HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-22, Page 2Glijtoli News -Record
PiJRIT, . --,ACCURACY-. 114.41111,ele044.410.40,00.01k*O.14.
We ,have a corm
Mete stock of up
a .
from which a
most suitable
Christmas Pres-
ent n maybe select-
ed. ed.
I___ Manf'g Chemist.
.0000000i0j0ICa00Ga0e0al, 0
O 0
O 3rd. (0
jeaFt ANT.
O The great practical training 0.
O school of Western Ontario. 0
O Our courses are practical, our 0
O teachers are experienced in- 0
O structors, the demand upon us 0
O for help during the Fall term
O was seven times the supply.
O Our graduates are in demand as
O Business College teachers. Our
O graduates succeed.. Three ' de -
O partrnents.
O and
O Get our free catalogue at once.
O D. A. McLACIILAN, Principal
00000000100 o.0+0iO•O0.0
W H Watts &.Son,
Stare opens at 7.30 a. m; and closes
at 8 p.m.
We are practical Boot and Shoe
Makers and repairers. Boots made to
order in. from 1 to 3 days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
We keep on hand Boots and
Shoes of our own make which
are just the thing for farm
W. H. Watts. & Son
Our sale of Flovx.
Feeds, Seed Grain,
Etc., has doubled •
this season over last
What better evidence
can there be that our
stock and prices are
for Sale
Coal I'ierchant
�csl Coal
''. IT e s n
Mrs. Jas. Ilarris of Wappella, Sask.
says :--
"x have found. Parisian Sage to be
the best scalp and hair tonic and
dressing I have ever used. My hair
had been coming out fit combs full
and was very dry and brittle and the
scalp was always itching and full of
dandruff. I have used two bottles of
Parisian Sage and it has stopped my
hair from •failing, the itching and
dandruff have disappeared and my
hair is fine and soft and glossy. I
would not be without this Moe Hair
Tonle for many times the price."
For women., men, or children. Paris-
ian Sage is without any doubt. the
finest preparation for the hair. Daint-
ily freegrease
perfumed, it frame, gx ase
or stickiness and ought to be where
every member of the family could use
it daily. Large bottle 50 cents at
druggists or from, the proprie't'ors,
The Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort. Erie, Out,
postpaid. The girl with the, Auburn
hair is on every package. Sold and
guaranteed by W. S. R. Holmes.
Another Murder in Goderich
Godeb, Dec, 18—George Vanstone
_a,resident ( oderich, cruelly beat
his young Ski six years old,. to death
last night, about ten o'clock.
The little boy bad just started to
go to school, and was making figures
on a slate; when his father asked him
to make from.one to twenty, He said
he could not do it, and his father said
he had done it before,
Getting into a fit of rage at what he
considered disobedience, the father
grabbed the broomstick anti unmerci-
fully beat the child over the head end
body until he was dead. 'The child is.
very��much bruised.
.When Vanstone was arrested and
taken to jail last night, hes was asked
why he was arrested, and rernarked:.
only beat him because he would
not make the figues, one to twenty."
Mind is affected.
Vanstone was confined to jail About
a year ago for lunacy, and, while not
of sound mind, was considered harm-
less. He worked as a laborer in Mc-
kwan's coal yards. His' wife and an-
other son, 12 years of age, were pre-
sent, but could not restrain him. His
wife ran out into the street, and could
see nobody. She finally rare to Dr.
Hunter's, and when she returned with
assistance Vanstone • was walking a-
round with the child in his anus en.
deayoring to revive•hine
Crown Attorney Seager has called
a jury to hold an inquest at 12 o'clock
to day at the residence where the
murder was committed,
The Inquest '
The jury empanelled on the inquest.'
met. at. the residence On Trafalgar
street,. viewed the body, and ad journed
1114• o'clock to take the evidence of Mrs.
Vanstone, who is.in a critical cond-
ition. Four fat, chubby, little ehil-
ren clustered .around the bereaved
mother.. MeEwan, the span Vanstone
worked for, andanother elan,• passed
the house at the time of the ruurd°er,
but were afraid to Interfere:. The body,
of ,the child is as cks blaas iirk', and the
skull elevated.,' It is'"said ;he' had been
'bedteu conittarttly from 8 o'clock till 10.
before the distracted mother could
get assistance..
The family of W. H. I-Iarburn has
been seriously afflicted foe the pas
mouth. On Sunday:.week the infant
child died, and two•of the ch'ildren•are
down ' with typhoid. Mrs, Harburn
has been very poorly for some time:
While out rabbit shooting the other
day Charley McDonnell had -the misfor-
tune to break through the ice and be-
come so thoroughly submerged that
ho had to have assistance to reach the
shore. These cold baths dethraot some-
what from; the pleasure of hunting.
The following are Spoken of for the'
R•eeveship for the coming year, Reeve.
Geiger,. liarry Ingram, J. W. Ortwein,
Dr. ;Sdilery, Fred. Sma':iacombe, G. C. ,
Petty and Geo, Brown. •
Mr. Harris, a former resident of
Ki pp , was se .badly mangled in ;an
accident near Gam, 'Sash,, that, he
died on the way to Saskatoon Hospi-
tal. He was only 24 years of age.
December 22nd, 1911)
County News Gathered •
for News -Record Readers
lil 0 a {star nes an ear a Ip
Mens. S. J. Young was in Goderich .tion of the little peach pest, a new
last week k► ' There is one incident so striking in
OLD TIME RE,t %ION Niagara district fruit -growers met
�a+ +� • �+ *A !► at St.C t i d heard loser' -
From The News -Record of
December 21st, 1892..
Clinton,. Dee. 21st, 1892.
Science Master Gundry. of the Col
legiate attended a. special examina-
tion at the training school in London
last week.
Mr. R. Manning of Toronto Univer-
sity visited his brother, Wilbur, the
other day.
On Thursday the Collegiate foot-
ball team went to Blyth and played
a winning game with the Myth
"How would Mr. W. Jackson do for
mayor. ?" is a question one hears oc-
Last Thursday Bert Hovey and, Jos.
Ryder . were out shooting and a mile
or so down the London Road, on the
farm of Thos. Moore, spied a .por-
cupine. . The animal was up a hem-
lock tree. Guns were in readiness
and brought • Into active requisition.
Mr. Ryder exhausted all the shot and
shell in his possession but failed in
forcibly inducing thears:mal to bite
the dust. Mr. Hovey then turned in
and took a hand. After eleven shots
had been discharged the porcupine
came to the ground and .the animal
has been on exhibition in Couch &
Ford's butcher shop since.
The fifth annual. meeting of the
Clinton branch of the W.A•M.A. was
held at the home . of Mrs. Brewer' on
Wednesday last. Tile rector presided.
The following officers were elected•
President, Mrs, Fair:ie.
Vice, Miss Mounteastle."
BM -Secretary, Mrs, Brewer.
Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. Wofthington.
Treasurer, Miss D. Doan. '
Mrs. 'Cooper and Miss Hine were ap-
pointed by the rector members of the
board. ' Two barrels and two bales.
have been sent away,.. this year and a.
good work is being One by the Sun-
beam Society in sending literature- to
the fanners in the northwest.
Misses Bella and Sadie Bryden 'of
Maple street left yesterday for ' On-
tario, Cal., where they will in future
reside.. .
A. great many electors have named
Mr.: Cleo, v:' McTaggart as a good•
choice' for mayor. for 1893. • •
Last. week there 'was an advance in
pork. On Saturday the price reached
$7 and. is selling at that figure • this
week . with little offered,
• London Road, Dec.
Mr. Len. McConnell has been engag-
ed with Mr. Geo. •Stanbury for • one
Mr. A. McNeil of the Mill Road ' is
going• . to move to Mr.. Pluensteel's
house, , the one lately.' occupied by Mr.
Miss Mary Welsh .is home from
Ilostoi on a visit to the , parental
home. .
John . McKenzie had a select • party
the other . everi ing.
Londesboro., Dec. .21st, 1'892.
J. ' J. Walker, ti .5., left yesterday
morning for Burford where he will
spend a couple of days with •' friends
and will afterwards attend a meeting
Of the Veterinary Medical Association
in Toronto 'on Thursday.
Mr: Sam Woodman is busy press-
AND NEW YEARS. ' • The Sons of . England held their
regular meeting on Friday .evening
when there was a good. attendance:
The trustees 'of S. S. No. 8 have
engaged Mr. Walter Connor to teach
the Senior department for 1893. Mr.
Connor comes 'well recommended. • •
About thirtyeilood Template 'from
here Paid a fraternal visit • to ' Sum-
merhill lodge on Wednesday evening
last and spflnt a pleasant time. The
debate between the. ' two lodges re-
sulted in' a victory for Summerhill.
Via Grand Trunk Resawa.y System,
between all staticg,u• in . Canada, also
to Detroit and ^Part. Huron, Mich.,
Buffalo, Black. Rock, Niagara Falls
and Suspension Bridge, N.Y'.. •
At single Fare .flood •going pecans
her 24, 25, and 26th, 1910, return.
limit Tuesday, December 27th, 1910,
also. good going December 3ist; ' 2910,
And January 1st and 2nd, 1911, valid
returning until Tuesday, January
3rd, 2911,
At Pare and One-Third—Good ' go -
log December. 21st, 1t10, to Monday
January 2nd, 1911, inclusive, valid
returning until. Wednesday; January
4th, 1911.. Secure tickets and full
information from' Grand Trunk Agent,
Mr. ,John Jaffray, a brother of Sen-
ator Jaffray of Toronto, was run
down by au engine in. the 0. P. R.
yard. at Carberry, Man., and killed.
If you take a few doses' of
All 'Backache and Distress from
Ou't - of - Order Kidneys' or Bladder
Trouble will vanish, and you will
feel fine. Lame Back, Painful Stitch-
es„ Itheun'taatism, Nervous Headache,
Dizzieness,' Sleeplesness, W'ornout Sick
Feeling, and other symptcoes of Slug-
gish, lnaetive Kidneys and Liver dis-'
appear. Smarting, ISrequent Urine -
time and Bladder Trouble ends. FIG
PILLS go et once to the disordered
Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Syr
tend and complete a cure 'before you
khow it.
At McConnell's drug store at 25e a
box Whet) for one dollar.
to. W. cure BR, ICAINT LR AND
Paper .. hanger. All work done guar-
anteed satisfactory and prices
moderate, Residence nearly opposite
Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83
Sur merhill, Dec. 21st, 1892
L.O.L. No. 928 'will give an enter-
tainment in their • hall on Friday, ev-
ening. Mi. Fred. Shambley, the not-
ed comic singer, will take part in
the prograrm e.
A large number of members. of Lon-
d('shono lodge of I.O•G.T. ,visited the
lodge here on Wednesday evening last.
A debate on the subject, "Resolved,
that the franchise should not be ex-
tended to women," was taken up.
Summerhill had the affirmative, Lon-
dtsbore the negative side. The decis-
ion was given in favor of the affirma-
tive. The public were allowed ad"-
mittanco to hear time debate and the
excellerst pragrnntmc prilvided by .the
sister„ and brethren. We shall he
pleased to •reeeive another 'fraternal
visit from the Genial and entertain-
ing members.,tmf the North Star" at
any time.
+2;44 4:4 4•11:4 444* 444444:4 4441444 41 +444*♦♦i
V go
1+ AND AvoID
40 Tirx• R,USIt.
4,444444.144,044,14+444:444 .♦•44441
, ♦:•
} the cunrnsencenlent of the movement*
oven eat #wase that is making same headway
Harvey Treleaven of 1Ft:ngham spent•' in Coleraine that it cannot be omitted rn Ontario.
Sunday at his home here. in any but the Inostcursory staterrieut
II the he tau 'ect
b ,I fair. u
v BS Sun- J t t ssrbte toMiss Hoover of uevale sprat p
dayat the home of S. F. Treleaven. Pre-
sent it in a better fora. than has been
Acne by Mr. Arthur, in. one 'of his
Gorr don Stothors has gone to God -
Tracts on the Revival, in these words.
erich to resume his work at ' Camer- • ttter naxratnng an irePil•essrve scene
on`,s store. wrtne9sed I>y cue of Lis brethren, a
t. o is 1.
hie b. dl t Minister e •
Rev. S. II. Moyer of St. Helens says; ntst t in the town, he
had charge of the services in that Pres• "Not far from the spot where this
byterian church Sunday week. took place stands it huge school. be -
Miss McKee, who has had charge of or tghatbodycoecorporation wth it knnow t
the millinery department at J. Wal- ' as the Irish Society, who are laud-
kom's store has returned to her home lords of Coleraine, and of much pro -
at Listowel. petty around, In it a boy was ob-.
se yd
under dee
P n
1r Ie
The auction sale held byGeo. Stott-asoseeng that the little *flowens on Tuesday of last eek was well was not
fit to work, called him to him
attended and good prices were re- andadvised him to go home, and call
ceived for all the articles. Mr. Sto- upon the Lord in private, Witlr him
there is. moving to Goderich. Sent ate older boy who'ttad foundpeace
the day before.. On their way they
saw au empty house, and went in
there to pray together. The two school
fellows continued iu prayer .in the
empty house till he who was weary
and heavy—laden felt his soul blessed
with sacred peace. Rejoicing in this
new and streusel blessedness, the. little
fellow said, "I must go back and tell
Mr. The boy who a little while
ago, had been too sorrowful to do his
work, soon entered the school with a
beaming face, and,' going up to the
master, said, in his simple way, "0 Mr.
- -I am so happy, I have the .Lord
Jesus in my heart.." Strange words,
in cold times,. Natural words, when.
upon the simple and the young the
Spirit is poured out, and they Peal
whet is meant by "Christ in you the
hope of glory," and utter it in the first
terms that come. The attention of the
whole school was attracted, Boy after•
boy silently slipped. out of the room.
Atter a wade Use .waster stood upon
something which ehabled him to look
over the wall of the play -ground. There
he saw a number of his boys ranged
around the wall on their. knees in
earnest prayer, every one apart. The
scene overcame him. l:'reseutiy he
turned to the pupil: who had already
Mrs. C. A..Rintoul is visiting
friends in London.
Mr. W. C. Thompson of Hamilton
was calling on old Wingham friends
during the past .week,
Mr. John Davidson has returned
home after spending the past few
months in the west.
Miss Mae Knox of Toronto is visit-
ing with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robt. Knox.
Mist . Norma VanStone left last
week on a visit with her sister, Mrs.
R: H.• Forster, at Charleston, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. +Gurneywere in
Acton last week attending the •wedd-
ing of Mrs. Gurney's sister.
•Mrs, ..Andrew Morton of Dunoon,
Scotland, is.•spending.the .winter in
Canada, and has been visiting her bro-
ther, Mr. J. A. Morton.
Mr. Gorden Melvin of Cu'r?.,ss rec-
ently disposed ah a two-year-old driv-
will. like the fine
flavor of, Red. Rose
Tea. It has the cup
goodness . that comes
only. from Red Rose
quality --the reason
why it holds first place
in thousands of Cana-
dian homes. Will you
try it.
Your Grocer Will
Recommend it
in+g filly for $250.00. been a comforter to one schoolfellow, ;iii. Jas. VanCamp paid a flying vis -
While at work on one of the machin- arid said,. 1)u you think you eau go ly t., it to his mother here last week.
pray with these boys.. He went out,
es in the Bell furniture factory one and kneeling down among them, be- Mister Harold Reid has been suffer -
day last week, Mr. Albert Fleming had- . gau to implore the Lord to forgive � ing with :a badly cut hand, but.is
one of his thumbs . taken off. ' their slag for the sake of Him who had some better at present.
Mrs: Nicholson and her little daugh- lent ne tierf soon broRee'nt�s� Their`
ter of Winnipeg, Man•, are visiting re- g into a .the'
cry. As this. reached the ear's of .the
latives and friends in town. boys in the room, it seemed to pierce
their hearts, as by one consent they
cast themselves upon their .knees,. and
began to cry for mercy.' The girlsa
school was above and the cry no soon-
er penetrated to their. room than,
apparently well knowningwhat mourn
big it was, and hearing in ita call to
themselves, they too, fell upon their
knees and'wept, Strange disorder•for•
school piaster and Mistress to have'.ta
control. The united cry.rettehed the
adjoining streets. Every ear, prepared
by'the prevailing Spirit, at once in-
terpreted it as the voice of those who
look upon Hirt whom they haveit pier -
.he and
d e i err f •
'and ail-
• other of. the rie~ighbots ewe in,
end 'at once cast therrtsely es . upon
their knees and joined. in the cry formercy.. These increased, and continued
to. increase, till :first one ' room, and
then another, then a public office on
the premises, in fact, every, available
spot, wits tilled with sinners seeking
Go(1. Clergyman of different demean -
etiolate and men Of prayer, were sought,
and ' they spent the day in pleading
for the mourners; sweetest, of all the
toils that this earth doth witness, when
risen,. themselves 'enjoying heavenly
peace, labor in intercession for. those
who are now, as they .were once,,
broken-hearted by a sight of, their sins,
and .striving,to'en ter in. at the straight
gate, in order to walk in the narrow
wey.. Thus passed horn' after hour 'of
that memorable day.
en was for-
gotten, tea was forgotten, and it was
not till eleven' o'clock atnight that the
school premises were freed from their
`unexpected guests ".
• Extract from "The Revival 'in Ire- I ,• .
land 1859" Copies of this and other
such books snag be ' procured •.from ,•
Fred J. iifll. Clinton, Canada,
The , report of the auditors present-
ed at the ' • meeting of the Wingham
Bowling • Club., , held in the Council
Chamber, showed that the past 'sea-.
son was one of the best in thehistory
of. .the club; •• After paying all ex-
penses there was the fioe • balance of
At the conelusibmi of the'session of
the. Huron County Council in, Goder-
ich last Friday,. Dr. A, J. Irwin,
'Reeve of this town, , who has with, bone.
or and credit filled the position,. ° of
Wardcrti for the pastyear, 'and �v}so is.
, ,
now retiring, was presented with a
gold headed cane and, an. address . of
.appreciationby his fellow members ie
in' the County Council.
Therepassed away on Dec. 11, ' at
the home o8 her daughter, Mrs. Bow-
den, in Brantford, , ,Mrs. John McDon-
pgh; who for many years was a res-
pected resident of: thio town. She had
been in delicate health for several
years"dn account of heart trouble';
later.dropsyset in, with fatal rzsuits.
Mrs. McDonogh.was a member of the
Methodist church and a'resiilent . of.
Wingham' for over •_38 years, from Dec.
1866 till April 190.4, , when ' the family
removed to near '•Seaforth. Besides
her -bereaved h band she leaves five
sons and four daughters.
Morris Township
Wallace. Agar was taken to Wingham
• Hospital on Tuesday week, . ' f
Jno. Shoebottoni has housed his
threshing machine, the season having
Martin Greeley, 6th line, has return-
ed home after a two month's visit in
While sawing wood at Jos. Yuill's,
Stanley Watson had -one finger nearly
severed. '
Miss Ida R,intoul. of. Calvin was vis-
iting 'Miss Jennie Jordan, 5th line,
last 'week. ;
T. S. Brandon of Stratford, came
here owing to the illness of his 'sis-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Proctor. ,
Will. ' . McMurray has been 'sawing
wood mid chopping grain for the
farmers on the. 4th line.
Miss Ruby Clegg was a visitor with
the families of Messrs. Reid of liar-'
lock and Walton, for a few days.
Chicken -pox .is epidemic in S. S.
No. 5.
W. L. Fraser had a bee drawing
gravel this week. tie intends putting
a now cement' Wall under his barn
neXt summer.
W. Ii. Fraser, who has been quite there are fishing stories recalling the
ill with an attack of inflammatory pleasures of rod and line, Mrs. Char-
rhe'unlatism, ,is recoveries, we are lotte. C. Talcott giving voice to the
pleased to state. , • feelings of many who are inevitably
Rev. Mr. Young of Pine wove 'vire led to engage in the proper season
cult filled the, pulpit very acceptably in a recreation that 'has filled . sonic
for Rev. J. W. Andrews of Bluevale of the happiest hours of their lives.
on Sabbath Wast." • Big game hunters are not forgotten
Chas. Agar, who Was oaken ' to and a paper by °l)r. Edward Ihxck on
Wingham hospital some time age, has European and American methods is
so far recovered as to be able to re-
turn feriae.
George Taylor, David Sproat, J. S.
Scott, Roth 'Nichol and D. Dunbar
from this locality attended the Win-
ter Fair atGuelph last week among
rainier others.
This week Mrs: Ca(]welr, fornnlrrly
Miss •Nina Isbister, and two childteii,
of Saskatoon arrived at, the parental
home for a holiday.
The Women's Missionary' Society of
the Jackson church forwarded a bale
of clothing, +rsiilts, ete.. to a Montreal
missiem and another to the Deaconess'
Home, Toronto
Years of Suffering
A D,aspsrat*, Coss of Catarrh in th(rr
"My father had cetera, in the head
for *long time. It Waa such a• deeper -
ate case that he didn't know what to.
do, but one of his friends recoMMeended
Hood's Sarsaparilla. He got a 'bottle
Immediately, and as soonas he eat*
nieneed taking it he felt relief ani
after the use of two other bottles her
was completely' cured. He Was so
well pleased he has ever since reeom- -
Mended Hood's Sarsaparilla." Delle
Mine Begin, Levis, P. Q.
Get Rood's Sarsaparilla today. Sold
by all druggists everywhere,.
Lucknow Druggist :on Trial
Goderich .
, Dec, 18t h. --
the result
of drinking tartar emetic, wrongly
dispeneeed for Rochelle salts, Miss Mar-
garet Murray, of Detroit, died at the
home of her uncle, Daniel Murray, of
Ashfield township., As upshot of this.
unfortunate affair, J. Garnet Arne -
strong, of Lucknow, was tried here
this week charged with cram dal neg-
ligence in d'ispens(ng drugs.
Ow August 22nd last, Miss Murray
went to Armstrong's drug store in.
Lucknow and asked for Rochelle
morning she
took a dose of the drug and et
once becwme violently ill. Emetics
were im ediately administered and
medical aid summoned, but without
avail, to save her life.
An inquest was ordered by Coroner
Milne of Blyth, and the enquiry was
conducted by Crown Attorney' Seng-
Cr, of Goderich, The evidencewent
to show that a shipment of goods was.
received on July 29th last and was
placed in the stock bottles by Mr.
Armstrong's assistant, a dru clerk
of two and a half years' experience,
with no knowledge of Latin, who may
have been misled by the similarity in
the names of the two drugs. The
jury's verdict was that death was due
to accidental poisoning and, room -
Mended that in future • proprietor'
should refill their stock bottles them -
delves and on no consideration urlow
their apprentices to do this work,
The circumstances werereported to
the .Attorney -General's. Department
and Crown Attorney Seager received
instructions to prosecute.' A prelim-
inary hearing was given the case be-
fore Magistrates Bailie and Roberts,
of Dungannon, on September 12th, and
Armstrong was 'committed to stand
trial on the charge laid. under section
284 of the criminal code,' He was ad-
mitted to bail;
The .case was' adjourned to tie next
aesizes. . .
The annual Xmas tree and., entertain- t
meet in conneetr.on with the Belg'rave -
Methodist • S,S. will be held in the.r If you are aufforing • from bilfops- .
is hell on the evening' of tress, constipation, indigestion, ohroa-.
Dec. 2Gth,' 1 is headache, invest one cent in a pos-
Mit Garner Nicholson, entertained
N'stasicinee carCo.d, Des send toMoines,. Chumberla,ini. with Mediour-:
, . iowa
about forty of his friends to a fowl name 'and address plainly.on, • your
supper last week, followed by a dance, back, ' said they will forward you a
and caidn for. ;those who wished, • and ••fine 'sample of. Chamberlain's ` Stonm-
mesio from` Mr. W., K.' Whaley'e phone- aoh and Liver Tablets: Sold• byall
graph. A. splendid • tithe. e • reported. • . dealers.
The Age of Sensible Gifts
ourSpecials Now Are Suitable and Useful Christina,
Goods: People now-a-days:look more for the 't;eneible and' prat;
tical that will be of permanent value and he a perpetual remind-
er of the. giver. Tie list below. gives an -idea of the lines that
are specially adapted to Christmas giving.
Nick's Plated Teapots'
" ' Trays
Comb Trays.
Tea Kettles
Nut Bowls
Tea Spoons •
Dessert 'Spoons
Table Spoons ..
Berry Spoons
Butter Knives
Pickle Forks •
All is quiet now at Rio do Janeiro
and mutineers havesbeet despatched to
remote' States to labor on. roads,
The conference of the American • So-•
ciety for..Jiidical' SetClement of Inter-
national Disputes.,was.opnnod ,Inter-
Rod and Gun
A Christmassy flavor, 'with:an abun-
dance of. light reading; marks the
December number of Rod and Gun in
anada, published by W. J. Taylor,
Limited,, Woodstock, Oti'tarie..Includ-
ed. are some notable articles, Mr.
Bonttyeastle Dale telling of the con-,
trasts to be towel at this season on°
the Pae fic Coast as compared with
other portions of. Canada ; while, the
delights of a canoe trip in New Bruns-
wick'. with • the exhilarating experienc-
es of days of rapid water are well de -
Scribed by. Mr. S. B. Dustin. Then
calculated to give; all interested in
game problems in this country much
food for thought, Crisp, bright vers-
es, with an Old Time story, and oih.ny
other good things complete a number
that for variety and interest is the
equal of any that have ever gone be -
food and welt sustains the reputation
which the. Magazine has achieved.
The home Department of The
Weekly Sun, 'Toronto, is specially
editrd and presents the latest ideas
in every branch of the home work, in
which the farmer's wife or daughter Jeweler . "* Issuer Marriage Licenses
is interested. Your reading is not
complete without The Sun,
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