HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-15, Page 6'ii ()I)IS 'i PILL s 11 �4q1� Y old KI D N E.-- b cr 140 i .:.4DE CSS Jr� iry� '. • 421 y�llll The hearing before the Ontario Rail- way Board was adjourned to allow the Toronto Railway Company to demonstrate that they can operate the. pay -as -you -Tinter system properly. The peculiar properties of Ch'amber- lain's Cough Remedy Iran beeu. thoroughly tested during epidemics of influenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by, all deal- ers. Several heavy fire losses are report- ed. The Rat Portage Lumber Com- pany's mill at St. Boniface was des- troyed and a big grain elevator owned by the Grand Trunk at Port Dalhous- ie was burned. ,c O•ier i/ LONDON, ONTARIO . ushers & Shorthand SUBJECTS Ilesikent and Mail Courses Cataioru+s Free J. W. Westervelt, J. 17 Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., n , tincipal, Vice-Ftincjpal. GirIs & Boijs ANTE f STEADY WORK. ,GOOD WAGES. ClintonKnitting Co. GRAND :TRUNK"'" WINTER TOURS TO CALIFORNIA MEXICO AND FLORIDA 'At Low Rat.e"s ,• _Shove rate applied from CLINTON. Proportionate rates from stations in ,Ontario, Kingston, Renfrew and Full particulars and tickets from - JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agt A. 0. PATTISON, Depot ^Agt THE NES-llECflfl CLUBBINC LIST FOR Bio -ii S Much good reading for little money. WEEKLIES News -Record aael. Mail and Empire $1.50 News -Record and Globe 1.60 News -Record and Fancily Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 News -Record and Free Press 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian Farm 1.75 • DAILIES News -Record and Mail and Empire News -Record and Globe News -Record and News News -Record and Star News -Record and World , News -Record and Morning Free Press News -Record and Evening Free Press.' News -Record and Adver- tiser 3.00 Mi ONTYaL''1 News -Record and Lippin- •con's Magizine 3.25 4.25 4.25 2.30 2.30 3.25 3 25 2.75 1111.1111110111111 ill what you want is not in this 'list let us know about it, We can supply you at less than it would cost yon to send direct. In remitting please do so by Post -office Order, Postal Note, l;xpress Order or. Registered Letter and address. W. J. tVlitche t News. Reword r CLINTON The Urit':slz election returns were Mere favorable for the Liberals, and both. parties are running neck -and - neck. President J. J. hill has 'written to the Canadian. Society, New York, that the penult import duties inti the States are not protection, but punishment for the consumers. The Chamber of Commerce, Mel- bourne, has urged upon Premier Hugh- es the advisability of ,stipulating that Melbourne shall be a port of call for the Vancouver nxali serviee. MAKES HAIIR, GROW. 1V.. A. McConnell has an invigator that will make hair grow cr money back. The time to take .care, of your hair is when you°have hair to take care of. If your hair is getting thin, grad- ually falling out, it cannot be long before the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the from hair fz nr fatting is SALVIA, , the Great American Hair Grower, first, discovered in England. SALVIA fur- nishes nourishment tothe hair roots and acts so quickly that people are amazed. A large bottle' for 50 cents. Lir. Lorne Poulin, a Montreal wom- an, has been arrested' on a. charge of performing an illegal operation. Perrault and C'lievrier were found u g il'ty at Nontrial of the abduction of Cecile Michaud, the thirteen -year-old girl who was found dead in a Geld.. Mr. George W, Perkins has retired from the firm of .L • P, Morgan & Company .after ten years' Member- ship. GERMS IN • HER SYSTEM. Every Woman Should Read this Ad- vice and the .'Generous Offer that Goes With it. The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these disease are of a catarrhal nature. A woman can - nob be well if there is a trace of cat- arrh in her system, Some women t•h:nk there is. no heb for them Wo positively d lire this to be a mistaken idea. We are so sure ofthis that we offer to supply medi- c;ne absolutely free of _ail cost in e'' ery instance •where it fails to give satisfaction, or: does not • substantiate cur claims. With this understanding, no woman should ' hesitate to believe our honesty of purpose',• or hesitate bo put oar claims to a .test. These is '-only • one way to, overcome catarrh. That way is through . the Wood. You may use all the snuffs, douches or like',rentedies ion years without getting more than temporary relief' att best.. Catarrh in general • is a diseased condition of the system -that shows locally most frequent in ells, charges from mucous nienubranes. Loc - a. treatment should be assisted by internal treatment for the general dis eased condition if a. completecure is to be reached. That internal treat triunt should be scientifically devised and faithfully administered. Rexall Mucu-Tone is scientifically prepared' •fesen the prescription. of 'an eminent lihysician.,< who for thirty wears ° made catarrh ;his, specialty. Tli:s remedy in admirably adapted to the treatn nt of the Catarrhal ail- ments of women:. It purifies and en-, riches the blood, tends to .stop.. muc- ous 'discharges, aids in re -moving im- purities • ftom the system,' soothes, heals and strengthens., the 'mucous tis- sues, and brings about a feeling ` of health and strength. We want 'You to., try' Rexall lifucu- Tone on our 'guarantee. It you are not satisfied, simply tell • us and we will hand back your money... . Rexall Mucu-Tone - comes in two sizes, '50 cents and $1.00, Remember, you can ober, i n Rexall Remedies only at --The 'Rexall Store. W. S. R. Holmes. The Canadian . stean:et Dunelin is ashore on Isle Royal, Lake Superior. The late Mrs. Baker Eddy is re- puted to have left practically all her estate, about $1',500,000, to .thel Chris- tian Seience' Church. The greatest danger from !influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Cihatnbe7= lain's Cough Ilem'iedy, as it not only. eines influenza, brit- counteracts . any tendeney of the disease towards pneu- monia: Sold byall dealers. Uiford. Cunningham, charged with the murder of William ,Sherry, .was found guilty of manslaughter at Suni- merside, P.E.I,, mill a recommenda- tion to mercy: • •• . The police have arrested an Italian in New York with two thousand five hundred $5 counterfeit National Bank notes in his possession. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney & CO., d'oing business in the City of Toledo, County and -State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE (HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every,, ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Mire. Prank Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day ot Dec- ember, A. D. 1880. A. W. GLI.'JASON, Notary Public. Hail's -Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, andaets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send :for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,tl. Sold by all druggists, Vie. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. Clio a News-'ieeord FLOUR THE BEST BRANDS MADE IN CANADA. ° OATMEAL WHEAT GERMS , BEANS. FEED, FLOUR, BRAN, SIUORTS AND CHOPPED FEED. ALL KINDS Or GRAIN FOR FOWL SALT IN BARRELS AND BAGS. THE L. SUITTI R CO. ive Poultry The following prices are being paid at the l;Iolmesvilte Poultry Yards: - Hens 8c per lb. 'live. Chickens. 9c to Ile per lb live, Turkeys 1 e y $ . per Its. Ducks 13i per Ib dressed. Geese Ile per lb dressed. New Laid eggs, not oven 7 days old, 35e per doz. Poultry to be delivered with crops empty on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning of each week. Buying all the year. round. Phone 4 on 342. - • • N. W,Trewartha HOLMESVILLE A GOOD ROOKY OVERCOAT Nothing looks bot'str for winter-• nothing is better. Att Overcoat with lots of !?loth • in it,' one that squares a pian up' at .the shoulders ; One that makes him re- alize h c t1at appearane e has been im- proved about fifty _cr rent. • Such are the Coats that• we are' turning out. • • The materials are here to -day al- i+.^,ady for your looking ; " right mat- erials they'are• too, and we iota the • right materials 'to right tailoring. We' are also agents for 'the House of I'lobberlin, Toronto,. "Tailors to 'tl» Canadian Gentlmien ," We' have a large range of their Sam- . ies and you. may select a Suit : or. ati Overcoat and have it . made to your` measure tor $15.00 in any style. Trousers from $4.00 . up .; „Fancy Vests from. $3.00 uo..:. Mothers: -If' you want to give your husband or nn a useful Christmas present we will tell yeti how you can arrange to give him an Overcoat, Suit, a pair of Trousers or' a Fancy Vest. . O. W. BARGE AND CO: Your P atronage Solicited HAVING PURCHASED ,.'ifE I3LACKSMITXIING 'BUSINESS OF MR. JAMES FLYNN. ' WE WOULD RESPECTI,''ULL'Y SOLICIT THE PATRONAGE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON AND VICINITY. We make a specialty of Shoeing Lame and Inter- fering Horses and guar- antee satisfaction in that line, . •Na CARRIAGE'. MAKING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. GIVE US A CALL. CI•IARGES MODERATE. SAIINDE1?8. BEACOM 86 SMYTH HAVING lioUC,ir'r TIE GROC- ERY AND CHINA BUSINESS OF B. A. MeEWENe WE ARE 1N A POSITION TO GIVE. GOOD VALt?1'.5. WE PURPOSE CAR- ItYING ALL THE LINES KEPT HERE FORMERLY. `T'1 -LANK. LNG 'PILOSE 1111:0 FAVORED D , 125 WITH THEIR. PATRONAGE IN THE PAsT, WE ASIC FOR A CONTINUANCE, AND WILL AS - sum: ALL WI•IO • TRADE WITII ITS, THAT TEIEY WILL RE- CEIVE OCR BEST VALUES AND ALL, Ttipi, ATTENTION POSSIBLE FOR US TO GIVE. BEACOM & SMYTH Gtuelph and the Grand Trunk RaiI- way have settled their dtificuities, anri the. • company will build a new station in Jubilee Park, THE CURISTMAS TREE. Where the Old Country Gets Its ,Great Supply of Christmas Trees Every Year. To toll the truth, we do not trouble very much about the matter. Father bought it somewhere, and while we were asleep -or pretending to be - loving hands covered it with candles, and bags of sweets and toys and dolls and little Slags, and made it shine and sparkle like the King's crown. But when we stand before it and clap our bands and pry "O -o -o -oh!" we do not, as'a rule, stop to bother as to how it is there comes to be such a thing at a Christmas tree at all. • As a matter of fact, a good many oder people have tried to find out *here the Christmas tree came .from, but nobody Y seems tobe quite certain yet. as to w ho many nyears ago the y g good old custom was started. • Some learned men have told us that it came from ancient Egypt.' They say that at certain winter festivities the .Egyptians . used a slip. of a palm tree with twelve shoots on it, this, of course, representing the year with its twelve 'months. I do not think, how- ever, that our Christmas tree has• any- thing to do with that twelve:sheeted slip'of palm. It is .more probable that it isto be traced. back through the old. customs • of the country which gave It to us -Germany.. ' Far away back in the ages -'-"once tipbn a time; as the fairy tales say the people called Teutons believed all kinds of things about a mystic -ash tree with the curious naive Yggdrasil,. This, with. its roots and branches, they thought, united' the -world of the living and the world 01 the dead.' The branches of this tree, they supposed,. bore gifts for men to'take. There. you have the idea .which most probably led to the custom of having once a year a free laden. with presents. .When the custom really started just as we see it in our homes to -day is doubtful, but the people in the ancient Deity - of Strasburg are proud of . the fact that more than three hundred leers . ago they introduced • it. • The Christmas tree does not seem to have been mentioned in any book until the .year 1605, when an unknownwriter called called attention to the new custom at Strasburg. In those days, however, the Church did not approve of the Christmas tree ; T expect because it was of heathen origin -and we are told that a preacher named Professor Danuhauer, of Strasburg Cathedral, spoke very stronglyagainet it. Well, the Christmas - tree became very popular indeed in Germany,but you may be surprised to know that It Is only about seventy years since it' was taken to England. When Victoria the Good married Prince Alberta in 1840, .many new German customs were introduced into the old country, and, the Christmas tree was one of them.. At Windsor Castle iri 1846 tbere was a huge tree forty feet high, which was laden with presents said to be worth, no less than $45,000! That was some-'• thing like 'a tree wasn't it? -but I do' notsuppose it gave a bit more plea- sure than the little tree you •see in a poor man's cottage window, Since 'then n the Christmas tree has been ee am r p o .inert feature of the Christmas festivities of the Royal Family. queen Victoria encouraged , the custom, . In Germany at Christmas time every house has its tree, and the trade in fir trees 'ih.every German town is enormous, In : London something like. 70,000 trees of various sizes are 'sold at CoVent Garden. CHRISTMAS RECIPES Celery Soup Ingredients -One quart • of 'broth, 1 pint milk, 2 heads of eeiery, 1. large 'Spanish' onion, 2 ozs.• butter, pepper and salt,, 1 tablespoonful of cream,' cornflour; ' ' Method --The broth must be white. , made from veal bones or from boiling a fowl. • Take the white part, of the. celery, see that itis quite free from gilt, cut it into small pieces, and slice the onion°. . Put the •btttfer into a stewpan, the celery and sliced onion, let the•rit. cook" for a few minutes, but be care- ful that 'they do . not brown at `all.. Now add the broth, end a gbodsea- soning of pepper and salt, and simmer alltogether until the vegetables.are. quite soft. Itubthrough a sieve and return it to the, stewpati with. the milk, to wlltcie has been added .a des- sertspoonful of cornflour, stir until it has boiled: for a few minutes,: and just beforo &ex"1•fng add the 'cream. Serve very hot, but do Piot let it boilafter the cream has been added, or the tip,' pearance bf the soup will . be spoiled. • Minced Turkey The trimmings of a large carcase will make a delicious mince. To each pound of minced turkey•allow-1 oz. of finely chopped' ham and the' same quantity of onion. Fry in a little' clarified dripping with -•y2 oz. of flour . sprinkled over. To this add %/a. pint •. of stock made from the bones; season' with salt and pepper and, it liked, a dash of lemon juice. The mince may be served simply garnished with croutons (little pieces: of fried bread), with or without poached eggs, It May also be used as a'filling for patty cases or allowed to get cold; • it can be, shaped into .cutlets, rolled in egg and, breadcrumbs, and fried, or is a deli• clous stuffing` for grilled, rolls of ba. • Sausage and Chestnut Dressing: Boil rorty chestnuts, and when .cook• ed remove the outer and inner skins.. Put them in a mortar and pound. Add 1 lb. of mileage (free from skin),. and, if liked, the turkey Liver chapped.. Mix all together thoroughly and sea• son• with pepper and Balt. . r t"''' w , SOME CHRISTMAS B(SXES HURON COUNTY'• app011illgs Worth Printillg are always noted in THE N1WS RECORD December i3tb, 1910 . THE PF.OI'LE'S POWER FOR T1fl riviti 1' RS OP ONTARIO. London Dec. 8 th.-Niagara power for every farm and every hamlet in this section was a prophecy made by Mon. Adam Beek to the county coup cil in scssian here yesterday after- noon. Mr. Beck attended presumably to talk over a grant to the .Sanatorium, but soon drifted into a discussion of Niagara power, and for half an hour or snore be spoke on Opt subject. "Niagara power will be supplied to every, fanner or village cr hamlet that wants it," said Mr. Beek. "it, will be given at cost, and there is no rea- son why all of you and ycur neigh- bors should not avail themselves of this privilege." Be declared that many labor-saving devices could use power -the churn, the washing machine, the choppers, separators, the fanning mills. Elect- ric light would do'away with the old aloil co lantern,with 1 ta, many dang- ers, ers, and would enab.s the farmer to proceed with perfect safety through his stables and barns. Low Tension Wires. • In every circuit there would be low tension .wires,, con.ing back to the sub- station, and these could be tapped for energy, There would be centres in a score of Localities, and these low tension wires would carry power for 30 miles in any iit ctlan. Mr. . Be ck states that t the h energy could be. radiated from Lon= den,. St. Thomas, St. Marys, Strat- ford, Woodstock and elsewhere. "In a few short years the Province and particularly this section, will be covered with a network of radials," declared Mr. Beek. "They will be us- ing sing Niagara power, and they will be compelled to sell to fanners and mun- icipalities along the road all the pow- er they need the price to be fixed by. the Hydro -Electric Comiuniission. In this way the rights of' the people will be preserved, and there will be no possibility of a hold-up in the price of power, .< "Phe Government will 'merely act. as the financial agentcf the, people. We will erect, these low ten'ion Biles, as we have the others. The people will pay off the indebtedness in an- nual charges, which will include in- terest and sufficient l cient sinking•.fu fund to. retire' theneat the e dof ffteel 'or twen •Yt 3ear s. "In building these linos we will adopt a principle similar to that which obtains for telephone lines. At the p b •esent:' time twenty •farmers can Y go to the county council and pay for a telephone line on the . local iniprove- ment principle.. •We purpose •• doing the ' same. ..In .that mannerr lines will . run iii every direction, and this Pro= since wdll,be literally covered witb. strings •of wires," • Mr. Beck declared that the scheme was merely in .T4s infancy. • A begin- ning. had been made, but the,end . no. personcould fort'sce. • • A pleasant hair dressing-eladies 'lute . it, and your, druggist, W. . R. Holmes, guarantees every bottle...that. he . sells at .50c. and stands ready to r'efuncl your money' if, it D lls to• do its wa'ric, Ery mai' postpaid froth , ..G}r. otix Slant] r2 eturing S.'o.,. Fort ,Eric, Ont, See 'that the Girl; with the Aub- urn Hair- is on each package. Sold and guarante'ed•by W. 5. R. Holmes. .The • • liner Kaiser 11'flheirn .der Grosse, which broke her .tail shaft in. mid -ocean., has arrived: in Netto York, ' •'A farmer' named Droufilard of Essex is missing, .and it is feared he has lost 'his .Life in McKee's• marsh,. • ++++++++++++++++++++++ .ter',".+++ , „`., +++ ' ++++++ r' + *+► MIS IS • RENEWAL MONTH .;+ + RENEW EARLY AND AVOID TIIE RUSH. •r •;. ++. 4. During the last seven Months 3,530 Chinese have arrived in Canada. The 25th Regiment of Elgin has been. disban'de.4. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has purchased twenty' barrels of Canadian apples in Ottawa for Christmas gifts. to friends in Scotland. Many personsfind themselves affect- ed with a ersi e r h p stnt cough after an attack of Influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by all dealers. ,,,. A deputation from Monaghan town-. ship waited an the Peterboro' Council to protest against the pollution ot theRiver Ubanabee with sewage. Winnipeg License Committee has passed stringent regulationsfor mov . ing picture shows, and a, by-law may be introduced in Council prohibitting . the attendance' of children after 9 p.m. Frank Commando, an Indian, wan fined $'280 at North Bay for killing game , off,the 'reserve, Mr, William O'Brien and Mr. Maur- ice .Healy captured Cork. City for the All -for -Ireland League. ULCERS AND COLD SORES Are Sealed by Tam -Buis. Ulcers, coldsops and chapped places are common troublesjust now. • Thehands and the face are the parts . generally afiected, but sometimes cold sores arise Irons chilblains on the toes and feet, et andbad ulcers0 f a sometimes fol- low cold cracks. Zana-Buk will be found a quick end sura cure, - lir. W. J, Ilalliday; of Ash Grove, Ont., says "I had my .little Tinge; frozen, and it cracked nt the frsjoin tee _causing a g a bad sore, which discharged freely and would not heal. The pain was very bad, ?and the whole: of my band became swollen and in bad shape, .Nothing I got seemed to do it . any good'' . ' A friend advised me to try Zam Buk, and I soon found that Zam-Buk was altogether different to any pre- naration I had ever tried. In' a very . short time it sootbcd the • pain • and' healed' the wounds. I am convinced that Zatn-Buk has saved my hand." Miss Lillie May, of Stoney Creek. Ont., says:. " A few weeks since several ' nasty, dish' uring cold sores . suddenly beoke out on,niylips, which became much swollen. Seeing my con- dition, a friend advised me to ' try Zan -4-1311k ' and leave all other prepare tion'§ aside. - This I did, and was moan surprised, • after .a. few apiilications of this balm, to see every� cold sore Van- ished, and my lips in a bettercon- dition than, before.". ` , Zam-Buk will also be found a sure cure for eczema, blood -poison, varicose P''''r sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, in- terned patches. babies' eruptions and .chapped, places. cuts; burns, bruises, . and skin injuries generally. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50e box, or post' • free from Zam-Buk Co.,.Toronto, upon • receipt of price. You are . warned •against harmful imitations and 'a%bet !- hates. See therealsrersd .nme " 7.em- Buk " on .every' pack•tgb before .buying. qtr Rich as cream wholesotse. The most digestible of nourishing beverages ALE and . STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals taste better; brings healthy sleep. Keep it always in the house. Your dealer . sells it, or you . can order direct. 21, John Labatt tom* - CANADA Invest, your spare cash In.. Huron 'and Erie Debentures arid get 4 per cent, per annum Inter- . est instead of the) 3 per 'Cent; allowed on Savings Accounts. The security is. guaranteed by . Asseta..of over $11,500,000, Huron and Erie Debentures are issued for sums of $100 and` upward; for terms of one year Or longer.. Trite for Debenture " Booklet,• which gives full particulars, XORO}( DEBEN ria Assets over - . $12,500,0001 Paideup Capital $1,900,000 Reserve- $1,800,000 Huron & • Elie Loan Savings Convallny incorporatet1 1804, 3662TalbrtuSt , $t.t *Tbo Ties 21