ,• Mgg and Canna,' The that Macalistereovereoming.hle fears,• entire story. With literar•faitufulness. '.bOdibs of the teni journalists, Hannon. . . DR. C: .W. rnomrsoN. . " ••• .Treaturer,'Seaforth P.O.. ' . 'Why bed she insleted op these.details? Craig's private chapel -clung. ee thehad Joined ;him.' - .,.• • . - - -he •Leaping,over the lip of'the•preelpice, and Sims. -..•. , , , . . . •._. . .'' . He could not tell, But.he-was con- verge of the cliffc and ddive 'front'the' "Macalistene said :Derrick, "Ala' 'partly above,and partly beide&yoeng •-••• , ' :.-- ••-e--e--'-- .. ' ..- ,h' • .• ' . • -. 1--Directore- • •• • PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC. he...-. ,,,,,e . . ;a h., .e. , Job' yinced of•their wisdom. • chapel led the stair*which was the.sole night's tale must gb no further! I rely .Duncane Itlacalister, was yet weather ' •• . ..- . CHAPTER KL . ..e. •:,- • ;' ': .•.. -, . , weeitam .unesney, earortn , approach to tOe,Dalraven burial eatat, on you and on your sons, por lips figere-the••figtiee of a woman• with .. '.• • ` • .., „. •e•-„ek. '"..- . .. i, ' • ; . ... • ; For since his first meeting with her,- • Special attention g'ven to die- Orieva: Winthrop; Georae..Dale, 'Sea he -had received a curioes confirma! An extraordinary place wag this vault are'sealed till.the mystery es eolved, arin'Outstretched...Hers•was the lifted e• :. u•Ot'.°'" **"1"1"P •" . ..' ' . • . • : • .. . eases of the"Eye, Ear. Nose and forth...;ohn ?Setts' Harlock; -T h' -th- time of her influence. When Mr,-Var-' -whose .age no-man knew,. It was.. ,Promise Me!".. : .,_••.h -' -' ••• . that, at the-critical juncture,had pdsh- . rierriek'spiang across and'bent over '• ; •-• • . Throat. • . . - . , • Ileuti"eivieseTirdditagetn ; :lames-Evans. well,-the famous chief of the Criminal 'carved from the'living rock•at the°root '-•...`I afrortifse.". The Highlseidev spoke. eetehhe•coffia-ithd had.ops'..t its ediee, .-the tiohies. ' Dead! 'There was:no •• . • ' • • Sees carefully examined and suitable ,B.Peehwood ':Jaines: Connolly, ... Investigation Department, had called of the cliff... .Rat more extraordhiary .for himself.and for his pens.no' Me :And'her face, small, but,microsenpa ,euestion that they were'•both dead, - ' glasses prescribed. • • . • -•• • . -. • •Goderich, - en,Derrick to'cress-extualne him With still was .the.,flight Of steep, almost been overlooked.. 'Did Ye no see.yon eittly defined.in the glare.of the Dash, •aee.had.heen dead some hours. • • : • : - ' • . • -AGENTS- ' • ' ' • reference to the'Olro.yd square mur- breakneck steles, which desaeh cended to: 1 "h h , When the coffin fell? There's e was tIearly.visible. • . -- e "They're murdered!" he exclaimed- " • ' ' • ••• Office and residence : 2 doers 'west.of Robert Smith, Harlock ' E. He, der'the name Of Countess'Klein had. IL They were hewn in the cliffs face. .hoetescimewhere -there, al'.a•-•searche. • Derrick seized a magnifying plass:. "Shot! •• Who could have done' it?" • h , happened to come up in,conversation,. -narrow, worn steps,-,slippery and •light;or sameaeheh the-O, at, e errh, 'ami; through It,- scrammed this face -fee swung around, to rind that he was . . . the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. chley,,„Sealotth ; James Cummings 'and Derrick had casually mentioned crumbling,.and °illy sheiteree by' an see the poo! . Hole ODITIE,s ite 11100.11• .. on the plate. . • - • • - • one, Delia had fled. .1k- •• • • • • • - Egmeedville- . J. W. Yen, Holmes. that he•:knew her. . .• . .• . antique iron rail on their ohter side. • The clouds had thiened, and the • Already inkling•of the truth , Herusized,to the dooe of the eertage.: • ` ' .eille.''. • • . • ,. ••• '. •"Countesa.• .1elein• is• •a•friend of Down 'these'stepsman3r,,genratinns of noon came forth. It'revealed a'st ;rti had come to him. Yes; it was as he Twenty.: or- thirty yards 'across the ' • : f .- . . 4.-eh • • ' • Any 'money'to be paid..in. May. , •be yours?'.' Variettl had questioned swift, :dead.-.Dtierayeas..heeebeee,tereied•by.. 'lug sight.-•For,only avfew yards-frnii°4 had begun-to•suspect! - '':• • . • . ,moor. Delia was still visible,-hurrYin't; • , :DR. F. A. AXON.-". . . al 4 4e Pam:he) s Ozer at Brown, Clinton; 'tit-, iy, . .. • '. • • • • their retainers. It eteetied strong men she shore, a small motor-launch con- ' .The Woman who.had(Mailed-the COT.•.iimlik,"..regardlOSS,.of the 'Obstacles.in ...-...•.'e .. ••••' •••••••• • ' • at', Ctittee grocery, Goderich.• • '.• . •-: Derrick had said-that see was,:ate -men with steadielmads-'-safely..to heining the figures of.two Men, one at ,fin to destruction :Wee..Delia :Frank. •hereeiiiith, ,as though :stie.ewere.die.- .•-• . . : . •e. lake DENTIST. • .. • Fartiee desirous to effeethiiisurance iied remarked Alma she.seemed to be .carrY a•etiffin,,.shoulhereliehe•down •the tiller and one standing up M the . Rime. . •-. ,• e • • i: eee, • '.. •-• . he e strangely influhntiaeleiheah,,:. .... . , such a ataiease.'.:. .. . .. ., , . , .• bow and andf etering eareestJyFII.a0reW"ard;.., 1 . lie*gazed..long.;, tiedfixedlyet. .this .. He Ian,after her, and..etteeleteheee.- ... . . •..e - ,. ' • -'. • ' 'or•transact .othet business will •• hee-meet ,.Influential. woman :in . .Darkness'had fallen...before:the see.: 'xi ie standing figure held,_ _scp...:7. eneentrovei Wale. t•I.-Itnee.e, h this ^Went up, As:he did so, she sank (Iowa-env • . .. -.• • •Specialiet in trown aad Bridge...•litomotly attended- to eire• application r' . .Europe-perhaps in the world,"Nitre i v ce--conducted. in Gaelic -by, a. noun-- 'black object in his •liand-a camera. ofestlineaYethis photographic.plate so the'heather; : • • • : 1 .. '. - . ' • - - •: Work. Graduate of eC.C.D,H.,• to any of the above..oilicers..addressed well -said. . "There's'no getting round' genarian .claanlein-ewas concluded, 'Derrick eleneheil his flee in fielpleie •exact and•so precise in its record; then -- "r.,ean't Stand'le any•Imigert" she' .• •• . ' • Chicago, and R.C.D.S., Toronto..." to their respectiye•postoilices. Losses the.fact that-Countese Klein is a pew:. and the email party prepared to des. .,rege..•So'the Press had dogged'him' •he ,deliberately•droaped it.on the es,. 'ejaculated' tremblingly. -It wasOelear. • • . inspected by' the. director- whe livna or to be reckoned,with-a financial. eend the cliff to the,vault.' The,ennp...' here! .And- actually a, eflashlight- .Ment.floor Of the laboratory, where. ii .that she was in a serni-liyi:terieal con-, • . • ..* - • • ,nearest the scene. • ,power and a political hewer. A power lain was'too,infirm to accompany the- 'oholograpit• of, the eetfints fell had •was split. lieto a dozen fraginents., (m11 ien,. "Those two poor-melt! .ad! .% ' - . . • .. '. Hayfield on Mondays from.May to , . . .• .• .. . • • • . •.for good, -too, I sincerely believe." •' :last rites.' Xacaliater; •his four-still.- been obtain.ed!- That wits the meaning.e TheSe.heegi•outal ander his heel into,.•To. be. killed like'that! Mitt nne oh o' :' . • -• . --e---• -...--•-et--e-------.---- . Varweil's enthusiasm was striking; wart sons-all flee being in Highland' 'of:the dazzling yet,silent-explosion ;. pieces still more•minute, The nega- • „ . .. • . . . . • • December. • „ . . . ,:. •.-and, 'Derrick, recalling'it'now. as.he attire-Derrick Dairween; and'Abner' it was a magneeCa flash.,.and it had five was destroyed,utteely and liehond. . •(TO BE CONTINUED4 . • ...• • •• . ' - ' .lay.in his sleeper,again felt that Coon- Were the sole mounraerseto g0 to thee .impressed the whole dininat,te picture'. liedemption.. • - . . . , .... ... • - • - . Ciintori :News-Record • .tese Klein Vas probably the chief fac- tomb. • . . • - • • • on. to a. sensitive plate, The \thole But there wan still the verbal proef: ••.. . • • . ; ' . . . . 1.... .....-.,...,............. .. tor to be reckoned with in,the sorting ' And now the tiine had• come to lift world'; to-morrow :or .tlie day after, the .Jourhalists were,still to be reek- ... .e° '.-- • . •eh• ' • • . - . ' I., • : •. .. - • : . , . - •• - .-- •al - ONT - .e.. . CLINTONa . .. - . • of the'mystery of his uncle's death the .coffin and. •brave'the descent. I Would,see that uicture en'their erMrn• •oned'with. Coula they he peretuadece •. - • ,. . •• :GRA • RA LW . . • .. . • . • .. e,_ -.. .; ; •,... . ...S.YSTS:•.'a eerms of euhseription-41 per year ..- •''' • • 7 Wire!~ for instanae did 'sh 'I '• 0 Derrick wee sirdegely heSit t, ei ' td ring's.paher and whet• their ralgai to hold their torigues? ;Was:it like131. • aha..ut' Adolf Abner; the'tacitr (4'1 ' .the funeral proeeed? he asitn.i.s, ice3uf, euelosity..on ties fresh cieveloPn.nt of teat aftelseeuring.se exciting an item • • •• ' re; ' BABY-AND •THa". SEAGULIOS; "t. '' ,.• I',., •.'• A • advance $1.50 e May be aharged 'if tater? , SuPpose . the •COunt%ns.sho7ed.''or•ouichr beth' delay it? • At.the lealt . the • mystery 'Of;01r *M 0yri Sqnare, it of e;helusive news'for their paper,.time . A.very,' very'Long. time 'ago. the -TIalE ,TABLE- . not so paid. -NO paper•disemitimie been, here in the'•train, and.had -seen• moment before oaring the chapel he• 'new scene.ire the• drama:el the Pal. woulO refrain from. publishing, it? lived:in.Wales.,a grad in.au who•waS , .: . •• • , Trains will,arrive' at.and'depart. .until all .arnears..are• paid, unless at .what Derrick- skee•at. Carlisle,.-what had receieed a telegram froni Countess: ravens. '. :- , ' • Impoesiblet •:That Publication, thea, • ealled.Saint Kenneth., and this is thee • :•• • • • from Clinton Station ashen:eves : • the (Minion ..ohathe publisher ,,,e.,. would :have been :her Interpretation •Ieleineeari amazing. telegram,.though It was .matiaening.. Deride.k, never.- must-be delayed. by hook or by crook, remwyastilaat itatold.eabout him. Where a Y .little baby. his.father, very sub:writ:Olen Is' date to which,• e. . , . . Of the-episode? • . . . .. • short, . . . • . . • tireless. ehohed down his wrath, and, • Derrick left the laboratory, and. . • who cannot have liked.•Iiims put "dal . • BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Ter the train had made erhat seemed • "Chen the ceffin!" she had wir o arlerwith the intruders.; -made his waa to the room where Han.• ee, prepared t p . . •••• • held is denoted ph the label., - . •• 'into a littlebot • ' , .emade like a basket, ,, . . • Going East 7•36„ a• m• 'Advertising .rates-Transient ' ed set- . to Derrick an almost interminable halt How? Why? Derrick Mentally. "Who.are you?"he called to the men • nen and-Sizns had, at his ordeofe.been: and then set it off from the seaShore . . . A li II . at Carlisle -and Wenderin. what- ,. , ,• ,g could asked'himself a thousand e t* ' In the leuneh. •• ' ' • * •• confined.- He unlocked the door.. and. to drift &Way'on the Waves.- - h 3.14•'Pan' •tisernents •• 10. cents per ..nenparlel e ee th el' ' What weld 1 r m ' questions.' The staading 'figure replied• cour-' entered Tbe.two m•en bad just 'eon- e. gn cance et-sueth a•deley, . ., .. •ie eesage mean. How, • , • •ee• - • - • • ; - • i , • • ,, " " ' •6.16 P -M.. line• a i •It•• 1 - t.: d'3' • • ' - . P. . or,. trst nser Ion an . cee . Derrick had leant froin his•-bertheihea Was heti interrupt this ceremonial br.. t.eous*, ennee,u. • ' • • •• • , eluded the.meal with which they had • •1 arn.safe that the littleetaby-Woula Going .West . - 11-til a. m• • per line for each sutsequent:iniert; ead lifted a cermet. of the oomparee such LgrUesome -request.? • . •• .,Iy minis is Hanhen. Thieeelite. e eeeti eupplied. • - :- ... . ••.- ••. . soop haee laeen..drownedArt the'seal .. ' .‘' 44 41 . waited his hand-to the, man.-iii. the . • hat•a very etranhe.thing.happened; Al .. 1.25- P. na. :ion. kmall vertisements_ ,not •to., client's blind,, He had looked.foeth on - Olelf undecided he.strode forucard to "rm'sOrry tii"iiive.to'ilittaftt yeiti-filo ,, e • . h•40 ; Pan. 'exceed one•lb ;'such. as . "Lost'', ;he almost deserted lamplit.platform• •where Mecalister's sans,were prePar" s-tili -‘R:113..rfley.,col'ller''791•''' finIsN', .:NvE4. ‘low.s.,"-said Derrick bluntly,."and am •. lot of. seagulls, which,. are birds yea .• . 11 l 1 11.28,• P. In. “Strayed," or 'Stolen," etc Ira ' if .Carlisle St:aim:lamina as.he looked,. ing theitt he •cffin and take it froth. r .3eorrry"9i,ftWteh have caused'enUY annoythe'well aware 'that I-have gene. beyonfl. .., TtoiNivinseteo attliethielitsleeasbiadseieehmoosttlYing :., , .- . • .• . •i•• ee had suddenly eeen Abner hurry the Chapel.' • • • • • LONDON, ',HURON az BRUCE pIV, . eerted once for 85' cents- aatt.• each ' es ait .book!" e said in a. ow - .• Cast outside. The 'lawyer - 'Or I •••t h ' 'd • l. . was.fully • sacs On the other'hand, We 'lave t‘vhietaleowreinn.esyoeed.oinci;;I,i'llaokieb-etrlieharnisdc, • 4 they took hold of the baby with their '" • • .' ' Going South 7,50 a,en, • eabsenuent.insertion 10 cents, dressed, although one would have eif. voice. . ' • - . • - obtained a priceless picture. We shall. you null'both go at'once if you care claws, not hurting himin the least. • L. ;4. ' . - 4.23 p. in. ' ommungeetiens intended for• publiea- pected 'him.,to' be asleep.in his bunk. -.He slid back the panel. . - * ; withdrew at'once, and not ,ceuse yeti to gi've me your word of honor not to and carried hint right'away to a ledge .. Ageing North - 11.00 ts. na •Won must, as'a guarantee .of •god Why had,he got out of the train at -Still the pale and waxen face gazieg further'-worry." . • . . . publish -what you have s,viteessed,to, of rock where they had their nests. i • • • • . . . . "Name',your price for that photte . . . .. • .Every day a deer came down to the; • 44 14 4.35 p, m. • faith,.be accompanied by the neat° ;arlisle?. Why had he not.undressed .1-111. ihr9ugh the glass! - ' ' ' I ".said Derriek • . • ' "night"- • - . • • •.,, and gone to bed? • • -. . Derrick returnee the pane). . - , grap a s • . ;•• "That is for-us.to deelde." • ledge of rock, and it brought milk for ., _ - . - ef the writer.. ' "Sorry -'the 'Daily Wire' does no • • . • --- , . • W. J. MITCHELL,. • • Soon the whistle New,arid simuitan:: "hroir can-aroceea," he .said, It was • •"I am arepeeed .to hoe your silence' baby! • Well, baby was as happy .aa . . . iously Abner reappeared, Passiug Der- out of the questem, he.felt,It comply; take bribes.h Hannon •was curt, -at'a generous price." . • • ,anybody on that ledge of rock, when - , • .,. OVER 88 V iAFIEV" . . Editor and-tsroprietor ...kik% window, and .hed evidently re- ••with Countess Klein'S&sire. To open, "Gbed-night/ We're. of!, .back , eft' i ueelese•tti offer us moneje one day a man ivhcetended sheep saw .• . ' ..•. •a a "'• EXPE.RIENCe•• .- ' ,, .., , .. :nter9t1 the sleeping-ear'and returned the 06414 would cause a needless Oban," i' . . ! Prankly,", eeld. liannene "the longer him.' SO he took him home end put . • Macalistere• at Derrick's etoonte . - . o his bunk, At once the train had scene, • , you detai hte here the better will our him into.a.Cradle.' . • , .. . . • •• .' .. ' - ' • • , - • • • hafted again on its journey. .• • - Muenster, with a torch; was to pre-, chuckled. 1 ',story' be. tom a jere»allaile point of But the seagulls followed,'and they • . .- . , . "They can escape!" he whispered4 . , , ; , . e , GRAND TR NK ihsti.4.,TWEAMY blierrick•was uncomfortable. Some- ills was wrong, 'he felt sure. Hie, ., . ois.four sons, with Derrick and Ain': "It's a miracle thee got in'here at aIL, Derrick gave a slirug. • So little Kenneth grew up on that de he efein down the etairease. . . . . .viett, when we are again at liberty," 'carried baby back to theeledge of rock.• • , • ' .houghts reverted to the van and the 'net,were to carry it, • . • - . But Since'thee came the tide's •been "I had thought or that, but it does ledge of rock, and he lived there all• • • , . . . * * * * * * * . a * * * * 1 * * aoffin. Was it all right? Inspired •The nettle; Highlanders lifted the falling, 'and there's rocks'all round not alter my'decision. At least, I can his life, He used to preach to the - • •. • *.• TRAblt MARRS . - '-'' WINTER ''' atith au unreasoning dmibt, he rose .offin and tested it on their shouldera, them not two'ineltes below the sur- 'pestpoile the publication Of the story people who lived near, and that was ,e Daesiasaa • - • * TOURS * . from his berth, dressed rapidly,'and; e eying a'space at the,front far the; face.- You watch, itir, Derrick! Weal _and 1 intmel:to do so. You are quite. why he was afterwards' called a Saint. . , , . • eeePetteatereeete, * * * * * * * . To_ * * s, * * * 4,.. went out from the cabin into the cot- awyer and the heir, Abner stepped, .stop them yet!" - • sure you Won't take, -moneY7" * • • , . Anyone sendinica Motel]and derseription may • , rider. aievard to take his ',lute-putting his, And he Was right. The motor-launch "Quite sure," ' • . . • regereeesineheeeeetethhigefree=ehth . . Mexico, Colorado, California and The-guard of the train was passing llionZer under the coffin-purely a. begun to throb, swerved round. and' • "Right. Yeti have my respeet, . .._ . . :•410orrirf6rt:kliagrenod,,Varting;fteponLatIgi,t$ . , Pacifie Coast Points. , along the'horridor, reeking the formal ormaI task, for the Minalletera bore, made for the opal-sea lint it had not thoegh you have placed me in an : .- ' Patents solos surough Munn,.16 cm.Weary The Greed Trunk Railway Sys- tour Which is customary after leaving •if course, the whole burden. And ae. gene a dozen yards before its' bow abominable position, I shall have.to • • . **eclat notice.la It.ri2ut charge,!nth° tern is the Popular Route front a oloPPiagoPlace. Abner put up his should 'er .Derrieki lifted skyward, and there 'was a hor• lee) you here, under the guardian- : d'''''''"'""•"°"*°"°.eh • . . . rAititoificiiiticrion• all poihte east through, Canada Derrick addressed hitt. •• started.. For he livid caughtsight•ofi rible rending mind beneath its keel, . ship of my men, for a wiele-a day- or Asthma Catarrh • "Why was there SI1Ch*A lengthe. de- Abner's neck, stretched out abeve his! It bad -been fora like paper bY ine two at any rate.11 . WHOOPING cOUCII CROUP.' A handsomely innstrateri weekly. Utilseht op! via Chicago. ' culatinn of any aelontilie jourr.al, Toxins for lay at Carlisle?" collar-and on that neck there was a: fierce fangs of a hidden reef. Ile went'to his bedroom, and, with. laltoricHIM COUGHS COLeta h • , Canada,Seim a stem.,Insitage prepaid.. Sold bl . TEATIMES. "The train had to be made up fresh, peculiar mark-a wrinkled puekering,:, The launch heeled ,over and filled .: - • out widressing, Dime himself down to .., ..e..- .he ' ...ea. fa. a',," an riew9deatetia. 4,401.*******•401* • . Mit lightning rapitlitY. The tWO sire' said the guard, ,,it was yo r van like a monkey's facei rest on the antique four-poster on 4 e ''''''''''he;.:Appr,',. ". MUNN g co sosilreathisy, null Nun irgrk ' •Doubie Track, Past Service. Fin- . that caused the trouble. 1 ktetep it Could two men possess suet)a mark? Pressmen Jumped clear of it slmul- which had rep ,, °Led so many Dalravene. .'• ei•4".:. rep' ., 'Be , . •. • Branch See,626 V OSA WAstainsiton•ix • K you see, 0 co iWas,Abner marked exactly like Barfly taticoul . Hannon still pluckily grip- , , est. Roadbed, Modem Equipmerit, loci ed, Y f course t wouldn't -. . . _ . - . ... . . 3'' , Abner had retired long ago. The — uneXcelled Dining'Car Service. . apparatus, I,ive minutes do to have people going into a van . ., „... . e .. ping ills , .., . , lawyer's face, when Derrick bad hid- ' ..a 'tee -•ehtnhitae a- ' with ii. coffin in it. Well, at Carlisle /Avarua? ...iriiiii----bat ti tanite later both men were ashore, (Wooing den. him a curt Tod-Ile:hi was still . ... 1 1 - • -• • - Aw aletpents of safety and COM- a and. breathlees, and surrounded by the, lee,.ei elt-one„R, A l' 1 , ' . estser.Ismess re 70 ' .• '. fort. there's coaches from Liverpool arid twist await is•dlution, D (' erriok strode ,,,, Manchester and Birmingham join. forward and took his plautteby Abner,' 'acirlister and his stalwart eons, . ` hell'e 'a. c light of dawn was filtering pal. dna t.toableNs,vithout A simple.WO and ertectivn treattreont for Fres,. dosing tha ataflat,.1.Ne.01 . . uppikooTT s -To.T}Im stnINT sotrrg. the train; and We couldn't put them supporting the foremost ead of the t • k i a •wa Hannen, despi e. las due it., ° . lidly in at the window: tvlien Derrick dr•ithaill:=V;RP';',gist•ctlirlialsee • , ****************000************ on behind your van, because that coffin, . cool and collected. /true without hearing slept. Ile stole ' "ghglage,ittlert,Ihie.iarereVitgt1-1V , • MONTHLY IVIA0AZiNE i No more desirable route than vie would have laterrupted the through The six ineli, With 'Slow Mid carefai "We surrender, nf enure:a' ne (town, through the silent pestle, and ' regful MOW.cresoleal i4 firaltzal, t..,e ::i satilcd,•"but under protest." ta 17- a boob a k.A.cr. .. , e • e See? of the eorridor. So your tread, quitted the chapel, preceded byt t ,„ • . , quietly let hintself out into the open ?;32, 2;11.eli,",.d"i "1 A PA hi MY LIBRARY • IOrad Trunk and connecting) lines, passage A read the camera had been there), r . Sad U13 Waal lat dracript,i4a boolzi. 11:itr? • . , VERY LOW RATES, van had to be shunted off, the extra old Maealister with the torch, Out, ' ..' - ' ihn and it was palpably futile ' ' Tho Bost In Current 'Literature ' , 0,„0.0,....*****,.*..0,0 • coaches telt in, and your Van brought side all Wad black. It was a thundery 11‘411 I-- -' - . • He made his way to the steblea-aa , ALt.tattalaiSTS ss back and hooked on behind 'em, It night,ato reit, -and an opaque pall of t•louds hid rambling ,low pile of buildings at the • TrP ct*"kl*Anti. • • of e':,51e`Ali•I'vl,V' "You will not be harmed," /add Der' . Craig,ea were r;IMO riled* , 1 12 Ooeseeeat Novas YtAA Of . :Secure tickets- and full particulars took longer than we expected; your the moon. Not a breath of air•stirred, inierid side of D ) rote.iikr,lit - ,,,,• -m rid.Stiffly, "but I shall take the Mete - - - - ea"won Des' kr-hbOge,„,e,- „e• .e.; . r MANY SHOAT'. OtORI Et ANO item:-., .e.' van seemed Slow in coming batik. DOWn below, in the gulf of darkneee '----°• - . pito the early hour, Astaire Macelleter &also raa hrir.fapaa: ulalr "sae. , :' PAOENS ON TiMELY TOPICS JOHN RANSPORD, Uptown AO, We'd not have waited for it, only be. heaond the 'Verge of the cilia, the At. ' ty of detaining you. Give the tamers • 1tl • . to me, please, an! conduct, moo. gen. was already on duty., 01 ....e. seseeta 4 r •-eateeteaseaei iota ua.10e ia auaritp,.. ' ,,,llit,1,1.,e,4..!„,.,•,,i, • . , • i $2.60 OtItairtitee 2t$OVA A COPY " A. 0, PATTISON, Depot Agent, cause of your contract!' lantic lisped in silken wavelets on the These tlemou to Daireevett Craig,' Has ad- went on: Derrick greeted the old man, then .,....... ,,,...•;.•••v...,:,,,- • , No Creoles C:, i• NAN: ".T..,YI!. • 1 .16 OONTINUtO STORIES 4 or addness J. D. McDonald, District I Derrick nodded. The Countess had netWork of croel reek-polite:1 • advieed hint te make a Strict contract ,wore InViSiblo, but Derri h we'411 knevi dreseed two of intimven's Otte . , "I weld to knOtive Angina. whether' Litz:74441a=4 .111 - . .!-- . . • , Tho big Highlanders took the PPM. I Ii settee!melba*teastilierat IN 111101.0 .. Passenger AgAnt, Union Station, To- 'with the railway company, insisting the knite-edged and ti4ger-iilre wilw t Old Rory hest Any descendants in the *Ii.eselei - stmil aed *onto,Ont. ,hat the VOA ihOuld belsgoo the ext ,t-. 4..,-...,,t b:;.1. -- ,nit,4 :..........,k,ra which ."^" "'" th's elifti t'"Imr41-3 6° caat'a; nee.aoe 4,----104 ea • •aitmoulii•Notair.v.1.*....;!,...: ; .. . , ;. * „. • „ •• . . • ' • . • • . • ., ., .-._....--. . , ; ..--...a.---.....m.Lama..—....maammum....g.... _:_li , . , • ,. , , ,..,. . . . _ .., _ ....._ _ ..., .... ., .