HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-15, Page 5Eecornber 115th 1910
Clinton News.Rrcord
" .N► 'o.1t Ael111M .1111'Nt+R M i,N41l 4 !► MNR+MR41'!N
The News From Goderich
• corrospesoot
w#essose+ 4 .4 0•44,s oSossosossoloss.,sl•'iwi h
e scow plough has been doing Mr. Murney had a quantity of prime
duty .dunes the Past week. ""Our' beef shipped: him from ingersoll last
'Lady of the Sinews" has been on week.
Mr. Walter U. Harrison is C,P'.R.
water' inspector for the town.
»rs.,,Whitely,"Mabee and Sale, and
Messrs, Moore, Sauitz, R. King and
Frank Martin attended the niceties
of the Mystic Shriners . in London re-
It is! learned that F. Doty and Sons
have purchased property in Port Stan-
ley and the erection of workshops
etc. will be begun at once. The firm
have already several contracts for
tugs to he built at the Port.
The Foresters held an oyster sup-
per and entertainment at Oddfellows'
ball on Friday" •a;
Meat is coming down at the mar-
ketshere, but not so low as in the
large city of Kin �t n. There, on
the last Week of November, sirloin
steak which before had been from'
20 to 22 cents per ib, and at 'that
date it was only from 15 to 18
cents. . s
Rev. Father MacRae celebrated two
Masses on Thursday morning last, it
being the Conception of the B.V.M.
Mrs. Storey, relict of the late
James. Storey, passed; away to life
eternal on Saturday morniag at her
residence on Britannia. Road.
her tour again.
The "Triple Lisle Club" hada most
.successful evening on Wednesday of
last week in . their own hall. We
thank the officers for an invitation,.
Capt. Pat. McCarthy is .foreman toi
Mr. Connel, the Montreal contractor
.for the new breakwater.
Mr. Connel has rented the hand-
some residence of Mr. P. T. Dean on
Elgin avenue.
County Council met last Tuesday
in Goderich.
Mr. Geo. Chain is in New York on
a business trip.
The death took place at his resits
deuce, St. Patrick street., on Thurs-
day last of Mr. Wm. Babb, son of
Capt. Ocean
ap and Mrs. Bubb of the
The "Maple Leaf" D.O.E. held a
most successful tea in the Signal
block cin Wednesday evening of last
week. The rooms were very prettily
deaorabed with maple leaves, , iow r
and bunting, and the young ladies
who served tea looked charming in
-their pretty white frocks. It was
found that the proceeds of the tea
,amounted to $55. The tea was got-
ten .up for the benefit of Miss Hayes,
who has been ill so long in the hos-
pital and who has made many warm'
friends among our citizens who are
glad of her• partial recovery. The
Maple Leaf chapter are to be con-
Mr. Weiss ,net with a severe acei-.
:dent recently which will lay him up
for some time. He fell breaking a
.eouplo of ribs.
"No Cross -No Crown,"
Scull well we know ;
We; who on earth;
Who strive to go
In the right path;
When sorrows grow,
And blight our hopes,'
Which great had grown ;
But God's strong arm,
A delightful evening was spent at Is round us thrown ;
the Baptist church on. Thursday ev- And we gain strength,
-ening under the auspices of the Lad- To stand alone.
les' Aid. Supper was served in the Because wo know,
large hall in the basement from six That God knows best
•to eight o'clock, when a first class And always heals,
rn•enu, consisting of cold meat, Bos- A soul, oppress'd,
ton baked beans, salads and a great. And fits it for.
variety of pies and cakes, with tea ,Eternal Rest.
.and coffee, was served by the hos- Eloise A. Skimrninge.
pitrable.ladies and their willing help- '
ers, pft,:hall was nicely draped with
the Union Jack and bunting and pre-
sented a very festive appearance,'
':tihen all had been satisfied with the
•good things in the tea room they
went upstairs where a very exeellent
program was presented. Mr. John
Chalin presided. The program con
'sisted of a violin and piano duo by
"Misses Heinicke and Hami•Iton, a
song by Mr. Artie Hopkins, a quar-
tette by Messrs. Cook, Chapman,
Schaefer and Small. On their being
!recalled they very kindly rendered an-
other one. A couple of readings
•weee given by Mrs. Mardi and Miss
.Anelerspn and a song by Mr. Sidney
Belehet. Mr. Tweedie alsofavored the
"company with a solo. Dr. Dougall,
who is always popular with an aud-
ience, gave a very, interesting and
...charming description of a visit to
VAice, the "City of Dreams" and of
:a• wedding he att,•snded there. Fite'
young people gave a i:iateeue see a
contribution by Mr. and Miss Hein-•
eeseeke and Miss Remittal was very
•+mush enjeyed,•-••®T'he chairman briefly.
thanked a:1 who had assisted fn ntak- i
'Mg the affair a success and the sing-
ing of the National Anthem dispersed
-the company.
Pace Magistrate Kelly has had
his office freshly papered . with a
handsome design in fleur-de-lis. , Wa
trust, .however, that none - of our
'French speaking citizens will ever
he' .compelled to go there except to
purchase marriage' licenses or to in-
sure their lives. • '
•'' .On Wednesday the fire alarm sound-
ed, • fire having been discovered in the
'roof of McLean's stables to the rear
.of their clothing establimeet. The
fire was soon extinguished without
myth damage. The horse was imrned-
:iatbly removed.
The hockeyis'ts have elected a live
and enthusiastic lot of officers and
expect to put up some good play this.
season. The following are the olfic ..
.ers :
President, Dr. Sale.
Vice, F. J. Butland,
Manager, Captain Ed. Robinson.
'Sec.-Trcasut,er, R. W. Crsiigie. '
Executive, D. Wiggins, Dr. Turn-
-bull, J. Reynolds, John Wiggins.
They intend to enter an intermedi-
ate team in the O.H.A.
Miss Campbell, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Campbell, town assessor, who has
taught in the public school in Ar-
. cola, Sask., for the past nine years
and who was its first teacher, has re-
signed the position and after spend-
ing a holiday at her home in town
-will take up a business course.
The schooner Cataract, Capt. Wm.
Sutherland, is wintering at. Sarnia.
Captain R. Bassett and his steam-
er J. A. McKee, will be with us all
Mn. Andrew Porter, we are sorry
to say, has been, on the aick list the
last few days.
ee Mr. Marlton, who succeeded his
fattier the late Henry Marlton, as a
:shipbuilder, but had in. a measure
forsaken the craft, now in-
tends putting on a number of men
-to enlarge and repair the dredge 'Are
moidi, which has been doing duty in
the harbor for some time. A new
,engine sed boiler will be enstalled to
that the Arnoldi will"be muck more
pdwerful than before.
One of our Boy Scouts had a very
panful experience oft a veaiinl;. , . t "
' �havo resulted'
Live' Stock Market.
Toronto, Dec.12th.lThe Union
Stock Yards at -Toronto Junction' was
the Mecca yesterday. for many hund-
reds of farmers; cattle buyers and in-
terested citizens, who went out to see
the exhibition, which had been prepare
ed with extreme care by the manage-
ment of the yards: The attendance
was much larger than.'anticipated, and
shows the growing interest which is
taken in Toronto's live stock markects.
The exhibition, "taken as a . whole,
has never, perhaps, been equalled in
the Dominion and it is'now an assur-
ed fact that the Union Stock -Yards
wilt make this one of the annual feat-
ures of that institution.. Carloads of
some of the choicest cattle ever seen'
in 'Toronto were displayed in the up-
to-date Stalls at this market, and.the
remarks of capable +cattle ,men were
that some of the stock shown would
compare: favorably with. that exhibit-
ed at many of the well-known cattle
shows in the old eauntr�,
'Load's of selected 'steers and heifers,
ranging from 1500 lbs. to 1800 -were
frequent and the judging was exceed=
ingay ditiicult, in some instances, owing
to the close , competition.. A ch�am-
pionship steer, owned by a Canadian
exhibitor! and shown at the recent :Chi-
cago E.rhipition, was' on .view. at,the
yards and 'attracted: much attention,
as did also another animal', raised' in
Ridgetown, a steer. which tipped the
scale at 2240 lbs. These two animals
were accepted as an indication of
what the Ontario farmer can do in
the way of cattle raising when he sets.
out • to accomplish a result. -
The show was an eyeopener to those
not frequenters of the market and also
somewhat - of a , revelation to many
Americans present. . Incidentally, it
might be remarked that prices of ex-
port cattle and high grade butcher
cattle there front 50c to 75c per cwt.
higher than the figures at present lul-
1 ing in the United States., and as one
1, American buyer remarked, "What
would the Canadian ,agriculturist
` think of reciprocity in 'live stock and-'
en such condition?" The deintand tit
the market, was exceedingly 'good,
most of the targe shipments being dis-
posed of early in the day.
Tlie judging • .took place yesterday
and a public auction of the stock will
be held to -day. The inauguration of
the exhibition is highly creditable to
tire. Union Stock Yards and guarantees
success of any future .events • of this
•c stip w might,
mesh mare seriously. A number 01
bqYs 'Were coasting down the 'hill
al}ove the, golf grounds when the
sCtifgh broke 'andone o1'the parts
rau. into Bob Clark's leg near the
hip callaslhg a severe wound.
On Thursday ribs. W. 1d Kelly gave
an afternoon ten at her handsome
residence for MVtrs. Ross, wife of the
;aero pastor of'1Litox church.
11 Q
The foliorstng is the school report
for November :
5th Class -Florence Taylor, 1.. Tay-
Sr.' 4th -Stella Clarke, F. Loryrie,
J. Henderson, C. Lowrie.
Jr, 4th -11. 'Taylor, G. Clarke, M.
Lawson, 1. Riley, .1. Lindsay.
Sr. 3rd -C. Clarke, A. Taylor,; L.
Stephensoat, F, Armstrong, L. Riley.
Jr. 3rd --Vara, Dunlop.
Sr. 2nd -D. Button, G. Riley,. Vina
Rogerson, A. ltarnhanx,
Sr. P. 2nd -Verna Adams.
Jr, Pt, 2nd -W. Lindsay, V. Dale,
M. Riley, 11. Scott, W. ,Scott.
Pt;.. Iste:•T, Dale, C, Riley, W.
'KIhdi;, ' •Parnham., J. Armstrong,
L. Dale, W. Scott.
-A. R. Farnham, Teacher,
It is proposed to establish muniei-
pal pawn -shops at Montreal for the
benefit Of the poor.
Rev. Robert Murray, for fifty years
editor of The Presbyterian Witness;
died at Ilalifax.
• ;Mr. W. E. Kerslake of Seaforth, bas
Bought 150 acres of land in Mullett
from Mr. John Ransford, Mr. Kets-
1 tke is fortunate* securing such ex-
cellent pasture land.
Mr. John Powell died on Tuesday,
alter an illness of two months. He'
was . in his 67th year and for thirty-
eight years had been a resident of
Clinton, for a long period as ea em-
eloyee of the organ factory. Mr.
Powel was lin politics a Liberal and
an adherent of the Methodist church.
His. wife acid some four years ago and
he is now survived by their one son
and three daughters, William of
Smith's Hill ; Lila of Toronto, and
Rosie and Susie at home. The fun-
eral will take place Friday afternoon.
The W,C.T.U. will meet. Friday
afternoon at the borne of Miss Porter.
Members and others are invited to at-
Mr. Cecil Cooper had the top of
'lone of Ms lingers pinched off while
working around the veneer press at
the piano factory last week:
The Boys,. Association was unable
to 'hold their nmeeting on Mon-
day evening owing to the date con-
flicting with the meeting of • the.
W.O.W. in the same hall at the same
Bagiield ,
Misses Frank Jennings and I Big -
lar of London were the guests of Mrs.
(Capt.) J. A, Ferguson a few days
the past week,
Rev. Mr, Smith of Toronto occupied
the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Erwin spent
Tuesday at Seaforth,
Mr, 'Edward Sturgeon, who spent
the summer at Port Stanley, returned
home last weev.
Messrs. Ken Moorhouse, Id; Hunt-
er and Theo. Morris of London spent
Saturday and Sunday in tke village;
Mr, Robert Reid and s'ister,. Miss
Maggio Reid, attended the funeral of
their nephew, Mervin Merner, •atZur-
ich on Saturday.
The annual meeting of L.O.L. No.
24 was held on Monday. evening last
when the following officers were elect-
ed for the ensuing'. year
Master,; I3. McMurray. •
Deputy, John Parker.
Chaplain, Rev, Ii. J. Condell.
Treasurer, ' John Tippet,
Rec.-Secretary, Geo. E.. Greens;tade.
Fin, -Secretary; Lorne King.
b. of C., George Castle:
Lecturer, A. E. Erwin.
Committee, D. 0: Galbraith, 'Wm.
Elliott,- Wm Heard, Hatold
son, Perey tippet.
District Master, Wm. Rathwell, in-
stalled the officers. Donations were
voted for the following : Sick Child-
ren's Hospital, 'Toronto ; the Memor-
ial to theauthor of the Maple Leaf
and Memorial to Ogle R. Gowan, first
Grand Master of Ontario,.
The . annual meeting of Court Rose
of Sharon 0.0.5'. for the. election •of
ofltcers• for the c.nsunng..year was held
on Tuesday evereng of last week when
the following'.ottteers were elected °
Chief Ranger, 'Tilos. Cameron.
Vice, Arthur Elliott.
Pin. -Secretary, Geo:, E. Greenslade;
Rec.-Secretary, John Politick.
Treasurer, John Whiddon. •'
Chaplain, D. C,' Galbraith.
Sr. Woodword, Rich.-E1liotf;...
Jr. Woodword, Wm'. Osmond.
Beadle; George Castle.
Court Physician; Dr. Smith.
The Court is in a prosperous • con-
dition with one Hundred members.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church . held .their Monthly meeting
at the home of Mrs. H. W. Erwin on
Wednesday afternoon of last week,
A splendid concertwill be given by
the English church Sunday school in.
the town tall; Bayfield, on Friday ev-
ening, Dec. 23rd: There will be first
class dialogues and drillsby the
young' ladies and by the little girls,
choruses by the Sunday school; quar-
tettes; duets, Bolos, etc, and intim-
mental music will be given: by the
Armstrons • Brothers' popular orches-
tra. Everybody is cordially invited
to come and sec what the young peo-
ple of Hayfield can do.
Bluth •
On Tuesday evening the following
officers were elected . • in connection
with the Epworth League. ' . of the
tietltoditht •church for the ensuing
years ' President, Miss S. 'Bentley, ;
,!st Vice, Miss f,, Carr 2nd Vice, A.
Render.; •3rd \'iee, Frank *Pherson;
4th 'Vice, Miss Carrie Slater ; Secre-
tary, Fred. Jackson ; Treasurer, Miss.
A. Gillispie ; Organist,. Miss P. Gid-
The League is in a flourishing state
and is doing good work. •
Mr. Frank Mct tillaa and his ddugh-
.ter, Miss Margaret, left last week
'for Grand Rapids; Mich., where they
will spend the winter with former's
Mr. John 1tinn ' is under the Dr's
dare. ,
Several from around here attended
the funeral or the late Mr. Bulger of
Walton on Wednesday.
'Mr. John Shannon Sr. attended the
annual .Pat ,Stock Show at Guelph
last week.
Mrs. 'Ryan of Lucas), is visiting her
cousin, Mrs. F. W. Searlett.
Misses Robb and Ireland of Brus-
sels visited at Mr. Win. McCnvin's
Jr. on Sunday.
Clinton UteraryClub.
The Public Library Board have or-
ganized a Literary Club whieh will
meet during the winter; months in the
lodge room over the Ft"iblic library.
It is expected that the first meeting
will be held on Tuesday evening Jan.
10th and thereafter meetings will be
held every two weeks in the sante
rooms until the course is completed.
The meetings will be open to all
citizens of Clinton and members, of
the library who have the ,desire to
attend. No membership or other fee
will be charged in connection with
the Club. The following committees
have been appointed : Current Events
(Political and Commercial)—Messrs.
B. J. Whitings, E. M. McLean, Maj-
or Rance, D. Forrester, C. E, Dow-
ding. Social Progress -Messrs. W.
Manning, A. T. Cooper, J. B. Hoov-
er, N, McEacbern, G. Yates, R.
Manning. Addresiese-Messrs, Shaw,
Hartley, Treleaven, Rev. J. E. Ford,
'W. Brydone,
The following program of ad-
dresses bas been prepared ten-
tatively. and it is expected
that most of the eentributors,
me tispied will ill undertake to address
the Club during the winter
The Militia System of Canada -Major
The British' Navy --Mr. Hartley.
The Central Government of Britain -
Mo. Brydoite.
Courts and their Functions -Mr.
Advances ' in Medical Science -Dr,
Comparative Religion (Study in)
Rev. J. E. Fond,
Canada's Banking System- Mr. R:
Problems in Transportation -Mr, J.
Agriculture -lin, Thos. McMillan.
P 1'
lab ic i
xunicipal Ownership -Mr. J.
13, Hoover,
How Canada is Governed :Mr. W.
"Britain and Her Colonies -Mt. Tre-
Tax Reform -Mr, Thos:. Fraser.
• The meetings will be open to both
ladies and gentlemen and a cordial in-
vitation is extended to all to attend,
SAW]RS-HART-At , the .residence
of the bride's father in Bruce -
field, on . Dec. 3.4th, Kate,
daughter of Mr. Geo. Hart,
to Chas. W. Sawers, 21.D,, of
Napier, son of Rev. Mr. Sawers
of Brucefiirld•,:
COOPER--FLOODY-.•At the residence
of the bride's brother, ' Mr. E.
Floody, Toronto, on Dem 7th,
by Rev. W. B, Caswell, Margaret:
Floody: of Blyth to Rev. W. . H.
Cooper of Milverton. -
St. George's church, Kansas City,
on November 24th, Pauline Wynne
formerly of Goderielee ito. Alfred
H. Thistlethwait?.
McAULA'r-DOAK-At tit' residence
of the beide's • mother; . Mrs. Henry
Doak, on December 7th, by Rev,
G. E. moss, Mary Margaret Doak
. to Norman A. McAulay, both of
WHITE-HE•DDLE--At the Methodi5.t
`parsonage, Benmiller, by ' Rev._
Win Baugh, on November 30.tlz,
John Whiteof Goderichlo Dotha.
,Sybil Heddle of Benniller:
YOUNG--MURPIIY--At the, residence
of the bride, on Deo:7th, 7th, by Rev.
• ' D. Rogers, Wm. J. .Murphy of Ot-
tawa 'Beach, Mich., to Margaret
Mabel Young of Harputhey.. '
FINKB1INER•-AIVIY,--At`Shair_ on .en
Dec,, .7th, .Bell, daughter of Mr.
Thomas. Amy, to Michael
beiner, all of Stephen.
Wingham on December 6th,. by
Rev: Dr. Rutledge, . Roy Stephen
• son, of Wingham. to E. Kennedy
of Paris,
WRTGHT-At Summerhill, 'On 'Dee.
9th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright; a
STEWART--1n Stanley Township on
Dec. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam_.
--Stewart, a daughter.
MI ADE -=In Wingham, bee. 5th, to
' . Mn and Mrs. Meade, a son.
BOYLE-In Exeter, ' on Dec. 3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle, a son.
SANDERS --In Exeter `North, Dec.
3rd, to Mr, and • Mrs. "Harley
Sanders, a son,
BEATTIE--In Wingfiam', Dec. 7th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Root. Beattie, a
HART -In McKillop on December '1st .
" Mr. and Mrs. 'Owen Bart, a•
• Deaths'
POWELL-In Clinton, on Dec. 1"3teiii,
John Powell, aged 66 years.
GAItDNFB>--In Colborne on Dec-
ember 8th, Thos. Gardner, In. his
80th year.
DOR/SIN-1n West Wawanosah, on
Dec. 7th, Maria Stewart, wife of
the late Wrn. Durnin, aged 78
iAAv wb3rd, at, 33
Leavenue, Toronto,
• Haldane, formerly of Goderich,
aged 95 years and 5 .months.
13AB13-In Goderich on Dec. 8th, Wil-
Bain Babb, son of Capt.' and Mrs.
Babb of Ocean Masse.
POZELL--In Grey tawnehip en Dee.
3rd, Charles Bozell, aged 63 years,.
5 months and 16 days.
SIMMONS-In Wroxeter ori Dee. 2nd,
Mrs, Charles Simmons.
STRONG -On December 3rd. at the
residence of her son, •H'enry K.
Strong, Toronto, Julia E. widow
of the late Alonzo Strong of Sea -
forth. •
McN'AIli-At•Moose Jaw Genal hos-
pital, on November .28th, Archie
Kerr McNair; formerly of Grey
township, aged 30 years, 1 month
and 12 days.•
Bluth 1.4
sure 'to attend the Christmas
; Tree entertainment given by the young
people of St. Andrew's ehurch on the
civening o1 Dee. 28th in tbe'town hall.
A ' ffur-
of 1►xograznllw .be fu x
rushed, amongst other things a can-
tata "Mr. RiFhmen's :Christmas,"
which •15 one of the boat,,thiugs of its
kind ever seen here.
At the annual meeting of the L. U.
L, No. 963, Blyth, on Monday even-"
ing the following officers were elect-
Master, 11. H. Robinson.
Deputy, Chas. Stewart.
Chaplain, J. Wilford..
Ree.-$eenetary:., J. H. Joynt.
Cor. -Secretary,. J. E. Taman.
Treasurer, W..11. McElroy,
D. 0. F., Jas. Gibson.
Leeturers, Messrs. Coombs and
Conunitteo.--•J, Mains, F. Iiaggitt,
W. t . A. Bryant, Fred. Toll, A.
The brethren have decided to pur-
chase a new banner for "next celebra-
tion and a handsome subscription was
raised towards payment of same.
Lunch was served at the close of the
theDrys u in ss.-
Goals b s o 4.pply to
Tozer & Brown. -'-58
tege on Fulton street. Hard end
soft water, good garden, fruit. -AP.
ply to Mrs. J. Q„ Barge. -48
sey vow, due to calve :about Jan 1st.
?cater, Vara*
for a number of years near the vll-
iage of .Bayfield: Good buildings
and orchard on the place. -For fur-
ther particulars apply to Mrs,
Gorge Woods, Bayfield P.O. --56
lots 12 and 13, con. 9,.Thnlett, are
forbidden. Parties found trespassing
will be prosecuted' according to
?aw.-The Owners. Oct. 18th. -51
house work. Duties to commence
8th .Dec., 1910. --Apply to Axils. M.
D. McTaggart. • --56
street, 5 rooms, •hard and , soft
waterd rd
' •� ga et><, woodshed.
Posseesiori can • be given at once.-
Mrs. G. Stanbury, London Road,
Clinton P. 0, -55
Colt, six months old. -Apply to F.
Watts, . Raglan street. -58 FOR SALE. -17 ACRES OF GOOD
foot, suitable for windmill. -Apply
to T. Cottle, chairman of Property
,Committee Public School Board.
Highest prices paid.
Custom work solicited.
We Have a Large Range
We are a?so agents for the House of
Hobberlin, Toronto, "Tailors to the
Canadian Gentlemen.
Wo have a large range of their sam-
ples and you may select a Suit or an
Overcoat and have it made to your
measure for 315,00 in any style. •
Trousers from 34.00 up.; Fancy
Vests from $3.00 UP.
garden land. Nice brick house, hard
and soft •water, bank barn, drive
house, hog pen; Good'orehard, .:aII
kinds fruit. Situated on Base Line,.
outside corporation of the town of
Clinton. Apply on the premises or
to Isaac Barr, Clinton P. 0., Ont,
25, • con. 5, Goderieh township,
consisting of :'20 acres. Well
watered and all freshly Seed-
ed down • except 10 acres
now being plowed, and 5 acres bush.
Concrete • house, barn 55x80 with
stone foundation. Good stabling. -
James Hamilton, Coal Merchant,
Clinton. -47
have now a large stock of Drain
Tile on hand ranging in sizes from
21 inohet lip •to 8' inches". Now is
the time to draw .your Tile for • fall.
or • spring draining:. Come to us
and get the : best 'that is made..
Works / mile east of Egmondville.
Phone 9 on 1'45. --Kruse Bros., Eg-
mondville. 49-8
coyer'lost articles is made easier
by a sinall• advt. • in The News -
Record. '
E a •, C .1J 1't 5.1 0• . N S
Re' ,tea all yqstations iu �•.
SINGI 13 FARE .. .
Good going Dreahxtber 24, 25 and 20..
Return limit Tuesday, Dee. 27111,
1910. Also good. going December 31,
1910, and January 1st and And, 1911,
valid returning until Tuesday, Jan.
3rd, 1921,
Goodgoing December 21st, 1010, to
Monday, J+nnrtary 2nd„ 1911, *elusive,
valid returning until Wednesday, Jan-.
nary 4tI'r, 1911.
secure, tickets and faif information.
JOHN RANSFIRD, Tiosvn Agents
A. O. PATT'ISON, Depot Agent
'►N,! t.....“40M*N..r '
A X1�45. Cake ,�
Made baked or iced to quit
the meet fasti'diotcs. We are
also ahead in high crass /XMAS
BOXES and CANDIES as well
as ilh,e, iead'uag cheaper kinds,
IOut Homemade
in town.
• Order your CAKES and
PLUM PUDDING early, You'll
he pleased,
• Oranges, Grapes,
.. everything for
wilt find
Coconuts and
Xmas you
By buying the Beirlin Fuel Save
er for which I are agent.
is. • our specialty. Mr. high
Rorke is very well pleased
with ouir work ana.price,
Proinptly rttended to.
Leave oreets at' reside ice; 76 Victoria.' •
Street. Phone No: 139.
W. H�.
The tug Jean was burned at Antro
. You.i• CHRISTIVIAS' -• GIFTS F roi�•
We CARRY one of the largest and bestassorted"
stocks of
Watches, Clocks and Sewelery;_in the CoUnty.
*GOR=N'GS ..
Ladies' and Gent's Gold filled
Cases. stein wind; witn a good
reliable movement for $10.0O
full • guaranteed.
Others from $12 to : $40.
Boys' Watches $1.
From $1 to $25.
L../ .LKL,.i..LV 1J.:tLAf.3
With Gold, Silver and Gun-
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E bony Goods.
A Ring makes a very acoept
able Gift for`
ether Lady or •
Gentler an
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alds, Opah, Sabphires.
Signet net Rin s: from �g •$1•75 to
A . special line of single
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33.EtoV..Jc _B
Of all descriptions and prices.
We carry a beautiful line of
Pearl 14k GoldBrooehes from
$4 to $20.
Lockets Necklets
Bracelets Chains
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Is always popular for presents. It is artistic and useful
We Pitt, All Articles of Jeweler ►
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be ui eased, to,'see you and will treat you well.
..,. No Witnesses Required—