HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-22, Page 6 .-
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6 Clinton News.Record December 22nd, 1910 ,
. , .
..... . .. .
.„...,............\\\, 1 By the death of Mrs. James H. Me- fur
, ,1 I Gill at Washington. the town of Bow-
Inc ,
Min; Help Chimp Style el No Other Country In World Where Count De Les Lose at Home PITTE'NDRIOWS REAIINISOZNOEr. .
..,.._ , , i I Manville content into a beet of
Co .
--- DODDS '1, 1 050,00 left by her deceased husband. "` ' Woman". Dress. In a Boat Than In La saarahah . Valiant Captain Tells Many a Story '
/ THE GYPSY Is THE ISHMAEL F . They Enjoy Greater Confidence. .
, ee'
0 tuSo long as woman , The German law fixes the exact feee
re of earth most any old style el which a German attorney has to claim ,obeereine7neeze
When a flying-machine man• bee of Sir William Russel In Crimea.
1 D N EY ,-,, ,,,,,. alonle's co-operative eocieties remained a orea.
/ ee. bill wan strongly critized by Mr. Os- - THE NATIONS, dress skirt, from the balloon-shaped f 11 kinds fprofessional It 1 -^
or a ki o wor axe
./ ---"4' ler and at Sir Wilfrid Laurier's sug- crinoline to the 'rubble, served her e -
"Illt .
he rechtsanwalt, or lawyer, can -
mean average level of human ex. sti.CPaPpntliatiOnrY L11°11741161 rruil(sh!astvhso" L5 now
(I/ PILLS ----s 0
•gestion laid ver for subenistton to the. ------- .
purpose. Now, all is changed. Her charge neither more nor less
Even England and the U. S. Are Now ladyship wishest imitatethe birds h . • '.
These' wind-storms and pockets of rarefied
es;ite; after he has wrestled with the Pah Manchester Regiment in the
:he: Inhiete hUla: abovenegotiated the nenster, B.C., who seryeelewinWtilit;
\°4 Isi 1 X. -;•••••4 Finance Department. ,
, Turned Against the Romany Tribes P * efees apply to all matters of the mil
e-Z,h7halle? and whirl throe& the air, far above
feet above the surface of the earth r •
Baker Eddy's will has been France,....-
Germany and Belgium.. the envious crowd. But none of the ciade and of criminal easee.. The
from which the gasoline mile out
' artes of gasohne thousands of i'ertrotanof\Vtrsr,eitti'ilei: rtztieTininttheeresNt.elnagr,
East. Among these is one dealing
A. filed, the mother church being named
tente-t-- -alleli,.CV,h, as residuary legatee. old styles of skirt are -quite the tbin.g
Turn Them Back at the Frontiers for this new sport, and. so a change is amou•nt depends exclusively ion the
vailtueisofanthnelocibtjheenti:vohf coetniltlenututiouniiiii_e with the. late Sir William Russell.
n et . •re . -All Efforts to Induce Them, tie imminent. As though to hasten the e4 and has looked over the land-cape then plain William Howard Ruseell,
sublime eye of a lord of spare and
linte lawees DISE'retreeilen matter, the hobble skirt put in its an the waters of the earth with the thefamous war sorrespond-t.
wish of German lawyers to have a new d h • ,
that be will be Much
. e4t h ••n 1.411 E T E Are Unavailing, fixed'list of fees-not made after the Mr. Russell was with the army he-
Settle = Appearance recently, and now shrewd
. n: /6 •• ,,,,1: Fr MAKES HAIR GROW. forecasters• be •
believe they hear a sound old and low standard of the Pear 1878, eleeeen-nee scarcely to b ep avid fore Sentistopol at the time in ques-
• Everywhere throughout the civil. .e., but made with consideration to the.
Never before in.th
• -fzed world the hand of mankind 's"isPie 44 like bloomers, b:thiei"-ncle by tion and bad his headquarters in
the canrices of any land-lubber that part of the lines held by the
W. A. MeConnell has an invigator seems to be raised against the - e history of fash. have taken place since
vehicle or of anti-water chit what- 8th Connaught Rangers, a regiment
ion has the longing for a change been; that
• attorneyand
that will make hair grow cr money gypsies. The last two refuges to which The reelitsanwalt is
more just, declares one woman, Itsoever. But a few aeelts ago Count which has the reputation .of being
. .
I back. they betook themselves-England andcounselor at law all in one tin Bug- -
wasme who"de "Let the lied
a . .nsae . . . galled de Lesseps, the prince of aviators, one of the toughest in the British
, . the United States-have set their . land solicitor and berrtstern The had some 'arrin Sensationsboard' -
g ona a
Inn•-in fact it • regarded
Is• asbeing
The western farmers' delegation has The time to take care of your hair faces against them. - - . - jade wince!" And she is wincing with
em. eiereatter in rechtsanwalt can never be a business a sail-beat
a vengeance! But wincing in shackles o oprototype of T.c* ii 1,-r' "Black
up on one f the northern the en -IP to e
arrived at Ottawa. is when youthave hair to take care of. England they are to be treated like man as is the case in the Anglo-Saxon a.
she has forged for herself, shackles • little lakes. A young Canadian had Tyrones.
The election of Mr. Arthur Gilbert' • If your hair is.getting thin, grad- common vagrants, without visible • f the 1 '
nations. The exercise e e aw is
that are moreher'
galling to than any him in tow for a few days giving the It happened one night that the
no e considered a, calling or pro.
t to b
in Drum.mond and Arthbaska has ually falling out,-it cannot be long means of support, while in the United that the most tyrannical of men ever Count what seemed to be almost his Russians made a night attack on this .
. fession, but is to be looked on more
. before the spot appears. States the immigration jaws serve to devised to hold her in bondage. I '
ge. s it first experiences in a sailing craft on Part of the British lines. The sea-
nces' protested. • debar them as idle and dangerous as a public office. According to the
The steamer Ottawa of the Folger The greatest remedy to stop the _ _, any wonder that men laugh at the ap-
nolnaus, lawyers' code of the list of July, 1878, water. What the Count didn't _know tine's had been on duty for many
•hair from failing is SALVIA, the peals of their-wives and sisters and about water seemed to be about as hours and were weery, and the con-
, Line was burned to the water's edge France decided some' years win • h car-
lawyers are charged publicly with
Great American Hair Grower, first daughtersff t'
0 . or a wider sphere o ac iv- tam n duties. He is obliged to have his .
extensive as what he does know sequence was, that they were sur- I
at her dock at Cape Vincent. that the gypsy was a public •
menace ity and freedom when they see us de- • about am Once the boat ran full tensed and the Russians were in the I
discovered in England. SALVIA fur- and, in the summary fashion of the liheratel • residence in the town or district where ..
y,.wantonly, putting our feet he .i, ni,„0.1„ipd (c,.„,11,d11l• before • t
under a small gale slam upon Ines the regiment was pre-
re residence ' tilt . I
. nishes nourishment to the hair roots republic when it makes up its mind in fetters that prevent us from walk- duty),nhd"-- hhh - hhahhh sa.m. . some rocks and the unwary mainpu, pared. There was desperate work in •
Further, he ems conductii
m-acts an quickly that people are to a thing, expelled Win as relentless- ine disguising the graceful curves of lator of the Scarabee on the upper- the dark., and before reinforcements
The peculiar properties of Chamber- ly as it has expelled the monks. . ' ' self In and out of -office in a way be-
amazed. A large bottle for 50 cents. our bodies under gowns patterned an fitting h' professional d social
mg is .an ways measured his full sudden length appeared the Irishmen had given
lain's Cough Remedy have been Germany, which is a grim menu- ter stove pipes and hiding under vaston the bottom of the boat. Once again back. .
thoroughly tested during epidemics of . . facturing establishment, after all, extinguishers whatever beauty bidden
ee, standing. Thus a lawyer is for
something happened to lop off the Mr. Russell saw fit to send a full
influenza, and when it was taken in simply ordered its thousands of mu- may bave in our faces? nn to advertise in newspapers, by can- .
d d
mam-mast an own she account of the incident to his nailer,
top of tne. •
time we have not heard or a single tinels alon its ba °noted border to
IVIajor-General Wood drcw attention . g Y No harem. alave is enore thorougbly vassing, etc., or to buy or take over
a nractice alreadY made as being un- ea h h d d 1 • • •
me striking the °mint on t e ea . an. mowing the reputation of the .
case of pneumonia. Sold by, all deal- to the unpreparedness of the tented turn each every gypsy who showed in chains than-the woman with the . ' Everywhere and anywhere the Count regiment, he kneW that it watt .no
. his no • t the 1' ..
se a e ine. worthy•of his calling. -
hobble skirt NoAfricanwater car- • • • • • •
. . w seemed to I
be ''n his own way on the false alarm when some time later his
lits position m society is between
era. ... States to resist invasion by foreign
Wrathful and perplexed, the Rom- rier balances upon her head a more boat; probably because.he has been body servant came and told him that
. , ,
and scholars and through cus.
, troops. . any moved on to Belgium; but hostile unwieldly burden than the modern officials a- . so used to having things all his own he had better move his quarters. as,
bayonets met them there. Desperate, hat. No prioner wearing chains butcompelled to k
tom and law he is _ keep
This way in the regions above. For a if he did not, he stood an excellent
Russell Weedmark was hanged at Sir Wilfrid Laurier introduced the for they hate water like so many had more freedom in the use of his the position to, the last degree, ivmonoplaneeisn't much like a sailing chance of getting a bullet in his back
Perth for the murder of his wife. The new bank act in the House and ex- wildcats, they took to the canals of arms than the fashionable woman of compulsion to keep one's rank hae.g -
boat Just how much different it is some day. .
en rise to the existence of committees . -
hanging was strictly private, the planted its provisions. , placid Holland. But the phlegmatic to-day, whose kimono sleeves forbid • the C t had desire to COMMUtli4
called anwaltskammern, whose duty it . e oun .. a . Mr. Russell, however, did.not leave .
. .Dutchmen, every tradition of their her raising her bands above,her head. cate to this,young Canadian, half of. the lines. Instead he went to the
press being excluded. .
plodding industry outraged at sight How can a woman wear a hobble dishonors-
is to keen a strict watch that no law-
i ' io These eom fering to take him.up for a sail where colonel. The upshot was that a few
The gains in the British elections ;A the gay wanderers, drove them skirt if she is interested in any of the yer its ce ing. of
there is nothing harder to bump into hour's later the colonel ordered the •
are now 21 for tech side. SURE SIGNS • out again. modern, sports and pursuits? She - nuttees have a strict code o punish-
ment, ranging to complete expulsion than elouds; but .the passenger can regiment to assemble.. When the men
Meanwhile, the Balkans, where the may wear a hobble skirt once or twice, from office. In this way the lawyers , peony of the monoplane was too Urn- had paraded the colonel brought for-
Of [(Wiley Trouble gypsy has ever icemen as free as any just because it is aew, but her corn- in Germany h d d honored led- the Count had to be content ward the war correspondent and told
y ave r. goo an1 . , so. e ,.
other bird of prey, have 'begun to mon sense and her desire for freedom . • . • f there is scarcely a with doing a sensational flight above the men that henceforward he was
atieneee. 4"••••••inne , If your back is constantly aching feel the null of settled prosperity-if above all things, as well as her in- position, in. act e , y
g ' It* under the protection of the colors.
country in which the lawyer enjoys Montreal all alone in is glory and.
and if you experience dull shooting Balkan polities will, ever give agricul- nate sense pf beauty show,her that
pains, your kidneys are out of order. ture its chance-that attends the the extremely tight skirt'is not adjs.
• 0 din see fernien//' / If your urine is thick and cloudy or
'your passages freetient st-anty and lowering Moe and the importation of tic. .
American reapers.and binders. Sheep When the short skirt was introducede respec an eon ewe.
. ,
Much For Science •
Birds'. .Eggs Too
stealers and horse swindlers are im- some years ago, argues another It is not often that science acknowl.
mor t d• flel much safer than ever he had felt in The regiment was then sent back to
a sail-boat on the waters of the north- quarters and Mr. Russell resumed his
• ern lakes. His next new experience old place in the lines. ,
.' 'should be atetomobiliog over Cana- ' 'For the remainder of the campaign I
LoNnoN, ONTARIO painful, your kidneys end bladder 'are • rt sixty lea. ' he was with the 88th and never suf-
e tan country roads a mi 1 . . .
the. ' . ' believed'that ' hadherself t fault • apparently pressing fiery-souled .mountain- woman, no oneitedgesain an apparen ..___.... ......„_... ,e,T4 the slightest molestation. -
. 1 out of order. 'Neglect quickly brings eers less titan they used to, and.the really come to stay,among the leisure Simple matter, but .she frankly &lee ,
- • • -• - •
Business & Shorthand ,on rheumatism, dialienis, lambega bars ane being steadily raised against classes. It was supposed to be ooly a so in regard to thee color and marking __a • . - .
sc:atica and etc. the gypsy, on the ground that he is necessity for the working woman, but -of a large proportion of birds egge. an-a--""""aeneeneinnem. . .
. a common tramcontributes it is no longer elegant'even for the A reason there must be for their in- •
; Mts. John Wagner.of 140 Hollis Si., . • • ., P, who . . . . . . .
; 'nothing' to the country-and deserves diversity;• ' t b '
motor habitue to be seen shopping ur finite it cannot e an ties. • ,. .•
Resident and Mail Courses Halifax, N.S., says : "Dull shooting nothingf ' the morning with a long skirt. Flesh- thetie one, and all we can say with,from it. . .. Order Some! .
Catalogue Free pains wined catch me across the • Transylvanie, time out of mind,has ions must. adapt themselves to the any confidence is that the ever per-
J.W.Wasterve!t. J.W Wegerveli,Jr_C.A., ' small part of my back and extend in. been the gypsy's native'heath. The occupation, and they, must be prac. vading instinct of distrust is probahlY ese
" ° 9 :.•,•,
Principal. Vice-Principal. to my shoulders and neck, often caus- hills anti eaves let him live the life ' .,
tical above all things. Whatever is exhibited in eggshells as in.more un- . , .. . e.r. ,..... .„:„,,,,, ..,.,
lag me to suffer with severe head- of the early, troglodyte, and .the in- e
impractical'is conspicuous, and what- portant things, and the.main idea in . , . ., .,
' aches and spells of. dizziness: Spota dustrious among the population an as conspicuous is out of place, their scheme of coloration has been . .• ,
1... ... . en
, a„,.., •
forded him sustenance. But all Rom- • ept in the evening, one might say, the securing of safety from many ene- • a ' .0' ,.., .
.. ..: a
, .., ,,I At,
would dazzlebefore II.'v.
' , le 'eyes •
an then the conspiciecius must be mies by harmonizing there with their . ,e. . .,,. m
. "" any can't subsist on the loot of Tran- "
•. ..- • Ono: :era et ea Ida he e.; .,,, ...`,'•' et, elelt .•
• everything would turn:black. I.would conspicuous for its beauty. - • •surroundings. .But it'is a Scheme full' .
sylvania, and Ht d Austria
Hungary an
noare,eneoleateee nee.,;:••.-7=s4- .,,' ::•••,,...-.•.•..*. IpI, , -,,.!:-.,•-1..0I
• • fitting cans and turbans• especially one can study for bunself,-Pall Mall •
, G1113 & Bops fall to the floor and•be unable to get received the first oneritow. '
, The new motor bonnet and'the tight- - of perplexing exceptions, which any . .
UI) again without 'assistance.. A friend Maria Therein. a hendeed and fifty • g - * , . Or , . • h ..e. ,._ , 1
• U 4,
• told me- of Booth's' Kidney Pills and years ago had a•brilliant idea for those which can be' worn Without,hat 'Gazette. •• . .. . . . . ,,,
. ee
• squelching the dangerous nomads. pins, are worn because they are prac-
1. I began their use. The first box gave ties! • Al first • d • they . .• •
in leplace and as ley Iceland's Hot Springs. . . ••
• •
-re She-provided dowries for all gypsy • -
t '-; me relief_and,I.'.am no:.V1,roanie.1,•, I :•' When you are jaded-your appe- - •
I ad'.1- .
maidens j
le(it s
marry n hetr_Aus: . etramye happen nbleiin'beellu ttihfinnlkelde iiimostpf,ee a-.
e tliTouhgell not thscpm
springs magnificent, are
ee tite poor-your . whole system .
ti 1 ,,-,, weary-just try a glass of L,abatt's •
• I) hlem for the future is very nearly
;:,' ‘;`''h. ,•••:.:':''''‘7:71 nu dru ists Jar•move any- empress ever made, . ,I• . . . - perhaps the most carious among the . . •
solve(' . .
s e 1.1 Booth's especially with the. gypsy maidens, ' • • numerous phenomena.of this sort in . .
, .
-- --- 6 6 .• • - • - •
. T h e y applied for the dowries in beau. No one ca,n think of a time when Iceland On entering•the valley you •
. • .J eh•• h ' •eh- •kidney P i I 1 s . .. . women will not wish to look beauti- ' • ' from• Ale• and St.out .
see columns of vapon ascending .
50d. a, • box
tifule bridal' droves; got them; and
ran off with their gyps fut. . To want to be beautiful is not
• y husbands. • . different parts of in. There are a . .
; • . •I eilth. a guaran- and lovers day after nay. until Maria 'only a natural instinct of the race,but number of apertures in a Sort of plan .
COOD WAGES, i It ' : t t '1' ve Theresa concluded that*gypsy maid.
,s . ce o te le is a highly cultivated instinct as well. form of rock. The water is 212 degrees . pleases the palate, refreshes the • . ' •
body, agrees with the weakest
, i . - . one to which all women truckle' and F and it•rises.tw.o en. three feet into ..'... .-
ot your rnoa.v. ens were likely to proeie unprofitable stomach.A truly Wholesome bever-
to which ;artists and artisans-have it " • .
,r ------ .
. , •. back. They,are investments. . , , e ' the.air:' A river flows through the - age that ,really nourishes. , For a. , • ..
' tered' • • ' after 'the• ° of
had ed since justGarden valley; in;the midst of which a jet - . • . • . • .•
• . thought he
Emperor'Joseph-II.' . milder drink try Labatt's . , . . • . . . • .. •
Eden'episode. eV-boiling water issues With violence ,. •• •
' •• • Clinton.Knitting Co: .. - • • - t 11 e„ • world's ri
, • • - • • -them fixed forever when ' he' gave • - -. . .
. • 'fie•filtaitidnen ah
greateet speci . . - .., d -bled- But women have found out that un. from
them houses anlands,•see grain - • • .. a rock raised but a few. feet .„. a.- . . .. •
h ' d d • . . . '- • - .
i . •
der troeble, Postpaid. from the.pro- and farming.implements a The see ees they ha
• * I - - ve some int rest or some
de • • - •• - e. . ,above 'tile, cold wettor.Of the river. • • . . • ".
f • . •
, • .
e„..e......eateeeseeseseseeeer • .
prietors The R. T.• Booth Co-:. -Ltd. were promptly eaten; the. house's '
Fort Erie, So
W. S. R. Holmes. •,
Sold and guaranteed bti became. hctrse stables; the imple- 1
. .. , .
. , .
. • merits were ' sold, and the owners f
• moved on. occupationtlraeeerthey ieafsaul Ire behind tteley:en.0ien.
oupations, whether they be the ;ailing
o an airship or the fingering of a
n • *
.ty eenter Influence the future of the
There are believed..trt be 300,000-of clothes- a ' • - - Net ear from this is the grotto Cr cave ., . . .
la Sun ,peieYtIrhalteehd re
• , Mystery o the Sargasso Sea. . .
TLItiturgee•rthena .no eine . ., . .E , . .. .,, .. . ..,. , . .
' . . . goal to the- finest German-
brews.. Has the ,true smack of
. choice
hops. _Very light. palatable, ,
. . . . . ..
.question. . • satisfying. • Look for the lavender , . ,
, . .
Just what the future dress may look -No steamship.could ever penetrate .
• nVINTER TOURS TO them in Austria and Hungary stifle... • .
. • label.' . • • • • •
Canada,wi:11eend a military,contin- 100,000 in Tdrkey; 150,000 in Russia; , the Sargasso Sea, that floating contin-
like one may bd able to.gather froin
' . . . .
pried! 700.men to the Coronaticin. " • 200,000 in Spain and. Portugal: 50e •
a' glinepseent -sorne.,of the reform eat of yellow weeds, almost as„large000 . . .. h .- • . .
At ' Low Rates .Thcre'axe grolvipg aseensions ail the,
ranks of the British Tories. • , •
• - Tilit; letWral inth Ili: n1(.11:iteid.
1-1.America,i h.' 'Va. n' 11"d
• • • • . ..ffout o-w ose road path.
es • . ' • .
iiFull particulars and tickets from-. .• • • ... . .- , dresses s• and some of the. costumes .as the United ..States, •lyifig in the.
In the latest sport, aviatioa.-No' middle.Atlantie. The tangling weed
Woman will.attempt to. sail the.air': would ah,one its p,
. . .• , pas and rich plantations their neinad-f wearing a skirt... :Modesty, •comfort
•-fancy has been turning.for some years' ; ropeller and Make. . ... ,
,' it useless.• The.skippet.of any sailing . .. . .,. ' • . " . .
and Self-protection necessitatecraft'who. runs. his prow 'into this . ,
a .
m t . B•... •
. e. •. .
• .
.. .
. • .
„ . .
. ...• .. r. , . ' . , . • • • '
, .
• (LAGER STYLE) ' •• - .. . • i .
. • .. .
' A temperance. brew-tastes' and '.. -•. . .• • • ' ••
past, In all,' the whole • race. of, tighter fitting garment,. in which she 'thick web Of weed...though'anyof, . ,. e , . .
looks like choice lager, but h' less
, as.
gypsies, as known. to the white:mewould not run the risks incurred in the .Iniphtinces. of navigation Is for- - ..
•A. 0. PATT1SON, Depot Agt. . '• •• •• .
thin 21/a% of proof Quenches• , . .
. . • tone, numbers fewer than a million; .the full skirt', no'matter how'short.. tunate. Indeed if he escapee quickly. . .
- . Don't let-that bekitn•pet grow l'. • and the whoje•mase•of them is forever . • Women have been getting closer and The.,Sergasso Sea is baffling. It ds. . . *thirst. refreshes; 'gives •appettee.
. , - . ..
• •
' • Order *some today. • . . h. . .
. . Go to your druggdit at once and, et moving on, .
• • by compulsion:in the closer to the bloomer idea for some not .solid enough to walk upon•nor • • •-
• . • •
ellatellingilMnitinIMIIMINI11113111111011111111- a bottle of Putman Sage and it that • ny they
countries , here have usually . ernmeleto permit the navigation ••.
years. Bloomers were worn when liquid ,, , . . . . . • • le ,. . . . . . . ,
. •
don't check the falling hair, and cause ...found .their richest pickings. .. bicycling first came•in and were die-. .
• • fall's into,et is
of. a .bo,a.t.. Whoever ... . .. . . . ,
• • • The great traveler'and ethnologist 'carded chiefly because they were not drowned forthwith. The clinging weed, . Premier ' B.eer. _, .- ' .
. TfiE NEws...ii[cofig s. new hair to grow, nothing will. .
, Sit Richard Burton whose trate-the% 'necessary' for safety'. .,Ees rv now and• .graeps and holds Mid inakesnne stout • - -
i i . Dandruff is the.cause ef b.aldnes.s ;* tion If the-Arabian N•eht- Inas inn; . 1 ' : - paen" ' • • ' - • e . .. . , . . . . •
. taloott gar- est swimmer poa erlee- , . • . .-. . . .... ,. ..
I • - . te .e„„ , . et en • le le°artier or .., . •(ALE STYLE)'-... -. : .• . • .
dandruff genes cause clandeeff o., Pari- mortalized• hint, is, dne 'of' the tete • merit raises ifs bifurcated ,
,head but •' • '
, gulling us,T
Sian Sage Sire kii3111:.tiallicileg,germs' ;aeardaidticchaitrierg, gtrirclii•ilrh:cloarriltilec °pet;who- have • Ltef:,raeet forced upon the'. . .
publie -long '. . • .
A•Printer's Bliender.. •• •• . - • . . e• The.'newest non.iotoxicant, mild . . " - • --.•
. , and delicious,'with'the real flavor
•'• . • .
• he tune was right for it. .With ' .A Feria-newspaper on.ond oc.easierf . . . •
- - a a genuinely. scientine . .
manner. He the advent of the airship and the tre- Made ,-a blunder 'which- excited no •
,. . „nee an
° d quality 'of good•ale.'.Coniplies . .. • . •
, 1 . scalp. We.will refund your money;
le:, with local option requirements and. L .
• does not condemn thehi utterly,'and me -
ndows inteeest developed by women 'small amount of merriment,tit.the,'ex-' -•,) •
fails to do this in twb weeks. Pan- . . b . a man Of real talent. ' The ee ' may' be. 'openly 'sold anywhere. , • '
y -
FOR 1910-11 • . titiatna:Sage will,cause the hair.to grow, .iast atpains 'that the race has, 'linneanytiawtligh, however,wiilenmartiineeusioetrelemen- .pease.of
5,.,r Order 'any Labatt product from
following paragraPhs, intended. to . .
. • if the hair'root be.net dead:It causes Unction. He quotes'the families et of pantaloons and the o.
modesty f a have -been. printed• separately, were ' . • eal• your dealer, or. direct from. • •
• , . .
' lisiLuch good reading • • • .
the hair to grow.thieker, More luxure the, Hungarian. Hunyddis, the' 'Ruse skirt will.eventually beceme poi:Mare by some -error se erranged that they • 4..4 JOBN•LABATT, LONDON, CANADA . . ' - • .
, for little mlney. lain, and puts new life into it.- . sian Tolstoys, the Scotch Melvillee, - and when. it doe§ no one will give its were read consecutively: "Dr, X.: • . .
The'girl with the Auburn hair is on the Cassilie and the Coatis in France propriety a second thought, for the has been appointed head •phyeician • Ask' • For . •
:,- -
every''package of Parieian 'Sage, It is . .
under. Louie XIV., and the famous proper and. practical garment is .at. to the Hospital de la Charlie. Orders .
.. . - g ' q).": • -' • • . .
•.- WEEKLIES sold fon e.0e. 'by all druggists'or sent gypsy chief, Tomas Pulgar. who, in ways the must iteconepicuous and have been issued by the .auehoritiee .• , e • ..e'reeen . ,.. - •
1406, gave Bishop Sigismund the help' modest. ' . • : . • for,the immediate extension of the . • -• IS' 0.-,;.14-„.vA9,- .•• , ,,
. . "ere ..,:e• .•• if,'• if' .,' . •-' .
, News-Record and Mail and postpaid. by the Giroux Min: Co., Fort. . .., . .
he.needed to beet back the-Turkish • '. : 'en' . • . = cemetery, at Mont •Paniasse.• The ' ' •. . • •4,...a. e• - • .,- • • .
,-• -.'
,•• nne .:,:•. ••'' . . a.., ,0 , .. • ..
. Empire $1.50 Eric,•Ont.,on receipt of price. Sold. invader.from Europe.. , • • . . •h. --o --Broechleaders. .. - • wotks, are being executed nvith, the , e . , ohne • nInte ah„i•he ....a. ,:n ,'' d• . ..,..° ••• ed.
••• 4p-,..-4,•..:..i.,,,.. . ; .....‘ - , .
. News-Record and Globe..• 1.00 and guaranteed ti W. S...11e.Holmee. , Toward the middle ef the e5th•cein ' et
nreeelileading'in artillery'tided smaii utmest nispathh," • • . h , . ' e , .• • eer.eone.., •.... the- .: ..- ne; ''•i ate7` "14't . • ' .
Noss-Record and Family ' ' • nary public opinion in Europe crys- • .-e 'vie,„ v. •e.. .. - • , f' ,•. 4,!..,
, . Herald-and Star with , . ' . . • • merle in popularly supposed to be an . . . . . . .
- ' • ' a talized-against the whole.,waaward, invention- of the'midale of the last ..Easy Way of.Measuriee, Heights. . . - .. . .. , .
1 Premium • 1.75 . . . •
- I • shifty race,.and.a similar entaganish '
News-Record arid Witness 1.75' Britiele tiariff reform journals seek tic.feeling now has becenie manifest. .
.century, but such is by no means the- 'Anybody. Who knows how to take e ed---7--n---eo-'--,---- '
ease. •Ju a Dublin gunsitinh's shop at the altitude of the sun or a staravith n..„,,„„„ _ ' • -
. . _ . • ........
' News-Record and Sun ' 1•75 tei mentmize importance of farmers; .Neyertheless,. there remains , one CorkeIlill is oa view a beegehloading a sextant:end wishes to „eke that of •:'" 'hr \\VII Ne .;\e, eneednew el% Aver.-4,•-•-• n•
News-Record and Epee place on earth to..wine!' they may .
Press 1.75 delegation at Ottawa:• ertfle offered to the Dritieh Wet Offiee - any distant bill, steeple or the'like ..'h\e?*:•dat%'‘e 4 g k N....1...• ....""... • '
• - : go.. and there firid themselves.' on at the aloee of the eighteenth century .•should put a tea tray on the ground, heAseaessee • - .'Na...h..e. fe • - .
News-Record and Adver- • . •••• ' • • - . •• their :native soil-the region of the end !ejected. tie it•was coneilered to filr it with water and then retire from . . XekNhe azedea\' e'" ee.._ he...me.,
User 1.75 • ' Incline valley, inhabited by the Jate. • iteea toe'mu•11 anitnunitio•n! , it until the ton of the•bill, steeple or • ee AniVeXhh ...hltin--",%„ ,,,e. awwwiewtor
. News-Record and Toronto
* \ ','' ''i'• ".'4,
' The greatest danger from anfluenza of India. . • i•-• ' - • ° - what not is reflected in the. liquid. • e ,i,neaten r ete.„,.. ...... ek, ee 1.... e iti 1 • , .
. Saturday Night 2.30
News-Record and Farmer's - is of its resulting in pneumonia. This'" There, Sir Rinbard Burton has dee• -• . A
fol Easy Comparisme. - . Now take the, sextant and make the' Av., ...: .....-----.....mern..... ___ ___.,,::::0 •;,„
Unele Ethen was In- ti cuutiothe image:el tele s • • e ine.--- , , -....„,„fr.:,„„e
. Advocate 2.25 can he obviated •• by using Chamber. clered, are. thenriginal hothe and the. . i •ununit coieeide with ite - ''' h"'"....-ein%'.9 - : emostesWiemee "....wee P
'mai rectal stock of' the gypsy
original . h 1 eefiection.in the liquid. The 'angle of . ea,........er . . . ...
News-Record and Farm laia's Cough Remedy, as it not only frina's of mind. . "Which " eome o lv . • . . • -
, And Dairy • 1.75 cures influenza, bat'counteracts any • •
tribes, with the language sten Spoken . .- • . . , a • . - elevation will •thus obviously have ;le
nened hen, de eon think is, the ...,,, ee..en.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
i l'" kiitlionin . •
tiiiiiiiiiifiiii111111111111111111111111111MAL,. - •
, Newe-Record and Cana- ' tende V '
nc, of the•diseas,e towards pneu- its purity, with the nomad habits
in t ..
h .1 h woret a flood.or a dreuebt‘" •N - ,
been'measured double. Half of this
still untamed; and wit eatt e rats. • ' ' s •a will give the meaeuretnent required. . .
dian Farm 1.75 • t nde Ethen sonetched his head . .
l Mania. Sold by, all dealers. lag, horse breeding, music, dancing ..e al . n d,• , d ... 1 '
DAILlitS . d knifeplay-all a• natural to the t •a elle:, i pin s. le replied. •
an '-' ' "1 sir tint env that it iltied woe a great • '
The Dead Sea, • Money To Loan On • \ .
, ... ., . . . . Jute as they are to their lost broth- 0 'thee The daily everace of 6.500.000 tans
lee! w nee' Prehidine f .•-• -
' Newe-Reeord and Midi.and • ere of the „west, the evorld.ranging ttle.'ira was *ii fic'on." 6' o cotti . *. : of water ?..4 received into the Dead Sea • k1/4'N
, Empire 1.25 A -bold thief broke a window in a• FARM a.nel.CIT'n property at lowest eurrent rate. The
. gypsies. • ,. .. - . • • fromethe Jordan,• There.is no outlet, \
. News-Record and Globe4.25 St. Catharines jewelery store and car- ' - .--e-.- .
leen will.ee•made to you proteptlY and in strict ' • ,
and the level is kept down by weeper- •
Would e..luit Hine, •
.. •
Ne -Record and News
130 ried oft $300 worth of goods;, What the Label Said. , anon only, .whialt ishvery maid be. \ privacy. Terms of repayment will be arranged to suit
'1 , NeevahRecord and Star 2.30 •
News-Record and World 3,25 . . • • nolthubse•Swarrinhur4 'i 4 the most• •• •• f ti • .i tees• heat.-the dry
- '1"aintings were not her specialty, • .- , • ' • . • rano. o tire' n . .e.
untie:dine place in the wort,i, Stnce "
your conychnetiee. We will charge you nothing for Inspection, or
atmosphere and the dry winds
News-Beeord and Morning • but as she gazed at a beautiful.copy of 1 . ' I' 'e 1 ti r " . * renewal on maturity. Send for application forms.
• . we me IN - .IP e nit wife earl \ . e . .
e Free Press 3.25 State of Ohio, City oi Toledo, . Millet's "Gleaners" her admiration of 1. - 411. • . . '.1 ..
,iev:. •:. t•p: . 000.e ft ‘,. te.per„
His Easy Way. , . naid.up Capitite $1,600,060; Reserve, ;1,800,000; Assets over $12,500,005. • n • . . .
. Nnws-Record and Evening Lucas Counly. , , the work ailed forth enthusiastic Will eel:he-Gee! Do ye u euppoee I •
1 Free Press, 2.75 comment. "What a woncleful pie- 1 I t 1 u there? - "Te
ciat; . in a 1C. 60 cur
4, nrank J. Cheney makes oath that " 1 ' "
• ture! she •exc armed. And how not. '4 .,,.._,_,,,,,_ __ "I would hardly. say that. You've
-- -----
h'• ' News-Recerd and Advete he is senior paetner of the firm of ural it looks! But what are those heard the expression, 'Unseemly
It Flies Awry. e
, Veer 8.00 tho-J. Cheney & Co., doing business People (Wile" she inquired as she . haste?
' . •
lid Writ LY in the City of Toledo, County and l a thentrietil back. "Why, ' °
bent nearer to read the -title. "Oh, "Wilt` d'',,lheny ".I , , • . . . certainly,*
w per- et.idi artileI 'rte mien t got wings, "Wet, ail haste looks that way to '
. . State aforesaid,, and that said firm yes, I see; gleaning millet! I-1) ,p . _3 .. his . . .- i. .
•• '• News-Ttecord and tippin- will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED featly fascinating!". . . • n , but money has. •
, , hira." '
. • . . • ' \. - . OAN SAVINGS
• L •ilt CO.
moan' Magizine 3.25 DOLL/aRS for each and every case of . '
• . .
• • . \ 25
- . ' 442 Richmond St.,London. rncorporated 1854. 365 Talbot St., St.'Thomas. ,
, 1.1111101111111111111 Catarrh that cannot' be u '
c red by'Ow a• Whitney ' Id .
* d ,
A sprained ankle wilt usually Mean- $ 1 James • .1( resse the
\ \ '
U • If what you want is not in .
this list let us know inhoub it. Cheney. •
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Praha
le the injured person for three Ot four li
sew. lies le due to lack of pro Ont., Canadian.Club on pow-
• per er and other questions. • Many persons find themselliett affect- ' ' ,
ed with a persietent cough after an l • „
r , We can supply you at testi than ' Sworn 10 before me and subscribed
It.would cost you to send direct, in my presence, this 6th day of Deee. treatmeitt. When Chaenberla•in:s Lini- an.
attack f influenza. As this cough,. o
can be promptly cured by the use of. HURON COUNTY .
• ember, A. D. 1886. • ' meat is epplied a cure may be effect- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it • • . ' .
,i In remitting please do so byed in three or four"'days. This lint- . A pleasant hair dressing ladies like • 0 • ' 0 $
• ,' Inost-offiee Order, Poetal Note, A. W. Gthe i, - ,
'ASON Notary.Public. . .1.. should not be allowed to run on uhtil .. . - .
ont. le one of the best and roost re- •it, and your druggist, W. S. t
: ' •
Express Order or Registered . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- 111 ' ' it becomes troubleeome. Sold, by all , , • '
use, •Itolities, guarantees every bottle that •
, Letter and address. nalle, and acts directly on the blood markable preparations in
• dealers. ,.. .
1 , . and mucous surfaces of the system. Sold• -,by all dealers. be sells at 50e, and stands ready to .
. " • refund yotio money if it fails to do its
• ' Send for testimonials free. ; . '
' • .
W tif Mitchell . - , work. Dy mai? postpaid From Oar-
. P. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo,O.
our 'Manufacturing.; Co., 14'ort Erie, rerreePondenci' *lietween Mr, Field- are always noted in • .
•, ' NeWit•Record * CLINTON ' • Sold by all druggists, 75e. • Dr. A. Gahdier, hrothinr of Pried- , ee
Ont. .. ee that the Girl with the Aub- lag and President 'raft regarding the
Take Haire Family Pills for eon- pal °atelier of glioa C
. . allege,died at urn flair is on each package. Sold trade negotiations was brought down THE NEWS - RECORD
. .
Ariortimommiiiiiiiii stipation. . . ...
' Sherbrooke, Que. and guaranteed by W. S. IL Holmes. in ilw Commons.
. .
• • , .
, . - . . • •
. .
, .
, .
. • ,
,.. . .. .._.. .. , ,
, , . .. .... ... ,. ,