HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-22, Page 4 .F.-•.,- _,.R— -- ----. .,..__ _. _ _._ . I • 4 Clint.* News-Record December 22nd, 1910 Coderich Township Banflelddporter's Hill ,..,�. �,,•• �• . . • .;" " • - The Dews-Record'wishes its minter-• The News-Reoord wishes its numer- • I 11011q WIWI'S °NE , ` s` alis readers a very Merry Christmas. ous. readers a very Merry Christmas. The News-Record ord worryes its numer- r !.;- , ous readers a Very Merry Christmas. { '�• Aiter a ainful illness of Some Mr, T. J. Marks'left. on *nifty- Te S ". • y r �X17G .r ! mont9ts MrsP,t'atrick Ctvn n armed to for Kansas to The trustees of the scharrl here are u. e . •F • a y p speed the winter with PRICE x ,.•`i „ewe `� greatly i • They ,. ;' _ ti e S jr 1i kayo had a a titto putin y • IAS . ..in• ,� tV'• the Better Land on. eturda last at his dao ters. We wish him a pleasantth •e _ .. - _ Mrs. Peter laurne , ha happy time and a safe re- y mpravin the ro ert ONLY k the boom of her daughter, p -`4.--e*”..` ,'' 1 « Y Pschool cutting off about eight feet) at x !' (-t•ess,~ ' ': •-••••-e-. .-- -— Gunn of the Huron Road. Mrs, Cron- turn again: to breezyBe field,• ,, .. -:. y the back and have had .a furnace er- .^• yn, whose maiden name was Rosanna Prof, Patterson of the Western Un- acted also. �' e • Keegan,yIreland, born in the town of ivers�ity, London, occupied the pulpit ` The roads are blocked around here lei...<. Newt , eland, in 1840 and twenty of St, Andrew's church on A happy r�Stn ►sSunday in places. Rather early in the seas- �, years later carne to this country, last, on far full roads. rTHE '' ' j Shortly after her arrival she was un• I •- • FOH tee in marriage with,Mr. Patrick Miss Maud Sterling of Toronto is Mr. Will. Jordan returned from the ti.:• oN , r'•u r l3i Cronyii and after almost fifty years of home to spend her Xmas vacation. west last week looking •as t£the west • wedded life they have now bath joined Mr, Robert, McMurray has been en- agreed with.htin. He intends going . the great majority, Mr, and Mrs. �ages,...t�n est week buying potatoes 'back again, next March. ' . Cronyai lived far a few years in ITu1- p t fax David Conte on of •Mr, and Mrs. :Ias. Immerser ' E OFFERyou the most desirable lines to Clinton. and , lett but the greater part of the time son Fred from Saskatchewan are choose your presents froltraz, Our attrac in this township. For the past guar- Mr. Herbert War:is of the West ar- spending a few days with his brother Ofthe season pervadesthe atmosphere. ter of a centurytheir home has been rived home last week and will wend Samuel. It is about sixteenat osp sere. The •• tions insure the greatest pleasure in bfr3� ng, the winter with hisparents hexe.pyears anticipated •o sof family reunions is e8 cess in receiving. upon the Ba yield concession. In the since he was hoape llexe. p ' ' p , • fall of 1908 Mr. Cn m succumbed to Mr. W. G. Johnston of Milestone, The Misses Rhoda and pima Betel- ing'itself on every hand. The store life is full 1 the most joythe rtn>, reaperand now his life part- p , g , Sask., is the guest of his parents, esspenta few days last week with of it. 'Pbe inspiration of large trading is here. nor has joined him. The burviv- Mr.� and Mrs. James Johnston. friends in Goderich. r ....,.-bi ._..-A-''11� ,>,.....t...P. .,.A ing members of their family arc two Messrs. Jahn and David Sturgeon Miss Minnie 141cGYartatcp of Detroit sons and two daughters ; Mrs. Peter arrived home :last week from Port is visiting friends in this vicinity for • Gunn, Huron Road; Thomas on the Stanley: • h few days. Moving Cl l t0 N homestead ; Arthur in Morris ; and measrs, Jack 12oward and Willie Misses Minnie and Mona Johnson • • _�YL .L Mrs. A. C'. Itoy in. Detroit. Mrs. Cranyn was a devoted member of the Johnston of Milestone, Sask., are •left an Wednesday for Michigan where Roman Catholic eliurch and the fun- home to spend.the winter. Chep intend spending Christman with •Another armyof dolls •xrn're numerous and for- L• oaded to the brim with toys and dolls relatives. exal on Monday,,took place to St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falconer at- Mr. Robert Beacom is spending a mldable then ever cit captured the town before, at reasonable prices. Joseph's church, Clinton, where req taken Miss Simpspn's cottage for few days with friends in London.He They except to capture the citidal aboltt Friday • .. utem mass was said by Rev. Father the winter. ,went down last Tuesday morning, and will hold a grand reception for all the little • • Dunn. The.cortege then proceeded to Mrs. Thomas King was called to the R. , cemetery in>Iulkd•t where• Thamesfard last Thursday by the sex-C' folks on Saturday when we expect that one at Books and Stationery the interment took place. Mrs. s illness of her 'sister, Mrs. Stor- • tauleast will accompany each visitor home. Cronyn was a good Clirisi►:an woman, ey, who died on Sunday. DAhlIA IN��[[] oF Adeeply beloved by her family and her ' The annual Xmas Tree In connec- [(� n • In which the.useful and instructive are intimate friends. To• the bereaveu tion with St;. Andrew's Sunday carefully considered." Greeting and ones the sympathy of.the serenity school will be held in the town Ball (� is extended. . •• . next Wednesday evening, Dec. 28th, T gODERICH � Have PaSS�Xmas Cards s ectal features. li���D' i p . Mr, and Mrs. James Lminnerson have A grand program has been arranged. returned from.Saskatehewan and will The Sunday school is assisted .by (See also page 2,) • • spend several weeks anion relatives local•talent and will present'a Xmas Into stock this Week what we believe to be the • and old-time weets in this township, cantata, consisting of .negro• and • Goclerich Dec, 20.—"The said Prod= g t; most attracti ve.stock of fancy Linens in this . . FANCYIrish newsboys, Rower girls and crick Capstone came to his d;at�h by • The latah string a;,rays hangs out to y'' a sensing at the hands of his father, - locality, We solicit your inspection. It will the Ilonteseekers when they come back fairy Bangs, Toronto talent will also p r=carge'��ansta,�e, in lite town of God- result advantageously to you and you will go d to the old home and the warmth of be heard in '`neat and piano solos, g ,� To suit the girls .and ladies dainty art their welcome makes them doubly quartettes, readings, recitations and eriett� on tlic.nig}tt of Aec: 15, beifpre away satisfied that you have a beautiful gift•at needle work and novelties. - glad they eame•and prolongs then• stay dialogttcs. C'ante everybody and `� o'clock," • a reasonable price, They are here in the shape to the last moment. The-I.nrmcr- have a good time. :ldmissian 15c. The foregoing was the verdict • n brought In b. the corpner's • of doilies,Centres. drapes, tray-cloths,•Clothe, stand COV- • -- sons of this township,are well and gallery e0e. g y jurq, •intop ere A quiet wedding took lace. in Clod the death of four-year-old' Frederick ers, pillow shams, _etc., in_ great varlet and favorably •known. They are an Irish pvarCIIiety, �,�r Eamil 'of hi hearts.and true who are erich oil Saturday last when Miss t'anstonc. rices • ran in from 5c to , 5. . 1 � ♦w u � never.so happ}' as when reiult"ring pelt- C"ecelia Neftel, youngest daughter` of . A Brother's Story. ranging . • e • rs a service: . . Mr, ,Alfred;�afiel of the Lake shore 'Twelve-year-did Lloyd Z'anstone; • . . . Road, .became the bride' of Mr.• the brother the little victim, gave. • _ The numerous friends of.1Ir. James Creorgz E. Gree>n:;lade of I3ayfield. The evidence . first, Ile told of how. the Here i•s a is • Special prices for the next fea''days on Graham will be soup to hear that he happy couple arc well known and father.and the children has la ed to- L>! • has of late not, been.enjcyin r the bestP. n Dinner and Tea Sets, Toilet Ware and . very popular in ties district!' .and 'gether and lied a ."Pomp" around the Fancy Chinaware. of health. That lie may speedily lin, their niter^roux friends •trilljoin with prove and be his .old cheerful self lugrood enjo Slipper, the father laugh.". • The News-Record in wishing them a ing and enjoying himself with them, For el':--- • again is the wish of',all. o'er. . happy and prosperous journey After •tea was over the four children , .Special •Xmas .services will he held the matrimonial sea. worked at their lessons until about 8 A Handkerchief A, Belt • �` ' • • in St: James' church, Middleton, St; •• 'The 'I�:nglis;h Church concert and o'clock, ,when Lloyd began to show Sowing Bag Belt Pin John's,• Iloimesville,.and St, Pet- C"hristnias 'Tree will•be held in: the Freddie how to make the next number • er's, :Summerhill, on Sunday next. town hall _on F'.r}day'evening of after ten. Then,the father, who hail Powder Box Collar 00 er : , 0 Mr: William Crooks.became a sett- this week. and i'geed program will been sitting quietly behind the stove, • Cushion . • Slippers serfber of The News-Record at .or be given by the :,drool assisted by interfered, and said be would make • •. Gloves Furs. about'the date of its••foundation and Armstrong Bros. orchestra. A '.good•• Freddie write the (lumbers'all right. Fi111C . Hose • Kimono, • ,: • is ono of its staunchest friends today, time is assured and everyone is cor- When the boy refused to write. .the •y . CLINTON .. ��0•R"Y' This is not because he has been tak- :dully invited. Ailcnission 25c and next number the father hit and kicked • Scarf Fancy Apron j. I ,jay ing it so long but by reason of the 15c. : ,. him. Then the mother interfered and Umbrella Waist,-eCt, • • fact that it continually keeps improv- Willis "l;huacli manse, Clinton, was made him stop, but the father insisted . ing. In short, because it is an up-to- the scene of 'a, wedding on Wednesday and brought the broom, whereupon . • date Ideal newspaper. ' afternoon of this week in•which two the mother, when she could mot intake •• For Him— • • , The service in the.Bayfield -Line Bayteid •youtrg pfeop}e were the grin- the father desist, went out and the : ._ • Methodist rice ,i next Sunday atter- cipals, Rev. Dr, Stewart uniting • de ohildeen with her. • Within the-house Lounging Robe • Umbrella �� noon will be appropriate to Christmas :marriage Mr, ,}fill}aim'Weston and the father continued to make the boy. - • Fancy. Tie • • Day. There will be special music by Miss` Elivahetdi Falconer, daughter of. .write figures,which.,,he had done; as y the pester and bis family a well as Mr: and Mrs. John .Falconer. The far as 18. Lloyd' was sent fora neigh-• ., - , Suspenders Collar the usual discourse: A large eongre- happy couple•will'.ka'ke up'their abode bee,; who was not at home. .. ;'Handkerchiefs i L1 Qlx, LADIESC Dry Goods gallon.is expected. in our villa :to the midst. ,of their. Did Not, interfere • �" Scarf etc. > • Mr. •• Iv'oi'Man Welsh a£.the. I3ayfic•Td many friends" on' whose. behalf and its •A passerby who•cerit'e by about 9 ,• Ready-to-wearNell M><lhaery Line, who recently joi• ned• the police own .The sews-Record extends° •Con-.,aclock, but did Riot interfere,,altihough . • • g so if Mss, ironstone, farce •in Taranto, has already been put' 'g ate tat'etts and' ood wishes. he . offered to do GARMENTS. ce Yteess-a►aking' . • • on • -one of the most important .beats , • wished. • , , ' • •• tirr5. 1 • We Have and during the tercet'street tar riots nstone w.cnt_in then and put Vx&ed. • L.(9Rd(1tl•"Ro the other children' to the father • was right •• in the .thick of it.• Our bed, ' waderieh.•township boys' snake good still trying to make the noir hydteric- The neer of our beautiful e • I he News-Record wishes its numer-, •al .child write+the numbers:• The ohil- er pFur steel! for thee- when tried out , sole ur 09e Of wing eves, urchaser an o - ' • Mise Ella Hansatld, Who "for the Lis"readers a very Nierry.Christmas. dyer and Lloyd-heard Freddie scream- p p . g , g' Y P P Miss A hra Steep of Godericlt in sometime after they went to bed. portunityof.securin Furs at once at the low- " past couple of years has been in p • g g • change of •`s, S. No.. 10 finishes finishes her cn- township has been visiting her cous- Sergt. Moore said.when he went to est Prices for which they will be sold this wine • gagemeof th•is week .anal :ishe h • fo in, Miss Pearl Wise, the past week. the house he found the father nursing will her home Ethel. She tttuniite in atleli- p Stanleyy, er as positively no further price concessions 'Miss Massie Ste !tensor of his deadbo He said he 'had' been tion to at duties as.teacher taken has for the past ten,days been ,. •a licking him and . kept saying "Too •b8 [nttd@. ,' great i hereres6 In church and Sunday guest,•at M'r. Arthur Stephenson's. . bad,,isn't it.awfiil." :. ' ° o • 'seleooI work and has also been a vain.- NII John Stanbury has been •call- Kept Crying All tate Time. ed member of the chair. In token of ing 'on old friends. on the .Road. .• When his wife asked him why he . their regard and appreciation the Mr: 1, •Challenger of Goderich was hadn't stopped beating the ,boy, . he ' choir On Wednesday evening preseitted. a guest at• Mr, W. Hard 's last-said •: "1 wish I ]lad.!' All the •way to II her rvitlr an address and a handsome Thursday. the jail, although he was quite calm, N. --^-Dolls and other fancy goods for 1 Mr. and Mrs, Jackson of Birth ,,, , _ aleck. It was an evening pleasantly he •cried •and kept repeating,, I se kill= Christmas selling cannot be taken back or e$- sloek.. y a pleasant company of young visited la t week.at••the home,of the .ed my boy." changed. I people. :hiss Mans'Id's friends arc latter s• sister,- Mrs. Fred. Nott. John McEwan, one of the passersby i sorry lose lien from'the section. •The Epworth League held their an- who Mrs. Va ,stone has stopped, test- ••• • " . p you' •anal banquet last Thursday. evening iced. The Crown Attorney, after • a -�� t . If The News-Record. }eases. • ` The hews Record will be pleased if at ,the home of Mr..Henry Peacock good deal of•questioning, was •satisfied •• you "will• recommend it to your when seventy-fire sat down-to a,sum- his •non-interference was justified. MEET M 1'1T _" friends ptuous repast. Oysters were on the Dr. Hunter gave the post-mortem re. _ is menu and they were "done to a port. He said Vanstone'has been re. • turn." That' thy.. .feast was enjoyed• leased from the jail last winter; where �. t it is` scareely' neeessary to add, An--- he had been an a charge of insanity, on • ' 'Sutumerhill :other delightful feature'of the gather- .the ,pet'it'ion of his wife. • ' , The News-Record wishes its tiuiiter• 'ng was the program of. songs,.read- . Vanstone made'a strange sta.tement s Ings, •instrumentals etc. furnished byV'''''.'" A ` ous readers a very Merry Christmas. ' 'to Ltr, hunter, when tte told t he • • Greetingsthe cpmpany and which " 'made the bey was dead. I r said •: "Now, doct- St. Peters church, Summerhill; are banquet.a memorable one: •The genial er, I don't want you to make any • their annual entettainment.on THE PEOPLE'S S S "+ RE holding• George Hanley acted as chairman. trouble about this.• I just ,vent a --- —AND EVERY-- . Thursdtiy et•ening i•ommencing .at 7.3.0 The London Road ,League is a six- 'little'too far." .��, sharp. year-old but combines the vivacity• of t'anston;will have a final hearing ,.` �., . • Mr` 'John Ha•es is home oe a visit. youth -with.the wisdom of more ma- on Tttursddy.before Magistrate Butler, • Hayes Good from the west. ' • ture years. It's doing a• good work, and scall have his tit}al. at the Spring V 0 Vlh' Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay and 1Tr. and bong may ft prosper. •Adzes,probably about March. `' • ' Miss Tyner attended the funeral . of .. : ' Miss Petrie oh Friday. A—•-- AFU • Mr. and Mrs.•Win. Miller visited at • rucefield. Mr. Govier's the ether day. Port .Alert -dLILADY ON EXIIIf3ITIO:ti AT • • Mr. John S. Campbell. of Wilkie, The. News-Record wishes its nutter- Merry Xmas to all. i _ ,•. Sask., who has been in the west tett , M Merry X,msnus readers a very Merry Christmas. Master ltddiie ,Schoet,ltals, who has , WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE. years, spent Saturday to Monday as Iev. E. Ii. Sewers of this village Cha guest of his sister, Mrs. • T. II, t; been confined to the house is intprov- t' and Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clinton o r- mg again. --AND A--_ . • Hardy. He has gone to his old home changed pulpits on Sabbath last, -• .• at Dungannon, • Wm. McQueen of XII,OX Calle a and "Dr.Sunday Y. •Ilay dc�n, ClOdericll, spent g Sunda with his parents, 'f+ We.have been busy for the pant fern weeks filling! out store with . 1 son of Mr. 'Jas, McQueen o1 this yfr, and Mrs: John Bennett leave •. choice and upwto•clth furniture for our o,las hada. It will send your ee Ha�, ��' • Village, conducted services in 'refer Heart,bounding with indescribable joy to visit our wai Brooms and see n 4llis *peek for ! llipagrt to spend Christ- the nicest array of fttt^nittue ever shown•iti •Clinton. Prices Right. • Hol tlesv'ille all Sunday last, mos with their Sons Whet reside there. �rMAn oyster slipper and entertainment r.and Mrs. Adam SCheafcr and • Piador, Qrgana and Sewing Machin8s The Servs-12ehord wishes its turner- held at the ho It of. Mr,'and Mrs. family of Winghant •are visiting friends: Picture i~raming and Repairing ous readers a very Merry Christmas. Peacock, London 'Rood, on Thursday in lila village, ' . • - ;, • Mr. George Holland returned on, evening of last week was a goad A Christmas entertainment will be ° Sat•urday from Elgin. whither success, We will haVC+by sec.1st another big,showing of those pictures he' went to purohase countyter carload Dr. C#andter of Clinton paid a pro- given tai lite ltatgtish Church on Wed worth$ .00 for the same�pprice as before 3$c.each, the beat'vaiue ever nesda y, Dee. 28th. put before the public. Give us a call, only n pleasure to .show ' oti . • • .ot.'grade Durham cows. He did • tot•fessional visit to our village last Robert Nesbit, Blytdi, visited here through our stre. t '•.' • ' complete the business and will go week. last week, I back again after the hnlidays.to se- The •rrhrfs+tmas Tree which Is to,be ,-;:.,%-.4.-R: r• `Aue the •.eee•tity.and q iali�ty bde• held in the..basement of the ?eesby- ' sures. The' st+oek will be offered,' the feriae rhurclt k"rday eveni¢rg l,ro- ' . ... . ,. . .•. . „ ♦ :« : .' '• • r' - . ^ v.r • i, ,f1,N,M,.i,N,N♦tY�.1,♦IYH,N,N,NYN,�f,N•II;H,N♦♦•1,I r r , i^ fatutexs of this district through the. toasts.to be.e t+etord-breeker, • . . A few adcdfnd hand iatlbs tilt ala cheap. j ntediu5at bf xn nuetlan "sale. The clays',,Club of•'this.viltage,witl ♦ • :� T M Slightly tined Sewing Machin at t M. ' be open to the" public as, well as tits f Y , z. rDays •+ N1:Ct '«. , , • 'members on Christmas 'aria aftz±r-, M 11 Y. MdTVTf , . live hundred western fa Boon an rtnters left d evening. • .. ' Winnipeg for Ottawa to laytheir • hr� _ ' ' ;4 Rl Nr:W EARLY, .;. The Siete w walkerRediderieo I EVERY C(� 1R ' SY" '�r NTIO r • views on labii And other ,natters bo • ' d� • A std slot ed s i t + of sone A'ti)AXT YOU N l . qset ci t s K�i c p' AND AVOID ., , aria fprc the Cloveimmcnt It is stated that Federal'°horitc rule 3{f amen •bcritf ` 1:~ur�tiitucC Dealer and i lrede rtak�tt will be one of the subjects.fey discus' for work,and finding •they a+ere not ,rL. `f'f itt1S1 t. .+♦ Sian at thy Imperial' Conteicnee. next, ._.._ gear, anted when they .arrived• a.t ttte •.;♦ A ' . Plate indicated.< •♦NyY.•f►i.Y�+frlY♦11y..♦if♦Y♦N•M.+N»I!♦.4yN•N♦N♦M-..♦Y .............. ......... ... ... ...... _..... ..... ..._. it...,....,.._... oriima ifir • • u