HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-22, Page 5 . _- _ . ^ ' ' " . ^ ' � 4.'"— • � 8�0� ' , - -�- -�- -� --�'� � , News-Record , � ` . ]� ' I IFOR SALE-C}VNERAL PURPOSE . GRAND TRUNK I. . Huron Poultry Show. Tbe Neale-Record wisbee its nainere • Watts, Raglan street. -58 CHRISTMAS i The News 'From Ooderich Mr. Jos. Rands is home from. the t NEW YEAR'S The fifteenth annual Show of the is a pair of •"Silkies." Tlaey are of •west for tlie winter. EXCURSIONS i ill . MIME A.AKIIIIMINGS Correspondent' r IRON PUMP 00 • - Heron Poultry Associatiore is dn pro- the bantam cleSs and look bigger Mr. John Jamieson of Coultee, FOR sALP;—AN. 4. , • , grtiss in the town hall this weele and than they really are for instead of Alta., le here for the waiter yieiting l'°°t= suitable ior.wiadraill•-•APPlY BetWee, all 'datives i • • Mr. and Wee Judson Morrie*, aad Nfrs. Chas.Stark returned last week "' of down of hair like an Angora, rah- son. er five hundred birds are on exhihie ., Committee ,Public• .6011001 Ithard. . : tion comprieing nearly all the known hit. They are a freak more than Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tyremaa of , . •:little daughter, who have spent the from' a visit in Chicago. past seasoa in Goderiela intend re- The Intermediate I3ible Class of - anythin'g else and as such were add- Vancouver B.C. visited her. sister • turning to their home iri Toronto be- Knox church held their ual enter- pert yesterday.valued the lot at eon- .e . . , Reetura limit Tuesday, Dee. 27th, d to his colteetion by Mr. W. Car- liars. Geo. Stephenson arid other . lore Christmas. siderably o-ver three thousand dollars. ter. Sonie of the birds, said he, might be , Mr. David Cantelon exhibits Black .frrhdes fast week. TO RENT-SEVEN ROOMED COT- 1010. Also good goina December 34 Forester& had tate a large at e as we o ay evening as un er he auspices dance at their ball. , tege on Fulton street. Hard and 1910, and Januay, let wad 2nd, 1011, spend the Christmas holidaee with of Misses Polley, Morris and Stir- cue her daugh again the owners will perhaps ask as good as Mr Cantelon's the breed Mr..J. A. Ireen ie,. Clinton peeached. . ter, Mrs. Sickles, at Port liug. In the absence of the pester ' . • • h S d I soft Water, good garden, aruit.-Ap. valid! returning tin ay, an. Rum. •Prof. Hunter filled the chair would become still more popular. ere on, un ay a teenoon. Mr. Jas. Daniels has just returned ,ceptably. The program was of a high very aee twenty. The laxige.st single exhibithr is Mr. They lay big eggs and th y 1 v it- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pollard and./ vis.ited her fataet M 0 • ' Good going December 31se, 11/10, tee Irene the west after an absemce of oVer order and much enjoyed. Those talc- William Carter of Ilullett, pometimes en, any two better reasou:- foat only family • two years. He, too, was a sufferer ,ing part were : Mr.Muckle, Miss Hat- known as the "Huron Poultry King" partiality, says the owner. Clark, on Saturday. ' r. cc'. FOR SALF A THORODRF JFR Monday January 2nd /9e1 inclusive . Nies Bathe. Coleman of Seaterth sey Cow, due to calve about Jan 1st. valid' retuening until Wednesday,Jane from the worst forest fire witch Caw, tie Belcher, Mise Hamilton, Kiss for sm'newhat the same reason as. Of that old-time favorite the Black , , . . ada has ever had. birds Pridliam, Miss Scriengeoar, Miss Mr. Dave Cant•elon is desigaatee far ,Spanish there are only a few Seeure' tickets and rail fararmattaa friend, Miss Evelyn Clark. • We had the extreme pleasure of re-,Glailys Levy,Mr. VC/liken, Prof. and, and wide as the "Apple King." 'Mr. •on exhibition. Breeders for fancy ceiving by mail last week a souvenir 'Mrs. Hunter,Mr. Shore, Miss Olive Carter has sixeyetwo entries which points ruined the constitution of the JOHN RANSFORD„ Town Agent 1 , lard from Carte, Egypt, with views Saath, Mr. Chas. Saunders, eves include% 'twelve -varieties. While he bird and its laying qualities dropping ristou spent a few days the pests et FARM' FOR SALF R E ca' Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Snell. for a number of years near the vii- . , , •of tbe Sphinx and the Pyramids, It Bette Clark and Miss Eva soma. has so many different kinds of fowl .oil so went its ebief value. • The following is the report of.S.S. lege of. Bayflelel. Good buildings : . was tire thoughtful gift of Mrs. Isham, vine. At the coneluaion of tbe pro- he es rather "stuck on" tbe- - Ham- Mr. N. W. Trewartha of ,,the • - . who with her euseaed, is spending the gram fruit and candy was served. The hurgs of which he .has.thirty birds Holmosville potiltry•station has eke° month of December : tabu orc tis Ion he plaee.- or ufur- "..................4444 winter there. National Anthem brought the very and five varieties- on.exhibit. Mr. eratee of dressed chickens ready for 1 . er par icu ars apply to • rs. Even our English visitors are seem- pleasant evening to a clos,e. Mise Carter fevers the Hamburge for the darket on exhibit. These show Adams. ,, • izig tg feel the exhilaration of the fine Slcimings, ay request, presided at the double reason that they a,re good what a valuable industry, the proper a, . Sr. 3rd-Charles Sundereock, Ware . Canadian winter weather we have the. piano for the closing piece. lookers and better layers. marketing of poultry.hae become and ren, Rogerson, John Adams, Emerson 'HUNTING %AND SHOOTING 'ON :been enjoying. The death occhred in Rockford, •Mr. A. H. Switzer of Woo>dham is Ought to have an educateve influence. esk. the moat fastidious. 'We are ir.. lots 12 awl'13, con. 0, Huriett, are We learn that Mr. James Luby has Wash th 6t1 " t lai h el the s'cond largest exhibitor-with Efs- There were more sa.les than at any ,• forbidden.• Parties found trespassing returned to his home and that he is Kelly, M.D - f Mr J 1 u Kelly or ty birds. Ile is a big prize winner previous Show. M iVittie. BOXES and CA.NDIES as welt not enjoying the best of health. this towa. The deceaseel, who was and can talk chicken-by the hour and Mr. John Pollock of .13ayfielci bought Sr: 3nd-Lillian Connell. • will be prosecuted accordine to as the leading dieaper'Firid Mr. Walter shall/ken ot Dawson City only, iwentraine years,of age, was yet leave something uusaid, Paw.-The Owners, Oct. Itith. -51 . •a pear of Brown Legherns, For the Jr. 2nd-Keith Hamilton, May Ham:- •• is paying his iongaoaited-for visit to born in the township of Morris and Mr. A. J. Grigg made a sweep in male bird, a prize winner at Guelph Mare John Lef.per, Tom. ApplehY: ' Otir Homemade . hie home town and is the guest of his waa well known in town and vici- the different varieties of Game Ban- and other Shows, he paid five dol- will. Briggs, WilleMcNall. . mother and sister, Mrs. Shannon and pity. He graduated in med•ei e in t Oth f •• 1 th tars He'll be over with a coop or Pt 2nd (ae-Kathleen:Allen R b t MINCEMEAT is: the •BEST • miss Josie. Mr. Shannon went to, 1903 and later flacated in Rockford, larger beeeds but Mr, Grigg does:tat two at the IteX0 Show.- MoNall. bouse work. Duties to commence' ' . in. town. Klonelyke about ten years ago and where he had a good practice. The see 4t in the seine light and. •can Secretary Hall sold his sweepstalces Pt - 2n4-. (b)-Agnes Leipea, Alberta 8th Dee., 1p10.-Apply to Mrs. M.' • , , • engaged in mining. His mother and .remains were brought to Goderich for give :good reasons therefor. Wherever winning Houdan hen to President Car- Moon, Cecil Cartwright, Will. Ham- • --- -- ' - -56 Order your CAKES and . i PLLIT PUDDING early, "You'll • sister went out later but did not re- burial, the funeral. taking place from he exhibits members of his coops-they ter. The price is only known ht• the ilton, Geotge AddisOn. . main very long and on returning spent the residence of his fattier, to the cetn-• are prize winnere. Naturally red is two fanciers- who made the deal. . Pt 1st (a)-Mary. Cartweeglit . d • • 1 ' HOUSE TO RENT ON letarLF some bine in Ottawa but are now in ssers in morris, Rev,. Father MacRae' their favorite atolor of ticket. ' • Mr. Joe Rattenbury bought a pair Ralph Joscelyn. . • '-' - ' " 'e • 4:, Oranges, Grapes, Coconuts and : , their home on Arthur street. "There d a••in St Peter's hurch The ' i "ind lusians Nohod knows more . t. 5 rooms herd and soft • strpe , AP everything for Xmas you . . ree In s • • ° • Secretary Frank Hall has a. good ° tA 'a . • - ey Pt let (b)-Milton Brown, Guy es no place like home." pallbearers were : J. B., ..T. and W. J - • "bunch" of Golden Wyandottes that about this breed than Joe and peptic= Leiper, Russel McNeil. . water, good garde'', woadshed. wit/ field here. . Goderich now has an excellent,smcw Kelly of Detroit, M. J F rr p Ryan • • • • ularly about laying ante ;s :lz lull of The highest marks were obtained hy • a . • are prize winners, Heretofore the . possession can be given.at once.- , — . ' ' • and James Reynolds. The floral of- i information regarding them. Lillian Council. Aire.- G. Stanbury, London Road, 1 W H AGNEW • ' worthy secretary has preferred anoth A fire escape was placed on the ferin:gs were exceptionally beautiful. Bird§ are on exhibition from the . ee-G. C. Sturdy, Teacber. . Clintoe P.G. -55 • . r I • I Kingston, street side of the opera Much sympathy is expreseed for'. the er breed but. for convincin reasons.' has now nailed his col g 'house last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely intends spend • ing the New Year's holidays at Jack - and Woodham„ XMAS TOYS . garden land, Nice brick house,hard Thompson tOok place from his rest. 111 Wil Ii' bl• 1 • .son, Mich., with her sisters, Mrs. dence on Friday afternoon last to a oodharn. . . . and soft water, bank barn, drive , . 'atev.) LeGear and Mrs. W. Smith ' of Brown Leghorna and a fine lot of • 11thitianci •cemetery. The services at Poultry Shows are being held, in ' house, hog pen. Good. orcbard, all 1 air‘k . • , • . heuse 'and graveside were. conducted • e • !Mt. Forest and Iiespeler on tbe same • kinds fruit. Situated on Base Line, . • . erten is also an exhibitor in this diet•es Bee Clinton. This is, not. e outside corporation of the town of eae-e•-" ------aa . . .and opened out in the shoe business. ad II 1131• ' •• t •th c fault of.the Huron AReociat•ion .and :XMAS'TOYS 10e and 15c. . • covered with beatitifel.floral tributes Clinton. Apply on the premises or • poultry field but- is already.infected Miss Hannah of Southern Manitoba the 'tt f f I• d't.1 d• • Th' gi s o ami e an i en s. : e be the feeeie there being no neceseity whatever for , — to Isaac 13arr, Clinton P. O.,'Ont.- . • is at present the guest of her aunt, ' enthusi i • • reletives from a distance Who attend-. ' 7 ' "' ra asa • • conflicting irn the same part of the MISS 'CANTELON & CO. . . • e Gold- •• • • • • . . -754' illoiliey_ ed wore : Mrs. Adam Thempson and peotence ztas to be hoped. It may . . .• • . , Mr. Charlie Doolittle arrived from famil N - v . ii j en Wvandottes when they am . the . . . . 40. St. Thomas and will remain over the Lyons, Lecknow,Mr. and Mrs.' breed and as well.looked after , The officers of 1910 were re-elected ' • : • •'•'Br buying -the B'erlim Fuel Say. ' '''' liolfiday season in town the guest of as was evident in the birds he ., has 'his parents on Cambria Road. on exhibitibu • • • t -• • the formea a brother of deceased, The . • Car er is president, Mn Frank Hall • The County Council have provided anted bearera were : elessrs, w, COX, ' R: Mr; Ale Doherte goes in for. the pecretrary, Messrs. A. J. Grigg and1). W,_ , ogS a new flag for the coiirt house and ite McLean, J. Mac:Vicar, D. Stocidart of Rose Comb,Beown Leghorns. • lie Cantelen auditers With directors at • '• Hi h P I • 'bright col•or almost dazzles our citiz- town and the Messrs- Lyons of Luck.; .takes a pride in his birds and they half-a dozen different points :in the ... now. being plowed, end 5,acres.bush.. . Rorke is very welt pleased. ,, • - new. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thempson look like it. - . • county, PAID FOR LOGS. BASSWOOD. i, aoncrete heiuse,• barn 55x80 with • 'with our•work and price. • . • - / • Bandmaster Shade has resigned and . left the place of their birth, • Belfast, 'Mr. -Bert flovey'e partiality am '• • '• - SOFT ELM. ROOK ELM AND ' stone foundation. • Good stabling.- ' . ________ . . a new leader has been procured from •• . 'HARD MAPLE ESPECIALLY ., , James Hamilton COW Merchant, PiefeMBING TINSM/THING AND • Ireland, in 1862 • and Valn; to this I Rocks nd Andalusiaris: Bert and . . Meaford. Mr. Shade found that the coun y, se mg in. o duce- va%re. Rae Rattenbury arc of one mind • as . -marriages. . WILL BE PURCHASED. • Clinton. .• ' . sale .. -REPAPRINO. . • . , gement of the Lyric took most the- e • regards Andalusians hu i is not •on ,of his ttme. Of ' eheir eight children ,31A survive, record that'they agree on any • other IiieLt:OD-T.IUNK.ING-At the Methe '. • e• • """'eea• • , . . ' ' , . Mrs. Cooper of Berlin was en town three sons and three daughters. Tbey . e• f - , last week the guest of Mrs. John .. • ' • :PIANO&ORGAN TO SELL OR BIN, OR .TO RE- leeave orders at residence, la Vieforia • ' are I'Adam, Wiliam and Paved, iind ' • • 'Dee. 2Ist, by R-01,:*Mr. Oster- W Doherty . CO. . cover lost articles iseMada easier a. •Street, Phone No. /39, ' ' - • • ter of the late Jellies:Collins, well ....• Vlate Ro k • i • known as a violinist. Mrs. Cooper is s' P . , •• ea fOretheir belief...'They' are •prete wine • laeleese• , . . ..- , • cord- . . , , a a . . ‘ %. .' • . lath Mr. Thompeoe was'an' alderman. • . • ., • . erieh.on Dee. 17th by. leee. Mark mosseeamensimiesm r tor nearly a quarter of a century and. Tutnbull, C l' et d gb will be pleased to learn that their - ' , ,. '. Read eis not exhibiting thiseyear, but-. - ' . • served as Nlayor for four tertna. .In. , , . . . ter of air: Alfred Naftel, Goderich • '•-seee ' • former station-agent has been appoint- . • • etll no doubt be. back again next:foil • religion •the &teased was.a: . strict• ..... - .. , , . . township, to Geo* E, ' Greeese • isuy Your CHRISTMAS ' GIFTS • From .. ': .' .' . . ,ed toavn treasurer, Treasurer. Hortoe, - • , • .-. ..•• ., • • • with even lagger and better coops •1'de ayfield• • • • '• • ' 0,••"e • be congratulated on the appointment. and also upon his recovery to'Wattle ".-• ' s'•••'• -• a • • - . ' •:a • Island' Reds. 'They -are •gooftato loek - ...art, Elizabetle daughter•ot• Me. . • • ' ' . h i• I d ti at an prize winners The s are and Mre John Falconer to Wa- .. ,et . lodge was held on the 13th when ...the . • glom . . •Lill . .. . , d I.. . .. d t • ; '.• I i ••• an excellent • general purpose • fowl, ' liam Weston, aon of•Mi.aed alre.: • that is they lay and weigh well. Richard Weston., ell eof Bayfield. • • • , .. N.G., Margaret Falconer.' . '• - • • • .Mr. Rice can give-still further reas- GARRETT-COOKee in Toroaeo on ---- • . e • • • .. one 'why et pays to raise them. . • Deceinber 14th, by, Rev. Dr. Tay.-• • • • • or Susie Dell da.nbter of . Mr . F.S., Nina Tai,t. ' ty years.. Mr: and Mrs. Storey came Watches• Clocks and-Jeweiery-in...the.County. ... • • .Treasurera Elizabeth Gibson. . •to•. thie country . from Cumberland .- atheke that' look good in any, • Cain-. ,,, 811:c1 Mrs. H. W. Cook of Clinton, a .. .. • • . The installation will take place ear- • t se:vent -ears Pany, even en competition with a, to Dr. H. Garrett of IlarniPtore e. .• ly in January. • • d in hueinese here fee poultry farin• he woeld.no•.doubt fay- . ..ence ot the bride s parente, Wood yeats •Mr Storey died some or le arm. oc s or le ows .. ,, , . . , . . . • at the home of the president, Mrs. many ' '• . * •b• experience their points of creel- .. toWnship, on .December reeteAlice ' ' . Adeline, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. ' (1..44, -9 f:04 . • , .eretary read letters,from absent mem • bere, among which W84.3 one from Mrs. Joseph of.Sault Ste. Maria,. James Mr. A• C, Levy exhibits oe in ____, s_s e e . . . , . . , • • f Sirocoe Mrs. Geo. Fitzgerald... of leatitams and as he has taken all the i'laitryi- e e ' a-- n a e • :read her report, .which was encourag • John oUtown. The funeral took place. be said as regards their guality: Mr. -. , • . .. : to Maitland cemetery,' Rev. Mr. Ross savy is one of the. melt . rieriee' of debates, the first to be held - of the local fanciers.- • ' coeducting the services. The . pall . on Janette,.leth • between St. And- • Messrs. D.. Stoddart, One of the curiositiee•of the Show . • , restos Society of Knox church and ' • Victoria street church Union, the sub- GanidO.k.. -• . " • . • .•• „, • . ' wet.,d,k • • ." Hobbs, Bertha•May Pale; leo Iler-. .. Gentleman set ...with Diam-. . Cases stem wind with.a good .ance is a greater evil than war." ' • . The 'News-Record Wishes its neater- . . . The News-Record,wiehee its meet- . Merry Christi-has. .. E. 1-1, S'awees, 'Amos McGregor . • Signet Rings from $1•76 .to • MiS9 Lillian Fraser, a student of err.,scouple of weeks, in Myth.. . . .. , • the Faculty of Education, is Ironic ' „ -. • s• . me • Mr. J. Coonribe left fast 'week tot - Hugh .Mc(rostie, 3s spen mg , daughter of Mrs.-John Gibson, • of • ee ' • ler her vacation. ' Toronto to spend the winter with his •. Miss Vera Wiggins hag come home • • - wife and son. . . . • • '• ' A. .speciaLline of • single from Vancouver,' B.C.., and wil1 spend • • • ' h •te oi The truetees of the Method:et " • - . • rams* . • the NV intey here. pair of colts'to Mr. Jolla Jo ne ,n • .. .. , . ti . , Stanley on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hale have return- e, • • ) s h el • new coat ternace ' CLOCKS OF*.ALL D•ESCR1PTIONS . , WEDDING RINGS ed from Thames, where they had gone „Jul.:Veil; • 1 ber /3th, to Rev• and Mrs. W. ' • Mrs. Chas. Floody left la:st week for c • las Barbour returned home at- Milvertere velem, she will toed°. with , . niz000 easant visit to Guelph and eth- her daugater, Mrs..(Rev.), C.00per. Miss Kelly, daughter of Engineer tieb a i'l . - CUMMINGS-In Seaforth, on Dec. • •SPECIAL VALITES FOR.- . • • • - . Kelly of the Goderich waterwotke er• places. Mts. Mills' 'new hoese la nearly an Of all descriptions and prices. • .' Mr William John Todd has return- felled and she wifl scon be*moVing in. , , . , . . las joined the staff• at Cameron's - • imp, a son.. 1 • . stow. ed. after a ktrip back earth. She will have one of the most corn- .0%AUGIILIN-In MeKillop, on Dee. f Nearly; all our mariners have arriv- 'lists intend boldieg their plete houses in town. . 91,h, to Mr.and Mrs. James . • : -e p.earl 14k-Gold13rooches from ed safely home. We have not yrt oottage-prayer meeting.at e. , he,ard whether they intend opeting .up . FLANNERY-In McKillop,,on Dee. • 13-M-.- -s-I - --' The furieral of the late airs., Neel Week. The animal was.r sing : our their club this Reason. . 'Mrs. Mulholland and little daughter Watson fook place' on Moivlay 'to vears "o'''d and Waa "spie and span" in • , ,. • With old, Silver au un are visiting in Seaforth the guests of '11 cemetery. and was. largely every respect. . Gennehi el 'Mrs. Cole. attentled, Mr. C. Spafford, C.P.R. agent here, antes - 10th, to alt. andeeirs. J Nee . Charn who, hes been on the sick list for• the • Mr.. and Mrs. (1. J. Harper attended past. three morale., resumed his ditties ..the :funeral of the father of the lat.ter, .. Cuff Links Scarf Pins ' Plast week and his many friends will be DeathiS . !the late Are/abate' McGregor, ot To; • Settorth • pleased to hear that he is getting • , trout°, which took place last week. Rev. Dr.„Dougall preached annivers- Mt. and Mts. Teertriat of' ,.. ., gary sermons in 13russelS 0.11 Sunday t t' t d *ng the Deo: 17th, Rosanna Keegan, reliet .—_....4.'t--.....;-- VERW . E ' ' - last and on Monday evening gave his and Mrs. Josiah Tyerman. . ' has w tile here who were a sorry fascinating•Mutt:rate& lecture on Mrs. Nelson'Hays of New York 1 . , . Is always popular for preseiits. ....t is artistic an -use , er atents Mr and he left. Rom'e. Rev. Mr. Oaten of Bruseels been visiting h p , , look the services in Nerth stteet Ars, . • . ! . , .. _ _e ee eats . . . • ! ochurch on Sunday. Mb. Joint 14. 13rown, the well known-'destroyed.by Ilre eanly ftunday Morn- well, agcu (v y .. . h e A cies Je Mr. Reicher sang "The Ninety .and I pate,. y .. p, ti, ng k .. i n it4 r oa 77 ear. 'nee in are rightand godds are just as we represent them. e wi %% 'their field of labor by holding weekly Dr. end Mrs. Hamilton lett" last pleated wet. A . 'T The' I St ni on Deo 14th il week for Sault Ste.Marie, where thee horses were saved. The fire original-•Ple R - n . a ,ey, . t et lenrietta, eldest dangle, tion to our list of soloists. 1145 has a doetor only recently ratirried'from cause i a Unknown, The loss is $15,- e '''•'• t•aking e poet graduate course in the 000, Partially covered by insuratee. • years and 4 months'. „ . I s''s tfa. Ft 0 p MARIEIACE LICENSES • ' very fine yoke. There is an agitation /to have the hospitals ot the old country. It me Nes/sensors iplesses 7 hoeses in town numbered. A start. Mrs. W. E. Southgate has returned The Newc-Record will be pleased if Hay, on te. , cry nt son 0 de in that direction seine time liOirte rotri a vis i le s On- von we) recommend is 0 )0 was ma years. t . . ' ` r / ` / � . . iv ' / ^ / ' C ' ' `~ —' ~ — _~ ~- ' _`_ � _ - _ `_ -_ � - , _- ' -- _ -- _- -_ -'-__ __- .- _- ' .^._~-~_^__~ ____ - ____- - _ _� -